JupyterLab是 Jupyter的下一代基于Web的应用项目,主要用于交互开发和展示数据科学项目,写python的算法开发者、数据科学家用的较多。根据观察,使用这个技术的公司并不少。
一个 notebook 就是把代码及其输出集成到单个文档中,并且结合了可视化、叙述性文本、数学公式和其他富媒体,其实就是使用了开源的codemirror
首先声明,本人是前端开发,下边的内容是基于前端开发者的视角去整理的笔记,如果问题,请各位大佬多指教。下面以最新的JupyterLab为例,其内含notebook的功能,单独的notebook只是一个单独的编辑页面,JupyterLab有资源管理,并且可以自定义插件等增强的功能,对开发者来说,是一个前后端不分离的项目,后端语言是python,使用 python 写一些接口给前端通过ajax的方式调用,本人使用了axios
Jupyter Notebook
和 JupyterLab
pip install .
,然后重新运行 jupyterlab。pip install .
失败了, 把项目 package.json
的 version
字段改一下,代表插件版本更新了,然后再重新 npm run build
然后执行第2步,基本就好。conda install jupyterlab=3.5
Widget 可以理解为所有组件的父类,如果要自定义一个视图或者按钮,包括项目中的一些视图按钮等,都是继承这个类,有一些公用的方法。比如可以通过 widget.children()
返回子节点、 widget.show()
来显示、 widget.hide()
来隐藏等,一般都是 Widget 的子类型。
import { Widget } from '@lumino/widgets';
通常扩展需要与其他扩展创建的文档和活动交互。例如,扩展可能想要将一些文本注入到笔记本单元格中,或设置自定义快捷键映射,或关闭特定类型的所有文档。这样的操作通常是由 widget trackers 完成的。扩展模块在WidgetTracker中跟踪其活动的实例,然后将其作为token提供,以便其他扩展模块可以请求它们。比如INotebookTracker ,就可以跟踪notebook的操作,增删等。
JupyterLab 有两种模式,单文档模式(single)和多文档(multiple)模式,所有的widgets被放到4个区域,就是 left(左边侧边栏)、right(右边侧边栏)、main(主工作区)、down区域,可以通过基于widgets类型的设置来覆盖widgets的默认位置,在JupyterLab Shell设置。下边是所有的功能(widgets)所在的区域。
可以理解为命令,就是一些封装好的功能,在某个场景触发,然后执行某些操作,例如右键执行某个操作,或者在菜单点击,实现某个操作。比如新建一个 tab 页,新建一个文本文件,打开terminal等。比如使用代码app.commands.execute("filebrowser:refresh")
来执行刷新本地文件浏览器的功能,全部的commands可以通过打印 app.commmands
可使用快捷键盘 ctrl + shift + c 打开,或者菜单 view => active command palette 打开,就是一堆commands的集合。
jupyterlab的 widget 的设置,包含菜单、toolbar等,都可以使用三种方式来设置。
方法1 :菜单-> setting-> Advanced Settings Editor,点击右上角的JSON Settings Editor,可以用户直接修改json的方式来配置界面项目的新增、修改、删除等。
方法2 :开发者定义,定义schema,在插件项目里,新增 schema/plugin.json,在json文件里定义,可以在代码中的 settingRegistry.schema
方法3 : 开发者定义,在代码里定义。
Cell: Cell Toolbar -> toolbar
CSV Viewer: CSV Viewer -> toolbar
File Browser: File Browser Widget -> toolbar
HTML Viewer: HTML Viewer -> toolbar
Notebook panel: Notebook Panel -> toolbar
Text Editor: Text Editor -> toolbar
TSV Viewer: TSV Viewer -> toolbar
, 设置 disabled 是 true 就是隐藏
"jupyter.lab.toolbars": { "Notebook": [ { "name": "save", "rank": 10}, { "name": "insert", "command": "notebook:insert-cell-below", "rank": 20, "disabled": true}, { "name": "cut", "command": "notebook:cut-cell", "rank": 21, "disabled": true }, { "name": "copy", "command": "notebook:copy-cell", "rank": 22,"disabled": true }, { "name": "paste", "command": "notebook:paste-cell-below", "rank": 23,"disabled": true }, { "name": "run", "command": "runmenu:run", "rank": 30 }, { "name": "interrupt", "command": "kernelmenu:interrupt", "rank": 31 }, { "name": "restart", "command": "kernelmenu:restart", "rank": 32 }, { "name": "restart-and-run", "command": "notebook:restart-run-all", "rank": 33}, { "name": "cellType", "rank": 40 }, { "name": "spacer", "type": "spacer", "rank": 100 }, { "name": "kernelName", "rank": 1000 }, { "name": "kernelStatus", "rank": 1001 } ] },
"jupyter.lab.menus": {
"context": [
"command": "my-command",
"selector": ".jp-Notebook",
"rank": 500
command: commandID,
selector: '.jp-Notebook'
通过 jupyter lab path
import { JupyterFrontEnd, JupyterFrontEndPlugin } from '@jupyterlab/application'; const plugin: JupyterFrontEndPlugin<void> = { id: 'demo:plugin', autoStart: true, activate: ( app: JupyterFrontEnd, ) => { console.log(app) // 禁止系统右键 app.contextMenu.dispose() } }; export default plugin;
这个对象几乎包含常见的使用的东西,举例,比如commands就包含所有的command的数据都在里边比如保存文件、运行文件、粘贴复制等,conextMenu包含所有的右键操作的数据在里边,shell模块 这个就很重要了,常见的界面操作在里边。
conda create -n dev --override-channels --strict-channel-priority -c conda-forge -c nodefaults jupyterlab=3 cookiecutter nodejs jupyter-packaging git
conda activate dev
cookiecutter https://github.com/jupyterlab/extension-cookiecutter-ts
安装依赖 前端安装好之后
pip install -ve .
// 运行以下命令来安装初始项目依赖项,并将扩展安装到JupyterLab环境中。
// 上面的命令将扩展的前端部分复制到JupyterLab中。我们可以在每次进行更改时再次运行此pip安装命令,以将更改复制到JupyterLab中。
// 或者直接链接过去
jupyter labextension develop --overwrite .
jupyter lab // 注意,在哪个目录运行,就会加载哪个目录的文件
jupyter lab --notebook-dir=D:/myapp // 指定目录启动
jupyter lab --ServerApp.disable_check_xsrf=True --watch // 添加更多参数
对前端来说,jlpm 是JupyterLab内置的类似yarn的东西。写完代码后,要生效,就立马运行 npm run build
,当然可以运行 watch 命令。
也可以直接跟着 原文链接 来
import { JupyterFrontEnd, JupyterFrontEndPlugin, } from '@jupyterlab/application'; import { ICommandPalette } from '@jupyterlab/apputils'; import { Widget } from '@lumino/widgets'; const extension: JupyterFrontEndPlugin<void> = { id: 'widgets-example', autoStart: true, requires: [ICommandPalette], activate: (app: JupyterFrontEnd, palette: ICommandPalette) => { const { commands, shell } = app; const command = 'widgets:open-tab'; // 使用command打开一个tab页 commands.addCommand(command, { label: 'Open a Tab Widget', caption: 'Open the Widgets Example Tab', execute: () => { const widget = new ExampleWidget(); shell.add(widget, 'main'); }, }); palette.addItem({ command, category: 'Extension Examples' }); }, }; export default extension; class ExampleWidget extends Widget { constructor() { super(); this.addClass('jp-example-view'); this.id = 'simple-widget-example'; // tab页的标题 this.title.label = 'Widget Example View'; this.title.closable = true; } }
"jupyterlab": {
"extension": true,
"outputDir": "jupyterlab_examples_main_menu/labextension",
"schemaDir": "schema"
,详情内容看官网{ "title": "Main Menu Example", "description": "Main Menu Example settings.", "jupyter.lab.menus": { "main": [ { "id": "jp-mainmenu-example-menu", "label": "Main Menu Example", "rank": 80, "items": [ { "command": "jlab-examples:main-menu", "args": { "origin": "from the menu" } } ] } ] }, "additionalProperties": false, "type": "object" }
import { JupyterFrontEnd, JupyterFrontEndPlugin, } from '@jupyterlab/application'; import { ICommandPalette } from '@jupyterlab/apputils'; const extension: JupyterFrontEndPlugin<void> = { id: 'main-menu', autoStart: true, requires: [ICommandPalette], activate: (app: JupyterFrontEnd, palette: ICommandPalette) => { const { commands } = app; const command = 'jlab-examples:main-menu'; commands.addCommand(command, { label: 'Execute jlab-examples:main-menu Command', caption: 'Execute jlab-examples:main-menu Command', execute: (args: any) => { console.log( `jlab-examples:main-menu has been called ${args['origin']}.` ); window.alert( `jlab-examples:main-menu has been called ${args['origin']}.` ); }, }); const category = 'Extension Examples'; palette.addItem({ command, category, args: { origin: 'from the palette' }, }); }, }; export default extension;
import { Widget} from '@lumino/widgets'; class ExampleWidget extends Widget { constructor() { super(); this.addClass('jp-example-view'); this.id = 'simple-widget-example'; this.title.label = 'halo'; this.title.closable = true; } } // 往右边增加内容 const widget = new ExampleWidget(); app.shell.add(widget, 'right');
首先,自行安装好 react ,如下然后就可以当做正常widget使用了
import React from "react" import { ReactWidget} from '@jupyterlab/apputils'; class MyComponent extends React.Component { click = (): void => { console.log(1111) } render(): React.ReactNode { return ( <div> <button onClick={this.click}>hello</button> </div> ) } } // 简单创建使用 const myWidget: Widget = ReactWidget.create(<MyComponent />); // 或者是 class DatasetWidget extends ReactWidget { constructor() { super(); this.addClass("jp-dataset-widget-view"); this.id = "widget-dataset"; this.title.label = "" this.title.icon = dataIcon this.title.caption = "数据集" this.title.closable = false; } private child: DatasetComponent | undefined; // 插件显示,要重新请求数据 protected onAfterShow() { this.child?.loadData(); } setChild = (v:DatasetComponent) => { this.child = v; } render() { return ( <DatasetComponent setChild={this.setChild} /> ) } }
import { LabIcon } from "@jupyterlab/ui-components"; // 某段svg的代码 const pySvg ="" const pyIcon = new LabIcon({ name: "py", svgstr: pySvg }); // 定义这个要添加的组件 class ExampleWidget extends Widget { constructor() { super(); this.addClass('jp-example-view'); this.id = 'simple-widget-example'; this.title.label = ''; // 定义图标 this.title.icon = pyIcon; this.title.caption = 'Python'; this.title.closable = true; this.node.textContent = "this is tab content" } } const plugin: JupyterFrontEndPlugin<void> = { id: 'cybercube:plugin', autoStart: true, activate: (app: JupyterFrontEnd) => { console.log('JupyterLab extension cybercube is activated!'); const widget: any = new ExampleWidget(); app.shell.add(widget, 'left'); } };
import { LabIcon } from "@jupyterlab/ui-components"; const pySvg = `<svg t="1679991149151" class="icon" viewBox="0 0 1024 1024" version="1.1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" width="64" height="64"> <path d="M943.58718 401c-15.4-61.8-44.6-108.4-106.8-108.4h-80.2v94.8c0 73.6-62.4 135.6-133.6 135.6H409.38718c-58.4 0-106.8 50-106.8 108.6v203.6c0 58 50.4 92 106.8 108.6 67.6 19.8 132.6 23.4 213.6 0 53.8-15.6 106.8-47 106.8-108.6v-81.4H516.38718v-27.2h320.4c62.2 0 85.2-43.4 106.8-108.4 22.4-67 21.4-131.4 0-217.2zM636.38718 808c22.2 0 40.2 18.2 40.2 40.6 0 22.6-18 40.8-40.2 40.8-22 0-40.2-18.4-40.2-40.8 0.2-22.6 18.2-40.6 40.2-40.6zM399.58718 496.2h213.6c59.4 0 106.8-49 106.8-108.6V183.8c0-58-48.8-101.4-106.8-111.2-71.6-11.8-149.4-11.2-213.6 0.2-90.4 16-106.8 49.4-106.8 111.2v81.4h213.8v27.2h-294c-62.2 0-116.6 37.4-133.6 108.4-19.6 81.4-20.4 132.2 0 217.2 15.2 63.2 51.4 108.4 113.6 108.4H265.98718v-97.6c0-70.6 61-132.8 133.6-132.8z m-13.4-285.2c-22.2 0-40.2-18.2-40.2-40.6 0.2-22.6 18-40.8 40.2-40.8 22 0 40.2 18.4 40.2 40.8s-18 40.6-40.2 40.6z"> </path> </svg>`; function iconFactory(name: string, svgstr: string): LabIcon{ return new LabIcon({ name, svgstr }); } export const pyIcon = iconFactory("py", pySvg)
import { IDisposable, DisposableDelegate } from '@lumino/disposable'; import { Widget } from '@lumino/widgets'; import { JupyterFrontEnd, JupyterFrontEndPlugin } from '@jupyterlab/application'; import { DocumentRegistry } from '@jupyterlab/docregistry'; import { NotebookPanel, INotebookModel } from '@jupyterlab/notebook'; const plugin: JupyterFrontEndPlugin<void> = { activate, id: 'my-extension-name:widgetPlugin', autoStart: true }; export class WidgetExtension implements DocumentRegistry.IWidgetExtension<NotebookPanel, INotebookModel>{ createNew( panel: NotebookPanel, context: DocumentRegistry.IContext<INotebookModel> ): IDisposable { const widget = new Widget({ node: Private.createNode() }); widget.addClass('jp-myextension-myheader'); panel.contentHeader.insertWidget(0, widget); return new DisposableDelegate(() => { widget.dispose(); }); } } function activate(app: JupyterFrontEnd): void { app.docRegistry.addWidgetExtension('Notebook', new WidgetExtension()); } export default plugin; namespace Private { export function createNode(): HTMLElement { const span = document.createElement('span'); span.textContent = 'My custom header'; return span; } }
.jp-myextension-myheader {
min-height: 20px;
background-color: lightsalmon;
import {JupyterFrontEnd,JupyterFrontEndPlugin,} from '@jupyterlab/application'; import { MainAreaWidget } from '@jupyterlab/apputils'; import { ILauncher } from '@jupyterlab/launcher'; import { reactIcon } from '@jupyterlab/ui-components'; import { ReactWidget } from "@jupyterlab/apputils"; import React, { useState } from "react"; namespace CommandIDs { export const create = 'create-react-widget'; } const CounterComponent = (): JSX.Element => { const [counter, setCounter] = useState(0); return ( <div> <p>You clicked {counter} times!</p> <button onClick={(): void => { setCounter(counter + 1); }} > Increment </button> </div> ); }; class CounterWidget extends ReactWidget { constructor() { super(); this.addClass("jp-ReactWidget"); } render(): JSX.Element { return <CounterComponent />; } } const extension: JupyterFrontEndPlugin<void> = { id: 'react-widget', autoStart: true, optional: [ILauncher], activate: (app: JupyterFrontEnd, launcher: ILauncher) => { const { commands } = app; const command = CommandIDs.create; commands.addCommand(command, { caption: 'Create a new React Widget', label: 'React Widget', // @ts-ignore icon: (args) => (args['isPalette'] ? null : reactIcon), execute: () => { const content = new CounterWidget(); const widget = new MainAreaWidget<CounterWidget>({ content }); widget.title.label = 'React Widget'; widget.title.icon = reactIcon; app.shell.add(widget, 'main'); }, }); if (launcher) { launcher.add({ command, }); } }, }; export default extension;
// 通过组件功能的id来启动即可
const plugin: JupyterFrontEndPlugin<void> = {
id: 'demo:plugin',
autoStart: true,
requires: [ILayoutRestorer],
activate: (
app: JupyterFrontEnd,
restorer: ILayoutRestorer,
) => {
import { FileBrowserModel, IFileBrowserFactory } from '@jupyterlab/filebrowser'; import { IChangedArgs } from '@jupyterlab/coreutils'; const plugin: JupyterFrontEndPlugin<void> = { id: 'demo:plugin', autoStart: true, requires: [ ILayoutRestorer, IFileBrowserFactory ], activate: ( app: JupyterFrontEnd, restorer: ILayoutRestorer, fileBrowserFactory: IFileBrowserFactory, ) => { // 监听路径改变 const onPathChanged = ( model: FileBrowserModel, change: IChangedArgs<string> ) => { console.log(model) console.log(change) }; fileBrowserFactory.defaultBrowser.model.pathChanged.connect(onPathChanged); // 监听文件内容改变 const fileChange = (model: FileBrowserModel, b: any) => { console.log(model,b) } fileBrowserFactory.defaultBrowser.model.fileChanged.connect(fileChange); // 监听当前编辑文件变化 const handler = (shell: JupyterFrontEnd.IShell, data: {newValue: string, oldValue: string}) => { console.log(shell,data) } // @ts-ignore app.shell.currentPathChanged.connect(handler) } }
import React from "react" import { ILayoutRestorer, JupyterFrontEnd, JupyterFrontEndPlugin, ILabStatus // IConnectionLost, // IInfo // IRouter } from '@jupyterlab/application'; import { Widget} from '@lumino/widgets'; // import { requestAPI } from './handler'; import { ICommandPalette, ISplashScreen, IThemeManager, IToolbarWidgetRegistry, MainAreaWidget, WidgetTracker, ReactWidget } from '@jupyterlab/apputils'; import {IDocumentManager} from "@jupyterlab/docmanager" import {IFileBrowserFactory} from "@jupyterlab/filebrowser" import {IEditorTracker} from "@jupyterlab/fileeditor" import {IHTMLViewerTracker} from "@jupyterlab/htmlviewer" import {ILauncher} from "@jupyterlab/launcher" import {IMainMenu} from "@jupyterlab/mainmenu" import {ISettingEditorTracker} from "@jupyterlab/settingeditor" import {ISettingRegistry} from "@jupyterlab/settingregistry" import {IStateDB} from "@jupyterlab/statedb" import {IStatusBar} from "@jupyterlab/statusbar" import {ITerminalTracker} from "@jupyterlab/terminal" import {ITooltipManager} from "@jupyterlab/tooltip" import {INotebookTools, INotebookTracker, INotebookWidgetFactory} from "@jupyterlab/notebook" interface APODResponse { copyright: string; date: string; explanation: string; media_type: 'video' | 'image'; title: string; url: string; } /** * Initialization data for the cybercube extension. */ const plugin: JupyterFrontEndPlugin<void> = { id: 'cybercube:plugin', autoStart: true, requires: [ ICommandPalette, ISplashScreen, IThemeManager, IToolbarWidgetRegistry, IDocumentManager, IFileBrowserFactory, IEditorTracker, IHTMLViewerTracker, ILauncher, IMainMenu, INotebookTools, INotebookTracker, INotebookWidgetFactory, ISettingEditorTracker, ISettingRegistry, IStateDB, IStatusBar, ITerminalTracker, ITooltipManager, ILabStatus ], optional: [ILayoutRestorer], activate }; export default plugin; // @ts-ignore // @ts-ignore function activate( app: JupyterFrontEnd, palette: ICommandPalette, splashScreen: ISplashScreen, themeManager: IThemeManager, // 工具栏小部件的注册表,如果要从数据定义(例如存储在设置中)动态生成工具栏,则需要此选项 toolbarWidgetRegistry: IToolbarWidgetRegistry, // 操作文件系统,文件增删 documentManager: IDocumentManager, // 可以自定义文件浏览器 fileBrowserFactory: IFileBrowserFactory, // 如果希望能够循环访问由应用程序创建的文件编辑器并与之交互,请使用此选项 editorTracker: IEditorTracker, // 处理HTML documents的交互 htmlViewerTracker: IHTMLViewerTracker, // 添加东西到launcher launcher: ILauncher, mainMenu: IMainMenu, // 在右侧边栏中notebook工具面板的服务。使用此选项可将您自己的功能添加到面板。 notebookTools: INotebookTools, // 一种用于notebook的部件跟踪器。如果您希望能够循环访问应用程序创建的notebook并与之交互,请使用此选项。 notebookTracker: INotebookTracker, // @ts-ignore 可以自行创建notebook notebookWidgetFactory: INotebookWidgetFactory, // 处理编辑器设置 settingEditorTracker:ISettingEditorTracker, // jupyterlab 设置系统,可以存储应用的存储设置 settingRegistry: ISettingRegistry, // jupyterlab的状态数据库 stateDB: IStateDB, // 状态栏的操作 statusBar: IStatusBar, // 控制台的操作 terminalTracker: ITerminalTracker, tooltipManager: ITooltipManager, labStatus: ILabStatus, restorer: ILayoutRestorer | null ) { console.log('JupyterLab extension jupyterlab_apod is activated!'); // Declare a widget variable let widget: any; // console.log(app); // console.log(splashScreen); // console.log(themeManager); // splashScreen.show(true) // toolbarWidgetRegistry.createWidget // console.log(documentManager) /** * @title 添加普通节点到 文件浏览器 toolbar */ // const t = fileBrowserFactory.defaultBrowser.toolbar; // const w: any = new Widget(); // w.node.textContent = "haha" // t.addItem("haha", w); /** * @title 添加react节点到 文件浏览器 toolbar */ // const t = fileBrowserFactory.defaultBrowser.toolbar; // class MyComponent extends React.Component { // click = (): void => { // console.log(1111) // } // render(): React.ReactNode { // return ( // <div> // <button onClick={this.click}>hello</button> // </div> // ) // } // } // // @ts-ignore // const myWidget: Widget = ReactWidget.create(<MyComponent />); // // @ts-ignore // t.addItem("ff", myWidget); /** * @title fileBrowserFactory */ // const fb = fileBrowserFactory.createFileBrowser("custom-browser") // console.log(fb) // ----- fileBrowserFactory ------ // 默认文件浏览器的dom // console.log(fileBrowserFactory.defaultBrowser.node) // 默认文件浏览器上边那三个按钮 // console.log(fileBrowserFactory.defaultBrowser.toolbar.node) // 文件列表的dom // console.log(fileBrowserFactory.defaultBrowser.listing.node) // 文件列表上边的path的dom // console.log(fileBrowserFactory.defaultBrowser.crumbs.node) // ----- fileBrowserFactory ------ // console.log(editorTracker); // console.log(htmlViewerTracker); // console.log(launcher); // console.log(notebookTools); // console.log(notebookTracker); // console.log(notebookWidgetFactory); // console.log(settingEditorTracker); // console.log(settingEditorTracker.currentWidget); // console.log(stateDB); // stateDB.save("myid", "cube").then(r => { // console.log(r); // }).catch(e => { // console.log(e); // }) // stateDB.fetch("myid").then(r => { // console.log(r); // }) // console.log(terminalTracker); // terminalTracker.forEach(e => { // console.log(e); // }) // console.log(tooltipManager.invoke()); // 自定义添加右键菜单,根据css选择器匹配在什么地方出现,甚至可以自定义右键菜单 // console.log(app.contextMenu) // console.log(app) // 可以添加widgets到应用中 // A top area for things like top-level toolbars and information. // A menu area for top-level menus, which is collapsed into the top area in multiple-document mode and put below it in single-document mode. // left and right sidebar areas for collapsible content. // A main work area for user activity. // A down area for information content; like log console, contextual help. // A bottom area for things like status bars. // A header area for custom elements. // console.log(app.shell.add()); // 添加快捷键 // Accel 就是 ctrl // app.commands.addKeyBinding({ // command: commandID, // args: {}, // keys: ['Accel T'], // selector: '.jp-Notebook' // }); // launcher.add({ // command: 'apod:open', // category: 'Tutorial', // rank: 0 // }); // setTimeout(() => { // app.commands // .execute('terminal:create-new') // .then((terminal: any) => { // app.shell.add(terminal, 'right'); // }); // }, 2000) const command: string = 'open-picture'; /** * @title 菜单操作,暂没作用 */ // console.log(mainMenu.addMenu); /// @ts-ignore // const menu = new Menu({ "commands": app.commands }); // menu.addItem({ // command, // args: {}, // }); // mainMenu.addMenu(menu as any, { rank: 40 }); // 成功了,可以跑,在文件菜单下增加子项 mainMenu.fileMenu.addGroup([ {command}], 40); /** * @title 状态栏的操作 */ // console.log(statusBar); const statusWidget = new Widget(); labStatus.busySignal.connect(() => { statusWidget.node.textContent = labStatus.isBusy ? 'Busy' : 'Idle'; }); statusBar.registerStatusItem('lab-status', { align: 'middle', // @ts-ignore item: statusWidget }); // console.log(notebookTracker) app.commands.addCommand(command, { // command 的标题 label: 'Astronomy Picture', execute: () => { if (!widget || widget.isDisposed) { const content: any = new APODWidget(); widget = new MainAreaWidget({content}); widget.id = 'apod-jupyterlab'; // 页面tab的标题 widget.title.label = '太空图片'; widget.title.closable = true; } if (!tracker.has(widget)) { // Track the state of the widget for later restoration tracker.add(widget); } if (!widget.isAttached) { // Attach the widget to the main work area if it's not there app.shell.add(widget, 'main'); } widget.content.updateAPODImage(); // Activate the widget app.shell.activateById(widget.id); } }); // Add the command to the palette. palette.addItem({ command, category: 'Tutorial' }); // Track and restore the widget state let tracker: any = new WidgetTracker({ namespace: 'apod' }); if (restorer) { restorer.restore(tracker, { command, name: () => 'apod' }); } } class APODWidget extends Widget { /** * Construct a new APOD widget. */ constructor() { super(); this.addClass('my-apodWidget'); // Add an image element to the panel this.img = document.createElement('img'); this.node.appendChild(this.img); // Add a summary element to the panel this.summary = document.createElement('p'); this.node.appendChild(this.summary); } /** * The image element associated with the widget. */ readonly img: HTMLImageElement; /** * The summary text element associated with the widget. */ readonly summary: HTMLParagraphElement; /** * Handle update requests for the widget. */ async updateAPODImage(): Promise<void> { const response = await fetch(`https://api.nasa.gov/planetary/apod?api_key=DEMO_KEY&date=${this.randomDate()}`); if (!response.ok) { const data = await response.json(); if (data.error) { this.summary.innerText = data.error.message; } else { this.summary.innerText = response.statusText; } return; } const data = await response.json() as APODResponse; if (data.media_type === 'image') { // Populate the image this.img.src = data.url; this.img.title = data.title; this.summary.innerText = data.title; if (data.copyright) { this.summary.innerText += ` (Copyright ${data.copyright})`; } } else { this.summary.innerText = 'Random APOD fetched was not an image.'; } } /** * Get a random date string in YYYY-MM-DD format. */ randomDate(): string { const start = new Date(2010, 1, 1); const end = new Date(); const randomDate = new Date(start.getTime() + Math.random()*(end.getTime() - start.getTime())); return randomDate.toISOString().slice(0, 10); } }
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