然后JDK需要选择11版本,因为我们当前使用的Neo4j版本是4.4.7,可以在Neo4j的浏览器中左下角“About Neo4j”中看到使用的版本号,其对应需要支持的JDK版本可以在官网中查到:
1. JDK 11
Neo4j 4.0 is the first major release that requires JDK 11. Custom extensions and procedures can be compiled now for JDK 11, for example, -target 11. It is generally recommended to use the latest available JDK 11 to access all available fixes and performance improvements.
# java -version
openjdk version "11.0.15" 2022-04-19
OpenJDK Runtime Environment 18.9 (build 11.0.15+10)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM 18.9 (build 11.0.15+10, mixed mode, sharing)
@Slf4j @RestController public class SystemController { @Autowired private SystemService systemService; public static final String SUCCESS_RESULT = "success"; @GetMapping("/getAllSystemNode") public List<SystemEntity> getAllSystemNode(){ return systemService.getAllSystemNode(); } @GetMapping("/findSystemById/{id}") public SystemEntity findSystemById(@PathVariable("id") Long id){ SystemEntity result = systemService.findSystemById(id); log.info("{}", result); return result; } @PostMapping("/addSystemNode") public String addSystemNode(@RequestBody SystemEntity systemEntity){ systemService.addSystemNode(systemEntity); return SUCCESS_RESULT; } @GetMapping("addInvokeRelation/{from}/{to}") public String addInvokeRelation(@PathVariable("from") Long from, @PathVariable("to") Long to){ systemService.addInvokeRelation(from, to); return SUCCESS_RESULT; } @GetMapping("addConsumeRelation/{from}/{to}") public String addConsumeRelation(@PathVariable("from") Long from, @PathVariable("to") Long to){ systemService.addConsumeRelation(from, to); return SUCCESS_RESULT; } @GetMapping("addProduceRelation/{from}/{to}") public String addProduceRelation(@PathVariable("from") Long from, @PathVariable("to") Long to){ systemService.addProduceRelation(from, to); return SUCCESS_RESULT; } }
@Slf4j @Service public class SystemService { @Resource private SystemRepository systemRepository; public List<SystemEntity> getAllSystemNode(){ List<SystemEntity> systemEntityList = systemRepository.findAll(); log.info("查询所有的节点为:{}", systemEntityList); return systemEntityList; } public void addSystemNode(SystemEntity systemEntity){ SystemEntity result = systemRepository.save(systemEntity); log.info("添加节点后的返回结果为:{}", result); } public void addInvokeRelation(Long from, Long to){ systemRepository.addInvokeRelation(from, to); } public void addConsumeRelation(Long from, Long to){ systemRepository.addConsumeRelation(from, to); } public void addProduceRelation(Long from, Long to){ systemRepository.addProduceRelation(from, to); } public SystemEntity findSystemById(Long id){ return systemRepository.findSystemById(id); } }
/** * Neo4jRepository<T, ID> * T表示节点类,ID表示主键类型 */ public interface SystemRepository extends Neo4jRepository<SystemEntity, Long> { @Query("MATCH (a),(b) WHERE id(a)=$from and id(b)=$to MERGE (a)-[:invoke]->(b)") void addInvokeRelation(@Param("from") Long from, @Param("to") Long to); @Query("MATCH (a),(b) WHERE id(a)=$from and id(b)=$to MERGE (a)-[:consume]->(b)") void addConsumeRelation(@Param("from") Long from, @Param("to") Long to); @Query("MATCH (a),(b) WHERE id(a)=$from and id(b)=$to MERGE (a)-[:produce]->(b)") void addProduceRelation(@Param("from") Long from, @Param("to") Long to); /** * 使用节点id时只能用id(n)这种写法,其它属性可以用n.name这样的写法 * @param id * @return */ @Query("MATCH (n) where id(n)=$id RETURN n") SystemEntity findSystemById(@Param("id") Long id); //等价写法@Query("MATCH (n:SystemEntity {leader: $leader}) RETURN n") @Query("MATCH (n) where n.leader=$leader RETURN n") SystemEntity findSystemByLeader(@Param("leader") String leader); }
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