@echo off cd>nul REM GET THE COMMAND LINE ARGS SET PLATFORM=%1 REM PLATFORM possible options are: Standalone, Win, Win64, OSXUniversal, Linux64, iOS, Android, WebGL, XboxOne, PS4, WindowsStoreApps, Switch, tvOS. SET CONFIG=%2 SET OUTPUT=%3 SET PACKAGE=%4 SET BUILDNO=%5 SET UNITY_INSTALL_ROOT_KEY="HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Unity" SET UNITY_ICON_KEY="DisplayIcon" FOR /F "skip=2 tokens=1,2*" %%A IN ('REG QUERY "%UNITY_INSTALL_ROOT_KEY%" /v "%UNITY_ICON_KEY%" 2^>nul') DO ( SET ValueName=%%A SET ValueType=%%B SET ValueValue=%%C ) if defined ValueValue ( ECHO Unity installation detected! ECHO %ValueValue% ) else ( ECHO "%KEY_NAME%"\"%VALUE_NAME%" not be found. EXIT ) PUSHD %~dp0 SET UNITY=%ValueValue% SET LOGFILE=%CD%\build_%PLATFORM%_%CONFIG%.log IF NOT EXIST %OUTPUT% MKDIR %OUTPUT% ECHO Build Command: SET BUILDCMD="%UNITY%" -buildTarget "%PLATFORM%" -batchmode -quit -projectPath %CD% -logFile "%LOGFILE%" -executeMethod AutoBuildProcessor.Build ECHO %BUILDCMD% %BUILDCMD% -buildArgs:"platform=%PLATFORM%;config=%CONFIG%;output=%OUTPUT%;ispackage=%PACKAGE%;buildno=%BUILDNO%;scenes=MyScreen1&MyScreen2" SET SHOWLOG=TYPE %LOGFILE% %SHOWLOG% POPD @echo on exit %ErrorLevel%
public class AutoBuildProcessor { public static void Build() { string buildPlatform = CommandLineParser.GetCustomArgument("platform"); string buildConfig = CommandLineParser.GetCustomArgument("config"); string buildOutput = CommandLineParser.GetCustomArgument("output"); string buildPackage = CommandLineParser.GetCustomArgument("ispackage"); string buildno = CommandLineParser.GetCustomArgument("buildno"); string scenesConfig = CommandLineParser.GetCustomArgument("scenes"); UnityEngine.Debug.Log("CustomArgs: buildPlatform=" + buildPlatform + " | buildConfig=" + buildConfig + " | buildOutput=" + buildOutput + " | buildNO=" + buildno + " | isBuildPackage=" + buildPackage); string[] scenes = { }; if (scenesConfig.Length != 0) { string[] sceneList = scenesConfig.Split('&'); if (sceneList.Length != 0) scenes = new string[sceneList.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < sceneList.Length; i++) { UnityEngine.Debug.Log("Build Scene: " + sceneList[i]); scenes[i] = string.Format("Assets/Scenes/{0}.unity", sceneList[i]); } } BuildTargetGroup group = BuildTargetGroup.Unknown; BuildTarget target = BuildTarget.StandaloneWindows; string ScriptingDefineSymbols = ""; buildPlatform = buildPlatform.ToUpper(); if (buildPlatform == "WIN32") { group = BuildTargetGroup.Standalone; target = BuildTarget.StandaloneWindows; ScriptingDefineSymbols = "MyWin32CustomDefineSymbols1; MyWin32CustomDefineSymbols2"; } else if (buildPlatform == "WIN64") { group = BuildTargetGroup.Standalone; target = BuildTarget.StandaloneWindows64; ScriptingDefineSymbols = "MyWin64CustomDefineSymbols1; MyWin64CustomDefineSymbols2"; } else if (buildPlatform == "IOS") { group = BuildTargetGroup.iOS; target = BuildTarget.iOS ScriptingDefineSymbols = "MyIOSCustomDefineSymbols1; MyIOSCustomDefineSymbols2"; } else if (buildPlatform == "ANDROID") { group = BuildTargetGroup.Android; target = BuildTarget.Android; ScriptingDefineSymbols = "MyAndroidCustomDefineSymbols1; MyAndroidCustomDefineSymbols2"; } //else if () //{ // You can add more platforms to build //} PlayerSettings.SetScriptingDefineSymbolsForGroup(group, ScriptingDefineSymbols); //switch platform. NOTE: This method is not available when running the Editor in batch mode. //EditorUserBuildSettings.SwitchActiveBuildTarget(BuildTargetGroup.Switch, target); if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(buildOutput)) System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(buildOutput); EditorUserBuildSettings.explicitNullChecks = true; BuildOptions option = BuildOptions.None; if (buildConfig.ToUpper() == "DEBUG") { option = BuildOptions.AllowDebugging | BuildOptions.Development; } string executablePrefix = "MyGame"; string executableSuffix = ".exe"; //Need to change others based on different platforms string outputPath = buildOutput + "/" + executablePrefix + executableSuffix; BuildPipeline.BuildAssetBundles("Assets", BuildAssetBundleOptions.ForceRebuildAssetBundle | BuildAssetBundleOptions.DeterministicAssetBundle, target); string buildResult = BuildPipeline.BuildPlayer(scenes, outputPath, target, option).ToString(); } } public class CommandLineParser { private const string kCustomArgPrefix = "-buildArgs:"; private const char kCustomArgSeparator = ';'; private static char[] kCustomArgStartEndMark = { '\"' }; private enum ECustomArgumentType { CustomArgumentKey, CustomArgumentValue, CustomArgumentSize }; private static Dictionary<string, string> sCustomArgsDict = null; public static Dictionary<string, string> GetCustomArguments() { Dictionary<string, string> customArgsDict = new Dictionary<string, string>(); string[] commandLineArgs = Environment.GetCommandLineArgs(); string[] customArgs; string[] customArgBuffer; string customArgsStr = ""; try { customArgsStr = commandLineArgs.Where(row => row.Contains(kCustomArgPrefix)).Single(); } catch (Exception e) { UnityEngine.Debug.LogError("GetCustomArguments: Can't retrieve any custom arguments in the command line [" + commandLineArgs + "]. Exception: " + e); return customArgsDict; } customArgsStr = customArgsStr.Replace(kCustomArgPrefix, ""); customArgsStr = customArgsStr.Trim(kCustomArgStartEndMark); customArgs = customArgsStr.Split(kCustomArgSeparator); foreach (string customArg in customArgs) { customArgBuffer = customArg.Split('='); if (customArgBuffer.Length == (int)ECustomArgumentType.CustomArgumentSize) { customArgsDict.Add(customArgBuffer[(int)ECustomArgumentType.CustomArgumentKey], customArgBuffer[(int)ECustomArgumentType.CustomArgumentValue]); } else { UnityEngine.Debug.LogWarning("GetCustomArguments: The custom argument [" + customArg + "] seem to be malformed."); } } return customArgsDict; } public static string GetCustomArgument(string _argumentName, string fallback = "") { if (sCustomArgsDict == null) sCustomArgsDict = GetCustomArguments(); if (sCustomArgsDict.ContainsKey(_argumentName)) { return sCustomArgsDict[_argumentName]; } else { UnityEngine.Debug.LogWarning("GetCustomArgument: Can't retrieve any custom argument named [" + _argumentName + "] in the command line [" + Environment.GetCommandLineArgs() + "]."); return fallback; } } }
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