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python - Relative imports for the billionth time - Stack Overflow



  1. from flask import Flask, request, send_file, jsonify
  2. from flymaotai_yolov7_resnet152.predict_flymaotai import predict_flymaotai
  3. from flymaotai_head_yolov7_resnet152.predict_maotaihead import predict_maotaihead
  4. from Ocean_yolov7_resnet152.predict_Ocean import predict_Ocean
  5. app = Flask(__name__)
  6. '''
  7. 这里的网址:
  8. http://主机ip:5000/predict_maotai/
  9. http://主机ip:5000/predict_maotaihead/
  10. http://主机ip:5000/predict_ocean/
  11. 分别对应了茅台大图标,茅台侍女头部,海洋标志的检测地址,这个网址后期对应着前端接口
  12. '''
  13. @app.route('/predict_maotai/', methods=['POST'])
  14. def predict_maotai():
  15. if 'image' not in request.files:
  16. return 'No image provided', 400
  17. image = request.files['image']
  18. result = predict_flymaotai(image)
  19. return jsonify(result=result)
  20. # send_file(result, mimetype='image/jpeg')
  21. @app.route('/predict_maotaihead/', methods=['POST'])
  22. def predict_maotai_head():
  23. if 'image' not in request.files:
  24. return 'No image provided', 400
  25. image = request.files['image']
  26. result = predict_maotaihead(image)
  27. return jsonify(result=result)
  28. # send_file(result, mimetype='image/jpeg')
  29. @app.route('/predict_ocean/', methods=['POST'])
  30. def predict_Ocean_():
  31. if 'image' not in request.files:
  32. return 'No image provided', 400
  33. image = request.files['image']
  34. result = predict_Ocean(image)
  35. return jsonify(result=result)
  36. # send_file(result, mimetype='image/jpeg')
  37. if __name__ == '__main__':
  38. app.debug = True
  39. app.run(host='', port=5000)
  40. '''
  41. 这里添加一些我对前端和网页的理解(不必理会):
  42. 这里的@app.route()实际上是在http://这个网页上进行的,将来前端可以做接口对应的就是这里的这个网址
  43. 比如说这个网址将来前端做一个按键,点进去就到了发送图片来使用算法检测的网页了
  44. 这种@app.route可以有多个,对应了不同网址后缀名称的作用
  45. '''

这里的@app.route('/你自己定义的名字/', methods=['POST']),相当于你自己创建了一个服务器网址,到时候用户会根据这个网址来给服务器post一个图片,服务器会调用本地的模型去计算,返回计算结果给用户,这个网址你可以根据自己的需求创建多个。





  1. from .resnet_for_flymaotai.classification import Classification
  2. def predict_flymaotai(image):
  3. mode = "predict_onnx"
  4. crop = True
  5. count = False
  6. pic = 0
  7. dir_origin_path = "img/"
  8. dir_save_path = "img_out/"
  9. yolo = YOLO_ONNX()
  10. classfication = Classification()
  11. try:
  12. image = Image.open(image)
  13. except:
  14. print('Open Error! Try again!')
  15. else:
  16. image, crop_image = yolo.detect_image(image, crop=crop, count=count, pic=pic)
  17. class_name = classfication.detect_image(crop_image)
  18. print(class_name)
  19. return class_name



  1. def detect_image(self, image, pic, crop = False, count = False):
  2. image_shape = np.array(np.shape(image)[0:2])
  3. #---------------------------------------------------------#
  4. # 在这里将图像转换成RGB图像,防止灰度图在预测时报错。
  5. # 代码仅仅支持RGB图像的预测,所有其它类型的图像都会转化成RGB
  6. #---------------------------------------------------------#
  7. image = cvtColor(image)
  8. image_data = self.resize_image(image, self.input_shape, True)
  9. #---------------------------------------------------------#
  10. # 添加上batch_size维度
  11. # h, w, 3 => 3, h, w => 1, 3, h, w
  12. #---------------------------------------------------------#
  13. image_data = np.expand_dims(np.transpose(preprocess_input(np.array(image_data, dtype='float32')), (2, 0, 1)), 0)
  14. input_feed = self.get_input_feed(image_data)
  15. outputs = self.onnx_session.run(output_names=self.output_name, input_feed=input_feed)
  16. feature_map_shape = [[int(j / (2 ** (i + 3))) for j in self.input_shape] for i in range(len(self.anchors_mask))][::-1]
  17. for i in range(len(self.anchors_mask)):
  18. outputs[i] = np.reshape(outputs[i], (1, len(self.anchors_mask[i]) * (5 + self.num_classes), feature_map_shape[i][0], feature_map_shape[i][1]))
  19. outputs = self.bbox_util.decode_box(outputs)
  20. #---------------------------------------------------------#
  21. # 将预测框进行堆叠,然后进行非极大抑制
  22. #---------------------------------------------------------#
  23. results = self.bbox_util.non_max_suppression(np.concatenate(outputs, 1), self.num_classes, self.input_shape,
  24. image_shape, self.letterbox_image, conf_thres = self.confidence, nms_thres = self.nms_iou)
  25. if results[0] is None:
  26. return image
  27. top_label = np.array(results[0][:, 6], dtype = 'int32')
  28. top_conf = results[0][:, 4] * results[0][:, 5]
  29. top_boxes = results[0][:, :4]
  30. #---------------------------------------------------------#
  31. # 设置字体与边框厚度
  32. #---------------------------------------------------------#
  33. font = ImageFont.truetype(font='/home/ubuntu/workfile/flymaotai_yolov7_resnet152/yolov7_flymaotai_CA/model_data/simhei.ttf', size=np.floor(3e-2 * image.size[1] + 0.5).astype('int32'))
  34. thickness = int(max((image.size[0] + image.size[1]) // np.mean(self.input_shape), 1))
  35. # ---------------------------------------------------------#
  36. # 计数
  37. # ---------------------------------------------------------#
  38. if count:
  39. print("top_label:", top_label)
  40. classes_nums = np.zeros([self.num_classes])
  41. for i in range(self.num_classes):
  42. num = np.sum(top_label == i)
  43. if num > 0:
  44. print(self.class_names[i], " : ", num)
  45. classes_nums[i] = num
  46. print("classes_nums:", classes_nums)
  47. # ---------------------------------------------------------#
  48. # 是否进行目标的裁剪
  49. # ---------------------------------------------------------#
  50. # 这里的top_boxs是一个图检测到的目标框
  51. if crop:
  52. for i, c in list(enumerate(top_boxes)):
  53. top, left, bottom, right = top_boxes[i]
  54. top = max(0, np.floor(top).astype('int32'))
  55. left = max(0, np.floor(left).astype('int32'))
  56. bottom = min(image.size[1], np.floor(bottom).astype('int32'))
  57. right = min(image.size[0], np.floor(right).astype('int32'))
  58. dir_save_path = "img_crop"
  59. if not os.path.exists(dir_save_path):
  60. os.makedirs(dir_save_path)
  61. crop_image = image.crop([left, top, right, bottom])
  62. crop_image.save(os.path.join(dir_save_path, "crop_pic" + str(pic) + '_box' + str(i) + ".png"),
  63. quality=95, subsampling=0)
  64. print("save crop_pic" + str(pic) + "_box" + str(i) + ".png to " + dir_save_path)
  65. #---------------------------------------------------------#
  66. # 图像绘制
  67. #---------------------------------------------------------#
  68. for i, c in list(enumerate(top_label)):
  69. predicted_class = self.class_names[int(c)]
  70. box = top_boxes[i]
  71. score = top_conf[i]
  72. top, left, bottom, right = box
  73. top = max(0, np.floor(top).astype('int32'))
  74. left = max(0, np.floor(left).astype('int32'))
  75. bottom = min(image.size[1], np.floor(bottom).astype('int32'))
  76. right = min(image.size[0], np.floor(right).astype('int32'))
  77. label = '{} {:.2f}'.format(predicted_class, score)
  78. draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image)
  79. label_size = draw.textsize(label, font)
  80. label = label.encode('utf-8')
  81. print(label, top, left, bottom, right)
  82. if top - label_size[1] >= 0:
  83. text_origin = np.array([left, top - label_size[1]])
  84. else:
  85. text_origin = np.array([left, top + 1])
  86. for i in range(thickness):
  87. draw.rectangle([left + i, top + i, right - i, bottom - i], outline=self.colors[c])
  88. draw.rectangle([tuple(text_origin), tuple(text_origin + label_size)], fill=self.colors[c])
  89. draw.text(text_origin, str(label,'UTF-8'), fill=(0, 0, 0), font=font)
  90. del draw
  91. return image, crop_image

这里的:detect_image(self, image, pic, crop = False, count = False)




  1. '''
  2. 注意,这个脚本是我自己写的代码,主要是调用了yolo——onnx模型去做前向推理,将其写成了一个predict函数,将输出修改了一下,改成了cropimages
  3. 以便于后面进行resnet152的图片分类。
  4. '''
  5. import time
  6. import cv2
  7. import numpy as np
  8. from PIL import Image
  9. from .yolov7_flymaotai_head_CA.yolo import YOLO, YOLO_ONNX
  10. from .resnet152_for_head.classification import Classification
  11. def predict_maotaihead(image):
  12. mode = "predict_onnx"
  13. crop = True
  14. count = False
  15. pic = 0
  16. dir_origin_path = "img/"
  17. dir_save_path = "img_out/"
  18. yolo = YOLO_ONNX()
  19. classfication = Classification()
  20. try:
  21. image = Image.open(image)
  22. except:
  23. print('Open Error! Try again!')
  24. else:
  25. image, crop_image = yolo.detect_image(image, crop=crop, count=count, pic=pic)
  26. class_name = classfication.detect_image(crop_image)
  27. print(class_name)
  28. return class_name


  1. from PIL import Image
  2. from .yolov7_Ocean_CA.yolo import YOLO, YOLO_ONNX
  3. from .resnet152_for_Ocean.classification import Classification
  4. def predict_Ocean(image):
  5. mode = "predict_onnx"
  6. crop = True
  7. count = False
  8. pic = 0
  9. dir_origin_path = "img/"
  10. dir_save_path = "img_out/"
  11. yolo = YOLO_ONNX()
  12. classfication = Classification()
  13. try:
  14. image = Image.open(image)
  15. except:
  16. print('Open Error! Try again!')
  17. else:
  18. image, crop_image = yolo.detect_image(image, crop=crop, count=count, pic=pic)
  19. class_name = classfication.detect_image(crop_image)
  20. print(class_name)
  21. return class_name



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