npm install vue-cropper
<template> <a-card :bordered="false"> <div style="font-size: 16px" v-if="hflag">选择图片版式:</div> <div class="cropper" style="display: flex" > <div style="width: 25%; display: flex; flex-direction: column; justify-content: center; align-items: center" v-if="hflag"> <div :class="{'col1': hvType, 'col2': !hvType}" class="btn1" @click="chageHVType(1)"> 竖版 </div> <div :class="{'col1': !hvType, 'col2': hvType}" class="btn2" @click="chageHVType(0)"> 横板 </div> </div> <div style="width: 75%"> <VueCropper ref="cropper" :img="option.img" :outputSize="option.size" :outputType="option.outputType" :info="true" :full="option.full" :canMove="option.canMove" :canMoveBox="option.canMoveBox" :original="option.original" :autoCrop="option.autoCrop" :fixed="option.fixed" :fixedNumber="option.fixedNumber" :centerBox="option.centerBox" :infoTrue="option.infoTrue" :fixedBox="option.fixedBox" :autoCropWidth="option.autoCropWidth" :autoCropHeight="option.autoCropHeight" style="height: 500px; width: 100%"></VueCropper> </div> </div> <div style="display: flex; border-top: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); padding-top: 22px; margin-top: 20p; justify-content: flex-end; margin-top: 30px"> <a-button style="width: 120px; height: 48px; font-size: 16px;" @click="close">取消</a-button> <a-button style="width: 120px; height: 48px; font-size: 16px;margin-left: 20px;" key="submit" type="primary" :loading="confirmLoading" @click="finish">确定</a-button> </div> </a-card> </template> <script> import { VueCropper } from 'vue-cropper' import { uploadoss } from '@/api' export default { components: { VueCropper }, inject: ['closeCurrent'], props: { hflag: { type: Boolean, default: () => { return true } }, fileData: { type: String, default: () => { return '' } }, type: { type: String, default: () => { return '' } }, fixedNumber: { type: Array, default: () => { return [9, 16] } }, autoCropWidth: { type: Number, default: () => { return 300 } }, autoCropHeight: { type: Number, default: () => { return 300 } }, fixed: { type: Boolean, default: () => { return true } }, centerBox: { type: Boolean, default: () => { return true } }, infoTrue: { type: Boolean, default: () => { return true } } }, data() { return { confirmLoading: false, dialogVisible: false, // 裁剪组件的基础配置option option: { img: '', // 裁剪图片的地址 info: true, // 裁剪框的大小信息 outputSize: 1, // 裁剪生成图片的质量 outputType: 'jpeg', // 裁剪生成图片的格式 canScale: false, // 图片是否允许滚轮缩放 autoCrop: true, // 是否默认生成截图框 autoCropWidth: 500, // 默认生成截图框宽度 autoCropHeight: 500, // 默认生成截图框高度 fixedBox: true, // 固定截图框大小 不允许改变 fixed: false, // 是否开启截图框宽高固定比例 fixedNumber: [9, 16], // 截图框的宽高比例 full: true, // 是否输出原图比例的截图 canMoveBox: true, // 截图框能否拖动 original: true, // 上传图片按照原始比例渲染 centerBox: false, // 截图框是否被限制在图片里面 infoTrue: false // true 为展示真实输出图片宽高 false 展示看到的截图框宽高 }, picsList: [], // 页面显示的数组 // 防止重复提交 loading: false, hvType: 1 } }, watch: { infoTrue(e) { this.option.infoTrue = e }, centerBox(e) { this.option.centerBox = e }, fixed(e) { this.option.fixed = e }, autoCropWidth(e) { this.option.autoCropWidth = e }, autoCropHeight(e) { this.option.autoCropHeight = e }, fileData() { this.option.img = this.fileData }, fixedNumber() { this.option.fixedNumber = this.fixedNumber } }, created() { this.option.fixedNumber = this.fixedNumber }, methods: { close() { this.$emit('close') }, // 点击裁剪,这一步是可以拿到处理后的地址 finish() { var that = this this.confirmLoading = true this.$refs.cropper.getCropBlob((data) => { const formData = new FormData() formData.append('avatar', data) formData.append('type', this.type) uploadoss(formData).then(res => { that.confirmLoading = false if (res.success != 'false') { that.$message.success('上传成功') that.$emit('getUrl', res.path) that.close() } else { that.$message.error('上传失败:' + res.message) } }) }) }, chageHVType(e) { this.hvType = e if (e == 1) { this.option.fixedNumber = [9, 16] } else { this.option.fixedNumber = [16, 9] } this.$refs.cropper.refresh() } } } </script> <style scoped> .btn1 { width: 63px; height: 112px; display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; cursor: pointer } .btn2 { width: 112px; height: 63px; margin-top: 30px; display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; cursor: pointer } .col1 { border: 2px dashed #70b603; color: #70b603 } .col2 { border: 2px dashed #aaaaaa; color: #aaa } </style> <style> .ant-upload.ant-upload-drag .ant-upload { padding: 16px; } </style>
<template> <Cropper :fileData="file" type="pro_main" v-show="flag" @close="flag = false" :autoCropWidth="500" :autoCropHeight="500" :hflag="false" :fixed="false" :centerBox="false" :infoTrue="false" @getUrl="getUrl"></Cropper> </template> <script> export default { data() { return { file:'', flag:false } }, methods: { addFile(file, fileList) { console.log(file) var that = this // 上传之前判断文件类型 // 图片 1; 视频 2 var type = checkVideoOrImage(file.name) if (type === 1) { console.log('type====' + type) file2Base64(file).then(res => { // 裁剪 console.log(res) that.file = res that.flag = true }) return false } else { this.$message.error('请上传图片格式文件!') } } } } function checkVideoOrImage(fileName) { if (fileName.indexOf('.bmp') > 0 || fileName.indexOf('.png') > 0 || fileName.indexOf('.gif') > 0 || fileName.indexOf( '.jpg') > 0 || fileName.indexOf('.jpeg') > 0) { return 1 } else if (fileName.indexOf('.mp4') > 0 || fileName.indexOf('.rmvb') > 0 || fileName.indexOf('.avi') > 0) { return 2 } else { return 3 } } function file2Base64(file) { var reader = new FileReader() // 实例化文件读取对象 reader.readAsDataURL(file) // 将文件读取为 DataURL,也就是base64编码 var dataURL = '' return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { reader.onload = function(ev) { // 文件读取成功完成时触发 dataURL = ev.target.result // 获得文件读取成功后的DataURL,也就是base64编码 resolve(dataURL) } }) } </script>
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