- import numpy as no
- import pandas as pd
- import os
- import seaborn as sns
- color = sns.color_palette()
- import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
- %matplotlib inline
- import plotly.offline as py
- py.init_notebook_mode(connected=True)
- from plotly.offline import init_notebook_mode,iplot
- init_notebook_mode(connected=True)
- import plotly.graph_objs as go
- import plotly.offline as offline
- offline.init_notebook_mode()
- import cufflinks as cf
- cf.go_offline()

- #下面开始加载数据
- df_train = pd.read_csv('./dataset/Home_Credit/application_train.csv')
- df_test = pd.read_csv('./dataset/Home_Credit/application_test.csv')
- #看看都有哪些属性
- df_train.columns.values
- #属性很多,有点吓人
- print(df_train.shape)
- #(307511, 122)
- df_train.head()
- #检查application_train 中的缺失数据
- total = df_train.isnull().sum().sort_values(ascending = False)
- percent = (df_train.isnull().sum()/df_train.isnull().count()*100).sort_values(ascending=False)
- missing_application_train_data = pd.concat([total,percent],axis = 1,keys=['Toatl','Percent'])
- missing_application_train_data.head(10)
- #开始探索我们的数据
- #贷款金额 分布
- plt.figure(figsize=(12,5))
- plt.title("Distribution of AMT_CREDIT")
- ax = sns.distplot(df_train["AMT_CREDIT"])
- #客户年收入(大部分人都是在50000以下)
- plt.figure(figsize=(12,5))
- plt.title("Distribution of AMT_INCOME_TOTAL")
- ax = sns.distplot(df_train["AMT_ANNUITY"].dropna())
- #消费贷款,对应贷款的商品的价格
- plt.figure(figsize=(12,5))
- plt.title("Distribution of AMT_GOODS_PRICE")
- ax = sns.distplot(df_train['AMT_GOODS_PRICE'].dropna())
- #申请贷款的时候客户的陪同人
- temp = df_train["NAME_TYPE_SUITE"].value_counts()
- trace = go.Bar(
- x = temp.index,
- y = (temp / temp.sum())*100,
- )
- data = [trace]
- layout = go.Layout(
- title = "Distribution of Name of type of the Suite in % ",
- xaxis=dict(
- title='Name of type of the Suite',
- tickfont=dict(
- size=14,
- color='rgb(107, 107, 107)'
- )
- ),
- yaxis=dict(
- title='Count of Name of type of the Suite in %',
- titlefont=dict(
- size=16,
- color='rgb(107, 107, 107)'
- ),
- tickfont=dict(
- size=14,
- color='rgb(107, 107, 107)'
- )
- )
- )
- fig = go.Figure(data=data, layout=layout)
- py.iplot(fig, filename='schoolStateNames')
- #如下图看来一个人的时候发生贷款的概率更高,有人陪同估计不好意思

- #是否发生逾期未还的情况分布,看来绝大多数人还是守信用的
- temp = df_train["TARGET"].value_counts()
- df = pd.DataFrame({'labels': temp.index,
- 'values': temp.values
- })
- df.iplot(kind='pie',labels='labels',values='values', title='Loan Repayed or not')
- #贷款是现金还是循环的标识 (就是一次性拿到全部贷款还是当前只拿部分在后面需要的时候再拿)
- temp = df_train["NAME_CONTRACT_TYPE"].value_counts()
- fig = {
- "data": [
- {
- "values": temp.values,
- "labels": temp.index,
- "domain": {"x": [0, .48]},
- #"name": "Types of Loans",
- #"hoverinfo":"label+percent+name",
- "hole": .7,
- "type": "pie"
- },
- ],
- "layout": {
- "title":"Types of loan",
- "annotations": [
- {
- "font": {
- "size": 20
- },
- "showarrow": False,
- "text": "Loan Types",
- "x": 0.17,
- "y": 0.5
- }
- ]
- }
- }
- iplot(fig, filename='donut')
- #如下图可知绝大部分人都只是会拿到贷款全部额度,毕竟贷款一般是解燃眉之急,很少有人贷款回来慢慢用。

- #是否有房/车
- #FLAG_OWN_CAR 客户是否拥有汽车
- #FLAG_OWN_REALTY 客户是否拥有房屋或公寓
- temp1 = df_train["FLAG_OWN_CAR"].value_counts()
- temp2 = df_train["FLAG_OWN_REALTY"].value_counts()
- fig = {
- "data": [
- {
- "values": temp1.values,
- "labels": temp1.index,
- "domain": {"x": [0, .48]},
- "name": "Own Car",
- "hoverinfo":"label+percent+name",
- "hole": .6,
- "type": "pie"
- },
- {
- "values": temp2.values,
- "labels": temp2.index,
- "textposition":"inside",
- "domain": {"x": [.52, 1]},
- "name": "Own Reality",
- "hoverinfo":"label+percent+name",
- "hole": .6,
- "type": "pie"
- }],
- "layout": {
- "title":"Purpose of loan",
- "annotations": [
- {
- "font": {
- "size": 20
- },
- "showarrow": False,
- "text": "Own Car",
- "x": 0.20,
- "y": 0.5
- },
- {
- "font": {
- "size": 20
- },
- "showarrow": False,
- "text": "Own Reality",
- "x": 0.8,
- "y": 0.5
- }
- ]
- }
- }
- iplot(fig, filename='donut')
- #如下图看下来,多数贷款的人是有房没车的人。有房没车估计也是底层人民啊,这符合我们正常的认知,没有住所的人去贷款估计也很难通过(谁愿意借钱给流浪汉呢)

- # 收入类型
- # 工作/商业助理/退休人员/公务员/失业/学生/商人/产假
- temp = df_train['NAME_INCOME_TYPE'].value_counts()
- df = pd.DataFrame({'labels':temp.index,
- 'values':temp.values})
- df.iplot(kind='pie',labels='labels',values='values',title='Income sources of Applicant\'s',hole=0.5)
- #多数人还是上班族(干得多拿得少,万恶的资本主义)
- #贷款申请人的家庭状况
- #结婚(有宗教或教堂参与的)/单身/民事婚姻(类似中国有政府部门颁发结婚证的民间组织的婚姻)/分离/寡(应该是丧偶)/未知
- temp = df_train['NAME_FAMILY_STATUS'].value_counts()
- df = pd.DataFrame({'labels':temp.index,
- 'values':temp.values})
- df.iplot(kind='pie',labels='labels',values='values',title='Family Status of Applicant\'s',hole=0.6)
- #除了正常已婚人士,单身汉也不少,看来单身汉是真缺钱(要不然也不会单身是吧)
- #申请人的职业
- temp = df_train['OCCUPATION_TYPE'].value_counts()
- # df = pd.DataFrame({'labels':temp.index,
- # 'values':temp.values})
- # df.iplot(kind='pie',labels='labels',values='values',title='Family Status of Applicant\'s',hole=0.6)
- temp.iplot(kind='bar',xTitle='Occupation',yTitle='Count',title='Occupation of Applicatnt\'s who applied for loan',color='green')
- #看看下图,最缺钱的是伟大的劳动者,最不缺钱的竟然是我们IT人员(看来是我拖大家的后腿了)
- #申请人的教育情况
- temp = df_train['NAME_EDUCATION_TYPE'].value_counts()
- df = pd.DataFrame({'labels':temp.index,
- 'values':temp.values})
- df.iplot(kind='pie',labels='labels',values='values',title='Education od Applicant\'s',hole=0.5)
- #Secondary special 中等专业学校学历的人最缺钱,然后是Higher education高等教育,难道是学历越高眼界越高,欲望越多,压力越大(也有可能是其他的情况,比如学历底了收入少、还款能力底,贷款批不下来,也就不再去申请贷款了)
- #住房情况
- temp = df_train["NAME_HOUSING_TYPE"].value_counts()
- df = pd.DataFrame({'labels': temp.index,
- 'values': temp.values
- })
- df.iplot(kind='pie',labels='labels',values='values', title='Type of House', hole = 0.5)
- #住父母房子的人贷款的是最多的(难道是生活压力小只想这享乐了,合租的人很少去贷款估计是要攒钱改善生活吧)
- #工作机构类型
- temp = df_train["ORGANIZATION_TYPE"].value_counts()
- df = pd.DataFrame({'labels': temp.index,
- 'values': temp.values
- })
- df.iplot(kind='pie',labels='labels',values='values', title='Type of House', hole = 0.5)
- #最缺钱的是做实体的(这个国内情况很相似,踏实做事的企业赚不到钱;反倒不如投机倒把,炒房,炒股票的赚钱,堪忧啊)
- #将类别属性数值化
- from sklearn import preprocessing
- #找出类别的属性
- categorical_features = [
- categorical for categorical in df_train.columns if df_train[categorical].dtype == 'object'
- ]
- #将类别属性数值化
- for i in categorical_features:
- lben = preprocessing.LabelEncoder()
- lben.fit(list(df_train[i].values.astype('str')) + list(df_test[i].values.astype('str')))
- df_train[i] = lben.transform(list(df_train[i].values.astype('str')))
- df_test[i] = lben.transform(list(df_test[i].values.astype('str')))

- #用-999填充空值
- df_train.fillna(-999, inplace = True)
- df_test.fillna(-999, inplace = True)
- #构建模型
- #LightGBM是个快速的,分布式的,高性能的基于决策树算法的梯度提升框架。可用于排序,分类,回归以及很多其他的机器学习任务中。
- #如果没有lightgbm包,则需要安装(用了镜像源) pip install -i https://pypi.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/simple/ lightgbm
- import lightgbm as lgb
- from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
- #提取标签列
- Y = df_train['TARGET']
- test_id = df_test['SK_ID_CURR']
- #删除不用与训练的属性
- train_X = df_train.drop(['TARGET','SK_ID_CURR'],axis=1)
- test_X = df_test.drop(['SK_ID_CURR'], axis = 1)
- #训练集分割为训练数据和验证数据
- x_train, x_val, y_train, y_val = train_test_split(
- train_X,
- Y,
- random_state=18)
- lgb_train = lgb.Dataset(data=x_train, label=y_train)
- lgb_eval = lgb.Dataset(data=x_val, label=y_val)
- #模型参数
- params = {
- 'task': 'train',
- 'boosting_type': 'gbdt',
- 'objective': 'binary',
- 'metric': 'auc',
- 'learning_rate': 0.05,
- 'num_leaves': 32,
- 'num_iteration': 500,
- 'verbose': 0
- }
- #开始训练
- model = lgb.train(params,lgb_train,valid_sets=lgb_eval,early_stopping_rounds=100,verbose_eval=10)
- #特征的重要性分布如下
- lgb.plot_importance(model,figsize=(18,20))
- #预测
- pred = model.predict(test_X)
- sub = pd.DataFrame()
- sub['SK_ID_CURR'] = test_id
- sub['TARGET'] = pred
- #保存结果
- sub.to_csv("baseline_submission.csv", index=False)
- sub.head(10)
- #换一个训练模型
- #LGBMClassifier
- from lightgbm import LGBMClassifier
- clf = LGBMClassifier(
- n_estimators=300,
- num_leaves=15,
- colsample_bytree=.8,
- subsample=.8,
- max_depth=7,
- reg_alpha=.1,
- reg_lambda=.1,
- min_split_gain=0.01)
- #开始训练
- clf.fit(x_train,
- y_train,
- eval_set=[(x_train,y_train),(x_val,y_val)],
- eval_metric='auc',
- verbose=0,
- early_stopping_rounds=30)
- #预测
- pred_1 = clf.predict(test_X)
- sub = pd.DataFrame()
- sub['SK_ID_CURR'] = test_id
- sub['TARGET'] = pred_1
- sub.to_csv("submission_clf.csv", index=False)
- sub.head(10)
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