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论文阅读 | Dual-stream Multiple Instance Learning Network_dual-stream multiple instance learning network for

dual-stream multiple instance learning network for whole slide image classif


1. 题目

Dual-stream Multiple Instance Learning Network for Whole Slide Image Classification with Self-supervised Contrastive Learning


2. 摘要


  1. 提出一种新颖的MIL聚合器,通过可训练的距离度量对双流架构中实例的关系进行建模;
  2. 提出了自监督对比学习来提取MIL的良好表示(WSI会产生阻碍MIL模型训练的大型或不平衡包),并缓解大型包的高内存的问题;
  3. 对多尺度WSI特征采用金字塔融合机制,进一步提高分类和定位的准确性。

Our method has three major components. First, we introduce a novel MIL aggregator that models the relations of the instances in a dual-stream architecture with trainable distance measurement. Second, since WSIs can produce large or unbalanced bags that hinder the training of MIL models, we propose to use self-supervised contrastive learning to extract good representations for MIL and alleviate the issue of prohibitive memory cost for large bags. Third, we adopt a pyramidal fusion mechanism for multiscale WSI features, and further improve the accuracy of classification and localization.


3. 内容

3.1 问题背景


  1. 当正包中的实例是高度不平衡,即一小部分实例是积极的。当使用一个简单的聚合操作时(比如广泛采用max-pooling),模型可能会把这些积极的实例误分类。下图1

When patches (instances) in positive images (bags) are highly unbalanced, i.e., only a small portion of patches are positive, the models are likely to misclassify those positive instances [22] when using a simple aggregation operation, such as the widely adopted max-pooling.

  1. 因为端到端培训特征提取器和聚合器非常昂贵,当前模型使用由CNN提取的固定特性使用几个高分补丁更新特征提取器。 这些简化的学习机制会导致WSI分类的次优 Patch 特征。

Current models either use fixed patch features extracted by a CNN or only update the feature extractor using a few high score patches, as the end-to-end training of the feature extractor and aggregator is prohibitively expensive for large bags.


3.2 总体结构


3.3 方法

3.3.1. MIL 范式

包: B = ( x 1 , y 1 ) , ⋯   , ( x n , y n ) B = {(x_1,y_1), \cdots, (x_n,y_n)} B=(x1,y1),,(xn,yn) ,实例:$x_i \in \chi $ , 标签 y i ∈ 0 , 1 y_i \in {0, 1} yi0,1

KaTeX parse error: Undefined control sequence: \mbox at position 28: …in{cases} 0, & \̲m̲b̲o̲x̲{if } \sum y_i …
进一步,MIL使用一个适当变换 f f f 和一个置换不变 (permutation-invariant) 变换 g g g 来预测标签 B B B
c ( B ) = g ( f ( x 0 ) , ⋯   , g ( f n ) ) c(B) = g(f(x_0), \cdots,g(f_n)) c(B)=g(f(x0),,g(fn))
基于 f f f g g g 有两种不同的MIL建模方式

  1. Instance-based: $ f$ 是一个实例分类器(赋予每个实例分数), g g g 是一个池化操作符(聚合实例分数得到包分数)
  2. Embedding-based f f f 是实例级的特征提取器(映射每个实例到一个嵌入), g g g 是一个聚合操作符(从实例嵌入中产生一个包嵌入,基于包嵌入输出一个包分数)

Embedding-based 比 Instance-based 精度更高, 但难以确定触发分类器的关键实例。

The embedding-based method produces a bag score based on a bag embedding directly supervised by the bag label and usually yields better accuracy compared to the instance-based method [52], however, it is usually harder to determine the key instances that trigger the classifier [30].

3.3.2. DSMIL

关键创新: 新颖的集合函数 g g g 的设计, 特征提取器 f f f 的学习。

1. MIL Aggregator with Masked Non-Local Operation

包含用于特征聚合的 masked non-local 块 和 max-pooling 块。

输入: 自监督对比学习得到的特征嵌入。


  1. First Stream

包: B = x 1 , ⋯   , x n B = {x_1,\cdots,x_n} B=x1,,xn , 特征提取器 f f f , 实例 x i x_i xi 投影到嵌入 h i = f ( x i ) ∈ ℜ L × 1 h_i = f(x_i) \in \Re^{L \times 1} hi=f(xi)L×1
c ( B ) = g m ( f ( x 0 ) , ⋯   , g ( f n ) ) = max ⁡ { W 0 h 0 , ⋯   , W 0 h N − 1 }

W 0 W_0 W0 是一个权重向量, max-pooling 是一个置换不变操作,因此这一流满足定义。

  1. Second Stream

转换实例嵌入 h i h_i hi 到两个向量 , query q i ∈ ℜ L × 1 q_i \in \Re^{L \times 1} qiL×1information $v_i \in \Re^{L \times 1} $。
q i = W q H i ,     v i = W v h i ,      i = 0 , ⋯   , N − 1 q_i = W_qH_i, \ \ \ v_i = W_vh_i, \ \ \ \ i = 0, \cdots, N - 1 qi=WqHi,   vi=Wvhi,    i=0,,N1
W q W_q Wq W v W_v Wv 是权重矩阵。

定义距离度量 U U U (关键实例到其他实例):
U ( h i , h m ) = e x p ( ⟨ q i , q m ⟩ ) ∑ i N − 1 e x p ( ⟨ q k , q m ⟩ ) U(h_i,h_m) = \frac {exp(\left \langle q_i, q_m \right \rangle)} {\sum_i^{N-1} exp(\left \langle q_k, q_m \right \rangle )} U(hi,hm)=iN1exp(qk,qm)exp(qi,qm)
⟨   ,   ⟩ \left \langle \ , \ \right \rangle  ,  表示两个向量的内积。

包嵌入 b 是所有实例的 信息向量 v i v_i vi加权元素和 (weighted element-wise sum),使用到关键实例的距离作为权重。

b = ∑ i N − 1 U ( h i , h m ) v i b = \sum_i^{N-1} U(h_i,h_m)v_i b=iN1U(hi,hm)vi

包分数 c b c_b cb :
c b ( B ) = g b ( f ( x i ) , ⋯   , f ( x n ) ) = W b ∑ i N − 1 U ( h i , h m ) v i = W b b


W b W_b Wb 是二分类的权重向量 。 这个操作类似于自注意力, 不同在于query-key 匹配只表现在关键节点和其他节点之间。

点积测量两个 query 之间的相似性,更大的值更相似。因此,与关键实例更相似的实例会有更好的注意力权重。information 向量 v i v_i vi 的附加层允许从每个实例中提取贡献信息,soft-max 操作确保注意力权重之和为1。

因为关键实例不依赖于实例的顺序,U 也是对称的,即,包嵌入 b 不依赖于实例的顺序。因此, 第二流是置换不变的且满足定义。

最后的 包 分数是两个流的平均:
c ( B ) = 1 2 ( g m ( f ( x i ) , ⋯   , f ( x n ) ) + g b ( f ( x i ) , ⋯   , f ( x n ) ) ) = 1 2 ( W 0 h m + W b ∑ i U ( h i , H m ) v i )

包嵌入的结果是一个矩阵 $ b \in \Re^{L \times C}$ , C 是类的数目,每个 information 向量 v i v_i vi 的加权和。最后的全连接层输出 C 通道。 information 向量 v i v_i vi 允许实例间特征选择(距离度量被用来实例间特征选择, 根据实例间相似性)。结果的包嵌入是一个与包大小无关的固定的形状,将被用来计算包得分 c b c_b cb。如图3。

2. Self-Supervised Contrastive Learning of WSI Features


3. Locally-Constrained Multiscale Attention


4. 实验

  • 数据集: Camelyon16 and TCGA lung cancer
  • 指标:accuracy 、 area under the curve (AUC) scores
4.1 结果
  • Camelyon 16


  • TCGA


4.2 消融实验
  • Effects of Contrastive Learning
  • Effects of Multiscale Attention
  • DSMIL Aggregator on Other MIL Tasks

5. 结论和展望

结论: MIL聚合器、自监督对比学习、多尺度特征


  • 设计适应于组织病理图像特征的自监督学习策略
  • 整合建模空间关系机制捕获 WSI 的多分辨率特征


author		=	{Bin Li and Yin Li and Kevin W Eliceiri},
title		=	{Dual-stream multiple instance learning network for whole slide image classification with self-supervised contrastive learning},
booktitle	=	{{IEEE} Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition},
pages		=	{14318--14328},
year		=	{2021}
url			=	{https://arxiv.org/abs/2011.08939}
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