我们使用的是Overleaf, 在线LaTeX编辑器进行编写,在项目的菜单中选择XeLaTeX编译器。
- \def\SetClass{article}
- \documentclass{\SetClass}
- \usepackage[top=2cm, bottom=2cm, left=2.5cm, right=2.5cm]{geometry} %定义页边距
- \usepackage[linesnumbered,ruled]{algorithm2e}
- % \documentclass[1000pt]{article}
- \usepackage{amsmath} %数学公式
- \usepackage[UTF8]{ctex} %输出中文
- \renewcommand{\thealgocf}{2} %这里用来定义算法1,算法2等
- \begin{document}
- \IncMargin{1em} % 页边距
- \begin{algorithm}
- \SetAlgoLined %显示end
- \caption{Mobility Tree Construction}
- \SetKwInOut{Input}{Input}
- \SetKwInOut{Output}{Output}
- % 设置输入
- \Input{}
- % $$括起来表示这是一个数学表达式,会使用英文斜体表示. \\表示换行
- $X = n \times gene$, expression matrix for $n$ sample with $g$ genes \\
- % _表示下缀
- $X_i$ = expression matrix of sample \\
- % \delta是latex输入希腊字母δ的方式
- $\delta$: probability \\
- $f_{mlp}$: the model \\
- % 定义函数内容
- \SetKwFunction{MyFuns} {MyFuns}
- \SetKwProg{Fn}{Function}{:}{}
- \Fn{\MyFuns{$X$, $X_i$, $X_{func}$, $\delta$}} {
- setVariables($X$, $Score$) \\
- % 添加注释
- \tcp{\emph{This is an annotation}}\label{cmt} \\
- Train a network, $f_{\theta,0}$, using the samples from $D_L$ \\
- % for循环
- \For{$i$ in $1 : MaxIterations$}{
- Pseudo-label $D_U$ using $f_{\theta, i-1}$ \\
- $D_{selected} \leftarrow $ Select pseudo-labels using UPS \\
- $\tilde{D} \leftarrow D_L \bigcup D_{selected}$ \\
- Initiallize new network $f_{\theta, i}$ \\
- Train $f_{\theta, i}$ using the samples from $\tilde{D}$. \\
- $f_{\theta} \leftarrow f_{\theta, i}$ \\
- }
- \KwRet $f_{\theta}$
- }
- \end{algorithm}
- \DecMargin{1em} % 页边距
- \end{document}
- \def\SetClass{article}
- \documentclass{\SetClass}
- \usepackage[top=2cm, bottom=2cm, left=2.5cm, right=2.5cm]{geometry} %定义页边距
- \usepackage[linesnumbered,ruled]{algorithm2e}
- % \documentclass[1000pt]{article}
- \usepackage{amsmath} %数学公式
- \usepackage[UTF8]{ctex} %输出中文
- \renewcommand{\thealgocf}{2} %这里用来定义算法1,算法2等
- \begin{document}
- \begin{algorithm}[H]
- \SetAlgoLined %显示end
- \caption{algorithm caption}%算法名字
- \KwIn{input parameters A, B, C}%输入参数
- \KwOut{output result}%输出
- some description\; %\;用于换行
- \For{condition}{
- only if\;
- \If{condition}{
- 1\;
- }
- }
- \While{not at end of this document}{
- if and else\;
- \eIf{condition}{
- 1\;
- }{
- 2\;
- }
- }
- \ForEach{condition}{
- \If{condition}{
- 1\;
- }
- }
- return
- \end{algorithm}
- \end{document}
- %在菜单中,编译器选择XeLaTex
- \documentclass[11pt]{ctexart}
- \usepackage[top=2cm, bottom=2cm, left=2.5cm, right=2.5cm]{geometry} %定义页边距
- \usepackage{algorithm}
- \usepackage{algorithmicx}
- \usepackage{algpseudocode}
- \usepackage{amsmath} %数学公式
- \usepackage[UTF8]{ctex} %输出中文
- \floatname{algorithm}{Algorithm} %算法
- \renewcommand{\algorithmicrequire}{\textbf{Input:}} %输入
- \renewcommand{\algorithmicensure}{\textbf{Output:}} %输出
- \begin{document}
- \renewcommand{\thealgorithm}{2} %这里用来定义算法1,算法2等
- \begin{algorithm}
- \caption{K-Means聚类盲均衡算法} %标题
- \begin{algorithmic}[1] %每行显示行号,1表示每1行进行显示
- \Require 输入样本集$D$ = \{$x_1,x_2,...,x_N$\},分簇数$K=2$,最大迭代次数为$M$,从分簇样本中随机选取两点\{$u_1$,$u_2$\}作为初始质心
- \Ensure 样本分簇质心\{$C_1$,$C_2$\}
- \For{$m = 1 \to M$} //$m$表示迭代次数
- \State $C_1 \Leftarrow \emptyset, C_2 \Leftarrow \emptyset$ //初始化各簇
- \For{$i = 1,2,...,N$} //$i$表示样本集编号
- \State $d_{i1} \Leftarrow {\Vert x_i-u_1 \Vert}^2$, $d_{i2} \Leftarrow {\Vert x_i-u_2 \Vert}^2$ //计算$x_i$到两质心的欧式距离
- \If {$d_{i1} \leq d_{i2}$}
- \State $C_1 \Leftarrow C_1 \cup \{x_i\}$ //将$x_i$划分到相应的簇
- \Else
- \State $C_2 \Leftarrow C_2 \cup \{x_i\}$ %有时候需要用\来转译
- \EndIf
- \EndFor
- \State $\tilde{u_1} \Leftarrow \frac{1}{\vert C_1 \vert}\sum_{x \in C_1} x$, $\tilde{u_2} \Leftarrow \frac{1}{\vert C_2 \vert}\sum_{x \in C_2} x$ //重新计算各簇质心
- \If {$(\tilde{u_1} == u_1)\ and\ (\tilde{u_2} == u_2$} //各簇质心未改变,跳出循环
- \State \textbf{break} from line 3 %\textbf为加粗
- \Else
- \State $u_1 \Leftarrow \tilde{u_1}, u_2 \Leftarrow \tilde{u_2}$ //更新各簇质心
- \EndIf
- \EndFor
- \State \Return $C_1, C_2$ //输出结果
- \end{algorithmic}
- \end{algorithm}
- \end{document}
- %在菜单中,编译器选择XeLaTex
- \documentclass[11pt]{ctexart}
- \usepackage[top=2cm, bottom=2cm, left=2.5cm, right=2.5cm]{geometry} %定义页边距
- \usepackage{algorithm}
- \usepackage{algorithmicx}
- \usepackage{algpseudocode}
- \usepackage{amsmath} %数学公式
- \usepackage[UTF8]{ctex} %输出中文
- \floatname{algorithm}{Algorithm} %算法
- \renewcommand{\algorithmicrequire}{\textbf{Input:}} %输入
- \renewcommand{\algorithmicensure}{\textbf{Output:}} %输出
- \begin{document}
- \renewcommand{\thealgorithm}{2} %这里用来定义算法1,算法2等
- \begin{algorithm}
- \caption{K-Means聚类盲均衡算法} %标题
- \begin{algorithmic}[1] %每行显示行号,1表示每1行进行显示
- \Require 输入样本集$D$ = \{$x_1,x_2,...,x_N$\},分簇数$K=2$,最大迭代次数为$M$,从分簇样本中随机选取两点\{$u_1$,$u_2$\}作为初始质心
- \Ensure 样本分簇质心\{$C_1$,$C_2$\}
- \For{$m = 1 \to M$} //$m$表示迭代次数
- \State $C_1 \Leftarrow \emptyset, C_2 \Leftarrow \emptyset$ //初始化各簇
- \For{$i = 1,2,...,N$} //$i$表示样本集编号
- \State $d_{i1} \Leftarrow {\Vert x_i-u_1 \Vert}^2$, $d_{i2} \Leftarrow {\Vert x_i-u_2 \Vert}^2$ //计算$x_i$到两质心的欧式距离
- \If {$d_{i1} \leq d_{i2}$}
- \State $C_1 \Leftarrow C_1 \cup \{x_i\}$ //将$x_i$划分到相应的簇
- \Else
- \State $C_2 \Leftarrow C_2 \cup \{x_i\}$ %有时候需要用\来转译
- \EndIf
- \EndFor
- \State $\tilde{u_1} \Leftarrow \frac{1}{\vert C_1 \vert}\sum_{x \in C_1} x$, $\tilde{u_2} \Leftarrow \frac{1}{\vert C_2 \vert}\sum_{x \in C_2} x$ //重新计算各簇质心
- \If {$(\tilde{u_1} == u_1)\ and\ (\tilde{u_2} == u_2$} //各簇质心未改变,跳出循环
- \State \textbf{break} from line 3 %\textbf为加粗
- \Else
- \State $u_1 \Leftarrow \tilde{u_1}, u_2 \Leftarrow \tilde{u_2}$ //更新各簇质心
- \EndIf
- \EndFor
- \State \Return $C_1, C_2$ //输出结果
- \State
- \Function{ConstructTree}{$traj, nary$}
- \State Initialize an empty tree $MT$ with no nodes and edges
- \State Initialize an empty dictionary variable $map$
- \State $len\gets$ The length of $traj$
- \State Initialize the dictionary variable $flags$ of length $len$
- \State \Call{AddChild}{$MT, traj, len-1, map, flags$}
- \State \Return{$MT$}
- \EndFunction
- \end{algorithmic}
- \end{algorithm}
- \end{document}
参数 | 作用 |
linesnumbered | 显示行号 |
ruled | 标题显示在上方,不加就默认显示在下方 |
vlined | 代码段中用线连接 |
boxed | 将算法插入在一个盒子里 |
代码 | 作用 |
\; | 行末添加行号并自动换行 |
\caption{算法名称} | 插入算法名称 |
\KwData输入信息} | 显示“Data:输入信息” |
\KwIn{输入信息} | 显示“Input:输入信息” |
\KwOut{输出信息} | 显示“Output:输出信息” |
\KwResult{输入信息} | 显示“Result:输出信息” |
\For{条件}{循环语句} | For循环 |
\If{条件}{肯定语句} | If条件判断 |
\eIf{条件}{肯定语句}{否定语句} | If-else判断语句 |
\While{条件}{肯定语句} | While循环 |
\ForEach{条件}{执行语句} | ForEach遍历 |
\tcc{注释} | 显示“\* 注释 *\” |
\tcp{注释} | 显示“\\注释” |
\SetAlgoLined | 显示“每个结尾的end” |
\LinesNumbered | 显示行号 |
- \SetKwInOut{KwIn}{输入}
- \SetKwInOut{KwOut}{输出}
- \renewcommand{\listalgorithmcfname}{算\ 法\ 目\ 录}
- % 生成算法目录命令
- \listofalgorithms
- \documentclass{ctexart}
- \usepackage[ruled,vlined]{algorithm2e}
- \begin{document}
- \renewcommand{\listalgorithmcfname}{算\ 法\ 目\ 录}
- % 生成算法目录命令
- \listofalgorithms
- \renewcommand{\algorithmcfname}{算法}
- \SetKwInOut{KwIn}{输入}
- \SetKwInOut{KwOut}{输出}
- \begin{algorithm}
- \renewcommand{\thealgocf}{3-1}
- \SetAlgoLined %显示end
- \caption{algorithm caption}%算法名字
- \KwIn{input parameters A, B, C}%输入参数
- \KwOut{output result}%输出
- some description\; %\;用于换行
- \For{condition}{
- only if\;
- \If{condition}{
- 1\;
- }
- }
- return
- \end{algorithm}
- \begin{algorithm}
- \renewcommand{\thealgocf}{3-2}
- \SetAlgoLined %显示end
- \caption{algorithm caption}%算法名字
- \KwIn{input parameters A, B, C}%输入参数
- \KwOut{output result}%输出
- some description\; %\;用于换行
- \For{condition}{
- only if\;
- \If{condition}{
- 1\;
- }
- }
- return
- \end{algorithm}
- \end{document}
均为基于 algorithm2e的。
- \SetKwProg{Fn}{Function}{:}{end}
- \Fn{FMain asda}{
- \KwRet $f_{\theta}$\;
- \Return{$f_{\theta}$}\;
- \textbf{return}{ $f_{\theta}$}\;
- }
- \SetKwProg{Fn}{Function}{:}{end}
- \Fn{FMain asda}{
- 这里是一个函数定义\\
- }
\textit{AddChild(MT, traj, len-1, map, flags)}\;
- \def\SetClass{article}
- \documentclass{\SetClass}
- \usepackage[top=2cm, bottom=2cm, left=2.5cm, right=2.5cm]{geometry} %定义页边距
- \usepackage[linesnumbered,ruled]{algorithm2e}
- % \documentclass[1000pt]{article}
- \usepackage{amsmath} %数学公式
- \usepackage[UTF8]{ctex} %输出中文
- \renewcommand{\thealgocf}{2} %这里用来定义算法1,算法2等
- \begin{document}
- \begin{algorithm}[H]
- \SetAlgoLined %显示end
- \caption{Mobility Tree Construction}
- \label{alg:1}
- \KwIn{One of the user's trajectory $traj$; The number of branches in the tree $nary$;}
- \KwOut{The Mobility Tree $MT$ corresponding to the input trajectory}
- \SetKwProg{Fn}{Function}{:}{end}
- \Fn{AddChild(MT, traj, idx, map, flags)}{
- $node\gets traj_{idx}$\;
- $map_{idx}\gets$ The number of nodes in $MT$\;
- Add $node$ to $MT$\;
- \If{$idx > 0$ and $flag_{idx} != 0$}{
- $flag_{idx}\gets 0$\;
- $i\gets nary$\;
- \While{$i > 0$}{
- $child\gets$ \textit{AddChild(MT, traj, idx-i, map, flags)}\;
- $edge\gets$ $child$ to $node$ // $src \rightarrow dst$\;
- Add $edge$ to $MT$\;
- }
- }
- \Return{$node$}
- }
- \Fn{ConstructTree(traj, nary)}{
- Initialize an empty tree $MT$ with no nodes and edges\;
- Initialize an empty dictionary variable $map$\;
- $len\gets$ The length of $traj$\;
- Initialize the dictionary variable $flags$ of length $len$\;
- \textit{AddChild(MT, traj, len-1, map, flags)}\;
- \Return{$MT$}
- }
- \end{algorithm}
- \end{document}
写LaTex数学公式大全:LaTeX-Math-Symbols.pdf (msu.edu)
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