- def low_pass_filter(img, radius=100):
- r = radius
- rows, cols = img.shape
- center = int(rows / 2), int(cols / 2)
- mask = np.zeros((rows, cols, 2), np.uint8)
- x, y = np.ogrid[:rows, :cols]
- mask_area = (x - center[0]) ** 2 + (y - center[1]) ** 2 <= r * r
- mask[mask_area] = 1
- return mask
- def Butterworth(src, d0, n, ftype):
- template = np.zeros(src.shape, dtype=np.float32) # 构建滤波器
- r, c = src.shape
- for i in np.arange(r):
- for j in np.arange(c):
- distance = np.sqrt((i - r/2)**2 + (j - c/2)**2)
- template[i, j] = 1/(1 + (distance/d0)**(2*n)) # Butterworth 滤波函数
- template[i, j] = np.e ** (-1 * (distance**2 / (2 * d0**2))) # Gaussian滤波函数
- if ftype == 'high':
- template = 1 - template
- return template
- # 定义函数,高斯高/低通滤波模板
- def Gaussian(src, d0, ftype):
- template = np.zeros(src.shape, dtype=np.float32) # 构建滤波器
- r, c = src.shape
- for i in np.arange(r):
- for j in np.arange(c):
- distance = np.sqrt((i - r / 2) ** 2 + (j - c / 2) ** 2)
- template[i, j] = np.e ** (-1 * (distance ** 2 / (2 * d0 ** 2))) # Gaussian滤波函数
- if ftype == 'high':
- template = 1 - template
- return template
- def bandreject_filters(img, r_out=300, r_in=35):
- rows, cols = img.shape
- crow, ccol = int(rows / 2), int(cols / 2)
- radius_out = r_out
- radius_in = r_in
- mask = np.zeros((rows, cols, 2), np.uint8)
- center = [crow, ccol]
- x, y = np.ogrid[:rows, :cols]
- mask_area = np.logical_and(((x - center[0]) ** 2 + (y - center[1]) ** 2 >= r_in ** 2),
- ((x - center[0]) ** 2 + (y - center[1]) ** 2 <= r_out ** 2))
- mask[mask_area] = 1
- mask = 1 - mask
- return mask
- #coding:utf8
- import cv2
- import numpy as np
- def psnr(A, B):
- return 10*np.log(255*255.0/(((A.astype(np.float)-B)**2).mean()))/np.log(10)
- def double2uint8(I, ratio=1.0):
- return np.clip(np.round(I*ratio), 0, 255).astype(np.uint8)
- def make_kernel(f):
- kernel = np.zeros((2*f+1, 2*f+1))
- for d in range(1, f+1):
- kernel[f-d:f+d+1, f-d:f+d+1] += (1.0/((2*d+1)**2))
- return kernel/kernel.sum()
- def NLmeansfilter(I, h_=10, templateWindowSize=5, searchWindowSize=11):
- f = templateWindowSize/2
- t = searchWindowSize/2
- height, width = I.shape[:2]
- padLength = t+f
- I2 = np.pad(I, padLength, 'symmetric')
- kernel = make_kernel(f)
- h = (h_**2)
- I_ = I2[padLength-f:padLength+f+height, padLength-f:padLength+f+width]
- average = np.zeros(I.shape)
- sweight = np.zeros(I.shape)
- wmax = np.zeros(I.shape)
- for i in range(-t, t+1):
- for j in range(-t, t+1):
- if i==0 and j==0:
- continue
- I2_ = I2[padLength+i-f:padLength+i+f+height, padLength+j-f:padLength+j+f+width]
- w = np.exp(-cv2.filter2D((I2_ - I_)**2, -1, kernel)/h)[f:f+height, f:f+width]
- sweight += w
- wmax = np.maximum(wmax, w)
- average += (w*I2_[f:f+height, f:f+width])
- return (average+wmax*I)/(sweight+wmax)
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- I = cv2.imread('lena.jpg', 0)
- sigma = 20.0
- I1 = double2uint8(I + np.random.randn(*I.shape) *sigma)
- print u'噪声图像PSNR',psnr(I, I1)
- R1 = cv2.medianBlur(I1, 5)
- print u'中值滤波PSNR',psnr(I, R1)
- R2 = cv2.fastNlMeansDenoising(I1, None, sigma, 5, 11)
- print u'opencv的NLM算法',psnr(I, R2)
- R3 = double2uint8(NLmeansfilter(I1.astype(np.float), sigma, 5, 11))
- print u'NLM PSNR',psnr(I, R3)
- cv2.fastNlMeansDenoising() - 使用单个灰度图像
- cv2.fastNlMeansDenoisingColored() - 使用彩色图像。
- cv2.fastNlMeansDenoisingMulti() - 用于在短时间内捕获的图像序列(灰度图像)
- cv2.fastNlMeansDenoisingColoredMulti() - 与上面相同,但用于彩色图像。
- fastNlMeansDenoisingColored( InputArray src, OutputArray dst,
- float h = 3, float hColor = 3,
- int templateWindowSize = 7, int searchWindowSize = 21)
- 参数:
- • h : 决定过滤器强度。h 值高可以很好的去除噪声,但也会把图像的细节抹去。(取 10 的效果不错)
- • hForColorComponents : 与 h 相同,但使用与彩色图像。(与 h 相同,10)
- • templateWindowSize : 奇数。(推荐值为 7)
- • searchWindowSize : 奇数。(推荐值为 21)
https://blog.csdn.net/wsp_1138886114/article/details/95024180blog.csdn.net- import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
- import numpy as np
- from numpy import fft
- import math
- import cv2
- # 仿真运动模糊
- def motion_process(image_size, motion_angle):
- PSF = np.zeros(image_size)
- print(image_size)
- center_position = (image_size[0] - 1) / 2
- print(center_position)
- slope_tan = math.tan(motion_angle * math.pi / 180)
- slope_cot = 1 / slope_tan
- if slope_tan <= 1:
- for i in range(15):
- offset = round(i * slope_tan) # ((center_position-i)*slope_tan)
- PSF[int(center_position + offset), int(center_position - offset)] = 1
- return PSF / PSF.sum() # 对点扩散函数进行归一化亮度
- else:
- for i in range(15):
- offset = round(i * slope_cot)
- PSF[int(center_position - offset), int(center_position + offset)] = 1
- return PSF / PSF.sum()
- # 对图片进行运动模糊
- def make_blurred(input, PSF, eps):
- input_fft = fft.fft2(input) # 进行二维数组的傅里叶变换
- PSF_fft = fft.fft2(PSF) + eps
- blurred = fft.ifft2(input_fft * PSF_fft)
- blurred = np.abs(fft.fftshift(blurred))
- return blurred
- def inverse(input, PSF, eps): # 逆滤波
- input_fft = fft.fft2(input)
- PSF_fft = fft.fft2(PSF) + eps # 噪声功率,这是已知的,考虑epsilon
- result = fft.ifft2(input_fft / PSF_fft) # 计算F(u,v)的傅里叶反变换
- result = np.abs(fft.fftshift(result))
- return result
- def wiener(input, PSF, eps, K=0.01): # 维纳滤波,K=0.01
- input_fft = fft.fft2(input)
- PSF_fft = fft.fft2(PSF) + eps
- PSF_fft_1 = np.conj(PSF_fft) / (np.abs(PSF_fft) ** 2 + K)
- result = fft.ifft2(input_fft * PSF_fft_1)
- result = np.abs(fft.fftshift(result))
- return result
- def normal(array):
- array = np.where(array < 0, 0, array)
- array = np.where(array > 255, 255, array)
- array = array.astype(np.int16)
- return array
- def main(gray):
- channel = []
- img_h, img_w = gray.shape[:2]
- PSF = motion_process((img_h, img_w), 60) # 进行运动模糊处理
- blurred = np.abs(make_blurred(gray, PSF, 1e-3))
- result_blurred = inverse(blurred, PSF, 1e-3) # 逆滤波
- result_wiener = wiener(blurred, PSF, 1e-3) # 维纳滤波
- blurred_noisy = blurred + 0.1 * blurred.std() *
- np.random.standard_normal(blurred.shape) # 添加噪声,standard_normal产生随机的函数
- inverse_mo2no = inverse(blurred_noisy, PSF, 0.1 + 1e-3) # 对添加噪声的图像进行逆滤波
- wiener_mo2no = wiener(blurred_noisy, PSF, 0.1 + 1e-3) # 对添加噪声的图像进行维纳滤波
- channel.append((normal(blurred),normal(result_blurred),normal(result_wiener),
- normal(blurred_noisy),normal(inverse_mo2no),normal(wiener_mo2no)))
- return channel
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- image = cv2.imread('./gggg/001.png')
- b_gray, g_gray, r_gray = cv2.split(image.copy())
- Result = []
- for gray in [b_gray, g_gray, r_gray]:
- channel = main(gray)
- Result.append(channel)
- blurred = cv2.merge([Result[0][0][0], Result[1][0][0], Result[2][0][0]])
- result_blurred = cv2.merge([Result[0][0][1], Result[1][0][1], Result[2][0][1]])
- result_wiener = cv2.merge([Result[0][0][2], Result[1][0][2], Result[2][0][2]])
- blurred_noisy = cv2.merge([Result[0][0][3], Result[1][0][3], Result[2][0][3]])
- inverse_mo2no = cv2.merge([Result[0][0][4], Result[1][0][4], Result[2][0][4]])
- wiener_mo2no = cv2.merge([Result[0][0][5], Result[1][0][5], Result[2][0][5]])
- #========= 可视化 ==========
- plt.figure(1)
- plt.xlabel("Original Image")
- plt.imshow(np.flip(image, axis=2)) # 显示原图像
- plt.figure(2)
- plt.figure(figsize=(8, 6.5))
- imgNames = {"Motion blurred":blurred,
- "inverse deblurred":result_blurred,
- "wiener deblurred(k=0.01)":result_wiener,
- "motion & noisy blurred":blurred_noisy,
- "inverse_mo2no":inverse_mo2no,
- 'wiener_mo2no':wiener_mo2no}
- for i,(key,imgName) in enumerate(imgNames.items()):
- plt.subplot(231+i)
- plt.xlabel(key)
- plt.imshow(np.flip(imgName, axis=2))
- plt.show()
- OpenCV-Python 图像去模糊(维纳滤波,约束最小二乘方滤波)import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
- import numpy as np
- from numpy import fft
- import math
- import cv2
- # 仿真运动模糊
- def motion_process(image_size, motion_angle):
- PSF = np.zeros(image_size)
- print(image_size)
- center_position = (image_size[0] - 1) / 2
- print(center_position)
- slope_tan = math.tan(motion_angle * math.pi / 180)
- slope_cot = 1 / slope_tan
- if slope_tan <= 1:
- for i in range(15):
- offset = round(i * slope_tan) # ((center_position-i)*slope_tan)
- PSF[int(center_position + offset), int(center_position - offset)] = 1
- return PSF / PSF.sum() # 对点扩散函数进行归一化亮度
- else:
- for i in range(15):
- offset = round(i * slope_cot)
- PSF[int(center_position - offset), int(center_position + offset)] = 1
- return PSF / PSF.sum()
- # 对图片进行运动模糊
- def make_blurred(input, PSF, eps):
- input_fft = fft.fft2(input) # 进行二维数组的傅里叶变换
- PSF_fft = fft.fft2(PSF) + eps
- blurred = fft.ifft2(input_fft * PSF_fft)
- blurred = np.abs(fft.fftshift(blurred))
- return blurred
- def inverse(input, PSF, eps): # 逆滤波
- input_fft = fft.fft2(input)
- PSF_fft = fft.fft2(PSF) + eps # 噪声功率,这是已知的,考虑epsilon
- result = fft.ifft2(input_fft / PSF_fft) # 计算F(u,v)的傅里叶反变换
- result = np.abs(fft.fftshift(result))
- return result
- def wiener(input, PSF, eps, K=0.01): # 维纳滤波,K=0.01
- input_fft = fft.fft2(input)
- PSF_fft = fft.fft2(PSF) + eps
- PSF_fft_1 = np.conj(PSF_fft) / (np.abs(PSF_fft) ** 2 + K)
- result = fft.ifft2(input_fft * PSF_fft_1)
- result = np.abs(fft.fftshift(result))
- return result
- def normal(array):
- array = np.where(array < 0, 0, array)
- array = np.where(array > 255, 255, array)
- array = array.astype(np.int16)
- return array
- def main(gray):
- channel = []
- img_h, img_w = gray.shape[:2]
- PSF = motion_process((img_h, img_w), 60) # 进行运动模糊处理
- blurred = np.abs(make_blurred(gray, PSF, 1e-3))
- result_blurred = inverse(blurred, PSF, 1e-3) # 逆滤波
- result_wiener = wiener(blurred, PSF, 1e-3) # 维纳滤波
- blurred_noisy = blurred + 0.1 * blurred.std() *
- np.random.standard_normal(blurred.shape) # 添加噪声,standard_normal产生随机的函数
- inverse_mo2no = inverse(blurred_noisy, PSF, 0.1 + 1e-3) # 对添加噪声的图像进行逆滤波
- wiener_mo2no = wiener(blurred_noisy, PSF, 0.1 + 1e-3) # 对添加噪声的图像进行维纳滤波
- channel.append((normal(blurred),normal(result_blurred),normal(result_wiener),
- normal(blurred_noisy),normal(inverse_mo2no),normal(wiener_mo2no)))
- return channel
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- image = cv2.imread('./gggg/001.png')
- b_gray, g_gray, r_gray = cv2.split(image.copy())
- Result = []
- for gray in [b_gray, g_gray, r_gray]:
- channel = main(gray)
- Result.append(channel)
- blurred = cv2.merge([Result[0][0][0], Result[1][0][0], Result[2][0][0]])
- result_blurred = cv2.merge([Result[0][0][1], Result[1][0][1], Result[2][0][1]])
- result_wiener = cv2.merge([Result[0][0][2], Result[1][0][2], Result[2][0][2]])
- blurred_noisy = cv2.merge([Result[0][0][3], Result[1][0][3], Result[2][0][3]])
- inverse_mo2no = cv2.merge([Result[0][0][4], Result[1][0][4], Result[2][0][4]])
- wiener_mo2no = cv2.merge([Result[0][0][5], Result[1][0][5], Result[2][0][5]])
- #========= 可视化 ==========
- plt.figure(1)
- plt.xlabel("Original Image")
- plt.imshow(np.flip(image, axis=2)) # 显示原图像
- plt.figure(2)
- plt.figure(figsize=(8, 6.5))
- imgNames = {"Motion blurred":blurred,
- "inverse deblurred":result_blurred,
- "wiener deblurred(k=0.01)":result_wiener,
- "motion & noisy blurred":blurred_noisy,
- "inverse_mo2no":inverse_mo2no,
- 'wiener_mo2no':wiener_mo2no}
- for i,(key,imgName) in enumerate(imgNames.items()):
- plt.subplot(231+i)
- plt.xlabel(key)
- plt.imshow(np.flip(imgName, axis=2))
- plt.show()
Kalman filtering是一种利用线性系统状态方程,通过系统输入输出观测数据,对系统状态进行最优估计的算法。Kalman滤波在测量方差已知的情况下能够从一系列存在测量噪声的数据中,估计动态系统的状态。 A Kalman filter is an optimal estimation algorithm. (最优化自回归数据数据算法)
卡尔曼滤波算法在控制领域有着极广泛的应用,比如自动驾驶汽车,想象一下,一个雷达传感器告诉你另一辆车距离15米,一个激光传感器说车辆距离20米 ,那么如何协调这些传感器测量。再比如,在发动机燃油喷射控制中,可以应用扩展的卡尔曼滤波理论研究瞬态工况下发动机循环进气量的最有估计算法;在雷达中,人们最感兴趣的是跟踪目标,但目标的位置、速度、加速度的测量往往在任何时候都有噪声,而卡尔曼滤波则是利用目标的动态信息,设法去除噪声,得到一个关于目标位置的最好估计。
那么接下来该如何解决呢? 假如我们要估算
详情参照:[卡尔曼滤波器分类及其基本公式](卡尔曼滤波器分类及基本公式 - 百度文库)
- def KalmanFilter(z, n_iter=20):
- # 这里是假设A=1,H=1的情况
- # intial parameters
- sz = (n_iter,) # size of array
- # Q = 1e-5 # process variance
- Q = 1e-6 # process variance
- # allocate space for arrays
- xhat = numpy.zeros(sz) # a posteri estimate of x
- P = numpy.zeros(sz) # a posteri error estimate
- xhatminus = numpy.zeros(sz) # a priori estimate of x
- Pminus = numpy.zeros(sz) # a priori error estimate
- K = numpy.zeros(sz) # gain or blending factor
- R = 0.1 ** 2 # estimate of measurement variance, change to see effect
- # intial guesses
- xhat[0] = 0.0
- P[0] = 1.0
- A = 1
- H = 1
- for k in range(1, n_iter):
- # time update
- xhatminus[k] = A * xhat[k - 1] # X(k|k-1) = AX(k-1|k-1) + BU(k) + W(k),A=1,BU(k) = 0
- Pminus[k] = A * P[k - 1] + Q # P(k|k-1) = AP(k-1|k-1)A' + Q(k) ,A=1
- # measurement update
- K[k] = Pminus[k] / (Pminus[k] + R) # Kg(k)=P(k|k-1)H'/[HP(k|k-1)H' + R],H=1
- xhat[k] = xhatminus[k] + K[k] * (z[k] - H * xhatminus[k]) # X(k|k) = X(k|k-1) + Kg(k)[Z(k) - HX(k|k-1)], H=1
- P[k] = (1 - K[k] * H) * Pminus[k] # P(k|k) = (1 - Kg(k)H)P(k|k-1), H=1
- return xhat
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