1. LSM树的由来
1.1. 索引结构特征
a. 哈希存储引擎: 是哈希表的持久化实现,支持增、删、改以及随机读取操作,但不支持顺序扫描,对应的存储系统为key-value存储系统。
b. B树存储引擎是B树: 不仅支持单条记录的增、删、读、改操作,还支持顺序扫描, 因此B树是传统关系型数据库中索引结构的不二人选。
1.2. BTree的随机写特点
一个BTree,对于在没有缓存的Case情况下, 一个随机写分为两步进行:1. 从磁盘Load目标块节点到内存,2.修改它并写回磁盘。所以,BTree在对于随机key值下的平均“blind-write”操作需要两次IO操作,其限定了BTree的随机写吞吐量。
1.3. LSM“blind-write”吞吐量
既然随机写相对昂贵的,LSM采用“有序map的数据分层与延迟写”(all sorted-map write-deferral)的策略而代替立即写的操作;同时为了避免数据层数的过多造成对读的性能的伤害,数据层级之间会周期性地触发自顶向下地进行合并的操作。随机写的平均IO此时用式子表示:(O*R/B), 其中O表示数据的层数,R表示数据记录的平均大小,B表示Block的大小。如:如果block的大小是16k,数据分层是10层,平均记录大小100byte,那随机写的平均IO次数是0.06,当然这只是理论上的分析方法, 接下来用携程开源的Key/Value存储引擎SessionDB中的LSM实现的案例来分析其的基本结构,其实LSM已在许多开源的存储引擎中存在,如Google的leveldb,Facebook的rocksdb,Hadoop中的HBase等。
2. Log Structured Merge Tree
2.1. ActiveMemTable数据结构
a. 数据逻辑结构:
b. 数据存储格式样例如下:
c. 数据dump条件与流程:
数据下放条件有2个:a.Key的总规模数上限,如128k; b.Data的总大小上限,如128M。其数据dump下放的流程:1. 首先Check该Table是否达到存储上限; 2. 如果达到上限,则把整个表标记为Immutable;3. 然后,采用Copy-On-Write技术将整块Table拷贝到C0队列中; 4. 最后,重新New一个新的ActiveInMemTable的HashMapTable, 代码如下:
- boolean success = this.activeInMemTables[shard].put(key, value, timeToLive, createdTime, isDelete);
- if (!success) { // overflow
- synchronized(activeInMemTableCreationLocks[shard]) {
- success = this.activeInMemTables[shard].put(key, value, timeToLive, createdTime, isDelete); // other thread may have done the creation work
- if (!success) { // move to level queue 0
- this.activeInMemTables[shard].markImmutable(true);
- LevelQueue lq0 = this.levelQueueLists[shard].get(LEVEL0);
- lq0.getWriteLock().lock();
- try {
- lq0.addFirst(this.activeInMemTables[shard]);
- } finally {
- lq0.getWriteLock().unlock();
- }
- @SuppressWarnings("resource")
- HashMapTable tempTable = new HashMapTable(dir, shard, LEVEL0, System.nanoTime());
- tempTable.markUsable(true);
- tempTable.markImmutable(false); //mutable
- tempTable.put(key, value, timeToLive, createdTime, isDelete);
- // switch on
- this.activeInMemTables[shard] = tempTable;
- }
- }
2.2. C0层数据
a. 归并压缩条件
通过周期时间与队列Table个数两个维度判断是否进行归并压缩:a. 心跳线程周期性检查,如2s b. Check下队列中Table的个数,如是否大于1个,源码如下:
- while(!stop) {
- try {
- LevelQueue levelQueue0 = levelQueueList.get(SDB.LEVEL0);
- if (levelQueue0 != null && levelQueue0.size() >= DEFAULT_MERGE_WAYS) {
- log.info("Start running level 0 merge thread at " + DateFormatter.formatCurrentDate());
- log.info("Current queue size at level 0 is " + levelQueue0.size());
- long start = System.nanoTime();
- LevelQueue levelQueue1 = levelQueueList.get(SDB.LEVEL1);
- mergeSort(levelQueue0, levelQueue1, DEFAULT_MERGE_WAYS, sdb.getDir(), shard);
- stats.recordMerging(SDB.LEVEL0, System.nanoTime() - start);
- log.info("Stopped running level 0 merge thread at " + DateFormatter.formatCurrentDate());
- } else {
- Thread.sleep(MAX_SLEEP_TIME);
- }
- } catch (Exception ex) {
- log.error("Error occured in the level0 merge dumper", ex);
- }
- }
- this.countDownLatch.countDown();
- log.info("Stopped level 0 merge thread " + this.getName());
b. 归并Compaction与dump过程
其合并过程:1. 首先按Key值进行排序; 2. 依次放入C1队列的队首;3. 持久化并且放入C1层数据,对于每一个Sorted表,其持久化文件命名规则:shard + "-" + level + "-" + createdTime。
2.3. C1与C2层数据
a. 归并压缩条件
通过周期时间与队列Table个数两个维度判断是否进行归并压缩:1. 心跳线程周期性检查,如5s;2. Check下队列中上一层C1中Table的个数,如是否大于4个,源码如下:
- while(!stop) {
- try {
- boolean merged = false;
- LevelQueue lq1 = levelQueueList.get(SDB.LEVEL1);
- LevelQueue lq2 = levelQueueList.get(SDB.LEVEL2);
- boolean hasLevel2MapTable = lq2.size() > 0;
- if ((!hasLevel2MapTable && lq1.size() >= DEFAULT_MERGE_WAYS) ||
- (hasLevel2MapTable && lq1.size() >= DEFAULT_MERGE_WAYS - 1)) {
- log.info("Start running level 1 merging at " + DateFormatter.formatCurrentDate());
- log.info("Current queue size at level 1 is " + lq1.size());
- log.info("Current queue size at level 2 is " + lq2.size());
- long start = System.nanoTime();
- mergeSort(lq1, lq2, DEFAULT_MERGE_WAYS, sdb.getDir(), shard);
- stats.recordMerging(SDB.LEVEL1, System.nanoTime() - start);
- merged = true;
- log.info("End running level 1 to 2 merging at " + DateFormatter.formatCurrentDate());
- }
- if (!merged) {
- Thread.sleep(MAX_SLEEP_TIME);
- }
- } catch (Exception ex) {
- log.error("Error occured in the level 1 to 2 merger", ex);
- }
- }
- this.countDownLatch.countDown();
- log.info("Stopped level 1 to 2 merge thread " + this.getName());
b. 归并Compaction过程
2.4 分层结构特征对比
2.5 写操作
- {
- // 1.write index_metadata
- ByteBuffer tempIndexBuf = ByteBuffer.allocate(INDEX_ITEM_LENGTH);
- tempIndexBuf.putLong(IMapEntry.INDEX_ITEM_IN_DATA_FILE_OFFSET_OFFSET, tempToAppendDataFileOffset);
- tempIndexBuf.putInt(IMapEntry.INDEX_ITEM_KEY_LENGTH_OFFSET, key.length);
- tempIndexBuf.putInt(IMapEntry.INDEX_ITEM_VALUE_LENGTH_OFFSET, value.length);
- tempIndexBuf.putLong(IMapEntry.INDEX_ITEM_TIME_TO_LIVE_OFFSET, timeToLive);
- tempIndexBuf.putLong(IMapEntry.INDEX_ITEM_CREATED_TIME_OFFSET, createdTime);
- tempIndexBuf.putInt(IMapEntry.INDEX_ITEM_KEY_HASH_CODE_OFFSET, keyHash);
- byte status = 1; // mark in use
- if (markDelete) {
- status = (byte) (status + 2); // binary 11
- }
- if (compressed && !markDelete) {
- status = (byte) (status + 4);
- }
- tempIndexBuf.put(IMapEntry.INDEX_ITEM_STATUS, status); // mark in use
- //2. write local_offset index
- int offsetInIndexFile = INDEX_ITEM_LENGTH * (int)tempToAppendIndex;
- ByteBuffer localIndexBuffer = this.localIndexMappedByteBuffer.get();
- localIndexBuffer.position(offsetInIndexFile);
- //indexBuf.rewind();
- localIndexBuffer.put(tempIndexBuf);
- //3. write key/value
- ByteBuffer localDataBuffer = this.localDataMappedByteBuffer.get();
- localDataBuffer.position((int)tempToAppendDataFileOffset);
- localDataBuffer.put(ByteBuffer.wrap(key));
- localDataBuffer.position((int)tempToAppendDataFileOffset + key.length);
- localDataBuffer.put(ByteBuffer.wrap(value));
- this.hashMap.put(new ByteArrayWrapper(key), new InMemIndex((int)tempToAppendIndex));
- return new MMFMapEntryImpl((int)tempToAppendIndex, localIndexBuffer, localDataBuffer);
- }
2.6 读操作
a. 首先会查找C0层:HashMap->Index_Meta->SequentialMapData
b. 当C0层查找失败时,然后访问C1层:BloomFilter->Index_Meta->SortedMapData
c. 当C1层查找失败时,最后访问C2层:BloomFilter->Index_Meta->SortedMapData
2. https://github.com/google/leveldb
3. https://github.com/facebook/rocksdb
4. https://github.com/ctriposs/sessdb