整理自 Spark: The Definitive Guide
Apache Spark:一个一体化的计算引擎,一组库,用于在计算机集群上并行处理数据。
为通用数据处理提供一体化的API,库包含SQL and structured data (Spark SQL), machine learning (MLlib), stream processing (Spark Streaming and the newer Structured Streaming), and graph analytics (GraphX),以及大量的第三方库(连接不同的存储系统、机器学习算法等)。
不幸的是,大约在2005年,这一硬件的发展趋势停止了。由于散热等限制,硬件开发人员停止了提高单个处理器的运算速度,而是转向多CPU核并行。这使得应用程序突然需要增加并行能力以提高运行速度,为新的程序模型如Apache Spark提供了平台。
结果就是,数据的采集成本越来越低,但是处理数据往往需要大型的,并行的计算机,通常是机器集群。而且传统的软件并不能自动适应现在的环境和需求,产生了对新型编程模型的需求。这就是Apache Spark产生的背景。
A cluster, or group, of computers, pools the resources of many machines together, giving us the ability to use all the cumulative resources as if they were a single computer. Now, a group of machines alone is not powerful, you need a framework to coordinate work across them. Spark does just that, managing and coordinating the execution of tasks on data across a cluster of computers.
Spark Applications consist of a driver process and a set of executor processes. The driver process runs your main() function, sits on a node in the cluster, and is responsible for three things: maintaining information about the Spark Application; responding to a user’s program or input; and analyzing, distributing, and scheduling work across the executors (discussed momentarily). The driver process is absolutely essential—it’s the heart of a Spark Application and maintains all
relevant information during the lifetime of the application.
The executors are responsible for actually carrying out the work that the driver assigns them. This means that each executor is responsible for only two things: executing code assigned to it by the driver, and reporting the state of the computation on that executor back to the driver node.
Spark, in addition to its cluster mode, also has a local mode. The driver and executors are simply processes, which means that they can live on the same machine or different machines. In local mode, the driver and executurs run (as threads) on your individual computer instead of a cluster. We wrote this book with local mode in mind, so you should be able to run everything on a single machine.
Here are the key points to understand about Spark Applications at this point:
Spark is primarily written in Scala, making it Spark’s “default” language. This book will include Scala code examples wherever relevant.
Even though Spark is written in Scala, Spark’s authors have been careful to ensure that you can write Spark code in Java. This book will focus primarily on Scala but will provide Java examples where relevant.
Python supports nearly all constructs that Scala supports. This book will include Python code examples whenever we include Scala code examples and a Python API exists.
Python:Python支持几乎所有Scala支持的结构。当包含Scala代码案例同时存在Python API时,这本书会包含Python代码。
Spark supports a subset of the ANSI SQL 2003 standard. This makes it easy for analysts and non-programmers to take advantage of the big data powers of Spark. This book includes SQL code examples wherever relevant.
SQL:Spark支持ANSI SQL 2003标准的子集。这使得分析人员和非程序员可以轻易的使用Spark在大数据上的力量。这本书在相关的地方会包含SQL代码。
Spark has two commonly used R libraries: one as a part of Spark core (SparkR) and another as an R community-driven package (sparklyr). We cover both of these integrations in Chapter 32.
Spark有两个广泛使用的R库:一个是部分Spark core(SparkR),另一个是R 社区驱动包(Sparklyr)。我们在32章中包含了这些集成。
Spark has two fundamental sets of APIs: the low-level “unstructured” APIs, and the higher-level structured APIs.
As discussed in the beginning of this chapter, you control your Spark Application through a driver process called the SparkSession. The SparkSession instance is the way Spark executes user-defined manipulations across the cluster. There is a one-to-one correspondence between a SparkSession and a Spark Application. In Scala and Python, the variable is available as spark when you start the console. Let’s go ahead and look at the SparkSession in both Scala and/or Python:
In Scala, you should see something like the following:
res0: org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession = org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession@…
res0: org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession = org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession@…
A DataFrame is the most common Structured API and simply represents a table of data with rows and columns. The list that defines the columns and the types within those columns is called the schema.
A spreadsheet sits on one computer in one specific location, whereas a Spark DataFrame can span thousands of computers.
一张电子表只能存在于一个电脑的一个特定的位置,而一个Spark DataFrame可以横跨成千上万台电脑。
Python/R DataFrames (with some exceptions) exist on one machine rather than multiple machines.However, because Spark has language interfaces for both Python and R, it’s quite easy to convert Pandas (Python) DataFrames to Spark DataFrames, and R DataFrames to Spark DataFrames.
Python/R DataFrames通常只能存在一台机器上,而不是分布在多台机器上。然后,因为Spark有Python和R语言的接口,可以轻易的从Pandas(Python)DataFrame, R DataFrame转化成Spark DataFrame。
Spark的分布式数据集合: DataSets、DataFrames、SQL Tables、Resilient Distributed Datasets
To allow every executor to perform work in parallel, Spark breaks up the data into chunks called partitions. A partition is a collection of rows that sit on one physical machine in your cluster. A DataFrame’s partitions represent how the data is physically distributed across the cluster of machines during execution. If you have one partition, Spark will have a parallelism of only one, even if you have thousands of executors. If you have many partitions but only one executor, Spark will still have a parallelism of only one because there is only one computation resource.
An important thing to note is that with DataFrames you do not (for the most part) manipulate partitions manually or individually. You simply specify high-level transformations of data in the physical partitions, and Spark determines how this work will actually execute on the cluster. Lower-level APIs do exist (via the RDD interface), and we cover those in Part III.
In Spark, the core data structures are immutable, meaning they cannot be changed after they’re created. This might seem like a strange concept at first: if you cannot change it, how are you supposed to use it? To “change” a DataFrame, you need to instruct Spark how you would like to modify it to do what you want. These instructions are called transformations. Let’s perform a simple transformation to find all even numbers in our current DataFrame:
in Scala
val divisBy2 = myRange.where(“number % 2 = 0”)
in Python
divisBy2 = myRange.where(“number % 2 = 0”)
Notice that these return no output. This is because we specified only an abstract transformation, and Spark will not act on transformations until we call an action (we discuss this shortly).
Transformations are the core of how you express your business logic using Spark. There are two types of transformations: those that specify narrow dependencies, and those that specify wide dependencies.
Transformations consisting of narrow dependencies (we’ll call them narrow transformations) are
those for which each input partition will contribute to only one output partition. In the preceding code
snippet, the where statement specifies a narrow dependency, where only one partition contributes to
at most one output partition, as you can see in Figure 2-4.
Figure 2-4. A narrow dependency
A wide dependency (or wide transformation) style transformation will have input partitions contributing to many output partitions. You will often hear this referred to as a shuffle whereby Spark will exchange partitions across the cluster. With narrow transformations, Spark will automatically perform an operation called pipelining, meaning that if we specify multiple filters on DataFrames, they’ll all be performed in-memory. The same cannot be said for shuffles. When we perform a shuffle, Spark writes the results to disk. Wide transformations are illustrated in Figure 2-5.
Figure 2-5. A wide dependency
Lazy evaulation means that Spark will wait until the very last moment to execute the graph of computation instructions. In Spark, instead of modifying the data immediately when you express some operation, you build up a plan of transformations that you would like to apply to your source data. By waiting until the last minute to execute the code, Spark compiles this plan from your raw DataFrame transformations to a streamlined physical plan that will run as efficiently as possible across the cluster. (直到执行将要执行代码,Spark将原始DataFrame的变换编译成流水线的物理计划,尽可能高效的在集群上执行)This provides immense benefits because Spark can optimize the entire data flow from end to end. An example of this is something called predicate pushdown on DataFrames. If we build a large Spark job but specify a filter at the end that only requires us to fetch one row from our source data, the most efficient way to execute this is to access the single record that we need. Spark will actually optimize this for us by pushing the filter down automatically.
Transformations allow us to build up our logical transformation plan. To trigger the computation, we run an action. An action instructs Spark to compute a result from a series of transformations. The simplest action is count, which gives us the total number of records in the DataFrame:
The output of the preceding code should be 500. Of course, count is not the only action. There are three kinds of actions:
Actions to view data in the console-----在控制台查看数据的算子
Actions to collect data to native objects in the respective language-----收集数据到本地对象的算子
Actions to write to output data sources-----写入到输出数据源的算子
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