add_one_x=292 add_one_y=263 //根据大漠来决定 chicang1_x=382 chicang1_y=868 chicang2_x=533 chicang2_y=908 buy_price1_x=825 buy_price1_y=487 buy_price2_x=903 buy_price2_y=512 buy_mode_x=add_one_x-177 buy_mode_y=add_one_y-182 sell_mode_x=add_one_x-51 sell_mode_y=add_one_y-182 plus_one_x=add_one_x-23 plus_one_y=add_one_y doubleclick_code_x=add_one_x-222 doubleclick_code_y=add_one_y+181 buy_price_x=add_one_y+71 buy_price_y=add_one_y-13 sell_price_x=add_one_x+126 sell_price_y=add_one_y-100 buy_price=0 sell_price=0 buy_x=add_one_x-49//买入按钮的位置 buy_y=add_one_y+66 buy_yes_x=add_one_x-55 buy_yes_y=add_one_y+101 success_commit_x=add_one_x+26//你的啥已提交 success_commit_y=add_one_y+62 refresh_x=add_one_x+383//刷新位置 refresh_y=add_one_y+129 PutAttachment ".\plugin", "RegDll.dll" PutAttachment ".\plugin\dm", "dm.dll" Plugin.RegDll.Reg (Plugin.sys.GetDir(0) + "\plugin\dm\dm.dll") set dm = createobject("dm.dmsoft") dm_ret = dm.SetDict(0,"D:\software\dm31233_202033015524\3.1233\dm_soft.txt") s = dm.Ocr(chicang1_x, chicang1_y, chicang2_x, chicang2_y, "e64343-000000", 1) Do While s = "" Delay 1000 s = dm.Ocr(chicang1_x, chicang1_y, chicang2_x, chicang2_y, "e64343-000000", 1) Loop //MessageBox s //展示是否成功读取现在的持仓量 initial_amount=s+0 call buy() do MoveTo refresh_x, refresh_y LeftDown 1 LeftUp 1 Delay 300 s = dm.Ocr(chicang1_x,chicang1_y,chicang2_x,chicang2_y,"e64343-000000",1) //MessageBox s end_mount=0 Do While s = "" Delay 2000 s = dm.Ocr(chicang1_x, chicang1_y, chicang2_x, chicang2_y, "e64343-000000", 1) Loop //MessageBox s end_amount=s+0 //MessageBox initial_amount //MessageBox end_amount if end_amount=(initial_amount+100) then exit do end if Loop call sell() do MoveTo refresh_x, refresh_y LeftDown 1 LeftUp 1 Delay 300 s = dm.Ocr(chicang1_x,chicang1_y,chicang2_x,chicang2_y,"e64343-000000",1) //MessageBox s end_mount=0 Do While s = "" Delay 2000 s = dm.Ocr(chicang1_x, chicang1_y, chicang2_x, chicang2_y, "e64343-000000", 1) Loop //MessageBox s end_amount=s+0 //MessageBox initial_amount //MessageBox end_amount if end_amount=initial_amount then exit do end if Loop MessageBox "买卖全部完成" EndScript Sub buy() MoveTo buy_mode_x,buy_mode_y LeftDoubleClick 1 Delay 300 MoveTo doubleclick_code_x,doubleclick_code_y LeftDoubleClick 1 Delay 300 temp= dm.Ocr(buy_price1_x,buy_price1_y,buy_price2_x,buy_price2_y,"e64343-000000",1) Do While temp = "" Delay 2000 temp= dm.Ocr(buy_price1_x,buy_price1_y,buy_price2_x,buy_price2_y,"e64343-000000",1) Loop buy_price = temp + 0 buy_price = buy_price/1000 //MessageBox buy_price MoveTo add_one_x-131,add_one_y-55 LeftDoubleClick 2 SayString buy_price Delay 300 //MessageBox buy_price MoveTo plus_one_x,plus_one_y LeftDown 1 LeftUp 1 Delay 500 MoveTo add_one_x,add_one_y LeftDown 1 LeftUp 1 Delay 500 MoveTo buy_x,buy_y LeftDown 1 LeftUp 1 Delay 300 MoveTo buy_yes_x,buy_yes_y LeftDown 1 LeftUp 1 Delay 500 MoveTo success_commit_x,success_commit_y LeftDown 1 LeftUp 1 Delay 300 //MessageBox "买单已经完成,价格是"+temp End Sub Sub sell() MoveTo sell_mode_x,sell_mode_y LeftDoubleClick 1 Delay 100 MoveTo doubleclick_code_x,doubleclick_code_y LeftDoubleClick 1 Delay 100 MoveTo add_one_x-131,add_one_y-55 LeftDoubleClick 2 SayString buy_price+0.001 //MessageBox buy_price+0.001 //MoveTo sell_price_x,sell_price_y //LeftDown 1 //LeftUp 1 //Delay 100 MoveTo plus_one_x,plus_one_y LeftDown 1 LeftUp 1 Delay 500 MoveTo add_one_x,add_one_y LeftDown 1 LeftUp 1 Delay 500 MoveTo buy_x,buy_y LeftDown 1 LeftUp 1 Delay 300 MoveTo buy_yes_x,buy_yes_y LeftDown 1 LeftUp 1 Delay 500 MoveTo success_commit_x,success_commit_y LeftDown 1 LeftUp 1 Delay 1200 End Sub
add_one_x=508 add_one_y=287 chicang1_x=828 chicang1_y=913 chicang2_x=973 chicang2_y=961 buy_mode_x=add_one_x-177 buy_mode_y=add_one_y-182 sell_mode_x=add_one_x-51 sell_mode_y=add_one_y-182 plus_one_x=add_one_x-23 plus_one_y=add_one_y doubleclick_code_x=add_one_x-222 doubleclick_code_y=add_one_y+181 buy_price_x=add_one_y+71 buy_price_y=add_one_y-13 sell_price_x=add_one_x+126 sell_price_y=add_one_y-100 buy_x=add_one_x-49//买入按钮的位置 buy_y=add_one_y+66 buy_yes_x=add_one_x-55 buy_yes_y=add_one_y+101 success_commit_x=add_one_x+26//你的啥已提交 success_commit_y=add_one_y+62 refresh_x=add_one_x+383//刷新位置 refresh_y=add_one_y+129 PutAttachment ".\plugin", "RegDll.dll" PutAttachment ".\plugin\dm", "dm.dll" Plugin.RegDll.Reg (Plugin.sys.GetDir(0) + "\plugin\dm\dm.dll") set dm = createobject("dm.dmsoft") dm_ret = dm.SetDict(0,"D:\software\dm31233_202033015524\3.1233\dm_soft.txt") s = dm.Ocr(chicang1_x,chicang1_y,chicang2_x,chicang2_y,"e64343-000000",1) initial_amount=s+0 call buy() do MoveTo refresh_x, refresh_y LeftDown 1 LeftUp 1 Delay 1200 s = dm.Ocr(chicang1_x,chicang1_y,chicang2_x,chicang2_y,"e64343-000000",1) end_amount=s+0 if end_amount=(initial_amount+100) then exit do end if loop call sell() EndScript Sub buy() MoveTo buy_mode_x,buy_mode_y LeftDoubleClick 1 Delay 100 MoveTo doubleclick_code_x,doubleclick_code_y LeftDoubleClick 1 Delay 100 MoveTo buy_price_x,buy_price_y LeftDown 1 LeftUp 1 Delay 100 MoveTo plus_one_x,plus_one_y LeftDown 1 LeftUp 1 Delay 500 MoveTo add_one_x,add_one_y LeftDown 1 LeftUp 1 Delay 500 MoveTo buy_x,buy_y LeftDown 1 LeftUp 1 Delay 300 MoveTo buy_yes_x,buy_yes_y LeftDown 1 LeftUp 1 Delay 500 MoveTo success_commit_x,success_commit_y LeftDown 1 LeftUp 1 Delay 1200 End Sub Sub sell() MoveTo sell_mode_x,sell_mode_y LeftDoubleClick 1 Delay 100 MoveTo doubleclick_code_x,doubleclick_code_y LeftDoubleClick 1 Delay 100 MoveTo sell_price_x,sell_price_y LeftDown 1 LeftUp 1 Delay 100 MoveTo plus_one_x,plus_one_y LeftDown 1 LeftUp 1 Delay 500 MoveTo add_one_x,add_one_y LeftDown 1 LeftUp 1 Delay 500 MoveTo buy_x,buy_y LeftDown 1 LeftUp 1 Delay 300 MoveTo buy_yes_x,buy_yes_y LeftDown 1 LeftUp 1 Delay 500 MoveTo success_commit_x,success_commit_y LeftDown 1 LeftUp 1 Delay 1200 End Sub
Call 子程序()
Sub 子程序()
Msgbox "我是子程序,被你调用了"
End Sub
Call 子程序()
Sub 子程序()
Msgbox a
End Sub
MoveTo 185, 138
RightDown 1
RightUp 1
Delay 3000
MoveTo 171, 150
LeftDown 1
LeftUp 1
PutAttachment ".\plugin", "RegDll.dll"
PutAttachment ".\plugin\dm", "dm.dll"
Plugin.RegDll.Reg (Plugin.sys.GetDir(0) + "\plugin\dm\dm.dll")
set dm = createobject("dm.dmsoft")
dm_ret = dm.SetDict(0,"C:\Users\ZTZ\Desktop\dm_soft.txt")
s = dm.Ocr(0,0,1878,781,"ffffff-000000",1.0)
MessageBox s
PutAttachment ".\plugin", "RegDll.dll"
PutAttachment ".\plugin\dm", "dm.dll"
Plugin.RegDll.Reg (Plugin.sys.GetDir(0) + "\plugin\dm\dm.dll")
set dm = createobject("dm.dmsoft")
dm_ret = dm.SetDict(0,"D:\software\dm31233_202033015524\3.1233\dm_soft.txt")
s = dm.Ocr(0,0,1878,781,"ffffff-000000",1.0)
dm_ret = dm.FindStr(0,0,1878,781,"密码","ffffff-000000",1.0,intX,intY)
If intX >= 0 and intY >= 0 Then
MoveTo intX,intY
End If
PutAttachment ".\plugin", "RegDll.dll" PutAttachment ".\plugin\dm", "dm.dll" Plugin.RegDll.Reg (Plugin.sys.GetDir(0) + "\plugin\dm\dm.dll") set dm = createobject("dm.dmsoft") dm_ret = dm.SetDict(0,"D:\software\dm31233_202033015524\3.1233\dm_soft.txt") s = dm.Ocr(0,0,1878,781,"ffffff-000000",1.0) dm_ret = dm.FindStr(0,0,1878,781,"密码","ffffff-000000",1.0,intX,intY) If intX >= 0 and intY >= 0 Then MoveTo intX, intY + 61 LeftClick 1 KeyDown 49, 1 KeyUp 49, 1 KeyDown 55, 1 KeyUp 55, 1 KeyDown 56, 1 KeyUp 56, 1 KeyDown 48, 1 KeyUp 48, 1 KeyDown 49, 1 KeyUp 49, 1 KeyDown 48, 1 KeyUp 48, 1 KeyDown 53, 1 KeyUp 53, 1 KeyDown 53, 1 KeyUp 53, 1 KeyDown 48, 1 KeyUp 48, 1 KeyDown 55, 1 KeyUp 55, 1 KeyDown 52, 1 KeyUp 52, 1 For 10 MoveTo intX, intY+228 LeftClick 1 Delay 62000 Next End If
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