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SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing 2.0

需要的字体:宋体和微软雅黑 商用的需要授权如果商业使用可以使用方正书宋、方正黑体,他们可以免费商用


using SixLabors.Fonts;
using SixLabors.ImageSharp;
using SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing;
using SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing.Processing;
using SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Png;
using SixLabors.ImageSharp.PixelFormats;
using SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing;

namespace CreatePosterStu01
    internal class Program
        static async Task Main(string[] args)
            int canvasWidth = 750;
            int canvasHeight = 1096;
            int posterWidth = 670;
            int posterHeight = 810;
            int qrCodeWidth = 140;
            int qrCodeHeight = 140;
            int avatorWidth = 110;
            int avatorHeight = 110;
            var nickName = "假装wo不帅";
            var diySign = "\"这个真不错,推荐你也来看看啊啊啊sdf\"";
            var imgName = $"{DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy_MM_dd_HH_mm_ss")}.png";
            using (Image<Rgba32> image = new Image<Rgba32>(canvasWidth, canvasHeight, Color.White))
                var topImage = Image.Load("images/main.jpg");
				//var qrCodeImage = Image.Load(data);
                //var posterRect = new Rectangle(0,0, posterWidth, posterHeight);
                //image.Mutate(t => t.DrawImage(topImage, new Point(40, 40), posterRect, 1f));

                //KnownResamplers.Bicubic 获取实现双三次核算法W(x)的双三次采样器
                //KnownResamplers.Box 获取实现盒算法的盒采样器。类似于升级时的最近邻居。缩小像素时,会对像素进行平均,将像素合并在一起。
                topImage.Mutate(x => x.Resize(posterWidth, posterHeight, KnownResamplers.Box));
                image.Mutate(t => t.DrawImage(topImage, new Point(40, 40), 1f));
                var qrcodeImage = Image.Load("images/qrcode.jpg");
                qrcodeImage.Mutate(x => x.Resize(qrCodeWidth, qrCodeHeight, KnownResamplers.Box));
                image.Mutate(t => t.DrawImage(qrcodeImage, new Point(560, 900), 1f));
                var avatorImage = Image.Load("images/avator.jpg");
                avatorImage.Mutate(x => x.Resize(avatorWidth, avatorHeight));
                //avatorImage.Mutate(x => x.ConvertToAvatar(new Size(avatorWidth, avatorHeight), (avatorWidth / 2.0f)));
                image.Mutate(t => t.DrawImage(avatorImage, new Point(40, 915), 1f));
                FontCollection fonts = new FontCollection();
                var songtiFamily = fonts.Add("fonts/simsun.ttf");
                var yaheiFamily = fonts.Add("fonts/weiruanyahei.ttf");
                image.Mutate(t => t.DrawText(nickName, new Font(yaheiFamily, 15 * 2, FontStyle.Bold), Color.ParseHex("#000000"), new PointF(160, 940)));
                if (diySign.Length > 16)
                    diySign = diySign.Remove(15, diySign.Length - 15) + "...";
                image.Mutate(t => t.DrawText(diySign, new Font(yaheiFamily, 13 * 2, FontStyle.Bold), Color.ParseHex("#cccccc"), new PointF(160, 985)));

                var fileStream = File.Create(imgName);
                await image.SaveAsync(fileStream, new PngEncoder());
                using (var stream = new MemoryStream())
                    await image.SaveAsync(stream, new PngEncoder());
                    stream.Position = 0; 
                    return stream;
            await Console.Out.WriteLineAsync("完成~~");

    /// <summary>
    /// https://github.com/SixLabors/Samples/blob/main/ImageSharp/AvatarWithRoundedCorner/Program.cs
    /// </summary>
    public static class Helper
        // Implements a full image mutating pipeline operating on IImageProcessingContext
        public static IImageProcessingContext ConvertToAvatar(this IImageProcessingContext context, Size size, float cornerRadius)
            return context.Resize(new ResizeOptions
                Size = size,
                Mode = ResizeMode.Crop

        // This method can be seen as an inline implementation of an `IImageProcessor`:
        // (The combination of `IImageOperations.Apply()` + this could be replaced with an `IImageProcessor`)
        private static IImageProcessingContext ApplyRoundedCorners(this IImageProcessingContext context, float cornerRadius)
            Size size = context.GetCurrentSize();
            IPathCollection corners = BuildCorners(size.Width, size.Height, cornerRadius);

            context.SetGraphicsOptions(new GraphicsOptions()
                Antialias = true,

                // Enforces that any part of this shape that has color is punched out of the background
                AlphaCompositionMode = PixelAlphaCompositionMode.DestOut

            // Mutating in here as we already have a cloned original
            // use any color (not Transparent), so the corners will be clipped
            foreach (IPath path in corners)
                context = context.Fill(Color.Red, path);

            return context;

        private static IPathCollection BuildCorners(int imageWidth, int imageHeight, float cornerRadius)
            // First create a square
            var rect = new RectangularPolygon(-0.5f, -0.5f, cornerRadius, cornerRadius);

            // Then cut out of the square a circle so we are left with a corner
            IPath cornerTopLeft = rect.Clip(new EllipsePolygon(cornerRadius - 0.5f, cornerRadius - 0.5f, cornerRadius));

            // Corner is now a corner shape positions top left
            // let's make 3 more positioned correctly, we can do that by translating the original around the center of the image.

            float rightPos = imageWidth - cornerTopLeft.Bounds.Width + 1;
            float bottomPos = imageHeight - cornerTopLeft.Bounds.Height + 1;

            // Move it across the width of the image - the width of the shape
            IPath cornerTopRight = cornerTopLeft.RotateDegree(90).Translate(rightPos, 0);
            IPath cornerBottomLeft = cornerTopLeft.RotateDegree(-90).Translate(0, bottomPos);
            IPath cornerBottomRight = cornerTopLeft.RotateDegree(180).Translate(rightPos, bottomPos);

            return new PathCollection(cornerTopLeft, cornerBottomLeft, cornerTopRight, cornerBottomRight);
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