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【雅思口语】安娜口语学习记录 Part2_安娜雅思口语素材







1–2:有趣的邻居(5-8 月新题)& 聊得来的朋友(5-8 月新题)

 I think my friend Anna is a very interesting person and I enjoy chatting with her. We both love pets, so there's just so much for us to talk about in that regard(相关的).

We live in the same residential quarter, and first met while walking our dogs; mine a poodle and hers a Pomeranian. I always walk my dog after 10 pm, and often meet her in the elevator(电梯), so we both got to know each other. On weekends, we would go to the park to walk our dogs together.

Anna is very kind and funny. She is very caring and treats her pet as if it was her baby. And what's even more interesting is that she previously spent time studying animal nutrition. She even knows how to deal with some common diseases. So, I always learn something new quickly by talking to her. For example, I learned what is bad for a dog's health, such as the additives(添加剂) in pet treats, and what foods are good for its health. She also taught me how to make pet treats and pet cakes with chicken. Once, when my dog had diarrhea(拉肚子), Anna sent me to the pharmacy(药店) to buy some human medications for my dog, and it recovered just a few days later. Animal clinics(诊所) usually cost me a lot, so this really helped me save a ton of money. I'm grateful to have such a good friend!


我认为我的朋友(邻居)anna 是个非常有趣的人,和她聊天总让我觉得开心。我们都很喜欢宠物,因此有很多共同话题。

我和 Anna 住在同一个小区,我们是遛狗的时候认识的。当我在家的时候,我总在晚上 10 点后才遛狗。 而我经常会在电梯里遇见她,渐渐的我们两个就熟悉了起来。周末还会约着一起去公园遛狗。我养了一 只贵宾犬,而她养了一只博美。

Anna 是个善良又有趣的人。她非常有爱心,对自己的宠物就像孩子一样。而更令我感到有趣的是,她会花时间去研究宠物营养学。甚至一些简单的疾病,她都知道该如何处理。和她聊天总能让我快速学到 一些新东西。她曾经告诉我外面售卖的宠物零食有添加剂,对狗狗健康是有害的。她还会和我分享什么食物是对宠物健康有益的。认识 anna 后,我学会了怎么用鸡肉自制宠物零食,甚至学会了自制宠物蛋 糕。有一次我家的狗狗拉肚子, anna 指导我去药房买了一些人用药品给狗狗吃,几天之后我的狗狗就康复了。通常宠物医院是非常昂贵的,这帮我节省了一大笔费用。我很庆幸有这样的一位好朋友(邻居)。


3-4:被赞扬的时刻(5-8 月新题)& 帮助小孩(5-8 月新题)

Not long ago during the holidays, my cousin's academic performance improved thanks to my help. So, my aunt praised me highly at the family gathering. It made me so proud to be recognized by my elders.

My cousin, who is in junior high school(中学) this year, is not performing well academically. He even failed in English and Maths. My aunt hired a tutor for him, but my cousin was very rebellious and did not do the homework assigned by the tutor. So, she turned to me in the hope that I could help him with his studies. We had been very close since childhood and often played together. Subsequently, my aunt thought he would listen to what I had to say.

I didn't rush to tutor him on homework, but first shared some of my own experiences and study methods with him. And I found that he didn't reject me, but listened carefully to my ideas. I tried to start with the basics, and he seemed to concentrate a bit harder. My aunt was grateful that I was able to smooth out her communication with my cousin. His attitude toward learning has changed significantly since then. After all, she and my uncle had tried many times but with counterproductive(事与愿违) results. I even felt a little embarrassed when my aunt kept praising me. Actually, I was happy to be able to help my cousin, because we are not only relatives but also good friends who grew up together. Our experiences have a lot in common, and our parents oftentimes did not really understand what we were thinking about.



我的表弟今年上初中,学习成绩不理想。尤其是数学和英语,连及格都很难达到。姑姑给他请了家庭老 师,可表弟非常叛逆,老师布置的任务完全不做。因此姑姑找到了我,希望我能帮表弟补习。我们从小 关系就很好,经常一起玩。姑姑认为我说的话,表弟应该听得进去。

我并没有着急给表弟补习,而是给他讲了一些我自己的经历。并且分享了一些我自己总结的学习方法。 我感觉他对我没有强烈的排斥,我说的话他都有认真听。我尝试从最基础的开始讲,他似乎也专心一些 了。姑姑很感谢我能够帮她和表弟沟通,表弟和我聊过之后,学习态度有了明显的好转。毕竟她和姑父 沟通了很多次,都是适得其反。姑姑一直不停的表扬我,我甚至有些不好意思。事实上,我很开心能够 帮助到表弟,我们不仅是亲戚,更是一起长大的好朋友。他经历过的很多事情都是我曾经经历过的。很 多时候父母并不能真正理解我们在想什么。


5-6:令你惊喜而又开心的事物(5-8 月新题)& 近期改善生活的变动(5-8 月新题)

7:保持健康的方法(5-8 月新题)

Describe something you do that you think is important for keeping fit and healthy.

Some instructions that you can follow:
What you do
How often you do it
Who you do it with
And explain why you think this activity is important for keeping fit and healthy.

8:困难的决定(5-8 月新题)

Describe a difficult decision you made that had a very good result.

Some instructions that you can follow:
What the decision was
Why it was difficult to make the decision
What helped you to decide
And explain why the decision you made had such a good result.

For a long time, I have wanted to exercise regularly. I've always been a lazy person, and exercise was a hard thing for me to keep up until recently an actor named Liu GengHong has gone viral because of a workout livestream on Tiktok. A great many people have been following him to do aerobics, so do I.

Recently our school has been locked down due to COVID-19. So, I can barely go out and have to spend every day in my dorm checking my phone, about which I feel exhausted. My dorm is crowded and small, which is not a good place for exercise. I was also worried that doing a big jump would lead to complaints from downstairs. It was not an easy decision. A few weeks ago, my roommate Anna jumped on the bandwagon and was the first to do aerobics in the dorm. Anna's behavior instantly ignited my passion for fitness.

Now I do his aerobics almost every day. Every time we finished a set of moves, Liu would take a five-minute break to chat with everyone, which also made the exercise less boring. Before I knew it, I have been exercising for a month, which is a positive change for me to keep fit. The feeling of sweating makes me feel good and any unhappiness seems to be wiped off along with the sweat. Of course, what makes me most happy is that I lost one kilogram this week and my muscles are no longer sore.

It is difficult to make a hard decision. But once we have made up our mind to do it and keep on doing it, we will make it.


很长一段时间,我都想要保持规律运动。我一直是个很懒的人,运动对我来说是一件很难坚持的事,直 到。最近一段时间,一位名叫刘畊宏的演员,因为在抖音直播健身而爆火。全民都在跟着他跳健身操, 我决定也要跳起来。

最近我们学校因为新冠病毒被封锁了。这导致我几乎不出门,每天都在宿舍玩手机,我感到很疲惫。宿舍拥挤又狭小,并不是运动的好选择。同时我也担心大幅度的蹦跳会引来楼下投诉。这并不是一个轻松 的决定。直到几周前,我的舍友 anna 跟上了这股热潮,率先在宿舍跳起了健身操。Anna 的行为瞬间点 燃了我健身的热情。

刘畊宏的健身操简单易学,我第一天做就连续跳了一个小时。每次做完一套动作他都会休息 5 分钟和大 家聊聊天,这也让运动变得不再枯燥。 不知不觉中,我已经坚持运动一个月了,我认为这是一个积极的改变,运动有利于保持健康。出汗的感 觉让我很舒服,不开心的事也仿佛随着汗水一起消失了。当然,最让我开心的是这一周我不仅瘦了 2 斤, 肩膀酸痛的问题也有所改善。

虽然做出决定很难,但是只要勇敢尝试,习惯形成后,一定会收获一个好 的结果。


9-10:安静的地方(5-8 月新题)& 帮助你集中注意力的事物(5-8 月新题)

Usually, I go to the library to do some reading when I am alone. It is really a quiet place and I can totally concentrate on my reading or studying. The first time that I visited the library was when my roommate Anna took me there. I find there are no other places on campus quieter and more suitable for study than the library.

As a matter of fact, almost every Saturday afternoon, I love to go there and read for a while. If I feel bored, I will also go to library to do some reading. While reading in the library, my mindset is the most placid and calm.

So, whenever I want to concentrate on my studies or do some reading, I will go there. There are four people in our dormitory, so it is usually noisy. My roommates often talk or play games in the dormitory which makes it hard for me to concentrate. A quiet place can help me significantly to study more efficiently. Besides, when I don't have to study, I like to go to the library to read all kinds of interesting books. It is free for students to borrow books. I especially enjoy literature and history books. When I am immersed in the story, all my troubles seem to disappear.

I'm a very easily distracted person, and the library really gives me the perfect environment to focus on what I want to do. I feel completely comfortable and relaxed in the library.

通常,当我一个人的时候,我喜欢去图书馆看书。这是一个安静的地方,我能集中我的注意力读书或者 学习。第一次去图书馆是我的舍友 anna 带我去的,从那以后我就喜欢上了图书馆。我发现在校园里, 没有比图书馆更安静,更适合学习的地方了。

事实上,几乎每个星期六下午,我都喜欢去那里读一会儿书。平时如果我感到无聊,也会去图书馆看看。 在图书馆看书的时候,我的心态是最平和和平静的。

每当我想专注于学习的时候,我都会去图书馆。我们宿舍住了四个人,宿舍通常很嘈杂,我的舍友经常 会在宿舍说话或者打游戏。这些声音让我很难集中注意力。安静的地方能让我的学习效率显著提升。另 外,在不用复习的时候,我喜欢去图书馆看各种有趣的课外书。学生借阅图书是免费的。我尤其喜欢文 学和历史类的书籍。当我沉浸在故事情节中,所有的烦恼似乎都不存在了。 我是个很容易被干扰的人,图书馆真的给了我一个完美的环境,让我能专注于我想做的事情。这里让我 感到自由和放松。


11-13:忙碌的时刻(5-8 月新题)& 庆祝重要事件(5-8 月新题)& 筹办的活动

The Chinese people attach great importance to the Spring Festival. It is rather exciting to stay with the family on this day.

This year was impressive because I was engaged in preparing for the Spring Festival with my family. My mother and I began to clean up half a month before this date, including the bedding, curtains, furniture, floor, and windows. In addition to the New Year purchases we needed, we also bought gifts for relatives. My days were very busy, even though I was only helping my mom with these trivial things.

To do things more efficiently, I made a plan ahead of time and followed the schedule every day. I tried saving time by, for example, putting the curtains into the washing machine and cleaning rooms at the same time. I can’t believe how diligent I became at that time.

During this period, my family and I were busy, but we were happy. I cherish the Spring Festival very much due to the rare days spent with them as I attended college. It is delightful to cook meals with my mom and make dumplings with other family members. This engagement makes me feel contented and fulfilled.


今年过年令我印象深刻,因为那段时间我和家里人一起忙于准备庆祝春节。在过年前半个月我和妈妈就 开始打扫卫生了。床上用品和窗帘都要拆下来清洗。家中的家具,地板和玻璃都要擦干净。除了准备年 货,还得购买过年送亲戚的礼物。虽然我只是给我妈妈打下手,但这些琐碎的事情依然使我非常忙碌。

为了提高效率,我早早就定出了一个计划,每天按照计划表的内容执行。我会尽量节约时间,比如把窗 帘丢进洗衣机后,我可以用这段时间收拾房间。我自己都不敢相信,一向懒惰的我,会在这一段时间变 得无比勤劳。

虽然过年期间非常忙碌,但我们全家人都很开心。春节是对我来说很重要的节日。自从上大学之后我很 少回家,全家团聚的日子也显得格外珍贵。和妈妈一起做饭,又或是全家一起包饺子都让我觉得很开心。 即使很忙,但这样的忙碌让我感觉充实和有意义。

14:喜欢的传统物品(5-8 月新题)

Describe a traditional product made in your country which you like.

What this product is

When you first tried this product

How this product is made

And explain why you like this traditional product.

My favourite Chinese traditional product is dumplings. It is one of the most famous traditional foods in our country.

Dumplings are made with dumpling wrappers and minced pork. My family used to make dumplings ourselves. I have been eating dumplings since I was a child. Sometimes they also go to the supermarket to buy frozen dumplings. In fact, they taste similar, but I actually prefer homemade dumplings, because usually during the Spring Festival, my whole family will sit together and make dumplings while watching TV, which is a must for our family during the Spring Festival every year.

In China, we believe that dumplings contain our good fortunes for the coming year. People in certain places will often choose one dumpling to hide a coin inside. It is thought that whoever eats the dumpling that contains the coin is the luckiest person and shall be extremely fortunate in the following year.

I very much love to eat dumplings, and making dumplings with my family is rather meaningful. Normally, my parents and I are very busy and anxious, and there are seldom opportunities for everyone to get together. I cherish such activity with all my heart. Perhaps what I cherish the most are not the dumplings, but rather the rare reunion.



饺子使用面皮和猪肉馅做的。我家里人以前经常自己包饺子,我从小就经常吃饺子。有时候他们也会去 超市买速冻饺子回来。其实两者味道差不多,我其实更喜欢自家包的饺子,因为一般过年的时候,我们 全家人都会坐在一起,边看电视边包饺子,这是每年我们家过春节必须要做的一件事。

饺子承载着我们对于来年的美好期望。有些地方的人喜欢在所有饺子中选出一只,给里面放一枚硬币。 谁吃到有硬币的饺子,就代表他是最幸运的人,接下来会有好运气。

我非常喜欢吃饺子,和家人一起包饺子是很有意义的。通常情况下,我和父母都很忙,很焦虑,很少有 机会大家聚在一起。我非常珍惜这样的活动。也许我最珍惜的不是饺子,而是难得的团圆。


15-16:用手机做重要的事(5-8 月新题)& 在公共场所遗失物品(5-8 月新题)

 I remember it was several months ago that I lost my wallet while hanging out at a mall with my classmate Anna. Luckily enough, the wallet found its way back to me later. It was the weekend if I remember correctly, and we had just finished our final exams. We were in such a great mood that we decided to go to the mall for lunch before going shopping there.

A while after lunch, I found that my wallet was gone. At first, I believed it had gotten stolen and was extremely frustrated. In my wallet, there were all my credentials and bank cards. It would be a lot of trouble to get them all replaced, although the sum of money lost wasn't large. But then, Anna asked me to think back to the last time I used my wallet. It didn't take long for me to recall that it was when I paid for my lunch. I pulled out my phone promptly and made a call to the restaurant. The restaurant manager answered it and agreed to help me find the wallet. Thankfully, he called back soon after and told me my wallet was still there.

I was grateful that Anna had reminded me right away and advised me to call the restaurant. Otherwise, my wallet might have been taken away by another diner. I learned an important lesson from this experience: don't panic when you lose something; instead, calm yourself down and think about where it was the last time you saw it!


我还记得大概是几个月前,我和我的同学 Anna 在逛商场时不小心丢失了我的钱包,幸运的是,后来我 找回了它。如果我没记错的话,那是一个周末,那时候我们刚考完期末考,心情特别好,于是我们就兴 高采烈地去商场吃午饭,然后就在商场逛街。

当我吃完饭后不久,我发现我的钱包不见了。一开始我还以为是被偷了,心情非常沮丧。钱包里面有我 所有的证件和银行卡,虽然不值钱,但是补办起来是非常麻烦的。不过这时候 Anna 让我仔细想想最后 一次用钱包是什么时候。我想了一会就想起来了,我最后一次用到我的钱包是在中午吃饭的餐馆。于是 我赶紧拿起手机就给饭馆打电话。饭馆的经理接通了电话,并答应帮我找找。所幸,他很快就给我回电 话,告诉我钱包找到了。

所幸 Anna 提醒了我,并让赶紧打电话给饭馆询问。如果没有这通电话,时间久了,我的钱包就很可能 被下一个客人拿走了。这件事情对我来说是一个教训:以后万一丢了东西不要慌,要赶紧静下心来想想 最后一次用是什么时候!


17:国内名人(5-8 月新题)18-19:对社会做出贡献的人 & 社交网络上常关注的人

Describe a well-known person in your country who is very popular.

Some instructions that you can follow:

Who this person is

What you know about this person

Why he/she is so popular

And explain how you feel about this person being so popular.

Li Jiaqi is a household name in my country. He has a lot of fans and is currently the most popular influencer in China. I like him very much. Concurrently, I believe he also contributes a lot to society.Li Jiaqi, who started out as an ordinary cosmetics salesman, eventually became a superstar in the livestreaming industry with his hard work and great eloquence. Li Jiaqi usually recommends a variety of good products in his streams.

Li Jiaqi has great verbal dexterity. He can explain the features of the products accurately in the shortest time possible. His livestreams are highly infectious, which always makes me feel the urge to buy the products he recommends without even realizing it. Meanwhile, Li is very dedicated to his work, almost restless all year round. He livestreams for four or five hours every day.

I believe Li is a person who contributes much to society. Through his live streaming, everyone can buy the products they need at a lower price, which invariably improves people's quality of life. Li Jiaqi often recommends products that are fairly priced and of good quality, which is very suitable for students.

Besides, from time to time, he will do some charity livestreams without charging any commission, so as to help farmers in poor mountainous areas to sell their agricultural products. With his efforts, some unsalable agricultural products have become best-selling ones again. Through all these live streams to help farmers, Li is doing his part to contribute to the economic development of remote mountainous areas.


李佳琦是在我们国家非常有名,几乎没有人不认识他。他拥有非常多的粉丝,是当下全中国最火的主播, 他是个对社会很有贡献的人。李佳琦原本只是一个普通的化妆品销售,凭借自己的努力和出色的口才, 最终成为了直播界的超级明星。李佳琦在直播中通常会推荐很多好用的产品。

李佳琦拥有出色的表达能力,他总能在最短的时间内准确的介绍出产品的特点。他的直播非常有感染力, 总让我在不知不觉中产生购买的冲动。同时,李佳琦非常敬业。一年 365 天他几乎不休息。每天都会直 播四五个小时。

我觉得李佳琦是个对社会有贡献的人。通过他的直播间,每个人可以用更低的价格买到自己需要的产品。 这无形中提高了人们的生活质量。李佳琦经常会推荐一些平价又好用的产品,非常适合学生党。 除此之外,他时常会做一些公益直播,全程不收取任何佣金。帮助贫困山区的农民销售农产品。在他的努力下,一些滞销的农产品重新成为畅销产品。通过一场场助农直播,李佳琦正在尽自己的力量,为偏 远山区的经济发展做出贡献。


20:改变世界的发明(5-8 月新题)

Describe an invention which you think has changed the world in a good way.

Some instructions that you can follow:

What this invention is

What it does

How popular it is with people of different ages

And explain how you think this invention has changed the world in a good way.

I think air-conditioning is one of the greatest inventions in the world. I live in the south of China, and it is very hot in the summertime! I use an air conditioner for more than two-thirds of the year, or I would easily become irritated and impatient.

The major function of the air conditioner is, of course, to cool down the room. No matter how sweltering it is outside, as long as the air conditioner is turned on, the indoor temperature will remain at about 26 degrees, which is the most suitable temperature for the human body.

Many of the older generations think that it is unhealthy and uncomfortable to stay long in an air-conditioned room. They probably prefer electric fans. However, many young people, myself among them, consider air-conditioning as a vital item that we couldn’t live without. I can still remember that one night when the power went out and I was awakened by the heat and could not fall asleep again. The only thing I could do was to take a cold shower and stand out on the balcony for the breeze.

Before air conditioning was invented, people could only cool themselves with ice. Now, air-conditioning makes our working and living environment more comfortable. Food factories need low temperature environments to ensure the freshness of food, and to avoid affecting its shelf life. In the office, air-conditioning makes employees more efficient. Air-conditioning may seem mundane, but it has changed the world in a positive way.


我认为空调是一项对世界极其有利的发明。我生活在南方,那里的夏天实在是太热了!一年超过三分之 二的时间,我都需要使用它。不然我会热的无法思考。

空调的主要作用当然是降温,他能让炎热的夏天变得凉爽起来。无论外面有多热,只要打开空调,室内 就会保持在 26 度,这是最适合人体的温度。

很多老一辈觉得一直吹空调是不健康而且不舒服的,相比之下他们更喜欢风扇。但在我们年轻人眼里, 如果离开了空调,我想我的生活将会无法继续下去。我记得有一次半夜停电,我在睡梦中被热醒,然后 再也没有睡着。我只能去洗个冷水澡,然后站在阳台上吹风。

在空调被发明之前,人们只能用冰块来降温。空调让我们工作,生活的环境变得更舒适。如果一间食品 加工厂无法控制车间的温度,那它就无法生产出合格的食物。在办公室中,空调使得员工的工作效率更 高。空调看起来再平凡不过,但不可否认他以一种积极的方式改变了世界。

21-23:学校/工作中不喜欢的规定 & 离不开的东西 & 修复的坏物件


On my first day living in the university dormitory, there was something that upset me very much: the lack of an air conditioner. There was only a fan in the dorm. I consulted the dorm supervisor about whether it was allowed for me to install an air conditioner by myself, and I got a “no”.

According to the university, it is not allowed for me to do so for two reasons: one is that the uniformity of the dorm environment will be affected, and the other is that if the air conditioner is removed later, a large hole will be left in the wall. I don’t think this is reasonable.

If I am asked about one thing that I cannot live without, the answer would be an air conditioner. I live in the south of China, and it is very hot in the summertime! I use an air conditioner for more than two-thirds of the year, or I would easily become irritated and impatient. The summer in the south is very sultry, and there is no difference in temperature between morning and evening. When walking on the street during the day, I will feel dizzy because of the scorching sunlight. I feel like I am brought back to life again whenever I return to an air-conditioned room from outside. I believe that air conditioners are a necessity for everyone living in the south.

If the university believes that the installation of air-conditioning in some dorms over others will cause adverse effects, it should take into consideration the general installation of air-conditioning in every student dormitory. All in all, a proper living environment is the basis for learning. It’s frustrating when it is too hot to fall asleep every night.


在我第一天入住大学宿舍的时候,就有一个让我非常不满意的地方。那就是宿舍没有空调,只有一台风 扇可以使用。我咨询了宿管学校是否允许自己安装空调,得到的答案是否定的。

学校给出的理由是,如果个别宿舍安装空调,一方面将会影响美观,另一方面如果如后拆除,将会在墙 上留下一个大洞。我认为这非常的不合理。

生活中我绝对离不开的东西,一定是空调。我生活在南方,那里的夏天实在是太热了!一年超过三分之 二的时间,我都需要使用它。不然我会热的无法思考。南方的夏天是非常闷热的,而且早晚没有什么温 差。白天在大街上多走一会儿,我就会被热的头晕眼花。每次从室外回到有空调的房间,我都觉得自己 重新活过来了。我想空调是每个生活在南方的人的必需品。



An unforgettable experience pops into my mind of a summer night last year. The air conditioner broke down accidently which almost drove me crazy at the time. That summer was very hot with temperatures over 30 degrees. I had to keep the air conditioner on to get enough sleep. One night, the air conditioner suddenly broke down and the room was filled with hot air. I tried to call the after-sales staff to repair it, but they said that they were so busy that they could only come to repair it the day after tomorrow.

The summer in the south is very sultry, and there is no difference in temperature between morning and evening. When walking on the street during the day, I will feel dizzy because of the scorching sunlight. I feel like I am 2122 brought back to life again whenever I return to an air-conditioned room from outside. I believe that air conditioners are a necessity for everyone living in the south.

I was devastated, so I tried to figure out a solution to fix it. I removed the filter and cleaned it, and then plugged the air conditioner back in again. The air conditioner still refused to work. I didn't even know why it had broken down. Eventually, I suffered through that burning night with no sleep. Fortunately, I kept calling the staff the next day and the repairman finally came to the door in time to repair the air conditioner.


我还记得几年前的一个夏天,我家的空调突然坏了,这可把我给热坏了。 我还记得那一阵子天气非常热,大概有 30 多度的样子。我每天晚上都要开空调才能睡着。有一晚,我 们家的空调突然坏了。屋子里变得非常热。于是我试图打电话叫售后人员来维修空调,可是售后人员说 他们最近都太忙了,要后天才能过来修。

我生活在广州,这里的夏天实在是太热了!早晚没有什么温差,晚上几乎跟白天一样热。每次从室外回 到有空调的房间,我都觉得自己重新活过来了。我想空调是每个生活在南方的人的必需品。我无法想象 我需要度过没有空调的日子。我实在没办法了,只能自己试试看能不能找点方法修空调。

我把空调的滤网拆下来清洗了一遍,又把空调的电源重新插了几次。但空调还是不能正常工作。我都不 知道空调是哪里坏了。最后,我在炎热的天气下度过了失眠的一晚。幸好第二天,在我的催促之下,维 修师傅终于及时上门把空调修好了。


24-25:宜居之地(5-8 月新题)& 有趣的著名城市《宜居之地》 & 经济实惠的外出(5-8 月新题)

Describe a special day out which didn’t cost very much.

Some instructions that you can follow:

Where and when you went

What you did

What the you spent money on

And explain why you enjoyed this special day out.

32-34:新地方 & 享受的一次远足 & 乡村一隅

I believe Chengdu is a perfect city that I recommend to all my friends as a place to live. I first saw Chengdu on TV when I was very young, but it wasn't until my parents took me on a trip to Chengdu after I had graduated from high school, that I could actually visit it.

Chengdu is famous for hotpot and Mahjong culture. Hotpot, in particular, has become the symbol of Chengdu. When I went there for the first time, I visited several famous hotpot restaurants to try their hot pot. I have to say, the hot pot in Chengdu is the best that I have ever tasted. Every time I travel there, I would happily eat hotpot for seven days a week!

Mahjong culture is also an interesting aspect of Chengdu. It is well known that Chengdu people, both young and old, love to play mahjong. The last time I was in Chengdu, I saw there were all sorts of mahjong clubs in the neighborhood, where old people would gather to play mahjong. Besides, I heard that young people will also play Mahjong mobile games in their free time.

There are two reasons why I recommend Chengdu. For one thing, the culture of working overtime doesn’t exist there. People lead a slow and interesting life, playing Mahjong and having conversations with neighbors. For another, there are so many kinds of delicious foods in Chengdu, people will never feel bored about eating if they live there!

我认为成都是我去过的城市中最宜居的。我很小时候就在电视上看到过成都,直到高中毕业父母带我去 成都旅行,我才第一次去那里。

成都以火锅和麻将闻名。尤其是火锅,已经成为了成都的名片。在成都可能有超过一千家火锅店,这足 以见得人们对火锅的喜爱。我第一次去成都的时候,我去了几家著名的火锅店吃饭。我不得不是它们的 火锅是我吃过的里面最好吃的。所以我每次我去那里,我一周连吃七天吃火锅都不会觉得厌烦。

麻将文化也是成都有趣的一个方面。众所周知,成都人民无论老少都特别爱打麻将。上次我去成都的时 候,就看见街坊里有着各式各样的麻将馆,老人家们都围在里面打麻将。听说年轻人在空闲的时候都会 拿出手机玩几盘麻将。这是在其他地方看不到的有趣文化。

我之所以推荐成都,一方面,加班文化在成都是不存在的,人们过着轻松而有趣的生活,闲了就打麻将 和聊天。另一方面,成都有着众多的美食,人们永远不会在这里饿着自己!


26-27:别人询问你意见(5-8 月新题)& 节省时间的改变(5-8 月新题) 


Describe something you did that helped you to learn another language.

Some instructions that you can follow:
What you did
Where you did it
Who you did it with
And explain how doing this helped you to learn another language.

Recently, I made a change, that is, I downloaded a word-memorizing app to memorize words, which has improved my word-memorizing efficiency and saved me a lot of time.

I used to recite English words with word books. I would set myself how many words to recite every day. If I couldn't memorize them, I would write them down in my notebook. But I find this method of memorizing words particularly boring. So, I asked my roommate Anna, who is a student with excellent grades, how to recite words efficiently. Anna told me that she usually uses the app Scallop Words to recite words. According to your recitation plan, this app will randomly send English words to you every day, and record the words you do not know, and then send them to you again on the next day.

I was immediately attracted by the app and downloaded it immediately. I have to say, this way of reciting words is far more effective. I used to be annoyed by the boring task of reciting words every day, but now I just need to pick up my cell phone and spend half an hour every day, so now I can finish the task of reciting words in half an hour, when it would take me over an hour before. Scallop app is of great help to my English learning. I am very grateful to Anna for recommending this app to me.


最近我做出了一个改变,那就是放弃原本背单词书的习惯,下载了一个手机 APP 来背单词,这让我节 省了很多时间,并且还提高了我背单词的效率。

我以往都是用单词书来背英语单词的,我会规定自己每天背多少个单词,不会的就摘抄下来,记在笔记 本里。但我发现这种背单词的方法特别枯燥,很难长期坚持。于是我就向我的学霸舍友 Anna 请教如何 能高效背单词。Anna 告诉我,她平时会用扇贝单词这个 app 来背单词。这个 APP 会按照你定的背诵计 划,每天随机地给你推送英语单词,并把你不认识的单词记录起来,第二天再推送给你背诵。

我不得不说,这种背单词的方式真的太有效了。原本我每天都被枯燥的背单词任务所烦恼,现在我只需 要拿起手机,每天花半个小时,就能完成之前我一个小时也完成不了的背单词任务。做出这项改变几乎 没有花费什么精力,我只是下载了一个 app。现代化的学习方法能提高学习效率,为我节约了很多宝贵 的学习时间。我很感激 Anna 给我推荐了这个软件。


29-30:未来想一起工作的家人(5-8 月新题)& 想共度时光的人

My mum is very caring and helpful to me, and we get along easily. She is a wise and optimistic person whom I enjoy spending time with.

When I was little, my mum was the one who took care of me and helped me with my studies. She would make lovely meals for me and we would go shopping together. Whenever I was in trouble, she would be there for me. Whenever I am very eager to buy something, even if it is very expensive, my mum will buy it for me most of the time. Every time I am with my mother, I feel relaxed and comfortable. The long periods we have spent together have given us a tacit understanding of each other. Most of the time, my mother can know my thoughts just by a glance.

She is gentle, yet firm. I don’t think I have ever heard her yell. She is able to prioritize efficiently in order to get things done, but never seems to rush or show stress. She seldom reprimands me severely, but more often we get on well with each other as if we were close friends. When I was younger, I would often share my thoughts or little secrets with her. For example, when I had a boyfriend in high school, my mother didn’t scold me for this, but helped me to conceal the fact from my dad.

My mum enjoys being a part of my life and sharing in my happiness and sorrows. There is no better person than my mum for me to spend time with.


我妈妈对我非常好,我们之间很有默契。于此同时,她是一个睿智的,乐观的人。所以我非常享受跟她 待在一起的时间。

在我小时候,妈妈照顾我并且辅导我的功课。她会给我做我最爱吃的饭。当我遇到困难,妈妈也会尽力 帮我解决。遇到我喜欢的东西,即使这东西很昂贵,他大多数时候都会买给我。每次我和妈妈在一起的 时候,我都觉得很轻松,很惬意。长时间的相处让我们彼此非常默契。很多时候只要一个眼神妈妈就能 明白我在想什么。

她很温柔,但很坚强。我想我从没听过她大喊大叫。她能把事情按优先顺序排好,完成事情,但似乎从 不匆忙或表现出紧张。她很少严厉的训斥我,更多时候我们像朋友一样。我的情绪或者小秘密都可以第 一时间和我的妈妈分享。比如高中的时候我交了个男朋友,妈妈并不担心这影响我的学习,经常帮我出 主意,还帮我一起隐瞒爸爸。妈妈喜欢成为我生活的一部分,与我分享所有的喜悦和紧张的小情绪。没 有任何一个人比我妈妈更适合共度时光了。


35-36:特殊的蛋糕 & 印象深刻的一堂课

I am crazy for dessert, especially cakes and milk tea. Speaking of the most special cake, I would like to share with you my first experience of making a cake.

On my birthday this year, my good friend Anna took me to a great baking shop called ABC cooking. The shop looks very bright and clean, and it is located in the busiest mall in the city. In this shop, Anna and I got the chance to design our own cake. Since both of us had no baking experience, we chose to start with cheesecake, which was the simplest. During the process, there was a professional teacher who guided us through everything. She taught me how to make a cake base with flour and how to whip the cream. I also acquired some professional baking knowledge, such as how to choose suitable flour, what are the methods used for different mixing techniques, and so on. I followed the teacher’s instructions step by step, and finally, I made a perfect cheesecake in about two hours.

To be honest, it is the most special cake for me. I took it home and shared it with my parents. They said that the cake was delicious and my mother didn’t even believe it was made with my own two hands. I think this bakery lesson was interesting and memorable. It was meaningful to make a cake for myself on my birthday. I seem to be in love with baking ever since then. If I have free time in the future, I will join a similar baking course again.

我是个非常喜欢吃甜品的人,一切的蛋糕奶茶都是我的最爱。要说最特殊的蛋糕,我想谈谈自己第一次 做蛋糕的经历。

今年我过生日的时候,我的好朋友 anna 带我去了一家很棒的烘培体验馆,叫做 ABC cooking。那家店坐 落于城市最繁华的商场内,看起来非常明亮和干净。在店里,我和 anna 将有机会每人制作一款完全属 于自己的蛋糕。因为没有基础,我们选择了最简单的芝士蛋糕。制作过程中,有一位专业的老师全程指 导我们。她告诉我如何用面粉制作蛋糕坯,如何打发奶油。我还学到了一些专业的烘培知识,比如怎么 选择面粉,搅拌的手法有什么要求等等。我跟着老师一步一步操作,大约两个小时的时间,我做出了一 款超完美的芝士蛋糕。

我认为这是最特别的一个蛋糕,我把它带回家分给了我的父母,他们都觉得非常美味,我妈妈甚至不相 信这是我做的。我认为这次是一堂特别的而又令人印象深刻的课程。能在生日的时候亲手给自己做一个 蛋糕,是一件很有意义的事。我似乎有点爱上烘培了。如果以后有时间,我还会再次参加类似的课程。


37-39:别人告诉你的故事 & 有趣的谈话 & 最近才认识且想了解更多的人


Not long ago, I was employed at a securities institution as an intern, where I met Anna. I surprisingly found that she graduated from the same college as me. She is older than me and had studied in the UK years ago for her Master’s degree, whereupon she has been working ever since. She has strong work ethic and I admire her very much. We had lunch one day where she asked about my plans after graduation and I told her that I planned to study abroad.

Anna seems very interested in this topic. She believed that studying abroad was indeed worthwhile, but one had to be well-prepared to overcome various challenges. Finishing a master’s program abroad in just one or two years requires hard work. The courses have a tight schedule: every day you must attend many classes, and also have to stay up late to complete research and papers. She also told me about difficulties in daily life. The cost of food, accommodation and commuting abroad is relatively high. Although students from wealthy families will skip classes and spend lavishly on sports cars or luxury goods, most international students need to earn pocket money with part-time jobs.

Then she shared her experiences of living and working abroad which was very useful information for me to hear. I think she is an excellent and independent woman who is also a good example for me to learn from. I want to know more about her and learn from her.


不久前,我在一所公司实习,遇到了一位同校的学姐 anna。她年纪比我大一些,她多年前就去了英国留 学读硕士,目前已经工作好几年了。这位学姐非常专业,工作能力很强,我非常的欣赏她。某天中午一 起吃饭,她问我毕业以后的打算,我就告诉了她我的留学计划。

anna 似乎对这个话题很感兴趣,她跟我说出国留学的确是一个不错的规划,但我要做好克服困难和挑战 的准备,因为要在短短地一两年内通过硕士的课程是很辛苦的。国外的课程都很紧凑,在每天课程都排 满的情况下,晚上还得熬夜完成各种研究和论文。与此同时,国外吃住行各个方面支出都很高。在国外 确实能见到很多家庭富裕的同学花天酒地,他们买跑车,买奢侈品,还经常逃课。但是大多数留学生都 需要用空闲时间打工,才能赚取一些零花钱。

她给我分享了很多他在国外生活和打工的经历,我感到很有收获。我觉得她是一个优秀的独立女性,, 是一个值得我学习的榜样。我想了解她更多一些,向她学习。


40-41:收到的免费物品服务 & 别人给你的衣服

At my high school graduation, our school prepared for each of us a set of graduation gowns and held a grand graduation ceremony for us in the great hall. The graduation gown was black with wide sleeves. It reached down to our knees and was fairly shapeless. We were all also required to wear black shoes. The boys needed to wear black pants with a white shirt while the girls needed to wear a black skirt with a white blouse.

Our head teacher said that the graduation gowns were gifts bought by our school, so we didn’t need to pay for them. This represented their best wishes for all of us to have a bright future. I felt grateful and delighted when I heard this.

Although I will probably only wear the graduation gown once in my graduation ceremony, I believe it to be some of my finest clothing, and that it holds two special meanings: On one hand, it makes us look tidier and more like a group. On the other hand, and most importantly, it carries a sense of ritual, which symbolizes that we have completed one stage of learning and can move on to the next.

My classmates and I wore our gowns proudly throughout the ceremony. Also, my whole family attended this ceremony and each of them was as happy as a clam, especially my grandparents. My aunt kept telling me how beautiful I looked and how quickly I had become an adult. It was a day filled with emotion and I was so proud to be wearing my graduation gown that I didn’t want to take it off.

在我的高中毕业典礼上,我们学校给我们订购了一批毕业礼服,而且还在礼堂为我们准备了隆重的毕业 典礼。礼服是一件宽松的黑色长袍,袖子很宽,垂下到我们的膝盖。我们还被要求穿黑色的鞋子,男孩 需要穿黑色的裤子和白色的衬衫,女孩需要穿黑色的裙子和白色的衬衫。

我们班主任说毕业礼服是学校给买的我们的毕业礼物,不需要我们付费,这代表着祝愿我们以后一帆风 顺的祝福。听到这话的时候,我感到非常感激。

虽然我很可能一辈子也就在毕业典礼上穿一次毕业礼服,但我认为毕业礼服是我最好的衣服之一,同时 还有着特殊的意义。一方面,它可以让我们看起来更整洁,更像一个团体。另一方面,最重要的是,这 是一种仪式,象征着我们已经完成了学习的一个阶段,可以继续下一个阶段。

我和我的同学们在整个典礼上都自豪地穿着礼服。而且,我们全家都参加了这个仪式,他们都非常高兴, 尤其是我的祖父母。我的姑姑一直跟我说我很漂亮,说我很快就长大了。那真是开心的一天,我为自己 能穿着毕业礼服而感到骄傲,以至于我都不想把它脱下来。


42-43:想买给朋友的礼物 & 童年玩具


Anna and I grew up together and we are very close friends. She lives nearby and we meet each other every week. I can always easily guess what Anna is thinking, and she often points out that no one knows her better than I do. Every year on our birthdays, we will send each other good wishes and exchange gifts. This year, I am thinking of giving her a set of Lego. I think Lego is a perfect gift because it is suitable for all ages, and everyone loves it.

I am planning to give Anna the latest Harry Potter owl Lego set, which is very popular recently. It truly resembles the owl Hedwig from the Harry Potter movies. Besides this, there is a mechanism that can control the movements of the wings when turning on the switch!

I know Anna is a big fan of Harry Potter, and so this gift will make a great addition to her collection. I hope that our friendship goes on and on. We can share with each other the sorrows and happiness of our lives just as Harry and his friends did. Though it will cost me an arm and a leg, I want to give her a perfect gift and I believe that Anna will definitely love it!

安娜是我从小一起长大的朋友,我们的关系非常亲密。因为我们两家住的很近,所以我俩每周都会见面。 我总能猜到 anna 在想些什么,她经常说应该没有比我更了解她的人了。每年生日的时候我们彼此都会 交换礼物表示祝福,今年我想送她一套乐高积木。我认为乐高是一种完美的礼物。因为它老少皆宜,很 少人会不喜欢它。

我准备送一套最新款哈利波特款的猫头鹰乐高套装给 Anna。这套猫头鹰积木是最近很火爆的一款乐高 玩具,因为它很真实地还原了哈利波特电影中的那只猫头鹰海德薇的外形,而且它设置了可以转猫头鹰 翅膀的机关,只要旋转开关,猫头鹰的翅膀就会上下挥动!

我知道 Anna 是一名狂热的哈利波特超级粉丝。同时对于 Anna 来说这套玩具会还会成为一个很棒的的 收藏品。我希望我们的友谊能长长久久。在生活中可以分享各自的喜悦和哀愁,就像哈利和他的朋友那 样。虽然它的价格有点贵,但 Anna 是我最好的朋友,我希望能送给她最好的礼物。我也确信她肯定喜 欢这套乐高!


44-45:从长辈学到的技能 & 未完成的目标


I have always wanted to go on a self-driving tour because the tour group set the itinerary and schedule, but I think it is very inconvenient.

In fact, I'm learning to drive. When I get the driving license, I want to go with my friends. Driving in a car will offer us a private space to chatter, to exchange gossip, and to listen to music as loud as we want. Most importantly, we can stop the car at any moment, in any place, and so never miss beautiful scenery along the road. We are in full control of our route and can travel anywhere we want. Copyright by Annayasi.

To be honest, it idea came to me last year. I have seen quite a few short videos on Tiktok about driving to Tibet. The scenery along the road is really astonishing. But at the same time, I also know that driving to Tibet is very dangerous and I have little experience in driving. So I can't drive to Tibet for the time being, but I can also go for a self-driving tour in the city to accumulate driving experience and prepare for going to Tibet in the future. When I have good driving skills, maybe before I am 30 years old, I will plan to drive to Tibet.

我一直以来都想来一次自驾游,如果可以的话,我希望能自驾去西藏。因为跟团游的话,旅行团把旅游 线路和日程都定好了,我觉得这样很不方便,不自由。

事实上,我现在还在学习开车!等我拿到驾照以后, 我想跟我的朋友一起去自驾游。自驾游可以联络 我们之间的感情,几个人在一个空间里,一路上说说笑笑,可以无所顾忌。而且大多时候可以随时停车, 不会因为旅游大巴的路程而错过一些美丽的风景。我们可以自己计划路线,想去哪就去哪。

我是去年产生这个想法的,最近几年我在抖音上看过不少关于自驾西藏的短视频,沿途公路两旁的景色 真的是太美了。但同时我也知道自驾去西藏是一件很危险的事情,虽然我已经考到驾照,但我的驾驶经 验几乎为 0 。所以我暂时去不了西藏,但我也可以在城市中尝试开车,顺带积累驾驶经验为以后去西 藏做好准备。当我有着熟练的驾驶技巧时,也许在我三十岁前,我会计划一次自驾西藏游。



Describe the kind of house or apartment you would like to live in.

Some instructions that you can follow:

Where this house or apartment would be

What it would look like

What would be special about the house or apartment?

And explain why you would like to live in this house or apartment

My ideal house would be a nice modern flat somewhere near the centre of Beijing. I would like for it to be big enough that I could share it with my family. I prefer to live with them than living on my own. I would like it to be quite high up in Beijing, perhaps on an upper floor of a skyscraper. Unlike many people, I think large urban cities are very beautiful, and I love being high up so I am able to look over vast amounts of the city.

It would have to be a very modern and sleek looking flat filled with all the latest home technologies. This is because I have a great love of gadgets and modern technology. I think that these products make a house much more enjoyable to live in. I like the minimalist style of decoration, preferably with a big glass cabinet to display my collectables. It would be even better if there was a big balcony, as I could throw a great party with my friends on the balcony.

I think this would be my ideal house because I am a very modern person and really embrace modern developments. My family home was not like this at all, but very traditional and homely. Though this is lovely, there are so many modern developments which can improve a person’s quality of living. I think it is a shame when a house does not embrace this. Furthermore, I think modern architecture is far more impressive than traditional architecture, therefore aesthetically, this modern flat would be ideal to me.


我理想中的房子应该是北京市中心一套漂亮又现代的公寓。我想要一个足够大的公寓, 这样我就可以 和我的家人住在一起。相对于独居,我更喜欢和家人一起住。我希望它在很高的地方,也许在某座摩天 大楼的高层。与大多数人不同,我认为大城市非常美丽,我喜欢在高处。这里我可以俯瞰整城市的风景。

它必须是一个看起来现代且整洁的公寓,充满了所有最新的家庭科技。这是因为我非常喜欢小玩意和现 代科技,我认为这些产品大大提高了居住的舒适度。我喜欢极简的装修风格,最好有一个很大的玻璃柜 来陈列我的玩具。如果有一个大阳台就更棒了,我可以和朋友在阳台上拥有一个很棒的聚会。

我认为这是我理想的房子,我是一个非常现代的人,真正拥抱现代的发展。我的家并不是这样样,它很 传统和朴实。尽管这很可爱,仍然有很多现代化产品可以提高人的生活质量,我觉得一个房子没做到这 点是挺遗憾的。此外,我认为现代建筑远比传统建筑更时髦和令人印象深刻,因此从美学上说,这套现 代公寓对我来说很理想。


Describe a song that you think is interesting.

Some instructions that you can follow:

What country the song is from

How you know about the song

What the song is about

And explain why you think this song is interesting.

I'm a big fan of, and have listened to, a lot of music. I like all kinds of music, and above all, I believe the “Birthday Song” is the most interesting and meaningful song. It's a song from America, and of course it's been translated into dozens of languages around the world.

When we were young, our parents and friends would sing this happy song to us on our birthday. It seems to me that it was the first song that I mastered. The song reminds us of childhood days, the affection of parents and the friendship of friends. No other song in the world can bring more happiness than the birthday song.

I remember when I was a kid, my parents once held a birthday party for me at McDonald's. On my birthday, I put on a birthday hat and had lit candles on my birthday cake. Then the staff turned off the lights in the shop, and I made a wish for next year. After making the wish, the lights came on and everyone sang the birthday song to me. It was one of my happiest moments as a child.

This song means happiness to children and it is also a kind of inheritance. As you can imagine, my grandfather used to sing it to my father, and my father used to sing it to me. Years from now, I will also sing the birthday song to my children. What a wonderful song it is!


我是个喜欢听音乐的人,从小到大我听过很多音乐。我喜欢各种类型的音乐,其中,我认为最有趣和最 有意义的是《生日歌》。这是一首来自美国的歌曲,当然也被翻译成几十种语言流传于世界各地。

小时候我过生日的时候,父母和朋友都会给我唱起这首欢快的歌曲。这应该是我学会唱的第一首歌。这 首歌让人们想起孩子的成长、父母的亲情以及朋友的友情,世界上没有任何其他任何一首歌曲能比生日 歌更让人快乐。

我记得我小时候某次生日,我爸妈在麦当劳给我开生日派对。生日那天,我带上生日帽,在生日蛋糕上 点燃蜡烛。然后工作人员会把店里的灯光关掉,这时候我就会许上我关于明年的期许。许完愿了,灯光 就会亮起来,大家就会给我唱起这首生日歌。那是我小时候最开心的时刻之一。

这首歌是对孩子来说不仅仅是快乐,也是一种传承。你可以想象得到,我的爷爷曾给我爸爸唱这首歌, 我爸爸也曾经给我唱过。若干年后,我也会对我的孩子唱起生日歌。这真是一首奇妙的歌曲!

48:交通拥堵的时刻(5-8 月新题)

Describe a situation when you had to spend a long time in a traffic jam.

Some instructions that you can follow:

When and where the traffic jam happened

What you did while you were in the traffic jam

How you felt about having to spend time in the traffic jam

And explain what problems the delay caused you.

On the topic of traffic jams, one of the most memorable I can recall happened during last year's National Day holiday.

At that time, my family decided to go to a seaside resort for fun. Because of the free highway, we started a self-driving tour that would have taken us about four hours.

However, consecutive traffic accidents occurred on the highway due to excessive traffic flow, resulting in an unexpected traffic jam. For nearly an hour, our car did not move at all. I didn’t mind at first. I even played games using my mobile phone. As time elapsed, I became restless. I wanted to go to the bathroom, but I had nowhere to go as we were still a long way from the next service station. Along the way, we managed to stop at one, and then continued on. It took us ten hours to get to our destination. I felt tired and hungry. What was more terrible was that I dared not even drink water on the way for fear of not finding a toilet.

Traffic jams are annoying because I can't do anything but wait through them. The scariest thing is that I never know how long I need to wait. This traffic jam, for example, took us almost a whole day. It was already late at night by the time we arrived at the resort. Hopefully, I will never encounter such a thing again.



去年十月,我们一家人决定去海边玩耍。我们的目的地是距离我们大约四小时车程的滨海度假村。考虑 到开车方便,加上高速免费。我们放弃了高铁,选择了开车出行。

然而走到半路的时候,由于车流量过大,高速公路上接连发生交通事故,导致了意想不到的大塞车。将 近一个小时的时间,我们的车一点也没有移动。一开始我并没有什么感觉。还用手机打了几盘游戏。但 是随着时间渐渐过去,我开始焦躁起来。我想要上厕所,但是我们距离下一个服务区还有很长的距离。 我不知道可以去哪里上厕所。一路上我们走走停停,原本四小时的车程,我们花了十个小时才到达目的 地。我感到又累又饿。更可怕的是因为怕找不到厕所,我在路上甚至连水都不敢喝。

我认为交通堵塞是一件非常令人懊恼的事。在这段时间里,除了等待。我什么也不能做。最可怕的是我 并不知道我需要等多久。比如这次塞车,浪费了一整天时间。我们到达度假村已经是深夜了。希望我再 也不会遇到类似的事。

49:国内重要水域(5-8 月新题)

Describe an important river, lake or area of water in your country.

Some instructions that you can follow:

Where in your country it is

How big it is

What it looks like

And explain why this river, lake or area of water is important for your country.

The Pearl River is an extensive river system in southern China. Having lived in Guangzhou for eighteen years, I am still surprised at the ongoing developments happening in Guangzhou, and the Pearl River in particular.

Today, the two riverbanks of the Pearl River make for the most beautiful landscape of Guangzhou. If my memory serves me correctly, the Pearl River is the third largest river in our country. It flows through Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou and other provinces. To be honest, I don't know exactly how long or how big it is, but I do know that it is very wide because the bridges across the river in Guangzhou are quite long. I assume that the Pearl River may be nearly a kilometer wide.

The Pearl River plays an important role in the development of southern cities. Since ancient times, people on both sides of the Pearl River have used the water to irrigate grain and transport goods. In modern times, the Pearl River has gradually become a valuable tourist attraction for southern cities. A large number of high-rise buildings have been built on both sides of the Pearl River. Every night, there are beautiful light shows along the riverbank and its skyscrapers. The cruise ships on the river and the lights on the shore contribute to a beautiful scene, attracting both tourists and locals alike to watch and enjoy.


珠江是中国南部一个非常大的水域。在广州生活了将近 20 年,我仍然对广州的发展感到惊讶,特别是 珠江。如今,珠江两岸是广州最美丽的风景线。

如果我没记错的话,珠江是我国的第三大河流。它流经广东,广西,贵州等省份。说实话,我并不知道 它具体有多长,亦或者有多大。但我知道珠江很宽,因为广州的跨江大桥非常长。我估计珠江可能有将 近一千米宽 珠江对南方城市的发展起着重要的作用。自古以来,珠江两岸的人们用珠江水来灌溉粮食,运输货物。

到了现代,珠江逐渐成为了南方城市宝贵的旅游资源。珠江两岸建起了大量的高楼大厦。每天晚上,沿 着河岸和那些高层建筑都会呈现出美丽的灯光秀。江上的游轮和两岸的灯光组成了一副极美的画面,吸 引众多游客和本地人驻足观看。

50:想参加的比赛(5-8 月新题)

Describe a competition (e.g. music, cooking, sport) you would like to take part in.

Some instructions that you can follow:

What the competition is

Where and when it happens

What you have to do to win the competition

And explain why you would like to take part in this competition.

There's a competition in my local city that I've always wanted to take part in, but I've never had the courage to do so. It's called the English Excellence Award - or EEA, and it's a competition that anybody in the city can take part in, as long as you are a student and have a passion for English. But in a big city like mine, there are many people studying English, and therefore the competition can be very fierce.

I know about this competition because our teachers tell us about it in school - it's actually quite a famous competition among students in the city. The competition’s format is quite straightforward; each student has two minutes in which to recite a speech. Each year, the topics of the speeches change, and around two months before the competition begins, the organisers will release three potential topics for the students to use within the competition. All I would need to do is to choose one of the three topics and prepare my own speech. I really want to attend this competition because the first prize is a trip to Singapore, and Singapore is a place I've always wanted to visit. The only thing holding me back are my nerves, but I guess doing this IELTS examination is a similar experience, so I should probably just do the competition as well.


我所在的城市有一个我一直想参加的比赛,但我一直都没有勇气去参加。它就是英语优胜者奖,或者 EEA,这是一个城市里任何学生都可以参加的比赛,并且要求对英语有学习热情。但是在像我所在的大 城市里,有很多人学习英语,因此竞争会很激烈。

之所以我知道这个比赛是因为我们的老师在学校里告诉我们的——实际上这是一个在我们市里面非常 有名的比赛。比赛的形式很简单;每个学生有两分钟的时间背诵一篇演讲。每年演讲的主题都会有所变 化,在比赛开始前两个月左右,组织者会发布三个潜在的主题供学生在比赛中使用。我所要做的就是从 这三个主题中选择一个,然后准备我自己的演讲。我真的很想参加这个比赛,因为一等奖是新加坡之旅, 新加坡是我一直想去的地方。唯一让我退缩的是我很容一紧张,但我想这次雅思考试也是类似的经历, 所以我应该也可以参加这个比赛了。

