得益于 Compose 的强大,对于我这个安卓程序员来说,想写一个桌面程序那也是轻轻松松。
移轴摄影的中的移轴翻译自 Tilt-shift ,即倾斜与位移。之所以叫这个名字是因为移轴镜头通常会平移、倾斜或旋转镜头主光轴相对于图像传感器的位置,从而达到调整被摄物的透视关系或聚焦的目的。
首先在 java 中处理图像我们一般都是使用 BufferedImage
然后通过 BufferedImage.getRGB()
等等,不同的模糊算法有不同的效果和性能,详情可以看文末的参考资料 1 了解,在这里就不在额外赘述。
对于我们这里的需求,我们想要实现的是通过模糊来模拟景深效果,因此使用 Lens Blur 模糊算法效果最佳。
因为 Lens Blur 算法模糊能够更好的模拟真实镜头带来的景深效果。
另外使用镜头模糊需要使用到 傅立叶变换,所以还需要一个傅立叶变换工具类。
class LensBlurFilter : AbstractBufferedImageOp() { /** * Get the radius of the kernel. * @return the radius */ /** * Set the radius of the kernel, and hence the amount of blur. * @param radius the radius of the blur in pixels. */ var radius = 10f var bloom = 2f var bloomThreshold = 192f private val angle = 0f var sides = 5 override fun filter(src: BufferedImage, dst: BufferedImage): BufferedImage { var dst: BufferedImage? = dst val width = src.width val height = src.height var rows = 1 var cols = 1 var log2rows = 0 var log2cols = 0 val iradius = ceil(radius.toDouble()).toInt() var tileWidth = 128 var tileHeight = tileWidth val adjustedWidth = (width + iradius * 2) val adjustedHeight = (height + iradius * 2) tileWidth = if (iradius < 32) min(128.0, (width + 2 * iradius).toDouble()).toInt() else min( 256.0, (width + 2 * iradius).toDouble() ) .toInt() tileHeight = if (iradius < 32) min(128.0, (height + 2 * iradius).toDouble()).toInt() else min( 256.0, (height + 2 * iradius).toDouble() ) .toInt() if (dst == null) dst = BufferedImage(width, height, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB) while (rows < tileHeight) { rows *= 2 log2rows++ } while (cols < tileWidth) { cols *= 2 log2cols++ } val w = cols val h = rows tileWidth = w tileHeight = h // tileWidth, w, and cols are always all the same val fft = FFT( max(log2rows.toDouble(), log2cols.toDouble()).toInt() ) val rgb = IntArray(w * h) val mask = Array(2) { FloatArray(w * h) } val gb = Array(2) { FloatArray(w * h) } val ar = Array(2) { FloatArray(w * h) } // Create the kernel val polyAngle = Math.PI / sides val polyScale = 1.0f / cos(polyAngle) val r2 = (radius * radius).toDouble() val rangle = Math.toRadians(angle.toDouble()) var total = 0f var i = 0 for (y in 0 until h) { for (x in 0 until w) { val dx = (x - w / 2f).toDouble() val dy = (y - h / 2f).toDouble() var r = dx * dx + dy * dy var f = (if (r < r2) 1 else 0).toDouble() if (f != 0.0) { r = sqrt(r) if (sides != 0) { var a = atan2(dy, dx) + rangle a = mod(a, polyAngle * 2) - polyAngle f = cos(a) * polyScale } else f = 1.0 f = (if (f * r < radius) 1 else 0).toDouble() } total += f.toFloat() mask[0][i] = f.toFloat() mask[1][i] = 0f i++ } } // Normalize the kernel i = 0 for (y in 0 until h) { for (x in 0 until w) { mask[0][i] /= total i++ } } fft.transform2D(mask[0], mask[1], w, h, true) var tileY = -iradius while (tileY < height) { var tileX = -iradius while (tileX < width) { // System.out.println("Tile: "+tileX+" "+tileY+" "+tileWidth+" "+tileHeight); // Clip the tile to the image bounds var tx = tileX var ty = tileY var tw = tileWidth var th = tileHeight var fx = 0 var fy = 0 if (tx < 0) { tw += tx fx -= tx tx = 0 } if (ty < 0) { th += ty fy -= ty ty = 0 } if (tx + tw > width) tw = width - tx if (ty + th > height) th = height - ty src.getRGB(tx, ty, tw, th, rgb, fy * w + fx, w) // Create a float array from the pixels. Any pixels off the edge of the source image get duplicated from the edge. i = 0 for (y in 0 until h) { val imageY = y + tileY var j: Int j = if (imageY < 0) fy else if (imageY > height) fy + th - 1 else y j *= w for (x in 0 until w) { val imageX = x + tileX var k: Int k = if (imageX < 0) fx else if (imageX > width) fx + tw - 1 else x k += j ar[0][i] = (rgb[k] shr 24 and 0xff).toFloat() var r = (rgb[k] shr 16 and 0xff).toFloat() var g = (rgb[k] shr 8 and 0xff).toFloat() var b = (rgb[k] and 0xff).toFloat() // Bloom... if (r > bloomThreshold) r *= bloom // r = bloomThreshold + (r-bloomThreshold) * bloom; if (g > bloomThreshold) g *= bloom // g = bloomThreshold + (g-bloomThreshold) * bloom; if (b > bloomThreshold) b *= bloom // b = bloomThreshold + (b-bloomThreshold) * bloom; ar[1][i] = r gb[0][i] = g gb[1][i] = b i++ k++ } } // Transform into frequency space fft.transform2D(ar[0], ar[1], cols, rows, true) fft.transform2D(gb[0], gb[1], cols, rows, true) // Multiply the transformed pixels by the transformed kernel i = 0 for (y in 0 until h) { for (x in 0 until w) { var re = ar[0][i] var im = ar[1][i] val rem = mask[0][i] val imm = mask[1][i] ar[0][i] = re * rem - im * imm ar[1][i] = re * imm + im * rem re = gb[0][i] im = gb[1][i] gb[0][i] = re * rem - im * imm gb[1][i] = re * imm + im * rem i++ } } // Transform back fft.transform2D(ar[0], ar[1], cols, rows, false) fft.transform2D(gb[0], gb[1], cols, rows, false) // Convert back to RGB pixels, with quadrant remapping val row_flip = w shr 1 val col_flip = h shr 1 var index = 0 // don't bother converting pixels off image edges for (y in 0 until w) { val ym = y xor row_flip val yi = ym * cols for (x in 0 until w) { val xm = yi + (x xor col_flip) val a = ar[0][xm].toInt() var r = ar[1][xm].toInt() var g = gb[0][xm].toInt() var b = gb[1][xm].toInt() // Clamp high pixels due to blooming if (r > 255) r = 255 if (g > 255) g = 255 if (b > 255) b = 255 val argb = a shl 24 or (r shl 16) or (g shl 8) or b rgb[index++] = argb } } // Clip to the output image tx = tileX + iradius ty = tileY + iradius tw = tileWidth - 2 * iradius th = tileHeight - 2 * iradius if (tx + tw > width) tw = width - tx if (ty + th > height) th = height - ty dst.setRGB(tx, ty, tw, th, rgb, iradius * w + iradius, w) tileX += tileWidth - 2 * iradius } tileY += tileHeight - 2 * iradius } return dst } override fun toString(): String { return "Blur/Lens Blur..." } }
傅立叶帮助类 FFT.kt :
class FFT(logN: Int) { // Weighting factors protected var w1: FloatArray protected var w2: FloatArray protected var w3: FloatArray init { // Prepare the weighting factors w1 = FloatArray(logN) w2 = FloatArray(logN) w3 = FloatArray(logN) var N = 1 for (k in 0 until logN) { N = N shl 1 val angle = -2.0 * Math.PI / N w1[k] = sin(0.5 * angle).toFloat() w2[k] = -2.0f * w1[k] * w1[k] w3[k] = sin(angle).toFloat() } } private fun scramble(n: Int, real: FloatArray, imag: FloatArray) { var j = 0 for (i in 0 until n) { if (i > j) { var t: Float t = real[j] real[j] = real[i] real[i] = t t = imag[j] imag[j] = imag[i] imag[i] = t } var m = n shr 1 while (j >= m && m >= 2) { j -= m m = m shr 1 } j += m } } private fun butterflies(n: Int, logN: Int, direction: Int, real: FloatArray, imag: FloatArray) { var N = 1 for (k in 0 until logN) { var w_re: Float var w_im: Float var wp_re: Float var wp_im: Float var temp_re: Float var temp_im: Float var wt: Float val half_N = N N = N shl 1 wt = direction * w1[k] wp_re = w2[k] wp_im = direction * w3[k] w_re = 1.0f w_im = 0.0f for (offset in 0 until half_N) { var i = offset while (i < n) { val j = i + half_N val re = real[j] val im = imag[j] temp_re = w_re * re - w_im * im temp_im = w_im * re + w_re * im real[j] = real[i] - temp_re real[i] += temp_re imag[j] = imag[i] - temp_im imag[i] += temp_im i += N } wt = w_re w_re = wt * wp_re - w_im * wp_im + w_re w_im = w_im * wp_re + wt * wp_im + w_im } } if (direction == -1) { val nr = 1.0f / n for (i in 0 until n) { real[i] *= nr imag[i] *= nr } } } fun transform1D(real: FloatArray, imag: FloatArray, logN: Int, n: Int, forward: Boolean) { scramble(n, real, imag) butterflies(n, logN, if (forward) 1 else -1, real, imag) } fun transform2D(real: FloatArray, imag: FloatArray, cols: Int, rows: Int, forward: Boolean) { val log2cols = log2(cols) val log2rows = log2(rows) val n = max(rows.toDouble(), cols.toDouble()).toInt() val rtemp = FloatArray(n) val itemp = FloatArray(n) // FFT the rows for (y in 0 until rows) { val offset = y * cols System.arraycopy(real, offset, rtemp, 0, cols) System.arraycopy(imag, offset, itemp, 0, cols) transform1D(rtemp, itemp, log2cols, cols, forward) System.arraycopy(rtemp, 0, real, offset, cols) System.arraycopy(itemp, 0, imag, offset, cols) } // FFT the columns for (x in 0 until cols) { var index = x for (y in 0 until rows) { rtemp[y] = real[index] itemp[y] = imag[index] index += cols } transform1D(rtemp, itemp, log2rows, rows, forward) index = x for (y in 0 until rows) { real[index] = rtemp[y] imag[index] = itemp[y] index += cols } } } private fun log2(n: Int): Int { var m = 1 var log2n = 0 while (m < n) { m *= 2 log2n++ } return if (m == n) log2n else -1 } }
/** * @return listOf(topImg, normalImg, bottomImg) * */ private fun BufferedImage.split( top: Float, bottom: Float ): List<BufferedImage> { val topHeight = this.height * top val bottomHeight = this.height * bottom val topImg = BufferedImage(this.width, topHeight.roundToInt(), BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB) val bottomImg = BufferedImage(this.width, bottomHeight.roundToInt(), BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB) val normalImg = BufferedImage(this.width, this.height - topImg.height - bottomImg.height, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB) val topGraphics2D = topImg.createGraphics() topGraphics2D.drawImage(this, 0, 0, topImg.width, topImg.height, 0, 0, this.width, topImg.height, null) topGraphics2D.dispose() val bottomGraphics2D = bottomImg.createGraphics() bottomGraphics2D.drawImage(this, 0, 0, bottomImg.width, bottomImg.height, 0, (this.height * (1f - bottom)).roundToInt(), bottomImg.width, this.height, null) bottomGraphics2D.dispose() val normalGraphics2D = normalImg.createGraphics() normalGraphics2D.drawImage(this, 0, 0, normalImg.width, normalImg.height, 0, topImg.height, normalImg.width, (this.height * (1f - bottom)).roundToInt(), null) normalGraphics2D.dispose() return listOf(topImg, normalImg, bottomImg) }
其中的 top 参数表示要拆分的上边框距离顶部的百分数,bottom 表示下边框距离底部的百分数。返回值为拆分完成的三个图像(BufferedImage)的 List。
private fun mergeImg( imgList: List<BufferedImage> ): BufferedImage { val totalHeight = imgList.sumOf { it.height } val resultImg = BufferedImage(imgList[0].width, totalHeight, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB) val topGraphics2D = resultImg.createGraphics() var currentHeight = 0 imgList.forEach { topGraphics2D.drawImage(it, 0, currentHeight, it.width, it.height, null) currentHeight += it.height } topGraphics2D.dispose() return resultImg }
suspend fun BufferedImage.blur(
radius: Float,
top: Float,
bottom: Float,
): BufferedImage {
return withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {
val imgList = this@blur.split(top, bottom)
val blurTop = imgList[0].blur(radius)
val blurBottom = imgList[2].blur(radius)
mergeImg(listOf(blurTop, imgList[1], blurBottom))
其中的 radius 参数可以简单理解为模糊程度。
以上为 radius = 10 ; top = 0.36 ; bottom = 0.41 参数处理后的效果。
通常,图像的颜色是以 RGB 模型来表示的,比如我们这里的 BufferedImage 获取像素信息使用的 getRGB 就是获取这个像素的 RGB 颜色信息。
这种表示方式相信作为程序员的各位是再熟悉不过了,简单来说就是把一个颜色表示为不同分量的 红色(R)、绿色(G)、B(蓝色)三种颜色的组合。中学物理我们就已经知道了,这三种颜色排列组合几乎可以得出所有的颜色。
但是其实除了 RGB 外,还有其他的颜色表示方式,例如 HSL:
H (Hue):色调,色相
L(lightness): 亮度
色调可以理解为有一个圆形的大调色盘,通过调整 H 分量的参数可以使得指针指向调色盘的不同位置,从而改变基础的颜色信息:
而 S 表示的是颜色的鲜艳程度或者说颜色的深浅,该值越大颜色越深越鲜艳,反之则越浅越单调,当该值足够低时,就成为灰度图。
L 表示的是颜色的亮度,该值越大颜色越亮,当该值足够大时,则颜色直接成为白色了。
由此易知,我们想要改变图像的饱和度的话,需要先把它的颜色由 RGB 改为 HSL。
好在 java 的 AWT 提供了一个方法给我们直接就能把 RGB 颜色模型转为 HSL 颜色模型: Color.RGBtoHSB
对了,这里的名字叫 RGBtoHSB 而不是 RGBtoHSL,是因为在 AWT 中亮度翻译为了 brightness,所以叫 HSB,实际上只是名字不同,概念是一样的。
/** * 调整色相、饱和度、亮度 * * @param image 图片 * @param satuPer 饱和度 * @param huePer 色相 * @param lumPer 亮度 * */ suspend fun hslImage(image: BufferedImage, satuPer: Float, huePer: Float, lumPer: Float): BufferedImage { return withContext(Dispatchers.IO) { val bimg = BufferedImage(image.width, image.height, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB) for (y in 0 until bimg.height) { for (x in 0 until bimg.width) { val pixel = image.getRGB(x, y) val r = pixel shr 16 and 0xFF val g = pixel shr 8 and 0xFF val b = pixel and 0xFF val hsb: FloatArray = Color.RGBtoHSB(r, g, b, null) val hue = (hsb[0] + hsb[0] * huePer).coerceIn(0f, 1f) val saturation = (hsb[1] + hsb[1] * satuPer).coerceIn(0f, 1f) val brightness = (hsb[2] + hsb[2] * lumPer).coerceIn(0f, 1f) val rgb = HSBtoRGB(hue, saturation, brightness) bimg.setRGB(x, y, rgb) } } bimg } }
其中的三个参数 satuPer 、 huePer 、 lumPer 分别表示饱和度、色调、亮度的增益值,取值范围 -1f ~ 1f 之间。
这里我们通过将 原数值 * 增益值 + 原数值 的方式实现修改三个参数值。
需要注意的是,HSL 三个参数值的取值范围都是 0f-1f ,当然,如果你非要超出这个范围也不会出错,只是生成的图像会变得诡异起来而已。
完成参数修改后再通过 HSBtoRGB
将 HSL 模型转为 RGB 模型,然后写回图像 setRGB
以上是设置饱和度增益为 0.8f 的效果。
右边的控制区就是一堆 Slider
if (applicationState.isShowPreviewWindow && applicationState.showImg != null) {
title = "预览",
onCloseRequest = {
state = rememberWindowState().apply {
position = WindowPosition(Alignment.Center)
placement = WindowPlacement.Fullscreen
) {
并且通过设置 WindowState
的 placement
属性为 WindowPlacement.Fullscreen
在预览窗口的 UI 部分 ShowImgView
,通过 Modifier.onPointerEvent()
修饰符分别监听 PointerEventType.Scroll
并在实际显示图像的 Image
modifier = Modifier
.graphicsLayer {
scaleX = scaleNumber
scaleY = scaleNumber
translationX = offset.x
translationY = offset.y
AnimatedVisibility( visible = isShowScaleTip ) { Text( "${scaleNumber}X", modifier = Modifier.background(MaterialTheme.colors.surface), color = MaterialTheme.colors.onSurface, fontSize = 48.sp ) } AnimatedVisibility( visible = offset != Offset.Zero || scaleNumber != 1f, modifier = Modifier.align(Alignment.BottomCenter) ) { OutlinedButton( onClick = { offset = Offset.Zero scaleNumber = 1f }, ) { Text("恢复") } }
@OptIn(ExperimentalComposeUiApi::class) @Composable fun ShowImgView( img: ImageBitmap ) { var scaleNumber by remember { mutableStateOf(1f) } var offset by remember { mutableStateOf(Offset.Zero) } var isShowScaleTip by remember { mutableStateOf(false) } LaunchedEffect(isShowScaleTip) { delay(2000) isShowScaleTip = false } Box( Modifier .fillMaxSize() .onPointerEvent(PointerEventType.Scroll) { scaleNumber = (scaleNumber - it.changes.first().scrollDelta.y).coerceIn(1f, 20f) isShowScaleTip = true } .onPointerEvent(PointerEventType.Move) { if (it.changes.first().pressed) { offset -= (it.changes.first().previousPosition - it.changes.first().position) } }, contentAlignment = Alignment.Center ) { Image( bitmap = img, contentDescription = null, contentScale = ContentScale.Fit, modifier = Modifier .fillMaxSize() .graphicsLayer { scaleX = scaleNumber scaleY = scaleNumber translationX = offset.x translationY = offset.y } , ) AnimatedVisibility( visible = isShowScaleTip ) { Text( "${scaleNumber}X", modifier = Modifier.background(MaterialTheme.colors.surface), color = MaterialTheme.colors.onSurface, fontSize = 48.sp ) } AnimatedVisibility( visible = offset != Offset.Zero || scaleNumber != 1f, modifier = Modifier.align(Alignment.BottomCenter) ) { OutlinedButton( onClick = { offset = Offset.Zero scaleNumber = 1f }, ) { Text("恢复") } } } }
至此,我们的移轴助手就算是开发完成了,只是目前的效果还不算太好,我也会持续的抽出时间来慢慢完善,感兴趣的可以 star 一下:
完整代码地址: TiltshiftHelper
Copyright © 2003-2013 www.wpsshop.cn 版权所有,并保留所有权利。