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metasploit 快速入门(二)信息收集和扫描-续_elasticsearch unrestricted access information disc

elasticsearch unrestricted access information disclosure










要使用Nessus需要先去Nessus官网注册并取得Licenses。你可以使用Nessus家庭版,此授权是免费的,它允许你扫描个人家庭网络(小于16个IP地址)。然后下载软件安装包进行安装。在Kali中需要下载.deb格式的包,然后使用dpkg -i进行安装。






  1. root@osboxes:~# cd ~/Downloads/
  2. root@osboxes:~/Downloads# ls
  3. bettercap bettercap_linux_amd64_2.2.zip libpcap-1.8.1 libpcap-1.8.1.tar.gz Nessus-8.3.1-debian6_amd64.deb
  4. root@osboxes:~/Downloads# dpkg -i Nessus-8.3.1-debian6_amd64.deb //安装
  5. Selecting previously unselected package nessus.
  6. (Reading database ... 435326 files and directories currently installed.)
  7. Preparing to unpack Nessus-8.3.1-debian6_amd64.deb ...
  8. Unpacking nessus (8.3.1) ...
  9. Setting up nessus (8.3.1) ...
  10. Unpacking Nessus Scanner Core Components...
  11. - You can start Nessus Scanner by typing /etc/init.d/nessusd start
  12. - Then go to https://osboxes:8834/ to configure your scanner
  13. Processing triggers for systemd (241-1) ...
  14. root@osboxes:~/Downloads#


root@osboxes:~/Downloads# systemctl start nessusd.service



2、选择Home,Professional or Manager,填写激活密钥进行授权激活。






  1. msf5 > load nessus //载入nessus组件
  2. [*] Nessus Bridge for Metasploit
  3. [*] Type nessus_help for a command listing
  4. [*] Successfully loaded plugin: Nessus
  5. msf5 >


  1. msf5 > nessus_help
  2. Command Help Text
  3. ------- ---------
  4. Generic Commands
  5. ----------------- -----------------
  6. nessus_connect Connect to a Nessus server
  7. nessus_logout Logout from the Nessus server
  8. nessus_login Login into the connected Nesssus server with a different username and password
  9. nessus_save Save credentials of the logged in user to nessus.yml
  10. nessus_help Listing of available nessus commands
  11. nessus_server_properties Nessus server properties such as feed type, version, plugin set and server UUID.
  12. nessus_server_status Check the status of your Nessus Server
  13. nessus_admin Checks if user is an admin
  14. nessus_template_list List scan or policy templates
  15. nessus_folder_list List all configured folders on the Nessus server
  16. nessus_scanner_list List all the scanners configured on the Nessus server
  17. Nessus Database Commands

3、连接到Nessus服务,使用nessus_connect NessusUser:NessusPassword@命令。

  1. msf5 > nessus_connect nessusroot:Passw0rd@ //连接到 Nessus 服务
  2. [*] Connecting to as nessusroot
  3. [*] User nessusroot authenticated successfully.
  4. msf5 >


  1. msf5 > nessus_policy_list
  2. [-] No policies found
  3. msf5 >


我们选择新建一个Basic Network Scan策略



  1. msf5 > nessus_policy_list
  2. Policy ID Name Policy UUID
  3. --------- ---- -----------
  4. 4 PenTest01 731a8e52-3ea6-a291-ec0a-d2ff0619c19d7bd788d6be818b65
  5. msf5 >

5、创建nessus扫描,使用nessus_scan_new --help查看命令帮助信息:

  1. msf5 > nessus_scan_new --help
  2. [*] Usage:
  3. [*] nessus_scan_new <UUID of Policy> <Scan name> <Description> <Targets>
  4. [*] Use nessus_policy_list to list all available policies with their corresponding UUIDs
  5. msf5 >


  1. msf5 > nessus_scan_new 731a8e52-3ea6-a291-ec0a-d2ff0619c19d7bd788d6be818b65 Metasploitable3 Windows_Machine
  2. [*] Creating scan from policy number 731a8e52-3ea6-a291-ec0a-d2ff0619c19d7bd788d6be818b65, called Metasploitable3 - Windows_Machine and scanning
  3. [*] New scan added
  4. [-] Error while running command nessus_scan_new: undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass
  5. Call stack:
  6. /usr/share/metasploit-framework/plugins/nessus.rb:979:in `cmd_nessus_scan_new'
  7. /usr/share/metasploit-framework/lib/rex/ui/text/dispatcher_shell.rb:522:in `run_command'
  8. /usr/share/metasploit-framework/lib/rex/ui/text/dispatcher_shell.rb:473:in `block in run_single'
  9. /usr/share/metasploit-framework/lib/rex/ui/text/dispatcher_shell.rb:467:in `each'
  10. /usr/share/metasploit-framework/lib/rex/ui/text/dispatcher_shell.rb:467:in `run_single'
  11. /usr/share/metasploit-framework/lib/rex/ui/text/shell.rb:151:in `run'
  12. /usr/share/metasploit-framework/lib/metasploit/framework/command/console.rb:48:in `start'
  13. /usr/share/metasploit-framework/lib/metasploit/framework/command/base.rb:82:in `start'
  14. /usr/bin/msfconsole:49:in `<main>'
  15. msf5 >

此次会报错:Error while running command nessus_scan_new: undefined method []' for nil:NilClass。这是由于Nessus 7开始对远程调用进行认证,从而导致Metasploit调用失败。现在正在等待修复。

解决办法:Nessus Plugin unable to create new scan · Issue #11117 · rapid7/metasploit-framework · GitHub https://github.com/rapid7/metasploit-framework/issues/11117


  1. msf5 > nessus_scan_new 731a8e52-3ea6-a291-ec0a-d2ff0619c19d7bd788d6be818b65 test test
  2. [*] Creating scan from policy number 731a8e52-3ea6-a291-ec0a-d2ff0619c19d7bd788d6be818b65, called test - test and scanning
  3. [*] New scan added
  4. [*] Use nessus_scan_launch 6 to launch the scan
  5. Scan ID Scanner ID Policy ID Targets Owner
  6. ------- ---------- --------- ------- -----
  7. 6 1 5 nessusroot
  8. msf5 >


  1. msf5 > nessus_scan_list
  2. Scan ID Name Owner Started Status Folder
  3. ------- ---- ----- ------- ------ ------
  4. 6 test nessusroot empty 3
  5. msf5 >

8、启动扫描,使用nessus_scan_launch <Scan ID>启动扫描

  1. msf5 > nessus_scan_launch 6
  2. [+] Scan ID 6 successfully launched. The Scan UUID is 67d8e87c-17a6-7693-0b41-666f40291e1464ae15bc02832ca3
  3. msf5 >


  1. msf5 > nessus_scan_list
  2. Scan ID Name Owner Started Status Folder
  3. ------- ---- ----- ------- ------ ------
  4. 6 test nessusroot running 3
  5. msf5 >

9、查看扫描的详细信息,使用nessus_scan_details <Scan ID> <info/hosts/vulnerabilities/history>

  1. msf5 > nessus_scan_details 6 info //查看扫描状态
  2. Status Policy Scan Name Scan Targets Scan Start Time Scan End Time
  3. ------ ------ --------- ------------ --------------- -------------
  4. running Basic Network Scan test 1555301230
  5. msf5 > nessus_scan_details 6 hosts //查看主机
  6. Host ID Hostname % of Critical Findings % of High Findings % of Medium Findings % of Low Findings
  7. ------- -------- ---------------------- ------------------ -------------------- -----------------
  8. 2 1 0 0 0
  9. msf5 > nessus_scan_details 6 vulnerabilities //查看漏洞信息
  10. Plugin ID Plugin Name Plugin Family Count
  11. --------- ----------- ------------- -----
  12. 10114 ICMP Timestamp Request Remote Date Disclosure General 1
  13. 10150 Windows NetBIOS / SMB Remote Host Information Disclosure Windows 1
  14. 10287 Traceroute Information General 1
  15. 10394 Microsoft Windows SMB Log In Possible Windows 1
  16. 10736 DCE Services Enumeration Windows 8
  17. 10785 Microsoft Windows SMB NativeLanManager Remote System Information Disclosure
  18. .....
  19. msf5 > nessus_scan_details 6 history //查看扫描历史
  20. History ID Status Creation Date Last Modification Date
  21. ---------- ------ ------------- ----------------------
  22. 7 running 1555301230
  23. msf5 >


10、当完成扫描后,使用nessus_db_import <Scan ID>将扫描结果导入到Metasploit中。

  1. msf5 > nessus_scan_details 6 info
  2. Status Policy Scan Name Scan Targets Scan Start Time Scan End Time
  3. ------ ------ --------- ------------ --------------- -------------
  4. completed Basic Network Scan test 1555301230 1555302154
  5. msf5 > nessus_db_import 6
  6. [*] Exporting scan ID 6 is Nessus format...
  7. [+] The export file ID for scan ID 6 is 2110513949
  8. [*] Checking export status...
  9. [*] Export status: loading
  10. [*] Export status: ready
  11. [*] The status of scan ID 6 export is ready
  12. [*] Importing scan results to the database...
  13. [*] Importing data of
  14. [+] Done
  15. msf5 >


  1. msf5 > hosts
  2. Hosts
  3. =====
  4. address mac name os_name os_flavor os_sp purpose info comments
  5. ------- --- ---- ------- --------- ----- ------- ---- --------
  6. Unknown device
  7. 00:0c:29:41:d2:48 METASPLOITABLE3 Windows 2008 Standard SP1 server
  8. Unknown device
  9. msf5 > services
  10. Services
  11. ========
  12. host port proto name state info
  13. ---- ---- ----- ---- ----- ----
  14. 21 tcp ftp open 220 Serv-U FTP Server v15.0 ready...\x0d\x0a
  15. 21 tcp ftp open 220 Microsoft FTP Service\x0d\x0a
  16. 22 tcp ssh open SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_7.1
  17. 80 tcp www open Microsoft IIS httpd 7.5
  18. 135 tcp epmap open
  19. 137 udp netbios-ns open
  20. .....


  1. msf5 > vulns
  2. Vulnerabilities
  3. ===============
  4. Timestamp Host Name References
  5. --------- ---- ---- ----------
  6. 2019-04-12 07:52:51 UTC MS17-010 SMB RCE Detection CVE-2017-0143,CVE-2017-0144,CVE-2017-0145,CVE-2017-0146,CVE-2017-0147,CVE-2017-0148,MSB-MS17-
  7. 010,URL-https://zerosum0x0.blogspot.com/2017/04/doublepulsar-initial-smb-backdoor-ring.html,URL-https://github.com/countercept/doublepulsar-detection-script,URL-htt
  8. ps://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/security/ms17-010.aspx
  9. 2019-04-12 09:08:20 UTC HTTP Writable Path PUT/DELETE File Access
  10. OSVDB-397
  11. 2019-04-15 04:25:24 UTC Elasticsearch Transport Protocol Unspecified Remote Code Execution CVE-2015-5377,NSS-105752,NSS-119499
  12. 2019-04-15 04:25:25 UTC MySQL Server Detection NSS-10719
  13. 2019-04-15 04:25:25 UTC Elasticsearch Detection NSS-109941
  14. 2019-04-15 04:25:25 UTC ManageEngine Desktop Central 9 < Build 92027 Multiple Vulnerabilities CVE-2018-8722,NSS-108752
  15. 2019-04-15 04:25:25 UTC Elasticsearch Unrestricted Access Information Disclosure NSS-101025
  16. ....



在本节,我们将介绍另一个极佳的漏洞扫描器:NeXposeNexPose是领先的漏洞评估工具之一。NeXpose 是 Rapid7 常用的工具,它执行漏洞扫描并将结果导入到 Metasploit 数据库中。NeXpose 的用法与 Nessus 类似,让我们快速了解一下如何使用 NeXpose。至于深入探究就留给大家来完成了。








  1. root@osboxes:~# chmod +x Rapid7Setup-Linux64.bin
  2. root@osboxes:~# ./Rapid7Setup-Linux64.bin
  3. ....
  4. Do you want to continue?
  5. Yes [y, Enter], No [n]
  6. Gathering system information....
  7. Security Console with local Scan Engine
  8. If you do not have a console installed yet, this option is recommended. The console manages scan engines and all administrative operations.
  9. Scan Engine only
  10. This distributed engine can start scanning after being paired with a Security Console.
  11. Select only the set of components you want to install:
  12. Security Console with local Scan Engine [1, Enter]
  13. Scan Engine only [2]
  14. 1
  15. Where should Rapid7 Vulnerability Management be installed?
  16. [/opt/rapid7/nexpose]
  17. ....
  18. Select any additional installation tasks.
  19. Initialize and start after installation?
  20. Yes [y], No [n, Enter]
  21. y
  22. ...
  23. If you chose to start the Security Console as part of the installation, then it will be started upon installer completion.
  24. Using the credentials you created during installation, log onto Nexpose at https://localhost:3780.
  25. To start the service run: sudo systemctl start nexposeconsole.service
  26. To start the service run: sudo systemctl start nexposeconsole.service
  27. The Security Console is configured to automatically run at startup. See the
  28. installation guide if you wish to modify start modes.
  29. [Enter]
  30. Finishing installation...

我们设置的用户名:nexpose 密码:Faq3wANIK0 (根据自己喜好设置)

启动脚本,执行/opt/rapid7/nexpose/nsc/nsc.sh 或者systemctl start nexposeconsole,启动需要一段时间,请耐心等待。



  1. msf5 > load nexpose
  2. ▄▄▄ ▄▄ ▄▄▄ ▄▄▄
  3. ███ ██ ██ ▄██
  4. ██▀█ ██ ▄████▄ ████ ██▄███▄ ▄████▄ ▄▄█████▄ ▄████▄
  5. ██ ██ ██ ██▄▄▄▄██ ██ ██▀ ▀██ ██▀ ▀██ ██▄▄▄▄ ▀ ██▄▄▄▄██
  6. ██ █▄██ ██▀▀▀▀▀▀ ████ ██ ██ ██ ██ ▀▀▀▀██▄ ██▀▀▀▀▀▀
  7. ██ ███ ▀██▄▄▄▄█ ██ ██ ███▄▄██▀ ▀██▄▄██▀ █▄▄▄▄▄██ ▀██▄▄▄▄█
  8. ▀▀ ▀▀▀ ▀▀▀▀▀ ▀▀▀ ▀▀▀ ██ ▀▀▀ ▀▀▀▀ ▀▀▀▀▀▀ ▀▀▀▀▀
  9. ██
  10. [*] Nexpose integration has been activated
  11. [*] Successfully loaded plugin: nexpose
  12. msf5 > nexpose_connect nexpose:Faq3wANIK0@
  13. [*] Connecting to Nexpose instance at with username nexpose...
  14. msf5 >




  1. msf5 > nexpose_discover
  2. [*] Scanning 1 addresses with template aggressive-discovery in sets of 32
  3. [*] Completed the scan of 1 addresses
  4. msf5 >


  1. msf5 > nexpose_scan -h
  2. Usage: nexpose_scan [options] <Target IP Ranges>
  4. -E <opt> Exclude hosts in the specified range from the scan
  5. -I <opt> Only scan systems with an address within the specified range
  6. -P Leave the scan data on the server when it completes (this counts against the maximum licensed IPs)
  7. -c <opt> Specify credentials to use against these targets (format is type:user:pass
  8. -d Scan hosts based on the contents of the existing database
  9. -h This help menu
  10. -n <opt> The maximum number of IPs to scan at a time (default is 32)
  11. -s <opt> The directory to store the raw XML files from the Nexpose instance (optional)
  12. -t <opt> The scan template to use (default:pentest-audit options:full-audit,exhaustive-audit,discovery,aggressive-discovery,dos-audit)
  13. -v Display diagnostic information about the scanning process
  14. msf5 >

3、要扫描目标,使用nexpose_scan -t <template> <target_id>

  1. msf5 > nexpose_scan -t full-audit
  2. [*] Scanning 1 addresses with template full-audit in sets of 32
  3. [*] Completed the scan of 1 addresses
  4. msf5 >

4、扫描完成后,导入结果到数据库中,使用nexpose_site_import <site_id>

  1. msf5 > nexpose_site_import 7
  2. [*] Generating the export data file...
  3. [*] Downloading the export data...
  4. [*] Importing Nexpose data...



OpenVAS( Open Vulnerability Assessment System)是Nessus项目的分支。是一个免费开源的漏洞扫描和漏洞管理工具。也是当前使用最为广泛的漏洞扫描和管理开源解决方案。



1、在Kali上安装 OpenVAS

root@osboxes:~# apt install openvas -y


  1. root@osboxes:~# openvas-setup //这一步会下载很多东西,请耐心等待
  2. [>] Updating OpenVAS feeds
  3. [*] [1/3] Updating: NVT
  4. --2019-04-15 13:54:37-- http://dl.greenbone.net/community-nvt-feed-current.tar.bz2
  5. Connecting to connected.
  6. Proxy request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
  7. Length: 22288483 (21M) [application/octet-stream]
  8. ....
  9. 经过漫长的等待...
  10. [*] Opening Web UI ( in: 5... 4... 3... 2... 1...
  11. [>] Checking for admin user
  12. [*] Creating admin user
  13. User created with password 'dc63c468-3780-4e3c-b30c-1597f4b91623'.
  14. [+] Done

3、配置完成后,启动openvas ,其实在上一步中已经启动了。也可以用下面的命令启动

root@osboxes:~# openvas-start



  1. msf5 > load openvas
  2. [*] Welcome to OpenVAS integration by kost and averagesecurityguy.
  3. [*]
  4. [*] OpenVAS integration requires a database connection. Once the
  5. [*] database is ready, connect to the OpenVAS server using openvas_connect.
  6. [*] For additional commands use openvas_help.
  7. [*]
  8. [*] Successfully loaded plugin: OpenVAS
  9. msf5 >


  1. msf5 > help openvas
  2. OpenVAS Commands
  3. ================
  4. Command Description
  5. ------- -----------
  6. openvas_config_list Quickly display list of configs
  7. openvas_connect Connect to an OpenVAS manager using OMP
  8. openvas_debug Enable/Disable debugging
  9. openvas_disconnect Disconnect from OpenVAS manager
  10. openvas_format_list Display list of available report formats
  11. openvas_help Displays help
  12. openvas_report_delete Delete a report specified by ID
  13. openvas_report_download Save a report to disk
  14. openvas_report_import Import report specified by ID into framework
  15. openvas_report_list Display a list of available report formats
  16. openvas_target_create Create target (name, hosts, comment)
  17. openvas_target_delete Delete target by ID
  18. openvas_target_list Display list of targets
  19. openvas_task_create Create a task (name, comment, target, config)
  20. openvas_task_delete Delete task by ID
  21. openvas_task_list Display list of tasks
  22. openvas_task_pause Pause task by ID
  23. openvas_task_resume Resume task by ID
  24. openvas_task_resume_or_start Resume task or start task by ID
  25. openvas_task_start Start task by ID
  26. openvas_task_stop Stop task by ID
  27. openvas_version Display the version of the OpenVAS server
  28. msf5 >

6、使用 openvas_connect <username> <password> <host> <port>连接到OpenVAS服务​​​​​​​

  1. msf5 > openvas_connect admin dc63c468-3780-4e3c-b30c-1597f4b91623 9390
  2. [*] Connecting to OpenVAS instance at with username admin...
  3. /usr/share/metasploit-framework/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.5.0/gems/openvas-omp-0.0.4/lib/openvas-omp.rb:201: warning: Object#timeout is deprecated, use Timeout.timeout instead.
  4. [+] OpenVAS connection successful
  5. msf5 >

7、添加扫描目标,使用openvas_target_create <Name> <Hosts> <Comment>指令,参数包括描述信息,目标的IP​​​​​​​

  1. msf5 > openvas_target_create "Metasploitable3" "Windows Target"
  2. /usr/share/metasploit-framework/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.5.0/gems/openvas-omp-0.0.4/lib/openvas-omp.rb:201: warning: Object#timeout is deprecated, use Timeout.timeout instead.
  3. [*] 6455a780-092a-40dd-8c01-191a7612505a
  4. /usr/share/metasploit-framework/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.5.0/gems/openvas-omp-0.0.4/lib/openvas-omp.rb:201: warning: Object#timeout is deprecated, use Timeout.timeout instead.
  5. [+] OpenVAS list of targets
  6. ID Name Hosts Max Hosts In Use Comment
  7. -- ---- ----- --------- ------ -------
  8. 6455a780-092a-40dd-8c01-191a7612505a Metasploitable3 1 0 Windows Target
  9. msf5 >


  1. msf5 > openvas_config_list
  2. /usr/share/metasploit-framework/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.5.0/gems/openvas-omp-0.0.4/lib/openvas-omp.rb:201: warning: Object#timeout is deprecated, use Timeout.timeout instead.
  3. [+] OpenVAS list of configs
  4. ID Name
  5. -- ----
  6. 085569ce-73ed-11df-83c3-002264764cea empty
  7. 2d3f051c-55ba-11e3-bf43-406186ea4fc5 Host Discovery
  8. 698f691e-7489-11df-9d8c-002264764cea Full and fast ultimate
  9. 708f25c4-7489-11df-8094-002264764cea Full and very deep
  10. 74db13d6-7489-11df-91b9-002264764cea Full and very deep ultimate
  11. 8715c877-47a0-438d-98a3-27c7a6ab2196 Discovery
  12. bbca7412-a950-11e3-9109-406186ea4fc5 System Discovery
  13. daba56c8-73ec-11df-a475-002264764cea Full and fast
  14. msf5 >

9、创建任务,使用如下指令 openvas_task_create <name> <Comment> <config_id> <target_id>​​​​​​​

  1. msf5 > openvas_task_create "Metasploitable3" "Windows" 698f691e-7489-11df-9d8c-002264764cea 6455a780-092a-40dd-8c01-191a7612505a
  2. /usr/share/metasploit-framework/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.5.0/gems/openvas-omp-0.0.4/lib/openvas-omp.rb:201: warning: Object#timeout is deprecated, use Timeout.timeout instead.
  3. [*] fb18cf93-a94b-4c9b-aadf-9408bd9a9186
  4. /usr/share/metasploit-framework/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.5.0/gems/openvas-omp-0.0.4/lib/openvas-omp.rb:201: warning: Object#timeout is deprecated, use Timeout.timeout instead.
  5. [+] OpenVAS list of tasks
  6. ID Name Comment Status Progress
  7. -- ---- ------- ------ --------
  8. fb18cf93-a94b-4c9b-aadf-9408bd9a9186 Metasploitable3 Windows New -1
  9. msf5 >

10、启动任务,使用openvas_task_start <task_id>​​​​​​​

  1. msf5 > openvas_task_start fb18cf93-a94b-4c9b-aadf-9408bd9a9186
  2. /usr/share/metasploit-framework/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.5.0/gems/openvas-omp-0.0.4/lib/openvas-omp.rb:201: warning: Object#timeout is deprecated, use Timeout.timeout instead.
  3. [*] <X><authenticate_response status='200' status_text='OK'><role>Admin</role><timezone>UTC</timezone><severity>nist</severity></authenticate_response><start_task_response status='202' status_text='OK, request submitted'><report_id>7993d76a-43b3-48c6-ac94-ca630e20db68</report_id></start_task_response></X>msf5 >


  1. msf5 > openvas_task_list
  2. /usr/share/metasploit-framework/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.5.0/gems/openvas-omp-0.0.4/lib/openvas-omp.rb:201: warning: Object#timeout is deprecated, use Timeou
  3. t.timeout instead.
  4. [+] OpenVAS list of tasks
  5. ID Name Comment Status Progress
  6. -- ---- ------- ------ --------
  7. fb18cf93-a94b-4c9b-aadf-9408bd9a9186 Metasploitable3 Windows Requested 1
  8. msf5 >

12、使用openvas_format_list 可以查看OpenVAS支持的报告格式。​​​​​​​

  1. msf5 > openvas_format_list
  2. /usr/share/metasploit-framework/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.5.0/gems/openvas-omp-0.0.4/lib/openvas-omp.rb:201: warning: Object#timeout is deprecated, use Timeout.timeout i
  3. nstead.
  4. [+] OpenVAS list of report formats
  5. ID Name Extension Summary
  6. -- ---- --------- -------
  7. 5057e5cc-b825-11e4-9d0e-28d24461215b Anonymous XML xml Anonymous version of the raw XML report
  8. 50c9950a-f326-11e4-800c-28d24461215b Verinice ITG vna Greenbone Verinice ITG Report, v1.0.1.
  9. 5ceff8ba-1f62-11e1-ab9f-406186ea4fc5 CPE csv Common Product Enumeration CSV table.
  10. 6c248850-1f62-11e1-b082-406186ea4fc5 HTML html Single page HTML report.
  11. 77bd6c4a-1f62-11e1-abf0-406186ea4fc5 ITG csv German "IT-Grundschutz-Kataloge" report.
  12. 9087b18c-626c-11e3-8892-406186ea4fc5 CSV Hosts csv CSV host summary.
  13. 910200ca-dc05-11e1-954f-406186ea4fc5 ARF xml Asset Reporting Format v1.0.0.
  14. 9ca6fe72-1f62-11e1-9e7c-406186ea4fc5 NBE nbe Legacy OpenVAS report.
  15. 9e5e5deb-879e-4ecc-8be6-a71cd0875cdd Topology SVG svg Network topology SVG image.
  16. a3810a62-1f62-11e1-9219-406186ea4fc5 TXT txt Plain text report.
  17. a684c02c-b531-11e1-bdc2-406186ea4fc5 LaTeX tex LaTeX source file.
  18. a994b278-1f62-11e1-96ac-406186ea4fc5 XML xml Raw XML report.
  19. c15ad349-bd8d-457a-880a-c7056532ee15 Verinice ISM vna Greenbone Verinice ISM Report, v3.0.0.
  20. c1645568-627a-11e3-a660-406186ea4fc5 CSV Results csv CSV result list.
  21. c402cc3e-b531-11e1-9163-406186ea4fc5 PDF pdf Portable Document Format report.
  22. msf5 >


14、任务完成后,使用openvas_report_list 查看报告列表。​​​​​​​

  1. msf5 > openvas_report_list
  2. [+] OpenVAS list of reports
  3. ID Task Name Start Time Stop Time
  4. -- --------- ---------- ---------
  5. 4ee7b572-a470-484c-962e-773d3a7eb7b1 Metasploitable3 2019-04-16T02:40:24Z 2019-04-16T03:07:15Z
  6. 7993d76a-43b3-48c6-ac94-ca630e20db68 Metasploitable3 2019-04-16T01:15:44Z

15、使用openvas_report_import命令将报告导入到Metasploit中,仅支持NBE(legacy OpenVAS report)和XML格式导入。​​​​​​​

  1. msf5 > openvas_report_import 4ee7b572-a470-484c-962e-773d3a7eb7b1 9ca6fe72-1f62-11e1-9e7c-406186ea4fc5
  2. [*] Importing report to database.

但是这里我们使用的 Metasploit-5.0直接这么导入会报错,无法导入,我们先导出为文件再用db_import导入就可以了。​​​​​​​

  1. msf5 > openvas_report_download
  2. [*] Usage: openvas_report_download <report_id> <format_id> <path> <report_name>
  3. msf5 > openvas_report_download 4ee7b572-a470-484c-962e-773d3a7eb7b1 9ca6fe72-1f62-11e1-9e7c-406186ea4fc5 /tmp/ Metasploitable3
  4. [*] Saving report to /tmp/Metasploitable3
  5. msf5 > db_import /tmp/Metasploitable3
  6. [*] Importing 'OpenVAS XML' data
  7. [*] Successfully imported /tmp/Metasploitable3
  8. msf5 >


  1. msf5 > vulns
  2. Vulnerabilities
  3. ===============
  4. Timestamp Host Name References
  5. --------- ---- ---- ----------
  6. 2019-04-16 08:15:22 UTC ICMP Timestamp Detection CVE-1999-0524
  7. 2019-04-16 08:15:23 UTC Microsoft Windows IIS CVE-2010-3972,BID-45542
  8. 2019-04-16 08:15:23 UTC Microsoft Windows SMB Server Multiple Vulnerabilities-Remote (4013389) CVE-2017-0143,CVE-2017-0144,CVE-2017-0145,CVE-2017-0146,CVE-2017-0147,CVE-2017-0148,BID-96703,BID-96704,BID-96705,BID-96706,BID-96707,BID-96709
  9. 2019-04-16 08:15:23 UTC MS15-034 HTTP.sys Remote Code CVE-2015-1635
  10. 2019-04-16 08:15:23 UTC Oracle Glass Fish Server CVE-2017-1000028
  11. 2019-04-16 08:15:23 UTC SSL/TLS: Report 'Anonymous' Cipher Suites .....






