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I remember very clearly hearing about Demon’s Souls for the first time. The reviewer said you could not pause the game, and I thought how truly insane that was. At the time I was the father of a two-and-a-half year old boy, so the idea of being able to play a game without interruption for any amount of time was akin to a dream. Needless to say, I never picked up the game, and I still had never played a game of that ilk until I began to hear rumblings about Bloodborne.

非常清楚地第一次听到有关恶魔之魂的信息。 审稿人说您不能暂停游戏,我认为那真是太疯狂了。 当时我是一个两个半岁男孩的父亲,因此能够不间断地玩游戏的想法类似于一个梦想。 不用说,我从来没有参加过比赛,而且直到我开始听到有关“ 血源性”的传闻时 ,我才从未玩过类似的游戏。

Once I finally dove into the game, I loved the aesthetic (basically current-gen Castlevania), the enemy design, soundscape, everything. Only problem was, I was horrible at it. I also couldn’t find the story that everyone swore was there if you looked hard enough. I was able to beat one boss and progress a little, but then I ran into some knight I don’t think I was supposed to be fighting, and was thoroughly drubbed. That was it, I moved on to the next shiny thing and never went back.

当我最终涉足游戏时,我就喜欢美学(基本上是现代的Castlevania ),敌人的设计,音景和一切。 唯一的问题是,我对此感到恐惧。 如果您看上去足够努力,我也找不到每个人都发誓在那里的故事。 我能够击败一个老板并有所进步,但是后来我遇到了一个骑士,我认为我不应该战斗,并且被彻底淘汰了。 就是这样,我继续下一个闪亮的事物,再也没有回去。

It stayed installed, and on my mind, so I decided to find out what I was missing. I needed to know what wasn’t clicking with story and gameplay for me. An esteemed internet friend, Evan McMullen, talked about it glowingly almost every day. I also came to find out that our Editor in Chief here at SUPERJUMP, James Burns, counts it as his favorite ever game.

它一直保持安装状态,在我看来,所以我决定找出我所缺少的东西。 我需要知道哪些故事和游戏玩法不适合我。 尊敬的互联网朋友埃文·麦克穆伦(Evan McMullen)几乎每天都在谈论这个话题。 我还发现我们SUPERJUMP的总编辑詹姆斯·伯恩斯(James Burns)将其视为他最喜欢的游戏。

So I decided it was time for an interview, to find out from two experts how to go about this game. What follows are the answers to questions I hope will both help me get back to some sort of progress, and allow new players who may be intimidated by the game to have confidence jumping in for the first time. Onward to Yharnam, we go!

因此,我认为是时候接受采访了,从两位专家那里了解如何进行这款游戏。 以下是对问题的答案,我希望它们既可以帮助我恢复某种进步,又可以让可能被游戏吓到的新玩家第一次有信心加入。 前进到Yharnam,我们去!

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Bloodborne: The Old Hunters. Source: IGN.
血源:老猎人。 资料来源:IGN。

SUPERJUMPIs Bloodborne the first “Soulsborne” game you played? If not, what was the first and what drew you to the genre?

SUPERJUMPIs Bloodborne是您玩的第一款“ Soulsborne”游戏吗? 如果不是,那么第一个是什么?什么吸引您进入该类型?

JAMESYep. I had heard of Demon’s Souls and Dark Souls prior to Bloodborne, but they didn’t really interest me initially. Bloodborne intrigued me because of its apparent extreme difficulty, combat mechanics, and art design. Initially I didn’t know anything about the lore or the characters though, so I went in pretty blind on my first play through.

是的 。 在鲜血传播之前,我曾听说过恶魔的灵魂黑暗的灵魂 ,但最初他们并不真正让我感兴趣。 血源之所以令我着迷,是因为它具有极端的难度,战斗机制和艺术设计。 最初,我对传说或角色一无所知,因此我在第一次上演时就完全失明了。

EVANThe first Soulsborne title I played was Dark Souls. Two of my good friends always sung it’s praises but I never gave it shot because I never was one for difficult games. Decided to try it out and put it down rather quickly and left it that way for a couple months. Word of mouth drew me in and my lack of talent made me sit it right back down.

埃文 (EVAN)我玩过的第一个灵魂标题是黑暗灵魂 。 我的两个好朋友总是唱赞美歌,但我从来没有给过它赞誉,因为我从来没有参加过困难的比赛。 决定尝试一下并很快将其放下,并以这种方式搁置了几个月。 口口相传吸引了我,我的才华不足使我无法坐下来。

SUPERJUMPThe defining characteristic of Bloodborne, and all Soulsborne games, is their difficulty. What was your first impression of the game, and did you immediately click with the gameplay? How long did it take you to get to the point where you could beat it?

SUPERJUMP血源性和所有灵魂源性游戏的定义特征是它们的难度。 您对游戏的第一印象是什么,您是否立即点击了游戏玩法? 您花了多长时间才能击败它?

JAMESI will never forget my first session with it. My sister and I took turns playing it. I don’t remember exactly what time we started, but the long and short of it is that we played all the way through from around dinner time to 5 or 6am the next morning. It took that long for us to beat Father Gascoigne, the second boss! I think we went up against him maybe 30 times before we took him down. We kept getting so close, but he’d best us right at the end. It was grueling.

詹姆斯我永远不会忘记我的第一次演讲。 我和姐姐轮流玩。 我不记得确切的开始时间,但总的来说,就是从晚餐时间到第二天早上5点或6点一直播放。 我们花了很长时间才击败了第二任老板加斯科因神父! 我认为我们在击败他之前可能与他对抗了30次。 我们一直保持着如此紧密的联系,但他最好还是在最后。 真是辛苦了

Normally I would never play a game like that; I’d give up far more easily. But Bloodborne hooked us completely, despite being so challenging. After another couple of sessions, the whole thing finally “clicked” for us and we progressed more easily. Playing Bloodborne is like exercising a muscle you never use. At first it’s extremely painful and slow. But over time, you gain strength, and the experience becomes deeply rewarding.

通常我永远不会玩这样的游戏。 我会轻易放弃。 尽管充满挑战,但血源生物还是完全迷住了我们。 经过另外几次会议,整个过程终于为我们“点击”,我们的进步更加轻松。 玩血源性就像锻炼您从未使用过的肌肉。 起初,它非常痛苦且缓慢。 但是随着时间的流逝,您会获得力量,而体验会变得非常有意义。

EVANIt was really too much for me at first and definitely didn’t click immediately. Like I said above, I sat Dark Souls down for a couple months but picked it back up after a buddy convinced me to by saying he’d co-op a bit with me. I watched him play and got an idea of what I was doing wrong. Souls is difficult but it’s also fair. The difficulty for the most part is almost manufactured. It’s like a product of fear. The fairness of the series basically means that if you learn from your mistakes and don’t repeat them, it’s like you turn the difficulty down.

EVAN起初对我来说真的太多了,而且绝对没有立即单击。 就像我在上面说过的那样,我在《 黑暗之魂》中坐了几个月,但在一个伙伴说服他与我合作之后说服了我,然后把它放回去。 我看着他玩耍,对自己做错了什么。 灵魂很难,但也公平。 大部分困难几乎是制造出来的。 这就像恐惧的产物。 该系列的公平性基本上意味着,如果您从错误中吸取教训并且不重蹈覆辙,就好像您降低了难度一样。

It’s still difficult, but once you have the mindset that you CAN and will correct your mistakes made with every new experience, it turns into a new experience. With Bloodborne, it was new mechanically speaking to an extent but for me it was probably easier for most because I had already realized what it took to conquer the obstacles FROM throws at you. In the end, it took me several months to realize that but once it clicked I was on my way.

这仍然很困难,但是一旦您有了可以改变每一次新体验所犯错误的心态,它就会变成一种新体验。 对于Bloodborne来说 ,这在某种程度上是一种全新的机械语言,但对我来说,对于大多数人来说可能更容易,因为我已经意识到克服征服您的障碍所需的一切。 最后,我花了几个月的时间才意识到这一点,但是一旦点击,我就走了。

SUPERJUMPIf you have played other games in the series, where do you rank Bloodborne’s difficulty?


JAMESIt’s a tough question because I think it depends on your prior experience with the series to some extent. I find Bloodborne easier than Dark Souls and Demon’s Souls. I’m not entirely sure why. It’s probably because I have the most experience with Bloodborne . Now I’ve finished it maybe three or four times. It’s much faster-paced than the other Souls games as well, and I am more naturally suited to games that rely on fast reaction time. I find the other Souls games to be a bit more strategic, with greater reliance on your character build.

JAMES这是一个棘手的问题,因为我认为这在一定程度上取决于您之前的系列经验。 我发现“ 血源”比“ 黑暗之魂”和“ 恶魔之魂”更容易。 我不确定为什么。 这可能是因为我在Bloodborne方面拥有最丰富的经验。 现在,我已经完成了三,四次。 与其他Souls游戏相比,它的节奏要快得多,而且我更自然地适合那些依赖快速React时间的游戏。 我发现其他Souls游戏更具策略性,更依赖于您的角色构建。

At the same time, if you started with Demon’s Souls, you might find the faster pace (and lack of shields!) in Bloodborne to be more challenging. I don’t know that there’s an objective answer.

同时,如果您使用恶魔之魂开始了,你可能会发现更快的速度(和缺乏盾牌的!)的血源性更加具有挑战性。 我不知道有一个客观的答案。

EVANI’ve played every installment sans Demon’s Souls. There’s several ways to play Dark Souls. There’s a tankier type build that allows you to soak up more damage, there is a ranged/magic approach and there’s also playing it in a way that allows you to move more quickly and dodge more effectively. I was from the school of “dodge more effective” when I came into Bloodborne. It is designed with that in mind. It’s a high risk high reward style and Bloodborne ups the ante by rewarding you with health gains via aggressive offense.

埃文(EVAN)我演奏了每期《 恶魔之魂》的 影片 。 有几种方法可以玩“ 黑暗之魂” 。 有一个更强大的类型可以让您吸收更多的伤害,有一个远程/魔术方法,并且还可以让您更快地移动并更有效地躲避。 当我进入“ 血源性 ”时,我来自“躲闪更有效”的学校。 设计时要考虑到这一点。 这是一种高风险,高奖励的方式,而血源大冒险通过积极进攻来奖励您健康,从而提高了赌注。

Ranking it’s difficulty is actually… difficult.. vanilla Bloodborne for me, was the easiest of the Soulsborne titles. There’s a couple of tough skill checks (at the beginning and towards the end) but nothing that sets it apart from all three Dark Souls games with respect to difficulty. Where it gets tricky with Bloodborne is the chalice dungeons. That is easily the most difficult aspect of any Soulsborne title but it is also completely optional. Also the Old Hunters DLC was magnificent and an incredible challenge.

排名它的难度其实是... ..困难香草血源性对我来说,是最容易的Soulsborne称号。 有几项艰巨的技能检查(从开始到结束),但没有什么能使它在难度方面与所有三部《 黑暗之魂》游戏区分开。 血地牢是鲜血血腥的地方。 这很容易成为所有Soulsborne头衔中最困难的方面,但它也是完全可选的。 同样, Old Hunters DLC既宏伟又令人难以置信的挑战。

In conclusion, someone who never really used the dodge or parry function in previous titles may have had a more difficult time with Bloodborne than I did but for me, vanilla was probably the easiest of the bunch.

总而言之,一个以前从未真正使用过躲闪或招架功能的人可能比我更难以使用Bloodborne ,但对我来说,香草可能是最简单的了。

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Bloodborne. Source: WCCFTech.
血腥的。 资料来源:WCCFTech。

SUPERJUMPWhat is your favorite part of the game, and your favorite boss battle? What did you consider the hardest boss battle?

SUPERJUMP您最喜欢游戏的哪个部分,以及您最喜欢的老板之战? 您认为最艰难的老板之战是什么?

JAMESIt’s so difficult to choose one favourite part! Bloodborne is full of breathtaking moments. But in retrospect, if I had to really choose a favourite, it’d probably be just after you defeat Rom, The Vacuous Spider. I don’t want to spoil anything, but this is a pivotal moment in the game. It is the point where Bloodborne transitions from being a gothic horror to a full-blown Lovecraftian celestial horror. Defeating Rom is akin to crossing the rubicon. Everything you thought you knew is put into perspective, and you suddenly realise that the terror before you is far greater, deeper, and more mysterious than you could ever have imagined.

JAMES很难选择一个喜欢的部分! 血源充满了激动人心的时刻。 但是回想起来,如果我真的必须选择一个收藏夹,那可能是在击败Rom,The Vacuous Spider之后。 我不想破坏任何东西,但这是游戏中的关键时刻。 在这一点上, 血源性从哥特式恐怖转变为成熟的Lovecraftian天体恐怖。 击败Rom就像越过魔戒。 您以为自己知道的一切都被透视了,您突然意识到,面前的恐怖比您想像的要更大,更深,更神秘。

The boss design in general is outstanding. My favourite boss is probably Lady Maria of the Astral Clocktower. Mechanically, the battle is virtually flawless. This is because Lady Maria is just like you. She can do all the same things you can. So the end result is that this battle is a kind of test — it determines how well you understand your own move set and how effectively you can utilise everything you have learned so far.

老板设计总体上是杰出的。 我最喜欢的老板可能是星际钟楼的玛丽亚夫人。 从机械上讲,这场战斗几乎是完美的。 这是因为玛丽亚夫人就像你一样。 她可以做所有相同的事情。 因此,最终结果是这场战斗是一种考验-它决定了您对自己的移动方式的理解程度以及如何有效利用到目前为止所学到的一切。

This also makes Maria one of the tougher bosses, in my view. But for me it’s probably a three-way tie in terms of difficulty. I had the most trouble with Ludwig the Accursed/Holy Blade, Lady Maria of the Astral Clocktower, and the Orphan of Kos.

在我看来,这也使玛丽亚成为更强硬的老板之一。 但是对我来说,在难度上可能是三路平局。 我对被诅咒/圣剑的路德维希,星体钟楼的玛丽亚夫人和科斯孤儿最感到困扰。

EVANBloodborne is like a ballet of violence. The movement mixed with weapon move sets are truly breathtaking when it’s hitting on all cylinders. You’re basically weaving in and out of an encounter with such fluidity and precision that it’s just an absolute pleasure to control and watch unfold. The game aesthetic, gothic horror meets Lovecraftian cosmic horror is also such a kick ass backdrop to the entire dance of death. It never lets up and is haunting and beautiful.

EVAN 血源性是喜欢暴力的芭蕾舞。 碰到所有气缸时,带有武器移动装置的机芯确实令人叹为观止。 基本上,您是在如此流畅和精确的交织中穿梭而出,控制和观看表演绝对是一种荣幸。 游戏中的哥特式恐怖与洛夫克拉夫特式的宇宙恐怖相遇,也是整个死亡之舞的背景。 它永不松懈,令人着​​迷且美丽。

My favorite boss battle from the vanilla game is Martyr Lagorious. He’s in optional area of the game and is basically the final true skill check of the game. His movements and attacks weave together so nicely with your own and it’s a lovely exchange. My favorite boss period and throughout all of Soulsborne is Lady Maria from The Old Hunters DLC. Watch a video if you get the chance. It’s incredible.

香草游戏中我最喜欢的老板之战是烈士烈士。 他在游戏的可选区域,基本上是游戏的最终真实技能检查。 他的动作和攻击与您自己的编织非常好,这是一次愉快的交流。 我最喜欢的上司时期以及整个《灵魂宝藏》都是 老猎人》 DLC的玛丽亚夫人。 如果有机会,请观看视频。 太不可思议了

SUPERJUMPIn my time with Bloodborne, I never realized there was any story involved at all. Reading up on it tells me there is indeed story, but it’s considered very obtuse and hard to follow, usually needing guides and FAQ’s to understand. What was your experience with the story elements of the game?

超级跳伞在我与Bloodborne在一起的时候,我从来没有意识到有任何故事涉及。 阅读它可以告诉我确实存在故事,但是它被认为是非常晦涩难懂且难以遵循的,通常需要指南和常见问题解答才能理解。 您对游戏故事元素的体验是什么?

JAMESIt’s interesting you say that — I wonder if you finished the game or didn’t play the DLC. Bloodborne is packed full of story, which — in true Souls fashion — is mostly told through item descriptions. Cut scenes and direct exposition cover a very small proportion of the narrative.

詹姆斯(James)你说的很有趣-我想知道你是完成游戏还是不玩DLC。 血腥故事充满了故事,故事以真正的灵魂的方式通过物品描述来讲述。 剪裁的场景和直接的展览仅占叙事的很小一部分。

Playing through the first time, I was definitely intrigued. Initially when I finished the game, The Old Hunters DLC hadn’t been released yet. So there’s a great deal of mystery left to consider after you’ve defeated the final boss (whether that is Gerham or The Moon Presence). But The Old Hunters DLC reveals so much more about the plot. Not only that, but it is truly additive — I think The Old Hunters is the best DLC I’ve seen for any video game I’ve ever played.

第一次玩的时候,我绝对很感兴趣。 最初,当我完成游戏时,尚未发布《老猎人》 DLC。 因此,在击败最终老板之后,还有很多谜团需要考虑(无论是Gerham还是The Moon Presence)。 但是“老猎人” DLC揭示了更多有关情节的信息。 不仅如此,而且它确实是可加的-我认为《老猎人》是我玩过的任何电子游戏中见过的最好的DLC。

Repeat play throughs allow you to trigger different events and see different things. The more you do this, the more layers you’ll uncover. The Chalice Dungeons, too, provide some additional story context.

重复播放可以触发不同的事件并看到不同的事物。 执行此操作的次数越多,您将发现的图层越多。 圣杯地下城也提供了一些额外的故事情境。

EVANThe funny thing about Souls for me is that I find the story to be very secondary to the experience in a lot of ways. My first play through is usually me hustling to a PVP build and figuring out boss fights. Subsequent play throughs are me piecing together the puzzle that is the story. Item description are the key to that and the landscape and level design itself tells a story. I find the cryptic nature of it all very enjoyable and actually quite immersive. FROM does not hold your hand in these games and that goes from showing you how to play down to feeding you it’s narrative.

EVAN对我而言,关于灵魂的有趣之处在于,我认为故事在很多方面都与体验无关 。 通常,我的第一场比赛是忙于建立PVP并弄清老板打架。 后续的演戏将我拼凑成故事的谜题。 项目描述是关键,景观和关卡设计本身就是一个故事。 我发现这一切的隐秘性非常令人愉悦,并且实际上让人身临其境。 在这些游戏中,FROM并不牵手,这从向您展示如何淡化到为您提供叙事都可以。

If you want to discover what story there is to tell in Yharnam, that’s your responsibility. I see why that turns some gamers off but for me, it’s perfect. I never have ever felt like I wasn’t fully immersed in any game world FROM has created and that’s regardless of how invested I was in the lore at any moment. I think the way FROM handles the narrative in their games is part of the beauty of it all.

如果您想在Yharnam中找到要讲述的故事,那是您的责任。 我知道为什么这会使一些游戏玩家拒之门外,但对我来说,这是完美的。 我从来没有觉得自己没有完全沉浸在FROM创造的任何游戏世界中,而不论我在当下投入的知识如何。 我认为FROM在他们的游戏中处理叙事的方式是这一切之美的一部分。

SUPERJUMPThe system for calling other players to your aid seems to be a boon to new players struggling to pass a certain section or boss. Did you use this system often, and were you ever a victim of the opposite side of that coin, raids from players looking to kill your character?

SUPERJUMP召集其他玩家协助的系统似乎对努力超越某个部门或老板的新玩家是一个福音。 您是否经常使用此系统,并且您曾经是硬币反面的受害者吗?

JAMESI used the cooperative system primarily to play through the game with my sister. We finished the game a couple of times by playing cooperatively. It’s a double-edged sword though, because playing online does leave you vulnerable to invasions and it also increases boss difficulty. However, we loved it because it enabled us to explore together and to discuss the lore as we were going. I actually learned a lot about the game because my sister and I would occasionally stop to examine something in the environment, or to discuss the meaning of different events throughout the game.

JAMES我主要使用合作系统与姐姐一起玩游戏。 我们通过合作玩几次来完成游戏。 但是,这是一把双刃剑,因为在网上玩确实会使您容易受到入侵,并且还会增加老板的难度。 但是,我们之所以喜欢它,是因为它使我们能够一起探索并讨论我们所要学习的知识。 我实际上从游戏中学到了很多东西,因为我和姐姐偶尔会停下来检查环境中的某些事物,或者讨论整个游戏中不同事件的含义。

I was regularly the victim of invaders! For sure. But that’s a big part of the fun.

我经常是侵略者的受害者! 当然。 但这是乐趣的很大一部分。

EVANLike I said prior, I wouldn’t be the fan of the series I am today if it weren’t for a 2 hr or so co-op session of Dark Souls. It helped me realize some of the things I was doing wrong mechanically. That being said, I’m a strong proponent of doing as much as you can by yourself because it makes the experience more rewarding. There is a difficulty bump in co-op so it’s not like the game gets training wheels if you do it. I just find it more rewarding to do that initial play through solo.

之前EVAN就像我说的,我不会是今天的我,如果不是因为一个2小时左右的黑暗灵魂的合作社会议系列的风扇。 它帮助我意识到我在机械上做错了一些事情。 话虽如此,我坚决支持自己去做尽可能多的事情,因为它使体验变得更加有意义。 合作社有困难,因此,如果您这样做,这并不意味着游戏会获得训练轮。 我只是觉得通过独奏来进行初始演奏会更有意义。

As far as the invasion mechanic is concerned otherwise I love it. Some players may find it annoying but they can always play offline. One thing of note is that if you play co-op then your chances of being invaded increase. People who like to raid other people’s games are aware of this and it’s just an opportunity for them to sharpen their PVP skills. Some people just like to grief. I like to grief.

至于入侵技工,否则我会喜欢的。 一些玩家可能会觉得很烦,但是他们总是可以离线玩。 值得注意的一件事是,如果您玩合作社,那么被入侵的机会就会增加。 喜欢突袭他人游戏的人都知道这一点,这只是他们提高PVP技能的机会。 有些人只是想悲伤。 我很伤心。

SUPERJUMPWhat advice would you give to players who are playing the game for the first time?


JAMESDon’t give up. If this is your first Souls game you might find it overwhelming at first. But trust me, it really is like exercising a muscle or perhaps learning a language. Tricky at first, but soon it becomes second nature. You just have to keep at it.

詹姆斯不要放弃。 如果这是您的第一个《 Souls》游戏,您可能一开始会觉得不知所措。 但是请相信我,这真的就像是锻炼肌肉或学习语言。 起初很棘手,但很快就变成了第二天性。 您只需要坚持下去。

Don’t ever be ashamed to summon help! That’s what it’s there for. Don’t let anyone tell you that you aren’t playing the game “correctly” if you play cooperatively. That’s complete BS. Do whatever works and feels good for you. The most important thing is to enjoy your time in Bloodborne’s stunning world.

永远不要羞于寻求帮助! 那就是它的目的。 如果您合作玩游戏,请勿让任何人告诉您您没有“正确”玩游戏。 完整的BS。 做任何对您有益的事情。 最重要的是享受您在Bloodborne惊艳世界中的时间。

EVAN Bloodborne and Souls in general is tough but fair. Learn from your mistakes, pay attention to what your stats do and don’t waste levels on stats that don’t make sense. One of the biggest killers of a Soulsborne run is getting to a point in a run where the build isn’t focused and you lack health/damage/stamina. Creating a proper build for your character is a way to lower the difficulty. It’s a skill that you learn and refine. When it clicks I promise nothing in gaming can match that feeling.

EVAN 血源性灵魂一般是艰难的,但公平的。 从错误中吸取教训,注意统计数据的作用,不要将水平浪费在没有意义的统计数据上。 Soulsborne跑步最大的杀手之一就是跑到某个阶段,在该阶段中构建不集中,并且您缺乏健康/伤害/耐力。 为角色创建合适的构建是降低难度的一种方法。 这是您学习和完善的技能。 当我单击时,我保证在游戏中没有任何东西能与之媲美。

Image for post
Bloodborne. Source: Escapist Magazine.
血腥的。 资料来源:《逃避现实》杂志。

So there we have it. Some great advice for someone like me, who just feels like they were doing the whole game wrong, to jump back in with confidence. And for new players, this will give them a great starting point. Let’s summarize a bit before we go.

因此,我们有它。 对于像我这样的人的一些很棒的建议,他们觉得自己在整个游戏中做错了,因此充满信心地加入。 对于新玩家来说,这将为他们提供一个很好的起点。 让我们先总结一下。

  1. Don’t be afraid to start your Soulsborne career with Bloodborne. It may be the easiest of all the Souls games and you will improve as you go through the game.

    不要害怕从Bloodborne开始您的Soulsborne事业。 它可能是所有《 灵魂》游戏中最简单的游戏,随着游戏的进行,您将不断进步。

  2. There is story in the game, you just have to read the item descriptions and scour the world for context. There are some NPCs hiding in houses that will give you some story, so I’ve heard.

    游戏中有故事,您只需要阅读物品说明并在世界范围内搜寻即可。 我听说过,有一些NPC藏在房屋中,可以为您提供一些故事。
  3. Practice is important, expect to die, and it’s ok to take advantage of help in co-op mode, especially early in the game.

  4. Don’t be afraid of the other players invading and trying to kill you when you are playing co-op, it will make you better at the game.

  5. Lady Maria is really hard.


I hope everyone enjoyed the interviews; good luck in your journeys to Yharnam and hopefully we’ll see an announcement for Bloodborne 2 on PS5 soon!

我希望每个人都喜欢采访。 祝您在前往Yharnam的旅途中好运,希望我们很快会在PS5上看到关于血源性2的公告!

翻译自: https://medium.com/super-jump/learning-to-love-bloodborne-a57be6d52cac

