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dnf python自动搬砖定制脚本_dnf全自动搬砖脚本









  1. import time
  2. import cv2
  3. import numpy as np
  4. import win32api
  5. import win32con
  6. import ctypes
  7. import win32gui
  8. import random
  9. import threading
  10. from PIL import Image
  11. from PIL import ImageGrab
  12. import time
  13. isEnd = False
  14. VK_CODE = {
  15. 'backspace': 0x08,
  16. 'tab': 0x09,
  17. 'clear': 0x0C,
  18. 'enter': 0x0D,
  19. 'shift': 0x10,
  20. 'ctrl': 0x11,
  21. 'alt': 0x12,
  22. 'pause': 0x13,
  23. 'caps_lock': 0x14,
  24. 'esc': 0x1B,
  25. 'spacebar': 0x20,
  26. 'page_up': 0x21,
  27. 'page_down': 0x22,
  28. 'end': 0x23,
  29. 'home': 0x24,
  30. 'left_arrow': 0x25,
  31. 'up_arrow': 0x26,
  32. 'right_arrow': 0x27,
  33. 'down_arrow': 0x28,
  34. 'select': 0x29,
  35. 'print': 0x2A,
  36. 'execute': 0x2B,
  37. 'print_screen': 0x2C,
  38. 'ins': 0x2D,
  39. 'del': 0x2E,
  40. 'help': 0x2F,
  41. '0': 0x30,
  42. '1': 0x31,
  43. '2': 0x32,
  44. '3': 0x33,
  45. '4': 0x34,
  46. '5': 0x35,
  47. '6': 0x36,
  48. '7': 0x37,
  49. '8': 0x38,
  50. '9': 0x39,
  51. 'a': 0x41,
  52. 'b': 0x42,
  53. 'c': 0x43,
  54. 'd': 0x44,
  55. 'e': 0x45,
  56. 'f': 0x46,
  57. 'g': 0x47,
  58. 'h': 0x48,
  59. 'i': 0x49,
  60. 'j': 0x4A,
  61. 'k': 0x4B,
  62. 'l': 0x4C,
  63. 'm': 0x4D,
  64. 'n': 0x4E,
  65. 'o': 0x4F,
  66. 'p': 0x50,
  67. 'q': 0x51,
  68. 'r': 0x52,
  69. 's': 0x53,
  70. 't': 0x54,
  71. 'u': 0x55,
  72. 'v': 0x56,
  73. 'w': 0x57,
  74. 'x': 0x58,
  75. 'y': 0x59,
  76. 'z': 0x5A,
  77. 'numpad_0': 0x60,
  78. 'numpad_1': 0x61,
  79. 'numpad_2': 0x62,
  80. 'numpad_3': 0x63,
  81. 'numpad_4': 0x64,
  82. 'numpad_5': 0x65,
  83. 'numpad_6': 0x66,
  84. 'numpad_7': 0x67,
  85. 'numpad_8': 0x68,
  86. 'numpad_9': 0x69,
  87. 'multiply_key': 0x6A,
  88. 'add_key': 0x6B,
  89. 'separator_key': 0x6C,
  90. 'subtract_key': 0x6D,
  91. 'decimal_key': 0x6E,
  92. 'divide_key': 0x6F,
  93. 'F1': 0x70,
  94. 'F2': 0x71,
  95. 'F3': 0x72,
  96. 'F4': 0x73,
  97. 'F5': 0x74,
  98. 'F6': 0x75,
  99. 'F7': 0x76,
  100. 'F8': 0x77,
  101. 'F9': 0x78,
  102. 'F10': 0x79,
  103. 'F11': 0x7A,
  104. 'F12': 0x7B,
  105. 'F13': 0x7C,
  106. 'F14': 0x7D,
  107. 'F15': 0x7E,
  108. 'F16': 0x7F,
  109. 'F17': 0x80,
  110. 'F18': 0x81,
  111. 'F19': 0x82,
  112. 'F20': 0x83,
  113. 'F21': 0x84,
  114. 'F22': 0x85,
  115. 'F23': 0x86,
  116. 'F24': 0x87,
  117. 'num_lock': 0x90,
  118. 'scroll_lock': 0x91,
  119. 'left_shift': 0xA0,
  120. 'right_shift ': 0xA1,
  121. 'left_control': 0xA2,
  122. 'right_control': 0xA3,
  123. 'left_menu': 0xA4,
  124. 'right_menu': 0xA5,
  125. 'browser_back': 0xA6,
  126. 'browser_forward': 0xA7,
  127. 'browser_refresh': 0xA8,
  128. 'browser_stop': 0xA9,
  129. 'browser_search': 0xAA,
  130. 'browser_favorites': 0xAB,
  131. 'browser_start_and_home': 0xAC,
  132. 'volume_mute': 0xAD,
  133. 'volume_Down': 0xAE,
  134. 'volume_up': 0xAF,
  135. 'next_track': 0xB0,
  136. 'previous_track': 0xB1,
  137. 'stop_media': 0xB2,
  138. 'play/pause_media': 0xB3,
  139. 'start_mail': 0xB4,
  140. 'select_media': 0xB5,
  141. 'start_application_1': 0xB6,
  142. 'start_application_2': 0xB7,
  143. 'attn_key': 0xF6,
  144. 'crsel_key': 0xF7,
  145. 'exsel_key': 0xF8,
  146. 'play_key': 0xFA,
  147. 'zoom_key': 0xFB,
  148. 'clear_key': 0xFE,
  149. '+': 0xBB,
  150. ',': 0xBC,
  151. '-': 0xBD,
  152. '.': 0xBE,
  153. '/': 0xBF,
  154. ' ': 0xBA,
  155. '[': 0xDB,
  156. '\\': 0xDC,
  157. ']': 0xDD,
  158. "'": 0xDE,
  159. '`': 0xC0}
  160. # handle = win32gui.FindWindow(None, '地下城与勇士')
  161. # win32gui.SetForegroundWindow(handle)
  162. # 获取随机时间上下0.1倍浮动
  163. def getRandomTime(t):
  164. t0 = t - t * 0.01
  165. t2 = t + t * 0.01
  166. # print("左边界",t0)
  167. # print("有边界",t2)
  168. t1 = random.uniform(t0, t2)
  169. # print("随机结果",t1)
  170. return t1
  171. # 等待操作
  172. def sleep(t):
  173. time.sleep(getRandomTime(t))
  174. # 按键操作(按一次松)
  175. def keyOperation(button, t):
  176. win32api.keybd_event(VK_CODE[button], win32api.MapVirtualKey(VK_CODE[button], 0), 0, 0) # 0
  177. t = getRandomTime(t)
  178. sleep(t)
  179. win32api.keybd_event(VK_CODE[button], win32api.MapVirtualKey(VK_CODE[button], 0), win32con.KEYEVENTF_KEYUP, 0)
  180. sleep(0.1)
  181. # 加破击兵刃
  182. # 按下某个键
  183. def keyOn(button):
  184. win32api.keybd_event(VK_CODE[button], win32api.MapVirtualKey(VK_CODE[button], 0), 0, 0) # 0
  185. def keyOf(button):
  186. win32api.keybd_event(VK_CODE[button], win32api.MapVirtualKey(VK_CODE[button], 0), win32con.KEYEVENTF_KEYUP, 0)
  187. def getbuff1():
  188. keyOperation("q",0.4)
  189. # 加流行狂
  190. def getbuff2():
  191. keyOperation("d", 0.05)
  192. keyOperation("d", 0.1)
  193. keyOperation("j", 0.1)
  194. # 流星升+
  195. def liuxingsheng():
  196. keyOperation("o", 0.1)
  197. keyOperation("l", 0.2)
  198. sleep(0.5)
  199. keyOperation("o", 0.2)
  200. # 里鬼剑术
  201. def ligui():
  202. i = 0
  203. while True:
  204. i = i + 1
  205. if (i == 3):
  206. return
  207. keyOperation("u", 0.05)
  208. keyOperation("u", 0.05)
  209. keyOperation("u", 0.05)
  210. keyOperation("o", 0.05)
  211. keyOperation("o", 0.05)
  212. sleep(1)
  213. # 前冲
  214. def go(t):
  215. keyOperation("d", 0.1)
  216. keyOperation("d", t)
  217. # 进入房间的操作d
  218. def intoRoom():
  219. go(getRandomTime(2))
  220. keyOperation("f", 0.1)
  221. go(getRandomTime(2))
  222. # 测试用
  223. # 猛龙
  224. def menglong():
  225. keyOn("d")
  226. keyOperation("p", 0.1)
  227. keyOf("d")
  228. keyOn("a")
  229. keyOperation("p", 0.5)
  230. keyOf("a")
  231. # 是否有闪光
  232. def has_gold_flash(image):
  233. # 加载图像并转换为RGB模式
  234. image = image.convert('RGB')
  235. # image = Image.open(image_path).convert('RGB')
  236. # 获取图像的宽度和高度
  237. width, height = image.size
  238. # 遍历图像的每个像素
  239. for x in range(width):
  240. for y in range(height):
  241. # 获取当前像素的颜色
  242. r, g, b = image.getpixel((x, y))
  243. # 检查当前像素是否为金色
  244. if r > g and r > b and g < b:
  245. return True
  246. # 如果没有找到金色闪光,返回False
  247. return False
  248. def gran_screen_pil():
  249. # 截取窗口图片,建议将游戏窗口调整到最左上角,调整后面两个参数截取你想要的图片大小
  250. image = ImageGrab.grab(bbox=(0, 0, 1350, 760))
  251. image = np.array(image)
  252. end = cv2.imread('D:\desktop\dnf\end.png', cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE)
  253. if len(image.shape) > 2:
  254. image = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
  255. if len(end.shape) > 2:
  256. end = cv2.cvtColor(end, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
  257. resultEnd = cv2.matchTemplate(image, end, cv2.TM_SQDIFF_NORMED)
  258. minEnd_val, maxEnd_val, minEnd_loc, maxEnd_loc = cv2.minMaxLoc(resultEnd)
  259. # print('结果{}----------------{}',minEnd_val,maxEnd_val)
  260. if (minEnd_val < 0.5):
  261. global isEnd
  262. print("见到结束画面,开始下一把")
  263. isEnd = True
  264. # if has_gold_flash(image):
  265. # print("有金色闪光")
  266. def ci():
  267. keyOperation("d", 0.1)
  268. keyOn("d")
  269. sleep(0.2)
  270. keyOperation("j", 0.05)
  271. keyOperation("j", 0.05)
  272. keyOf("d")
  273. def read_picture():
  274. while True:
  275. # 1秒后开始截图hd
  276. time.sleep(0.1)
  277. gran_screen_pil()
  278. def do():
  279. global isEnd
  280. while True:
  281. isEnd = False
  282. print("开始!")
  283. getbuff2()
  284. sleep(1)
  285. print('杀意buff!')
  286. getbuff1()
  287. print("波动刻印!")
  288. time.sleep(0.5)
  289. go(5)
  290. keyOperation("h", 1)
  291. sleep(1.5)
  292. print("第一个图打完")
  293. go(2.3)
  294. keyOperation("f", 0.2)
  295. sleep(getRandomTime(1.5))
  296. print("第2个图打完")
  297. # keyOperation("o",0.2)
  298. # sleep(1)
  299. go(1.3)
  300. keyOperation("u",0.2)
  301. print("邪光斩!")
  302. sleep(0.5)
  303. keyOperation("p", 0.2)
  304. sleep(1)
  305. go(3.7)
  306. keyOperation("y",0.2)
  307. print("y技能")
  308. sleep(3)
  309. go(2)
  310. # keyOperation("n",0.2)
  311. # print("二觉")
  312. # sleep(2)
  313. keyOperation("e",0.2)
  314. sleep(0.5)
  315. keyOperation("t", 0.2)
  316. print("三觉")
  317. sleep(6.2)
  318. if(isEnd):
  319. print("结束")
  320. doEnd()
  321. continue
  322. keyOperation("b",0.2)
  323. if(isEnd):
  324. print("结束")
  325. doEnd()
  326. continue
  327. if(isEnd):
  328. print("结束")
  329. doEnd()
  330. continue
  331. sleep(1)
  332. keyOperation("h",0.2)
  333. sleep(1)
  334. keyOperation("q",0.2)
  335. print("q技能")
  336. sleep(3)
  337. if(isEnd):
  338. print("结束")
  339. doEnd()
  340. continue
  341. keyOperation("h",0.2)
  342. print("圣又之阵")
  343. sleep(1)
  344. if(isEnd):
  345. print("结束")
  346. doEnd()
  347. continue
  348. doEnd()
  349. # 最后一个图的结束操作n
  350. def doEnd():
  351. print("结束")
  352. keyOperation("0", 0.2)
  353. keyOperation("j", 0.2)
  354. keyOperation("j", 0.2)
  355. keyOperation("j", 0.2)
  356. keyOperation("j", 0.2)
  357. keyOperation("j", 0.2)
  358. keyOperation("j", 0.2)
  359. keyOperation("j", 0.2)
  360. keyOperation("j", 0.2)
  361. keyOperation("j", 0.2)
  362. keyOperation("j", 0.2)
  363. keyOperation("j", 0.2)
  364. keyOperation("j", 0.2)
  365. keyOperation("j", 0.2)
  366. time.sleep(0.5)
  367. keyOperation("esc", 0.2)
  368. time.sleep(0.5)
  369. keyOperation("F10", 0.2)
  370. time.sleep(4)
  371. if __name__ == '__main__':
  372. sleep(2)
  373. t1 = threading.Thread(target=read_picture)
  374. t2 = threading.Thread(target=do)
  375. t1.start()
  376. t2.start()




