(1) 初始化(构造一个空的栈)
(2) 计算栈长度(栈中节点个数)
(3) 插入节点(栈顶插入push)
(4) 删除节点(栈顶删除pop)
(5) 查找节点(栈顶查找top)
图1 栈结构
#pragma once
typedef short int BYTE;
typedef unsigned int WORD32;
#pragma once #include "common.h" class Element { public: Element(); Element(BYTE key, WORD32 value); ~Element(); BYTE getKey() const; WORD32 getValue() const; void dump() const; private: BYTE key; WORD32 value; };
#pragma once #include "Element.h" class Stack { public: Stack(WORD32 capability); ~Stack(); const WORD32 getSize() const; // 返回实际元素个数 const WORD32 getCapability() const; // 返回最大容量 bool push(const Element& element); // 加入元素 bool pop(); //删除元素 Element* top() const; // 查找元素 void showAllElements() const; private: Element *element; // 指向元素数组指针 WORD32 size; // 实际元素个数 WORD32 capability; // 最大容量 };
#include "Element.h" #include <iostream> Element::Element(BYTE key, WORD32 value) : key(key), value(value) { } Element::Element() : key(0), value(0) { } Element::~Element() { static int count = 0; // std::cout << "Element::~Element() count:" << count++ << std::endl; } BYTE Element::getKey() const { return key; } WORD32 Element::getValue() const { return value; } void Element::dump() const { std::cout << "key" << key << " value" << value << std::endl; }
#include "Stack.h" #include <iostream> using namespace std; Stack::Stack(WORD32 capability) : element(nullptr) , size(0) , capability(capability) { if (capability == 0) { return; } element = new(std::nothrow) Element[capability]; if (element == nullptr) { exit(0); } } Stack::~Stack() { if (element != nullptr) { delete [] element; } } const WORD32 Stack::getSize() const { return size; } const WORD32 Stack::getCapability() const { return capability; } bool Stack::push(const Element& element) { if (size >= capability) { cout << "capability is not enough!" << endl; return false; } this->element[size++] = element; // 深拷贝 return true; } bool Stack::pop() { if (size == 0) { cout << "size is zero, none node to be removed!" << endl; return false; } --size; // 不需要手动释放,析构的时候自动释放初始化分配的内存块。实际上增加节点只是修改已分配内存的数据而已 } Element* Stack::top() const { if (size == 0) { cout << "size is zero, none node to be removed!" << endl; return false; } if (size >= capability) { cout << "capability is not enough!" << endl; return nullptr; } return &element[size - 1]; } void Stack::showAllElements() const { for (auto i = 0; i < size; ++i) { cout << "key == " << element[i].getKey() << " value == " << element[i].getValue() << " size == " << size << " capability == " << capability << endl; } }
#include <iostream> #include "Stack.h" using namespace std; int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { cout << "\n-----------------创建栈-----------------------" << endl; Stack* stack = new(std::nothrow) Stack(64); if (stack == nullptr) { return false; } stack->showAllElements(); cout << "\n-----------------增加三个元素-----------------------" << endl; stack->push(Element(1, 1)); stack->push(Element(2, 2)); stack->push(Element(99, 99)); stack->showAllElements(); cout << "\n-----------------查找一个元素-----------------------" << endl; auto element0 = stack->top(); element0->dump(); cout << "\n-----------------删除一个元素-----------------------" << endl; stack->pop(); stack->showAllElements(); delete stack; stack = nullptr; getchar(); return 1; }
图2 栈输出结果图
《数据结构、算法与应用 C++语言描述》 [美] 萨特吉-萨尼(Sartaj Sahni)著. 王立柱 刘志红译 page:175-180
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