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CAD 文件(DXF / DWG)转换为(DXF / PDF / PNG / SVG)

CAD 文件(DXF / DWG)转换为(DXF / PDF / PNG / SVG)



ezdxf draw -o file.<png|svg|pdf> <file.dxf>
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from ezdxf.addons import odafc
import ezdxf
import os
import json
import re
import pathlib
import time
from ezdxf.addons.drawing import Frontend, RenderContext
from ezdxf.addons.drawing import pymupdf, layout

def transparency(filepath):
    doc = ezdxf.readfile(filepath)
    msp = doc.modelspace()
    backend = pymupdf.PyMuPdfBackend()
    Frontend(RenderContext(doc), backend).draw_layout(msp)
    pdf_bytes = backend.get_pdf_bytes(
        layout.Page(0, 0, layout.Units.mm), settings=layout.Settings(scale=10)
    pdf_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(filepath), os.path.basename(filepath).split(".")[0] + "_dwg.pdf")
def export(filepath: pathlib.Path, layout_names=("Model",), scale=1):
    print(f"\nprocessing: {filepath.name}")
    t0 = time.perf_counter()
    doc = ezdxf.readfile(filepath)
    t1 = time.perf_counter()
    print(f"loading time: {t1 - t0: .3f} seconds")
    for layout_name in layout_names:
        outname = filepath.stem + f"-[{layout_name}]" + ".pdf"
        CWD = os.path.dirname(filepath)
        outname = pathlib.Path(CWD+"/"+outname)
        t1 = time.perf_counter()
        if layout_name == "Model":
            dxf_layout = doc.modelspace()
            page = layout.Page(
                0,  # auto-detect
                0,  # auto-detect
                layout.Units.mm,  # 1 drawing unit = 1mm
                max_width=1189,  # limit page width to 1189mm
                max_height=841,  # limit page height to 841mm
            settings = layout.Settings(scale=scale)
                dxf_layout = doc.paperspace(layout_name)
            except KeyError:
                print(f"Layout '{layout_name}' not found")
            page = layout.Page.from_dxf_layout(dxf_layout)
            settings = layout.Settings(
                scale=dxf_layout.get_plot_unit_scale_factor() * scale,

        backend = pymupdf.PyMuPdfBackend()
        # You can get the content bounding box in DXF drawing units, before you create the
        # PDF output to calculate page size, margins, scaling factor and so on ...
        # content_extents = backend.bbox()

        Frontend(RenderContext(doc), backend).draw_layout(dxf_layout)
        pdf_bytes = backend.get_pdf_bytes(page, settings=settings)
        t2 = time.perf_counter()
        print(f"render time: {t2 - t1: .3f} seconds")

class dwg_analysis:
    def __init__(self, filepath, format):
        self.filepath = filepath
        self.format = format

    def dwg2data(self):
        dxf_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.filepath), os.path.basename(self.filepath).split(".")[0] + ".dxf")
        odafc.convert(self.filepath, dxf_file, version='R2000', replace=True)  
        doc = ezdxf.readfile(dxf_file)
        msp = doc.modelspace()
        pdf_file = export(pathlib.Path(dxf_file),["Model", "PLAN", "SECTION"],)
        # pdf_file = transparency(dxf_file)

        data = {}
                 # 获取TEXT实体
        texts = msp.query('TEXT')
        text_data = []
        if self.format == "dwg_text":
            for text in texts:
                decoded_str = re.sub(r'\\U\+([0-9A-Fa-f]{4})', lambda m: chr(int(m.group(1), 16)), text.dxf.text)
            filtered_list = [item for item in text_data if not (isinstance(item, (int, float)) or (isinstance(item, str) and str.isdigit(item)) or (isinstance(item, str) and item.isdigit()))]
            data['document'] = self.remove_duplicates(filtered_list)
            data['metadata'] =  pdf_file
            data['format'] =  format
            return data

        for text in texts:
            decoded_str = re.sub(r'\\U\+([0-9A-Fa-f]{4})', lambda m: chr(int(m.group(1), 16)), text.dxf.text)
            text_info = {
                'text': decoded_str,
                'insert': (text.dxf.insert[0], text.dxf.insert[1]),
                'height': text.dxf.height,
                'rotation': text.dxf.rotation,
                'style': text.dxf.style,
                'layer': text.dxf.layer

        data['TEXT'] = text_data
                # 获取LINE实体
        lines = msp.query('LINE')
        line_data = []
        for line in lines:
                'start': (line.dxf.start[0], line.dxf.start[1]),
                'end': (line.dxf.end[0], line.dxf.end[1])
        data['LINE'] = line_data

        # 获取POLYLINE实体
        polylines = msp.query('POLYLINE')
        polyline_data = []
        for polyline in polylines:
            points = []
            for point in polyline.points():
                points.append((point[0], point[1]))
        data['POLYLINE'] = polyline_data

        # 获取CIRCLE实体
        circles = msp.query('CIRCLE')
        circle_data = []
        for circle in circles:
                'center': (circle.dxf.center[0], circle.dxf.center[1]),
                'radius': circle.dxf.radius
        data['CIRCLE'] = circle_data

        # 获取ARC实体
        arcs = msp.query('ARC')
        arc_data = []
        for arc in arcs:
                'center': (arc.dxf.center[0], arc.dxf.center[1]),
                'radius': arc.dxf.radius,
                'start_angle': arc.dxf.start_angle,
                'end_angle': arc.dxf.end_angle
        data['ARC'] = arc_data

        # 获取ELLIPSE实体
        ellipses = msp.query('ELLIPSE')
        ellipse_data = []
        for ellipse in ellipses:
                'center': (ellipse.dxf.center[0], ellipse.dxf.center[1]),
                'major_axis': (ellipse.dxf.major_axis[0], ellipse.dxf.major_axis[1]),
                'ratio': ellipse.dxf.ratio,
                'start_param': ellipse.dxf.start_param,
                'end_param': ellipse.dxf.end_param
        data['ELLIPSE'] = ellipse_data

        return data
    def remove_duplicates(self,lst):
        res = []
        seen = {}
        for i in lst:
            if i not in seen:
                seen[i] = 1
        return res

# 示例调用
if __name__ == "__main__":
    # DWG文件路径
    DWG_path = "/home/hyh/data/Maintenance_test_data/AIN.dwg"
    format = "dwg_text"
    dwf = dwg_analysis(DWG_path,format)
    dwf_txt = dwf.dwg2data()
    output_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(DWG_path), os.path.basename(DWG_path).split(".")[0] + "_" +format+ ".json")
    with open(output_path, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
        json.dump(dwf_txt, f, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4)
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