考虑遗传算法,将车辆路径编码成染色体,一种配送方案就是一个染色体,具体的编码过程可参考遗传算法详解。路径规划问题并不适合采用二进制编码(后面会说明原因),因为复杂的配送路线不适合用简单的0,1编码来实现。在这里我采用的是形如[0, 4, 2, 0, 8, 0, 6, 0, 11, 0, 10, 9, 0, 13, 0, 5, 12, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 7, 0]的编码形式,[0]代表配送中心,[0,4]代表配送中心到工厂四配送的过程,[0,4,2,0]是一次完整的子路径配送,代表车辆从配送中心出发,前往四号工厂配送再前往二号工厂配送最后回到配送中心的过程。
由于有运载量的限制,车辆无法一次性为所有工厂配送,因此需要在染色体中穿插多个0元素,表示车辆的补货过程。具体穿插多少个0元素参照公式K = SUM(require)/carry。K为最少需要的配送次数,require为工厂的需求矩阵,carry为车辆的运载量。最少满足子路径个数为K个,才有可能完成配送任务。然而通常子路径个数要大于K,例如工厂2的需求量为60,工厂4的需求量为70,carry = 120,车辆为工厂2配送完成后,无法再为工厂4配送,而先为工厂4配送60个单位的货物再回头补货再为工厂4配送余下的10个单位货物只会造成无意义的浪费(除非某个工厂的需求量大于carry则需要多次配送)。同时,染色体编码的开头和结尾元素必须为0,表示车辆从配送中心出发最后回到配送中心的过程。
- start_m = 200 # 初始种群个数
- local = [] # 送货地点编号
- for i in range(n - 1):
- local.append(i + 1)
- ans = [] # 初始种群
- for _ in range(start_m):
- res = [0] # 随机解res
- c = n - 1 # 除配送中心外的点个数
- local = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13]
- while c > 0:
- a = random.randint(1, c)
- res.append(local[a - 1])
- local.remove(local[a - 1])
- c -= 1
- if res not in ans:
- res.append(0)
- x = 0
- while x < k:
- len_res = len(res)
- b = random.randint(1, len_res - 2)
- if res[b] != 0 and res[b - 1] != 0:
- res.insert(b, 0)
- x += 1
- ans.append(res)

在这里我采用了K = SUM(require)/carry + 3,这个数字可以自行调整,过大或造成运力的浪费,过小则可能超出运载量的限制,理论上来说,越接近运载量极限的方案越是能够节省成本。
- #检查合法性
- def Ture(lst):
- cur_carry = carry #现有载货量
- for i in range(len(lst)-1):
- if lst[i] == 0:
- cur_carry = carry #补货
- else:
- cur_carry -= req[lst[i]-1] #现有载货量减去工厂需求
- if cur_carry < 0: #若载货量无法满足工厂需求则返回False
- return False
- return True
- #适应度函数
- def Cost(lst):
- D = 0 #总行驶里程
- for i in range(len(lst)-1):
- D += d[lst[i]][lst[i+1]]
- cost = (k + 1) * c1 + D * c2 #总成本
- return cost
- #两点距离函数:
- def dij(i,j):
- D = round(((s[i][0]-s[j][0])**2 + (s[i][1]-s[j][1])**2)**0.5)
- if D != 0:
- return D
- else:
- return 1000
- #距离矩阵d:
- d = [[0]*n for _ in range(n)]
- for i in range(n):
- for j in range(n):
- d[i][j] = dij(i,j)
- #最小值适应度函数
- def get_Mincost(pop):
- pop_ture = []
- for i in pop:
- if Ture(i):
- pop_ture.append(i)
- fitness = []
- for i in pop_ture:
- fitness.append(Cost(i))
- # print("最优配送路线为:",pop_ture[fitness.index(min(fitness))])
- # print("花费成本为:",min(fitness))
- a = max(fitness)
- for i in range(len(fitness)):
- fitness[i] = a - fitness[i] + 1
- p = []
- for i in fitness:
- p.append(i / sum(fitness))
- return (pop_ture,p,fitness)

这段代码要找到耗费成本最高的那一个个体,由于遗传算法中的一个重要特性是无论适应度高低都有存活的可能,因此我们将耗费成本最高的个体的适应度设置为1,其他所有个体的适应度表示为fitness[i] = maxcost - cost[i] + 1
- #自然选择函数(轮盘赌),选取适应值最高的前百分之五十的解
- def select(p,pop):
- idx = np.random.choice(np.arange(len(p)),size=len(p)//2,replace=False,p = p)
- new_pop = []
- for i in idx:
- new_pop.append(pop[i])
- return new_pop
- #交叉函数:
- def crossover_and_mutation(pop):
- new_pop = []
- for father in pop: #遍历种群中的每一个个体,将该个体作为父亲
- child = father #孩子先得到父亲的全部基因
- if np.random.rand() < CROSSOVER_RATE: #交叉不是必然发生的,而是以一定的概率发生
- mother = pop[np.random.randint(len(pop))] #在种群中选择另一个个体,并将该个体作为母亲
- cross_point = np.random.randint(low=1,high=len(pop[0])-1) #随机生成交叉点(交叉点不为第一个和最后一个否则交叉无意义)
- #step1:合法交叉
- if child[cross_point-1] == 0 and child[cross_point+1]==0: #若交叉点前后两个元素都为0
- child[cross_point] = mother[cross_point]
- cross_point_right = cross_point #直接交叉
- else:
- while child[cross_point-1] != 0: #直到交叉点左端为0
- cross_point -= 1 #交叉点左移
- cross_point_right = cross_point+1 #交叉部分右端点
- while child[cross_point_right+1] != 0: #直到交叉部分右端也为0
- cross_point_right += 1 #交叉部分右端点右移直到交叉部分两端皆为0
- child[cross_point:cross_point_right+1] = mother[cross_point:cross_point_right+1] #交叉
- mutation(child)
- #step2:去重
- hash = {} #统计各站点出现次数
- for i,x in enumerate(child):
- if x != 0:
- if x not in hash:
- hash[x] = 1
- else:
- hash[x] += 1
- if hash[x] > 1:
- if i < cross_point or i > cross_point_right: #去掉交叉部分之外的重复点
- child[i] = 0
- #step3:补余
- lst = [] #存放没有遍历到的站点索引
- for i in range(1,len(req)+1): #总共有len(req)个站点
- if i not in child:
- lst.append(i)
- for i,x in enumerate(child): #补齐缺失的站点
- if (i < cross_point or i > cross_point_right) and i != 0 and i != len(child)-1 and x == 0 : #在交叉部分之外进行补齐
- if (child[i-1] == 0 or child[i+1] == 0) and len(lst) > 0: #尽可能让站点分散插入
- child[i] = lst[0]
- lst.remove(lst[0])
- if len(lst) > 0: #若无剩余优质空间可以插入,则择近补齐
- for i, x in enumerate(child): # 补齐缺失的站点
- if (i < cross_point or i > cross_point_right) and i != 0 and i != len(child) - 1 and x == 0:
- if len(lst) > 0:
- child[i] = lst[0]
- lst.remove(lst[0])
- if Ture(child): #检查子代是否合法
- new_pop.append(child)
- return new_pop

经过极其极其极其复杂的维护后,子代终于交叉完成了,在这里我设置交叉概率Crossover_Rate = 0.6,也就是说不是所有的父代都要进行交叉,交叉是随机发生的。
在这里我设置了变异概率Mutation_Rate = 0.05,一般不需要太高。
- #变异函数:
- def mutation(child):
- if np.random.rand() < MUTATION_RATE: #以MUTATION_RATE的概率进行变异
- mutate_point = np.random.randint(low=1,high=len(pop[0])-1) #随机产生一个实数,代表要变异基因的位置
- child[mutate_point] = np.random.randint(low=1,high=len(req)-1) #变异后的值为随机一个站点
- #迭代
- N = 100 #迭代N次
- fitness = []
- jiyin = []
- pop = select(get_Mincost(ans)[1],get_Mincost(ans)[0])
- new_pop = crossover_and_mutation(select(get_Mincost(ans)[1],get_Mincost(ans)[0]))
- for i in new_pop:
- pop.append(i)
- jiyin.append(get_Mincost(pop)[0][np.argmin(get_Mincost(pop)[2])])
- def print_info(pop):
- cost = get_Mincost(pop)[2]
- min_cost_index = np.argmax(cost)
- print("最低成本为:",Cost(get_Mincost(pop)[0][min_cost_index]))
- print("最优的基因型为:",get_Mincost(pop)[0][min_cost_index])
- import random
- import numpy as np
- s = [[393,13142],[632,13008],[586,12917],[390,12934],[648,13052],[632,12848],[667,13361],[382,12961],[378,13267],
- [647,13016],[639,13237],[600,13574],[632,13123],[422,13046]] #坐标列表
- n = len(s) #点个数
- req = [110.0,60.0,55.0,55.0,60.0,100.0,60.0,70.0,60.0,50.0,50.0,60.0,50.0] #需求矩阵
- c1 = 50 #出发成本
- c2 = 5 #行驶成本,每公里耗费C2
- carry = 120 #运载量
- k = sum(req)//carry + 2 #车辆需要运行的次数
- CROSSOVER_RATE = 0.6 #交叉概率
- MUTATION_RATE = 0.05 #变异概率
- #两点距离函数:
- def dij(i,j):
- D = round(((s[i][0]-s[j][0])**2 + (s[i][1]-s[j][1])**2)**0.5)
- if D != 0:
- return D
- else:
- return 1000
- #距离矩阵d:
- d = [[0]*n for _ in range(n)]
- for i in range(n):
- for j in range(n):
- d[i][j] = dij(i,j)
- #适应度函数
- def Cost(lst):
- D = 0
- for i in range(len(lst)-1):
- D += d[lst[i]][lst[i+1]]
- cost = (k + 1) * c1 + D * c2
- return cost
- #检查合法性
- def Ture(lst):
- cur_carry = carry
- for i in range(len(lst)-1):
- if lst[i] == 0:
- cur_carry = carry
- else:
- cur_carry -= req[lst[i]-1]
- if cur_carry < 0:
- return False
- return True
- #最小值适应度函数
- def get_Mincost(pop):
- pop_ture = []
- for i in pop:
- if Ture(i):
- pop_ture.append(i)
- fitness = []
- for i in pop_ture:
- fitness.append(Cost(i))
- # print("最优配送路线为:",pop_ture[fitness.index(min(fitness))])
- # print("花费成本为:",min(fitness))
- a = max(fitness)
- for i in range(len(fitness)):
- fitness[i] = a - fitness[i] + 1
- p = []
- for i in fitness:
- p.append(i / sum(fitness))
- return (pop_ture,p,fitness)
- #自然选择函数(轮盘赌),选取适应值最高的前百分之五十的解
- def select(p,pop):
- idx = np.random.choice(np.arange(len(p)),size=len(p)//2,replace=False,p = p)
- new_pop = []
- for i in idx:
- new_pop.append(pop[i])
- return new_pop
- #变异函数:
- def mutation(child):
- if np.random.rand() < MUTATION_RATE: #以MUTATION_RATE的概率进行变异
- mutate_point = np.random.randint(low=1,high=len(pop[0])-1) #随机产生一个实数,代表要变异基因的位置
- child[mutate_point] = np.random.randint(low=1,high=len(req)-1) #变异后的值为随机一个站点
- #交叉函数:
- def crossover_and_mutation(pop):
- new_pop = []
- for father in pop: #遍历种群中的每一个个体,将该个体作为父亲
- child = father #孩子先得到父亲的全部基因
- if np.random.rand() < CROSSOVER_RATE: #交叉不是必然发生的,而是以一定的概率发生
- mother = pop[np.random.randint(len(pop))] #在种群中选择另一个个体,并将该个体作为母亲
- cross_point = np.random.randint(low=1,high=len(pop[0])-1) #随机生成交叉点(交叉点不为第一个和最后一个否则交叉无意义)
- #step1:合法交叉
- if child[cross_point-1] == 0 and child[cross_point+1]==0: #若交叉点前后两个元素都为0
- child[cross_point] = mother[cross_point]
- cross_point_right = cross_point #直接交叉
- else:
- while child[cross_point-1] != 0: #直到交叉点左端为0
- cross_point -= 1 #交叉点左移
- cross_point_right = cross_point+1 #交叉部分右端点
- while child[cross_point_right+1] != 0: #直到交叉部分右端也为0
- cross_point_right += 1 #交叉部分右端点右移直到交叉部分两端皆为0
- child[cross_point:cross_point_right+1] = mother[cross_point:cross_point_right+1] #交叉
- mutation(child)
- #step2:去重
- hash = {} #统计各站点出现次数
- for i,x in enumerate(child):
- if x != 0:
- if x not in hash:
- hash[x] = 1
- else:
- hash[x] += 1
- if hash[x] > 1:
- if i < cross_point or i > cross_point_right: #去掉交叉部分之外的重复点
- child[i] = 0
- #step3:补余
- lst = [] #存放没有遍历到的站点索引
- for i in range(1,len(req)+1): #总共有len(req)个站点
- if i not in child:
- lst.append(i)
- for i,x in enumerate(child): #补齐缺失的站点
- if (i < cross_point or i > cross_point_right) and i != 0 and i != len(child)-1 and x == 0 : #在交叉部分之外进行补齐
- if (child[i-1] == 0 or child[i+1] == 0) and len(lst) > 0: #尽可能让站点分散插入
- child[i] = lst[0]
- lst.remove(lst[0])
- if len(lst) > 0: #若无剩余优质空间可以插入,则择近补齐
- for i, x in enumerate(child): # 补齐缺失的站点
- if (i < cross_point or i > cross_point_right) and i != 0 and i != len(child) - 1 and x == 0:
- if len(lst) > 0:
- child[i] = lst[0]
- lst.remove(lst[0])
- if Ture(child): #检查子代是否合法
- new_pop.append(child)
- return new_pop
- # print( crossover_and_mutation( select(get_Mincost(ans)[1],get_Mincost(ans)[0] ) ) )
- # #print(len(select(get_Mincost(ans)[1],get_Mincost(ans)[0] )))
- def print_info(pop):
- cost = get_Mincost(pop)[2]
- min_cost_index = np.argmax(cost)
- print("最低成本为:",Cost(get_Mincost(pop)[0][min_cost_index]))
- print("最优的基因型为:",get_Mincost(pop)[0][min_cost_index])
- #迭代
- N = 100 #迭代N次
- fitness = []
- jiyin = []
- for _ in range(N):
- # 生成随机解
- ans = []
- start_m = 200 # 初始种群个数
- local = [] # 送货地点编号
- for i in range(n - 1):
- local.append(i + 1)
- ans = [] # 初始种群
- for _ in range(start_m):
- res = [0] # 随机解res
- c = n - 1 # 除配送中心外的点个数
- local = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13]
- while c > 0:
- a = random.randint(1, c)
- res.append(local[a - 1])
- local.remove(local[a - 1])
- c -= 1
- if res not in ans:
- res.append(0)
- x = 0
- while x < k:
- len_res = len(res)
- b = random.randint(1, len_res - 2)
- if res[b] != 0 and res[b - 1] != 0:
- res.insert(b, 0)
- x += 1
- ans.append(res)
- pop = select(get_Mincost(ans)[1],get_Mincost(ans)[0])
- new_pop = crossover_and_mutation(select(get_Mincost(ans)[1],get_Mincost(ans)[0]))
- for i in new_pop:
- pop.append(i)
- jiyin.append(get_Mincost(pop)[0][np.argmin(get_Mincost(pop)[2])])
- print(print_info(jiyin))

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