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书生·浦语大模型实战营之Lagent & AgentLego 智能体应用搭建

书生·浦语大模型实战营之Lagent & AgentLego 智能体应用搭建

书生·浦语大模型实战营之Lagent & AgentLego 智能体应用搭建

Lagent 简介
Lagent 是一个轻量级开源智能体框架,旨在让用户可以高效地构建基于大语言模型的智能体。同时它也提供了一些典型工具以增强大语言模型的能力。

Lagent 目前已经支持了包括 AutoGPT、ReAct 等在内的多个经典智能体范式,也支持了如下工具:

Arxiv 搜索
Bing 地图
Google 学术搜索
Google 搜索
交互式 IPython 解释器
IPython 解释器
Python 解释器
AgentLego 简介
AgentLego 是一个提供了多种开源工具 API 的多模态工具包,旨在像是乐高积木一样,让用户可以快速简便地拓展自定义工具,从而组装出自己的智能体。通过 AgentLego 算法库,不仅可以直接使用多种工具,也可以利用这些工具,在相关智能体框架(如 Lagent,Transformers Agent 等)的帮助下,快速构建可以增强大语言模型能力的智能体。

AgentLego 目前提供了如下工具:

Lagent 是一个智能体框架,而 AgentLego 与大模型智能体并不直接相关,而是作为工具包,在相关智能体的功能支持模块发挥作用。



在创建开发机界面选择镜像为 Cuda12.2-conda,并选择 GPU 为30% A100

创建一个用于存放 Agent 相关文件的目录

mkdir -p /root/agent

配置 conda 环境,可以输入如下指令

studio-conda -t agent -o pytorch-2.1.2

安装 Lagent 和 AgentLego
Lagent 和 AgentLego 都提供了两种安装方法,一种是通过 pip 直接进行安装,另一种则是从源码进行安装。为了方便使用 Lagent 的 Web Demo 以及 AgentLego 的 WebUI,我们选择直接从源码进行安装。 此处附上源码安装的相关帮助文档:



  1. cd /root/agent
  2. conda activate agent
  3. git clone https://gitee.com/internlm/lagent.git
  4. cd lagent && git checkout 581d9fb && pip install -e . && cd ..
  5. git clone https://gitee.com/internlm/agentlego.git
  6. cd agentlego && git checkout 7769e0d && pip install -e . && cd ..


安装其他将要用到的依赖库,如 LMDeploy,可以执行如下命令:

  1. conda activate agent
  2. pip install lmdeploy==0.3.0

git clone 的方法 下载 tutorial

  1. cd /root/agent
  2. git clone -b camp2 https://gitee.com/internlm/Tutorial.git

在这一部分中,我们将带大家体验 Lagent 的 Web Demo,使用 Lagent 自定义工具,并体验自定义工具的效果。


Lagent Web Demo
使用 LMDeploy 部署
由于 Lagent 的 Web Demo 需要用到 LMDeploy 所启动的 api_server,因此我们首先按照下图指示在 vscode terminal 中执行如下代码使用 LMDeploy 启动一个 api_server

  1. conda activate agent
  2. lmdeploy serve api_server /root/share/new_models/Shanghai_AI_Laboratory/internlm2-chat-7b \
  3. --server-name \
  4. --model-name internlm2-chat-7b \
  5. --cache-max-entry-count 0.1

等待 LMDeploy 的 api_server 与 Lagent Web Demo 完全启动后,在本地进行端口映射,将 LMDeploy api_server 的23333端口以及 Lagent Web Demo 的7860端口映射到本地。可以执行:

ssh -CNg -L 7860: -L 23333: root@ssh.intern-ai.org.cn -p   43844

在本地的浏览器页面中打开 http://localhost:7860 以使用 Lagent Web Demo。首先输入模型 IP 为,在输入完成后按下回车键以确认。并选择插件为 ArxivSearch,以让模型获得在 arxiv 上搜索论文的能力。

  1. 系统提示词:当开启工具以及代码时,根据需求选择合适的工具进行调用
  2. 数据分析提示词:你现在已经能够在一个有状态的 Jupyter 笔记本环境中运行 Python 代码。当你向 python 发送含有 Python 代码的消息时,它将在该环境中执行。这个工具适用于多种场景,如数据分析或处理(包括数据操作、统计分析、图表绘制),复杂的计算问题(解决数学和物理难题),编程示例(理解编程概念或特性),文本处理和分析(比如文本解析和自然语言处理),机器学习和数据科学(用于展示模型训练和数据可视化),以及文件操作和数据导入(处理CSV、JSON等格式的文件)。
  3. 插件提示词:
  4. 你可以使用如下工具:
  5. {prompt}
  6. 如果你已经获得足够信息,请直接给出答案. 避免不必要的工具调用! 同时注意你可以使用的工具,不要随意捏造!

输入“请帮我搜索 InternLM2 Technical Report” 以让模型搜索书生·浦语2的技术报告。效果如下图所示,可以看到模型正确输出了 InternLM2 技术报告的相关信息。尽管还输出了其他论文,但这是由 arxiv 搜索 API 的相关行为导致的


  1. import json
  2. import logging
  3. from copy import deepcopy
  4. from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Union
  5. from lagent.actions import ActionExecutor
  6. from lagent.agents.base_agent import BaseAgent
  7. from lagent.llms import BaseAPIModel, BaseModel
  8. from lagent.schema import ActionReturn, ActionStatusCode, AgentReturn, AgentStatusCode, ModelStatusCode # noqa: E501
  9. API_PREFIX = (
  10. "This is the subfunction for tool '{tool_name}', you can use this tool. "
  11. 'The description of this function is: \n{description}')
  12. META_CN = ('当开启工具以及代码时,根据需求选择合适的工具进行调用')
  13. INTERPRETER_CN = ('你现在已经能够在一个有状态的 Jupyter 笔记本环境中运行 Python 代码。'
  14. '当你向 python 发送含有 Python 代码的消息时,它将在该环境中执行。'
  15. '这个工具适用于多种场景,如数据分析或处理(包括数据操作、统计分析、图表绘制),'
  16. '复杂的计算问题(解决数学和物理难题),编程示例(理解编程概念或特性),'
  17. '文本处理和分析(比如文本解析和自然语言处理),'
  18. '机器学习和数据科学(用于展示模型训练和数据可视化),'
  19. '以及文件操作和数据导入(处理CSV、JSON等格式的文件)。')
  20. PLUGIN_CN = ('你可以使用如下工具:'
  21. '\n{prompt}\n'
  22. '如果你已经获得足够信息,请直接给出答案. 避免不必要的工具调用! '
  23. '同时注意你可以使用的工具,不要随意捏造!')
  24. class Internlm2Protocol:
  25. def __init__(
  26. self,
  27. meta_prompt: str = META_CN,
  28. interpreter_prompt: str = INTERPRETER_CN,
  29. plugin_prompt: str = PLUGIN_CN,
  30. few_shot: Optional[List] = None,
  31. language: Dict = dict(
  32. begin='',
  33. end='',
  34. belong='assistant',
  35. ),
  36. tool: Dict = dict(
  37. begin='{start_token}{name}\n',
  38. start_token='<|action_start|>',
  39. name_map=dict(plugin='<|plugin|>', interpreter='<|interpreter|>'),
  40. belong='assistant',
  41. end='<|action_end|>\n',
  42. ),
  43. execute: Dict = dict(
  44. role='execute', begin='', end='', fallback_role='environment'),
  45. ) -> None:
  46. self.meta_prompt = meta_prompt
  47. self.interpreter_prompt = interpreter_prompt
  48. self.plugin_prompt = plugin_prompt
  49. self.roles_cfg = dict(tool=tool, language=language)
  50. self.language = language
  51. self.execute = execute
  52. self.tool = tool
  53. self.few_shot = few_shot
  54. def format_sub_role(self, messages: List[Dict]) -> List[Dict]:
  55. def format_interpreter(message):
  56. if isinstance(message['content'], dict):
  57. # assert message['content']['name'] == 'IPythonInterpreter'
  58. return dict(
  59. role=message['role'],
  60. name=message['name'],
  61. content=message['content']['parameters']['command'])
  62. else:
  63. return message
  64. def format_plugin(message):
  65. if isinstance(message['content'], dict):
  66. return dict(
  67. role=message['role'],
  68. name=message['name'],
  69. content=json.dumps(message['content']))
  70. else:
  71. return message
  72. new_message = list()
  73. for message in messages:
  74. if message['role'] in [
  75. 'assistant', 'user', 'system', 'environment'
  76. ]:
  77. new_message.append(message)
  78. continue
  79. role_cfg = self.roles_cfg[message['role']]
  80. begin = role_cfg['begin']
  81. if message['role'] == 'tool':
  82. if message['name'] == 'interpreter':
  83. message = format_interpreter(message)
  84. elif message['name'] == 'plugin':
  85. message = format_plugin(message)
  86. else:
  87. raise NotImplementedError
  88. begin = role_cfg['begin'].format(
  89. start_token=role_cfg.get('start_token', ''),
  90. name=role_cfg.get('name_map', {}).get(message['name'], ''))
  91. new_content = begin + message['content'] + role_cfg['end']
  92. if role_cfg.get('fallback_role'):
  93. new_message.append(
  94. dict(role=role_cfg['fallback_role'], content=new_content))
  95. elif role_cfg.get('belong'):
  96. if new_message[-1]['role'] != role_cfg.get('belong'):
  97. new_message.append(
  98. dict(role=role_cfg.get('belong'), content=new_content))
  99. else:
  100. new_message[-1]['content'] += new_content
  101. else:
  102. new_message.append(
  103. dict(role=message['role'], content=new_content))
  104. return new_message
  105. def format(self,
  106. inner_step: List[Dict],
  107. plugin_executor: ActionExecutor = None,
  108. interpreter_executor: ActionExecutor = None,
  109. **kwargs) -> list:
  110. formatted = []
  111. if self.meta_prompt:
  112. formatted.append(dict(role='system', content=self.meta_prompt))
  113. if interpreter_executor and self.interpreter_prompt:
  114. interpreter_info = interpreter_executor.get_actions_info()[0]
  115. interpreter_prompt = self.interpreter_prompt.format(
  116. code_prompt=interpreter_info['description'])
  117. formatted.append(
  118. dict(
  119. role='system',
  120. content=interpreter_prompt,
  121. name='interpreter'))
  122. if plugin_executor and plugin_executor.actions and self.plugin_prompt:
  123. plugin_descriptions = []
  124. for api_info in plugin_executor.get_actions_info():
  125. plugin = deepcopy(api_info)
  126. if isinstance(api_info, dict):
  127. tool_name = api_info['name'].split('.')[0]
  128. plugin['description'] = API_PREFIX.format(
  129. tool_name=tool_name, description=plugin['description'])
  130. # only keep required parameters
  131. required_parameters = [
  132. param for param in plugin['parameters']
  133. if param['name'] in plugin['required']
  134. ]
  135. plugin['parameters'] = required_parameters
  136. plugin_descriptions.append(plugin)
  137. plugin_prompt = self.plugin_prompt.format(
  138. prompt=json.dumps(
  139. plugin_descriptions, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4))
  140. formatted.append(
  141. dict(role='system', content=plugin_prompt, name='plugin'))
  142. if self.few_shot:
  143. for few_shot in self.few_shot:
  144. formatted += self.format_sub_role(few_shot)
  145. formatted += self.format_sub_role(inner_step)
  146. return formatted
  147. def parse(self, message, plugin_executor: ActionExecutor,
  148. interpreter_executor: ActionExecutor):
  149. if self.language['begin']:
  150. message = message.split(self.language['begin'])[-1]
  151. if self.tool['name_map']['plugin'] in message:
  152. message, action = message.split(
  153. f"{self.tool['start_token']}{self.tool['name_map']['plugin']}")
  154. action = action.split(self.tool['end'].strip())[0]
  155. return 'plugin', message, action
  156. if self.tool['name_map']['interpreter'] in message:
  157. message, code = message.split(
  158. f"{self.tool['start_token']}"
  159. f"{self.tool['name_map']['interpreter']}")
  160. code = code.split(self.tool['end'].strip())[0].strip()
  161. return 'interpreter', message, dict(
  162. name=interpreter_executor.action_names()[0],
  163. parameters=dict(
  164. command=code)) if interpreter_executor else None
  165. return None, message.split(self.tool['start_token'])[0], None
  166. def format_response(self, action_return, name) -> dict:
  167. if action_return.state == ActionStatusCode.SUCCESS:
  168. response = action_return.format_result()
  169. else:
  170. response = str(action_return.errmsg)
  171. content = self.execute['begin'] + response + self.execute['end']
  172. if self.execute.get('fallback_role'):
  173. return dict(
  174. role=self.execute['fallback_role'], content=content, name=name)
  175. elif self.execute.get('belong'):
  176. return dict(
  177. role=self.execute['belong'], content=content, name=name)
  178. return dict(role=self.execute['role'], content=response, name=name)
  179. class Internlm2Agent(BaseAgent):
  180. def __init__(self,
  181. llm: Union[BaseModel, BaseAPIModel],
  182. plugin_executor: ActionExecutor = None,
  183. interpreter_executor: ActionExecutor = None,
  184. protocol=Internlm2Protocol(),
  185. max_turn: int = 3) -> None:
  186. self.max_turn = max_turn
  187. self._interpreter_executor = interpreter_executor
  188. super().__init__(
  189. llm=llm, action_executor=plugin_executor, protocol=protocol)
  190. def chat(self, message: Union[str, Dict], **kwargs) -> AgentReturn:
  191. if isinstance(message, str):
  192. message = dict(role='user', content=message)
  193. if isinstance(message, dict):
  194. message = [message]
  195. inner_history = message[:]
  196. offset = len(inner_history)
  197. agent_return = AgentReturn()
  198. for _ in range(self.max_turn):
  199. # list of dict
  200. prompt = self._protocol.format(
  201. inner_step=inner_history,
  202. plugin_executor=self._action_executor,
  203. interpreter_executor=self._interpreter_executor,
  204. )
  205. response = self._llm.chat(prompt, **kwargs)
  206. name, language, action = self._protocol.parse(
  207. message=response,
  208. plugin_executor=self._action_executor,
  209. interpreter_executor=self._interpreter_executor,
  210. )
  211. if name:
  212. if name == 'plugin':
  213. if self._action_executor:
  214. executor = self._action_executor
  215. else:
  216. logging.info(msg='No plugin is instantiated!')
  217. continue
  218. try:
  219. action = json.loads(action)
  220. except Exception as e:
  221. logging.info(msg=f'Invaild action {e}')
  222. continue
  223. elif name == 'interpreter':
  224. if self._interpreter_executor:
  225. executor = self._interpreter_executor
  226. else:
  227. logging.info(msg='No interpreter is instantiated!')
  228. continue
  229. else:
  230. logging.info(
  231. msg=(f"Invalid name '{name}'. Currently only 'plugin' "
  232. "and 'interpreter' are supported."))
  233. continue
  234. action_return: ActionReturn = executor(action['name'],
  235. action['parameters'])
  236. action_return.thought = language
  237. agent_return.actions.append(action_return)
  238. inner_history.append(dict(role='language', content=language))
  239. if not name or action_return.type == executor.finish_action.name:
  240. agent_return.response = language
  241. agent_return.state = AgentStatusCode.END
  242. break
  243. else:
  244. inner_history.append(
  245. dict(role='tool', content=action, name=name))
  246. inner_history.append(
  247. self._protocol.format_response(action_return, name=name))
  248. agent_return.inner_steps = inner_history[offset:]
  249. return agent_return
  250. def stream_chat(self, message: List[dict], **kwargs) -> AgentReturn:
  251. if isinstance(message, str):
  252. message = dict(role='user', content=message)
  253. if isinstance(message, dict):
  254. message = [message]
  255. inner_history = message[:]
  256. offset = len(inner_history)
  257. agent_return = AgentReturn()
  258. last_agent_state = AgentStatusCode.SESSION_READY
  259. for _ in range(self.max_turn):
  260. # list of dict
  261. prompt = self._protocol.format(
  262. inner_step=inner_history,
  263. plugin_executor=self._action_executor,
  264. interpreter_executor=self._interpreter_executor,
  265. )
  266. response = ''
  267. for model_state, res, _ in self._llm.stream_chat(prompt, **kwargs):
  268. model_state: ModelStatusCode
  269. response = res
  270. if model_state.value < 0:
  271. agent_return.state = getattr(AgentStatusCode,
  272. model_state.name)
  273. yield deepcopy(agent_return)
  274. return
  275. else:
  276. name, language, action = self._protocol.parse(
  277. message=response,
  278. plugin_executor=self._action_executor,
  279. interpreter_executor=self._interpreter_executor,
  280. )
  281. if name:
  282. if model_state == ModelStatusCode.END:
  283. agent_state = last_agent_state + 1
  284. if name == 'plugin':
  285. if self._action_executor:
  286. executor = self._action_executor
  287. else:
  288. logging.info(
  289. msg='No plugin is instantiated!')
  290. continue
  291. try:
  292. action = json.loads(action)
  293. except Exception as e:
  294. logging.info(msg=f'Invaild action {e}')
  295. continue
  296. elif name == 'interpreter':
  297. if self._interpreter_executor:
  298. executor = self._interpreter_executor
  299. else:
  300. logging.info(
  301. msg='No interpreter is instantiated!')
  302. continue
  303. agent_return.state = agent_state
  304. agent_return.response = action
  305. else:
  306. agent_state = (
  307. AgentStatusCode.PLUGIN_START if name
  308. == 'plugin' else AgentStatusCode.CODING)
  309. if agent_state != last_agent_state:
  310. # agent_return.state = agent_state
  311. agent_return.response = language
  312. yield deepcopy(agent_return)
  313. agent_return.state = agent_state
  314. agent_return.response = action
  315. else:
  316. agent_state = AgentStatusCode.STREAM_ING
  317. agent_return.state = agent_state
  318. agent_return.response = language
  319. last_agent_state = agent_state
  320. yield deepcopy(agent_return)
  321. if name:
  322. action_return: ActionReturn = executor(action['name'],
  323. action['parameters'])
  324. action_return.thought = language
  325. agent_return.actions.append(action_return)
  326. inner_history.append(dict(role='language', content=language))
  327. if not name:
  328. agent_return.response = language
  329. break
  330. elif action_return.type == executor.finish_action.name:
  331. try:
  332. response = action_return.args['text']['response']
  333. except Exception:
  334. logging.info(msg='Unable to parse FinishAction.')
  335. response = ''
  336. agent_return.response = response
  337. break
  338. else:
  339. inner_history.append(
  340. dict(role='tool', content=action, name=name))
  341. inner_history.append(
  342. self._protocol.format_response(action_return, name=name))
  343. agent_state += 1
  344. agent_return.state = agent_state
  345. yield agent_return
  346. agent_return.inner_steps = deepcopy(inner_history[offset:])
  347. agent_return.state = AgentStatusCode.END
  348. yield agent_return

lagent/actions/arxiv_search.py 代码

  1. from typing import Optional, Type
  2. from lagent.actions.base_action import BaseAction, tool_api
  3. from lagent.actions.parser import BaseParser, JsonParser
  4. from lagent.schema import ActionReturn, ActionStatusCode
  5. class ArxivSearch(BaseAction):
  6. """Search information from Arxiv.org. \
  7. Useful for when you need to answer questions about Physics, Mathematics, \
  8. Computer Science, Quantitative Biology, Quantitative Finance, Statistics, \
  9. Electrical Engineering, and Economics from scientific articles on arxiv.org.
  10. """
  11. def __init__(self,
  12. top_k_results: int = 3,
  13. max_query_len: int = 300,
  14. doc_content_chars_max: int = 1500,
  15. description: Optional[dict] = None,
  16. parser: Type[BaseParser] = JsonParser,
  17. enable: bool = True):
  18. super().__init__(description, parser, enable)
  19. self.top_k_results = top_k_results
  20. self.max_query_len = max_query_len
  21. self.doc_content_chars_max = doc_content_chars_max
  22. @tool_api(explode_return=True)
  23. def get_arxiv_article_information(self, query: str) -> dict:
  24. """Run Arxiv search and get the article meta information.
  25. Args:
  26. query (:class:`str`): the content of search query
  27. Returns:
  28. :class:`dict`: article information
  29. * content (str): a list of 3 arxiv search papers
  30. """
  31. import arxiv
  32. try:
  33. results = arxiv.Search( # type: ignore
  34. query[:self.max_query_len],
  35. max_results=self.top_k_results).results()
  36. except Exception as exc:
  37. return ActionReturn(
  38. errmsg=f'Arxiv exception: {exc}',
  39. state=ActionStatusCode.HTTP_ERROR)
  40. docs = [
  41. f'Published: {result.updated.date()}\nTitle: {result.title}\n'
  42. f'Authors: {", ".join(a.name for a in result.authors)}\n'
  43. f'Summary: {result.summary[:self.doc_content_chars_max]}'
  44. for result in results
  45. ]
  46. if docs:
  47. return {'content': '\n\n'.join(docs)}
  48. return {'content': 'No good Arxiv Result was found'}

用 Lagent 自定义工具
在本节中,我们将基于 Lagent 自定义一个工具。Lagent 中关于工具部分的介绍文档位于 https://lagent.readthedocs.io/zh-cn/latest/tutorials/action.html 。使用 Lagent 自定义工具主要分为以下几步:

继承 BaseAction 类
实现简单工具的 run 方法;或者实现工具包内每个子工具的功能
简单工具的 run 方法可选被 tool_api 装饰;工具包内每个子工具的功能都需要被 tool_api 装饰
下面我们将实现一个调用和风天气 API 的工具以完成实时天气查询的功能。

首先通过 touch /root/agent/lagent/lagent/actions/weather.py 新建工具文件,该文件内容如下

vim /root/agent/lagent/lagent/actions/weather.py

  1. import json
  2. import os
  3. import requests
  4. from typing import Optional, Type
  5. from lagent.actions.base_action import BaseAction, tool_api
  6. from lagent.actions.parser import BaseParser, JsonParser
  7. from lagent.schema import ActionReturn, ActionStatusCode
  8. class WeatherQuery(BaseAction):
  9. """Weather plugin for querying weather information."""
  10. def __init__(self,
  11. key: Optional[str] = None,
  12. description: Optional[dict] = None,
  13. parser: Type[BaseParser] = JsonParser,
  14. enable: bool = True) -> None:
  15. super().__init__(description, parser, enable)
  16. key = os.environ.get('WEATHER_API_KEY', key)
  17. if key is None:
  18. raise ValueError(
  19. 'Please set Weather API key either in the environment '
  20. 'as WEATHER_API_KEY or pass it as `key`')
  21. self.key = key
  22. self.location_query_url = 'https://geoapi.qweather.com/v2/city/lookup'
  23. self.weather_query_url = 'https://devapi.qweather.com/v7/weather/now'
  24. @tool_api
  25. def run(self, query: str) -> ActionReturn:
  26. """一个天气查询API。可以根据城市名查询天气信息。
  27. Args:
  28. query (:class:`str`): The city name to query.
  29. """
  30. tool_return = ActionReturn(type=self.name)
  31. status_code, response = self._search(query)
  32. if status_code == -1:
  33. tool_return.errmsg = response
  34. tool_return.state = ActionStatusCode.HTTP_ERROR
  35. elif status_code == 200:
  36. parsed_res = self._parse_results(response)
  37. tool_return.result = [dict(type='text', content=str(parsed_res))]
  38. tool_return.state = ActionStatusCode.SUCCESS
  39. else:
  40. tool_return.errmsg = str(status_code)
  41. tool_return.state = ActionStatusCode.API_ERROR
  42. return tool_return
  43. def _parse_results(self, results: dict) -> str:
  44. """Parse the weather results from QWeather API.
  45. Args:
  46. results (dict): The weather content from QWeather API
  47. in json format.
  48. Returns:
  49. str: The parsed weather results.
  50. """
  51. now = results['now']
  52. data = [
  53. f'数据观测时间: {now["obsTime"]}',
  54. f'温度: {now["temp"]}°C',
  55. f'体感温度: {now["feelsLike"]}°C',
  56. f'天气: {now["text"]}',
  57. f'风向: {now["windDir"]},角度为 {now["wind360"]}°',
  58. f'风力等级: {now["windScale"]},风速为 {now["windSpeed"]} km/h',
  59. f'相对湿度: {now["humidity"]}',
  60. f'当前小时累计降水量: {now["precip"]} mm',
  61. f'大气压强: {now["pressure"]} 百帕',
  62. f'能见度: {now["vis"]} km',
  63. ]
  64. return '\n'.join(data)
  65. def _search(self, query: str):
  66. # get city_code
  67. try:
  68. city_code_response = requests.get(
  69. self.location_query_url,
  70. params={'key': self.key, 'location': query}
  71. )
  72. except Exception as e:
  73. return -1, str(e)
  74. if city_code_response.status_code != 200:
  75. return city_code_response.status_code, city_code_response.json()
  76. city_code_response = city_code_response.json()
  77. if len(city_code_response['location']) == 0:
  78. return -1, '未查询到城市'
  79. city_code = city_code_response['location'][0]['id']
  80. # get weather
  81. try:
  82. weather_response = requests.get(
  83. self.weather_query_url,
  84. params={'key': self.key, 'location': city_code}
  85. )
  86. except Exception as e:
  87. return -1, str(e)
  88. return weather_response.status_code, weather_response.json()

为了获得稳定的天气查询服务, 首先要获取 API KEY。打开 开发文档 | 和风天气开发服务


在两个 terminal 中分别启动 LMDeploy 服务和 Tutorial 已经写好的用于这部分的 Web Demo

  1. conda activate agent
  2. lmdeploy serve api_server /root/share/new_models/Shanghai_AI_Laboratory/internlm2-chat-7b \
  3. --server-name \
  4. --model-name internlm2-chat-7b \
  5. --cache-max-entry-count 0.1

  1. export WEATHER_API_KEY=在2.2节获取的API KEY
  2. # 比如 export WEATHER_API_KEY=1234567890abcdef
  3. conda activate agent
  4. cd /root/agent/Tutorial/agent
  5. streamlit run internlm2_weather_web_demo.py --server.address --server.port 7860




  1. {
  2. "name": "WeatherQuery",
  3. "parameters": {
  4. "query": "上海"
  5. }
  6. }

使用 AgentLego 工具,体验 AgentLego 的 WebUI,以及基于 AgentLego 自定义工具并体验自定义工具的效果。


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