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signature=ddee383abc33fb5bc1f5539278b93d77,HHooww SSaacrreed GGeeoommeettrriieess EEnncoddee tthhee ...



Previous articles established the existence of an isomorphism between the inner form of the Kabbalistic Tree of Life, its polyhedral counterpart -- the Catalan solid known as the disdyakis triacontahedron, the table of 64 hexagrams used in the ancient Taoist system of divination and the Tantric Sri Yantra. The patterns characterizing this mathematical correspondence were found to exist as well in the note intervals of the seven musical scales and in the symmetries of an equation known to mathematicians as the `Klein quartic.' Article 15 explored its possible relevance to superstring theory and its Tree of Life basis was subsequently demonstrated in Article 43. One of the patterns they exhibit is a grouping of 384 structural elements into two sets of 64 triplets. This article will summarize the various forms taken by this pattern in these sacred geometries, in music and in the embedding of the symmetries of the Klein quartic on a 3-torus. It will then be compared with the 64 codons of mRNA and with the 64 anticodons of tRNA. Such is the degree of correlation between them that it is extremely implausible that the correspondence could be due to chance. It is concluded that the only possible, reasonable explanation for such matching is that the DNA molecule conforms to a universal paradigm that has been revealed in the sacred geometries of both western and eastern religions. The profound implication is that they represent the morphology of DNA as the molecule of life because -- far from being merely the product of random mutation and chaotic, evolutionary change -- it is the physical realisation of the Divine Ideal. The signature of God is written in DNA itself.


