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Spotify Kids Logo

Spotify Kids is a standalone listening app built with the unique needs of young ones in mind. With a Spotify Premium Family subscription of $14.99/month, you can give your kids their own app with 8,000+ songs, stories, and lullabies.

Spotify Kids是一款独立的听觉应用程序,旨在满足年轻人的独特需求。 通过每月$ 14.99的Spotify Premium Family订阅,您可以为自己的孩子提供8,000多种歌曲,故事和Gradle曲的应用程序。

如何设置Spotify孩子 (How to Set Up Spotify Kids)

Before you can access the Spotify Kids app, you’ll need to have a Spotify Premium Family subscription. To sign up for the $14.99/month service, go to Spotify’s Premium Family page and follow the prompts. Once you’ve signed up and your primary account is active, it’s time to create the account(s) for your kids.

在访问Spotify Kids应用之前,您需要先获得Spotify Premium Family订阅。 要注册$ 14.99 /月的服务,请转到Spotify的Premium Family页面并按照提示进行操作。 注册并启用主帐户后,就该为孩子创建帐户了。

To create a new Spotify Kids account, download the Spotify Kids app onto your device from the Google Play Store for Android or Apple App Store for iPhone or iPad. Launch the app and tap the “Log In” button.

要创建新的Spotify Kids帐户,请从Android版Google Play商店或iPhone或iPad的Apple App Store将Spotify Kids应用下载到您的设备上。 启动应用程序,然后点击“登录”按钮。

Spotify Kids Login

Enter your login credentials and tap “Continue” on the confirmation screen. Enter your kid’s name. You can optionally enter your kid’s birthday. The Spotify Kids Privacy Policy contains additional information on how this data is used.

输入您的登录凭据,然后在确认屏幕上点击“继续”。 输入您孩子的名字。 您可以选择输入孩子的生日。 Spotify儿童隐私政策包含有关如何使用此数据的其他信息。

When you’re done, press “Continue”. You’ll receive a separate Privacy Notice receipt via email to verify that you’ve agreed to the terms listed therein.

完成后,按“继续”。 您会通过电子邮件收到单独的《隐私声明》收据,以确认您已同意其中列出的条款。

Spotify Kid Name

Next, you can choose between two separate styles for both the content and the interface of Spotify Kids. For a more detailed interface with more radio-friendly music, select “Audio for older kids”. For a simpler interface with children’s songs, bedtime stories, and lullabies, choose “Audio for younger kids”.

接下来,您可以为Spotify Kids的内容和界面选择两种不同的样式。 要获得带有更多无线电友好音乐的更详细的界面,请选择“适合年长孩子的音频”。 要获得有关儿童歌曲,就寝故事和Gradle曲的更简单界面,请选择“适合年幼孩子的音频”。

Tap “Help me choose” for more information on the content and style of each choice. You can switch back and forth at any time by accessing the Settings menu in the Spotify Kids app. When you’re finished, press “Continue”.

点击“帮助我选择”,以获取有关每个选择的内容和样式的更多信息。 您可以随时通过访问Spotify Kids应用程序中的“设置”菜单来回切换。 完成后,按“继续”。

Spotify Kids Choose Age

Choose an avatar to represent this kids account. The main Spotify Kids interface will load, depending on whether you selected the content for younger or older kids. You can add additional kids accounts by accessing the Parental Settings menu, as shown below, and repeating these steps.

选择一个头像来代表这个孩子帐户。 将加载主要的Spotify Kids界面,具体取决于您选择的内容是年龄较小还是年龄较大的孩子。 您可以通过访问“家长设置”菜单(如下所示)并重复这些步骤来添加其他孩子帐户。

如何管理您的Spotify儿童帐户 (How to Manage Your Spotify Kids Account)

To access the Settings menu in Spotify Kids, tap the kid’s avatar in the top left. From this screen, you can access Parental Settings by tapping the gear icon in the top right. You can also touch the pencil icon in the center of the screen to change the kid’s avatar to a different character.

要访问Spotify Kids中的“设置”菜单,请点击左上方的孩子的头像。 在此屏幕中,您可以通过点击右上角的齿轮图标来访问“家长设置”。 您也可以触摸屏幕中央的铅笔图标,将孩子的化身更改为其他角色。

Spotify Kids Parental Settings

You’ll be prompted to set up a secret four-digit password. If you’ve already set one up for your account, you’ll be prompted to enter it instead. You can change this PIN later by accessing this same menu. This is also where you can add a kids account. Each Spotify Premium Family subscription can invite up to five additional users.

系统将提示您设置一个秘密的四位数密码。 如果您已经为帐户设置了一个帐户,则会提示您输入一个帐户。 您可以稍后通过访问同一菜单来更改此PIN。 您也可以在此处添加一个儿童帐户。 每个Spotify Premium Family订阅最多可以邀请五个其他用户。

Once you’re in the Parental Settings menu, tap “Edit” next to any kids account to change the name, birthday, or content settings. You can also delete the kids account from that submenu.

进入“家长设置”菜单后,点击任何儿童帐户旁边的“编辑”即可更改姓名,生日或内容设置。 您也可以从该子菜单中删除儿童帐户。

Spotify Kids Parental Settings

Having an exclusive app just for kids is a great step forward, both in terms of a parent’s peace of mind and the youngling’s education, enjoyment, and independence.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/666364/how-to-set-up-a-spotify-kids-account/


