作者是哈工大的Hongbiao Zhu博士,主页http://www.hongbiaoz.com/
我因为看到了泡泡机器人公众号的首发【泡泡前沿专栏•重磅】全网首发,CMU - LOAM 团队讲述最新自研全套开源自主导航算法(一)自主系统
CMU团队开发的全套开源自主导航算法:cmu-exploration.com (二) - 半闲居士的文章 - 知乎
第一个:TARE: A Hierarchical Framework for Efficiently Exploring Complex 3D Environments,这个是发表在RSS2021的工作,这篇文章获得了RSS的Best paper award和 Best system paper。能在RSS这种逼格的会议上发表还得了bestpaper,实在是强。
第二个:Exploring Large and Complex Environments Fast and Efficiently,这篇发表在ICRA2021上,其实和第一篇TARE基本思路上是差不多的工作,TARE应该算是这个的一些修修补补。
就是本文DSVP: Dual-Stage Viewpoint Planner for Rapid Exploration by Dynamic Expansion,这篇发表在IROS2021上。
ps:这一系列工作的环境配置比较简单,我这里就不再提了。可见他们是真心在做开源,赞一个。提一嘴,有一些论文作者喜欢搞“假开源”,比如在投稿前宣称开源,中了以后当自己没说过;或者出于商业原因,开源一个只有自己会用,其他人谁也跑不起来的乱七八糟的版本,避免职务发明和知识产权的后续纠纷…… 这种很浪费读者的时间。
- <launch>
- <arg name="enable_bag_record" default="false"/>
- <arg name="bag_name" default="forest"/>
- <arg name="simulation" default="false"/>
- <arg name="planner_param_file" default="$(find dsvp_launch)/config/exploration_forest.yaml" />
- <arg name="octomap_param_file" default="$(find dsvp_launch)/config/octomap_forest.yaml" />
- <rosparam command="load" file="$(arg planner_param_file)" />
- <rosparam command="load" file="$(arg octomap_param_file)" />
- <node name="dsvplanner" pkg="dsvplanner" type="dsvplanner" output="screen" />
- <node name="exploration" pkg="dsvp_launch" type="exploration_with_graph_planner" output="screen" >
- <param name="simulation" type="bool" value="$(arg simulation)" />
- </node>
- <include file="$(find graph_planner)/launch/graph_planner.launch"/>
- <group if="$(arg enable_bag_record)">
- <include file="$(find dsvp_launch)/launch/rosbag_record.launch">
- <arg name="bag_name" value="$(arg bag_name)" />
- </include>
- </group>
- <node pkg="rviz" type="rviz" name="dsvp_rviz" args="-d $(find dsvp_launch)/default.rviz"/>
- </launch>
这三个进程中,exploration_with_graph_planner.cpp是一个总控的作用,向drrt部分调用服务,发送信号给graph_planner进程,由它负责对整体路径点的规划执行。这个进程由于是最外层的进程,内容比较高层,所以读起来基本比较简单。大致就是和RRT服务器drrtPlannerSrv进行交互,根据返回的数据,以及当前执行状态(是否探索完了处于最后回家的状态),发送一个/graph_planner_command 给graph_planner进程,让graph_planner负责实际的执行规划任务。
唯一有些奇怪的地方是在程序里有两个init_x,init_y变量,程序要把它们当成第一个waypoint,要在一开始发送出去,交给仿真部分对应的local_planner执行。也就是说最开始小车要二话不说向前走几步(init_x=4),才会执行后续的探索任务。我尝试过把它赋值为0,发现程序会认为探索完成。这点存疑,因为涉及到服务器的应答,貌似如果小车开始如果在原地不动,那么服务器的返回值的planSrv.response.mode.data == 2,会认为探索完成。这个等我在之后看到对应位置的时候再补充为什么会这样,作者的目的是什么。暂时我确实不知道。
- /*
- exploration_with_graph_planner.cpp
- the interface for drrt planner
- Created and maintained by Hongbiao Zhu (hongbiaz@andrew.cmu.edu)
- 05/25/2020
- */
- #include <chrono>
- #include <math.h>
- #include <stdint.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <unistd.h>
- #include <geometry_msgs/PointStamped.h>
- #include <nav_msgs/Odometry.h>
- #include <ros/package.h>
- #include <ros/ros.h>
- #include <sensor_msgs/PointCloud2.h>
- #include <std_msgs/Bool.h>
- #include <std_msgs/Float32.h>
- #include <std_srvs/Empty.h>
- #include <pcl/point_types.h>
- #include <pcl_conversions/pcl_conversions.h>
- #include "dsvplanner/clean_frontier_srv.h"
- #include "dsvplanner/dsvplanner_srv.h"
- #include "graph_planner/GraphPlannerCommand.h"
- #include "graph_planner/GraphPlannerStatus.h"
- using namespace std::chrono;
- #define cursup "\033[A"
- #define cursclean "\033[2K"
- #define curshome "\033[0;0H"
- geometry_msgs::Point wayPoint;
- geometry_msgs::Point wayPoint_pre;
- graph_planner::GraphPlannerCommand graph_planner_command;
- std_msgs::Float32 effective_time;
- std_msgs::Float32 total_time;
- bool simulation = false; // control whether use graph planner to follow path
- bool begin_signal = false; // trigger the planner
- bool gp_in_progress = false;
- bool wp_state = false;
- bool return_home = false;
- double current_odom_x = 0;
- double current_odom_y = 0;
- double current_odom_z = 0;
- double previous_odom_x = 0;
- double previous_odom_y = 0;
- double previous_odom_z = 0;
- double dtime = 0.0;
- double init_x = 2;
- double init_y = 0;
- double init_z = 2;
- double return_home_threshold = 1.5;
- double robot_moving_threshold = 6;
- std::string map_frame = "map";
- steady_clock::time_point plan_start;
- steady_clock::time_point plan_over;
- steady_clock::duration time_span;
- void gp_status_callback(const graph_planner::GraphPlannerStatus::ConstPtr &msg) {
- if (msg->status == graph_planner::GraphPlannerStatus::STATUS_IN_PROGRESS)
- gp_in_progress = true;
- else {
- gp_in_progress = false;
- }
- }
- void waypoint_callback(const geometry_msgs::PointStamped::ConstPtr &msg) {
- wayPoint = msg->point;
- wp_state = true;
- }
- void odom_callback(const nav_msgs::Odometry::ConstPtr &msg) {
- current_odom_x = msg->pose.pose.position.x;
- current_odom_y = msg->pose.pose.position.y;
- current_odom_z = msg->pose.pose.position.z;
- }
- void begin_signal_callback(const std_msgs::Bool::ConstPtr &msg) {
- begin_signal = msg->data;
- }
- bool robotPositionChange() {
- double dist = sqrt(
- (current_odom_x - previous_odom_x) * (current_odom_x - previous_odom_x) +
- (current_odom_y - previous_odom_y) * (current_odom_y - previous_odom_y) +
- (current_odom_z - previous_odom_z) * (current_odom_z - previous_odom_z));
- if (dist < robot_moving_threshold)
- return false;
- previous_odom_x = current_odom_x;
- previous_odom_y = current_odom_y;
- previous_odom_z = current_odom_z;
- return true;
- }
- void gotoxy(int x, int y) { printf("%c[%d;%df", 0x1B, y, x); }
- int main(int argc, char **argv) {
- ros::init(argc, argv, "exploration");
- ros::NodeHandle nh;
- ros::NodeHandle nhPrivate = ros::NodeHandle("~");
- ros::Publisher waypoint_pub =nh.advertise<geometry_msgs::PointStamped>("/way_point", 5);
- ros::Publisher gp_command_pub =nh.advertise<graph_planner::GraphPlannerCommand>("/graph_planner_command",1);
- // ros::Publisher effective_plan_time_pub =
- // nh.advertise<geometry_msgs::PointStamped>("/effective_plan_time", 1);
- ros::Publisher effective_plan_time_pub =nh.advertise<std_msgs::Float32>("/runtime", 1);
- ros::Publisher total_plan_time_pub =nh.advertise<std_msgs::Float32>("/totaltime", 1);
- ros::Subscriber gp_status_sub =nh.subscribe<graph_planner::GraphPlannerStatus>("/graph_planner_status",1, gp_status_callback);
- ros::Subscriber waypoint_sub = nh.subscribe<geometry_msgs::PointStamped>("/way_point", 1, waypoint_callback);
- ros::Subscriber odom_sub =nh.subscribe<nav_msgs::Odometry>("/state_estimation", 1, odom_callback);
- ros::Subscriber begin_signal_sub = nh.subscribe<std_msgs::Bool>("/start_exploring", 1, begin_signal_callback);
- ros::Publisher stop_signal_pub =nh.advertise<std_msgs::Bool>("/stop_exploring", 1);
- nhPrivate.getParam("simulation", simulation);
- nhPrivate.getParam("/interface/dtime", dtime);
- nhPrivate.getParam("/interface/initX", init_x);
- nhPrivate.getParam("/interface/initY", init_y);
- nhPrivate.getParam("/interface/initZ", init_z);
- nhPrivate.getParam("/interface/returnHomeThres", return_home_threshold);
- nhPrivate.getParam("/interface/robotMovingThres", robot_moving_threshold);
- nhPrivate.getParam("/interface/tfFrame", map_frame);
- nhPrivate.getParam("/interface/autoExp", begin_signal);
- ros::Duration(1.0).sleep();
- ros::spinOnce();
- //默认配置文件中,写的是true,直接开始。如果配置文件里写的是false或者没写,可能需要通过外部发topic来决定这里什么时候开始
- while (!begin_signal)
- {
- ros::Duration(0.5).sleep();
- ros::spinOnce();
- ROS_INFO("Waiting for Odometry");
- }
- ROS_INFO("Starting the planner: Performing initialization motion");
- geometry_msgs::PointStamped wp;
- wp.header.frame_id = map_frame;
- wp.header.stamp = ros::Time::now();
- wp.point.x = init_x + current_odom_x;
- wp.point.y = init_y + current_odom_y;
- wp.point.z = init_z + current_odom_z;
- ros::Duration(0.5).sleep(); // wait for sometime to make sure waypoint can be published properly
- waypoint_pub.publish(wp);
- bool wp_ongoing = true;
- //在这里程序一定要向前走几步,代码才能运行,否则会提示探索完成。
- // 为什么会如此,暂时存疑
- while (wp_ongoing)
- // Keep publishing initial waypoint until the robot reaches that point
- {
- ros::Duration(0.1).sleep();
- ros::spinOnce();
- waypoint_pub.publish(wp);
- double dist =sqrt((wp.point.x - current_odom_x) * (wp.point.x - current_odom_x) +(wp.point.y - current_odom_y) * (wp.point.y - current_odom_y));
- if (dist < 0.5)
- wp_ongoing = false;
- }
- ros::Duration(1.0).sleep();
- std::cout << std::endl<< "\033[1;32mExploration Started\033[0m\n" << std::endl;
- total_time.data = 0;
- plan_start = steady_clock::now();
- // Start planning: The planner is called and the computed goal point sent to
- // the graph planner.
- int iteration = 0;
- while (ros::ok())
- {
- if (!return_home)
- {
- //下面这几个print没什么用,可以无视
- //就是把历史的打印数据从终端显示给消点,起到一个光标上移的作用
- if (iteration != 0)
- {
- for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
- {
- printf(cursup);
- printf(cursclean);
- }
- }
- std::cout << "Planning iteration " << iteration << std::endl;
- dsvplanner::dsvplanner_srv planSrv;
- dsvplanner::clean_frontier_srv cleanSrv;
- planSrv.request.header.stamp = ros::Time::now();
- planSrv.request.header.seq = iteration;
- planSrv.request.header.frame_id = map_frame;
- //可以看出这里调用了一个drrtPlannerSrv服务,服务器应答返回的goal的大小如果是0,就等待一下
- if (ros::service::call("drrtPlannerSrv", planSrv))
- {
- if (planSrv.response.goal.size() ==0)
- { // usually the size should be 1 if planning successfully
- ros::Duration(1.0).sleep();
- continue;
- }
- //返回的应答的mode字段的data被赋值为2,则认为完成探索,进行返航
- if (planSrv.response.mode.data == 2)
- {
- return_home = true;
- std::cout << std::endl
- << "\033[1;32mExploration completed, returning home\033[0m"
- << std::endl
- << std::endl;
- effective_time.data = 0;
- effective_plan_time_pub.publish(effective_time);
- }
- //.response.mode.data != 2,认为还不应该返航,发布runtime
- // mode包含的状态,1是属于探索阶段和relocation阶段,2就是都ok了返回出发点
- //goal里面的内容,根据模式来决定怎么走, 是去探索当前边界,还是探索下一个边界,或者返航
- else
- {
- return_home = false;
- plan_over = steady_clock::now();
- time_span = plan_over - plan_start;
- effective_time.data = float(time_span.count()) *steady_clock::period::num /steady_clock::period::den;
- effective_plan_time_pub.publish(effective_time);
- }
- //发布totaltime,实时更新,累加计数时间
- total_time.data += effective_time.data;
- total_plan_time_pub.publish(total_time);
- // when not in simulation mode, the robot will go to the goal point according to graph planner
- if (!simulation)
- {
- //从服务器返回依次读取目标,发布graph_planner的command
- for (size_t i = 0; i < planSrv.response.goal.size(); i++)
- {
- graph_planner_command.command =graph_planner::GraphPlannerCommand::COMMAND_GO_TO_LOCATION;
- graph_planner_command.location = planSrv.response.goal[i];
- gp_command_pub.publish(graph_planner_command);
- ros::Duration(dtime).sleep(); // give sometime to graph planner for
- // searching path to goal point
- ros::spinOnce(); // update gp_in_progree
- int count = 200;
- previous_odom_x = current_odom_x;
- previous_odom_y = current_odom_y;
- previous_odom_z = current_odom_z;
- // if the waypoint keep the same for 20 (200*0.1)
- while (gp_in_progress)
- {
- //这的意思有疑问,可能是在一个地方持续呆着,200开始计数,0.1s下降一个数,20秒内相对位置没超过10m,认为没动,那就清除这个边界点
- ros::Duration(0.1).sleep(); // seconds, then give up the goal
- wayPoint_pre = wayPoint;
- ros::spinOnce();
- bool robotMoving = robotPositionChange();
- if (robotMoving)
- {
- count = 200;
- }
- else
- {
- count--;
- }
- //目标点不可达,就清除该边界点
- if (count <= 0) //when the goal point cannot be reached, clean its correspoinding frontier if there is
- {
- cleanSrv.request.header.stamp = ros::Time::now();
- cleanSrv.request.header.frame_id = map_frame;
- ros::service::call("cleanFrontierSrv", cleanSrv);
- ros::Duration(0.1).sleep();
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- //目标点已经publish完了
- graph_planner_command.command =graph_planner::GraphPlannerCommand::COMMAND_DISABLE;
- gp_command_pub.publish(graph_planner_command);
- }
- //simulation 模式
- // simulation mode is used when testing this planning algorithm with bagfiles where robot will not move to the planned goal.
- // When in simulation mode, robot will keep replanning every two seconds
- else
- {
- for (size_t i = 0; i < planSrv.response.goal.size(); i++)
- {
- graph_planner_command.command =graph_planner::GraphPlannerCommand::COMMAND_GO_TO_LOCATION;
- graph_planner_command.location = planSrv.response.goal[i];
- gp_command_pub.publish(graph_planner_command);
- ros::Duration(2).sleep();
- break;
- }
- }
- plan_start = steady_clock::now();
- }
- //调用服务失败
- else
- {
- std::cout << "Cannot call drrt planner." << std::flush;
- ros::Duration(1.0).sleep();
- }
- iteration++;
- }
- //return_home=true,已经在返航了,并且当前位置和起点小于阈值1.5m,则输出已经到家的指令
- else
- {
- ros::spinOnce();
- if (fabs(current_odom_x) + fabs(current_odom_y) + fabs(current_odom_z) <=return_home_threshold)
- {
- printf(cursclean);
- std::cout << "\033[1;32mReturn home completed\033[0m" << std::endl;
- printf(cursup);
- std_msgs::Bool stop_exploring;
- //发送停止探索的指令
- stop_exploring.data = true;
- stop_signal_pub.publish(stop_exploring);
- }
- ros::Duration(0.1).sleep();
- }
- }
- }
第三:监听"/local_graph ",这个"/local_graph "根据名字来看,是一个局部图,但其实在后续的代码中,如果是在全局规划阶段,会把全局图赋值给这个local_graph,也就是说,在探索阶段的话,它发布的就是局部图,如果在全局阶段它发布的就是全局图。而不是机器人附近的(轮为中的绿色方框内的局部地图,尽管话题名字有一个local)。
- /**************************************************************************
- graph_planner.cpp
- Implementation of GraphPlanner class
- Subscribes to local graph and search path to goal point on this graph
- Created by Chao Cao (ccao1@andrew.cmu.edu)
- 6/3/19
- Modified and maintained by Hongbiao Zhu (hongbiaz@andrew.cmu.edu)
- 5/25/2020
- **************************************************************************/
- #include <graph_utils.h>
- #include <misc_utils/misc_utils.h>
- #include "graph_planner.h"
- #include <tf/transform_datatypes.h>
- #include <string>
- namespace graph_planner_ns {
- GraphPlanner::GraphPlanner(const ros::NodeHandle &nh)
- {
- nh_ = nh;
- initialize();
- }
- bool GraphPlanner::readParameters()
- {
- if (!nh_.getParam("world_frame_id", world_frame_id_))
- {
- ROS_ERROR("Cannot read parameter: world_frame_id_");
- return false;
- }
- if (!nh_.getParam("graph_planner_command_topic",graph_planner_command_topic_))
- {
- ROS_ERROR("Cannot read parameter: graph_planner_command_topic_");
- return false;
- }
- if (!nh_.getParam("graph_planner_status_topic", graph_planner_status_topic_)) {
- ROS_ERROR("Cannot read parameter: graph_planner_status_topic_");
- return false;
- }
- if (!nh_.getParam("pub_waypoint_topic", pub_waypoint_topic_))
- {
- ROS_ERROR("Cannot read parameter: pub_waypoint_topic_");
- return false;
- }
- if (!nh_.getParam("pub_path_topic", pub_path_topic_))
- {
- ROS_ERROR("Cannot read parameter: pub_path_topic_");
- return false;
- }
- if (!nh_.getParam("sub_odometry_topic", sub_odometry_topic_))
- {
- ROS_ERROR("Cannot read parameter: sub_odometry_topic_");
- return false;
- }
- if (!nh_.getParam("sub_terrain_topic", sub_terrain_topic_))
- {
- ROS_ERROR("Cannot read parameter: sub_terrain_topic_");
- return false;
- }
- if (!nh_.getParam("sub_graph_topic", sub_graph_topic_))
- {
- ROS_ERROR("Cannot read parameter: sub_graph_topic_");
- return false;
- }
- if (!nh_.getParam("kLookAheadDist", kLookAheadDist))
- {
- ROS_ERROR("Cannot read parameter: kLookAheadDist");
- return false;
- }
- if (!nh_.getParam("kWaypointProjectionDistance",kWaypointProjectionDistance))
- {
- ROS_ERROR("Cannot read parameter: kWaypointProjectionDistance");
- return false;
- }
- if (!nh_.getParam("kDownsampleSize", kDownsampleSize))
- {
- ROS_ERROR("Cannot read parameter: kDownsampleSize");
- return false;
- }
- if (!nh_.getParam("kObstacleHeightThres", kObstacleHeightThres))
- {
- ROS_ERROR("Cannot read parameter: kObstacleHeightThres");
- return false;
- }
- if (!nh_.getParam("kOverheadObstacleHeightThres",kOverheadObstacleHeightThres))
- {
- ROS_ERROR("Cannot read parameter: kOverheadObstacleHeightThres");
- return false;
- }
- if (!nh_.getParam("kCollisionCheckDistace", kCollisionCheckDistace))
- {
- ROS_ERROR("Cannot read parameter: kCollisionCheckDistace");
- return false;
- }
- if (!nh_.getParam("kNextVertexMaintainTime", kNextVertexMaintainTime))
- {
- ROS_ERROR("Cannot read parameter: kNextVertexMaintainTime");
- return false;
- }
- if (!nh_.getParam("kExecuteFrequency", kExecuteFrequency))
- {
- ROS_ERROR("Cannot read parameter: kExecuteFrequency");
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
- //订阅local_graph的回调函数,这里我判断为应该是全局图
- void GraphPlanner::graphCallback(const graph_utils::TopologicalGraph::ConstPtr &graph_msg)
- {
- planned_graph_ = *graph_msg;
- }
- //用来监听exploration_with_graph_planner.cpp发来的监听指令
- void GraphPlanner::commandCallback( const graph_planner::GraphPlannerCommand::ConstPtr &msg)
- {
- //command中包含了目的地,和指令的模式是前进还是取消
- graph_planner_command_ = *msg;
- if (graph_planner_command_.command ==graph_planner::GraphPlannerCommand::COMMAND_GO_TO_LOCATION)
- {
- previous_shortest_path_size_ = 100000;
- }
- }
- //定位算法发来的定位信息
- void GraphPlanner::odometryCallback(const nav_msgs::Odometry::ConstPtr &odometry_msg)
- {
- double roll, pitch, yaw;
- geometry_msgs::Quaternion geo_quat = odometry_msg->pose.pose.orientation;
- tf::Matrix3x3(tf::Quaternion(geo_quat.x, geo_quat.y, geo_quat.z, geo_quat.w)).getRPY(roll, pitch, yaw);
- robot_yaw_ = yaw;
- robot_pos_ = odometry_msg->pose.pose.position;
- }
- //初始化各种定义,一般直接写在构造函数中,作者单独打包了一个函数
- bool GraphPlanner::initialize()
- {
- if (!readParameters())
- return false;
- // Initialize target waypoint
- waypoint_ = geometry_msgs::PointStamped();
- waypoint_.point.x = -1.0;
- waypoint_.point.y = -1.0;
- waypoint_.point.z = 0.0;
- waypoint_.header.frame_id = world_frame_id_;
- // Initialize subscribers
- //"/local_graph ",虽然名为local_graph,应该不是指机器人周围的那个graph
- //参见goToVertex的注释
- graph_sub_ =nh_.subscribe(sub_graph_topic_, 1, &GraphPlanner::graphCallback, this);
- //"graph_planner_command"
- graph_planner_command_sub_ = nh_.subscribe(graph_planner_command_topic_, 1, &GraphPlanner::commandCallback, this);
- //"/state_estimation"
- odometry_sub_ = nh_.subscribe(sub_odometry_topic_, 1,&GraphPlanner::odometryCallback, this);
- //"/terrain_map_ext"
- terrain_sub_ = nh_.subscribe(sub_terrain_topic_, 1,&GraphPlanner::terrainCallback, this);
- // Initialize publishers
- //"/way_point"
- waypoint_pub_ =nh_.advertise<geometry_msgs::PointStamped>(pub_waypoint_topic_, 2);
- //"/graph_planner_status"
- graph_planner_status_pub_ = nh_.advertise<graph_planner::GraphPlannerStatus>(graph_planner_status_topic_, 2);
- //" /graph_planner_path"
- graph_planner_path_pub_ = nh_.advertise<nav_msgs::Path>(pub_path_topic_, 10);
- ROS_INFO("Successfully launched graph_planner node");
- return true;
- }
- //回调来监听地形消息,用terrain_point_crop_来记录会妨碍到机器人运动的地形?
- void GraphPlanner::terrainCallback(const sensor_msgs::PointCloud2::ConstPtr &terrain_msg)
- {
- terrain_point_->clear();
- terrain_point_crop_->clear();
- pcl::fromROSMsg(*terrain_msg, *terrain_point_);
- pcl::PointXYZI point;
- int terrainCloudSize = terrain_point_->points.size();
- for (int i = 0; i < terrainCloudSize; i++)
- {
- point = terrain_point_->points[i];
- float pointX = point.x;
- float pointY = point.y;
- float pointZ = point.z;
- //以配置文件default.yaml为例,高于0.2,低于1.2的障碍物点云判断为会对机器人行动造成妨碍
- if (point.intensity > kObstacleHeightThres &&point.intensity < kOverheadObstacleHeightThres)
- {
- point.x = pointX;
- point.y = pointY;
- point.z = pointZ;
- terrain_point_crop_->push_back(point);
- }
- }
- pcl::VoxelGrid<pcl::PointXYZI> point_ds;
- point_ds.setLeafSize(kDownsampleSize, kDownsampleSize, kDownsampleSize);
- point_ds.setInputCloud(terrain_point_crop_);
- point_ds.filter(*terrain_point_crop_);
- }
- //exploration_with_graph_planner.cpp发布的GraphPlannerCommand指令,
- //在这里会决定graph_planner_status的状态,
- //再次发送出去以后,又被exploration_with_graph_planner.cpp监听到,意思是正在执行运动操作。
- //exploration_with_graph_planner.cpp中会根据这个的状态,来判断要不要监听运动情况(一直到不了则是要取消边界点的)
- void GraphPlanner::publishInProgress(bool in_progress)
- {
- in_progress_ = in_progress; // used mainly for debugging
- graph_planner::GraphPlannerStatus status;
- if (in_progress) {
- status.status = graph_planner::GraphPlannerStatus::STATUS_IN_PROGRESS;
- } else {
- status.status = graph_planner::GraphPlannerStatus::STATUS_DISABLED;
- state_ = ALL_OTHER_STATES; // reset
- }
- graph_planner_status_pub_.publish(status);
- }
- //返回true,说明目前还在行进路上,返回false说明目前没有在走
- bool GraphPlanner::goToPoint(geometry_msgs::Point point)
- {
- //订阅的是"/local_graph ",暂时不知里面存有什么,虽然名为local_graph,应该不是指机器人周围的那个graph
- if (planned_graph_.vertices.size() <= 0)
- {
- return false;
- }
- // Find where I am on this graph
- //robot_pos_在odom的callback中被保存有自己的位置姿态信息,找到最近的那个图的节点
- int current_vertex_idx =graph_utils_ns::GetClosestVertexIdxToPoint(planned_graph_, robot_pos_);
- // find closest goal vertex,找到距离目标最近的图节点
- int goal_vertex_idx =graph_utils_ns::GetClosestVertexIdxToPoint(planned_graph_, point);
- // Set the waypoint,负责执行操作.我推测执行应该是交由仿真环境对应的那个local_planner来执行
- return goToVertex(current_vertex_idx, goal_vertex_idx);
- }
- //发布waypoint
- void GraphPlanner::alterAndPublishWaypoint()
- {
- // Ship it!
- waypoint_.header.frame_id = world_frame_id_; // added by Hong in 20191203
- waypoint_.header.stamp = ros::Time::now(); // added by Hong in 20191203
- waypoint_pub_.publish(waypoint_);
- }
- //机器人当前位置和形参中的end_vertex_idx之间是否可以无碰撞直达,碰撞为true,无碰撞为false
- bool GraphPlanner::collisionCheckByTerrain(geometry_msgs::Point robot_position, int end_vertex_idx)
- {
- geometry_msgs::Point start_point = robot_position;
- geometry_msgs::Point end_point =planned_graph_.vertices[end_vertex_idx].location;
- int count = 0;
- //distance是该函数从当前点到目标点的直线距离
- double distance =sqrt((end_point.x - start_point.x) * (end_point.x - start_point.x) +(end_point.y - start_point.y) * (end_point.y - start_point.y));
- //距离除以kCollisionCheckDistace,得到要碰撞检查的次数
- double check_point_num = distance / (kCollisionCheckDistace);
- for (int j = 0; j < check_point_num; j++)
- {
- geometry_msgs::Point p1;
- //我理解为这个操作是沿着线去搜索,j从0到distance / (kCollisionCheckDistace),分成很多段
- //沿着段去搜索,如果有障碍物,count就不再是0,认为发生碰撞
- p1.x =start_point.x + j * kCollisionCheckDistace / distance * (end_point.x - start_point.x);
- p1.y =start_point.y + j * kCollisionCheckDistace / distance * (end_point.y - start_point.y);
- for (int i = 0; i < terrain_point_crop_->points.size(); i++)
- {
- double dist = sqrt((p1.x - terrain_point_crop_->points[i].x) *(p1.x - terrain_point_crop_->points[i].x) +
- p1.y - terrain_point_crop_->points[i].y) *(p1.y - terrain_point_crop_->points[i].y));
- if (dist < kCollisionCheckDistace)
- {
- count++;
- }
- if (count > 0)
- {
- return true;
- }
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- //判断是否在前往某个节点的路上,如果没有路径,或者到达路径,或者路径很短,则返回false
- //具体内部的逻辑写的有点复杂
- bool GraphPlanner::goToVertex(int current_vertex_idx, int goal_vertex_idx)
- {
- std::vector<int> shortest_path;
- //给定起点id和终点id,根据图的点planned_graph_找到一条最短路径,,将结果保存在shortestpath中
- //planned_graph_在graphCallback中被赋值,订阅的是“local_graph”这个话题,
- //因此可看出local_graph这里指的绝对不是机器人附近的图,否则无法找到路径
- graph_utils_ns::ShortestPathBtwVertex(shortest_path, planned_graph_,current_vertex_idx, goal_vertex_idx);
- //没找到最短路径,说明目前没有处在前往某个点的路上,返回false
- if (shortest_path.size() <= 0)
- {
- // ROS_WARN("Graph planner did not find path to selected goal!");
- // clear the saved path
- planned_path_.clear();
- return false;
- }
- else if (shortest_path.size() <= 2)
- {
- //(误)注意这里有个shortest_path.back(),可以看出路径是从终点出发倒着找的,靠近起点的在末尾(这种理解错误!!)
- // 看过函数构成,以及下一个else分支以后,则可以看出,shortest_path存放顺序为从起点出发到终点
- geometry_msgs::Point next_waypoint =planned_graph_.vertices[shortest_path.back()].location;
- waypoint_.header.stamp = ros::Time::now();
- waypoint_.point.x = next_waypoint.x;
- waypoint_.point.y = next_waypoint.y;
- waypoint_.point.z = next_waypoint.z;
- waypoint_.header.frame_id = world_frame_id_;
- // clear the saved path
- planned_path_.clear();
- planned_path_.push_back(waypoint_.point);
- //发布waypoint
- alterAndPublishWaypoint();
- return false;
- }
- else
- {
- int next_vertex_id;
- //kLookAheadDist默认是5m,这个函数要找到超过5m的最近的节点
- next_vertex_id = graph_utils_ns::GetFirstVertexBeyondThreshold(robot_pos_, shortest_path, planned_graph_, kLookAheadDist);
- for (int i = 1; i < shortest_path.size(); i++)
- {
- // std::cout << "i = " << i << " id is " << shortest_path[i] <<
- // std::endl;
- //最短路径从从当前点出发开始搜索,
- //如果不是超过5m的那个最近节点(next_vertex_id),
- //并且从当前位置到达那个位置的直线上存在障碍物,
- //next_vertex_id就会被更新为近的那一个
- if (shortest_path[i] != next_vertex_id &&collisionCheckByTerrain(robot_pos_, shortest_path[i]))
- {
- next_vertex_id = shortest_path[i - 1];
- break;
- }
- else if (shortest_path[i] == next_vertex_id)
- {
- //这块多写了,相等其实用不着赋值
- next_vertex_id = shortest_path[i];
- break;
- }
- }
- // next_vertex_id到终点的距离
- std::vector<int> next_shortest_path;
- graph_utils_ns::ShortestPathBtwVertex(next_shortest_path, planned_graph_, next_vertex_id, goal_vertex_idx);
- // prevent back and forth between two vertices
- // 这段说实话写的让人很迷惑
- // 刚开始第一轮直接进入else分支,因为 previous_shortest_path_size_是1000000
- // 如果下一段的长度比之前保存的的大,,那么就暂时不执行,接着上一次的目标点执行(猜,先走短路再走长路?)
- if (next_shortest_path.size() > previous_shortest_path_size_)
- {
- next_vertex_id = previous_vertex_id_;
- backTraceCount_++;
- //kNextVertexMaintainTime : 5 # when next vertex goal makes the path longer, keep the previous goal for this long time
- //kExecuteFrequency : 5 # the frequency of the execute function
- //backTraceCount_逐渐递增,大于25以后,则这个路径长短缓存机制失效。
- //下次发现路径大于之前的路径时,则执行下次的目标点,不再“暂时不执行”
- //这里感觉有点奇怪,怀疑这个trick到底起到作用没有?
- //但是感觉这里并没有计时,25岂不是一下子就递增上去了?
- //非也!!! 我们看到,在execute这个总函数中,设置了ros::Rate rate(kExecuteFrequency);,另外还有一个rate.sleep();
- //因此每次最少休息0.2s,这里才+1。所以backTraceCount_从0递增到25,需要0.2*25=5s
- //kNextVertexMaintainTime=5 直译为下一个节点的保持时间,25*0.2=5s,刚好对应
- if (backTraceCount_ > kNextVertexMaintainTime * kExecuteFrequency)
- {
- backTraceCount_ = 0;
- previous_shortest_path_size_ = 100000;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- //用previous相关变量,记录了这一段的长度
- //例如从1到终点10,现在找到了next_vertex_id是4,整个路径分成两段,1~4,4~10
- //直接发4为waypoint,
- //previous_vertex_id_记录为4,size记录为4~10
- previous_vertex_id_ = next_vertex_id;
- previous_shortest_path_size_ = next_shortest_path.size();
- }
- geometry_msgs::Point next_waypoint =planned_graph_.vertices[next_vertex_id].location;
- //下一个节点不是终点,投影路径,使在运行过程中,waypoint不是固定的图节点值,而是随着机器人运动,投影到当前机器人到节点之间的路径上
- if (next_vertex_id != shortest_path.back())
- {
- next_waypoint = projectWayPoint(next_waypoint, robot_pos_);
- }
- //注:waypoint_是一个类内的成员变量,这里保存到waypoint_里面以后,没有马上发布
- //本函数叫goToVertex,本函数被goToPoint调用,
- //而goToPoint又被executeGoToOrigin或executeGoToLocation来调用,这两者内部才通过alterAndPublishWaypoint发布waypoint执行
- waypoint_.header.stamp = ros::Time::now();
- waypoint_.point.x = next_waypoint.x;
- waypoint_.point.y = next_waypoint.y;
- waypoint_.point.z = next_waypoint.z;
- waypoint_.header.frame_id = world_frame_id_;
- // save path for debugging
- planned_path_.clear();
- for (const auto &v : shortest_path)
- {
- planned_path_.push_back(planned_graph_.vertices[v].location);
- }
- if (next_vertex_id == shortest_path.back())
- {
- // Assume reached vertex -- publish the last waypoint and then end
- //到达了返回false
- alterAndPublishWaypoint();
- return false;
- }
- else
- {
- // Keep moving along planned path
- return true;
- }
- }
- }
- //探索结束,返回原先位置
- void GraphPlanner::executeGoToOrigin()
- {
- // Aim for (0,0,0)
- geometry_msgs::Point origin;
- origin.x = 0;
- origin.y = 0;
- origin.z = 0;
- bool success = goToPoint(origin);
- if (!success) {
- publishInProgress(false);
- } else {
- alterAndPublishWaypoint();
- publishInProgress(true);
- }
- }
- //exploration_with_graph_planner.cpp在发送路径节点,
- //在本cpp的commandCallback回调函数中被监听到,然后函数execute会根据这个状态下达指令,
- //通过executeGoToLocation,具体来操作机器人到达各个目标点
- void GraphPlanner::executeGoToLocation()
- {
- // Compute waypoint
- bool success = goToPoint(graph_planner_command_.location);
- if (!success)
- {
- publishInProgress(false);
- }
- else
- {
- alterAndPublishWaypoint();
- publishInProgress(true);
- }
- }
- void GraphPlanner::executeCommand()
- {
- // Choose from one of the graph_planner variants based on the command
- //返回起点
- if (graph_planner_command_.command ==graph_planner::GraphPlannerCommand::COMMAND_GO_TO_ORIGIN)
- {
- executeGoToOrigin();
- }
- //根据命令前往某个点
- else if (graph_planner_command_.command ==graph_planner::GraphPlannerCommand::COMMAND_GO_TO_LOCATION)
- {
- executeGoToLocation();
- }
- else
- {
- publishInProgress(false);
- }
- }
- //这个函数可以理解为graph_planner进程的主函数,时刻监听来自exploration_with_graph_planner.cpp发来的指令信息,并交付执行
- bool GraphPlanner::execute()
- {
- ros::Rate rate(kExecuteFrequency);
- bool status = ros::ok();
- while (status)
- {
- ros::spinOnce();
- if (graph_planner_command_.command ==graph_planner::GraphPlannerCommand::COMMAND_DISABLE)
- {
- // Graph planner is disabled -- do nothing
- publishInProgress(false);
- }
- else
- {
- // Graph planner is enabled -- select waypoint according to current command
- executeCommand();
- }
- // Generate and publish the path
- publishPath();
- status = ros::ok();
- rate.sleep();
- }
- return true;
- }
- //发布路径,给rviz订阅?或其他用途
- void GraphPlanner::publishPath() {
- nav_msgs::Path planned_path;
- planned_path.header.frame_id = world_frame_id_;
- planned_path.header.stamp = ros::Time::now();
- //带下划线的path_是在goToVertex函数中被保存,这里用来发布,所以重新搞了一个不带下划线的path来缓存
- if (in_progress_ && !planned_path_.empty())
- {
- planned_path.poses.resize(planned_path_.size() + 1);
- planned_path.poses[0].pose.position = robot_pos_;
- for (int i = 0; i < planned_path_.size(); i++)
- {
- planned_path.poses[i + 1].pose.position = planned_path_[i];
- }
- }
- else
- {
- planned_path.poses.resize(1);
- planned_path.poses[0].pose.position = robot_pos_;
- }
- graph_planner_path_pub_.publish(planned_path);
- }
- //这个函数的作用是,不断更新waypoint,使在运行过程中,waypoint不是固定的图节点值,而是随着机器人运动,投影到当前机器人到节点之间的路径上
- geometry_msgs::PointGraphPlanner::projectWayPoint(geometry_msgs::Point next_vertex_pos, geometry_msgs::Point robot_pos)
- {
- double ratio =misc_utils_ns::PointXYDist<geometry_msgs::Point, geometry_msgs::Point>(robot_pos, next_vertex_pos) /kWaypointProjectionDistance;
- double x = (next_vertex_pos.x - robot_pos.x) / ratio + robot_pos.x;
- double y = (next_vertex_pos.y - robot_pos.y) / ratio + robot_pos.y;
- double z = (next_vertex_pos.z - robot_pos.z) / ratio + robot_pos.z;
- geometry_msgs::Point way_point = misc_utils_ns::GeoMsgPoint(x, y, z);
- return way_point;
- }
- } // namespace graph_planner_ns
1.dual_state_graph_: 这个应该是一个全局图,包含局部节点和全局节点,这个进程中调用了如下几个函数:
- dual_state_graph_->getGain(robot_position):即实现论文中的公式(4)和(5)
dual_state_graph_->best_vertex_id_: 根据计算,得到gain最大的点作为best点,作为之后要前往的探索点。
dual_state_graph_->getBestGlobalVertexPosition() :根据best_vertex_id_,在局部图中获取它的位置。(因为代码里有一个探索阶段把全局图赋值给局部图的操作)
dual_state_graph_->updateGlobalGraph(); 更新全局图,因为根据论文描述,gain大于0的点,是要被加入到全局图中的。
dual_state_graph_->clearLocalGraph(); 清空局部图,相当于是一个reset操作。
- dual_state_frontier_->setPlannerStatus(drrt_->global_plan_pre_);//设置边界处理器的状态,0是探索,1是relocation阶段
- drrt_->setRootWithOdom(pose); 这个比较好理解,就是把机器人当前的pose给输入进去,让求解器知道机器人当前位姿。
drrt_->setTerrainVoxelElev(); 这个应该是用于设置地形的体素网格和对应的高度。具体操作是,调用dual_state_frontier_->getTerrainVoxelElev()来获取地形高度
drrt_->getNodeCounter() 这个用来统计全局节点的数目
drrt_->plannerInit(); 这个是rrt求解器的初始化函数,每次进程向服务器请求路径时,服务器用于初始化,具体是根据全局规划状态global_plan_来判断是在探索状态还是relocation状态,并且发布边界点
drrt_->normal_local_iteration_:normal_local_iteration_为false, 即当前局部窗口内没边界,但是系统想等待边界更新
drrt_->plannerIterate(); 功能:采样新的点,(靠近边界,或者机器人附近),加入到图中
drrt_->publishNode(); 这个应该是用来发布计算好的rrt,包括候选的和选中的,用来酷炫的显示在rviz里
drrt_->global_plan_pre_ 我推测这个是一个中间变量,用来保存之前系统所处的状态,是属于全局规划状态还是局部窗口内的规划状态
drrt_->nextNodeFound_ :这个非常重要,多个分支逻辑需要靠它来判断,直译为“发现了下一个节点”,代表发现了下一个要去的全局节点。
- /**************************************************************************
- dual_state_graph.cpp
- Implementation of dual_state graph. Create local and global graph according
- to the new node from dynamic rrt.
- Hongbiao Zhu(hongbiaz@andrew.cmu.edu)
- 5/25/2020
- **************************************************************************/
- #include "dsvplanner/dual_state_graph.h"
- #include <graph_utils.h>
- #include <misc_utils/misc_utils.h>
- #include <tf/transform_broadcaster.h>
- #include <tf/transform_datatypes.h>
- namespace dsvplanner_ns
- {
- //参数服务器读取配置文件参数
- bool DualStateGraph::readParameters()
- {
- nh_private_.getParam("/graph/world_frame_id", world_frame_id_);
- nh_private_.getParam("/graph/pub_local_graph_topic", pub_local_graph_topic_);
- nh_private_.getParam("/graph/pub_global_graph_topic",pub_global_graph_topic_);
- nh_private_.getParam("/graph/pub_global_points_topic",pub_global_points_topic_);
- nh_private_.getParam("/graph/sub_keypose_topic", sub_keypose_topic_);
- nh_private_.getParam("/graph/sub_path_topic", sub_path_topic_);
- nh_private_.getParam("/graph/sub_graph_planner_status_topic",sub_graph_planner_status_topic_);
- nh_private_.getParam("/graph/kCropPathWithTerrain", kCropPathWithTerrain);
- nh_private_.getParam("/graph/kConnectVertexDistMax", kConnectVertexDistMax);
- nh_private_.getParam("/graph/kDistBadEdge", kDistBadEdge);
- nh_private_.getParam("/graph/kDegressiveCoeff", kDegressiveCoeff);
- nh_private_.getParam("/graph/kDirectionCoeff", kDirectionCoeff);
- nh_private_.getParam("/graph/kExistingPathRatioThresholdGlobal",kExistingPathRatioThresholdGlobal);
- nh_private_.getParam("/graph/kExistingPathRatioThreshold",kExistingPathRatioThreshold);
- nh_private_.getParam("/graph/kLongEdgePenaltyMultiplier",kLongEdgePenaltyMultiplier);
- nh_private_.getParam("/graph/kMaxLongEdgeDist", kMaxLongEdgeDist);
- nh_private_.getParam("/graph/kMaxVertexAngleAlongZ", kMaxVertexAngleAlongZ);
- nh_private_.getParam("/graph/kMaxVertexDiffAlongZ", kMaxVertexDiffAlongZ);
- nh_private_.getParam("/graph/kMaxDistToPrunedRoot", kMaxDistToPrunedRoot);
- nh_private_.getParam("/graph/kMaxPrunedNodeDist", kMaxPrunedNodeDist);
- nh_private_.getParam("/graph/kMinVertexDist", kMinVertexDist);
- nh_private_.getParam("/graph/kSurroundRange", kSurroundRange);
- nh_private_.getParam("/graph/kMinGainRange", kMinGainRange);
- nh_private_.getParam("/graph/kMinDistanceToRobotToCheck",kMinDistanceToRobotToCheck);
- nh_private_.getParam("/rm/kBoundX", robot_bounding[0]);
- nh_private_.getParam("/rm/kBoundY", robot_bounding[1]);
- nh_private_.getParam("/rm/kBoundZ", robot_bounding[2]);
- return true;
- }
- //发布局部图,具体是两种,
- //local_graph_pub_发布的是graph_utils::TopologicalGraph形式的局部图,
- //graph_points_pub_发布的是pointcloud2形式的局部图
- void DualStateGraph::publishLocalGraph()
- {
- // Publish the current local graph
- //以/local_graph的形式发布局部地图
- local_graph_.header.stamp = ros::Time::now();
- local_graph_.header.frame_id = world_frame_id_;
- local_graph_pub_.publish(local_graph_);
- // graph_point is used to detect frontiers
- //以/global_points的形式,把局部图中的节点按点云的形式发布出去
- graph_point_cloud_->points.clear();
- for (int i = 0; i < local_graph_.vertices.size(); i++)
- {
- pcl::PointXYZ p1;
- p1.x = local_graph_.vertices[i].location.x;
- p1.y = local_graph_.vertices[i].location.y;
- p1.z = local_graph_.vertices[i].location.z;
- graph_point_cloud_->points.push_back(p1);
- }
- sensor_msgs::PointCloud2 graph_pc;
- pcl::toROSMsg(*graph_point_cloud_, graph_pc);
- graph_pc.header.frame_id = "map";
- graph_points_pub_.publish(graph_pc);
- }
- //以/global_graph的形式发布全局图
- void DualStateGraph::publishGlobalGraph()
- {
- // Publish the current global graph
- global_graph_.header.stamp = ros::Time::now();
- global_graph_.header.frame_id = world_frame_id_;
- global_graph_pub_.publish(global_graph_);
- }
- //和addNewLocalVertex作用几乎一样,功能是加入一个节点
- //多了一个“相似性检查”,如果离得太近了就不加入图中
- void DualStateGraph::addNewLocalVertexWithoutDuplicates(geometry_msgs::Pose &vertex_msg, graph_utils::TopologicalGraph &graph)
- {
- // Same as addNewLocalVertex but only adds vertex if a similar vertex doesn't already exist
- // Extract the point
- geometry_msgs::Point new_vertex_location;
- new_vertex_location = vertex_msg.position;
- // Check if a similar vertex already exists
- bool already_exists = false;
- bool too_long = false;
- double distance = -1;
- int closest_vertex_idx = -1;
- if (!graph.vertices.empty())
- {
- closest_vertex_idx =graph_utils_ns::GetClosestVertexIdxToPoint(graph, new_vertex_location);
- auto &closest_vertex_location = graph.vertices[closest_vertex_idx].location;
- distance = misc_utils_ns::PointXYZDist(new_vertex_location,closest_vertex_location);
- if (distance < kMinVertexDist)
- {
- already_exists = true;
- }
- if (distance > kMaxLongEdgeDist ||abs(new_vertex_location.z - closest_vertex_location.z) >kMaxVertexDiffAlongZ)
- {
- too_long = true;
- }
- }
- // If not, add a new one
- if (!already_exists && !too_long)
- {
- prev_track_vertex_idx_ = closest_vertex_idx;
- addNewLocalVertex(vertex_msg, graph);
- }
- }
- //功能:加入一个新的节点,还要检查节点之间的欧式距离,不能超过阈值或低于阈值,还要保证不会发生碰撞
- void DualStateGraph::addNewPrunedVertex(geometry_msgs::Pose &vertex_msg,graph_utils::TopologicalGraph &graph)
- {
- // Extract the point
- geometry_msgs::Point new_vertex_location;
- new_vertex_location = vertex_msg.position;
- bool already_exists = false;
- bool too_long = false;
- double distance = -1;
- int closest_vertex_idx = -1;
- geometry_msgs::Point closest_vertex_location;
- if (!graph.vertices.empty())
- {
- closest_vertex_idx =graph_utils_ns::GetClosestVertexIdxToPoint(graph, new_vertex_location);
- closest_vertex_location = graph.vertices[closest_vertex_idx].location;
- distance = misc_utils_ns::PointXYZDist(new_vertex_location,closest_vertex_location);
- //如果新节点和图中的最近节点的欧式距离小于kMinVertexDist,不加入图中
- if (distance < kMinVertexDist)
- {
- already_exists = true;
- }
- //距离太远也不加入图中
- if (distance > kMaxLongEdgeDist ||fabs(new_vertex_location.z - closest_vertex_location.z) >kMaxVertexDiffAlongZ)
- {
- too_long = true;
- }
- }
- // Check again if there is collision between the new node and its closest node. Although this has been done for local graph,
- //but the octomap might be updated
- if (!already_exists && !too_long)
- {
- Eigen::Vector3d origin;
- Eigen::Vector3d end;
- origin.x() = new_vertex_location.x;
- origin.y() = new_vertex_location.y;
- origin.z() = new_vertex_location.z;
- end.x() = closest_vertex_location.x;
- end.y() = closest_vertex_location.y;
- end.z() = closest_vertex_location.z;
- //确认连线没有碰撞
- if (volumetric_mapping::OctomapManager::CellStatus::kFree ==manager_->getLineStatusBoundingBox(origin, end, robot_bounding))
- {
- prev_track_vertex_idx_ = closest_vertex_idx;
- addNewLocalVertex(vertex_msg, graph);
- }
- }
- }
- //功能:给定一个pose,把它加入到图中
- //直接连接最近的点的边,其他靠近的边进行公式(6)的约束检查,再进行连边
- void DualStateGraph::addNewLocalVertex(geometry_msgs::Pose &vertex_msg,graph_utils::TopologicalGraph &graph)
- {
- // Add a new vertex to the graph associated with the input keypose
- // Return the index of the vertex
- // Extract the point
- geometry_msgs::Point new_vertex_location;
- new_vertex_location = vertex_msg.position;
- // Create a new vertex
- graph_utils::Vertex vertex;
- vertex.location = new_vertex_location;
- vertex.vertex_id = (int)graph.vertices.size();
- vertex.information_gain = vertex_msg.orientation.y;
- // Add this vertex to the graph
- graph.vertices.push_back(vertex);
- track_localvertex_idx_ = (int)graph.vertices.size() - 1;
- auto &vertex_new = graph.vertices[track_localvertex_idx_];
- // If there are already other vertices
- if (graph.vertices.size() > 1)
- {
- // Add a parent backpointer to previous vertex
- vertex_new.parent_idx = prev_track_vertex_idx_;
- // Add an edge to previous vertex
- //当前节点和最近的那个节点,已经在addNewPrunedVertex中进行过碰撞检查了,因此可以直接连线
- addEdgeWithoutCheck(vertex_new.parent_idx, track_localvertex_idx_, graph);
- // Also add edges to nearby vertices
- for (auto &graph_vertex : graph.vertices)
- {
- // If within a distance
- float dist_diff = misc_utils_ns::PointXYZDist(graph_vertex.location, vertex_new.location);
- if (dist_diff < kConnectVertexDistMax)
- {
- // Add edge from this nearby vertex to current vertex
- //欧式距离比较近的点,一概也进行连线(不过这次要进行碰撞检查了,另外还进行(6)的约束)
- addEdge(graph_vertex.vertex_id, vertex_new.vertex_id, graph);
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- // This is the first vertex -- no edges
- vertex.parent_idx = -1;
- }
- }
- //直接加入一个图节点,不加入边
- void DualStateGraph::addNewLocalVertexWithoutEdge(geometry_msgs::Pose &vertex_msg, graph_utils::TopologicalGraph &graph)
- {
- // Add a new vertex to the graph associated with the input keypose
- // Return the index of the vertex
- // Extract the point
- geometry_msgs::Point new_vertex_location;
- new_vertex_location = vertex_msg.position;
- // Create a new vertex
- graph_utils::Vertex vertex;
- vertex.location = new_vertex_location;
- vertex.vertex_id = (int)graph.vertices.size();
- vertex.information_gain = vertex_msg.orientation.y;
- // Add this vertex to the graph
- graph.vertices.push_back(vertex);
- track_localvertex_idx_ = (int)graph.vertices.size() - 1;
- auto &vertex_new = graph.vertices[track_localvertex_idx_];
- }
- //对全局图操作,加入一个节点,多了一个距离和相似性检查,没问题才调用addNewGlobalVertex
- //这个和addNewGlobalVertexWithKeypose几乎一样,
- //有微小的区别在于,相似性检查上,addNewGlobalVertexWithKeypose要欧式距离小于kMinVertexDist/2
- //本函数要求欧式距离小于于kMinVertexDist
- void DualStateGraph::addNewGlobalVertexWithoutDuplicates(geometry_msgs::Pose &vertex_msg)
- {
- // Same as addNewLocalVertex but only adds vertex if a similar vertex doesn't
- // already exist
- // Extract the point
- geometry_msgs::Point new_vertex_location;
- new_vertex_location = vertex_msg.position;
- // Check if a similar vertex already exists
- bool already_exists = false;
- bool too_long = false;
- double distance = -1;
- int closest_vertex_idx = -1;
- if (!global_graph_.vertices.empty())
- {
- closest_vertex_idx = graph_utils_ns::GetClosestVertexIdxToPoint(global_graph_, new_vertex_location);
- auto &closest_vertex_location =global_graph_.vertices[closest_vertex_idx].location;
- distance = misc_utils_ns::PointXYZDist(new_vertex_location,closest_vertex_location);
- if (distance < kMinVertexDist)
- {
- already_exists = true;
- }
- if (distance > kMaxLongEdgeDist ||fabs(new_vertex_location.z - closest_vertex_location.z) >kMaxVertexDiffAlongZ)
- {
- too_long = true;
- }
- }
- // If not, add a new one
- if (!already_exists && !too_long)
- {
- prev_track_vertex_idx_ = closest_vertex_idx;
- addNewGlobalVertex(vertex_msg);
- }
- }
- //对全局图操作,加入一个节点,多了一个距离和相似性检查,没问题才调用addNewGlobalVertex
- //这个和addNewGlobalVertexWithoutDuplicates几乎一样,
- //有微小的区别在于,相似性检查上,addNewGlobalVertexWithoutDuplicates要欧式距离小于kMinVertexDist
- //本函数要求欧式距离小于于kMinVertexDist/2
- void DualStateGraph::addNewGlobalVertexWithKeypose(geometry_msgs::Pose &vertex_msg)
- {
- // Same as addNewLocalVertex but only adds vertex if a similar vertex doesn't
- // already exist
- // Extract the point
- geometry_msgs::Point new_vertex_location;
- new_vertex_location = vertex_msg.position;
- // Check if a similar vertex already exists
- bool already_exists = false;
- bool too_long = false;
- double distance = -1;
- int closest_vertex_idx = -1;
- if (!global_graph_.vertices.empty())
- {
- closest_vertex_idx = graph_utils_ns::GetClosestVertexIdxToPoint(global_graph_, new_vertex_location);
- auto &closest_vertex_location =global_graph_.vertices[closest_vertex_idx].location;
- distance = misc_utils_ns::PointXYZDist(new_vertex_location,closest_vertex_location);
- if (distance < kMinVertexDist / 2)
- {
- already_exists = true;
- }
- if (distance > kMaxLongEdgeDist ||fabs(new_vertex_location.z - closest_vertex_location.z) >kMaxVertexDiffAlongZ)
- {
- too_long = true;
- }
- }
- // If not, add a new one
- if (!already_exists && !too_long)
- {
- prev_track_vertex_idx_ = closest_vertex_idx;
- addNewGlobalVertex(vertex_msg);
- }
- }
- //功能:给定一个pose,把它加入到全局图中
- //直接连接最近的点的边,其他靠近的边进行公式(6)的约束检查,再进行连边
- void DualStateGraph::addNewGlobalVertex(geometry_msgs::Pose &vertex_msg)
- {
- // Extract the point
- geometry_msgs::Point new_vertex_location;
- new_vertex_location = vertex_msg.position;
- // Create a new vertex
- graph_utils::Vertex vertex;
- vertex.location = new_vertex_location;
- vertex.vertex_id = (int)global_graph_.vertices.size();
- vertex.information_gain = vertex_msg.orientation.y;
- // Add this vertex to the graph
- global_graph_.vertices.push_back(vertex);
- track_globalvertex_idx_ = (int)global_graph_.vertices.size() - 1;
- auto &vertex_new = global_graph_.vertices[track_globalvertex_idx_];
- // If there are already other vertices
- if (global_graph_.vertices.size() > 1)
- {
- // Add a parent backpointer to previous vertex
- vertex_new.parent_idx = prev_track_vertex_idx_;
- // Add an edge to previous vertex
- addGlobalEdgeWithoutCheck(prev_track_vertex_idx_, track_globalvertex_idx_);
- // Also add edges to nearby vertices
- for (auto &graph_vertex : global_graph_.vertices)
- {
- // If within a distance
- float dist_diff = misc_utils_ns::PointXYZDist(graph_vertex.location,vertex_new.location);
- if (dist_diff < kConnectVertexDistMax)
- {
- // Add edge from this nearby vertex to current vertex
- addGlobalEdge(graph_vertex.vertex_id, vertex_new.vertex_id);
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- // This is the first vertex -- no edges
- vertex.parent_idx = -1;
- }
- }
- //功能:不进行任何碰撞检查,直接对两个节点之间加入边(边为欧式距离)
- void DualStateGraph::addEdgeWithoutCheck(int start_vertex_idx, int end_vertex_idx, graph_utils::TopologicalGraph &graph)
- {
- // Add an edge in the graph from vertex start_vertex_idx to vertex end_vertex_idx
- // Get the two vertices
- auto &start_vertex = graph.vertices[start_vertex_idx];
- auto &end_vertex = graph.vertices[end_vertex_idx];
- // Check if edge already exists -- don't duplicate
- //遍历开始节点的边,如果已经存在,就不进行操作
- for (auto &edge : start_vertex.edges)
- {
- if (edge.vertex_id_end == end_vertex_idx)
- {
- // don't add duplicate edge
- return;
- }
- }
- // Compute the distance between the two points
- float dist_diff =misc_utils_ns::PointXYZDist(start_vertex.location, end_vertex.location);
- // Add an edge connecting the current node and the existing node on the graph
- // Create two edge objects
- graph_utils::Edge edge_to_start;
- graph_utils::Edge edge_to_end;
- // Join the two edges
- edge_to_start.vertex_id_end = start_vertex_idx;
- edge_to_end.vertex_id_end = end_vertex_idx;
- // Compute the traversal cost
- // For now, this is just Euclidean distance
- edge_to_start.traversal_costs = dist_diff;
- edge_to_end.traversal_costs = dist_diff;
- // Add these two edges to the vertices
- start_vertex.edges.push_back(edge_to_end);
- end_vertex.edges.push_back(edge_to_start);
- localEdgeSize_++;
- }
- //功能:进行碰撞检查和公式(6)定义的约束检查,对两个节点之间进行连线
- void DualStateGraph::addEdge(int start_vertex_idx, int end_vertex_idx, graph_utils::TopologicalGraph &graph)
- {
- if (start_vertex_idx == end_vertex_idx)
- {
- // don't add edge to itself
- return;
- }
- // Get the edge distance
- float dist_edge =misc_utils_ns::PointXYZDist(graph.vertices[start_vertex_idx].location, graph.vertices[end_vertex_idx].location);
- //直线距离大于了限制,就什么也不做(默认6m)
- if (dist_edge > kMaxLongEdgeDist) { }
- else
- {
- std::vector<int> path;
- //找到两个点之间在图中的最短路径
- graph_utils_ns::ShortestPathBtwVertex(path, graph, start_vertex_idx, end_vertex_idx);
- bool path_exists = true;
- float dist_path = 0;
- //没有找到路径
- if (path.empty())
- {
- path_exists = false;
- }
- else
- {
- //找到路径了,调轮子计算一下路径长度
- dist_path = graph_utils_ns::PathLength(path, graph);
- }
- //即论文中的(6)式,如果欧式距离小,节点距离/欧式距离大于kExistingPathRatioThreshold,并且不发生碰撞,就进行一个连线
- if ((!path_exists || (path_exists && ((dist_path / dist_edge) >=kExistingPathRatioThreshold)))
- &&(!zCollisionCheck(start_vertex_idx, end_vertex_idx, graph))
- &&(!grid_->collisionCheckByTerrain(graph.vertices[start_vertex_idx].location, graph.vertices[end_vertex_idx].location)))
- {
- Eigen::Vector3d origin;
- Eigen::Vector3d end;
- origin.x() = graph.vertices[start_vertex_idx].location.x;
- origin.y() = graph.vertices[start_vertex_idx].location.y;
- origin.z() = graph.vertices[start_vertex_idx].location.z;
- end.x() = graph.vertices[end_vertex_idx].location.x;
- end.y() = graph.vertices[end_vertex_idx].location.y;
- end.z() = graph.vertices[end_vertex_idx].location.z;
- if (volumetric_mapping::OctomapManager::CellStatus::kFree ==manager_->getLineStatusBoundingBox(origin, end, robot_bounding))
- {
- addEdgeWithoutCheck(start_vertex_idx, end_vertex_idx, graph);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- //功能:不进行任何碰撞检查,直接对两个全局节点之间加入边(边为欧式距离)
- //函数addEdgeWithoutCheck相当于可以传入图,而这个函数则是写死了对全局图进行操作。
- void DualStateGraph::addGlobalEdgeWithoutCheck(int start_vertex_idx, int end_vertex_idx)
- {
- // Add an edge in the graph from vertex start_vertex_idx to vertex
- // end_vertex_idx
- // Get the two vertices
- auto &start_vertex = global_graph_.vertices[start_vertex_idx];
- auto &end_vertex = global_graph_.vertices[end_vertex_idx];
- // Check if edge already exists -- don't duplicate
- for (auto &edge : start_vertex.edges)
- {
- if (edge.vertex_id_end == end_vertex_idx)
- {
- // don't add duplicate edge
- return;
- }
- }
- // Compute the distance between the two points
- float dist_diff =misc_utils_ns::PointXYZDist(start_vertex.location, end_vertex.location);
- // Create two edge objects
- graph_utils::Edge edge_to_start;
- graph_utils::Edge edge_to_end;
- // Join the two edges
- edge_to_start.vertex_id_end = start_vertex_idx;
- edge_to_end.vertex_id_end = end_vertex_idx;
- // Compute the traversal cost
- // For now, this is just Euclidean distance
- edge_to_start.traversal_costs = dist_diff;
- edge_to_end.traversal_costs = dist_diff;
- // Add these two edges to the vertices
- start_vertex.edges.push_back(edge_to_end);
- end_vertex.edges.push_back(edge_to_start);
- globalEdgeSize_++;
- }
- //功能:进行碰撞检查和公式(6)定义的约束检查,对对两个全局节点之间进行连线
- //函数addEdge相当于可以传入图,而这个函数则是写死了对全局图进行操作。
- void DualStateGraph::addGlobalEdge(int start_vertex_idx, int end_vertex_idx)
- {
- if (start_vertex_idx == end_vertex_idx)
- {
- return;
- }
- // Get the edge distance
- float dist_edge = misc_utils_ns::PointXYZDist( global_graph_.vertices[start_vertex_idx].location, global_graph_.vertices[end_vertex_idx].location);
- if (dist_edge > kMaxLongEdgeDist) { }
- else
- {
- // Get the path distance
- std::vector<int> path;
- graph_utils_ns::ShortestPathBtwVertex(path, global_graph_, start_vertex_idx, end_vertex_idx);
- bool path_exists = true;
- float dist_path = 0;
- // Check if there is an existing path
- if (path.empty())
- {
- // No path exists
- path_exists = false;
- }
- else
- {
- // Compute path length
- dist_path = graph_utils_ns::PathLength(path, global_graph_);
- // ROS_WARN("path exists of edge of length %f, where path exists of length
- // %f", dist_edge, dist_path);
- }
- // Check if ratio is beyond threshold
- // bool collision = false;
- if ((!path_exists ||
- (path_exists &&
- ((dist_path / dist_edge) >= kExistingPathRatioThresholdGlobal))) &&
- (!zCollisionCheck(start_vertex_idx, end_vertex_idx, global_graph_)))
- {
- Eigen::Vector3d origin;
- Eigen::Vector3d end;
- origin.x() = global_graph_.vertices[start_vertex_idx].location.x;
- origin.y() = global_graph_.vertices[start_vertex_idx].location.y;
- origin.z() = global_graph_.vertices[start_vertex_idx].location.z;
- end.x() = global_graph_.vertices[end_vertex_idx].location.x;
- end.y() = global_graph_.vertices[end_vertex_idx].location.y;
- end.z() = global_graph_.vertices[end_vertex_idx].location.z;
- if (volumetric_mapping::OctomapManager::CellStatus::kFree ==manager_->getLineStatusBoundingBox(origin, end, robot_bounding))
- {
- addGlobalEdgeWithoutCheck(start_vertex_idx, end_vertex_idx);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- //两个节点之间,俯仰角小于38度,并且z轴方向距离超过0.5m(默认)则认为两节点之间在z轴方向碰撞会发生
- bool DualStateGraph::zCollisionCheck(int start_vertex_idx, int end_vertex_idx, graph_utils::TopologicalGraph graph)
- {
- auto &start_vertex_location = graph.vertices[start_vertex_idx].location;
- auto &end_vertex_location = graph.vertices[end_vertex_idx].location;
- float x_diff = start_vertex_location.x - end_vertex_location.x;
- float y_diff = start_vertex_location.y - end_vertex_location.y;
- float z_diff = start_vertex_location.z - end_vertex_location.z;
- //计算俯仰角
- float ang_diff = atan(fabs(z_diff) / sqrt(x_diff * x_diff + y_diff * y_diff)) * 180 / M_PI;
- //两个节点之间,俯仰角小于38度,并且z轴方向距离超过0.5m(默认)则认为两节点之间在z轴方向碰撞会发生
- if (fabs(ang_diff) > kMaxVertexAngleAlongZ ||fabs(z_diff) > kMaxVertexDiffAlongZ)
- {
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- //获取局部图中节点数目
- int DualStateGraph::getLocalVertexSize()
- {
- return (local_graph_.vertices.size());
- }
- //获取局部图的边的个数(不是长度),这个个数在加入节点的边的时候会被递增
- int DualStateGraph::getLocalEdgeSize() { return localEdgeSize_; }
- //获取全局节点的个数
- int DualStateGraph::getGlobalVertexSize()
- {
- return (global_graph_.vertices.size());
- }
- //获取全局边的数目
- int DualStateGraph::getGlobalEdgeSize() { return globalEdgeSize_; }
- //功能:找到距离形参root最近的局部图节点,然后对其他每个节点,找到到达该节点的最短路径,存入pruned图中
- void DualStateGraph::pruneGraph(geometry_msgs::Point root)
- {
- int closest_vertex_idx_to_root;
- if (!local_graph_.vertices.empty())
- {
- closest_vertex_idx_to_root =graph_utils_ns::GetClosestVertexIdxToPoint(local_graph_, root);
- auto &closest_vertex_location =local_graph_.vertices[closest_vertex_idx_to_root].location;
- double distance =misc_utils_ns::PointXYZDist(root, closest_vertex_location);
- Eigen::Vector3d origin(root.x, root.y, root.z);
- Eigen::Vector3d end(closest_vertex_location.x, closest_vertex_location.y,closest_vertex_location.z);
- //和root最近的图节点的直线距离如果大于kMaxDistToPrunedRoot(默认10),什么都不做,返回
- //下面这些两个分支都是返回,意思是,如果距离最近的节点的欧式距离太大,或者有障碍物,就不加入pruned图中
- if (distance > kMaxDistToPrunedRoot)
- {
- return;
- }
- else if (volumetric_mapping::OctomapManager::CellStatus::kFree !=manager_->getLineStatusBoundingBox(origin, end, robot_bounding))
- {
- return;
- }
- }
- std::vector<int> path;
- for (int path_id = 0; path_id < local_graph_.vertices.size(); path_id++)
- {
- path.clear();
- //找到每一个节点,距离和root最近的图节点之间的路径,把路径存入path中
- graph_utils_ns::ShortestPathBtwVertex(path, local_graph_, closest_vertex_idx_to_root, path_id);
- if (path.size() == 0)
- {
- continue;
- }
- //根结点到每个节点之间的直线距离大于kMaxPrunedNodeDist(默认15)则跳过
- if (misc_utils_ns::PointXYZDist( root, local_graph_.vertices[path_id].location) > kMaxPrunedNodeDist)
- continue;
- //遍历上面找到的路径,缓存信息,加入到pruned图中去
- for (int j = 0; j < path.size(); j++)
- {
- tempvertex_.position = local_graph_.vertices[path[j]].location;
- tempvertex_.position.z = MIN(tempvertex_.position.z, root.z);
- tempvertex_.orientation.y =local_graph_.vertices[path[j]].information_gain;
- addNewPrunedVertex(tempvertex_, pruned_graph_);
- }
- }
- }
- //功能:对全局图进行修建操作,凡是处于占据状态的,把连接的边给删除掉
- void DualStateGraph::pruneGlobalGraph()
- {
- if (global_graph_.vertices.size() > 0)
- {
- for (int i = 0; i < global_graph_.vertices.size(); i++)
- {
- //对于全局图中的每一个点,生成一个位置向量
- Eigen::Vector3d vertex_position(global_graph_.vertices[i].location.x, global_graph_.vertices[i].location.y,global_graph_.vertices[i].location.z);
- //检查这些点的占据状态,如果被占据的,要进行剪枝操作
- if (volumetric_mapping::OctomapManager::CellStatus::kFree !=manager_->getCellStatusPoint(vertex_position))
- {
- //依次遍历每个占据节点的边
- for (int j = 0; j < global_graph_.vertices[i].edges.size(); j++)
- {
- int end_vertex_id = global_graph_.vertices[i].edges[j].vertex_id_end;
- //擦除掉处于占据状态的边
- for (int m = 0; m < global_graph_.vertices[end_vertex_id].edges.size(); m++)
- {
- if (global_graph_.vertices[end_vertex_id].edges[m].vertex_id_end ==i)
- {
- global_graph_.vertices[end_vertex_id].edges.erase(global_graph_.vertices[end_vertex_id].edges.begin() + m);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- //设置当前图管理器的状态
- void DualStateGraph::setCurrentPlannerStatus(bool status)
- {
- planner_status_ = status;
- }
- //清空局部图
- void DualStateGraph::clearLocalGraph()
- {
- local_graph_.vertices.clear();
- track_localvertex_idx_ = 0;
- robot_yaw_ = 0.0;
- localEdgeSize_ = 0;
- best_gain_ = 0;
- best_vertex_id_ = 0;
- gainID_.clear();
- }
- //这块内容实现的是公式4和5,得到当前区域朝着探索方向的最大的gain,以及节点号
- double DualStateGraph::getGain(geometry_msgs::Point robot_position)
- {
- //遍历局部图的每一个顶点,目的应该是求出各个节点的gain,(5)式以及包括(4)式后面e的DTW次方等内容
- for (auto &graph_vertex : local_graph_.vertices)
- {
- if (graph_vertex.vertex_id > 0)
- {
- // Get the path distance
- std::vector<int> path;
- //得到从局部图根结点出发到各个点的最短路径
- graph_utils_ns::ShortestPathBtwVertex(path, local_graph_, 0, graph_vertex.vertex_id);
- bool path_exists = true;
- float dist_path = 0;
- // Check if there is an existing path
- if (path.empty())
- {
- // No path exists
- path_exists = false;
- graph_vertex.information_gain = 0;
- continue;
- }
- else
- {
- // Compute path length
- // 得到最短路径的长度
- dist_path = graph_utils_ns::PathLength(path, local_graph_);
- }
- int NodeCountArround = 1;
- //再次遍历,从当前节点,到局部图其他各个节点之间的欧式距离
- for (auto &vertex : local_graph_.vertices)
- {
- float dist_edge =misc_utils_ns::PointXYZDist(graph_vertex.location, vertex.location);
- //欧式距离小于kSurroundRange(默认4),则统计数目+1
- if (dist_edge < kSurroundRange)
- {
- NodeCountArround++;
- }
- }
- //图中各节点距离机器人位置的欧式距离小于kMinGainRange(默认4),则信息增益为0
- if (misc_utils_ns::PointXYZDist(graph_vertex.location, robot_position) <kMinGainRange)
- graph_vertex.information_gain = 0;
- if (graph_vertex.information_gain > 0)
- {
- //explore_direction_未定时DTWvalue默认为0?
- //需要关注explore_direction_从哪里冒出来的: updateExploreDirection函数中计算的
- if (std::isnan(explore_direction_.x()) ||std::isnan(explore_direction_.y()))
- DTWValue_ = exp(1);
- else
- {
- //计算这条路径对应的DTW值,结果保存在全局变量DTWValue_ 中
- DTW(path, robot_position);
- //公式与论文中描述的不一致,不能理解原因,已发邮件请教
- graph_vertex.information_gain =graph_vertex.information_gain / log(DTWValue_ * kDirectionCoeff);
- }
- }
- graph_vertex.information_gain = graph_vertex.information_gain *kDegressiveCoeff / dist_path *exp(0.1 * NodeCountArround);
- }
- }
- //求完了各个节点的gain,要累加出一条路径的gain,即公式(4)
- for (auto &graph_vertex : local_graph_.vertices)
- {
- if (graph_vertex.vertex_id > 0)
- {
- double path_information_gain = 0;
- std::vector<int> path;
- graph_utils_ns::ShortestPathBtwVertex(path, local_graph_, 0,graph_vertex.vertex_id);
- if (path.empty())
- {
- // No path exists
- continue;
- }
- //pathgain为累加,即该式为公式(4),也可以看出节点的gain包含了DTW那一项
- for (int i = 0; i < path.size(); i++)
- {
- path_information_gain +=local_graph_.vertices[path[i]].information_gain;
- }
- //gainID保存gain为正的顶点(根据论文内容来看,应该是要加入到全局节点中)
- if (path_information_gain > 0)
- {
- gainID_.push_back(graph_vertex.vertex_id);
- }
- //找到最大的gain,保存最好的节点的节点号,以及gain值
- if (path_information_gain > best_gain_)
- {
- best_vertex_id_ = graph_vertex.vertex_id;
- best_gain_ = path_information_gain;
- }
- }
- }
- // ROS_INFO("Best gain is %f.\n Best vertex id is %d", best_gain_,
- // best_vertex_id_);
- return best_gain_;
- }
- //关于DTW的原理,这个文章写的最清晰明了https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/43247215
- //函数DTW被函数getGain调用,形参path为从局部图根结点出发,到各个点的最短路径
- //这个函数的目的应该是计算这条path,距离各种“当前机器人位置出发到探索区域的路径”之间的差异,即公式4中的DTW函数
- void DualStateGraph::DTW(std::vector<int> path, geometry_msgs::Point robot_position)
- {
- float dist_path = 0;
- //node_num定义为路径长度
- int node_num = path.size();
- //dist_path理解为平均路径点之间的长度
- dist_path = graph_utils_ns::PathLength(path, local_graph_) / node_num;
- std::vector<geometry_msgs::Point> exp_node;
- geometry_msgs::Point node_position;
- //机器人的当前位置,沿着探索方向,以平均路径点长度distpath依次增长式递增
- for (int i = 0; i < node_num; i++)
- {
- node_position.x =robot_position.x + explore_direction_.x() * dist_path * (i + 1);
- node_position.y =robot_position.y + explore_direction_.y() * dist_path * (i + 1);
- exp_node.push_back(node_position);
- }
- std::vector<std::vector<double>> DTWValue;
- std::vector<double> sub_DTWValue;
- //DTWvalue是DTW表,初始化为很大的值1000000,把第一个值赋为0
- for (int i = 0; i < node_num + 1; i++)
- {
- for (int j = 0; j < node_num + 1; j++)
- {
- sub_DTWValue.push_back(1000000);
- }
- DTWValue.push_back(sub_DTWValue);
- sub_DTWValue.clear();
- }
- DTWValue[0][0] = 0;
- double dist = 0;
- for (int i = 1; i < node_num + 1; i++)
- {
- for (int j = 1; j < node_num + 1; j++)
- {
- //DTW表中,行为局部图的点,列为探索方向的点,之间的距离dist为欧式距离
- dist = misc_utils_ns::PointXYDist(local_graph_.vertices[path[i - 1]].location, exp_node[j - 1]);
- //动态规划,更新求解,从i到j之间的最短距离
- DTWValue[i][j] = dist + std::fmin(std::fmin(DTWValue[i - 1][j], DTWValue[i][j - 1]),DTWValue[i - 1][j - 1]);
- }
- }
- DTWValue_ = DTWValue[node_num][node_num];
- }
- //局部图中的点加入到全局图中
- void DualStateGraph::updateGlobalGraph()
- {
- std::vector<int> path;
- //计算从0号点出发,到最好顶点的最短路径,存入path中
- graph_utils_ns::ShortestPathBtwVertex(path, local_graph_, 0, best_vertex_id_);
- //遍历这条路径,存入到全局图中
- for (int i = 0; i < path.size(); i++)
- {
- tempvertex_.position = local_graph_.vertices[path[i]].location;
- tempvertex_.orientation.y = local_graph_.vertices[path[i]].information_gain;
- addNewGlobalVertexWithoutDuplicates(tempvertex_);
- }
- //gainID_是在函数getGain中得到的,具体表现为gain值为正的顶点,在这里根据论文内容,要加入到全局图中
- if (gainID_.size() > 0)
- {
- for (int i = 0; i < gainID_.size(); i++)
- {
- path.clear();
- graph_utils_ns::ShortestPathBtwVertex(path, local_graph_, 0, gainID_[i]);
- for (int j = 0; j < path.size(); j++)
- {
- tempvertex_.position = local_graph_.vertices[path[j]].location;
- tempvertex_.orientation.y =local_graph_.vertices[path[j]].information_gain;
- addNewGlobalVertexWithoutDuplicates(tempvertex_);
- }
- }
- }
- //发布全局图
- publishGlobalGraph();
- }
- //根据计算得到的best_vertex_id_,得到从0节点到best_vertex_id_节点的探索方向的单位向量
- void DualStateGraph::updateExploreDirection()
- {
- std::vector<int> path;
- //得到从local图的0节点到最佳探索节点的一条最短路径
- graph_utils_ns::ShortestPathBtwVertex(path, local_graph_, 0, best_vertex_id_);
- if (path.empty())
- {
- return;
- }
- //下面的这个if和else没有任何作用,因为完全一样,都是得到一个探索方向的向量
- if (path.size() > 5)
- {
- explore_direction_[0] =local_graph_.vertices[path[path.size() - 1]].location.x -local_graph_.vertices[path[0]].location.x;
- explore_direction_[1] =local_graph_.vertices[path[path.size() - 1]].location.y -local_graph_.vertices[path[0]].location.y;
- }
- else
- {
- explore_direction_[0] =local_graph_.vertices[path[path.size() - 1]].location.x -local_graph_.vertices[path[0]].location.x;
- explore_direction_[1] =local_graph_.vertices[path[path.size() - 1]].location.y -local_graph_.vertices[path[0]].location.y;
- }
- //得到一个归一化的探索方向的向量
- double length = sqrt(explore_direction_[0] * explore_direction_[0] + explore_direction_[1] * explore_direction_[1]);
- explore_direction_[0] = explore_direction_[0] / length;
- explore_direction_[1] = explore_direction_[1] / length;
- }
- //返回探索方向
- Eigen::Vector3d DualStateGraph::getExploreDirection()
- {
- Eigen::Vector3d exploreDirection(explore_direction_[0], explore_direction_[1], explore_direction_[2]);
- return exploreDirection;
- }
- //返回局部图中最好点的位置
- geometry_msgs::Point DualStateGraph::getBestLocalVertexPosition()
- {
- geometry_msgs::Point best_vertex_location =local_graph_.vertices[best_vertex_id_].location;
- return best_vertex_location;
- }
- //返回全局图中最好点的位置
- geometry_msgs::Point DualStateGraph::getBestGlobalVertexPosition()
- {
- geometry_msgs::Point best_vertex_location =local_graph_.vertices[best_vertex_id_].location;
- return best_vertex_location;
- }
- //监听/state_estimation_at_scan
- //这个由仿真器附带的代码发布,作用暂时未知,监听到一次,就把它作为关键帧加入到全局图中
- void DualStateGraph::keyposeCallback(const nav_msgs::Odometry::ConstPtr &msg)
- {
- geometry_msgs::Pose keypose;
- keypose.position.x = msg->pose.pose.position.x;
- keypose.position.y = msg->pose.pose.position.y;
- keypose.position.z = msg->pose.pose.position.z;
- //方位的y赋值为0,这个变量在创建的时候,会被赋值为图顶点的information_gain,可见这里不是代表真实意义,只是拿来暂存
- keypose.orientation.y = 0;
- addNewGlobalVertexWithKeypose(keypose);
- }
- //监听/graph_planner_path,在局部图中找到离路径点最近的顶点,进行碰撞检查,擦除掉不合适的顶点之间的边
- //这个是被谁发布的?后续需要注意
- void DualStateGraph::pathCallback(const nav_msgs::Path::ConstPtr &graph_path)
- {
- if (graph_path->poses.size() > 2)
- {
- //对路径中每一个元素进行遍历
- for (int i = 1; i < graph_path->poses.size() - 1; i++)
- {
- int origin_vertex_id;
- int end_vertex_id;
- geometry_msgs::Point origin_position;
- geometry_msgs::Point end_position;
- //在局部图中找到第i个路径点最近的顶点
- origin_vertex_id = graph_utils_ns::GetClosestVertexIdxToPoint(local_graph_, graph_path->poses[i].pose.position);
- //找到第i个点相邻的第i+1个路径点在局部图中最近的顶点
- end_vertex_id = graph_utils_ns::GetClosestVertexIdxToPoint(local_graph_, graph_path->poses[i + 1].pose.position);
- //获取这两个顶点的位置,并用vector表示
- origin_position = local_graph_.vertices[origin_vertex_id].location;
- end_position = local_graph_.vertices[end_vertex_id].location;
- Eigen::Vector3d origin(origin_position.x, origin_position.y,origin_position.z);
- Eigen::Vector3d end(end_position.x, end_position.y, end_position.z);
- //获取第i个点距离机器人此时位置的直线距离
- double distance =misc_utils_ns::PointXYZDist(origin_position, robot_pos_);
- //如果具有障碍物,要把局部图中的顶点之间的边给擦除掉
- if (volumetric_mapping::OctomapManager::CellStatus::kFree !=manager_->getLineStatus(origin, end)
- ||(kCropPathWithTerrain && distance < kMinDistanceToRobotToCheck
- &&grid_->collisionCheckByTerrain(origin_position, end_position)))
- {
- for (int j = 0;j < local_graph_.vertices[origin_vertex_id].edges.size(); j++)
- {
- //连接“离i最近的图节点”和“离i+1最近的图节点”之间的边进行擦除
- if (local_graph_.vertices[origin_vertex_id].edges[j].vertex_id_end ==end_vertex_id)
- {
- local_graph_.vertices[origin_vertex_id].edges.erase(local_graph_.vertices[origin_vertex_id].edges.begin() + j);
- if (planner_status_ == true)
- {
- global_graph_.vertices[origin_vertex_id].edges.erase(global_graph_.vertices[origin_vertex_id].edges.begin() + j);
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- for (int j = 0; j < local_graph_.vertices[end_vertex_id].edges.size();j++)
- {
- //反向擦除,双向边
- if (local_graph_.vertices[end_vertex_id].edges[j].vertex_id_end ==origin_vertex_id)
- {
- local_graph_.vertices[end_vertex_id].edges.erase(local_graph_.vertices[end_vertex_id].edges.begin() + j);
- if (planner_status_ == true)
- {
- global_graph_.vertices[end_vertex_id].edges.erase(global_graph_.vertices[end_vertex_id].edges.begin() + j);
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- //发布局部图
- execute();
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- //发布局部图
- execute();
- }
- //订阅/graph_planner_status(由graph_planner节点发布),
- //当状态处于false的时候,对全局图进行剪枝优化和优化,以及发布
- void DualStateGraph::graphPlannerStatusCallback(const graph_planner::GraphPlannerStatusConstPtr &status)
- {
- graph_planner::GraphPlannerStatus prev_status = graph_planner_status_;
- graph_planner_status_ = *status;
- if (prev_status.status != graph_planner_status_.status &&graph_planner_status_.status ==graph_planner::GraphPlannerStatus::STATUS_IN_PROGRESS)
- {
- if (planner_status_ == false)
- {
- pruneGlobalGraph();
- publishGlobalGraph();
- }
- }
- }
- //图管理器的构造函数定义
- DualStateGraph::DualStateGraph(const ros::NodeHandle &nh, const ros::NodeHandle &nh_private,
- volumetric_mapping::OctomapManager *manager,OccupancyGrid *grid)
- : nh_(nh), nh_private_(nh_private)
- {
- manager_ = manager;
- grid_ = grid;
- initialize();
- }
- DualStateGraph::~DualStateGraph() {}
- //变量定义,sub和pub定义
- bool DualStateGraph::initialize()
- {
- best_gain_ = 0;
- best_vertex_id_ = 0;
- explore_direction_[0] = 0;
- explore_direction_[1] = 0;
- explore_direction_[2] = 0;
- globalEdgeSize_ = 0;
- localEdgeSize_ = 0;
- robot_yaw_ = 0.0;
- track_localvertex_idx_ = 0;
- track_globalvertex_idx_ = 0;
- DTWValue_ = 0;
- // Read in parameters
- if (!readParameters())
- return false;
- // Initialize subscriber
- key_pose_sub_ = nh_.subscribe<nav_msgs::Odometry>(sub_keypose_topic_, 5, &DualStateGraph::keyposeCallback, this);
- graph_planner_path_sub_ = nh_.subscribe<nav_msgs::Path>(sub_path_topic_, 1, &DualStateGraph::pathCallback, this);
- graph_planner_status_sub_ = nh_.subscribe<graph_planner::GraphPlannerStatus>(sub_graph_planner_status_topic_, 1,
- &DualStateGraph::graphPlannerStatusCallback, this);
- // Initialize publishers
- local_graph_pub_ =nh_.advertise<graph_utils::TopologicalGraph>(pub_local_graph_topic_, 2);
- global_graph_pub_ =nh_.advertise<graph_utils::TopologicalGraph>(pub_global_graph_topic_, 2);
- graph_points_pub_ =nh_.advertise<sensor_msgs::PointCloud2>(pub_global_points_topic_, 2);
- ROS_INFO("Successfully launched DualStateGraph node");
- return true;
- }
- //以两种形式来发布局部图
- bool DualStateGraph::execute()
- {
- // Update the graph
- publishLocalGraph();
- return true;
- }
- }
- // namespace dsvplanner_ns
- /*
- drrtp.cpp
- Implementation of drrt_planner class
- Created by Hongbiao Zhu (hongbiaz@andrew.cmu.edu)
- 05/25/2020
- */
- #include <eigen3/Eigen/Dense>
- #include <visualization_msgs/Marker.h>
- #include <dsvplanner/drrtp.h>
- using namespace Eigen;
- dsvplanner_ns::drrtPlanner::drrtPlanner(const ros::NodeHandle &nh, const ros::NodeHandle &nh_private) : nh_(nh), nh_private_(nh_private)
- {
- manager_ = new volumetric_mapping::OctomapManager(nh_, nh_private_);
- grid_ = new OccupancyGrid(nh_, nh_private_);
- //定义一个全局图
- dual_state_graph_ = new DualStateGraph(nh_, nh_private_, manager_, grid_);
- //定义一个全局边界求解器
- dual_state_frontier_ =new DualStateFrontier(nh_, nh_private_, manager_, grid_);
- //定义一个drrt求解器
- drrt_ = new Drrt(manager_, dual_state_graph_, dual_state_frontier_, grid_);
- init();
- drrt_->setParams(params_);
- drrt_->init();
- ROS_INFO("Successfully launched DSVP node");
- }
- //析构操作
- dsvplanner_ns::drrtPlanner::~drrtPlanner()
- {
- if (manager_) {
- delete manager_;
- }
- if (dual_state_graph_) {
- delete dual_state_graph_;
- }
- if (dual_state_frontier_) {
- delete dual_state_frontier_;
- }
- if (grid_) {
- delete grid_;
- }
- if (drrt_) {
- delete drrt_;
- }
- }
- bool dsvplanner_ns::drrtPlanner::init()
- {
- if (!setParams())
- {
- ROS_ERROR("Set parameters fail. Cannot start planning!");
- }
- odomSub_ = nh_.subscribe(odomSubTopic, 10,&dsvplanner_ns::drrtPlanner::odomCallback, this);
- params_.newTreePathPub_ = nh_.advertise<visualization_msgs::Marker>(newTreePathPubTopic, 1000);
- params_.remainingTreePathPub_ = nh_.advertise<visualization_msgs::Marker>(remainingTreePathPubTopic, 1000);
- params_.boundaryPub_ =nh_.advertise<visualization_msgs::Marker>(boundaryPubTopic, 1000);
- params_.globalSelectedFrontierPub_ = nh_.advertise<sensor_msgs::PointCloud2>(globalSelectedFrontierPubTopic, 1000);
- params_.localSelectedFrontierPub_ = nh_.advertise<sensor_msgs::PointCloud2>(localSelectedFrontierPubTopic, 1000);
- params_.randomSampledPointsPub_ = nh_.advertise<sensor_msgs::PointCloud2>(randomSampledPointsPubTopic, 1000);
- params_.plantimePub_ =nh_.advertise<std_msgs::Float32>(plantimePubTopic, 1000);
- params_.nextGoalPub_ =nh_.advertise<geometry_msgs::PointStamped>(nextGoalPubTopic, 1000);
- params_.shutdownSignalPub =nh_.advertise<std_msgs::Bool>(shutDownTopic, 1000);
- plannerService_ = nh_.advertiseService(plannerServiceName, &dsvplanner_ns::drrtPlanner::plannerServiceCallback,this);
- cleanFrontierService_ = nh_.advertiseService(cleanFrontierServiceName,&dsvplanner_ns::drrtPlanner::cleanFrontierServiceCallback, this);
- return true;
- }
- //读取配置参数
- bool dsvplanner_ns::drrtPlanner::setParams() {
- nh_private_.getParam("/rm/kSensorPitch", params_.sensorPitch);
- nh_private_.getParam("/rm/kSensorHorizontal", params_.sensorHorizontalView);
- nh_private_.getParam("/rm/kSensorVertical", params_.sensorVerticalView);
- nh_private_.getParam("/rm/kVehicleHeight", params_.kVehicleHeight);
- nh_private_.getParam("/rm/kBoundX", params_.boundingBox[0]);
- nh_private_.getParam("/rm/kBoundY", params_.boundingBox[1]);
- nh_private_.getParam("/rm/kBoundZ", params_.boundingBox[2]);
- nh_private_.getParam("/drrt/gain/kFree", params_.kGainFree);
- nh_private_.getParam("/drrt/gain/kOccupied", params_.kGainOccupied);
- nh_private_.getParam("/drrt/gain/kUnknown", params_.kGainUnknown);
- nh_private_.getParam("/drrt/gain/kMinEffectiveGain",params_.kMinEffectiveGain);
- nh_private_.getParam("/drrt/gain/kRange", params_.kGainRange);
- nh_private_.getParam("/drrt/gain/kRangeZMinus", params_.kGainRangeZMinus);
- nh_private_.getParam("/drrt/gain/kRangeZPlus", params_.kGainRangeZPlus);
- nh_private_.getParam("/drrt/gain/kZero", params_.kZeroGain);
- nh_private_.getParam("/drrt/tree/kExtensionRange", params_.kExtensionRange);
- nh_private_.getParam("/drrt/tree/kMinExtensionRange",params_.kMinextensionRange);
- nh_private_.getParam("/drrt/tree/kMaxExtensionAlongZ",params_.kMaxExtensionAlongZ);
- nh_private_.getParam("/rrt/tree/kExactRoot", params_.kExactRoot);
- nh_private_.getParam("/drrt/tree/kCuttoffIterations",params_.kCuttoffIterations);
- nh_private_.getParam("/drrt/tree/kGlobalExtraIterations",params_.kGlobalExtraIterations);
- nh_private_.getParam("/drrt/tfFrame", params_.explorationFrame);
- nh_private_.getParam("/drrt/vertexSize", params_.kVertexSize);
- nh_private_.getParam("/drrt/keepTryingNum", params_.kKeepTryingNum);
- nh_private_.getParam("/drrt/kLoopCountThres", params_.kLoopCountThres);
- nh_private_.getParam("/lb/kMinXLocal", params_.kMinXLocalBound);
- nh_private_.getParam("/lb/kMinYLocal", params_.kMinYLocalBound);
- nh_private_.getParam("/lb/kMinZLocal", params_.kMinZLocalBound);
- nh_private_.getParam("/lb/kMaxXLocal", params_.kMaxXLocalBound);
- nh_private_.getParam("/lb/kMaxYLocal", params_.kMaxYLocalBound);
- nh_private_.getParam("/lb/kMaxZLocal", params_.kMaxZLocalBound);
- nh_private_.getParam("/gb/kMinXGlobal", params_.kMinXGlobalBound);
- nh_private_.getParam("/gb/kMinYGlobal", params_.kMinYGlobalBound);
- nh_private_.getParam("/gb/kMinZGlobal", params_.kMinZGlobalBound);
- nh_private_.getParam("/gb/kMaxXGlobal", params_.kMaxXGlobalBound);
- nh_private_.getParam("/gb/kMaxYGlobal", params_.kMaxYGlobalBound);
- nh_private_.getParam("/gb/kMaxZGlobal", params_.kMaxZGlobalBound);
- nh_private_.getParam("/elevation/kTerrainVoxelSize",params_.kTerrainVoxelSize);
- nh_private_.getParam("/elevation/kTerrainVoxelWidth",params_.kTerrainVoxelWidth);
- nh_private_.getParam("/elevation/kTerrainVoxelHalfWidth",params_.kTerrainVoxelHalfWidth);
- nh_private_.getParam("/planner/odomSubTopic", odomSubTopic);
- nh_private_.getParam("/planner/newTreePathPubTopic", newTreePathPubTopic);
- nh_private_.getParam("/planner/remainingTreePathPubTopic",remainingTreePathPubTopic);
- nh_private_.getParam("/planner/boundaryPubTopic", boundaryPubTopic);
- nh_private_.getParam("/planner/globalSelectedFrontierPubTopic",globalSelectedFrontierPubTopic);
- nh_private_.getParam("/planner/localSelectedFrontierPubTopic",localSelectedFrontierPubTopic);
- nh_private_.getParam("/planner/plantimePubTopic", plantimePubTopic);
- nh_private_.getParam("/planner/nextGoalPubTopic", nextGoalPubTopic);
- nh_private_.getParam("/planner/randomSampledPointsPubTopic",randomSampledPointsPubTopic);
- nh_private_.getParam("/planner/shutDownTopic", shutDownTopic);
- nh_private_.getParam("/planner/plannerServiceName", plannerServiceName);
- nh_private_.getParam("/planner/cleanFrontierServiceName",cleanFrontierServiceName);
- return true;
- }
- //这个比较重要,是drrt求解器中,机器人位姿的来源,是由这个回调函数监听并传入drrt求解器中的
- void dsvplanner_ns::drrtPlanner::odomCallback(const nav_msgs::Odometry &pose) {
- drrt_->setRootWithOdom(pose);
- // Planner is now ready to plan.
- drrt_->plannerReady_ = true;
- }
- //服务器/drrtPlannerSrv,被exploration_with_graph_planner.cpp所调用
- bool dsvplanner_ns::drrtPlanner::plannerServiceCallback(
- dsvplanner::dsvplanner_srv::Request &req,
- dsvplanner::dsvplanner_srv::Response &res)
- {
- plan_start_ = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
- // drrt_->gotoxy(0, 10); // Go to the specific line on the screen
- // Check if the planner is ready.
- //一些状态检查
- if (!drrt_->plannerReady_)
- {
- std::cout << "No odometry. Planner is not ready!" << std::endl;
- return true;
- }
- if (manager_ == NULL)
- {
- std::cout << "No octomap. Planner is not ready!" << std::endl;
- return true;
- }
- if (manager_->getMapSize().norm() <= 0.0)
- {
- std::cout << "Octomap is empty. Planner is not set up!" << std::endl;
- return true;
- }
- // set terrain points and terrain voxel elevation
- //调用drrt求解器对应的函数,设置地形的体素网格和对应的高度
- //根据dual_state_frontier_->getTerrainVoxelElev(),填充drrt_中的terrain_voxle_elev_变量
- drrt_->setTerrainVoxelElev();
- // Clear old tree and the last global frontier.
- //清空并根据当前状态更新系统(已知与未知之间的)边界
- cleanLastSelectedGlobalFrontier();
- drrt_->clear();
- // Reinitialize.
- //每次进程向服务器请求路径时,服务器用于初始化,
- //具体是根据全局规划状态global_plan_来判断是在探索状态还是relocation状态
- //并且发布边界点
- drrt_->plannerInit();
- // Iterate the tree construction method.
- int loopCount = 0;
- //如果当前存在边界
- while (ros::ok() && drrt_->remainingFrontier_ &&
- //drrt求解器中的节点数小于kCuttoffIterations(默认200)
- drrt_->getNodeCounter() < params_.kCuttoffIterations &&
- //normal_local_iteration_为false, 即当前系统没边界,但是系统想等待边界更新
- //或(全局节点数不大于kVertexSize默认120,或没有找到了某个节点获得的信息量增益大于kZeroGain默认0)
- !(drrt_->normal_local_iteration_ && (drrt_->getNodeCounter() >= params_.kVertexSize && drrt_->gainFound() ) )
- )
- {
- //限制迭代的次数
- if (loopCount > drrt_->loopCount_ * (drrt_->getNodeCounter() + 1))
- {
- break;
- }
- //功能:采样新的点,(靠近边界,或者机器人附近),加入到图中
- drrt_->plannerIterate();
- loopCount++;
- }
- // Publish rrt
- //把rrt的结果给发布出去,用以rviz显示或其他用途,并计算规划时间
- drrt_->publishNode();
- std::cout << " New node number is " << drrt_->getNodeCounter() << "\n"
- << " Current local RRT size is "
- << dual_state_graph_->getLocalVertexSize() << "\n"
- << " Current global graph size is "
- << dual_state_graph_->getGlobalVertexSize() << std::endl;
- RRT_generate_over_ = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
- time_span = RRT_generate_over_ - plan_start_;
- double rrtGenerateTime = double(time_span.count()) *std::chrono::steady_clock::period::num /std::chrono::steady_clock::period::den;
- // Reset planner state
- //重置drrt求解器中的一些状态变量,均为bool型变量
- //上一次是否处于全局规划状态
- drrt_->global_plan_pre_ = drrt_->global_plan_;
- //globalplan应该是全局规划状态
- drrt_->global_plan_ = false;
- //localplan应该是局部窗口内的规划状态
- drrt_->local_plan_ = false;
- // update planner state of last iteration
- //设置边界规划器的状态
- dual_state_frontier_->setPlannerStatus(drrt_->global_plan_pre_);
- // Update planner state of next iteration
- geometry_msgs::Point robot_position;
- robot_position.x = drrt_->root_[0];
- robot_position.y = drrt_->root_[1];
- robot_position.z = drrt_->root_[2];
- //drrt求解器没有发现下一个要去的全局节点,并且上一时刻处于全局规划状态,并且全局图中也没有一个点还能有新的信息增益
- if (!drrt_->nextNodeFound_ && drrt_->global_plan_pre_ && drrt_->gainFound() <= 0)
- {
- //认为探索已经完成,可以返航了
- drrt_->return_home_ = true;
- geometry_msgs::Point home_position;
- home_position.x = 0;
- home_position.y = 0;
- home_position.z = 0;
- res.goal.push_back(home_position);
- //把模式设为2
- res.mode.data = 2; // mode 2 means returning home
- //通知边界管理器,把无用的边界节点清除掉
- dual_state_frontier_->cleanAllUselessFrontiers();
- return true;
- }
- //drrt求解器没有发现下一个节点,并且上一时刻并不是处于全局规划阶段,当前位置没有信息增益
- else if (!drrt_->nextNodeFound_ && !drrt_->global_plan_pre_ && dual_state_graph_->getGain(robot_position) <= 0)
- {
- //认为当前位置的边界已经探索完成,接下来进入relocation阶段,准备出发去下一个全局边界处
- //当前处于全局规划阶段
- drrt_->global_plan_ = true;
- std::cout << " No Remaining local frontiers "
- << "\n"
- << " Switch to relocation stage "
- << "\n"
- << " Total plan lasted " << 0 << std::endl;
- return true;
- }
- else
- {
- //当前局部窗口内还存在边界点,当前处于局部窗口探索规划阶段
- drrt_->local_plan_ = true;
- }
- //计算一下时间,用以调试输出
- gain_computation_over_ = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
- time_span = gain_computation_over_ - RRT_generate_over_;
- double getGainTime = double(time_span.count()) * std::chrono::steady_clock::period::num / std::chrono::steady_clock::period::den;
- // Extract next goal.
- geometry_msgs::Point next_goal_position;
- //nextNodeFound_表示发现了下一时刻应该去的全局节点位置
- if (drrt_->nextNodeFound_)
- {
- dual_state_graph_->best_vertex_id_ = drrt_->NextBestNodeIdx_;
- dual_state_graph_->updateExploreDirection();
- next_goal_position = dual_state_graph_->getBestGlobalVertexPosition();
- }
- //未发现下一个节点,但全局规划之前处于true状态,并且有新的信息增益
- else if (drrt_->global_plan_pre_ == true && drrt_->gainFound())
- {
- dual_state_graph_->best_vertex_id_ = drrt_->bestNodeId_;
- dual_state_graph_->updateExploreDirection();
- //这种情况下,下一个目标点是局部点
- next_goal_position = dual_state_graph_->getBestLocalVertexPosition();
- }
- //未发现下一个该去的节点,之前处于探索阶段,就应该更新全局图
- else
- {
- dual_state_graph_->updateGlobalGraph();
- dual_state_graph_->updateExploreDirection();
- next_goal_position = dual_state_graph_->getBestLocalVertexPosition();
- }
- dual_state_graph_->setCurrentPlannerStatus(drrt_->global_plan_pre_);
- //将下一个目标点装入服务器应答,进行返回
- //但是此处目测,只装了一次答复,
- //因此我们可以得知,在exploration_with_graph_planner.cpp中,请求到的服务,只返回一个路径点(虽然里面写成了循环的形式)
- res.goal.push_back(next_goal_position);
- res.mode.data = 1; // mode 1 means exploration
- geometry_msgs::PointStamped next_goal_point;
- next_goal_point.header.frame_id = "/map";
- next_goal_point.point = next_goal_position;
- //"topic name: next_goal"
- params_.nextGoalPub_.publish(next_goal_point);
- plan_over_ = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
- time_span = plan_over_ - plan_start_;
- double plantime = double(time_span.count()) * std::chrono::steady_clock::period::num / std::chrono::steady_clock::period::den;
- std::cout << " RRT generation lasted " << rrtGenerateTime << "\n"
- << " Computiong gain lasted " << getGainTime << "\n"
- << " Total plan lasted " << plantime << std::endl;
- return true;
- }
- //用来清除边界点的服务,如果nextNodeFound_,发现了下一个要去的节点
- //(但是执行的时候发现去不了,所以才会请求这个服务把边界给清除掉)
- //就把边界点给清除掉并及时更新边界管理器
- bool dsvplanner_ns::drrtPlanner::cleanFrontierServiceCallback(
- dsvplanner::clean_frontier_srv::Request &req,
- dsvplanner::clean_frontier_srv::Response &res) {
- if (drrt_->nextNodeFound_)
- {
- dual_state_frontier_->updateToCleanFrontier(drrt_->selectedGlobalFrontier_);
- dual_state_frontier_->gloabalFrontierUpdate();
- }
- else
- {
- dual_state_graph_->clearLocalGraph();
- }
- res.success = true;
- return true;
- }
- //检查drrt求解器是否发现了下一个节点,利用边界维护器更新边界,清空较老的边界,
- void dsvplanner_ns::drrtPlanner::cleanLastSelectedGlobalFrontier() {
- // only when last plan is global plan, this function will be executed to clear last selected global frontier.
- if (drrt_->nextNodeFound_)
- {
- dual_state_frontier_->updateToCleanFrontier(drrt_->selectedGlobalFrontier_);
- dual_state_frontier_->gloabalFrontierUpdate();
- }
- }
- /*
- drrt.cpp
- Implementation of Drrt class. Dynamic tree is used to get random viewpoints in local area.
- New rrt is generated based on the pruned tree of last time.
- Created by Hongbiao Zhu (hongbiaz@andrew.cmu.edu)
- 05/25/2020
- */
- #ifndef RRTTREE_HPP_
- #define RRTTREE_HPP_
- #include <cstdlib>
- #include <dsvplanner/drrt.h>
- dsvplanner_ns::Drrt::Drrt(volumetric_mapping::OctomapManager *manager,
- DualStateGraph *graph, DualStateFrontier *frontier,
- OccupancyGrid *grid)
- {
- manager_ = manager;
- grid_ = grid;
- dual_state_graph_ = graph;
- dual_state_frontier_ = frontier;
- ROS_INFO("Successfully launched Drrt node");
- }
- dsvplanner_ns::Drrt::~Drrt()
- {
- delete rootNode_;
- kd_free(kdTree_);
- }
- void dsvplanner_ns::Drrt::setParams(Params params) { params_ = params; }
- //初始化各个变量
- void dsvplanner_ns::Drrt::init()
- {
- kdTree_ = kd_create(3);
- iterationCount_ = 0;
- bestGain_ = params_.kZeroGain;
- bestNode_ = NULL;
- rootNode_ = NULL;
- nodeCounter_ = 0;
- plannerReady_ = false;
- global_plan_ = false;
- global_plan_pre_ = true;
- local_plan_ = true;
- nextNodeFound_ = false;
- remainingFrontier_ = true;
- return_home_ = false;
- global_vertex_size_ = 0;
- NextBestNodeIdx_ = 0;
- for (int i = 0; i < params_.kTerrainVoxelWidth * params_.kTerrainVoxelWidth;i++)
- {
- terrain_voxle_elev_.push_back(params_.kVehicleHeight);
- }
- srand((unsigned)time(NULL));
- }
- //工具函数,根据形参赋值root
- void dsvplanner_ns::Drrt::setRootWithOdom(const nav_msgs::Odometry &pose) {
- root_[0] = pose.pose.pose.position.x;
- root_[1] = pose.pose.pose.position.y;
- root_[2] = pose.pose.pose.position.z;
- }
- //根据dual_state_frontier_->getTerrainVoxelElev(),填充本类中的terrain_voxle_elev_变量
- void dsvplanner_ns::Drrt::setTerrainVoxelElev()
- {
- if (dual_state_frontier_->getTerrainVoxelElev().size() > 0)
- {
- terrain_voxle_elev_.clear();
- terrain_voxle_elev_ = dual_state_frontier_->getTerrainVoxelElev();
- }
- }
- //工具函数,用来返回类的保护变量nodeCounter_,应该代表当前node的总数
- //全局节点的数目
- int dsvplanner_ns::Drrt::getNodeCounter() { return nodeCounter_; }
- //工具函数,用来返回类的保护变量remainingNodeCount_
- int dsvplanner_ns::Drrt::getRemainingNodeCounter()
- {
- return remainingNodeCount_;
- }
- //bestGain_大于0(默认),则返回true。bestGain_如何计算?
- //每次在图里加入一个节点的时候,这个全局变量会统计最大的gain
- bool dsvplanner_ns::Drrt::gainFound() { return bestGain_ > params_.kZeroGain; }
- //根据余弦公式,计算两个方向向量之间的夹角,工具函数
- double dsvplanner_ns::Drrt::angleDiff(StateVec direction1, StateVec direction2)
- {
- double degree;
- degree =
- acos(
- (direction1[0] * direction2[0] + direction1[1] * direction2[1]) /
- (sqrt(direction1[0] * direction1[0] + direction1[1] * direction1[1]) *
- sqrt(direction2[0] * direction2[0] +direction2[1] * direction2[1]))) *
- 180 / M_PI;
- return degree;
- }
- //清空系统缓存状态
- void dsvplanner_ns::Drrt::clear()
- {
- delete rootNode_;
- rootNode_ = NULL;
- nodeCounter_ = 0;
- bestGain_ = params_.kZeroGain;
- bestNode_ = NULL;
- if (nextNodeFound_)
- {
- dual_state_graph_->clearLocalGraph();
- }
- nextNodeFound_ = false;
- remainingFrontier_ = false;
- remainingNodeCount_ = 0;
- sampledPoint_->points.clear();
- kd_free(kdTree_);
- }
- //形参:一个向量(A点减去B点),函数内部计算A点相对于B点坐标系在一维坐标下的索引,
- //根据这个索引得到terrain_voxel_elev_里保存的障碍物高度(加上机器人自身高度)
- double dsvplanner_ns::Drrt::getZvalue(double x_position, double y_position)
- {
- int indX = int((x_position + params_.kTerrainVoxelSize / 2) / params_.kTerrainVoxelSize) + params_.kTerrainVoxelHalfWidth;
- int indY = int((y_position + params_.kTerrainVoxelSize / 2) / params_.kTerrainVoxelSize) + params_.kTerrainVoxelHalfWidth;
- if (x_position + params_.kTerrainVoxelSize / 2 < 0)
- indX--;
- if (y_position + params_.kTerrainVoxelSize / 2 < 0)
- indY--;
- //下面四个if,是要把indX和indY限制在0到kTerrainVoxelWidth(默认101)之间
- if (indX > params_.kTerrainVoxelWidth - 1)
- indX = params_.kTerrainVoxelWidth - 1;
- if (indX < 0)
- indX = 0;
- if (indY > params_.kTerrainVoxelWidth - 1)
- indY = params_.kTerrainVoxelWidth - 1;
- if (indY < 0)
- indY = 0;
- //地形的表示terrain_voxle_elev_应该是一个方框,边长为kTerrainVoxelWidth
- double z_position =terrain_voxle_elev_[params_.kTerrainVoxelWidth * indX + indY] +params_.kVehicleHeight;
- return z_position;
- }
- //功能:传入传入一个方向,该方向和边界方向求和后的方向,判断延伸后的点是否能很好的观察到边界
- //注意,这个函数会修改形参,传入一个方向,在边界附近查找它,然后会被更新为边界附近的点
- bool dsvplanner_ns::Drrt::inSensorRange(StateVec &node)
- {
- //rootnode是机器人此时自身的位置
- StateVec root_node(rootNode_->state_[0], rootNode_->state_[1],rootNode_->state_[2]);
- //initnode是形参传入,某一个位置
- StateVec init_node = node;
- StateVec dir;
- bool insideFieldOfView = false;
- //localThreeFrontier_是局部图中的三个边界(方向)
- for (int i = 0; i < localThreeFrontier_->points.size(); i++)
- {
- StateVec frontier_point(localThreeFrontier_->points[i].x,localThreeFrontier_->points[i].y,localThreeFrontier_->points[i].z);
- //node现在更新为传入的位置沿着边界方向延伸后的位置
- node[0] = init_node[0] + frontier_point[0];
- node[1] = init_node[1] + frontier_point[1];
- //再减去机器人自身位置,代表传入的位置沿着边界方向延伸后的位置,距离当前机器人位置的方向向量
- double x_position = node[0] - root_node[0];
- double y_position = node[1] - root_node[1];
- node[2] = getZvalue(x_position, y_position);
- if (!inPlanningBoundary(node))
- continue;
- //函数传入的位置沿边界扩展后的位置,距离边界的距离
- dir = frontier_point - node;
- // Skip if distance to sensor is too large
- double rangeSq = pow(params_.kGainRange, 2.0);
- //函数传入的位置沿边界扩展后的位置,距离边界的距离
- //距离太大不要
- if (dir.transpose().dot(dir) > rangeSq)
- {
- continue;
- }
- //这个要求在视野内,主要靠第一项判断,俯仰角小于 45度
- if (fabs(dir[2] < sqrt(dir[0] * dir[0] + dir[1] * dir[1]) * tan(M_PI * params_.sensorVerticalView / 360)))
- {
- insideFieldOfView = true;
- }
- if (!insideFieldOfView)
- {
- continue;
- }
- //该节点处于空闲状态,且可以观察到边界点,返回true
- if (manager_->getCellStatusPoint(node) ==volumetric_mapping::OctomapManager::CellStatus::kFree)
- {
- if (volumetric_mapping::OctomapManager::CellStatus::kOccupied !=this->manager_->getVisibility(node, frontier_point, false))
- {
- return true;
- }
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- //判断点是否在规划区域内,探索阶段,则是机器人周围环境,relocation阶段,则为整个地图
- //要求是在minX到maxX之间(再缩回来一点点boundingBox)
- //在范围之内返回true
- //否则返回false
- bool dsvplanner_ns::Drrt::inPlanningBoundary(StateVec node)
- {
- if (node.x() < minX_ + 0.5 * params_.boundingBox.x())
- {
- return false;
- }
- else if (node.y() < minY_ + 0.5 * params_.boundingBox.y())
- {
- return false;
- }
- else if (node.z() < minZ_ + 0.5 * params_.boundingBox.z())
- {
- return false;
- }
- else if (node.x() > maxX_ - 0.5 * params_.boundingBox.x())
- {
- return false;
- }
- else if (node.y() > maxY_ - 0.5 * params_.boundingBox.y())
- {
- return false;
- }
- else if (node.z() > maxZ_ - 0.5 * params_.boundingBox.z())
- {
- return false;
- }
- else
- {
- return true;
- }
- }
- //判断形参node是否在全局范围内
- bool dsvplanner_ns::Drrt::inGlobalBoundary(StateVec node)
- {
- if (node.x() < params_.kMinXGlobalBound + 0.5 * params_.boundingBox.x())
- {
- return false;
- }
- else if (node.y() <params_.kMinYGlobalBound + 0.5 * params_.boundingBox.y())
- {
- return false;
- }
- else if (node.z() <params_.kMinZGlobalBound + 0.5 * params_.boundingBox.z())
- {
- return false;
- }
- else if (node.x() >params_.kMaxXGlobalBound - 0.5 * params_.boundingBox.x())
- {
- return false;
- }
- else if (node.y() >params_.kMaxYGlobalBound - 0.5 * params_.boundingBox.y())
- {
- return false;
- }
- else if (node.z() >params_.kMaxZGlobalBound - 0.5 * params_.boundingBox.z()) {
- return false;
- }
- else
- {
- return true;
- }
- }
- // 功能:在边界附近生成一个比较好观测的点,送入到形参newState中去
- // 做法:随机延伸方向(x和y两个方向,-4到4之间),基于这个方向,判断在边界附近,这个方向能不能观察到边界
- //将把边界附近观测点返回到形参中去
- bool dsvplanner_ns::Drrt::generateRrtNodeToLocalFrontier(StateVec &newNode)
- {
- StateVec potentialNode;
- bool nodeFound = false;
- int count = 0;
- double radius = sqrt(SQ(params_.kGainRange) + SQ(params_.kGainRange));
- while (!nodeFound)
- {
- count++;
- //迭代次数超过300次,返回false
- if (count >= 300)
- {
- return false;
- }
- //rand()/ RAND_MAX 为0~1之间,再减去0.5,为-0.5~0.5之间,再乘2,为-1到1之间,
- //再乘radius,为-radius到radius之间的随机数
- potentialNode[0] =2.0 * radius * (((double)rand()) / ((double)RAND_MAX) - 0.5);
- potentialNode[1] =2.0 * radius * (((double)rand()) / ((double)RAND_MAX) - 0.5);
- potentialNode[2] = 0;
- // -c<=a<=c
- // -c<=b<=c
- // 0<= a^2+b^2 <=2c^2
- //那这里就是一半的生成直接丢掉
- //相当于允许它在两个正负两个方向生长,但是模长半径不得超过radius
- if ((SQ(potentialNode[0]) + SQ(potentialNode[1])) > pow(radius, 2.0))
- continue;
- //不能很好的观察到边界
- //注意!!!这个函数会修改形参,生成的方向向量,会被改为边界附近一个合适的观测点
- if (!inSensorRange(potentialNode))
- {
- continue;
- }
- //超出了规划的范围
- if (!inPlanningBoundary(potentialNode))
- {
- continue;
- }
- //把新生成的点赋值给newnode
- nodeFound = true;
- newNode[0] = potentialNode[0];
- newNode[1] = potentialNode[1];
- newNode[2] = potentialNode[2];
- return true;
- }
- }
- //通过两次循环,找到距离边界最近的局部点
- void dsvplanner_ns::Drrt::getNextNodeToClosestGlobalFrontier()
- {
- StateVec p1, p2;
- pcl::PointXYZ p3;
- double length1, length2;
- pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr globalSelectedFrontier =pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr(new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>());
- nextNodeFound_ = false;
- // Search from end to the begining. Nodes with large index means they are closer to the current position of the robot
- for (int i = dual_state_graph_->local_graph_.vertices.size() - 1; i >= 0;i--)
- {
- //从大值开始倒着搜,获取顶点位置
- p1.x() = dual_state_graph_->local_graph_.vertices[i].location.x;
- p1.y() = dual_state_graph_->local_graph_.vertices[i].location.y;
- p1.z() = dual_state_graph_->local_graph_.vertices[i].location.z;
- //搜索遍历全局边界
- for (int j = 0; j < dual_state_frontier_->global_frontier_->size(); j++)
- {
- p3 = dual_state_frontier_->global_frontier_->points[j];
- p2.x() = dual_state_frontier_->global_frontier_->points[j].x;
- p2.y() = dual_state_frontier_->global_frontier_->points[j].y;
- p2.z() = dual_state_frontier_->global_frontier_->points[j].z;
- //比较局部图的点距离边界的距离
- length1 = sqrt(SQ(p1.x() - p2.x()) + SQ(p1.y() - p2.y()));
- if (length1 >(this->manager_->getSensorMaxRange() + params_.kGainRange) || fabs(p1.z() - p2.z()) > params_.kMaxExtensionAlongZ)
- // Not only consider the sensor range, also take the node's view range into consideration
- {
- continue;
- // When the node is too far away from the frontier or the difference between the z of this node and frontier is too large,
- //then skip to next frontier.
- // No need to use FOV here.
- }
- if (volumetric_mapping::OctomapManager::CellStatus::kOccupied ==manager_->getVisibility(p1, p2, false))
- {
- continue;
- // Only when there is no occupied voxels between the node and frontier, we consider the node can potentially see this frontier
- }
- else
- {
- //nextBesetNodeIdx代表下一个全局边界点附近的局部点
- NextBestNodeIdx_ = i;
- //nextnodefound代表找到了全局图的下一个边界点
- nextNodeFound_ = true;
- globalSelectedFrontier->points.push_back(p3);
- //选择得到的边界位置(之后就是要去这个边界附近)
- selectedGlobalFrontier_ = p3;
- //找到一个就退出
- break;
- }
- }
- //找到就退出循环
- if (nextNodeFound_)
- break;
- }
- //这个比较迷惑,反正上面的循环是先找到距离当前位置最近的边界点
- //然后根据这个边界点,再找到距离这个边界点最近的local节点
- //即论文图3中的A、B点
- if (nextNodeFound_)
- {
- for (int i = dual_state_graph_->local_graph_.vertices.size() - 1; i >= 0;i--)
- {
- p1.x() = dual_state_graph_->local_graph_.vertices[i].location.x;
- p1.y() = dual_state_graph_->local_graph_.vertices[i].location.y;
- p1.z() = dual_state_graph_->local_graph_.vertices[i].location.z;
- length2 = sqrt(SQ(p1.x() - p2.x()) + SQ(p1.y() - p2.y()));
- if (length2 > length1 ||fabs(p1.z() - p2.z()) > params_.kMaxExtensionAlongZ)
- {
- continue;
- }
- if (volumetric_mapping::OctomapManager::CellStatus::kOccupied ==manager_->getLineStatusBoundingBox(p1, p2, params_.boundingBox))
- {
- continue;
- }
- length1 = length2;
- NextBestNodeIdx_ = i;
- nextNodeFound_ = true;
- p3.x = p1.x();
- p3.y = p1.y();
- p3.z = p1.z();
- }
- globalSelectedFrontier->points.push_back(p3);
- }
- sensor_msgs::PointCloud2 globalFrontier;
- pcl::toROSMsg(*globalSelectedFrontier, globalFrontier);
- //"/map"
- globalFrontier.header.frame_id = params_.explorationFrame;
- //" /globalSelectedfrontier"
- params_.globalSelectedFrontierPub_.publish(globalFrontier); // publish the next goal node and corresponing frontier
- }
- //获取当前探索方向最近的三个边界
- // Three local frontiers that are most close to the last exploration direciton will be selected.
- void dsvplanner_ns::Drrt::getThreeLocalFrontierPoint()
- {
- StateVec exploreDirection, frontierDirection;
- double firstDirection = 180, secondDirection = 180, thirdDirection = 180;
- pcl::PointXYZ p1, p2, p3; // three points to save frontiers.
- exploreDirection = dual_state_graph_->getExploreDirection();
- int localFrontierSize = dual_state_frontier_->local_frontier_->size();
- //遍历局部边界
- for (int i = 0; i < localFrontierSize; i++)
- {
- // For ground robot, we only consider the direction along x-y plane
- frontierDirection[0] = dual_state_frontier_->local_frontier_->points[i].x -root_[0];
- frontierDirection[1] =dual_state_frontier_->local_frontier_->points[i].y - root_[1];
- //计算探索方向和边界方向的夹角
- double theta = angleDiff(frontierDirection, exploreDirection);
- //夹角要和之前保存的三个方向的夹角进行对比
- //小于之前保存的第一个方向夹角
- if (theta < firstDirection)
- {
- //递推,丢掉第三个(夹角最大的那个),把theta赋给第一个
- thirdDirection = secondDirection;
- secondDirection = firstDirection;
- firstDirection = theta;
- //方向同理更新
- frontier3_direction_ = frontier2_direction_;
- frontier2_direction_ = frontier1_direction_;
- frontier1_direction_ = frontierDirection;
- //边界点同理更新
- p3 = p2;
- p2 = p1;
- p1 = dual_state_frontier_->local_frontier_->points[i];
- }
- else if (theta < secondDirection)
- {
- //夹角大于第二个,但是比第一个小,所以存在2号位,1号位不动,三号位丢弃
- thirdDirection = secondDirection;
- secondDirection = theta;
- frontier3_direction_ = frontier2_direction_;
- frontier2_direction_ = frontierDirection;
- p3 = p2;
- p2 = dual_state_frontier_->local_frontier_->points[i];
- }
- else if (theta < thirdDirection)
- {
- //夹角排在第三,直接覆盖3号位置,1号2号不动
- thirdDirection = theta;
- frontier3_direction_ = frontierDirection;
- p3 = dual_state_frontier_->local_frontier_->points[i];
- }
- }
- // 把三个边界发布出去
- localThreeFrontier_->clear();
- localThreeFrontier_->points.push_back(p1);
- localThreeFrontier_->points.push_back(p2);
- localThreeFrontier_->points.push_back(p3);
- sensor_msgs::PointCloud2 localThreeFrontier;
- pcl::toROSMsg(*localThreeFrontier_, localThreeFrontier);
- localThreeFrontier.header.frame_id = params_.explorationFrame;
- params_.localSelectedFrontierPub_.publish(localThreeFrontier);
- }
- //通过调用边界管理器,查看当前是否存在局部边界点
- bool dsvplanner_ns::Drrt::remainingLocalFrontier()
- {
- int localFrontierSize = dual_state_frontier_->local_frontier_->points.size();
- if (localFrontierSize > 0)
- return true;
- return false;
- }
- //功能:采样新的点,(靠近边界,或者机器人附近),加入到图中
- void dsvplanner_ns::Drrt::plannerIterate()
- {
- // In this function a new configuration is sampled and added to the tree.
- StateVec newState;
- bool generateNodeArroundFrontierSuccess = false;
- double radius = 0.5 * sqrt(SQ(minX_ - maxX_) + SQ(minY_ - maxY_));
- bool solutionFound = false;
- int count = 0;
- while (!solutionFound)
- {
- count++;
- //最多进行1000次迭代
- if (count > 1000)
- return; // Plan fail if cannot find a required node in 1000 iterations
- //采样一个随机数,0.25的概率
- if (((double)rand()) / ((double)RAND_MAX) > 0.75 &&localThreeFrontier_->size() > 0)
- {
- //处于局部规划阶段
- if (local_plan_ == true)
- {
- //在边界附近生成一个比较好观测的点,送入到形参newState中去
- generateNodeArroundFrontierSuccess =generateRrtNodeToLocalFrontier(newState);
- }
- // Generate node near local frontier fail
- // 未能生成一个比较好观测的点
- if (!generateNodeArroundFrontierSuccess)
- {
- //生成-radius到radius之间的向量
- newState[0] =2.0 * radius * (((double)rand()) / ((double)RAND_MAX) - 0.5);
- newState[1] =2.0 * radius * (((double)rand()) / ((double)RAND_MAX) - 0.5);
- newState[2] = 0; // Do not consider z value because ground robot cannot move along z
- //要求向量模长不得超过半径radius
- if (SQ(newState[0]) + SQ(newState[1]) > pow(radius, 2.0))
- continue;
- //既然当前窗口没有合适观测边界的点,那就胡乱走吧,,把方向加到机器人自身位置处
- newState[0] += root_[0];
- newState[1] += root_[1];
- newState[2] += root_[2];
- //要求在局部窗口或全局内
- if ((!inPlanningBoundary(newState)) && (!inGlobalBoundary(newState)))
- {
- continue;
- }
- }
- }
- //有0.75的概率随便选一个点,随便去走
- else
- {
- newState[0] =2.0 * radius * (((double)rand()) / ((double)RAND_MAX) - 0.5);
- newState[1] =2.0 * radius * (((double)rand()) / ((double)RAND_MAX) - 0.5);
- newState[2] = 0;
- if (SQ(newState[0]) + SQ(newState[1]) > pow(radius, 2.0))
- continue;
- newState[0] += root_[0];
- newState[1] += root_[1];
- newState[2] += root_[2];
- if ((!inPlanningBoundary(newState)) && (!inGlobalBoundary(newState)))
- {
- continue;
- }
- }
- solutionFound = true;
- }
- //把新选好的点加入到samplepoint中
- pcl::PointXYZI sampledPoint;
- sampledPoint.x = newState[0];
- sampledPoint.y = newState[1];
- sampledPoint.z = newState[2];
- sampledPoint_->points.push_back(sampledPoint);
- //kd树中找到最近的点
- // Find nearest neighbour
- kdres *nearest =kd_nearest3(kdTree_, newState.x(), newState.y(), newState.z());
- if (kd_res_size(nearest) <= 0)
- {
- kd_res_free(nearest);
- return;
- }
- //取出这个最近的点
- dsvplanner_ns::Node *newParent =(dsvplanner_ns::Node *)kd_res_item_data(nearest);
- kd_res_free(nearest);
- // Check for collision of new connection.
- //通过之前的操作,采样出一个点,然后在kd树中找到最近的点,最近的点叫newparent,也就是origin
- StateVec origin(newParent->state_[0], newParent->state_[1], newParent->state_[2]);
- //采样点和kd树中最近点的方向向量
- StateVec direction(newState[0] - origin[0], newState[1] - origin[1], 0);
- //距离太短就算了
- if (direction.norm() < params_.kMinextensionRange)
- {
- return;
- }
- else if (direction.norm() > params_.kExtensionRange)
- {
- //沿着这个方向,但是距离给予一个限制kExtensionRange
- direction = params_.kExtensionRange * direction.normalized();
- }
- //origin是kd树中现存的最近点,加上修正后的方向向量,得到一个延伸后的新点endpoint
- StateVec endPoint = origin + direction;
- //覆盖newstate变量
- newState[0] = endPoint[0];
- newState[1] = endPoint[1];
- //延伸后的新点现在是newState,得到一个距离当前机器人位置的向量
- double x_position = newState[0] - root_[0];
- double y_position = newState[1] - root_[1];
- newState[2] = getZvalue(x_position, y_position);
- if (newState[2] >= 1000) // the sampled position is above the untraversed area
- {
- return;
- }
- // Check if the new node is too close to any existing nodes after extension
- //再次进行操作,得到kd树中最近的点(迷惑行为??)
- kdres *nearest_node =kd_nearest3(kdTree_, newState.x(), newState.y(), newState.z());
- if (kd_res_size(nearest_node) <= 0)
- {
- kd_res_free(nearest_node);
- return;
- }
- dsvplanner_ns::Node *nearestNode =(dsvplanner_ns::Node *)kd_res_item_data(nearest_node);
- kd_res_free(nearest_node);
- //现在的origin是newParent,也就是最开始的采样点在kd树中最近的那个点
- origin[0] = newParent->state_[0];
- origin[1] = newParent->state_[1];
- origin[2] = newParent->state_[2];
- //现在的newstate,是延伸过的新点(最开始的采样点,经过距离等限制修正以后的新点)
- //得到新点和最开始最近的那个点之间的方向
- direction[0] = newState[0] - newParent->state_[0];
- direction[1] = newState[1] - newParent->state_[1];
- direction[2] = newState[2] - newParent->state_[2];
- if (direction.norm() < params_.kMinextensionRange ||direction[2] > params_.kMaxExtensionAlongZ)
- {
- return;
- }
- // check collision if the new node is in the planning boundary
- //不在局部规划范围内,就算了
- if (!inPlanningBoundary(newState))
- {
- return;
- }
- else
- {
- //确保点的连线没有障碍物
- if (volumetric_mapping::OctomapManager::CellStatus::kFree ==manager_->getLineStatusBoundingBox(origin, newState,params_.boundingBox)
- &&(!grid_->collisionCheckByTerrainWithVector(origin,newState))) // connection is free
- {
- // Create new node and insert into tree
- //把新的点插入到树中
- dsvplanner_ns::Node *newNode = new dsvplanner_ns::Node;
- newNode->state_ = newState;
- newNode->parent_ = newParent;
- newNode->distance_ = newParent->distance_ + direction.norm();
- newParent->children_.push_back(newNode);
- newNode->gain_ = gain(newNode->state_);
- kd_insert3(kdTree_, newState.x(), newState.y(), newState.z(), newNode);
- geometry_msgs::Pose p1;
- p1.position.x = newState.x();
- p1.position.y = newState.y();
- p1.position.z = newState.z();
- p1.orientation.y = newNode->gain_;
- dual_state_graph_->addNewLocalVertexWithoutDuplicates(p1, dual_state_graph_->local_graph_);
- dual_state_graph_->execute();
- // Display new node
- node_array.push_back(newNode);
- // Update best IG and node if applicable
- if (newNode->gain_ > bestGain_)
- {
- bestGain_ = newNode->gain_;
- }
- nodeCounter_++;
- }
- }
- }
- //每次进程向服务器请求路径时,服务器用于初始化,
- //具体是根据全局规划状态global_plan_来判断是在探索状态还是relocation状态
- //并且发布边界点
- void dsvplanner_ns::Drrt::plannerInit()
- {
- // This function is to initialize the tree
- //创建一个3维kd树
- kdTree_ = kd_create(3);
- node_array.clear();
- rootNode_ = new Node;
- rootNode_->distance_ = 0.0;
- //根结点获取的信息量被初始化为0
- rootNode_->gain_ = params_.kZeroGain;
- rootNode_->parent_ = NULL;
- global_vertex_size_ = 0;
- geometry_msgs::Pose p1;
- //全局规划状态处于false时,那么当前是在局部探索阶段
- if (global_plan_ == false)
- {
- std::cout << "Exploration Stage" << std::endl;
- //根结点被设置为机器人的初始位置
- rootNode_->state_ = root_;
- //把根节点加入到kd树中
- kd_insert3(kdTree_, rootNode_->state_.x(), rootNode_->state_.y(),rootNode_->state_.z(), rootNode_);
- iterationCount_++;
- //如果目前还存在局部边界点
- if (remainingLocalFrontier())
- {
- localPlanOnceMore_ = true;
- //这个loopCount一共出现两次,一次被赋值成kLoopCountThres,一次被赋值成kLoopCountThres*3
- //用处是在外部的drrtp.cpp中,限制循环次数(其实我感觉没什么用)
- loopCount_ = params_.kLoopCountThres;
- //这个normal_local_iteration_出现三次,
- //如果当前处于探索阶段,还有边界点,它就是true,
- //如果处于探索阶段并且没有边界点,系统也不打算等地图更新了,它也是true。
- //只有没有边界,但是系统想等待一下地图边界更新的时候,它才是false
- normal_local_iteration_ = true;
- keepTryingNum_ =params_.kKeepTryingNum; // Try 1 or 2 more times even if there is no local frontier
- remainingFrontier_ = true;
- //获取当前探索方向最近的三个边界
- getThreeLocalFrontierPoint();
- //构建prune图
- pruneTree(root_);
- //清空局部图的节点
- dual_state_graph_->clearLocalGraph();
- //这一步很重要,VoxelGain获取的信息量,是通过本cpp的gain获取的,
- //然后构造了prune图,pruned图又赋值给local图,说明prune图是相当于一个中间变量的作用,用来辅助构建局部图
- dual_state_graph_->local_graph_ = dual_state_graph_->pruned_graph_;
- //发布局部图
- dual_state_graph_->execute();
- }
- //目前不存在边界点的情况
- else
- {
- //暂时没边界点,不打算再尝试了
- if (!localPlanOnceMore_)
- {
- dual_state_graph_->clearLocalGraph();
- dual_state_graph_->pruned_graph_.vertices.clear();
- remainingFrontier_ = false;
- localPlanOnceMore_ = true;
- normal_local_iteration_ = true;
- }
- //暂时没边界点,再尝试一下
- else
- {
- remainingFrontier_ = true;
- loopCount_ = params_.kLoopCountThres * 3;
- normal_local_iteration_ = false;
- localThreeFrontier_->clear();
- // pruneTree(root_);
- dual_state_graph_->clearLocalGraph();
- dual_state_graph_->pruned_graph_.vertices.clear();
- // dual_state_graph_->local_graph_ =
- // dual_state_graph_->pruned_graph_;
- dual_state_graph_->execute();
- //这个keepTryingNum_是配置文件里给的,逐步递减,减到为0,重新赋值让它递减
- //有的配置文件里这里是0
- keepTryingNum_--;
- if (keepTryingNum_ <= 0)
- {
- localPlanOnceMore_ = false;
- //这个注释比较关键,在切换到relocation阶段的时候,多等等,等边界及时更新
- // After switching to relocation stage, give another more chance in case that some frontiers are not updated
- keepTryingNum_ = params_.kKeepTryingNum +1;
- }
- }
- }
- //kMaxXLocal在配置文件中定义,xy方向为15,z方向为5,
- //会被用在gain中
- //minX和maxX感觉是当前局部窗口的各个角的坐标,
- //rootNode_->state_.x()是自己的位置,kMaxXLocalBound是边界框的大小(+15,-15)之类的
- maxX_ = rootNode_->state_.x() + params_.kMaxXLocalBound;
- maxY_ = rootNode_->state_.y() + params_.kMaxYLocalBound;
- maxZ_ = rootNode_->state_.z() + params_.kMaxZLocalBound;
- minX_ = rootNode_->state_.x() + params_.kMinXLocalBound;
- minY_ = rootNode_->state_.y() + params_.kMinYLocalBound;
- minZ_ = rootNode_->state_.z() + params_.kMinZLocalBound;
- }
- else
- {
- std::cout << "Relocation Stage" << std::endl;
- localPlanOnceMore_ = true;
- StateVec node1;
- double gain1;
- //全局图节点个数大于0
- if (dual_state_graph_->global_graph_.vertices.size() > 0)
- {
- node1[0] = dual_state_graph_->global_graph_.vertices[0].location.x;
- node1[1] = dual_state_graph_->global_graph_.vertices[0].location.y;
- node1[2] = dual_state_graph_->global_graph_.vertices[0].location.z;
- rootNode_->state_ = node1;
- //全局图的0号节点位置加入到kd树中?
- kd_insert3(kdTree_, rootNode_->state_.x(), rootNode_->state_.y(), rootNode_->state_.z(), rootNode_);
- dual_state_graph_->clearLocalGraph();
- //这里比较重要,把全局图赋值给了局部图
- dual_state_graph_->local_graph_ = dual_state_graph_->global_graph_;
- dual_state_graph_->local_graph_.vertices[0].information_gain =rootNode_->gain_;
- dual_state_graph_->execute();
- //寻找距离全局边界最近的局部点(其实这时候的局部图是全局图)
- getNextNodeToClosestGlobalFrontier();
- //找到了下一个要去的全局节点
- if (nextNodeFound_)
- {
- dual_state_graph_->local_graph_.vertices[NextBestNodeIdx_] .information_gain = 300000; // set a large enough value as the best gain
- bestGain_ = 300000;
- nodeCounter_ = dual_state_graph_->global_graph_.vertices.size();
- global_vertex_size_ = nodeCounter_;
- dual_state_graph_->publishGlobalGraph();
- }
- //没有找到全局边界,重建rrt
- else
- {
- // Rebuild the rrt accordingt to current graph and then extend in plannerIterate.
- // This only happens when no global frontiers can be seen.
- // Mostly used at the end of the exploration in case that there are some narrow areas are ignored.
- for (int i = 1; i < dual_state_graph_->global_graph_.vertices.size();i++)
- {
- p1.position = dual_state_graph_->global_graph_.vertices[i].location;
- node1[0] = p1.position.x;
- node1[1] = p1.position.y;
- node1[2] = p1.position.z;
- //找到kd树中最近的点
- kdres *nearest =kd_nearest3(kdTree_, node1.x(), node1.y(), node1.z());
- if (kd_res_size(nearest) <= 0)
- {
- kd_res_free(nearest);
- continue;
- }
- //取出这个节点,nearest中只装一个值
- dsvplanner_ns::Node *newParent =(dsvplanner_ns::Node *)kd_res_item_data(nearest);
- kd_res_free(nearest);
- StateVec origin(newParent->state_[0], newParent->state_[1], newParent->state_[2]);
- //global图里每一个点,到它在kd树中查找得到的最近点的方向向量
- StateVec direction(node1[0] - origin[0], node1[1] - origin[1],node1[2] - origin[2]);
- //对于Vector,norm返回的是向量的二范数
- //对于Matrix,norm返回的是矩阵的弗罗贝尼乌斯范数(Frobenius Norm)
- if (direction.norm() > params_.kExtensionRange)
- {
- //normalized()其实就是把自身的各元素除以它的范数
- //沿着这个方向,但是距离给予一个限制kExtensionRange
- direction = params_.kExtensionRange * direction.normalized();
- }
- node1[0] = origin[0] + direction[0];
- node1[1] = origin[1] + direction[1];
- node1[2] = origin[2] + direction[2];
- global_vertex_size_++;
- // Create new node and insert into tree
- //提取相关信息,打包成一个新的点
- dsvplanner_ns::Node *newNode = new dsvplanner_ns::Node;
- newNode->state_ = node1;
- newNode->parent_ = newParent;
- newNode->distance_ = newParent->distance_ + direction.norm();
- newParent->children_.push_back(newNode);
- newNode->gain_ = gain(newNode->state_);
- //把这个提取到的点插入到kd树中
- kd_insert3(kdTree_, node1.x(), node1.y(), node1.z(), newNode);
- // save new node to node_array
- dual_state_graph_->local_graph_.vertices[i].information_gain =newNode->gain_;
- node_array.push_back(newNode);
- //不断比较记录最大的gain
- if (newNode->gain_ > bestGain_)
- {
- //用executedBestNodeList_来保存已经记录过的全局bestgain号
- if (std::find(executedBestNodeList_.begin(),executedBestNodeList_.end(), i) != executedBestNodeList_.end())
- {
- bestGain_ = newNode->gain_;
- bestNodeId_ = i;
- }
- }
- // nodeCounter_++;
- }
- executedBestNodeList_.push_back(bestNodeId_);
- nodeCounter_ = dual_state_graph_->global_graph_.vertices.size();
- }
- }
- //暂时没有全局图节点,把当前位置加入到kd树中
- else
- {
- rootNode_->state_ = root_;
- kd_insert3(kdTree_, rootNode_->state_.x(), rootNode_->state_.y(), rootNode_->state_.z(), rootNode_);
- iterationCount_++;
- }
- //如果处于探索阶段,这里是maxX是rootNode_->state_.x() + params_.kMaxXLocalBound;(其他同理),xy方向默认为15
- //而全局relocation阶段则这里是用的globalbound, xy方向默认300
- //全局阶段,maxX_则是整个地图的最大范围
- maxX_ = params_.kMaxXGlobalBound;
- maxY_ = params_.kMaxYGlobalBound;
- maxZ_ = params_.kMaxZGlobalBound;
- minX_ = params_.kMinXGlobalBound;
- minY_ = params_.kMinYGlobalBound;
- minZ_ = params_.kMinZGlobalBound;
- }
- //发布边界内容,用于rviz可视化
- // Publish visualization of total current planning boundary
- visualization_msgs::Marker p;
- p.header.stamp = ros::Time::now();
- //"/map"
- p.header.frame_id = params_.explorationFrame;
- p.id = 0;
- p.ns = "boundary";
- //立方体
- p.type = visualization_msgs::Marker::CUBE;
- p.action = visualization_msgs::Marker::ADD;
- p.pose.position.x = 0.5 * (minX_ + maxX_);
- p.pose.position.y = 0.5 * (minY_ + maxY_);
- p.pose.position.z = 0.5 * (minZ_ + maxZ_);
- tf::Quaternion quat;
- quat.setEuler(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
- p.pose.orientation.x = quat.x();
- p.pose.orientation.y = quat.y();
- p.pose.orientation.z = quat.z();
- p.pose.orientation.w = quat.w();
- p.scale.x = maxX_ - minX_;
- p.scale.y = maxY_ - minY_;
- p.scale.z = maxZ_ - minZ_;
- p.color.r = 252.0 / 255.0;
- p.color.g = 145.0 / 255.0;
- p.color.b = 37.0 / 255.0;
- p.color.a = 0.3;
- p.lifetime = ros::Duration(0.0);
- p.frame_locked = false;
- params_.boundaryPub_.publish(p);
- }
- //功能:传入一个位置,得到一个pruned图,包含local图中的各个最短路径,
- //插入到kd树中,获取bestgain,对pruned图的gain重新赋值
- void dsvplanner_ns::Drrt::pruneTree(StateVec root)
- {
- //清空pruned图的节点
- dual_state_graph_->pruned_graph_.vertices.clear();
- geometry_msgs::Pose p1;
- p1.position.x = root[0];
- p1.position.y = root[1];
- p1.position.z = root[2];
- p1.orientation.y = params_.kZeroGain;
- //把节点root加入到图pruned_graph_中
- dual_state_graph_->addNewLocalVertexWithoutDuplicates(p1, dual_state_graph_->pruned_graph_);
- geometry_msgs::Point root_point;
- root_point.x = root[0];
- root_point.y = root[1];
- root_point.z = root[2];
- //提取一个prune图,我理解为一个包含有最短路径的图
- dual_state_graph_->pruneGraph(root_point);
- StateVec node;
- for (int i = 1; i < dual_state_graph_->pruned_graph_.vertices.size(); i++)
- {
- node[0] = dual_state_graph_->pruned_graph_.vertices[i].location.x;
- node[1] = dual_state_graph_->pruned_graph_.vertices[i].location.y;
- node[2] = dual_state_graph_->pruned_graph_.vertices[i].location.z;
- //遍历prune图得到各个node,从kd树中找到距离node最近的点
- kdres *nearest = kd_nearest3(kdTree_, node.x(), node.y(), node.z());
- //得到最近node的数目
- if (kd_res_size(nearest) <= 0)
- {
- //没找到就把内存清空掉
- kd_res_free(nearest);
- continue;
- }
- //取出这个节点,nearest中只装一个值
- dsvplanner_ns::Node *newParent =(dsvplanner_ns::Node *)kd_res_item_data(nearest);
- //把内存清空掉
- kd_res_free(nearest);
- // Check for collision
- StateVec origin(newParent->state_[0], newParent->state_[1], newParent->state_[2]);
- //pruned图里每一个点,到它在kd树中查找得到的最近点的方向向量
- StateVec direction(node[0] - origin[0], node[1] - origin[1], node[2] - origin[2]);
- //提取相关信息,打包成一个新的点
- dsvplanner_ns::Node *newNode = new dsvplanner_ns::Node;
- newNode->state_ = node;
- newNode->parent_ = newParent;
- newNode->distance_ = newParent->distance_ + direction.norm();
- newParent->children_.push_back(newNode);
- //新的点在gain字段的赋值
- if (dual_state_graph_->pruned_graph_.vertices[i].information_gain > 0)
- newNode->gain_ = gain(newNode->state_);
- else .
- {
- newNode->gain_ = 0;
- }
- //把这个提取到的点插入到kd树中
- kd_insert3(kdTree_, node.x(), node.y(), node.z(), newNode);
- node_array.push_back(newNode);
- //不断比较记录最大的gain
- if (newNode->gain_ > bestGain_)
- {
- bestGain_ = newNode->gain_;
- }
- //把kd树的节点的gain赋值到pruned图中
- dual_state_graph_->pruned_graph_.vertices[i].information_gain =newNode->gain_;
- }
- remainingNodeCount_ = node_array.size();
- }
- //统计增益,形参位置处的VoxelGain(论文公式5中内容)
- //这个内容比较重要,在dual_State_graph.cpp中计算用到的information_gain应该就是来自此处计算,并通过pruneTree函数传入
- double dsvplanner_ns::Drrt::gain(StateVec state)
- {
- // This function computes the gain
- double gain = 0.0;
- //dist是网格分辨率
- const double disc = manager_->getResolution();
- StateVec origin(state[0], state[1], state[2]);
- StateVec vec;
- double rangeSq = pow(params_.kGainRange, 2.0);
- // Iterate over all nodes within the allowed distance
- //根据循环来看,应该是机器人周围的一个正方体?(之类的内容)在里面进行以分辨率为单位的遍历
- for (vec[0] = std::max(state[0] - params_.kGainRange, minX_); vec[0] < std::min(state[0] + params_.kGainRange, maxX_); vec[0] += disc)
- {
- for (vec[1] = std::max(state[1] - params_.kGainRange, minY_); vec[1] < std::min(state[1] + params_.kGainRange, maxY_); vec[1] += disc)
- {
- for (vec[2] = std::max(state[2] - params_.kGainRangeZMinus, minZ_); vec[2] < std::min(state[2] + params_.kGainRangeZPlus, maxZ_); vec[2] += disc)
- {
- //周围各个点到自己中心的位置
- StateVec dir = vec - origin;
- // Skip if distance is too large
- //转置点乘其实就是欧式距离
- if (dir.transpose().dot(dir) > rangeSq)
- {
- continue;
- }
- bool insideAFieldOfView = false;
- // Check that voxel center is inside the field of view. This check is for velodyne.
- //params_.sensorVerticalView指的激光雷达上下垂直分辨率一共是30度,
- //这块的trick不太理解,根据注释,意思是判断各个视点在机器人的视野中?
- //第一项意味着机器人对这个点的观测俯仰角在45度内,第二项和传感器有关,本来也不是0,可以无视它
- if (fabs(dir[2] < sqrt(dir[0] * dir[0] + dir[1] * dir[1]) * tan(M_PI * params_.sensorVerticalView / 360)))
- {
- insideAFieldOfView = true;
- }
- if (!insideAFieldOfView)
- {
- continue;
- }
- // Check cell status and add to the gain considering the corresponding factor.
- double probability;
- volumetric_mapping::OctomapManager::CellStatus node =manager_->getCellProbabilityPoint(vec, &probability);
- if (node == volumetric_mapping::OctomapManager::CellStatus::kUnknown)
- {
- if (volumetric_mapping::OctomapManager::CellStatus::kOccupied !=this->manager_->getVisibility(origin, vec, false))
- {
- //处于未知状态,则则算做一个信息增益,把gain加起来,配置文件中为1
- gain += params_.kGainUnknown;
- }
- }
- else if (node ==volumetric_mapping::OctomapManager::CellStatus::kOccupied)
- {
- if (volumetric_mapping::OctomapManager::CellStatus::kOccupied !=this->manager_->getVisibility(origin, vec, false))
- {
- //配置文件中为0,可以无视,这个其实也不算信息量的增益
- gain += params_.kGainOccupied;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (volumetric_mapping::OctomapManager::CellStatus::kOccupied !=this->manager_->getVisibility(origin, vec, false))
- {
- //配置文件中为0,可以无视,这个其实也不算信息量的增益
- gain += params_.kGainFree;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // Scale with volume
- if (gain < params_.kMinEffectiveGain)
- gain = 0;
- gain *= pow(disc, 3.0);
- return gain;
- }
- void dsvplanner_ns::Drrt::publishNode()
- {
- sensor_msgs::PointCloud2 random_sampled_points_pc;
- pcl::toROSMsg(*sampledPoint_, random_sampled_points_pc);
- random_sampled_points_pc.header.frame_id = params_.explorationFrame;
- params_.randomSampledPointsPub_.publish(random_sampled_points_pc);
- visualization_msgs::Marker node;
- visualization_msgs::Marker branch;
- node.header.stamp = ros::Time::now();
- node.header.frame_id = params_.explorationFrame;
- node.ns = "drrt_node";
- node.type = visualization_msgs::Marker::POINTS;
- node.action = visualization_msgs::Marker::ADD;
- node.scale.x = 0.4;
- node.color.r = 167.0 / 255.0;
- node.color.g = 167.0 / 255.0;
- node.color.b = 0.0;
- node.color.a = 1.0;
- node.frame_locked = false;
- branch.ns = "drrt_branches";
- branch.header.stamp = ros::Time::now();
- branch.header.frame_id = params_.explorationFrame;
- branch.type = visualization_msgs::Marker::LINE_LIST;
- branch.action = visualization_msgs::Marker::ADD;
- branch.scale.x = 0.08;
- branch.color.r = 167.0 / 255.0;
- branch.color.g = 167.0 / 255.0;
- branch.color.b = 0.0;
- branch.color.a = 1.0;
- branch.frame_locked = false;
- geometry_msgs::Point node_position;
- geometry_msgs::Point parent_position;
- //node_array记录了kd树中的节点
- //这里需要关注一下remainingNodeCount_和node_array的区别在哪里?
- //每次往kd树里面加入值,同时就会加入到这个node_array数据结构中
- //而remainingNodeCount_只是在函数pruneTree中被按node_array的大小赋值了一次
- if (remainingNodeCount_ > 0 && remainingNodeCount_ <= node_array.size())
- {
- for (int i = 0; i < remainingNodeCount_; i++)
- {
- node_position.x = node_array[i]->state_[0];
- node_position.y = node_array[i]->state_[1];
- node_position.z = node_array[i]->state_[2];
- node.points.push_back(node_position);
- //连上kd树的边
- if (node_array[i]->parent_)
- {
- parent_position.x = node_array[i]->parent_->state_[0];
- parent_position.y = node_array[i]->parent_->state_[1];
- parent_position.z = node_array[i]->parent_->state_[2];
- branch.points.push_back(parent_position);
- branch.points.push_back(node_position);
- }
- }
- params_.remainingTreePathPub_.publish(node);
- params_.remainingTreePathPub_.publish(branch);
- node.points.clear();
- branch.points.clear();
- node.color.r = 167.0 / 255.0;
- node.color.g = 0.0 / 255.0;
- node.color.b = 167.0 / 255.0;
- node.color.a = 1.0;
- branch.color.r = 167.0 / 255.0;
- branch.color.g = 0.0 / 255.0;
- branch.color.b = 167.0 / 255.0;
- branch.color.a = 1.0;
- for (int i = remainingNodeCount_; i < node_array.size(); i++)
- {
- node_position.x = node_array[i]->state_[0];
- node_position.y = node_array[i]->state_[1];
- node_position.z = node_array[i]->state_[2];
- node.points.push_back(node_position);
- if (node_array[i]->parent_)
- {
- parent_position.x = node_array[i]->parent_->state_[0];
- parent_position.y = node_array[i]->parent_->state_[1];
- parent_position.z = node_array[i]->parent_->state_[2];
- branch.points.push_back(parent_position);
- branch.points.push_back(node_position);
- }
- }
- params_.newTreePathPub_.publish(node);
- params_.newTreePathPub_.publish(branch);
- }
- else
- {
- for (int i = 0; i < node_array.size(); i++)
- {
- node_position.x = node_array[i]->state_[0];
- node_position.y = node_array[i]->state_[1];
- node_position.z = node_array[i]->state_[2];
- node.points.push_back(node_position);
- if (node_array[i]->parent_)
- {
- parent_position.x = node_array[i]->parent_->state_[0];
- parent_position.y = node_array[i]->parent_->state_[1];
- parent_position.z = node_array[i]->parent_->state_[2];
- branch.points.push_back(parent_position);
- branch.points.push_back(node_position);
- }
- }
- params_.newTreePathPub_.publish(node);
- params_.newTreePathPub_.publish(branch);
- // When there is no remaining node, publish an empty one
- node.points.clear();
- branch.points.clear();
- params_.remainingTreePathPub_.publish(node);
- params_.remainingTreePathPub_.publish(branch);
- }
- }
- void dsvplanner_ns::Drrt::gotoxy(int x, int y) {
- printf("%c[%d;%df", 0x1B, y, x);
- }
- #endif
- /**************************************************************************
- dual_state_fontier.cpp
- Implementation of dual_state frontier detection. Detect local and global
- frontiers
- to guide the extension of local and global graph.
- Hongbiao Zhu(hongbiaz@andrew.cmu.edu)
- 5/25/2020
- **************************************************************************/
- #include "dsvplanner/dual_state_frontier.h"
- #include <tf/transform_broadcaster.h>
- #include <tf/transform_datatypes.h>
- namespace dsvplanner_ns {
- DualStateFrontier::DualStateFrontier(const ros::NodeHandle &nh, const ros::NodeHandle &nh_private,
- volumetric_mapping::OctomapManager *manager, OccupancyGrid *grid)
- : nh_(nh), nh_private_(nh_private)
- {
- manager_ = manager;
- grid_ = grid;
- initialize();
- }
- DualStateFrontier::~DualStateFrontier() {}
- bool DualStateFrontier::readParameters()
- {
- nh_private_.getParam("/frontier/world_frame_id", world_frame_id_);
- nh_private_.getParam("/planner/odomSubTopic", sub_odom_topic_);
- nh_private_.getParam("/planner/terrainCloudSubTopic", sub_terrain_point_cloud_topic_);
- nh_private_.getParam("/frontier/sub_graph_points_topic", sub_graph_points_topic_);
- nh_private_.getParam("/frontier/pub_unknown_points_topic", pub_unknown_points_topic_);
- nh_private_.getParam("/frontier/pub_global_frontier_points_topic", pub_global_frontier_points_topic_);
- nh_private_.getParam("/frontier/pub_local_frontier_points_topic", pub_local_frontier_points_topic_);
- nh_private_.getParam("/frontier/kExecuteFrequency", kExecuteFrequency_);
- nh_private_.getParam("/frontier/kFrontierResolution", kFrontierResolution);
- nh_private_.getParam("/frontier/kFrontierFilterSize", kFrontierFilterSize);
- nh_private_.getParam("/frontier/kSearchRadius", kSearchRadius);
- nh_private_.getParam("/frontier/kSearchBoundingX", search_bounding[0]);
- nh_private_.getParam("/frontier/kSearchBoundingY", search_bounding[1]);
- nh_private_.getParam("/frontier/kSearchBoundingZ", search_bounding[2]);
- nh_private_.getParam("/frontier/kEffectiveUnknownNumAroundFrontier", kEffectiveUnknownNumAroundFrontier);
- nh_private_.getParam("/frontier/kFrontierNeighboutSearchRadius",kFrontierNeighboutSearchRadius);
- nh_private_.getParam("/gb/kMaxXGlobal", kGlobalMaxX);
- nh_private_.getParam("/gb/kMaxYGlobal", kGlobalMaxY);
- nh_private_.getParam("/gb/kMaxZGlobal", kGlobalMaxZ);
- nh_private_.getParam("/gb/kMinXGlobal", kGlobalMinX);
- nh_private_.getParam("/gb/kMinYGlobal", kGlobalMinY);
- nh_private_.getParam("/gb/kMinZGlobal", kGlobalMinZ);
- nh_private_.getParam("/rm/kBoundX", robot_bounding[0]);
- nh_private_.getParam("/rm/kBoundY", robot_bounding[1]);
- nh_private_.getParam("/rm/kBoundZ", robot_bounding[2]);
- nh_private_.getParam("/rm/kSensorVertical", kSensorVerticalView);
- nh_private_.getParam("/rm/kSensorHorizontal", kSensorHorizontalView);
- nh_private_.getParam("/rm/kVehicleHeight", kVehicleHeight);
- nh_private_.getParam("/elevation/kTerrainVoxelSize", kTerrainVoxelSize);
- nh_private_.getParam("/elevation/kTerrainVoxelHalfWidth",kTerrainVoxelHalfWidth);
- nh_private_.getParam("/elevation/kTerrainVoxelWidth", kTerrainVoxelWidth);
- return true;
- }
- //给定一个范围,和位置中心,得到它周围的属于未知状态的点云
- void DualStateFrontier::getUnknowPointcloudInBoundingBox (const StateVec ¢er, const StateVec &bounding_box_size)
- {
- unknown_points_->clear();
- local_frontier_->clear();
- pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr local_frontier_temp =pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr(new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>());
- const double epsilon = 0.001; // Small offset to not hit boundary of nodes.
- StateVec epsilon_3d;
- epsilon_3d.setConstant(epsilon);
- //这个操作的细节目的不是很清楚
- //为什么要对中心进行修正调整呢?我认为作用不大
- // Determine correct center of voxel.
- const StateVec center_corrected(kFrontierResolution * std::floor(center.x() / kFrontierResolution) +kFrontierResolution / 2.0,
- kFrontierResolution * std::floor(center.y() / kFrontierResolution) +kFrontierResolution / 2.0,
- center.z());
- StateVec bbx_min = -bounding_box_size / 2 - epsilon_3d;
- StateVec bbx_max = bounding_box_size / 2 + epsilon_3d;
- for (double x_position = bbx_min.x(); x_position <= bbx_max.x(); x_position += kFrontierResolution)
- {
- for (double y_position = bbx_min.y(); y_position <= bbx_max.y();y_position += kFrontierResolution)
- {
- double x = center_corrected[0] + x_position;
- double y = center_corrected[1] + y_position;
- double z = getZvalue(x_position, y_position);
- //当高程差超过0.4这里会被赋值为1000
- if (z >= 1000)
- continue;
- //按照分辨率,依次遍历得到当前位置周围各个位置的xyz
- octomap::point3d point = octomap::point3d(x, y, z);
- //调用octomap,根据点坐标得到索引值
- octomap::OcTreeKey key = manager_->octree_->coordToKey(point);
- //根据索引值,得到具体的节点
- octomap::OcTreeNode *node = manager_->octree_->search(key);
- //如果没有这样的点
- if (node == NULL)
- {
- //就加入到未知点集合中
- unknown_points_->push_back(pcl::PointXYZ(point.x(), point.y(), point.z()));
- //在给定的范围内,并且确实是一个边界点
- if (FrontierInBoundry(point) && frontierDetect(point))
- {
- //是边界点就加入到local_frontier_temp中
- local_frontier_temp->push_back(pcl::PointXYZ(point.x(), point.y(), point.z()));
- }
- }
- }
- }
- pcl::VoxelGrid<pcl::PointXYZ> point_ds;
- point_ds.setLeafSize(2, 2, 2);
- point_ds.setInputCloud(local_frontier_temp);
- //下采样滤波至变量local_frontier_中
- point_ds.filter(*local_frontier_);
- }
- //功能:给定一个点,检查它是不是边界点
- bool DualStateFrontier::frontierDetect(octomap::point3d point) const
- {
- //给定一个点,在x和y两个方向的正负方向,分别在octomap里检查索引,得到坐标
- //node_outside相关的内容没用到,可以一律无视
- const double resolution = manager_->octree_->getResolution();
- bool xPositive = false, xNegative = false, yPositive = false, yNegative = false;
- bool effectiveFree = false;
- bool effectiveUnknown = false;
- int unknowCount = 0;
- octomap::OcTreeNode *node_inside;
- octomap::OcTreeNode *node_outside;
- octomap::OcTreeKey key_inside, key_outside;
- octomap::point3d surround_point_inside, surround_point_outside;
- surround_point_inside.x() = point.x();
- surround_point_inside.y() = point.y() - resolution;
- surround_point_inside.z() = point.z();
- key_inside = manager_->octree_->coordToKey(surround_point_inside);
- node_inside = manager_->octree_->search(key_inside);
- surround_point_outside.x() = point.x();
- surround_point_outside.y() = point.y() - 2 * resolution;
- surround_point_outside.z() = point.z();
- key_outside = manager_->octree_->coordToKey(surround_point_outside);
- node_outside = manager_->octree_->search(key_outside);
- //node_inside存在,没被占据
- if (node_inside != NULL &&(!manager_->octree_->isNodeOccupied(node_inside)))
- {
- yNegative = true;
- }
- else if ((node_inside != NULL &&manager_->octree_->isNodeOccupied(node_inside)))
- {
- // node_inside存在,被占据
- return false;
- }
- else if (node_inside == NULL)
- {
- //node_inside存在,不存在,未知节点统计变量+1
- unknowCount++;
- }
- //后面的和前面的同理
- surround_point_inside.x() = point.x();
- surround_point_inside.y() = point.y() + resolution;
- surround_point_inside.z() = point.z();
- key_inside = manager_->octree_->coordToKey(surround_point_inside);
- node_inside = manager_->octree_->search(key_inside);
- surround_point_outside.x() = point.x();
- surround_point_outside.y() = point.y() + 2 * resolution;
- surround_point_outside.z() = point.z();
- key_outside = manager_->octree_->coordToKey(surround_point_outside);
- node_outside = manager_->octree_->search(key_outside);
- if (node_inside != NULL &&(!manager_->octree_->isNodeOccupied(node_inside)))
- {
- yPositive = true;
- }
- else if ((node_inside != NULL &&manager_->octree_->isNodeOccupied(node_inside)))
- {
- return false;
- }
- else if (node_inside == NULL)
- {
- unknowCount++;
- }
- surround_point_inside.x() = point.x() - resolution;
- surround_point_inside.y() = point.y();
- surround_point_inside.z() = point.z();
- key_inside = manager_->octree_->coordToKey(surround_point_inside);
- node_inside = manager_->octree_->search(key_inside);
- surround_point_outside.x() = point.x() - 2 * resolution;
- surround_point_outside.y() = point.y();
- surround_point_outside.z() = point.z();
- key_outside = manager_->octree_->coordToKey(surround_point_outside);
- node_outside = manager_->octree_->search(key_outside);
- if (node_inside != NULL &&(!manager_->octree_->isNodeOccupied(node_inside)))
- {
- xNegative = true;
- }
- else if ((node_inside != NULL &&manager_->octree_->isNodeOccupied(node_inside)))
- {
- return false;
- }
- else if (node_inside == NULL)
- {
- unknowCount++;
- }
- surround_point_inside.x() = point.x() + resolution;
- surround_point_inside.y() = point.y();
- surround_point_inside.z() = point.z();
- key_inside = manager_->octree_->coordToKey(surround_point_inside);
- node_inside = manager_->octree_->search(key_inside);
- surround_point_outside.x() = point.x() + 2 * resolution;
- surround_point_outside.y() = point.y();
- surround_point_outside.z() = point.z();
- key_outside = manager_->octree_->coordToKey(surround_point_outside);
- node_outside = manager_->octree_->search(key_outside);
- if (node_inside != NULL &&(!manager_->octree_->isNodeOccupied(node_inside)))
- {
- xPositive = true;
- }
- else if ((node_inside != NULL &&manager_->octree_->isNodeOccupied(node_inside)))
- {
- return false;
- }
- else if (node_inside == NULL)
- {
- unknowCount++;
- }
- //x和y的正负方向,有一个是属于free状态
- effectiveFree = xPositive || xNegative || yPositive || yNegative;
- //有一个是未知状态(kEffectiveUnknownNumAroundFrontier默认为1)
- effectiveUnknown = unknowCount >= kEffectiveUnknownNumAroundFrontier;
- //一个点周围,有空闲,也有未知,那么这个点作为边界点
- return (effectiveFree && effectiveUnknown);
- }
- //判断边界点是否在全局给定的范围内
- bool DualStateFrontier::FrontierInBoundry(octomap::point3d point) const
- {
- if (point.x() > kGlobalMaxX)
- return false;
- else if (point.y() > kGlobalMaxY)
- return false;
- else if (point.z() > kGlobalMaxZ)
- return false;
- else if (point.x() < kGlobalMinX)
- return false;
- else if (point.y() < kGlobalMinY)
- return false;
- else if (point.z() < kGlobalMinZ)
- return false;
- else
- return true;
- }
- //把形参加入到cleanedFrontier里面
- void DualStateFrontier::updateToCleanFrontier(pcl::PointXYZ point)
- {
- cleanedFrontier_->points.push_back(point);
- }
- //判断一个点是否是cleanFrontier中的:
- //形参输入进去,遍历cleanFrontier,如果和任何一个cleanFrontier中的点的距离小于3米,返回true
- bool DualStateFrontier::isCleanedFrontier(pcl::PointXYZ point)
- {
- if (cleanedFrontier_->points.size() > 0)
- {
- for (int i = 0; i < cleanedFrontier_->points.size(); i++)
- {
- double dist = sqrt((point.x - cleanedFrontier_->points[i].x) *(point.x - cleanedFrontier_->points[i].x) +
- (point.y - cleanedFrontier_->points[i].y) *(point.y - cleanedFrontier_->points[i].y) +
- (point.z - cleanedFrontier_->points[i].z) *(point.x - cleanedFrontier_->points[i].z));
- if (dist < 3)
- {
- return true;
- }
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- //功能:输入一个点,利用kd树,在全局中找到最近的点的集合,
- //只要有一个可以被形参位置正常观测,并且没有障碍物,则认为是true
- bool DualStateFrontier::inSensorRangeofGraphPoints(StateVec point)
- {
- pcl::PointXYZ check_point;
- check_point.x = point[0];
- check_point.y = point[1];
- check_point.z = point[2];
- std::vector<int> pointSearchInd;
- std::vector<float> pointSearchDist;
- //"/global_points"
- if (graphPoints_->points.size() > 0)
- {
- //创建Kd树然后搜索 半径在配置文件中
- //指定半径范围查找近邻
- //球状固定距离半径近邻搜索
- //kSearchRadius是搜索半径,pointSearchInd应该是返回的index,pointSearchSqDis应该是依次距离中心点的距离
- kdtree_->setInputCloud(graphPoints_);
- kdtree_->radiusSearch(check_point, kSearchRadius, pointSearchInd, pointSearchDist);
- //遍历kd树中找到的近的点
- for (int i = 0; i < pointSearchInd.size(); i++)
- {
- //得到和当前形参点的距离
- StateVec node_point(graphPoints_->points[pointSearchInd[i]].x, graphPoints_->points[pointSearchInd[i]].y,graphPoints_->points[pointSearchInd[i]].z);
- StateVec dir = point - node_point;
- // Skip if distance is too large
- //这一步有点迷惑,感觉用不着这样,kd树找到的本来也不会大于这个半径
- double rangeSq = pow(kSearchRadius, 2.0);
- if (dir.transpose().dot(dir) > rangeSq)
- {
- continue;
- }
- bool insideAFieldOfView = false;
- //俯仰角小于45度, insideAFieldOfView为true
- if (fabs(dir[2] < sqrt(dir[0] * dir[0] + dir[1] * dir[1]) * tan(M_PI * kSensorVerticalView / 360)))
- {
- insideAFieldOfView = true;
- }
- if (!insideAFieldOfView)
- {
- continue;
- }
- if (manager_->CellStatus::kOccupied !=manager_->getVisibility(node_point, point, false) &&
- !grid_->collisionCheckByTerrainWithVector(node_point, point))
- {
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- return false;
- }
- //局部边界点的检查和更新(改变状态的不再是,另外加入到全局边界global_frontier_中去)
- void DualStateFrontier::localFrontierUpdate(StateVec ¢er)
- {
- local_frontier_pcl_->clear();
- StateVec checkedPoint;
- //做一次边界的更新,local_frontier_保存的是一路下来的局部边界,从中遍历,检查每个点的占据和观测状态
- //把相对形参位置有没有被占据,没有障碍物,等等,就加入到全局边界中
- for (int i = 0; i < local_frontier_->size(); i++)
- {
- checkedPoint.x() = local_frontier_->points[i].x;
- checkedPoint.y() = local_frontier_->points[i].y;
- checkedPoint.z() = local_frontier_->points[i].z;
- if ((manager_->CellStatus::kOccupied !=manager_->getVisibility(center, checkedPoint, false) &&
- !grid_->collisionCheckByTerrainWithVector(center, checkedPoint)) ||(!planner_status_ && inSensorRangeofGraphPoints(checkedPoint)))
- {
- local_frontier_pcl_->points.push_back(local_frontier_->points[i]);
- global_frontier_->points.push_back(local_frontier_->points[i]);
- }
- }
- local_frontier_->clear();
- pcl::VoxelGrid<pcl::PointXYZ> point_ds;
- point_ds.setLeafSize(kFrontierFilterSize, kFrontierFilterSize, kFrontierFilterSize);
- point_ds.setInputCloud(local_frontier_pcl_);
- //把更新后的点重新保存到local_frontier_里面
- point_ds.filter(*local_frontier_);
- }
- //全局边界点的检查和更新
- void DualStateFrontier::gloabalFrontierUpdate()
- {
- global_frontier_pcl_->clear();
- int size = global_frontier_->points.size();
- octomap::OcTreeNode *node;
- octomap::OcTreeKey key;
- octomap::point3d point;
- StateVec checkedPoint;
- //遍历全局边界点
- for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
- {
- point.x() = global_frontier_->points[i].x;
- point.y() = global_frontier_->points[i].y;
- point.z() = global_frontier_->points[i].z;
- //如果属于被清空过的边界(到不了),则不考虑
- if (isCleanedFrontier(global_frontier_->points[i]))
- {
- continue;
- }
- checkedPoint.x() = point.x();
- checkedPoint.y() = point.y();
- checkedPoint.z() = point.z();
- key = manager_->octree_->coordToKey(point);
- node = manager_->octree_->search(key);
- //再次搜索octomap,检查是否存在这个点
- //(但我感觉肯定存在的,否则怎么通过检查并且加入进来的呢?不过也可能是octomap更新导致节点状态变化)
- //再检查目前还是不是边界了
- if (node == NULL && frontierDetect(point))
- {
- global_frontier_pcl_->points.push_back(global_frontier_->points[i]);
- }
- }
- global_frontier_->clear();
- pcl::VoxelGrid<pcl::PointXYZ> point_ds_;
- point_ds_.setLeafSize(kFrontierFilterSize, kFrontierFilterSize,kFrontierFilterSize);
- point_ds_.setInputCloud(global_frontier_pcl_);
- //更新全局边界
- point_ds_.filter(*global_frontier_);
- }
- //对全局边界点的一个下采样
- void DualStateFrontier::globalFrontiersNeighbourCheck()
- {
- global_frontier_pcl_->clear();
- int size = global_frontier_->points.size();
- pcl::PointXYZ p1;
- std::vector<int> pointSearchInd;
- std::vector<float> pointSearchDist;
- if (size > 0)
- {
- global_frontiers_kdtree_->setInputCloud(global_frontier_);
- for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
- {
- p1 = global_frontier_->points[i];
- pointSearchInd.clear();
- pointSearchDist.clear();
- //遍历全局边界点,然后在kFrontierNeighboutSearchRadius(默认5米)
- global_frontiers_kdtree_->radiusSearch(p1, kFrontierNeighboutSearchRadius,pointSearchInd, pointSearchDist);
- //内进行搜索最近的点,如果最近也存在其他全局点,就只保存这一个
- if (pointSearchInd.size() > 1)
- global_frontier_pcl_->points.push_back(p1);
- }
- }
- global_frontier_->clear();
- //相当于对全局点的一个下采样
- *global_frontier_ = *global_frontier_pcl_;
- }
- //把边界都清空掉
- void DualStateFrontier::cleanAllUselessFrontiers()
- {
- global_frontier_->clear();
- local_frontier_->clear();
- publishFrontiers();
- }
- //一直在执行的execute函数中真正在调用的函数
- void DualStateFrontier::getFrontiers()
- {
- //根据机器人的位置,在给定搜索范围内search_bounding(例40,40,0.5)范围内确定边界点
- getUnknowPointcloudInBoundingBox(robot_position_, search_bounding);
- //更新当前位置的边界点,加入到全局边界点中
- localFrontierUpdate(robot_position_);
- //再更新全局边界点
- gloabalFrontierUpdate();
- //对全局点的一个下采样
- globalFrontiersNeighbourCheck();
- //发布边界信息
- publishFrontiers();
- }
- //对各个内容的发布,包括局部边界点,全局边界点,处于未知状态的点云
- void DualStateFrontier::publishFrontiers()
- {
- sensor_msgs::PointCloud2 unknown_pcl, local_frontier_pcl, global_frontier_pcl;
- pcl::toROSMsg(*unknown_points_, unknown_pcl);
- pcl::toROSMsg(*global_frontier_, global_frontier_pcl);
- pcl::toROSMsg(*local_frontier_, local_frontier_pcl);
- unknown_pcl.header.frame_id = world_frame_id_;
- global_frontier_pcl.header.frame_id = world_frame_id_;
- local_frontier_pcl.header.frame_id = world_frame_id_;
- unknown_points_pub_.publish(unknown_pcl);
- global_frontier_points_pub_.publish(global_frontier_pcl);
- local_frontier_points_pub_.publish(local_frontier_pcl);
- }
- //监听里程计信息,以及地形信息
- void DualStateFrontier::terrainCloudAndOdomCallback( const nav_msgs::Odometry::ConstPtr &odom_msg,
- const sensor_msgs::PointCloud2::ConstPtr &terrain_msg)
- {
- robot_position_[0] = odom_msg->pose.pose.position.x;
- robot_position_[1] = odom_msg->pose.pose.position.y;
- robot_position_[2] = odom_msg->pose.pose.position.z;
- terrain_cloud_->clear();
- terrain_cloud_ds->clear();
- terrain_elev_cloud_->clear();
- terrain_voxel_points_num_.clear();
- terrain_voxel_min_elev_.clear();
- terrain_voxel_max_elev_.clear();
- terrain_voxel_points_num_.resize(kTerrainVoxelWidth * kTerrainVoxelWidth);
- terrain_voxel_min_elev_.resize(kTerrainVoxelWidth * kTerrainVoxelWidth, 1000);
- terrain_voxel_max_elev_.resize(kTerrainVoxelWidth * kTerrainVoxelWidth,-1000);
- pcl::fromROSMsg(*terrain_msg, *terrain_cloud_);
- pcl::VoxelGrid<pcl::PointXYZI> point_ds;
- point_ds.setLeafSize(0.3, 0.3, 0.3);
- point_ds.setInputCloud(terrain_cloud_);
- //对地形信息进行滤波
- point_ds.filter(*terrain_cloud_ds);
- //根据地形消息点云,构建相关地形数组,terrain_elev_cloud_
- updateTerrainMinElevation();
- updateTerrainElevationForKnown();
- updateTerrainElevationForUnknow();
- //发布高程地图,但是不晓得它这是要发布给谁
- sensor_msgs::PointCloud2 elevVoxel2;
- pcl::toROSMsg(*terrain_elev_cloud_, elevVoxel2);
- elevVoxel2.header.stamp = ros::Time::now();
- elevVoxel2.header.frame_id = "/map";
- terrain_elev_cloud_pub_.publish(elevVoxel2);
- }
- //根据地形消息修改存有地形数目、低值和高值的一维数组
- void DualStateFrontier::updateTerrainMinElevation()
- {
- pcl::PointXYZI point;
- int terrainCloudSize = terrain_cloud_ds->points.size();
- //遍历地形点
- for (int i = 0; i < terrainCloudSize; i++)
- {
- point.x = terrain_cloud_ds->points[i].x;
- point.y = terrain_cloud_ds->points[i].y;
- point.z = terrain_cloud_ds->points[i].z;
- point.intensity = terrain_cloud_ds->points[i].intensity;
- //point.x - robot_position_[0]是当前点到地形点的向量
- //kTerrainVoxelSize默认为0.4,0.4/2为0.2
- //地形向量+0.2,再一起比0.4
- //化简为地形向量比分辨率kTerrainVoxelSize,再加0.5,再转int,应该是四舍五入
- //也就是说,假如障碍物点x坐标和当前差了5m,比分辨率0.4为8个格子
- //再加上半个kTerrainVoxelHalfWidth(50),即这个点应该在58处
- //机器人是中心,一个点在机器人右边5米,那么在整个地形表示里面,它应该是从左边开始58个格子(机器人左边有50个格子,50*0.4=20米)
- int indX = int((point.x - robot_position_[0] + kTerrainVoxelSize / 2) /kTerrainVoxelSize) +kTerrainVoxelHalfWidth;
- int indY = int((point.y - robot_position_[1] + kTerrainVoxelSize / 2) /kTerrainVoxelSize) +kTerrainVoxelHalfWidth;
- //应对四舍五入为负的时候,例如x本来是-0.8,再加上0.5就变成了-0.3,求int就变成了0,但应该是-1
- if (point.x - robot_position_[0] + kTerrainVoxelSize / 2 < 0)
- indX--;
- if (point.y - robot_position_[1] + kTerrainVoxelSize / 2 < 0)
- indY--;
- //限制大小不要超出边界
- if (indX > kTerrainVoxelWidth - 1)
- indX = kTerrainVoxelWidth - 1;
- if (indX < 0)
- indX = 0;
- if (indY > kTerrainVoxelWidth - 1)
- indY = kTerrainVoxelWidth - 1;
- if (indY < 0)
- indY = 0;
- int indVoxel = kTerrainVoxelWidth * indX + indY;
- //terrain_voxel_points_num_应该是一个一维数组,统计落在该位置的点的数目
- terrain_voxel_points_num_[indVoxel]++;
- //terrain_voxel_min_elev_也是一维数组,统计地形最低值
- //terrain_voxel_max_elev_同理
- if (point.z < terrain_voxel_min_elev_[indVoxel])
- terrain_voxel_min_elev_[indVoxel] = point.z;
- if (point.z > terrain_voxel_max_elev_[indVoxel])
- terrain_voxel_max_elev_[indVoxel] = point.z;
- for (int dX = -1; dX <= 1; dX = dX + 2)
- {
- for (int dY = -1; dY <= 1; dY = dY + 2)
- {
- if (indX + dX >= 0 && indX + dX < kTerrainVoxelWidth && indY + dY >= 0 && indY + dY < kTerrainVoxelWidth)
- {
- //我理解为这里在做一个对周围元素的滤波,如果当前位置有点,就对上下左右的数目也给加一下
- terrain_voxel_points_num_[kTerrainVoxelWidth * (indX + dX) + indY +dY]++;
- //最低值数组也会被统计,不过不知道为什么没有再修改最高值
- if (point.z <terrain_voxel_min_elev_[kTerrainVoxelWidth * (indX + dX) + indY +dY])
- terrain_voxel_min_elev_[kTerrainVoxelWidth * (indX + dX) + indY +dY] = point.z;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- //功能:根据高程差,对已知区域赋值terrain_voxel_elev_数组,反解点云位置,保存terrain_elev_cloud_
- void DualStateFrontier::updateTerrainElevationForKnown()
- {
- pcl::PointXYZI point;
- for (int i = 0; i < kTerrainVoxelWidth * kTerrainVoxelWidth; i++)
- {
- //这里terrain_voxel_points_num_如果大于0,说明是已知区域
- if (terrain_voxel_points_num_[i] > 0)
- {
- //最高点和最低点相差0.4
- if (terrain_voxel_max_elev_[i] - terrain_voxel_min_elev_[i] >= 0.4)
- //地形赋值1000
- terrain_voxel_elev_[i] = 1000;
- else
- //否则按最低点来赋值
- terrain_voxel_elev_[i] = terrain_voxel_min_elev_[i];
- //得到当前i位置的xy索引
- int indX = int(i / kTerrainVoxelWidth);
- int indY = i % kTerrainVoxelWidth;
- //
- if (indX - kTerrainVoxelHalfWidth < 0)
- {
- indX++;
- }
- if (indY - kTerrainVoxelWidth < 0)
- {
- indY++;
- }
- // 就像updateTerrainMinElevation函数中的内容,根据索引,反解出机器人坐标系下的点云值:
- // int indX = int((point.x - robot_position_[0] + kTerrainVoxelSize / 2) /kTerrainVoxelSize) +kTerrainVoxelHalfWidth;
- point.x = (indX - kTerrainVoxelHalfWidth) * kTerrainVoxelSize -kTerrainVoxelSize / 2 + robot_position_[0];
- point.y = (indY - kTerrainVoxelHalfWidth) * kTerrainVoxelSize -kTerrainVoxelSize / 2 + robot_position_[1];
- point.z = 0;
- point.intensity = terrain_voxel_elev_[i];
- terrain_elev_cloud_->push_back(point);
- }
- }
- }
- //功能:根据周围的状态,对未知区域赋值terrain_voxel_elev_数组,反解点云位置,保存terrain_elev_cloud_
- void DualStateFrontier::updateTerrainElevationForUnknow()
- {
- pcl::KdTreeFLANN<pcl::PointXYZI> kdtree;
- std::vector<int> pointIdxNKNSearch(1);
- std::vector<float> pointNKNSquaredDistance(1);
- kdtree.setInputCloud(terrain_elev_cloud_);
- pcl::PointXYZI point;
- //主要靠terrain_voxel_points_num_来判断这个地方已知还是未知,如果没点落在这里,那么这里就是未知(地面也应该有点的)
- //0号为坐上角首个位置
- if (terrain_voxel_points_num_[0] <= 0)
- {
- //地形高度为机器人位置减去机器人高度(考虑到有楼层的情况)
- terrain_voxel_elev_[0] = robot_position_[2] - kVehicleHeight;
- }
- for (int i = 1; i < kTerrainVoxelWidth * kTerrainVoxelWidth; i++)
- {
- if (terrain_voxel_points_num_[i] <= 0)
- {
- //反解得到点云位置
- int indX = int(i / kTerrainVoxelWidth);
- int indY = i % kTerrainVoxelWidth;
- point.x = (indX - kTerrainVoxelHalfWidth) * kTerrainVoxelSize -kTerrainVoxelSize / 2 + robot_position_[0];
- point.y = (indY - kTerrainVoxelHalfWidth) * kTerrainVoxelSize -kTerrainVoxelSize / 2 + robot_position_[1];
- point.z = 0;
- if (terrain_elev_cloud_->points.size() > 0)
- {
- //未知点的强度,用周围的点来代替
- if (kdtree.nearestKSearch(point, 1, pointIdxNKNSearch, pointNKNSquaredDistance) > 0)
- {
- point.intensity =terrain_elev_cloud_->points[pointIdxNKNSearch[0]].intensity;
- terrain_voxel_elev_[i] = point.intensity;
- }
- terrain_elev_cloud_->push_back(point);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- //监听"/global_points"
- void DualStateFrontier::graphPointsCallback(const sensor_msgs::PointCloud2 &graph_msg)
- {
- graphPoints_->clear();
- pcl::fromROSMsg(graph_msg, *graphPoints_);
- }
- //形参:一个向量(A点减去B点),函数内部计算A点相对于B点坐标系在一维坐标下的索引,
- //根据这个索引得到terrain_voxel_elev_里保存的障碍物高度(加上机器人自身高度)
- double DualStateFrontier::getZvalue(double x_position, double y_position)
- {
- int indX = int((x_position + kTerrainVoxelSize / 2) / kTerrainVoxelSize) +kTerrainVoxelHalfWidth;
- int indY = int((y_position + kTerrainVoxelSize / 2) / kTerrainVoxelSize) +kTerrainVoxelHalfWidth;
- if (x_position + kTerrainVoxelSize / 2 < 0)
- indX--;
- if (y_position + kTerrainVoxelSize / 2 < 0)
- indY--;
- //下面四个if,是要把indX和indY限制在0到kTerrainVoxelWidth(默认101)之间
- if (indX > kTerrainVoxelWidth - 1)
- indX = kTerrainVoxelWidth - 1;
- if (indX < 0)
- indX = 0;
- if (indY > kTerrainVoxelWidth - 1)
- indY = kTerrainVoxelWidth - 1;
- if (indY < 0)
- indY = 0;
- return terrain_voxel_elev_[kTerrainVoxelWidth * indX + indY] + kVehicleHeight;
- }
- //返回变量terrain_voxel_elev_,这个要被drrt.cpp中调用
- //它调用以后,是要用在它的getZvalue函数中
- std::vector<double> DualStateFrontier::getTerrainVoxelElev()
- {
- return terrain_voxel_elev_;
- }
- //设置边界处理器的状态
- void DualStateFrontier::setPlannerStatus(bool status)
- {
- planner_status_ = status;// 0 means exploration and 1 means relocation
- }
- bool DualStateFrontier::initialize()
- {
- // Read in parameters
- if (!readParameters())
- return false;
- // Initialize subscriber
- //"/global_points",由dual_state_graph.cpp发布,发布的是局部图中的节点
- graph_points_sub_ =nh_.subscribe(sub_graph_points_topic_, 1, &DualStateFrontier::graphPointsCallback, this);
- // "/state_estimation"
- odom_sub_.subscribe(nh_, sub_odom_topic_, 1);
- //" /terrain_map_ext"
- terrain_point_cloud_sub_.subscribe(nh_, sub_terrain_point_cloud_topic_, 1);
- //同时获取两个信息的写法,值得学习
- //获取里程计订阅和地形形式订阅
- sync_.reset(new Sync(syncPolicy(10), odom_sub_, terrain_point_cloud_sub_));
- sync_->registerCallback(boost::bind(&DualStateFrontier::terrainCloudAndOdomCallback, this, _1, _2));
- //"/octomap_unknown"
- unknown_points_pub_ =nh_.advertise<sensor_msgs::PointCloud2>(pub_unknown_points_topic_, 1);
- //"/global_frontier"
- global_frontier_points_pub_ = nh_.advertise<sensor_msgs::PointCloud2>(pub_global_frontier_points_topic_, 1);
- //"local_frontiers"
- local_frontier_points_pub_ = nh_.advertise<sensor_msgs::PointCloud2>(pub_local_frontier_points_topic_, 1);
- terrain_elev_cloud_pub_ =nh_.advertise<sensor_msgs::PointCloud2>("/elevation_map", 1);
- //每隔一定频率执行一次execute函数
- if (kExecuteFrequency_ > 0.0)
- {
- executeTimer_ =nh_private_.createTimer(ros::Duration(1.0 / kExecuteFrequency_),&DualStateFrontier::execute, this);
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < kTerrainVoxelWidth * kTerrainVoxelWidth; i++)
- {
- terrain_voxel_elev_.push_back(robot_position_.z());
- terrain_voxel_points_num_.push_back(0);
- terrain_voxel_min_elev_.push_back(1000);
- terrain_voxel_max_elev_.push_back(-1000);
- }
- ROS_INFO("Successfully launched DualStateFrontier node");
- return true;
- }
- void DualStateFrontier::execute(const ros::TimerEvent &e) { getFrontiers(); }
- }
- /*
- grid.cpp
- Implementation of OccupancyGrid class. Occupancy grid is used to get do the
- collision check
- based on terrain points in
- local area.
- Created by Hongbiao Zhu (hongbiaz@andrew.cmu.edu)
- 05/25/2020
- */
- #ifndef GRID_HPP_
- #define GRID_HPP_
- #include "dsvplanner/grid.h"
- namespace dsvplanner_ns {
- OccupancyGrid::OccupancyGrid(const ros::NodeHandle &nh, const ros::NodeHandle &nh_private)
- : nh_(nh), nh_private_(nh_private)
- {
- initialize();
- }
- OccupancyGrid::~OccupancyGrid() {}
- bool OccupancyGrid::readParameters()
- {
- nh_private_.getParam("/grid/world_frame_id", world_frame_id_);
- nh_private_.getParam("/grid/odomSubTopic", sub_odom_topic_);
- nh_private_.getParam("/grid/terrainCloudSubTopic",sub_terrain_point_cloud_topic_);
- nh_private_.getParam("/grid/pubGridPointsTopic", pub_grid_points_topic_);
- nh_private_.getParam("/grid/kMapWidth", kMapWidth);
- nh_private_.getParam("/grid/kGridSize", kGridSize);
- nh_private_.getParam("/grid/kDownsampleSize", kDownsampleSize);
- nh_private_.getParam("/grid/kObstacleHeightThre", kObstacleHeightThre);
- nh_private_.getParam("/grid/kFlyingObstacleHeightThre",kFlyingObstacleHeightThre);
- nh_private_.getParam("/rm/kBoundX", kCollisionCheckX);
- nh_private_.getParam("/rm/kBoundY", kCollisionCheckY);
- return true;
- }
- bool OccupancyGrid::initialize()
- {
- // Read in parameters
- if (!readParameters())
- return false;
- // Initialize subscriber
- //"/state_estimation"
- odom_sub_.subscribe(nh_, sub_odom_topic_, 1);
- //"terrain_map_ext"
- terrain_point_cloud_sub_.subscribe(nh_, sub_terrain_point_cloud_topic_, 1);
- sync_.reset(new Sync(syncPolicy(100), odom_sub_, terrain_point_cloud_sub_));
- sync_->registerCallback(boost::bind(&OccupancyGrid::terrainCloudAndOdomCallback, this, _1, _2));
- //"/occpancy_grid_map"
- grid_cloud_pub_ =nh_.advertise<sensor_msgs::PointCloud2>(pub_grid_points_topic_, 1);
- //机器人周围的网格大小/2,再比kGridSize网格大小0.1,得到格子数目
- map_half_width_grid_num_ = int(kMapWidth / 2 / kGridSize);
- //加1应该是指自己正中间那一行/列
- map_width_grid_num_ = map_half_width_grid_num_ * 2 + 1;
- clearGrid();
- ROS_INFO("Successfully launched OccupancyGrid node");
- return true;
- }
- //回调函数,监听地形信息,里程计信息,更新并发布gridmap
- void OccupancyGrid::terrainCloudAndOdomCallback(const nav_msgs::Odometry::ConstPtr &odom_msg,
- const sensor_msgs::PointCloud2::ConstPtr &terrain_msg)
- {
- terrain_time_ = terrain_msg->header.stamp;
- robot_position_[0] = odom_msg->pose.pose.position.x;
- robot_position_[1] = odom_msg->pose.pose.position.y;
- robot_position_[2] = odom_msg->pose.pose.position.z;
- terrain_cloud_->clear();
- terrain_cloud_ds->clear();
- terrain_cloud_traversable_->clear();
- terrain_cloud_obstacle_->clear();
- pcl::fromROSMsg(*terrain_msg, *terrain_cloud_);
- pcl::VoxelGrid<pcl::PointXYZI> point_ds;
- point_ds.setLeafSize(kDownsampleSize, kDownsampleSize, kDownsampleSize);
- //地形消息下采样
- point_ds.setInputCloud(terrain_cloud_);
- point_ds.filter(*terrain_cloud_ds);
- pcl::PointXYZI point;
- int terrainCloudSize = terrain_cloud_ds->points.size();
- for (int i = 0; i < terrainCloudSize; i++)
- {
- point.x = terrain_cloud_ds->points[i].x;
- point.y = terrain_cloud_ds->points[i].y;
- point.z = terrain_cloud_ds->points[i].z;
- point.intensity = terrain_cloud_ds->points[i].intensity;
- // crop all ground points
- //0.2m到1m之间的障碍物认为是obstacle(kObstacleHeightThre默认0.2,感觉有点偏高了)
- if (point.intensity > kObstacleHeightThre &&point.intensity < kFlyingObstacleHeightThre)
- {
- terrain_cloud_obstacle_->push_back(point);
- }
- else if (point.intensity <= kObstacleHeightThre)
- {
- terrain_cloud_traversable_->push_back(point);
- }
- }
- clearGrid();
- updateGrid();
- publishGridMap();
- }
- //功能:给定一个网格索引,返回一个点,x和y为机器人坐标系下该索引处的位置,z为机器人的高度
- geometry_msgs::Point OccupancyGrid::getPoint(GridIndex p)
- {
- int indX = p[0];
- int indY = p[1];
- double x = kGridSize * (indX - map_half_width_grid_num_) + robot_position_[0];
- double y = kGridSize * (indY - map_half_width_grid_num_) + robot_position_[1];
- geometry_msgs::Point point;
- point.x = x;
- point.y = y;
- point.z = robot_position_[2];
- return point;
- }
- //给定一个点,返回gridindex格式的索引(Vector2i )
- GridIndex OccupancyGrid::getIndex(StateVec point)
- {
- int indX = int((point.x() - robot_position_[0] + kGridSize / 2) / kGridSize) +map_half_width_grid_num_;
- int indY = int((point.y() - robot_position_[1] + kGridSize / 2) / kGridSize) +map_half_width_grid_num_;
- if (point.x() - robot_position_[0] + kGridSize / 2 < 0)
- indX--;
- if (point.y() - robot_position_[1] + kGridSize / 2 < 0)
- indY--;
- if (indX < 0)
- indX = 0;
- if (indY < 0)
- indY = 0;
- if (indX > map_width_grid_num_ - 1)
- indX = map_width_grid_num_ - 1;
- if (indY > map_width_grid_num_ - 1)
- indY = map_width_grid_num_ - 1;
- GridIndex grid_index(indX, indY);
- return grid_index;
- }
- //把grideState全部填充为unknown状态
- void OccupancyGrid::clearGrid()
- {
- gridState_.clear();
- std::vector<int> y_vector;
- for (int i = 0; i < map_width_grid_num_; i++)
- {
- y_vector.clear();
- for (int j = 0; j < map_width_grid_num_; j++)
- {
- gridStatus grid_state = unknown;
- y_vector.push_back(grid_state);
- }
- gridState_.push_back(y_vector);
- }
- }
- //根据terrain_cloud_obstacle_和terrain_cloud_traversable_保存grideState状态
- //terrain_cloud_obstacle_等在回调函数中被处理和填充
- void OccupancyGrid::updateGrid()
- {
- pcl::PointXYZI point;
- //遍历的是障碍物的点
- for (int i = 0; i < terrain_cloud_obstacle_->points.size(); i++)
- {
- point = terrain_cloud_obstacle_->points[i];
- //将障碍物点换算成索引
- int indX = int((point.x - robot_position_[0] + kGridSize / 2) / kGridSize) +map_half_width_grid_num_;
- int indY = int((point.y - robot_position_[1] + kGridSize / 2) / kGridSize) +map_half_width_grid_num_;
- //应对负数四舍五入情况
- if (point.x - robot_position_[0] + kGridSize / 2 < 0)
- indX--;
- if (point.y - robot_position_[1] + kGridSize / 2 < 0)
- indY--;
- //限制索引范围
- if (indX < 0)
- indX = 0;
- if (indY < 0)
- indY = 0;
- if (indX > map_width_grid_num_ - 1)
- indX = map_width_grid_num_ - 1;
- if (indY > map_width_grid_num_ - 1)
- indY = map_width_grid_num_ - 1;
- if (indX >= 0 && indX < map_width_grid_num_ && indY >= 0 && indY < map_width_grid_num_)
- {
- //赋值占据状态
- gridStatus grid_state = occupied;
- gridState_[indX][indY] = grid_state;
- }
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < terrain_cloud_traversable_->points.size(); i++)
- {
- //将空闲点换算成索引
- point = terrain_cloud_traversable_->points[i];
- int indX = int((point.x - robot_position_[0] + kGridSize / 2) / kGridSize) +map_half_width_grid_num_;
- int indY = int((point.y - robot_position_[1] + kGridSize / 2) / kGridSize) +map_half_width_grid_num_;
- //应对负数四舍五入情况
- if (point.x - robot_position_[0] + kGridSize / 2 < 0)
- indX--;
- if (point.y - robot_position_[1] + kGridSize / 2 < 0)
- indY--;
- if (indX < 0)
- indX = 0;
- if (indY < 0)
- indY = 0;
- if (indX > map_width_grid_num_ - 1)
- indX = map_width_grid_num_ - 1;
- if (indY > map_width_grid_num_ - 1)
- indY = map_width_grid_num_ - 1;
- if (indX >= 0 && indX < map_width_grid_num_ && indY >= 0 &&indY < map_width_grid_num_)
- {
- //unknown = 0, free = 1, occupied = 2, near_occupied = 3
- if (gridState_[indX][indY] == 2)
- {
- continue;
- }
- //返回true,代表周围没有障碍物
- if (updateFreeGridWithSurroundingGrids(indX, indY) == false)
- {
- gridStatus grid_state = free;
- gridState_[indX][indY] = grid_state;
- }
- else
- {
- //周围如果也有障碍物,这里也弄成near_occupied
- gridStatus grid_state = near_occupied;
- gridState_[indX][indY] = grid_state;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- //发布"/occpancy_grid_map"
- void OccupancyGrid::publishGridMap()
- {
- grid_cloud_->clear();
- pcl::PointXYZI p1;
- geometry_msgs::Point p2;
- GridIndex p3;
- for (int i = 0; i < map_width_grid_num_; i++)
- {
- for (int j = 0; j < map_width_grid_num_; j++)
- {
- p3[0] = i;
- p3[1] = j;
- p2 = getPoint(p3);
- p1.x = p2.x;
- p1.y = p2.y;
- p1.z = p2.z;
- //点云的强度字段被填入状态
- //unknown = 0, free = 1, occupied = 2, near_occupied = 3
- p1.intensity = gridState_[i][j];
- grid_cloud_->points.push_back(p1);
- }
- }
- //发布"/occpancy_grid_map"
- sensor_msgs::PointCloud2 gridCloud2;
- pcl::toROSMsg(*grid_cloud_, gridCloud2);
- gridCloud2.header.stamp = terrain_time_;
- gridCloud2.header.frame_id = world_frame_id_;
- grid_cloud_pub_.publish(gridCloud2);
- }
- //周围kBoundX范围内如果有障碍物,这里也会认为有障碍物,返回true为有障碍物
- bool OccupancyGrid::updateFreeGridWithSurroundingGrids(int indx, int indy)
- {
- //kCollisionCheckX是kBoundX,碰撞半径
- //碰撞半径的一半,除以栅格大小,代表碰撞半径的栅格数目,
- //下面在循环里要进行负到正,检查当前索引周围有没有障碍物
- int count_x = ceil(0.5 * kCollisionCheckX / kGridSize);
- int count_y = ceil(0.5 * kCollisionCheckY / kGridSize);
- int indX;
- int indY;
- for (int i = -count_x; i <= count_x; i++)
- {
- for (int j = -count_y; j <= count_y; j++)
- {
- indX = indx + i;
- indY = indy + j;
- if (indX >= 0 && indX < map_width_grid_num_ && indY >= 0 &&indY < map_width_grid_num_)
- {
- if (gridState_[indX][indY] == 2)
- {
- return true;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- //给定一个起点,一个终点,判断二者连线上有没有障碍物
- bool OccupancyGrid::collisionCheckByTerrainWithVector(StateVec origin_point,StateVec goal_point)
- {
- // ROS_INFO("Start Check Collision");
- //获取起点的索引
- GridIndex origin_grid_index = getIndex(origin_point);
- //获取目标点索引
- GridIndex goal_grid_index = getIndex(goal_point);
- //获取整个gridmap的索引
- GridIndex max_grid_index(map_width_grid_num_ - 1, map_width_grid_num_ - 1);
- GridIndex min_grid_index(0, 0);
- GridIndex grid_index;
- //得到从起点到终点的沿途索引点
- std::vector<GridIndex> ray_tracing_grids = rayCast(origin_grid_index, goal_grid_index, max_grid_index, min_grid_index);
- int length = ray_tracing_grids.size();
- for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
- {
- grid_index = ray_tracing_grids[i];
- //依次遍历,如果发现处于2状态或3状态,都是被占据了,则返回true
- if (gridState_[grid_index[0]][grid_index[1]] == 2 ||gridState_[grid_index[0]][grid_index[1]] == 3)
- {
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- //给定一个起点,一个终点,判断二者连线上有没有障碍物
- bool OccupancyGrid::collisionCheckByTerrain(geometry_msgs::Point origin,geometry_msgs::Point goal)
- {
- StateVec origin_point(origin.x, origin.y, origin.z);
- StateVec goal_point(goal.x, goal.y, goal.z);
- return collisionCheckByTerrainWithVector(origin_point, goal_point);
- }
- //功能:传入三个参数,判定第一个参数的x和y是否在第二个和第三个之间
- bool OccupancyGrid::InRange(const GridIndex sub, const GridIndex max_sub,const GridIndex min_sub)
- {
- return sub.x() >= min_sub.x() && sub.x() <= max_sub.x() &&sub.y() >= min_sub.y() && sub.y() <= max_sub.y();
- }
- //符号函数,把形参根据正负极性转化为-1,0,1三个值
- int OccupancyGrid::signum(int x) { return x == 0 ? 0 : x < 0 ? -1 : 1; }
- //求最小的正t,使s+t*ds为整数。
- double OccupancyGrid::intbound(double s, double ds)
- {
- // Find the smallest positive t such that s+t*ds is an integer.
- if (ds < 0)
- {
- return intbound(-s, -ds);
- }
- else
- {
- s = mod(s, 1);
- // problem is now s+t*ds = 1
- return (1 - s) / ds;
- }
- }
- //返回value除以modulus的余数
- double OccupancyGrid::mod(double value, double modulus)
- {
- //fmod(x,y)返回x除以y的余数
- //例如value=10.1,moudulus=3,
- //fmod(10.1, 3)=1.1
- //fmod(10.1, 3)+moudulus=4.1
- //fmod(4.1,3)=1.1
- //为什么要求两次fmod?
- return fmod(fmod(value, modulus) + modulus, modulus);
- }
- //功能:给定一个起点,一个终点,把沿途连线的索引坐标找到返回
- std::vector<GridIndex> OccupancyGrid::rayCast(GridIndex origin, GridIndex goal, GridIndex max_grid, GridIndex min_grid)
- {
- std::vector<GridIndex> grid_pairs;
- //起点和终点索引位置相同,就返回起点
- if (origin == goal)
- {
- grid_pairs.push_back(origin);
- return grid_pairs;
- }
- GridIndex diff = goal - origin;
- //距离的平方范数
- double max_dist = diff.squaredNorm();
- //取起点到终点向量在两个方向的正负
- int step_x = signum(diff.x());
- int step_y = signum(diff.y());
- //如果是0的话,设tmax_x为double变量的最大值
- //否则调用intbound函数,例如origin.x=5,diff.x=3,送入以后,5先对1求余数,得0,然后t_max_x就是1/diff.x()=0.333
- //迷惑:这是在干什么
- double t_max_x = step_x == 0 ? DBL_MAX : intbound(origin.x(), diff.x());
- double t_max_y = step_y == 0 ? DBL_MAX : intbound(origin.y(), diff.y());
- //然后t_delta_x也=1/3=0.333
- double t_delta_x = step_x == 0 ? DBL_MAX : (double)step_x / (double)diff.x();
- double t_delta_y = step_y == 0 ? DBL_MAX : (double)step_y / (double)diff.y();
- double dist = 0;
- GridIndex cur_sub = origin;
- while (true)
- {
- //一般都会满足这个if,因为调用时当前位置肯定在min到max之间
- if (InRange(cur_sub, max_grid, min_grid))
- {
- grid_pairs.push_back(cur_sub);
- dist = (cur_sub - origin).squaredNorm();
- if (cur_sub == goal || dist > max_dist)
- {
- return grid_pairs;
- }
- if (t_max_x < t_max_y)
- {
- cur_sub.x() += step_x;
- t_max_x += t_delta_x;
- }
- else
- {
- cur_sub.y() += step_y;
- t_max_y += t_delta_y;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- return grid_pairs;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- #endif
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