2.尝试了1s/2s/4s视频进行预测,最终选择2s 64帧作为一条数据,有15帧有效则数据可用,否则是无效数据
- import sys
- import os
- import dlib
- import cv2
- from PIL import Image
- import numpy as np
- import time
- import imutils
- def cut(file_name,save_name):
- cap = cv2.VideoCapture(file_name)
- if cap.isOpened():
- rate = cap.get(5) # 帧速率
- FrameNumber = cap.get(7) # 总帧数
- duration = int(FrameNumber/rate) # 总帧数/帧速率=时间
- hasFrame, frame = cap.read()
- w = frame.shape[1]
- h = frame.shape[0]
- root=save_name.split(".")[0]
- nums=int(FrameNumber/64)
- for i in range(nums):
- videoWriter =cv2.VideoWriter(root+'_'+str(i)+'.mp4',cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*"mp4v"),30,(h, w))
- #开始进入循环取帧
- n=0
- while (hasFrame):
- n += 1
- if n<=64:
- hasFrame, frame = cap.read() #读取视频帧
- if hasFrame:
- frame=np.rot90(frame)
- # frame=np.rot90(frame)
- # frame=np.rot90(frame)
- videoWriter.write(frame)
- else:
- break
- cap.release()
- path="E:/data/src_vedio/6/img3/"
- for file in os .listdir(path):
- name=file.split('.')[0]
- save_root="E:/data/makeup_vedio/class2_2s/6/class3/"+str(name)+"/"
- if os.path.exists(save_root) == False:
- os.makedirs(save_root)
- save_name=save_root+file
- file_name=path+file
- cut(file_name,save_name)
- print(save_root)
- import sys
- import os
- import dlib
- import cv2
- from PIL import Image
- import numpy as np
- import time
- import imutils
- def crop(img, point_face):
- top=point_face[24][1]
- mins=top-200
- if mins<=0:
- mins=0
- h=img.shape[0]
- w=img.shape[1]
- img2=img[mins:h,0:w]
- return img2
- def face_detect(pic):
- detector = dlib.get_frontal_face_detector()
- predictor = dlib.shape_predictor('class/shape_predictor_68_face_landmarks.dat')
- img = np.copy(pic)
- # img_gray = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY)
- # 人脸数rects
- rects = detector(img, 1)
- if len(rects)!=1:
- # print(len(rects),"face detection fail!")
- return -1,-1
- landmarks = np.matrix([[p.x, p.y] for p in predictor(img,rects[0]).parts()])
- point_face=[]
- for idx, point in enumerate(landmarks):
- x=point[0, 0]
- y=point[0, 1]
- point_face.append((x,y))
- # 画图和点
- cv2.circle(img, (x,y), 2, (0, 255, 0), thickness=-1, lineType=cv2.FILLED)
- cv2.putText(img, str(idx), (x,y), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.3, (0, 0, 255), 1,cv2.LINE_AA)
- return img, point_face
- def hand_detect(pic, img_face):
- protoFile = "class/hand/pose_deploy.prototxt"
- weightsFile = "class/hand/pose_iter_102000.caffemodel"
- nPoints = 22
- POSE_PAIRS = [[0, 1], [1, 2], [2, 3], [3, 4], [0, 5], [5, 6], [6, 7], [7, 8], [0, 9], [9, 10], [10, 11], [11, 12],
- [0, 13], [13, 14], [14, 15], [15, 16], [0, 17], [17, 18], [18, 19], [19, 20]]
- net = cv2.dnn.readNetFromCaffe(protoFile, weightsFile)
- img_hand=np.copy(img_face) #用来画手的坐标点
- frame = np.copy(pic) #用来做手部检测
- frameWidth = frame.shape[1]
- frameHeight = frame.shape[0]
- aspect_ratio = frameWidth / frameHeight
- threshold = 0.1
- t = time.time()
- # input image dimensions for the network
- inHeight = 368
- inWidth = int(((aspect_ratio * inHeight) * 8) // 8)
- inpBlob = cv2.dnn.blobFromImage(frame, 1.0 / 255, (inWidth, inHeight), (0, 0, 0), swapRB=False, crop=False)
- net.setInput(inpBlob)
- output = net.forward()
- # print("time taken by network : {:.3f}".format(time.time() - t))
- # Empty list to store the detected keypoints
- point_hand = []
- for i in range(nPoints):
- # 对应身体部位的置信度图
- probMap = output[0, i, :, :]
- probMap = cv2.resize(probMap, (frameWidth, frameHeight))
- # cv2.minMaxLoc:返回矩阵的最小值,最大值,并得到最大值,最小值的索引
- minVal, prob, minLoc, point = cv2.minMaxLoc(probMap) #找最大值及其下标(即置信度最大的点)
- # 获取坐标点
- x,y=(int(point[0]), int(point[1]))
- point_hand.append((x,y,prob))
- # 画图和点
- cv2.circle(img_hand, (x,y), 2, (255, 255, 0), thickness=-1, lineType=cv2.FILLED)
- cv2.putText(img_hand, str(i), (x,y), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.3, (0, 0, 0), 1,cv2.LINE_AA)
- return img_hand,point_hand
- def get_feature(point_face, point_hand,img):
- circle_center=point_face[30]
- # 1.只取15个关键点
- # face_key_point=[0,16,2,14,48,54,39,42,27,30,57]
- # hand_key_point=[8,12,16,20,6,10,14,18,5,9,13,17]
- # face_key_point=[36,45,2,14,39,42,30,57]
- face_key_point=[36,45,2,14,39,42,30,57]
- hand_key_point=[8,12,16,6,10,14,9]
- for i in face_key_point:
- x=point_face[i][0]-circle_center[0]
- y=point_face[i][1]-circle_center[1]
- confidence=1
- f1.write(str(x)+' '+str(y)+' '+str(confidence)+' ')
- # 画图和点
- cv2.circle(img, (point_face[i][0],point_face[i][1]), 2, (255, 255, 0), thickness=-1, lineType=cv2.FILLED)
- cv2.putText(img, str(i), (point_face[i][0],point_face[i][1]), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.3, (0, 0, 0), 1,cv2.LINE_AA)
- for i in hand_key_point:
- x=point_hand[i][0]-circle_center[0]
- y=point_hand[i][1]-circle_center[1]
- confidence=point_hand[i][2]
- f1.write(str(x)+' '+str(y)+' '+str(confidence)+' ')
- # 画图和点
- cv2.circle(img, (point_hand[i][0],point_hand[i][1]), 2, (0, 255, 0), thickness=-1, lineType=cv2.FILLED)
- cv2.putText(img, str(i), (point_hand[i][0],point_hand[i][1]), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.3, (0, 0, 0), 1,cv2.LINE_AA)
- f1.write('\n')
- return img
- # # 2.取所有点
- # face_len=len(point_face)
- # hand_len=len(point_hand)
- # for i in range(face_len):
- # x=point_face[i][0]-circle_center[0]
- # y=point_face[i][1]-circle_center[1]
- # confidence=1
- # f2.write(str(x)+' '+str(y)+' '+str(confidence)+' ')
- # for i in range(hand_len):
- # x=point_hand[i][0]-circle_center[0]
- # y=point_hand[i][1]-circle_center[1]
- # confidence=point_hand[i][2]
- # f2.write(str(x)+' '+str(y)+' '+str(confidence)+' ')
- # f2.write('\n')
- def get_feature2(point_face, point_hand):
- circle_center=point_face[30]
- # 2.取所有点
- face_len=len(point_face)
- hand_len=len(point_hand)
- for i in range(face_len):
- x=point_face[i][0]-circle_center[0]
- y=point_face[i][1]-circle_center[1]
- confidence=1
- f2.write(str(x)+' '+str(y)+' '+str(confidence)+' ')
- for i in range(hand_len):
- x=point_hand[i][0]-circle_center[0]
- y=point_hand[i][1]-circle_center[1]
- confidence=point_hand[i][2]
- f2.write(str(x)+' '+str(y)+' '+str(confidence)+' ')
- f2.write('\n')
- def get_feature3(point_face, point_hand):
- circle_center=point_face[30]
- # 2.取所有点
- face_len=len(point_face)
- hand_len=len(point_hand)
- for i in range(face_len):
- x=point_face[i][0]
- y=point_face[i][1]
- confidence=1
- f3.write(str(x)+','+str(y)+','+str(confidence)+' ')
- f3.write('\n')
- for i in range(hand_len):
- x=point_hand[i][0]-circle_center[0]
- y=point_hand[i][1]-circle_center[1]
- confidence=point_hand[i][2]
- f4.write(str(x)+','+str(y)+','+str(confidence)+' ')
- f4.write('\n')
- def main(file_root, v_id, a_id, label):
- video_path = file_root
- cap = cv2.VideoCapture(video_path)
- hasFrame, frame = cap.read()
- frameWidth = frame.shape[1]
- frameHeight = frame.shape[0]
- save_path = "E:/data/makeup_vedio/class2_2s/gg/"
- #开始进入循环取帧
- n=0
- while (hasFrame):
- n += 1
- hasFrame, frame = cap.read() #读取视频帧
- if hasFrame==True:
- h,w,_=frame.shape
- frame=cv2.resize(frame,(int(w*0.5),int(h*0.5)))
- img_face, point_face=face_detect(frame) #人脸检测
- if point_face !=-1:
- img=crop(frame, point_face)
- img=cv2.resize(img,(500,700))
- # pic=np.copy(img_face)
- img_face2, point_face2=face_detect(img)
- if point_face2 !=-1:
- f1.write(str(a_id)+' '+str(v_id)+' '+str(label)+' ')
- f2.write(str(a_id)+' '+str(v_id)+' '+str(label)+' ')
- f3.write(str(a_id)+' '+str(v_id)+' '+str(label)+' ')
- f4.write(str(a_id)+' '+str(v_id)+' '+str(label)+' ')
- img_hand, point_hand=hand_detect(img, img_face2) #手部检测
- gg=get_feature(point_face2, point_hand,img)
- get_feature2(point_face2, point_hand)
- get_feature3(point_face2, point_hand)
- name=file_root.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0]
- # cv2.imwrite(save_path+name+'-'+str(n)+'.jpg',gg)
- cap.release()
- path="E:/data/makeup_vedio/class2_2s/6/6.1/"
- txt_path="E:/data/makeup_vedio/class2_2s/6/6.1/"
- f1=open(txt_path+"data_15.txt","w+")
- f2=open(txt_path+"data_all.txt","w+")
- f3=open(txt_path+"face.txt","w+")
- f4=open(txt_path+"hand.txt","w+")
- n=0
- for root,dirs,files in os.walk(path):
- for file in files: # 遍历文件
- if file.endswith('mp4'):
- label=root.split("/")[-1]
- file_root=root+'/'+file
- n+=1
- star=time.time()
- name=file.split(".")[0]
- a_id=name.split("_")[0]
- v_id=name.split("_")[1]
- # print("vid:",v_id, "a_id:",a_id, "label:",label)
- main(file_root, v_id, a_id, label)
- end=time.time()-star
- print(n,"---time:",end)
- import shutil
- import os
- import dlib
- import cv2
- from PIL import Image
- import numpy as np
- import time
- import imutils
- # 清洗规则:
- # 1.手部特征点置信度>=0.1, 7个点要超过4个;
- # 2.人脸检测30帧通过15帧以上。
- def count_label(label_arr):
- label_0=0
- label_1=0
- label_3=0
- for label in label_arr:
- if label==0:
- label_0+=1
- elif label==1:
- label_1+=1
- elif label==3:
- label_3+=1
- return (label_0,label_1,label_3)
- def count_pass(point,label):
- n=0
- points=point[8:]
- for data in points:
- confidence=float(data[2])
- # print(confidence)
- if confidence>=0.1:
- n+=1
- # 类别3的数据不做判断,直接通过
- if label == 3:
- n=7
- # 判断人脸,若人脸检测变形,则不通过
- w=int(point[3][0])-int(point[2][0]) # 14-2
- if w<=50:
- n=0
- return n
- def clear(txt1,txt2):
- f1 = open(txt1, "r")
- f2 = open(txt2, "w+")
- lines1=f1.readlines()
- data_nums=len(lines1)
- total1=0
- total2=0
- total3=0
- label1=[]
- label2=[]
- data=[]
- data2=[]
- new_vid=lines1[0].strip().split(" ")[:3] # 视频标签
- for i in range(data_nums):
- line1=lines1[i].strip().split(" ")
- label=int(lines1[i-1].strip().split(" ")[2]) # 类别标签
- now_vid=line1[:3] # 视频标签
- point=line1[3:] #坐标点数据
- point = np.reshape(np.asarray(point), (-1,3))
- pass_nums=count_pass(point,label) #判断有多少点通过了阈值
- # print(pass_nums)
- # 标签相同则写进去
- if new_vid==now_vid:
- if pass_nums>=4:
- data.append(lines1[i])
- data2.append(lines1[i])
- # 标签不同的时候,判断data的数据,超过15条则通过,写入新txt
- else:
- total1+=1
- label1.append(label)
- nums=len(data)
- if nums>=15:
- for feature in data2:
- f2.write(feature)
- total2+=1
- label2.append(label)
- nums2=len(data2)
- if nums2>=15:
- total3+=1
- # 重置data,并判断新视频的第一条数据,是否写入data
- data=[]
- if pass_nums>=4:
- data.append(lines1[i])
- data2=[]
- data2.append(lines1[i])
- new_vid=now_vid
- f2.close()
- f3 = open(txt2, "r")
- new_nums=len(f3.readlines())
- label_old=count_label(label1)
- label_new=count_label(label2)
- return data_nums,new_nums,total1,total2,total3,label_old,label_new
- txt1="txt2/src/data_15.txt"
- txt2="txt2/clear/data_15.txt"
- data_nums, new_nums, total1, total2, total3, label_old, label_new=clear(txt1,txt2)
- print("数据总量:",data_nums,new_nums)
- print("视频数量:",total1,total2)
- print("人脸检测问题减少:",total1-total3)
- print("手部检测问题减少:",(total1-total2)-(total1-total3))
- print("清洗前三类数据:",label_old)
- print("清洗后三类数据:",label_new)
- import shutil
- import os
- import dlib
- import cv2
- from PIL import Image
- import numpy as np
- import time
- import imutils
- # 获取原来的15个坐标点,不要做相对坐标
- def gen_joint(txt1,txt2,txt3):
- face_key_point=[36,45,2,14,39,42,30,57]
- hand_key_point=[8,12,16,6,10,14,9]
- # 合并txt
- f1 = open(txt1, "r")
- f2 = open(txt2, "r")
- f3 = open(txt3, "w+")
- lines1=f1.readlines()
- lines2=f2.readlines()
- nums=len(lines1)
- print(nums)
- for i in range(nums):
- line1=lines1[i].strip().split(" ")
- line2=lines2[i].strip().split(" ")
- # print(len(line1),len(line2))
- if line1[:3]==line2[:3]:
- data_face=line1[3:]
- data_hand=line2[3:]
- label=line1[:3]
- center_point=data_face[30].split(',')
- txt=""
- for a in label:
- txt+=str(a)+" "
- # 脸部关键点
- for index in face_key_point:
- x=data_face[index].split(',')[0]
- y=data_face[index].split(',')[1]
- z=data_face[index].split(',')[2]
- txt+=str(x)+" "+str(y)+" "+str(z)+" "
- # 手部关键点
- for index in hand_key_point:
- x=int(data_hand[index].split(',')[0])+int(center_point[0])
- y=int(data_hand[index].split(',')[1])+int(center_point[1])
- z=data_hand[index].split(',')[2]
- txt+=str(x)+" "+str(y)+" "+str(z)+" "
- # print(x,y,z)
- txt+="\n"
- f3.write(txt)
- f1.close()
- f2.close()
- f3.close()
- # 获取骨骼数据
- def gen_bone(txt1,txt2,txt4):
- face_key_point=[36,45,2,14,39,42,30,57]
- hand_key_point=[8,12,16,6,10,14,9]
- point_bone=[(39, 30), (36, 39), (42, 30), (45, 42), (2, 30), (14, 30), (57, 30), (30, 30), # face
- (9, 30), (14, 9), (16, 14), (10, 9), (12, 10), (6, 9), (8, 6)] # hand
- # 合并txt
- f1 = open(txt1, "r")
- f2 = open(txt2, "r")
- f4 = open(txt4, "w+")
- lines1=f1.readlines()
- lines2=f2.readlines()
- nums=len(lines1)
- print(nums)
- for i in range(nums):
- line1=lines1[i].strip().split(" ")
- line2=lines2[i].strip().split(" ")
- if line1[:3]==line2[:3]:
- data_face=line1[3:]
- data_hand=line2[3:]
- label=line1[:3]
- center_point=data_face[30].split(',')
- txt=""
- for a in label:
- txt+=str(a)+" "
- for index in point_bone:
- index1=index[0] # 一根骨骼中的远中心点
- index2=index[1] # 一根骨骼中的近中心点
- # 判断关键点是脸部还是手部
- if index1 in face_key_point:
- x1=data_face[index1].split(",")[0]
- y1=data_face[index1].split(",")[1]
- z1=data_face[index1].split(",")[2]
- else:
- x1=int(data_hand[index1].split(",")[0])+int(center_point[0])
- y1=int(data_hand[index1].split(",")[1])+int(center_point[1])
- z1=float(data_hand[index1].split(",")[2])
- if index2 in face_key_point:
- x2=data_face[index2].split(",")[0]
- y2=data_face[index2].split(",")[1]
- z2=data_face[index2].split(",")[2]
- else:
- x2=int(data_hand[index2].split(",")[0])+int(center_point[0])
- y2=int(data_hand[index2].split(",")[1])+int(center_point[1])
- z2=float(data_hand[index2].split(",")[2])
- # 获取骨骼向量:远点-近点
- x=int(x1)-int(x2)
- y=int(y1)-int(y2)
- z=float(z1)-float(z2)
- txt+=str(x)+" "+str(y)+" "+str(z)+" "
- txt+="\n"
- f4.write(txt)
- f1.close()
- f2.close()
- f4.close()
- txt1="txt2/src/face.txt"
- txt2="txt2/src/hand.txt"
- txt3="txt2/src/data_joint.txt"
- txt4="txt2/src/data_bone.txt"
- gen_joint(txt1,txt2,txt3)
- gen_bone(txt1,txt2,txt4)
- f4 = open(txt4, "r")
- lines3=f4.readlines()
- print(len(lines3),len(lines3[0].strip().split(" ")))
- import shutil
- import os
- import dlib
- import cv2
- from PIL import Image
- import numpy as np
- import time
- import imutils
- # 清洗规则:
- # 1.手部特征点置信度>=0.1, 7个点要超过4个;
- # 2.人脸检测30帧通过15帧以上。
- def count_label(label_arr):
- label_0=0
- label_1=0
- label_3=0
- for label in label_arr:
- if label==0:
- label_0+=1
- elif label==1:
- label_1+=1
- elif label==3:
- label_3+=1
- return (label_0,label_1,label_3)
- def count_pass(point,label):
- n=0
- points=point[8:]
- for data in points:
- confidence=float(data[2])
- # print(confidence)
- if confidence>=0.1:
- n+=1
- # 类别3的数据不做判断,直接通过
- if label == 3:
- n=7
- # 判断人脸,若人脸检测变形,则不通过
- w=int(point[3][0])-int(point[2][0]) # 14-2
- if w<=50:
- n=0
- return n
- def clear(txt1_1, txt1_2, txt2):
- f1_1 = open(txt1_1, "r")
- f1_2 = open(txt1_2, "r")
- f2 = open(txt2, "w+")
- lines1=f1_1.readlines()
- lines2=f1_2.readlines()
- data_nums=len(lines1)
- total1=0
- total2=0
- total3=0
- label1=[]
- label2=[]
- data=[]
- data2=[]
- new_vid=lines1[0].strip().split(" ")[:3] # 视频标签
- for i in range(data_nums):
- line1=lines1[i].strip().split(" ")
- line2=lines2[i].strip().split(" ")
- label=int(lines1[i-1].strip().split(" ")[2]) # 类别标签
- now_vid=line1[:3] # 视频标签
- point=line1[3:] #坐标点数据
- point = np.reshape(np.asarray(point), (-1,3))
- pass_nums=count_pass(point,label) #判断有多少点通过了阈值
- # print(pass_nums)
- # 标签相同则写进去
- if new_vid==now_vid:
- if pass_nums>=4:
- data.append(lines2[i])
- data2.append(lines2[i])
- # 标签不同的时候,判断data的数据,超过15条则通过,写入新txt
- else:
- total1+=1
- label1.append(label)
- nums=len(data)
- if nums>=15:
- for feature in data:
- f2.write(feature)
- total2+=1
- label2.append(label)
- nums2=len(data2)
- if nums2>=15:
- total3+=1
- # 重置data,并判断新视频的第一条数据,是否写入data
- data=[]
- if pass_nums>=4:
- data.append(lines2[i])
- data2=[]
- data2.append(lines2[i])
- new_vid=now_vid
- f2.close()
- f3 = open(txt2, "r")
- new_nums=len(f3.readlines())
- label_old=count_label(label1)
- label_new=count_label(label2)
- return data_nums,new_nums,total1,total2,total3,label_old,label_new
- txt1_1="txt2/src/data_joint.txt" #对标
- txt1_2="txt2/src/data_joint.txt" #清洗
- txt2="txt2/clear/data_joint.txt" #生成
- data_nums, new_nums, total1, total2, total3, label_old, label_new=clear(txt1_1, txt1_2, txt2)
- print("数据总量:",data_nums,new_nums)
- print("视频数量:",total1,total2)
- print("人脸检测问题减少:",total1-total3)
- print("手部检测问题减少:",(total1-total2)-(total1-total3))
- print("清洗前三类数据:",label_old)
- print("清洗后三类数据:",label_new)
- import shutil
- import os
- import dlib
- import cv2
- from PIL import Image
- import numpy as np
- import time
- import imutils
- def face_normal(txt1,txt2,txt3):
- # 合并txt
- f1 = open(txt1, "r")
- f2 = open(txt2, "r")
- f3 = open(txt3, "w+")
- lines1=f1.readlines()
- lines2=f2.readlines()
- nums=len(lines1)
- print(nums)
- base_w=350
- base_h=500
- for i in range(nums):
- # w:26-17 h:57-27 ps:点前面还有三个数,所有+3
- line1=lines1[i].strip().split(" ")
- w=int(line1[15+3].split(',')[0])-int(line1[2+3].split(',')[0]) # 人脸宽度
- h=int(line1[8+3].split(',')[1])-int(line1[19+3].split(',')[1]) # 人脸高度
- line2=lines2[i].strip().split(" ")
- if line1[:3]==line2[:3]:
- data=line2[:3]
- point=line2[3:]
- point = np.reshape(np.asarray(point), (-1,3))
- len_line2=len(point)
- # print(point)
- for a in range(len_line2):
- # # 归一化方法_v1 new=old/人脸
- # x=int(point[a][0])/w
- # y=int(point[a][1])/h
- # 归一化方法_v2 new=old*(标准/人脸)
- x=int(point[a][0])*(base_w/w)
- y=int(point[a][1])*(base_h/h)
- data.append(int(x))
- data.append(int(y))
- data.append(point[a][2])
- txt=""
- for b in range(len(data)):
- txt+=str(data[b])+" "
- txt+="\n"
- f3.write(txt)
- f3.close()
- txt1="txt/2s/src/9/face.txt"
- txt2="txt/2s/src/9/data_15.txt"
- txt3="txt/2s/src/9/data_15_v2.txt"
- face_normal(txt1,txt2,txt3)
- f4 = open(txt3, "r")
- lines3=f4.readlines()
- print(len(lines3))
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