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宋霜教授_宋霜 哈尔滨工业大学1984

宋霜 哈尔滨工业大学1984
电子邮件: songshuang@hit.edu.cn



一些实验视频: http://i.youku.com/songshuanghit


2010-2013  中国科学院大学,博士学位
2007-2010  中国科学院研究生院,硕士学位
2003-2007  华北电力大学,学士学位


2015-今  哈尔滨工业大学深圳研究生院,助理教授
2013-2015  新加坡国立大学, Research Fellow


Publication Chair  IEEE ICIA 2012,2014,2015,2016 
CCECE 2015
Reviewer  IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering; 
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 
IEEE Sensors Journal; 
International Journal of Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery; 
International Journal of Robotics and Automation; 


2015-2017  哈工大深圳新教师启动项目: 微创手术多目标磁定位技术研究
2016-2018  哈工大科研创新基金: 新型磁控蛇型柔性机器人关键技术研究
2016-2018  深圳市基础研究自由探索项目: 基于可控磁场的微机器人主动控制技术研究
2017-2019  深圳市基础研究自由探索项目: 面向无线胶囊机器人的精确定位与主动驱动关键技术研究
2017-2020  深圳市基础研究学科布局项目: 具活检取样及施药功能的微型肠道机器人系统研究
2017-2019  哈工大深圳引进人才启动经费: 微创手术机器人主动控制与精确定位导航关键技术研究


2016  深圳市南山区领航人才C
2016  深圳市海外高层次人才孔雀计划C
2015  IEEE CCECE Best Conference Paper Award



[28] S. Song, Q. Xiao, W. Liu, M. Meng, An Improved 6D Pose Detection Method Based on 
Opposing-Magnet Pair System and Constraint Multiple Magnets Tracking Algorithm. IEEE Sensors Journal, 2017 

[27] Q. Xiao, S. Song*, M. Meng. A Novel 6-D Pose Detection Method Using Opposing-Magnet Pair System. IEEE Sensors Journal, 2017 

[26] S. Song, X. Qiu, J. Wang, M. Meng. Design and Optimization Strategy of Sensor Array Layout for Magnetic Localization System. IEEE Sensors Journal, 2017 

[25] C. Shi, X. Luo, P. Qi, T. Li, S. Song, Z. Najdovski, T. Fukuda, H. Ren. Shape Sensing Techniques for Continuum Robots in Minimally Invasive Surgery: A Survey. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 2017 

[24] Y. Chen, W. Xu, Z. Li, S. Song, C.M. Lim, Y. Wang, H. Ren. Safety-Enhanced Motion Planning for Flexible Surgical Manipulator Using Neural Dynamic. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CONTROL SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY, 2017. 

[23] S. Song, X. Qiu, J. Wang, M. Meng. Real-time Tracking and Navigation for Magnetically Manipulated Untethered Robot. IEEE ACCESS, 2016. 

[22] S. Song, C. Hu and M. Meng. Multiple Objects Positioning and Identification Method Based on Magnetic Localization System. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 2016. 

[21] L. Wu, S. Song, K. Wu, C. Lim and H. Ren. Development of a compact continuum tubular robotic system for nasopharyngeal biopsy. Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing, 2016 

[20] C. Hu, Y. Ren, X. You, W. Yang, S. Song*, S. Xiang, X. He, Z. Zhang and M. Meng. Locating Intra-Body Capsule Object by Three-Magnet Sensing System. IEEE Sensors Journal, 16(13):5167-5176, July 2016 

[19] Y. Sun, S. Song, X. Liang, H. Ren. A Miniature Soft Robotic Manipulator Based on Novel Fabrication Methods. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 1(2):617-623, July, 2016 

[18] S. Song, Z. Li, Max Meng, H. Yu, H. Ren. Real-Time Shape Estimation for Wire-Driven Flexible Robots With Multiple Bending Sections Based on Quadratic Bézier Curves. IEEE Sensors Jounrnal, 15(11):6326-6334, Nov 2015 

[17] S. Song, Z. Li, H. Ren and H. Yu. Shape Reconstruction for Wire-Driven Flexible Robots Based on Bézier Curve and Electromagnetic Positioning. Mechatronics. 29:28-35, Aug 2015. 

[16] S. Song, H. Ren and H. Yu. Electromagnetic Positioning for Tip Tracking and Shape Sensing of Flexible Robots. IEEE Sensors Journal, 15(8):4565-4575, 2015 (封面文章) 

[15] S. Song, H. Ren and H. Yu. An Improved Magnetic Tracking Method using Rotating Uniaxial Coil with Sparse Points and Closed Form Analytic Solution. IEEE Sensors Journal, 14(10): 3585-3592, 2014 

[14] S. Song, B. Li, W. Qiao, C. Hu, H. Ren, H. Yu, Q. Zhang, Max Meng and G. Xu. 6-D Magnetic Localization and Orientation Method for an Annular Magnet Based on a Closed-Form Analytical Model. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics. 2014, 50(9) 

[13] S. Song, W. Qiao, B. Li, C. Hu, H. Ren and Max Meng. An Efficient Magnetic Tracking Method Using Uniaxial Sensing Coil. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics,  2014. 50(1) 

[12] S. Song, C. Hu, B. Li, X.Li and Max Meng. An Electromagnetic Localization and Orientation Method Based on Rotating Magnetic Dipole. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 49(3):1274-1277, 2013. 

[11] C. Hu, W. Qu, Z. Zhang, Z. Feng, S. Song and Meng, M.Q.-H. Recovering Amplitudes and Phases From Saturated Multifrequency Sinusoid Signals. IEEE Sensors Journal, 13(11):4569-4575, 2013 

[10] H. Ren, W. Liu and S. Song. Towards occlusion-resistant surgical instrument tracking. Bone and Joint Journal Orthopaedic Proceedings Supplement, 95-B(SUPP 28):52, 2013. 

[9] C. Hu, S. Song, X. Wang, Meng, M.Q.-H. and B. Li. A Novel Positioning and Orientation System Based on Three-Axis Magnetic Coils. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 48(7):2211-2219, 2012 

[8] W. Yang, Y. Li, C. Hu and S. Song. A real-time tracking method for the rectangular magnet based on parallel Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm. International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, 37(4):241-251, 2011. 

[7] W. Yang, C. Hu, M. Li, Meng M.Q.-H. and S. Song. A New Tracking System for Three Magnetic Objectives.  IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 46(12):4023-4029, 2010. 

[6] C. Hu, M. Li, S. Song, W. Yang, R. Zhang and Meng, M.Q.-H. A Cubic 3-Axis Magnetic Sensor Array for Wirelessly Tracking Magnet Position and Orientation. IEEE Sensors Journal, 10(5):903-913, 2010. 

[5] W. Yang, C. Hu, Meng, M.Q.-H., S. Song and H. Dai. A Six-Dimensional Magnetic Localization Algorithm for a Rectangular Magnet Objective Based on a Particle Swarm Optimizer. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 45(8):3092-3099, 2009. 

[4] S. Song, C. Hu, B. Li, X. Li, W. Qiao and Max Meng. Electromagnetic Localization and Orientation Method and System. Journal of Integration Technology, 2(2):8-15, 2013. 

[3] C. Hu, S. Song, W. Yang, Max Meng, B. Li, D. Zeng, X. Li and H. Zhu. On the Magnetic Localization Techniques for Position and Orientation of the Capsule Endoscope. Journal of Integration Technology, 1(1):105-113,2012. 

[2] W. Liu, C. Hu, B. Li, S. Song and Max Meng. Multi-view Optical Tracking System. Journal of Integration Technology, 2(1):35-41, 2012. 

[1] X. Shi, C. Hu, W. Xiang, S. Song and X. Wang. An Electromagnetic Locating Method for Orthopaedic Surgery Robot. Chinese Journal of Sensors and Actuators, 24(11):1569-1573, 2011. 


[13] C. Zhang, Y. Lu, X. Qiu, S. Song*, L. Liu, M. Meng. Preliminary Study on Magnetic Tracking based Navigation for Wire-Driven Flexible Robot. IROS2017 

[12] H. Gu, S. Song*, Q. Zhang, M. Meng, RectMag : An Accurate Magnetic Field Model based Actuation System, ROBIO2016 

[11] S. Shen, S. Song, J. Zhu, Max Meng, J. Li, H .Ren. Preliminary design towards a magnetic actuated drug delivery system. Cybernetics and Intelligent Systems (CIS) and IEEE Conference on Robotics, Automation and Mechatronics (RAM), 2015 IEEE 7th International Conference on, 2015 

[10] S. Song, H. Yu and H. Ren. Study on Mathematic Magnetic Field Model of Rectangular Coils for Magnetic Actuation. In: Proceedings of the IEEE 28th Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, May 2015 

[9] S. Song, H. Yu and H. Ren. Study on Mathematic Magnetic Model of Annular Magnet for 6D Localization and Orientation ofWireless Capsule Endoscope. In: Proceedings of the 4th Annual IEEE International Conference on CYBER Technology in Automation, Control, and Intelligent Systems (IEEE-CYBER 2014), June 2014. 

[8] S. Song and H. Ren. A Magnetic Tracking Method Using Active Uniaxial Sensor And Variable Step Size Searching Strategy. In: Proceedings of the 3rd IFToMM International Symposium on Robotics and Mechatronics (ISRM 2013), pp.770-779. October 2-4, 2013. 

[7] S. Song, H. Ren, W. Liu and C. Hu. An Analytic Algorithm based Electromagnetic Localization Method. In: Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE International Conference on Information and Automation (ICIA 2013), pp.626-630. August 26-28, 2013. 

[6] S. Song, C. Hu, M. Li, W. Yang, and M.Q.-H. Meng. Two-magnet-based 6d-localization and orientation for wireless capsule endoscope. In: Robotics and Biomimetics (ROBIO), 2009 IEEE International Conference on, pages 2338-2343, 2009. 

[5] S. Song, C. Hu, M. Li, W. Yang, and M.Q.-H. Meng. Real time algorithm for magnet.s localization in capsule endoscope. In: Automation and Logistics, 2009. ICAL 09. IEEE International Conference on, pages 2030-2035, 2009. 

[4] J. Tian, S. Song, X.Wang, T. Yan, C. Hu, and M.Q.-H. Meng. An improved method and algorithm for electromagnetic localization. In: Information and Automation (ICIA), 2011 IEEE International Conference on, pages 406-411, 2011. 

[3] Xiaojing Wang, Shuang Song, and Chao Hu. The extraction technology of weak coupling ac signal in an electromagnetic localization system. In: Robotics and Biomimetics (ROBIO), 2010 IEEE International Conference on, pages 1170-1175, 2010. 

[2] Mao Li, Shuang Song, Chao Hu, Dongmei Chen, and M.Q.-H. Meng. A novel method of 6-dof electromagnetic navigation system for surgical robot. In: Intelligent Control and Automation (WCICA), 2010 8th World Congress on, pages 2163-2167, 2010. 

[1] Mao Li, Shuang Song, Chao Hu, Wanan Yang, Lujia Wang, and M.Q.-H. Meng. A new calibration method for magnetic sensor array for tracking capsule endoscope. In: Robotics and Biomimetics (ROBIO), 2009 IEEE International Conference on, pages1561-1566, 2009.


最后更新:2017-09-07 16:44:58
[13] C. Zhang, Y. Lu, X. Qiu, S. Song*, L. Liu, M. Meng. Preliminary Study on Magnetic Tracking based Navigation for Wire-Driven Flexible Robot. IROS2017
〔13〕。张路,X,Y,S *。丘。宋、刘、孟m。。。初步研究的在线跟踪基于磁驱动的柔性机器人导航换线。iros2017
[12] H. Gu, S. Song*, Q. Zhang, M. Meng, RectMag : An Accurate Magnetic Field Model based Actuation System, ROBIO2016
〔12〕H。S L Q *,。宋、张、孟、M。。:安rectmag actuation系统基于模型准确的磁场,robio2016
[11] S. Shen, S. Song, J. Zhu, Max Meng, J. Li, H .Ren. Preliminary design towards a magnetic actuated drug delivery system. Cybernetics and Intelligent Systems (CIS) and IEEE Conference on Robotics, Automation and Mechatronics (RAM), 2015 IEEE 7th International Conference on, 2015
〔11〕。沈、宋,S。J。朱蒙,麦克斯,他们.ren. J,H。对初步设计的磁动药物传递系统。cybernetics和智能系统(CIS)和IEEE机器人和自动化的在线会议,mechatronics(RAM)的国际会议,由IEEE第2015 2015年
[10] S. Song, H. Yu and H. Ren. Study on Mathematic Magnetic Field Model of Rectangular Coils for Magnetic Actuation. In: Proceedings of the IEEE 28th Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, May 2015
〔10〕。宋玉,H和H。。。”在线数学模型研究的磁场线圈的磁actuation for of矩形。在加拿大:of the IEEE会议录第28电气和计算机网络工程,2015年五月
[9] S. Song, H. Yu and H. Ren. Study on Mathematic Magnetic Model of Annular Magnet for 6D Localization and Orientation ofWireless Capsule Endoscope. In: Proceedings of the 4th Annual IEEE International Conference on CYBER Technology in Automation, Control, and Intelligent Systems (IEEE-CYBER 2014), June 2014.
[ 9 ]。宋玉,H和H。。。”在线数学模型研究永磁annular for of定位和定向胶囊两endoscope 6D。程序:在年度会议4 of the IEEE国际自动化控制网络,网络技术,智能系统(网络和IEEE—2014年)六月,2014年。
[8] S. Song and H. Ren. A Magnetic Tracking Method Using Active Uniaxial Sensor And Variable Step Size Searching Strategy. In: Proceedings of the 3rd IFToMM International Symposium on Robotics and Mechatronics (ISRM 2013), pp.770-779. October 2-4, 2013.
〔8〕S和H。宋。仁。磁传感器和单轴跟踪方法使用主动变步大小的搜索战略。程序:在研讨会由首席教授of the 3rd国际机器人和mechatronics(ISRM pp.770-779 2013)。2~4日,2013年。
[7] S. Song, H. Ren, W. Liu and C. Hu. An Analytic Algorithm based Electromagnetic Localization Method. In: Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE International Conference on Information and Automation (ICIA 2013), pp.626-630. August 26-28, 2013.
[ 7 ]。宋仁,W,H。刘胡和C。。。安电磁定位方法基于解析算法。在2013年:国际会议录of the IEEE信息与自动化(ICIA),pp.626-630 2013)。8月26日至28日,2013年。
[6] S. Song, C. Hu, M. Li, W. Yang, and M.Q.-H. Meng. Two-magnet-based 6d-localization and orientation for wireless capsule endoscope. In: Robotics and Biomimetics (ROBIO), 2009 IEEE International Conference on, pages 2338-2343, 2009.
〔6〕C S。宋、李、胡、. m。W. H.布尔-孟阳,周明全.双磁定位和定向基于6D无线胶囊endoscope for。中:(robio仿生机器人和IEEE国际会议上,2009年),2009—2343 2239 pages,。
[5] S. Song, C. Hu, M. Li, W. Yang, and M.Q.-H. Meng. Real time algorithm for magnet.s localization in capsule endoscope. In: Automation and Logistics, 2009. ICAL 09. IEEE International Conference on, pages 2030-2035, 2009.
〔5〕C S。宋、李、胡、. m。W. H.布尔-孟阳,周明全.实时定位endoscope algorithm for magnet.s胶囊。在自动化物流,2009年。ical 09。IEEE International Conference on pages,2030年至2035年,2009年。
[4] J. Tian, S. Song, X.Wang, T. Yan, C. Hu, and M.Q.-H. Meng. An improved method and algorithm for electromagnetic localization. In: Information and Automation (ICIA), 2011 IEEE International Conference on, pages 406-411, 2011.
〔4〕J。田,宋王X,S,T,C,。胡燕,周明全.,和H -孟。改进方法和安algorithm for电磁定位。中:(ICIA),信息和自动化国际会议2011年由IEEE,pages 406 - 411,2011年。
[3] Xiaojing Wang, Shuang Song, and Chao Hu. The extraction technology of weak coupling ac signal in an electromagnetic localization system. In: Robotics and Biomimetics (ROBIO), 2010 IEEE International Conference on, pages 1170-1175, 2010.
〔3〕宋王小静,双,和巢湖。of the萃取技术在弱耦合交流信号安电磁定位系统。中:(robio仿生机器人和IEEE国际会议(2010年),2010年,1170年- 1175 pages,。
[2] Mao Li, Shuang Song, Chao Hu, Dongmei Chen, and M.Q.-H. Meng. A novel method of 6-dof electromagnetic navigation system for surgical robot. In: Intelligent Control and Automation (WCICA), 2010 8th World Congress on, pages 2163-2167, 2010.
〔2〕宋双毛李、陈、胡、赵、冬梅,周明全(H.孟。在法学院的新型六自由度电磁导航手术机器人系统提供。智能控制与自动化:(2010年8 wcica),在线世界大会,2163 - 2167 pages,2010年。
[1] Mao Li, Shuang Song, Chao Hu, Wanan Yang, Lujia Wang, and M.Q.-H. Meng. A new calibration method for magnetic sensor array for tracking capsule endoscope. In: Robotics and Biomimetics (ROBIO), 2009 IEEE International Conference on, pages1561-1566, 2009.
〔1〕双毛李,宋杨,巢湖路嘉王,万安,周明全,和H -孟。在磁传感器阵列校准method for for跟踪endoscope胶囊。中:(robio仿生机器人和IEEE国际会议上,2009年),2009年pages1561—1566年。

