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To properly understand GitHub, let’s divide it into two words ‘


Git’ and ‘Hub’. Git is basically a ‘Distribution Version Control’ (DVC) and ‘Source Code Management’ (SCM) system widely used by software programmers while Hub means the efficient centre of any activity. Hence, GitHub is a web based hosting service for Git repository.

GitHub 。 Git基本上是软件程序员广泛使用的“

GitHub is equipped with various advanced features that make it widely used and trusted by users (particularly programmers). There are a number of reasons to love GitHub, and this article gives you my top 10 reasons to love GitHub. 

GitHub具备各种高级功能,使其得到用户(尤其是程序员)的广泛使用和信任。 爱GitHub的原因有很多,本文向您介绍了我爱GitHub的十大理由。

1. Availability And Rights Of Modifications


GitHub is an open source platform that is easily available and can be used with any operating system. Thus, it is in the spotlight and a number of users are pleased working with it. Full permission is granted to make any changes to the public repository by the developers. The users can get recommendations on their projects and can modify them for better results.  

GitHub是一个开放源代码平台,易于使用,可与任何操作系统一起使用。 因此,它备受关注,许多用户对此感到满意。 开发人员将授予完全权限以对公共存储库进行任何更改。 用户可以获得有关其项目的建议,并可以对其进行修改以获得更好的结果。

2. Version Control System


Since GitHub is a version control system, it allows developers to work efficiently on a long project. Any changes made in a file or particular code can be recalled using a specific version later. This in turn makes it convenient for the developers to work on lengthy projects with ease.

由于GitHub是版本控制系统,因此它使开发人员可以有效地处理一个较长的项目。 文件或特定代码中所做的任何更改都可以在以后使用特定版本进行调用。 反过来,这使开发人员可以轻松地进行冗长的项目。

3. Further Development of Programs and Projects


One remarkable feature associated with GitHub is ‘Forking’. GitHub permits creation of a new project that is based on some already existing projects. If the developers wish to improve an existing project by adding a contribution, they can make necessary changes to the ‘Repository’ and publish the modified project as new repository. Moreover, if there is any update in the original repository used for creating the new project, addition of the updates into the new repository is possible with ease.

与GitHub相关的一项非凡功能是“ ”。 GitHub允许基于一些现有项目创建一个新项目。 如果开发人员希望通过添加贡献来改进现有项目,则可以对“资源库”进行必要的更改,并将修改后的项目发布为新的资源库。 此外,如果用于创建新项目的原始存储库中有任何更新,则可以轻松地将更新添加到新存储库中。

4. Social Networking


GitHub has a Social Networking feature that allows projects to grow. As in the user profile in social networking sites, GitHub offers a user profile containing your contributions to other projects along with your past work.

GitHub具有社交网络功能,可让项目不断发展。 与社交网站的用户个人资料一样,GitHub提供了一个用户个人资料,其中包含您对其他项目的贡献以及您过去的工作。

Users are free to discuss project revisions publicly, so a number of experts can work effectively as a team and contribute towards the advancement of the project. Before GitHub, the communication among the developers regarding a project was difficult. They used to communicate by sending emails and convince others to trust them.

用户可以自由地公开讨论项目修订,因此许多专家可以有效地团队合作,为项目的发展做出贡献。 在GitHub之前,开发人员之间就项目进行沟通很困难。 他们曾经通过发送电子邮件进行交流,并说服其他人信任他们。

5. Code Repository And Publishing Engine On Same Page


An outstanding feature of GitHub is ‘GitHub Pages’  that allows both the code repository and the publishing engine to reside on the same page. Integration of such feature rescues its clients from losing precious time in building projects and then pushing them to the repository.

GitHub的一个杰出功能是“ ,它允许代码存储库和发布引擎都驻留在同一页面上。 此类功能的集成可帮助其客户避免在构建项目上浪费宝贵的时间,然后将他们推到存储库中。

6. Sustainable Workflow Improvement


GitHub provides a sustainable workflow improvement.  A number of functions like examining the commit log, reversing commits and examining files through a browser can be done in real time.

GitHub提供了可持续的工作流程改进。 可以实时完成许多功能,例如检查提交日志,反转提交和通过浏览器检查文件。

7. GitHub Gists

7. GitHub要点

The latest feature added to GitHub is that developers can share their text or a piece of code publicly or can keep it private. The place where the data is shared publicly can easily be searched by search engines and can be conveniently viewed from your profile. On the other hand, when you share a text privately, you can restrict the viewers of the code. Only those persons you have granted permission to will be able to view your codes.

GitHub的最新功能是开发人员可以公开共享其文本或一段代码,也可以将其保密。 可以通过搜索引擎轻松搜索公开共享数据的位置,并可以从您的个人资料中方便地查看它们。 另一方面,私下共享文本时,可以限制代码查看者。 只有您被授予许可的人才能查看您的代码。

8. You Can Have Any Number of Private Repositories


In order to share your work with the developers, GitHub is open source. However, there can be scenarios in which you want to keep your stuff personal and not share it with the world. In such cases GitHub lets you keep any number of repositories private.  For example, if you work on some freeware projects, then definitely you will keep some of the codes personal. Using GitHub, you can easily add those codes to private repository and keep them private.

为了与开发人员共享您的工作,GitHub是开源的。 但是,在某些情况下,您可能想让自己的东西保持个性化,而不希望与世界分享。 在这种情况下,GitHub允许您将任意数量的存储库设为私有。 例如,如果您从事一些免费软件项目,那么绝对可以保留一些个人代码。 使用GitHub,您可以轻松地将这些代码添加到私有存储库中并保持私有。

9. Redundancy Of Repository


If information is stored on your local machine then any hardware failure or issues may cause loss of data. However, GitHub immunizes users from the threat of losing important project files as the files are redundantly backed up to the cloud. Moreover, GitHub provides abundant storage permission to save the projects.

如果信息存储在本地计算机上,则任何硬件故障或问题都可能导致数据丢失。 但是,由于文件被冗余备份到云中,因此GitHub使用户免于丢失重要项目文件的威胁。 此外,GitHub提供了丰富的存储权限来保存项目。

10. Cost Factor


GitHub does not demand high investment for its repository. You can choose a desired plan depending on your requirement at a cost of about $1.45 for each repository. Another reason for liking GitHub is that you can get suggestions on the repository by developers without any charges applied.

GitHub对其存储库的投资要求不高。 您可以根据需要选择所需的计划,每个存储库的成本约为1.45美元。 喜欢GitHub的另一个原因是,开发人员可以在存储库上获得建议,而无需支付任何费用。



GitHub is a web based service for Git repository. GitHub is based on the basic idea to ‘build software better together’. It is being integrated with various features that help the programmers to modify their projects for better results. Owing to its various advance features, it is being trusted by programmers. The popularity of GitHub can draw from the fact that it has acquired about 9 million users worldwide.

GitHub是Git存储库的基于Web的服务。 GitHub基于“更好地构建软件”的基本思想。 它与各种功能集成在一起,可以帮助程序员修改项目以获得更好的结果。 由于其各种先进的功能,它受到了程序员的信任。 GitHub的流行可以归因于它已经在全球范围内获得了大约900万用户。

翻译自: https://www.experts-exchange.com/articles/18357/Top-10-Reasons-To-Love-GitHub.html


