本篇除了介绍怎样用pyglet制作连连看游戏,还将介绍如果使用自定义库colorlib,用它来描绘游戏中多种颜色的彩色方块。自定义库colorlib的由来,另请阅读《python 教你如何创建一个自定义库 colorlib.py》,链接:
- import pyglet
- from colorlib import randcolorTuples as ctpl
- window = pyglet.window.Window(800, 600, caption='色块展示')
- color = ctpl(16)
- batch = pyglet.graphics.Batch()
- shape = [pyglet.shapes.Rectangle(180+i%4*120, 120+i//4*100, 100, 80, color=color[i], batch=batch) for i in range(len(color))]
- @window.event
- def on_draw():
- window.clear()
- batch.draw()
- def change_color(e):
- for i,c in enumerate(ctpl(16)):
- shape[i].color = c
- pyglet.clock.schedule_interval(change_color, 0.1)
- pyglet.app.run()
- from pyglet import *
- from colorlib import randcolorTuples as ctpl
- W, H = 800, 600
- window = window.Window(W, H, caption='色块展示')
- batch = graphics.Batch()
- row, col, space = 8, 10, 5
- width = w = (W-space)//col-space
- height = h = (H-space)//row-space
- x0, y0 = (W-(w+space)*col+space)//2, (H-(h+space)*row+space)//2
- color = ctpl(row*col)
- shape = [[1]*col for _ in range(row)]
- for r,arr in enumerate(shape):
- for c,num in enumerate(arr):
- shape[r][c] = shapes.Rectangle(x0+c*(w+space), y0+r*(h+space), w, h, color=color[c+r*len(arr)], batch=batch)
- @window.event
- def on_draw():
- window.clear()
- batch.draw()
- def change_color(e):
- for i,c in enumerate(ctpl(row*col)):
- shape[i//col][i%col].color = c
- clock.schedule_interval(change_color, 0.1)
- app.run()
- from pyglet import *
- from colorlib import *
- ctpl = randcolorTuples
- W, H = 800, 600
- window = window.Window(W, H, caption='色块展示')
- gl.glClearColor(*Color('lightblue3').decimal)
- batch = graphics.Batch()
- row, col, space = 8, 10, 5
- width = w = (W-space)//col-space
- height = h = (H-space)//row-space
- x0, y0 = (W-(w+space)*col+space)//2, (H-(h+space)*row+space)//2
- color = ctpl(row*col)
- Array = [[1]*col for _ in range(row)] # 用于控制方块的状态
- class Box:
- def __init__(self, x, y, w, h, color, batch=batch):
- self.rect = shapes.Rectangle(x, y, w, h, color=color, batch=batch)
- self.box = shapes.Box(x, y, w, h, color=(255,255,255), thickness=3, batch=batch)
- def visible(self, visible=True):
- self.box.batch = self.rect.batch = batch if visible else None
- Array[0][0] = Array[2][2] = Array[5][7] = 0 # 设置三个方块消失
- for r,arr in enumerate(Boxes:=[_[:] for _ in Array]):
- for c,_ in enumerate(arr):
- Boxes[r][c] = Box(x0+c*(w+space), y0+r*(h+space), w, h, color[c+r*len(arr)])
- Boxes[r][c].visible(Array[r][c])
- @window.event
- def on_draw():
- window.clear()
- batch.draw()
- app.run()
for r,arr in enumerate(Boxes:=[_[:] for _ in Array]):
COLOR = []
while len(COLOR)<row*col//4:
if (c:=randcolorTuple()) not in COLOR:
COLOR = sample(COLOR*4, row*col
- from pyglet import *
- from colorlib import *
- ctpl = randcolorTuples
- W, H = 800, 600
- window = window.Window(W, H, caption='色块展示')
- gl.glClearColor(*Color('lightblue3').decimal)
- batch = graphics.Batch()
- row, col, space = 8, 10, 5
- width = w = (W-space)//col-space
- height = h = (H-space)//row-space
- x0, y0 = (W-(w+space)*col+space)//2, (H-(h+space)*row+space)//2
- COLOR = []
- while len(COLOR)<row*col//4:
- if (c:=randcolorTuple()) not in COLOR:
- COLOR.append(c)
- COLOR = sample(COLOR*4, row*col)
- class Box:
- def __init__(self, x, y, w, h, color, batch=batch):
- self.rect = shapes.Rectangle(x, y, w, h, color=color, batch=batch)
- self.box = shapes.Box(x, y, w, h, color=(255,255,255), thickness=3, batch=batch)
- self.visible = True
- def visible(self, visible=True):
- self.box.batch = self.rect.batch = batch if visible else None
- Array, Boxes = [[[1]*col for _ in range(row)] for _ in range(2)]
- for r,arr in enumerate(Boxes):
- for c,_ in enumerate(arr):
- Boxes[r][c] = Box(x0+c*(w+space), y0+r*(h+space), w, h, COLOR[c+r*len(arr)])
- @window.event
- def on_draw():
- window.clear()
- batch.draw()
- app.run()
r, c = (y-y0)//(h+space), (x-x0)//(w+space)
- from pyglet import *
- from colorlib import *
- W, H = 800, 600
- window = window.Window(W, H, caption='色块展示')
- gl.glClearColor(*Color('lightblue3').decimal)
- batch = graphics.Batch()
- row, col, space = 8, 10, 5
- width = w = (W-space)//col-space
- height = h = (H-space)//row-space
- x0, y0 = (W-(w+space)*col+space)//2, (H-(h+space)*row+space)//2
- COLOR = []
- while len(COLOR)<row*col//4:
- if (c:=randcolorTuple()) not in COLOR:
- COLOR.append(c)
- COLOR = sample(COLOR*4, row*col)
- Array, Boxes = [[[[11]]*col for _ in range(row)] for _ in range(2)]
- class Box:
- def __init__(self, x, y, w, h, color, batch=batch):
- self.x, self.y = x, y
- self.w, self.h = w, h
- self.visible, self.pressed = True, False
- self.rect = shapes.Rectangle(x, y, w, h, color=color, batch=batch)
- self.box = shapes.Box(x, y, w, h, color=(255,255,255), thickness=3, batch=batch)
- def show(self, visible=True):
- self.visible, self.pressed = visible, False
- self.box.batch = self.rect.batch = batch if visible else None
- def hide(self):
- self.show(False)
- def on_mouse_over(self, x, y):
- return self.x<=x<=self.x+self.w and self.y<=y<=self.y+self.h
- def on_mouse_click(self):
- if self.visible:
- self.pressed = True
- if Color('RED').equal(self.box.color):
- self.hide()
- else:
- self.pressed = False
- self.show()
- self.box.color = Color('RED' if self.pressed else 'WHITE').rgba
- for r,arr in enumerate(Boxes):
- for c,_ in enumerate(arr):
- Boxes[r][c] = Box(x0+c*(w+space), y0+r*(h+space), w, h, COLOR[c+r*len(arr)])
- class Game:
- def __init__(self):
- self.array = Array
- self.boxes = Boxes
- def on_mouse_click(self, x, y):
- r, c = (y - y0)//(h+space), (x - x0)//(w+space)
- if r in range(row) and c in range(col) and self.boxes[r][c].on_mouse_over(x, y):
- self.boxes[r][c].on_mouse_click()
- self.array[r][c] = self.boxes[r][c].visible*10+self.boxes[r][c].pressed
- return r, c, self.array[r][c]
- game = Game()
- @window.event
- def on_mouse_press(x, y, dx, dy):
- window.set_caption(f'色块展示——坐标和状态:{game.on_mouse_click(x, y)}')
- @window.event
- def on_draw():
- window.clear()
- batch.draw()
- app.run()
self.line = shapes.Line(0, 0, 0, 0, width=5, color=Color('light gold').rgba)
def getxy(self, row, col):
return x0+col*(w+space)+w//2, y0+row*(h+space)+h//2
- from pyglet import *
- from colorlib import *
- W, H = 800, 600
- window = window.Window(W, H, caption='彩色色块连连看')
- gl.glClearColor(*Color('lightblue3').decimal)
- batch = graphics.Batch()
- group = graphics.Group()
- row, col, space = 8, 10, 5
- width = w = (W-space)//col-space
- height = h = (H-space)//row-space
- x0, y0 = (W-(w+space)*col+space)//2, (H-(h+space)*row+space)//2
- COLOR = []
- while len(COLOR)<row*col//4:
- if (c:=randcolorTuple()) not in COLOR:
- COLOR.append(c)
- COLOR = sample(COLOR*4, row*col)
- Array, Boxes = [[[1]*col for _ in range(row)] for _ in range(2)]
- class Box:
- def __init__(self, x, y, w, h, color, batch=batch):
- self.x, self.y = x, y
- self.w, self.h = w, h
- self.pressed = False
- self.rect = shapes.Rectangle(x, y, w, h, color=color, batch=batch)
- self.box = shapes.Box(x, y, w, h, color=Color('WHITE').rgba, thickness=3, batch=batch)
- self.box.group = group
- def hide(self):
- self.box.batch = self.rect.batch = None
- def on_mouse_over(self, x, y):
- return self.x<=x<=self.x+self.w and self.y<=y<=self.y+self.h
- for r,arr in enumerate(Boxes):
- for c,_ in enumerate(arr):
- Boxes[r][c] = Box(x0+c*(w+space), y0+r*(h+space), w, h, COLOR[c+r*len(arr)])
- class Game:
- def __init__(self):
- self.array = Array
- self.boxes = Boxes
- self.click = []
- self.last = None
- self.row, self.col = 0, 0
- self.line = shapes.Line(0, 0, 0, 0, width=5, color=Color('light gold').rgba)
- self.line.batch = batch
- self.line.group = group
- self.line.visible = False
- def on_mouse_click(self, x, y):
- if self.line.visible: return
- r, c = (y-y0)//(h+space), (x-x0)//(w+space)
- if r in range(row) and c in range(col) and self.boxes[r][c].on_mouse_over(x, y) and self.array[r][c]:
- self.row, self.col = r, c
- if len(self.click)==0:
- self.click.append((r,c))
- self.last = r, c, self.boxes[r][c]
- self.boxes[r][c].box.color = Color('RED').rgba
- elif len(self.click)==1:
- if (r,c) in self.click:
- r,c = self.click.pop()
- self.boxes[r][c].box.color = Color('WHITE').rgba
- else:
- self.click.append((r,c))
- self.boxes[r][c].box.color = Color('RED').rgba
- r2, c2 = self.click[0][0], self.click[0][1]
- self.line.x, self.line.y = self.getxy(r, c)
- self.line.x2, self.line.y2 = self.getxy(r2, c2)
- self.array[r2][c2] = self.array[r][c] = 0
- self.line.visible = True
- self.click.clear()
- clock.schedule_interval(self.update, 0.3)
- return r, c, self.array[r][c]
- def getxy(self, row, col):
- return x0+col*(w+space)+w//2, y0+row*(h+space)+h//2
- def update(self, event):
- self.line.visible = False
- one, another = self.last, self.boxes[self.row][self.col]
- if one[-1].rect.color==another.rect.color:
- one[-1].hide(); another.hide()
- self.last = None
- else:
- self.array[self.row][self.col] = self.array[one[0]][one[1]] = 1
- one[-1].box.color = another.box.color = Color('WHITE').rgba
- clock.unschedule(self.update)
- @window.event
- def on_mouse_press(x, y, dx, dy):
- window.set_caption(f'彩色色块连连看——坐标和状态:{game.on_mouse_click(x, y)}')
- @window.event
- def on_draw():
- window.clear()
- batch.draw()
- game = Game()
- app.run()
def success(self):
return sum(sum(self.array,[]))==0
class RC:
def __init__(self, x=0, y=0):
self.r, self.c = x, y
def __eq__(self, other):
return self.rc == other.rc
def rc(self):
return self.r, self.c
- from pyglet import *
- from colorlib import *
- W, H = 800, 600
- window = window.Window(W, H, caption='彩色色块连连看')
- gl.glClearColor(*Color('lightblue3').decimal)
- batch, group = graphics.Batch(),graphics.Group()
- row, col, space = 8, 10, 5
- w, h = W//col-space*2, H//row-space*2
- x0, y0 = (W-(w+space)*col+space)//2, (H-(h+space)*row+space)//2
- COLOR = []
- while len(COLOR)<row*col//4:
- if (c:=randcolorTuple()) not in COLOR:
- COLOR.append(c)
- COLOR = sample(COLOR*4, row*col)
- Array, Boxes = [[[1]*col for _ in range(row)] for _ in range(2)]
- class Box:
- def __init__(self, x, y, w, h, color, batch=batch):
- self.x, self.y, self.w, self.h = x, y, w, h
- self.rect = shapes.Rectangle(x, y, w, h, color=color, batch=batch)
- self.box = shapes.Box(x, y, w, h, color=Color('WHITE').rgba, thickness=3, batch=batch)
- self.box.group = group
- def hide(self):
- self.box.batch = self.rect.batch = None
- def on_mouse_over(self, x, y):
- return self.x<=x<=self.x+self.w and self.y<=y<=self.y+self.h
- for r,arr in enumerate(Boxes):
- for c,_ in enumerate(arr):
- Boxes[r][c] = Box(x0+c*(w+space), y0+r*(h+space), w, h, COLOR[c+r*len(arr)])
- class RC:
- def __init__(self, x=0, y=0):
- self.x, self.y = x, y
- def __eq__(self, other):
- return self.rc == other.rc
- @property
- def rc(self):
- return self.x, self.y
- class Game:
- def __init__(self):
- self.array = Array
- self.boxes = Boxes
- self.rc, self.rc2 = RC(), RC()
- self.last, self.last2 = None, None
- self.line = shapes.Line(0, 0, 0, 0, width=5, color=Color('light gold').rgba, batch=batch, group=group)
- self.line.visible = False
- def on_mouse_click(self, x, y):
- if self.line.visible or self.success(): return
- r, c = (y-y0)//(h+space), (x-x0)//(w+space)
- if r in range(row) and c in range(col) and self.boxes[r][c].on_mouse_over(x, y) and self.array[r][c]:
- if self.last is None and self.last2 is None:
- self.rc, self.last = RC(r, c), self.boxes[r][c]
- self.last.box.color = Color('RED').rgba
- elif self.last is not None and self.last2 is None:
- self.rc2, self.last2 = RC(r, c), self.boxes[r][c]
- self.last2.box.color = Color('RED').rgba
- if self.rc == self.rc2:
- self.last.box.color = Color('WHITE').rgba
- self.last, self.last2 = None, None
- else:
- self.line.x, self.line.y = self.getxy(r, c)
- self.line.x2, self.line.y2 = self.getxy(self.rc.x, self.rc.y)
- self.line.visible = True
- clock.schedule_interval(self.update, 0.3)
- return (r, c), Color(self.boxes[r][c].rect.color).name
- def getxy(self, row, col):
- return x0+col*(w+space)+w//2, y0+row*(h+space)+h//2
- def update(self, event):
- self.line.visible = False
- clock.unschedule(self.update)
- if self.last.rect.color==self.last2.rect.color:
- self.last.hide(); self.last2.hide()
- self.array[self.rc.x][self.rc.y] = self.array[self.rc2.x][self.rc2.y] = 0
- else:
- self.last.box.color = self.last2.box.color = Color('WHITE').rgba
- self.last, self.last2 = None, None
- if game.success():
- window.set_caption('彩色色块连连看——任务完成!')
- def success(self):
- return sum(sum(self.array,[]))==0
- @window.event
- def on_draw():
- window.clear()
- batch.draw()
- @window.event
- def on_mouse_press(x, y, dx, dy):
- ret = game.on_mouse_click(x, y)
- if ret and not game.success():
- window.set_caption(f'彩色色块连连看——坐标:{ret[0]} 颜色:{ret[1]}')
- game = Game()
- app.run()
class Color:
Color(3-tuple: tuple) -> Color # 3-tuple as (r, g, b)
Color(4-tuple: tuple) -> Color # 4-tuple as (r, g, b, a)
Color(color_name: str) -> Color # color_name as 'Red','Blue',...
Color(color_string: str) -> Color # color_string as '#rrggbb'
Object for color representations.
def __init__(self, r=0, g=0, b=0, a=None):
self.__alpha = (a is not None) and isinstance(a, (int, float))
if all(map(lambda r:isinstance(r, (int, float)),(r,g,b))):
self.r, self.g, self.b = map(lambda n:int(n)%256,(r,g,b))
elif isinstance(r, (tuple, list)) and len(r) in (3, 4):
self.r, self.g, self.b, self.a = *[int(c)%256 for c in r[:3]], 255
if len(r)==4: a, self.__alpha = int(r[3])%256, True
elif isinstance(r, str) and len(r)==7 and r.startswith('#'):
self.r, self.g, self.b = str2tuple(r)
elif isinstance(r, str):
if (rgb := ColorDict.get(r, None)) is None:
raise ValueError("Invalid Color Name")
self.r, self.g, self.b, a = *rgb, 255
raise ValueError("Invalid argument for class Color")
self.a = a if self.__alpha else 255
self.rgb = self.r, self.g, self.b
self.rgba = self.r, self.g, self.b, self.a
self.value = self.rgba if self.__alpha else self.rgb
self.string = tuple2str(self.value[:3])
self.decimal = tuple(map(lambda x:x/255, self.rgba))
self.name = {v:k for k,v in ColorDict.items()}.get(self.rgb, 'Noname')
def __repr__(self):
rgba = 'RGBA(' if self.__alpha else 'RGB('
return ', '.join(map(lambda x:str(x).rjust(3),self.value)).join((rgba,')'))
def randcolor(self):
'''Convert the Color to any random color in ColorDict.keys().'''
rgb = randcolorTuple()
return Color(*rgb, self.a) if self.__alpha else Color(rgb)
def random(self):
'''Convert rgb to a 3-tuple of random integer between 0 and 255.'''
rgb = randint(0,255), randint(0,255), randint(0,255)
return Color(*rgb, self.a) if self.__alpha else Color(rgb)
def alpha(self, a=255):
'''Set alpha value of the Color, or change RGB to RGBA.'''
self.__init__(*self.rgb, a)
def equal(self, other):
'''Compare self.rgba with another color's RGBA tuple.'''
return self.rgba == other
其中,属性 self.decimal 用在了窗口背景设置的代码上:
self.rgba = self.r, self.g, self.b, self.a
self.name = {v:k for k,v in ColorDict.items()}.get(self.rgb, 'Noname')
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