select row_number() over () as 序号, t.column_name as 字段名称, d.description as 字段说明, pt.typname as 字段类型, coalesce(character_maximum_length, numeric_precision, -1) as 字段长度, case a.attnotnull when true then '是' else '否' end as 允许空值 from information_schema.columns t, pg_attribute a, pg_description d, pg_class c, pg_type pt, pg_namespace pn where d.objoid = a.attrelid and d.objsubid = a.attnum and a.attname = t.column_name and a.attnum > 0 and a.atttypid = pt.oid and a.attrelid = c.oid and c.relnamespace = pn."oid" and c.relname = t.table_name and pn.nspname = t.table_schema and t.table_schema = '模式名称' and t.table_name = '表名称';
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