单例模式(Singleton Pattern)是 Java 中最简单的设计模式之一。这种类型的设计模式属于创建型模式,它提供了一种创建对象的最佳方式。
应用场景: java.lang.Runtime类、日志、驱动器、缓存、线程池等l
我们将创建一个 SingleObject 类。SingleObject 类有它的私有构造函数和本身的一个静态实例。
SingleObject 类提供了一个静态方法,供外界获取它的静态实例。SingletonPatternDemo,我们的演示类使用 SingleObject 类来获取 SingleObject 对象。
创建一个 Singleton 类,SingleObject.java
- public class SingleObject {
- //创建 SingleObject 的一个对象
- private static SingleObject instance = new SingleObject(0);
- //让构造函数为 private,这样该类就不会被实例化
- private SingleObject(int i){
- System.out.println("我是一个单例"+i);
- }
- //获取唯一可用的对象
- public static SingleObject getSingletonInstance(){
- return instance;
- }
- public void showMessage(String msg){
- System.out.println("我是一个单例的方法调用,"+msg);
- }
- }
从 singleton 类获取唯一的对象,测试类SingletonPatternDemo.java
- /**
- *
- * @author dgm
- * @describe "测试单例模式"
- * @date 2020年5月13日
- */
- public class SingletonPatternDemo {
- public static void main(String[] args) throws InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException, IllegalArgumentException, InvocationTargetException, NoSuchMethodException, SecurityException {
- // 不合法的构造函数
- // 编译时错误:构造函数 SingleObject() 是不可见的
- // SingleObject object = new SingleObject();
- // 获取唯一可用的对象
- SingleObject object = SingleObject.getSingletonInstance();
- // 显示消息
- object.showMessage("正常流程");
- }
- }
1. 饿汉式初始化 Eager initialization
- /**
- *
- * @author dgm
- * @describe "饿汉式初始化单例"
- */
- public class EagerInitializedSingleton {
- private static final EagerInitializedSingleton instance = new EagerInitializedSingleton();
- //注意是私有构造器,防止客户端使用
- private EagerInitializedSingleton(){}
- //全局访问方式获取单实例
- public static EagerInitializedSingleton getSingletonInstance(){
- return instance;
- }
- public void showMessage(String msg){
- System.out.println("我是一个饿汉式初始化单例的方法调用,"+msg);
- }
- }
2. 静态块初始化 Static block initialization
- /**
- *
- * @author dgm
- * @describe "静态代码块初始化"
- */
- public class StaticBlockSingleton {
- private static StaticBlockSingleton instance;
- private StaticBlockSingleton(){}
- //在静态代码块初始化进行异常处理
- static{
- try{
- instance = new StaticBlockSingleton();
- }catch(Exception e){
- throw new RuntimeException("创建单实例时发生了异常");
- }
- }
- public static StaticBlockSingleton getSingletonInstance(){
- return instance;
- }
- public void showMessage(String msg){
- System.out.println("我是一个静态代码块初始化单例的方法调用,"+msg);
- }
- }
3. 延迟初始化 Lazy Initialization
- /**
- *
- * @author dgm
- * @describe "延迟初始化实例"
- */
- public class LazyInitializedSingleton {
- private static LazyInitializedSingleton instance;
- private LazyInitializedSingleton(){}
- public static LazyInitializedSingleton getSingletonInstance(){
- if(instance == null){
- instance = new LazyInitializedSingleton();
- }
- return instance;
- }
- public void showMessage(String msg){
- System.out.println("我是一个延迟初始化单例的方法调用,"+msg);
- }
- }
有一种简单创建线程安全的单例,就是给全局访问方法加上关键字synchronized (锁的一种),它可以确保只有一个线程执行获取单例的全局访问方法。
- /**
- *
- * @author dgm
- * @describe "线程安全的单例"
- */
- public class ThreadSafeSingleton {
- private static ThreadSafeSingleton instance;
- private ThreadSafeSingleton(){}
- public static synchronized ThreadSafeSingleton getSingletonInstance(){
- if(instance == null){
- instance = new ThreadSafeSingleton();
- }
- return instance;
- }
- public void showMessage(String msg){
- System.out.println("我是一个线程安全的单例的方法调用,"+msg);
- }
- }
Above implementation works fine and provides thread-safety but it reduces the performance because of the cost associated with the synchronized method, although we need it only for the first few threads who might create the separate instances (Read: Java Synchronization). To avoid this extra overhead every time, double checked locking principle is used. In this approach, the synchronized block is used inside the if condition with an additional check to ensure that only one instance of a singleton class is created.
- /**
- *
- * @author dgm
- * @describe "线程安全双重检测的单例"
- */
- public class ThreadSafeDoubleCheckSingleton {
- private static ThreadSafeDoubleCheckSingleton instance;
- private ThreadSafeDoubleCheckSingleton(){}
- public static ThreadSafeDoubleCheckSingleton getSingletonInstance(){
- if(instance == null){
- synchronized (ThreadSafeDoubleCheckSingleton.class) {
- if(instance == null){
- instance = new ThreadSafeDoubleCheckSingleton();
- }
- }
- }
- return instance;
- }
- public void showMessage(String msg){
- System.out.println("我是一个线程安全双重检测单例的方法调用,"+msg);
- }
- }
- /**
- *
- * @author dgm
- * @describe "内部静态辅助类"
- */
- public class InnerHelperSingleton {
- private InnerHelperSingleton(){}
- private static class SingletonHelper{
- private static final InnerHelperSingleton INSTANCE = new InnerHelperSingleton();
- }
- public static InnerHelperSingleton getSingletonInstance(){
- return SingletonHelper.INSTANCE;
- }
- public void showMessage(String msg){
- System.out.println("我是一个内部静态辅助类的单例的方法调用,"+msg);
- }
- }
有时在分布式系统中,为了在文件系统中存放单实例状态,我们需要在单例类中实现序列化接口(Serializable interface),下面是一个实现了序列化接口的单实例类:
- import java.io.Serializable;
- /**
- *
- * @author dgm
- * @describe "序列化单例"
- */
- public class SerializedSingleton implements Serializable{
- private static final long serialVersionUID = -7604766932017737115L;
- private SerializedSingleton(){}
- private static class SingletonHelper{
- private static final SerializedSingleton instance = new SerializedSingleton();
- }
- public static SerializedSingleton getSingletonInstance(){
- return SingletonHelper.instance;
- }
- public void showMessage(String msg){
- System.out.println("我是一个序列化单例的方法调用,"+msg);
- }
- }
- import java.io.FileInputStream;
- import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
- import java.io.FileOutputStream;
- import java.io.IOException;
- import java.io.ObjectInput;
- import java.io.ObjectInputStream;
- import java.io.ObjectOutput;
- import java.io.ObjectOutputStream;
- /**
- *
- * @author dgm
- * @describe "序列化单例测试"
- */
- public class SingletonSerializedTest {
- public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
- SerializedSingleton instanceOne = SerializedSingleton.getSingletonInstance();
- ObjectOutput out = new ObjectOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(
- "SerializedSingleton.ser"));
- out.writeObject(instanceOne);
- out.close();
- //反序列化对象
- ObjectInput in = new ObjectInputStream(new FileInputStream(
- "SerializedSingleton.ser"));
- SerializedSingleton instanceTwo = (SerializedSingleton) in.readObject();
- in.close();
- System.err.println("相等否: "+(instanceOne==instanceTwo));
- System.out.println("instanceOne hashCode="+instanceOne.hashCode());
- System.out.println("instanceTwo hashCode="+instanceTwo.hashCode());
- }
- }
- private Object readResolve() throws ObjectStreamException{
- //instead of the object we're on,
- //return the class valiable INSTANCE
- return SingletonHelper.instance;
- }
- readResolveMethod = getInheritableMethod(
- cl, "readResolve", null, Object.class);
- /**
- * Returns true if represented class is serializable or externalizable and
- * defines a conformant readResolve method. Otherwise, returns false.
- */
- boolean hasReadResolveMethod() {
- return (readResolveMethod != null);
- }
这样当JVM从内存中反序列化地"组装"一个新对象时,就会自动调用这个 readResolve方法来返回我们指定好的对象了, 单例模式规则也就得到了保证.
- /**
- *
- * @author dgm
- * @describe "枚举单例"
- */
- public enum EnumSingleton {
- public void showMessage(String msg){
- System.out.println("我是一个枚举型单例的方法调用,"+msg);
- }
- }
- public class EnumSingletonTest {
- public static void main(String[] args) {
- // TODO Auto-generated method stub
- EnumSingleton enumSingleton = EnumSingleton.INSTANCE;
- EnumSingleton otherEnumSingleton = EnumSingleton.INSTANCE;
- EnumSingleton secondEnumSingleton = EnumSingleton.OTHER_INSTANCE;
- System.err.println("枚举型单例对象相等否: "+(enumSingleton==otherEnumSingleton));
- System.out.println("enumSingleton hashCode="+enumSingleton.hashCode());
- System.out.println("otherEnumSingleton hashCode="+otherEnumSingleton.hashCode());
- System.err.println("枚举型单例对象相等否: "+(enumSingleton==secondEnumSingleton));
- }
- }
- import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
- import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
- import java.lang.reflect.Method;
- /**
- *
- * @author dgm
- * @describe "反射单例"
- */
- public class ReflectionSingletonTest {
- public static void main(String[] args) throws InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException, IllegalArgumentException, InvocationTargetException, NoSuchMethodException, SecurityException {
- // 获取唯一可用的对象
- SingleObject object = SingleObject.getSingletonInstance();
- // 显示消息
- object.showMessage("正常流程");
- // 获取Class对象
- Class<?> singltonClass = null;
- SingleObject otherObject = null;
- try {
- singltonClass = Class.forName("code.singleton.SingleObject", false,
- SingletonPatternDemo.class.getClassLoader());
- } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- }
- // 已经确定有Class对象,实际情况需要做判断类加载是否成功,获取所有构造器
- Constructor<?>[] allConstructors = singltonClass
- .getDeclaredConstructors();// getConstructors();
- System.out.println("所有构造器个数:" + allConstructors.length);
- for (Constructor constructor : allConstructors) {
- System.out.println("构造器:" + constructor);
- if (!constructor.isAccessible()) {
- System.out.println("我是一个私有构造器");
- constructor.setAccessible(true);
- }
- // 用获取到的构造器实例化对象
- otherObject = (SingleObject) constructor.newInstance(1);
- // 通过“参数化”获取类里的方法
- Method method = singltonClass
- .getMethod("showMessage", String.class);
- // 执行方法
- method.invoke(otherObject, "不正常流程");
- }
- System.err.println(object == otherObject);
- System.out.println("object hashCode="+object.hashCode());
- System.out.println("reflection Object hashCode="+otherObject.hashCode());
- }
- }
小结: 单例模式实现多种多样,实际场景自行把控选择。代码已进入github: https://github.com/dongguangming/design-pattern/tree/master/src/code/singleton
0. 单例模式 https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E5%8D%95%E4%BE%8B%E6%A8%A1%E5%BC%8F/5946627
1. Java Singleton Design Pattern Best Practices with Examples https://www.journaldev.com/1377/java-singleton-design-pattern-best-practices-examples
2. 要翻墙 https://javarevisited.blogspot.com/2012/12/how-to-create-thread-safe-singleton-in-java-example.html
3. double checked locking (同样要翻墙)http://jeremymanson.blogspot.com/2008/05/double-checked-locking.html
4. The "Double-Checked Locking is Broken" Declaration?
5. design-patterns-zero-to-hero-singleton-pattern https://medium.com/@parathantl/design-patterns-zero-to-hero-singleton-pattern-1e00d2095028
6. Java Singleton Design Pattern https://www.thejavaprogrammer.com/java-singleton-design-pattern/
7. Singleton Design Pattern With All Scenarios https://javatechonline.com/singleton-design-pattern-with-all-scenarios/
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