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STM32F407-Discovery的硬件FPU_keil f407开启fpu

keil f407开启fpu


1. STM32F407的FPU简介

2. 配置

3. 对比测试

3.1 实例1

3.2 实例2

4. 小结

本文基于STM32 HAL 库版本:STM32Cube_FW_F4_V1.27.0

1. STM32F407的FPU简介

FPU:Float Point Unit,也就是浮点运算单元。如果是定点 CPU(没有 FPU 的 CPU)计算浮点数,则按照 IEEE-754 标准,完成运算需要大量的指令,很耗费时间,几乎不能满足实时性的要求。但是对于有 FPU 的芯片来说,完成一个浮点运算或许只是几条指令就可以搞定,速度相对就快很多。

STM32F4具有有 32 位单精度硬件FPU[能加速计算float类型的数据],支持浮点指令集,相对于Cortex M0 和 Cortex M3高出数十倍甚至上百倍的运算性能。



只需要把bit 20/21/22/23都配成1,即可开启FPU硬件加速。

2. 配置






Floating Point Hardware:选择Single Precision则自动关联到宏__FPU_USED且将其值置为1;如果选择Not Used,则宏__FPU_USED的值为0。



  1. int main(void)
  2. {
  3. /* STM32F4xx HAL library initialization:
  4. - Configure the Flash prefetch, instruction and Data caches
  5. - Configure the Systick to generate an interrupt each 1 msec
  6. - Set NVIC Group Priority to 4
  7. - Global MSP (MCU Support Package) initialization
  8. */
  9. HAL_Init();
  10. /* Configure LED3, LED4, LED5 and LED6 */
  11. // BSP_LED_Init(LED3);
  12. // BSP_LED_Init(LED4);
  13. // BSP_LED_Init(LED5);
  14. BSP_LED_Init(LED6);
  15. /* Configure the system clock to 168 MHz */
  16. SystemClock_Config();
  17. /* 串口2初始化: 只用tx功能 */
  18. if(uart2_init(9600))
  19. {
  20. Error_Handler();
  21. }
  22. printf("__CC_ARM:%d\n", __CC_ARM);
  23. printf("__FPU_PRESENT:%d\n", __FPU_PRESENT);
  24. printf("__FPU_USED:%d\n", __FPU_USED);
  25. printf("SCB->CPACR:0x%x\n", SCB->CPACR);
  26. while(1){
  27. ;
  28. }
  29. return 0;
  30. }


[16:15:54.205] __CC_ARM:1    //Floating Point Hardware: Single Precision

[16:15:54.221] __FPU_PRESENT:1

[16:15:54.237] __FPU_USED:1

[16:15:54.253] SCB->CPACR:0xf00000

[16:15:54.205] __CC_ARM:1    //Floating Point Hardware: Not used

[16:15:54.221] __FPU_PRESENT:1

[16:15:54.237] __FPU_USED:0

[16:15:54.253] SCB->CPACR:0x000000




3. 对比测试

3.1 实例1



  1. /* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
  2. #include "main.h"
  3. /* Private functions ---------------------------------------------------------*/
  4. float re_sub;
  5. float a=0.14f;
  6. float b=0.26f;
  7. void test_fpu_tmp1(void)
  8. {
  9. long i, j;
  10. float re_nul;
  11. for(i=0; i<10000; i++) {
  12. for(j=0; j<2; j++) {
  13. re_nul=a*b;
  14. re_sub=re_sub+re_nul;
  15. a=a+0.1f;
  16. b=b+0.1f;
  17. }
  18. }
  19. //printf("res:%f\n", res);//打印很耗时
  20. }
  21. int main(void)
  22. {
  23. /* STM32F4xx HAL library initialization:
  24. - Configure the Flash prefetch, instruction and Data caches
  25. - Configure the Systick to generate an interrupt each 1 msec
  26. - Set NVIC Group Priority to 4
  27. - Global MSP (MCU Support Package) initialization
  28. */
  29. HAL_Init();
  30. /* Configure LED3, LED4, LED5 and LED6 */
  31. BSP_LED_Init(LED6);
  32. /* Configure the system clock to 168 MHz */
  33. SystemClock_Config();
  34. /* 串口2初始化: 只用tx功能 */
  35. if(uart2_init(9600))
  36. {
  37. Error_Handler();
  38. }
  39. #if 1
  40. BSP_LED_Off(LED6);
  41. HAL_Delay(200);
  42. BSP_LED_On(LED6);
  43. //HAL_Delay(1000);
  44. test_fpu_tmp1();
  45. BSP_LED_Off(LED6);
  46. printf("re_sub:%f\n", re_sub);
  47. #endif
  48. printf("__CC_ARM:%d\n", __CC_ARM);
  49. printf("__FPU_PRESENT:%d\n", __FPU_PRESENT);
  50. printf("__FPU_USED:%d\n", __FPU_USED);
  51. printf("SCB->CPACR:0x%x\n", SCB->CPACR);
  52. while(1){
  53. ;
  54. }
  55. return 0;
  56. }












  1. float a=0.14f;
  2. float b=0.26f;
  3. float re_nul;
  4. void test_fpu_tmp1(void)
  5. {
  6. long i, j;
  7. for(i=0; i<10000; i++) {
  8. for(j=0; j<2; j++) {
  9. re_nul=a*b;
  10. re_nul=re_nul+re_nul;
  11. }
  12. }
  13. //printf("res:%f\n", res);//打印很耗时
  14. }


  1. float re_sub;
  2. float a=0.14f;
  3. float b=0.26f;
  4. void test_fpu_tmp1(void)
  5. {
  6. long i, j;
  7. float re_nul;
  8. for(i=0; i<10000; i++) {
  9. for(j=0; j<2; j++) {
  10. re_nul=a*b;
  11. re_sub=re_sub+re_nul;
  12. a=a+0.1f;
  13. b=b+0.1f;
  14. }
  15. }
  16. //printf("res:%f\n", res);//打印很耗时
  17. }
  18. ..........................................
  19. //在mian中将变量re_sub的值打印出来
  20. printf("re_sub:%f\n", re_sub);

3.2 实例2




  1. #include "complex.h"
  2. void complex_add(complex a, complex b, complex *c)
  3. {
  4. c->real = a.real + b.real;
  5. c->img = a.img + b.img;
  6. }
  7. void complex_sub(complex a, complex b, complex *c)
  8. {
  9. c->real = a.real - b.real;
  10. c->img = a.img - b.img;
  11. }
  12. void complex_mul(complex a, complex b, complex *c)
  13. {
  14. c->real = a.real*b.real - a.img*b.img;
  15. c->img = a.real*b.img + a.img*b.real;
  16. }
  17. void complex_div(complex a, complex b, complex*c)
  18. {
  19. c->real = (a.real*b.real + a.img*b.img)/(b.real*b.real + b.img*b.img);
  20. c->img = (a.img*b.real - a.real*b.img)/(b.real*b.real + b.img*b.img);
  21. }


  1. #include <stdio.h>
  2. #include <math.h>
  3. #include "fft.h"
  4. #include "complex.h"
  5. complex Wn, Temp, Res;
  6. int L, B, P, K;
  7. //输入序列的长度必须是2的整数次幂
  8. void Reader_Sort(complex *x, int len)
  9. {
  10. complex temp;
  11. int cur_rev = 0; //从0开始,递推出所有原自然排序数对应的倒序数
  12. int k = len / 2; //初始化权值系数
  13. int i, j;
  14. for (j = 1; j <= len - 1; j++) {
  15. //当前倒序数的最高位为0,
  16. if (cur_rev < k) {
  17. //把temp的最高位从0变为1(加上权系数)即可得到下一个倒序数
  18. cur_rev = cur_rev + k;
  19. } else {
  20. //当前倒序数的最高位为1
  21. while (cur_rev >= k) {
  22. //把最高位从1变为0(减去权系数即可)
  23. cur_rev = cur_rev - k;
  24. //没跳出循环就说明次高位为1,则更新权系数,将当前位设为0,......
  25. k = k / 2;
  26. }
  27. //当前位(最高位)为0,跳出while(),置为1(加上权系数),即得当前倒序数
  28. cur_rev = cur_rev + k;
  29. //还原权系数值
  30. k = len / 2;
  31. }
  32. //printf("j=%d, cur_rev=%d\n", j, cur_rev);
  33. //互换x[j]和x[cur_rev]
  34. if (j < cur_rev) {
  35. //实数部分互换
  36. temp.real = x[j].real;
  37. x[j].real = x[cur_rev].real;
  38. x[cur_rev].real = temp.real;
  39. //虚数部分互换
  40. temp.img = x[j].img;
  41. x[j].img = x[cur_rev].img;
  42. x[cur_rev].img = temp.img;
  43. }
  44. }
  45. }
  46. void FFT(complex *input_seq, int SEQ_N, int SEQ_M, complex res_seq[])
  47. {
  48. int i, j, r;
  49. int L, B, K, P;
  50. complex Temp, Wn, Res;
  51. if (!input_seq) {
  52. printf("input sequence can be NULL\n");
  53. return ;
  54. }
  55. Reader_Sort(input_seq, SEQ_N);
  56. for (L=1; L <= SEQ_M; L++) {
  57. B=1;
  58. B=(int)pow(2, L-1);
  59. for (j=0; j<=B-1; j++) {
  60. K=(int)pow(2, SEQ_M-L);
  61. P=1;
  62. P=K*j;
  63. for (i=0; i<=K-1; i++) {
  64. r=j;
  65. r=j+2*B*i;
  66. Temp = input_seq[r];
  67. Wn.real = cos((2.0f*PI)/SEQ_N*P);
  68. Wn.img = -1.0f*sin((2.0f*PI)/SEQ_N*P);
  69. complex_mul(input_seq[r+B], Wn, &Res);
  70. input_seq[r].real=input_seq[r].real + Res.real;
  71. input_seq[r].img=input_seq[r].img + Res.img;
  72. input_seq[r+B].real=Temp.real - Res.real;
  73. input_seq[r+B].img=Temp.img - Res.img;
  74. }
  75. }
  76. }
  77. if (!res_seq) {
  78. printf("result sequence is NULL\n");
  79. return ;
  80. } else {
  81. for(i=0; i<N; i++){
  82. res_seq[i].real = input_seq[i].real;
  83. res_seq[i].img = input_seq[i].img;
  84. }
  85. }
  86. }
  87. void iFFT(complex *input_seq, int SEQ_N, int SEQ_M, complex res_seq[])
  88. {
  89. int i, j, r;
  90. int L, B, K, P;
  91. complex Temp, Wn, Res;
  92. if (!input_seq) {
  93. printf("input sequence can be NULL\n");
  94. return ;
  95. }
  96. Reader_Sort(input_seq, SEQ_N);
  97. for (L=1; L <= SEQ_M; L++) {
  98. B=1;
  99. B=(int)pow(2, L-1);
  100. for (j=0; j<=B-1; j++) {
  101. K=(int)pow(2, SEQ_M-L);
  102. P=1;
  103. P=K*j;
  104. for (i=0; i<=K-1; i++) {
  105. r=j;
  106. r=j+2*B*i;
  107. Temp = input_seq[r];
  108. Wn.real = cos((2.0f*PI)/SEQ_N*P);
  109. Wn.img = sin((2.0f*PI)/SEQ_N*P);
  110. complex_mul(input_seq[r+B], Wn, &Res);
  111. input_seq[r].real=input_seq[r].real + Res.real;
  112. input_seq[r].real=(1.0f/2.0f) * input_seq[r].real;
  113. input_seq[r].img=input_seq[r].img + Res.img;
  114. input_seq[r].img=(1.0f/2.0f) * input_seq[r].img;
  115. input_seq[r+B].real=Temp.real - Res.real;
  116. input_seq[r+B].real=(1.0f/2.0f) * input_seq[r+B].real;
  117. input_seq[r+B].img=Temp.img - Res.img;
  118. input_seq[r+B].img=(1.0f/2.0f) * input_seq[r+B].img;
  119. }
  120. }
  121. }
  122. if (!res_seq) {
  123. printf("result sequence is NULL\n");
  124. return ;
  125. } else {
  126. for(i=0; i<N; i++){
  127. res_seq[i].real = input_seq[i].real;
  128. res_seq[i].img = input_seq[i].img;
  129. }
  130. }
  131. }



  1. #ifndef __COMPLEX_H_
  2. #define __COMPLEX_H_
  3. typedef struct {
  4. float real;
  5. float img;
  6. } complex;
  7. void complex_add(complex a, complex b, complex *c);
  8. void complex_sub(complex a, complex b, complex *c);
  9. void complex_mul(complex a, complex b, complex *c);
  10. void complex_div(complex a, complex b, complex*c);
  11. #endif


  1. #ifndef _FFT_H_
  2. #define _FFT_H_
  3. #include "complex.h"
  4. #define PI (3.14159267f)
  5. /*
  6. 参数:
  7. (1)N=2^M
  8. (2)L=1~M,第L级
  9. (3)旋转因子的指数p,k是p的增量,p=p*k
  10. (4)B是 元素抽取间隔 = 运算的种类(旋转因子的种类)
  11. */
  12. #define N (128)
  13. #define M (log(N)/log(2))
  14. void FFT(complex *input_seq, int SEQ_N, int SEQ_M, complex res_seq[]);
  15. void iFFT(complex *input_seq, int SEQ_N, int SEQ_M, complex res_seq[]);
  16. #endif



  1. /* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
  2. #include "main.h"
  3. complex INPUT_SEQ[N], RES_SEQ[N], OUTPUT_SEQ[N];
  4. float SEQ_DAT[N], dataR[N], dataI[N];
  5. int fft_test(void)
  6. {
  7. int i, j;
  8. //构造实数序列
  9. for (i=0; i < N; i++) {
  10. SEQ_DAT[i]=i+0.0f;
  11. }
  12. //构造虚数序列
  13. for (j=0; j<N; j++) {
  14. INPUT_SEQ[j].real= SEQ_DAT[j];
  15. INPUT_SEQ[j].img=0.0f;
  16. }
  17. // for (i=0; i <N; i++) {
  18. // printf("before fft: INPUT_SEQ[%d].real=%f, INPUT_SEQ[%d].img=%f\n", i, INPUT_SEQ[i].real, i, INPUT_SEQ[i].img);
  19. // }
  20. // printf("\n\n");
  21. #if 1
  23. // for (i=0; i <N; i++) {
  24. // printf("fft: RES_SEQ[%d].real=%f, RES_SEQ[%d].img=%f\n", i, RES_SEQ[i].real, i, RES_SEQ[i].img);
  25. // }
  26. // printf("\n\n");
  28. #else
  29. HAL_Delay(1000);
  30. #endif
  31. // for (i=0; i <N; i++) { //打印很耗时
  32. // printf("ifft: OUTPUT_SEQ[%d].real=%f, OUTPUT_SEQ[%d].img=%f\n", i, OUTPUT_SEQ[i].real, i, OUTPUT_SEQ[i].img);
  33. // }
  34. // printf("\n\n");
  35. return 0;
  36. }
  37. int main(void)
  38. {
  39. HAL_Init();
  40. BSP_LED_Init(LED6);
  41. /* Configure the system clock to 168 MHz */
  42. SystemClock_Config();
  43. /* 串口2初始化: 只用tx功能 */
  44. if(uart2_init(9600))
  45. {
  46. Error_Handler();
  47. }
  48. #if 1
  49. BSP_LED_Off(LED6);
  50. HAL_Delay(200);
  51. BSP_LED_On(LED6);
  52. //HAL_Delay(1000);
  53. //test_fpu_tmp1();
  54. fft_test();
  55. BSP_LED_Off(LED6);
  56. for (int i=0; i <N; i++) { //打印很耗时
  57. printf("ifft: OUTPUT_SEQ[%d].real=%f, OUTPUT_SEQ[%d].img=%f\n", i, OUTPUT_SEQ[i].real, i, OUTPUT_SEQ[i].img);
  58. }
  59. printf("\n\n");
  60. #endif
  61. while(1) {
  62. ;
  63. }
  64. return 0;
  65. }



  1. [09:42:26.534] ifft: OUTPUT_SEQ[1].real=1.000000, OUTPUT_SEQ[1].img=0.000000
  2. [09:42:26.598] ifft: OUTPUT_SEQ[2].real=2.000000, OUTPUT_SEQ[2].img=0.000000
  3. [09:42:26.663] ifft: OUTPUT_SEQ[3].real=3.000000, OUTPUT_SEQ[3].img=0.000000
  4. [09:42:26.726] ifft: OUTPUT_SEQ[4].real=4.000000, OUTPUT_SEQ[4].img=0.000000
  5. [09:42:26.790] ifft: OUTPUT_SEQ[5].real=5.000000, OUTPUT_SEQ[5].img=0.000000
  6. [09:42:26.854] ifft: OUTPUT_SEQ[6].real=6.000000, OUTPUT_SEQ[6].img=0.000000
  7. [09:42:26.918] ifft: OUTPUT_SEQ[7].real=7.000000, OUTPUT_SEQ[7].img=0.000000
  8. [09:42:26.982] ifft: OUTPUT_SEQ[8].real=8.000000, OUTPUT_SEQ[8].img=0.000000
  9. [09:42:27.046] ifft: OUTPUT_SEQ[9].real=9.000000, OUTPUT_SEQ[9].img=0.000000
  10. [09:42:27.110] ifft: OUTPUT_SEQ[10].real=10.000000, OUTPUT_SEQ[10].img=0.000000
  11. [09:42:27.174] ifft: OUTPUT_SEQ[11].real=11.000000, OUTPUT_SEQ[11].img=0.000000
  12. [09:42:27.254] ifft: OUTPUT_SEQ[12].real=12.000000, OUTPUT_SEQ[12].img=0.000000
  13. [09:42:27.317] ifft: OUTPUT_SEQ[13].real=13.000000, OUTPUT_SEQ[13].img=0.000000
  14. [09:42:27.381] ifft: OUTPUT_SEQ[14].real=14.000000, OUTPUT_SEQ[14].img=0.000000
  15. [09:42:27.445] ifft: OUTPUT_SEQ[15].real=15.000000, OUTPUT_SEQ[15].img=0.000000
  16. [09:42:27.525] ifft: OUTPUT_SEQ[16].real=16.000000, OUTPUT_SEQ[16].img=0.000000
  17. [09:42:27.589] ifft: OUTPUT_SEQ[17].real=17.000000, OUTPUT_SEQ[17].img=0.000000
  18. [09:42:27.653] ifft: OUTPUT_SEQ[18].real=18.000000, OUTPUT_SEQ[18].img=0.000000
  19. [09:42:27.717] ifft: OUTPUT_SEQ[19].real=19.000000, OUTPUT_SEQ[19].img=0.000000
  20. [09:42:27.780] ifft: OUTPUT_SEQ[20].real=20.000000, OUTPUT_SEQ[20].img=0.000000
  21. [09:42:27.860] ifft: OUTPUT_SEQ[21].real=21.000000, OUTPUT_SEQ[21].img=0.000000
  22. [09:42:27.924] ifft: OUTPUT_SEQ[22].real=22.000000, OUTPUT_SEQ[22].img=0.000000
  23. [09:42:27.988] ifft: OUTPUT_SEQ[23].real=23.000000, OUTPUT_SEQ[23].img=0.000000
  24. [09:42:28.052] ifft: OUTPUT_SEQ[24].real=24.000000, OUTPUT_SEQ[24].img=0.000000
  25. [09:42:28.132] ifft: OUTPUT_SEQ[25].real=25.000000, OUTPUT_SEQ[25].img=0.000000
  26. [09:42:28.196] ifft: OUTPUT_SEQ[26].real=26.000000, OUTPUT_SEQ[26].img=0.000000
  27. [09:42:28.260] ifft: OUTPUT_SEQ[27].real=27.000000, OUTPUT_SEQ[27].img=0.000000
  28. [09:42:28.324] ifft: OUTPUT_SEQ[28].real=28.000000, OUTPUT_SEQ[28].img=0.000000
  29. [09:42:28.404] ifft: OUTPUT_SEQ[29].real=29.000000, OUTPUT_SEQ[29].img=0.000000
  30. [09:42:28.468] ifft: OUTPUT_SEQ[30].real=30.000000, OUTPUT_SEQ[30].img=0.000000
  31. [09:42:28.532] ifft: OUTPUT_SEQ[31].real=31.000000, OUTPUT_SEQ[31].img=0.000000
  32. [09:42:28.596] ifft: OUTPUT_SEQ[32].real=32.000000, OUTPUT_SEQ[32].img=0.000000
  33. [09:42:28.676] ifft: OUTPUT_SEQ[33].real=33.000000, OUTPUT_SEQ[33].img=0.000000
  34. [09:42:28.740] ifft: OUTPUT_SEQ[34].real=34.000000, OUTPUT_SEQ[34].img=0.000000
  35. [09:42:28.803] ifft: OUTPUT_SEQ[35].real=35.000000, OUTPUT_SEQ[35].img=0.000000
  36. [09:42:28.868] ifft: OUTPUT_SEQ[36].real=36.000000, OUTPUT_SEQ[36].img=0.000000
  37. [09:42:28.947] ifft: OUTPUT_SEQ[37].real=37.000000, OUTPUT_SEQ[37].img=0.000000
  38. [09:42:29.011] ifft: OUTPUT_SEQ[38].real=38.000000, OUTPUT_SEQ[38].img=0.000000
  39. [09:42:29.075] ifft: OUTPUT_SEQ[39].real=39.000000, OUTPUT_SEQ[39].img=0.000000
  40. [09:42:29.139] ifft: OUTPUT_SEQ[40].real=40.000000, OUTPUT_SEQ[40].img=0.000000
  41. [09:42:29.203] ifft: OUTPUT_SEQ[41].real=41.000000, OUTPUT_SEQ[41].img=0.000000
  42. [09:42:29.282] ifft: OUTPUT_SEQ[42].real=42.000000, OUTPUT_SEQ[42].img=0.000000
  43. [09:42:29.346] ifft: OUTPUT_SEQ[43].real=43.000000, OUTPUT_SEQ[43].img=0.000000
  44. [09:42:29.410] ifft: OUTPUT_SEQ[44].real=44.000000, OUTPUT_SEQ[44].img=0.000000
  45. [09:42:29.474] ifft: OUTPUT_SEQ[45].real=45.000000, OUTPUT_SEQ[45].img=0.000000
  46. [09:42:29.554] ifft: OUTPUT_SEQ[46].real=46.000000, OUTPUT_SEQ[46].img=0.000000
  47. [09:42:29.618] ifft: OUTPUT_SEQ[47].real=47.000000, OUTPUT_SEQ[47].img=0.000000
  48. [09:42:29.682] ifft: OUTPUT_SEQ[48].real=48.000000, OUTPUT_SEQ[48].img=0.000000
  49. [09:42:29.746] ifft: OUTPUT_SEQ[49].real=49.000000, OUTPUT_SEQ[49].img=0.000000
  50. [09:42:29.827] ifft: OUTPUT_SEQ[50].real=50.000000, OUTPUT_SEQ[50].img=0.000000
  51. [09:42:29.890] ifft: OUTPUT_SEQ[51].real=51.000000, OUTPUT_SEQ[51].img=0.000000
  52. [09:42:29.954] ifft: OUTPUT_SEQ[52].real=52.000000, OUTPUT_SEQ[52].img=0.000000
  53. [09:42:30.018] ifft: OUTPUT_SEQ[53].real=53.000000, OUTPUT_SEQ[53].img=0.000000
  54. [09:42:30.098] ifft: OUTPUT_SEQ[54].real=54.000000, OUTPUT_SEQ[54].img=0.000000
  55. [09:42:30.162] ifft: OUTPUT_SEQ[55].real=55.000000, OUTPUT_SEQ[55].img=0.000000
  56. [09:42:30.226] ifft: OUTPUT_SEQ[56].real=56.000000, OUTPUT_SEQ[56].img=0.000000
  57. [09:42:30.290] ifft: OUTPUT_SEQ[57].real=57.000000, OUTPUT_SEQ[57].img=0.000000
  58. [09:42:30.354] ifft: OUTPUT_SEQ[58].real=58.000000, OUTPUT_SEQ[58].img=0.000000
  59. [09:42:30.433] ifft: OUTPUT_SEQ[59].real=59.000000, OUTPUT_SEQ[59].img=0.000000
  60. [09:42:30.497] ifft: OUTPUT_SEQ[60].real=60.000000, OUTPUT_SEQ[60].img=0.000000
  61. [09:42:30.561] ifft: OUTPUT_SEQ[61].real=61.000000, OUTPUT_SEQ[61].img=0.000000
  62. [09:42:30.625] ifft: OUTPUT_SEQ[62].real=62.000000, OUTPUT_SEQ[62].img=0.000000
  63. [09:42:30.705] ifft: OUTPUT_SEQ[63].real=63.000000, OUTPUT_SEQ[63].img=0.000000
  64. [09:42:30.769] ifft: OUTPUT_SEQ[64].real=64.000000, OUTPUT_SEQ[64].img=0.000000
  65. [09:42:30.833] ifft: OUTPUT_SEQ[65].real=65.000000, OUTPUT_SEQ[65].img=0.000000
  66. [09:42:30.897] ifft: OUTPUT_SEQ[66].real=66.000000, OUTPUT_SEQ[66].img=0.000000
  67. [09:42:30.977] ifft: OUTPUT_SEQ[67].real=67.000000, OUTPUT_SEQ[67].img=0.000000
  68. [09:42:31.040] ifft: OUTPUT_SEQ[68].real=68.000000, OUTPUT_SEQ[68].img=0.000000
  69. [09:42:31.104] ifft: OUTPUT_SEQ[69].real=69.000000, OUTPUT_SEQ[69].img=0.000000
  70. [09:42:31.168] ifft: OUTPUT_SEQ[70].real=70.000000, OUTPUT_SEQ[70].img=0.000000
  71. [09:42:31.248] ifft: OUTPUT_SEQ[71].real=71.000000, OUTPUT_SEQ[71].img=0.000000
  72. [09:42:31.312] ifft: OUTPUT_SEQ[72].real=72.000000, OUTPUT_SEQ[72].img=0.000000
  73. [09:42:31.376] ifft: OUTPUT_SEQ[73].real=73.000000, OUTPUT_SEQ[73].img=0.000000
  74. [09:42:31.440] ifft: OUTPUT_SEQ[74].real=74.000000, OUTPUT_SEQ[74].img=0.000000
  75. [09:42:31.520] ifft: OUTPUT_SEQ[75].real=75.000000, OUTPUT_SEQ[75].img=0.000000
  76. [09:42:31.584] ifft: OUTPUT_SEQ[76].real=76.000000, OUTPUT_SEQ[76].img=0.000000
  77. [09:42:31.647] ifft: OUTPUT_SEQ[77].real=77.000000, OUTPUT_SEQ[77].img=0.000000
  78. [09:42:31.711] ifft: OUTPUT_SEQ[78].real=78.000000, OUTPUT_SEQ[78].img=0.000000
  79. [09:42:31.775] ifft: OUTPUT_SEQ[79].real=79.000000, OUTPUT_SEQ[79].img=0.000000
  80. [09:42:31.856] ifft: OUTPUT_SEQ[80].real=80.000000, OUTPUT_SEQ[80].img=0.000000
  81. [09:42:31.919] ifft: OUTPUT_SEQ[81].real=81.000000, OUTPUT_SEQ[81].img=0.000000
  82. [09:42:31.984] ifft: OUTPUT_SEQ[82].real=82.000000, OUTPUT_SEQ[82].img=0.000000
  83. [09:42:32.048] ifft: OUTPUT_SEQ[83].real=83.000000, OUTPUT_SEQ[83].img=0.000000
  84. [09:42:32.128] ifft: OUTPUT_SEQ[84].real=84.000000, OUTPUT_SEQ[84].img=0.000000
  85. [09:42:32.192] ifft: OUTPUT_SEQ[85].real=85.000000, OUTPUT_SEQ[85].img=0.000000
  86. [09:42:32.255] ifft: OUTPUT_SEQ[86].real=86.000000, OUTPUT_SEQ[86].img=0.000000
  87. [09:42:32.319] ifft: OUTPUT_SEQ[87].real=87.000000, OUTPUT_SEQ[87].img=0.000000
  88. [09:42:32.399] ifft: OUTPUT_SEQ[88].real=88.000000, OUTPUT_SEQ[88].img=0.000000
  89. [09:42:32.463] ifft: OUTPUT_SEQ[89].real=89.000000, OUTPUT_SEQ[89].img=0.000000
  90. [09:42:32.527] ifft: OUTPUT_SEQ[90].real=90.000000, OUTPUT_SEQ[90].img=0.000000
  91. [09:42:32.591] ifft: OUTPUT_SEQ[91].real=91.000000, OUTPUT_SEQ[91].img=0.000000
  92. [09:42:32.671] ifft: OUTPUT_SEQ[92].real=92.000000, OUTPUT_SEQ[92].img=0.000000
  93. [09:42:32.735] ifft: OUTPUT_SEQ[93].real=93.000000, OUTPUT_SEQ[93].img=0.000000
  94. [09:42:32.799] ifft: OUTPUT_SEQ[94].real=94.000000, OUTPUT_SEQ[94].img=0.000000
  95. [09:42:32.862] ifft: OUTPUT_SEQ[95].real=95.000000, OUTPUT_SEQ[95].img=0.000000
  96. [09:42:32.926] ifft: OUTPUT_SEQ[96].real=96.000000, OUTPUT_SEQ[96].img=0.000000
  97. [09:42:33.006] ifft: OUTPUT_SEQ[97].real=97.000000, OUTPUT_SEQ[97].img=0.000000
  98. [09:42:33.070] ifft: OUTPUT_SEQ[98].real=98.000000, OUTPUT_SEQ[98].img=0.000000
  99. [09:42:33.134] ifft: OUTPUT_SEQ[99].real=99.000000, OUTPUT_SEQ[99].img=0.000000
  100. [09:42:33.198] ifft: OUTPUT_SEQ[100].real=100.000000, OUTPUT_SEQ[100].img=0.000000
  101. [09:42:33.278] ifft: OUTPUT_SEQ[101].real=101.000000, OUTPUT_SEQ[101].img=0.000000
  102. [09:42:33.341] ifft: OUTPUT_SEQ[102].real=102.000000, OUTPUT_SEQ[102].img=0.000000
  103. [09:42:33.421] ifft: OUTPUT_SEQ[103].real=103.000000, OUTPUT_SEQ[103].img=0.000000
  104. [09:42:33.485] ifft: OUTPUT_SEQ[104].real=104.000000, OUTPUT_SEQ[104].img=0.000000
  105. [09:42:33.565] ifft: OUTPUT_SEQ[105].real=105.000000, OUTPUT_SEQ[105].img=0.000000
  106. [09:42:33.629] ifft: OUTPUT_SEQ[106].real=106.000000, OUTPUT_SEQ[106].img=0.000000
  107. [09:42:33.693] ifft: OUTPUT_SEQ[107].real=107.000000, OUTPUT_SEQ[107].img=0.000000
  108. [09:42:33.773] ifft: OUTPUT_SEQ[108].real=108.000000, OUTPUT_SEQ[108].img=0.000000
  109. [09:42:33.836] ifft: OUTPUT_SEQ[109].real=109.000000, OUTPUT_SEQ[109].img=0.000000
  110. [09:42:33.917] ifft: OUTPUT_SEQ[110].real=110.000000, OUTPUT_SEQ[110].img=0.000000
  111. [09:42:33.981] ifft: OUTPUT_SEQ[111].real=111.000000, OUTPUT_SEQ[111].img=0.000000
  112. [09:42:34.061] ifft: OUTPUT_SEQ[112].real=112.000000, OUTPUT_SEQ[112].img=0.000000
  113. [09:42:34.125] ifft: OUTPUT_SEQ[113].real=113.000000, OUTPUT_SEQ[113].img=0.000000
  114. [09:42:34.189] ifft: OUTPUT_SEQ[114].real=114.000000, OUTPUT_SEQ[114].img=0.000000
  115. [09:42:34.269] ifft: OUTPUT_SEQ[115].real=115.000000, OUTPUT_SEQ[115].img=0.000000
  116. [09:42:34.333] ifft: OUTPUT_SEQ[116].real=116.000000, OUTPUT_SEQ[116].img=0.000000
  117. [09:42:34.413] ifft: OUTPUT_SEQ[117].real=117.000000, OUTPUT_SEQ[117].img=0.000000
  118. [09:42:34.476] ifft: OUTPUT_SEQ[118].real=118.000000, OUTPUT_SEQ[118].img=0.000000
  119. [09:42:34.556] ifft: OUTPUT_SEQ[119].real=119.000000, OUTPUT_SEQ[119].img=0.000000
  120. [09:42:34.620] ifft: OUTPUT_SEQ[120].real=120.000000, OUTPUT_SEQ[120].img=0.000000
  121. [09:42:34.700] ifft: OUTPUT_SEQ[121].real=121.000000, OUTPUT_SEQ[121].img=0.000000
  122. [09:42:34.764] ifft: OUTPUT_SEQ[122].real=122.000000, OUTPUT_SEQ[122].img=0.000000
  123. [09:42:34.828] ifft: OUTPUT_SEQ[123].real=123.000000, OUTPUT_SEQ[123].img=0.000000
  124. [09:42:34.908] ifft: OUTPUT_SEQ[124].real=124.000000, OUTPUT_SEQ[124].img=0.000000
  125. [09:42:34.971] ifft: OUTPUT_SEQ[125].real=125.000000, OUTPUT_SEQ[125].img=0.000000
  126. [09:42:35.051] ifft: OUTPUT_SEQ[126].real=126.000000, OUTPUT_SEQ[126].img=0.000000
  127. [09:42:35.116] ifft: OUTPUT_SEQ[127].real=127.000000, OUTPUT_SEQ[127].img=0.000000

4. 小结



