从API version 9开始,这两个装饰器支持在ArkTS卡片中使用。
子组件中@ObjectLink装饰器装饰的状态变量用于接收@Observed装饰的类的实例,和父组件中对应的状态变量建立双向数据绑定。这个实例可以是数组中的被@Observed装饰的项,或者是class object中的属性,这个属性同样也需要被@Observed装饰。
@Observed类装饰器 | 说明 |
装饰器参数 | 无 |
类装饰器 | 装饰class。需要放在class的定义前,使用new创建类对象。 |
@ObjectLink变量装饰器 | 说明 |
装饰器参数 | 无 |
允许装饰的变量类型 | 必须为被@Observed装饰的class实例,必须指定类型。 不支持简单类型,可以使用@Prop。 支持继承Date、Array的class实例,API11及以上支持继承Map、Set的class实例。示例见观察变化。 API11及以上支持@Observed装饰类和undefined或null组成的联合类型,比如ClassA | ClassB, ClassA | undefined 或者 ClassA | null, 示例见@ObjectLink支持联合类型。 @ObjectLink的属性是可以改变的,但是变量的分配是不允许的,也就是说这个装饰器装饰变量是只读的,不能被改变。 |
被装饰变量的初始值 | 不允许。 |
- // 允许@ObjectLink装饰的数据属性赋值
- this.objLink.a= ...
- // 不允许@ObjectLink装饰的数据自身赋值
- this.objLink= ...
@ObjectLink传递/访问 | 说明 |
从父组件初始化 | 必须指定。 初始化@ObjectLink装饰的变量必须同时满足以下场景: - 类型必须是@Observed装饰的class。 - 初始化的数值需要是数组项,或者class的属性。 - 同步源的class或者数组必须是@State,@Link,@Provide,@Consume或者@ObjectLink装饰的数据。 同步源是数组项的示例请参考对象数组。初始化的class的示例请参考嵌套对象。 |
与源对象同步 | 双向。 |
可以初始化子组件 | 允许,可用于初始化常规变量、@State、@Link、@Prop、@Provide |
图1 初始化规则图示
- class ClassA {
- public c: number;
- constructor(c: number) {
- this.c = c;
- }
- }
- @Observed
- class ClassB {
- public a: ClassA;
- public b: number;
- constructor(a: ClassA, b: number) {
- this.a = a;
- this.b = b;
- }
- }

- @ObjectLink b: ClassB
- // 赋值变化可以被观察到
- this.b.a = new ClassA(5)
- this.b.b = 5
- // ClassA没有被@Observed装饰,其属性的变化观察不到
- this.b.a.c = 5
, setMonth
, setDate
, setHours
, setMinutes
, setSeconds
, setMilliseconds
, setTime
, setUTCFullYear
, setUTCMonth
, setUTCDate
, setUTCHours
, setUTCMinutes
, setUTCSeconds
, setUTCMilliseconds
- @Observed
- class DateClass extends Date {
- constructor(args: number | string) {
- super(args)
- }
- }
- @Observed
- class ClassB {
- public a: DateClass;
- constructor(a: DateClass) {
- this.a = a;
- }
- }
- @Component
- struct ViewA {
- label: string = 'date';
- @ObjectLink a: DateClass;
- build() {
- Column() {
- Button(`child increase the day by 1`)
- .onClick(() => {
- this.a.setDate(this.a.getDate() + 1);
- })
- DatePicker({
- start: new Date('1970-1-1'),
- end: new Date('2100-1-1'),
- selected: this.a
- })
- }
- }
- }
- @Entry
- @Component
- struct ViewB {
- @State b: ClassB = new ClassB(new DateClass('2023-1-1'));
- build() {
- Column() {
- ViewA({ label: 'date', a: this.b.a })
- Button(`parent update the new date`)
- .onClick(() => {
- this.b.a = new DateClass('2023-07-07');
- })
- Button(`ViewB: this.b = new ClassB(new DateClass('2023-08-20'))`)
- .onClick(() => {
- this.b = new ClassB(new DateClass('2023-08-20'));
- })
- }
- }
- }

, clear
, delete
, clear
, delete
- // objectLinkNestedObjects.ets
- let NextID: number = 1;
- @Observed
- class ClassA {
- public id: number;
- public c: number;
- constructor(c: number) {
- this.id = NextID++;
- this.c = c;
- }
- }
- @Observed
- class ClassB {
- public a: ClassA;
- constructor(a: ClassA) {
- this.a = a;
- }
- }
- @Observed
- class ClassD {
- public c: ClassC;
- constructor(c: ClassC) {
- this.c = c;
- }
- }
- @Observed
- class ClassC extends ClassA {
- public k: number;
- constructor(k: number) {
- // 调用父类方法对k进行处理
- super(k);
- this.k = k;
- }
- }

- @Component
- struct ViewC {
- label: string = 'ViewC1';
- @ObjectLink c: ClassC;
- build() {
- Row() {
- Column() {
- Text(`ViewC [${this.label}] this.a.c = ${this.c.c}`)
- .fontColor('#ffffffff')
- .backgroundColor('#ff3fc4c4')
- .height(50)
- .borderRadius(25)
- Button(`ViewC: this.c.c add 1`)
- .backgroundColor('#ff7fcf58')
- .onClick(() => {
- this.c.c += 1;
- console.log('this.c.c:' + this.c.c)
- })
- }
- .width(300)
- }
- }
- }
- @Entry
- @Component
- struct ViewB {
- @State b: ClassB = new ClassB(new ClassA(0));
- @State child: ClassD = new ClassD(new ClassC(0));
- build() {
- Column() {
- ViewC({ label: 'ViewC #3',
- c: this.child.c })
- Button(`ViewC: this.child.c.c add 10`)
- .backgroundColor('#ff7fcf58')
- .onClick(() => {
- this.child.c.c += 10
- console.log('this.child.c.c:' + this.child.c.c)
- })
- }
- }
- }

this.child.c = new ClassA(0) 和this.b = new ClassB(new ClassA(0)): 对@State装饰的变量b和其属性的修改。
this.child.c.c = ... :该变化属于第二层的变化,@State无法观察到第二层的变化,但是ClassA被@Observed装饰,ClassA的属性c的变化可以被@ObjectLink观察到。
this.c.c += 1:对@ObjectLink变量a的修改,将触发Button组件的刷新。@ObjectLink和@Prop不同,@ObjectLink不拷贝来自父组件的数据源,而是在本地构建了指向其数据源的引用。
@ObjectLink变量是只读的,this.a = new ClassA(...)是不允许的,因为一旦赋值操作发生,指向数据源的引用将被重置,同步将被打断。
- let NextID: number = 1;
- @Observed
- class ClassA {
- public id: number;
- public c: number;
- constructor(c: number) {
- this.id = NextID++;
- this.c = c;
- }
- }
- @Component
- struct ViewA {
- // 子组件ViewA的@ObjectLink的类型是ClassA
- @ObjectLink a: ClassA;
- label: string = 'ViewA1';
- build() {
- Row() {
- Button(`ViewA [${this.label}] this.a.c = ${this.a ? this.a.c : "undefined"}`)
- .onClick(() => {
- this.a.c += 1;
- })
- }
- }
- }
- @Entry
- @Component
- struct ViewB {
- // ViewB中有@State装饰的ClassA[]
- @State arrA: ClassA[] = [new ClassA(0), new ClassA(0)];
- build() {
- Column() {
- ForEach(this.arrA,
- (item: ClassA) => {
- ViewA({ label: `#${item.id}`, a: item })
- },
- (item: ClassA): string => item.id.toString()
- )
- // 使用@State装饰的数组的数组项初始化@ObjectLink,其中数组项是被@Observed装饰的ClassA的实例
- ViewA({ label: `ViewA this.arrA[first]`, a: this.arrA[0] })
- ViewA({ label: `ViewA this.arrA[last]`, a: this.arrA[this.arrA.length-1] })
- Button(`ViewB: reset array`)
- .onClick(() => {
- this.arrA = [new ClassA(0), new ClassA(0)];
- })
- Button(`ViewB: push`)
- .onClick(() => {
- this.arrA.push(new ClassA(0))
- })
- Button(`ViewB: shift`)
- .onClick(() => {
- if (this.arrA.length > 0) {
- this.arrA.shift()
- } else {
- console.log("length <= 0")
- }
- })
- Button(`ViewB: chg item property in middle`)
- .onClick(() => {
- this.arrA[Math.floor(this.arrA.length / 2)].c = 10;
- })
- Button(`ViewB: chg item property in middle`)
- .onClick(() => {
- this.arrA[Math.floor(this.arrA.length / 2)] = new ClassA(11);
- })
- }
- }
- }

this.arrA[Math.floor(this.arrA.length/2)] = new ClassA(..) :该状态变量的改变触发2次更新:
ViewA this.arrA[last]
, a: this.arrA[this.arrA.length-1] }):上述更改改变了数组中第二个元素,所以绑定this.arrA[1]的ViewA将被更新。this.arrA.push(new ClassA(0)) : 将触发2次不同效果的更新:
ViewA this.arrA[last]
, a: this.arrA[this.arrA.length-1] }):数组的最后一项有更改,因此引起第二个ViewA的实例的更改。对于ViewA({ label: ViewA this.arrA[first]
, a: this.arrA[0] }),数组的更改并没有触发一个数组项更改的改变,所以第一个ViewA不会刷新。this.arrA[Math.floor(this.arrA.length/2)].c:@State无法观察到第二层的变化,但是ClassA被@Observed装饰,ClassA的属性的变化将被@ObjectLink观察到。
- @Observed
- class StringArray extends Array<String> {
- }
使用new StringArray()来构造StringArray的实例,new运算符使得@Observed生效,@Observed观察到StringArray的属性变化。
声明一个从Array扩展的类class StringArray extends Array<String> {},并创建StringArray的实例。@Observed装饰的类需要使用new运算符来构建class实例。
- @Observed
- class StringArray extends Array<String> {
- }
- @Component
- struct ItemPage {
- @ObjectLink itemArr: StringArray;
- build() {
- Row() {
- Text('ItemPage')
- .width(100).height(100)
- ForEach(this.itemArr,
- (item: string | Resource) => {
- Text(item)
- .width(100).height(100)
- },
- (item: string) => item
- )
- }
- }
- }
- @Entry
- @Component
- struct IndexPage {
- @State arr: Array<StringArray> = [new StringArray(), new StringArray(), new StringArray()];
- build() {
- Column() {
- ItemPage({ itemArr: this.arr[0] })
- ItemPage({ itemArr: this.arr[1] })
- ItemPage({ itemArr: this.arr[2] })
- Divider()
- ForEach(this.arr,
- (itemArr: StringArray) => {
- ItemPage({ itemArr: itemArr })
- },
- (itemArr: string) => itemArr[0]
- )
- Divider()
- Button('update')
- .onClick(() => {
- console.error('Update all items in arr');
- if ((this.arr[0] as Array<String>)[0] !== undefined) {
- // 正常情况下需要有一个真实的ID来与ForEach一起使用,但此处没有
- // 因此需要确保推送的字符串是唯一的。
- this.arr[0].push(`${this.arr[0].slice(-1).pop()}${this.arr[0].slice(-1).pop()}`);
- this.arr[1].push(`${this.arr[1].slice(-1).pop()}${this.arr[1].slice(-1).pop()}`);
- this.arr[2].push(`${this.arr[2].slice(-1).pop()}${this.arr[2].slice(-1).pop()}`);
- } else {
- this.arr[0].push('Hello');
- this.arr[1].push('World');
- this.arr[2].push('!');
- }
- })
- }
- }
- }

从API version 11开始,@ObjectLink支持@Observed装饰Map类型和继承Map类的类型。
在下面的示例中,myMap类型为MyMap<number, string>,点击Button改变myMap的属性,视图会随之刷新。
- @Observed
- class ClassA {
- public a: MyMap<number, string>;
- constructor(a: MyMap<number, string>) {
- this.a = a;
- }
- }
- @Observed
- export class MyMap<K, V> extends Map<K, V> {
- public name: string;
- constructor(name?: string, args?: [K, V][]) {
- super(args);
- this.name = name ? name : "My Map";
- }
- getName() {
- return this.name;
- }
- }
- @Entry
- @Component
- struct MapSampleNested {
- @State message: ClassA = new ClassA(new MyMap("myMap", [[0, "a"], [1, "b"], [3, "c"]]));
- build() {
- Row() {
- Column() {
- MapSampleNestedChild({ myMap: this.message.a })
- }
- .width('100%')
- }
- .height('100%')
- }
- }
- @Component
- struct MapSampleNestedChild {
- @ObjectLink myMap: MyMap<number, string>
- build() {
- Row() {
- Column() {
- ForEach(Array.from(this.myMap.entries()), (item: [number, string]) => {
- Text(`${item[0]}`).fontSize(30)
- Text(`${item[1]}`).fontSize(30)
- Divider()
- })
- Button('set new one').onClick(() => {
- this.myMap.set(4, "d")
- })
- Button('clear').onClick(() => {
- this.myMap.clear()
- })
- Button('replace the first one').onClick(() => {
- this.myMap.set(0, "aa")
- })
- Button('delete the first one').onClick(() => {
- this.myMap.delete(0)
- })
- }
- .width('100%')
- }
- .height('100%')
- }
- }

从API version 11开始,@ObjectLink支持@Observed装饰Set类型和继承Set类的类型。
- @Observed
- class ClassA {
- public a: MySet<number>;
- constructor(a: MySet<number>) {
- this.a = a;
- }
- }
- @Observed
- export class MySet<T> extends Set<T> {
- public name: string;
- constructor(name?: string, args?: T[]) {
- super(args);
- this.name = name ? name : "My Set";
- }
- getName() {
- return this.name;
- }
- }
- @Entry
- @Component
- struct SetSampleNested {
- @State message: ClassA = new ClassA(new MySet("Set", [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]));
- build() {
- Row() {
- Column() {
- SetSampleNestedChild({ mySet: this.message.a })
- }
- .width('100%')
- }
- .height('100%')
- }
- }
- @Component
- struct SetSampleNestedChild {
- @ObjectLink mySet: MySet<number>
- build() {
- Row() {
- Column() {
- ForEach(Array.from(this.mySet.entries()), (item: number) => {
- Text(`${item}`).fontSize(30)
- Divider()
- })
- Button('set new one').onClick(() => {
- this.mySet.add(5)
- })
- Button('clear').onClick(() => {
- this.mySet.clear()
- })
- Button('delete the first one').onClick(() => {
- this.mySet.delete(0)
- })
- }
- .width('100%')
- }
- .height('100%')
- }
- }

@ObjectLink支持@Observed装饰类和undefined或null组成的联合类型,在下面的示例中,count类型为ClassA | ClassB | undefined,点击父组件Page2中的Button改变count的属性或者类型,Child中也会对应刷新。
- @Observed
- class ClassA {
- public a: number;
- constructor(a: number) {
- this.a = a;
- }
- }
- @Observed
- class ClassB {
- public b: number;
- constructor(b: number) {
- this.b = b;
- }
- }
- @Entry
- @Component
- struct Page2 {
- @State count: ClassA | ClassB | undefined = new ClassA(10)
- build() {
- Column() {
- Child({ count: this.count })
- Button('change count property')
- .onClick(() => {
- // 判断count的类型,做属性的更新
- if (this.count instanceof ClassA) {
- this.count.a += 1
- } else if (this.count instanceof ClassB) {
- this.count.b += 1
- } else {
- console.info('count is undefined, cannot change property')
- }
- })
- Button('change count to ClassA')
- .onClick(() => {
- // 赋值为ClassA的实例
- this.count = new ClassA(100)
- })
- Button('change count to ClassB')
- .onClick(() => {
- // 赋值为ClassA的实例
- this.count = new ClassB(100)
- })
- Button('change count to undefined')
- .onClick(() => {
- // 赋值为undefined
- this.count = undefined
- })
- }.width('100%')
- }
- }
- @Component
- struct Child {
- @ObjectLink count: ClassA | ClassB | undefined
- build() {
- Column() {
- Text(`count is instanceof ${this.count instanceof ClassA ? 'ClassA' : this.count instanceof ClassB ? 'ClassB' : 'undefined'}`)
- .fontSize(30)
- Text(`count's property is ${this.count instanceof ClassA ? this.count.a : this.count?.b}`).fontSize(15)
- }.width('100%')
- }
- }

- @Observed
- class ClassA {
- public c: number = 0;
- constructor(c: number) {
- this.c = c;
- }
- }
- @Component
- struct ObjectLinkChild {
- @ObjectLink testNum: ClassA;
- build() {
- Text(`ObjectLinkChild testNum ${this.testNum.c}`)
- .onClick(() => {
- // ObjectLink不能被赋值
- this.testNum = new ClassA(47);
- })
- }
- }
- @Entry
- @Component
- struct Parent {
- @State testNum: ClassA[] = [new ClassA(1)];
- build() {
- Column() {
- Text(`Parent testNum ${this.testNum[0].c}`)
- .onClick(() => {
- this.testNum[0].c += 1;
- })
- ObjectLinkChild({ testNum: this.testNum[0] })
- }
- }
- }

this.testNum = new ClassA(47);
这是不允许的,对于实现双向数据同步的@ObjectLink,赋值相当于要更新父组件中的数组项或者class的属性,这个对于 TypeScript/JavaScript是不能实现的。框架对于这种行为会发生运行时报错。
- @Observed
- class ClassA {
- public c: number = 0;
- constructor(c: number) {
- this.c = c;
- }
- }
- @Component
- struct ObjectLinkChild {
- @ObjectLink testNum: ClassA;
- build() {
- Text(`ObjectLinkChild testNum ${this.testNum.c}`)
- .onClick(() => {
- // 可以对ObjectLink装饰对象的属性赋值
- this.testNum.c = 47;
- })
- }
- }
- @Entry
- @Component
- struct Parent {
- @State testNum: ClassA[] = [new ClassA(1)];
- build() {
- Column() {
- Text(`Parent testNum ${this.testNum[0].c}`)
- .onClick(() => {
- this.testNum[0].c += 1;
- })
- ObjectLinkChild({ testNum: this.testNum[0] })
- }
- }
- }

- class ClassA {
- a: number;
- constructor(a: number) {
- this.a = a;
- }
- getA(): number {
- return this.a;
- }
- setA(a: number): void {
- this.a = a;
- }
- }
- class ClassC {
- c: number;
- constructor(c: number) {
- this.c = c;
- }
- getC(): number {
- return this.c;
- }
- setC(c: number): void {
- this.c = c;
- }
- }
- class ClassB extends ClassA {
- b: number = 47;
- c: ClassC;
- constructor(a: number, b: number, c: number) {
- super(a);
- this.b = b;
- this.c = new ClassC(c);
- }
- getB(): number {
- return this.b;
- }
- setB(b: number): void {
- this.b = b;
- }
- getC(): number {
- return this.c.getC();
- }
- setC(c: number): void {
- return this.c.setC(c);
- }
- }
- @Entry
- @Component
- struct MyView {
- @State b: ClassB = new ClassB(10, 20, 30);
- build() {
- Column({ space: 10 }) {
- Text(`a: ${this.b.a}`)
- Button("Change ClassA.a")
- .onClick(() => {
- this.b.a += 1;
- })
- Text(`b: ${this.b.b}`)
- Button("Change ClassB.b")
- .onClick(() => {
- this.b.b += 1;
- })
- Text(`c: ${this.b.c.c}`)
- Button("Change ClassB.ClassC.c")
- .onClick(() => {
- // 点击时上面的Text组件不会刷新
- this.b.c.c += 1;
- })
- }
- }
- }

最后一个Text组件Text('c: ${this.b.c.c}'),当点击该组件时UI不会刷新。 因为,@State b : ClassB 只能观察到this.b属性的变化,比如this.b.a, this.b.b 和this.b.c的变化,但是无法观察嵌套在属性中的属性,即this.b.c.c(属性c是内嵌在b中的对象classC的属性)。
- class ClassA {
- a: number;
- constructor(a: number) {
- this.a = a;
- }
- getA(): number {
- return this.a;
- }
- setA(a: number): void {
- this.a = a;
- }
- }
- @Observed
- class ClassC {
- c: number;
- constructor(c: number) {
- this.c = c;
- }
- getC(): number {
- return this.c;
- }
- setC(c: number): void {
- this.c = c;
- }
- }
- class ClassB extends ClassA {
- b: number = 47;
- c: ClassC;
- constructor(a: number, b: number, c: number) {
- super(a);
- this.b = b;
- this.c = new ClassC(c);
- }
- getB(): number {
- return this.b;
- }
- setB(b: number): void {
- this.b = b;
- }
- getC(): number {
- return this.c.getC();
- }
- setC(c: number): void {
- return this.c.setC(c);
- }
- }
- @Component
- struct ViewClassC {
- @ObjectLink c: ClassC;
- build() {
- Column({ space: 10 }) {
- Text(`c: ${this.c.getC()}`)
- Button("Change C")
- .onClick(() => {
- this.c.setC(this.c.getC() + 1);
- })
- }
- }
- }
- @Entry
- @Component
- struct MyView {
- @State b: ClassB = new ClassB(10, 20, 30);
- build() {
- Column({ space: 10 }) {
- Text(`a: ${this.b.a}`)
- Button("Change ClassA.a")
- .onClick(() => {
- this.b.a += 1;
- })
- Text(`b: ${this.b.b}`)
- Button("Change ClassB.b")
- .onClick(() => {
- this.b.b += 1;
- })
- ViewClassC({ c: this.b.c }) // Text(`c: ${this.b.c.c}`)的替代写法
- Button("Change ClassB.ClassC.c")
- .onClick(() => {
- this.b.c.c += 1;
- })
- }
- }
- }

- let nextId = 1;
- @Observed
- class SubCounter {
- counter: number;
- constructor(c: number) {
- this.counter = c;
- }
- }
- @Observed
- class ParentCounter {
- id: number;
- counter: number;
- subCounter: SubCounter;
- incrCounter() {
- this.counter++;
- }
- incrSubCounter(c: number) {
- this.subCounter.counter += c;
- }
- setSubCounter(c: number): void {
- this.subCounter.counter = c;
- }
- constructor(c: number) {
- this.id = nextId++;
- this.counter = c;
- this.subCounter = new SubCounter(c);
- }
- }
- @Component
- struct CounterComp {
- @ObjectLink value: ParentCounter;
- build() {
- Column({ space: 10 }) {
- Text(`${this.value.counter}`)
- .fontSize(25)
- .onClick(() => {
- this.value.incrCounter();
- })
- Text(`${this.value.subCounter.counter}`)
- .onClick(() => {
- this.value.incrSubCounter(1);
- })
- Divider().height(2)
- }
- }
- }
- @Entry
- @Component
- struct ParentComp {
- @State counter: ParentCounter[] = [new ParentCounter(1), new ParentCounter(2), new ParentCounter(3)];
- build() {
- Row() {
- Column() {
- CounterComp({ value: this.counter[0] })
- CounterComp({ value: this.counter[1] })
- CounterComp({ value: this.counter[2] })
- Divider().height(5)
- ForEach(this.counter,
- (item: ParentCounter) => {
- CounterComp({ value: item })
- },
- (item: ParentCounter) => item.id.toString()
- )
- Divider().height(5)
- // 第一个点击事件
- Text('Parent: incr counter[0].counter')
- .fontSize(20).height(50)
- .onClick(() => {
- this.counter[0].incrCounter();
- // 每次触发时自增10
- this.counter[0].incrSubCounter(10);
- })
- // 第二个点击事件
- Text('Parent: set.counter to 10')
- .fontSize(20).height(50)
- .onClick(() => {
- // 无法将value设置为10,UI不会刷新
- this.counter[0].setSubCounter(10);
- })
- Text('Parent: reset entire counter')
- .fontSize(20).height(50)
- .onClick(() => {
- this.counter = [new ParentCounter(1), new ParentCounter(2), new ParentCounter(3)];
- })
- }
- }
- }
- }

对于Text('Parent: incr counter[0].counter')的onClick事件,this.counter[0].incrSubCounter(10)调用incrSubCounter方法使SubCounter的counter值增加10,UI同步刷新。
但是,在Text('Parent: set.counter to 10')的onClick中调用this.counter[0].setSubCounter(10),SubCounter的counter值却无法重置为10。
incrSubCounter和setSubCounter都是同一个SubCounter的函数。在第一个点击处理时调用incrSubCounter可以正确更新UI,而第二个点击处理调用setSubCounter时却没有更新UI。实际上incrSubCounter和setSubCounter两个函数都不能触发Text('${this.value.subCounter.counter}')的更新,因为@ObjectLink value : ParentCounter仅能观察其代理ParentCounter的属性,对于this.value.subCounter.counter是SubCounter的属性,无法观察到嵌套类的属性。
但是,第一个click事件调用this.counter[0].incrCounter()将CounterComp自定义组件中@ObjectLink value: ParentCounter标记为已更改。此时触发Text('${this.value.subCounter.counter}')的更新。 如果在第一个点击事件中删除this.counter[0].incrCounter(),也无法更新UI。
- @ObjectLink value:ParentCounter = new ParentCounter(0);
- @ObjectLink subValue:SubCounter = new SubCounter(0);
- let nextId = 1;
- @Observed
- class SubCounter {
- counter: number;
- constructor(c: number) {
- this.counter = c;
- }
- }
- @Observed
- class ParentCounter {
- id: number;
- counter: number;
- subCounter: SubCounter;
- incrCounter() {
- this.counter++;
- }
- incrSubCounter(c: number) {
- this.subCounter.counter += c;
- }
- setSubCounter(c: number): void {
- this.subCounter.counter = c;
- }
- constructor(c: number) {
- this.id = nextId++;
- this.counter = c;
- this.subCounter = new SubCounter(c);
- }
- }
- @Component
- struct CounterComp {
- @ObjectLink value: ParentCounter;
- build() {
- Column({ space: 10 }) {
- Text(`${this.value.counter}`)
- .fontSize(25)
- .onClick(() => {
- this.value.incrCounter();
- })
- CounterChild({ subValue: this.value.subCounter })
- Divider().height(2)
- }
- }
- }
- @Component
- struct CounterChild {
- @ObjectLink subValue: SubCounter;
- build() {
- Text(`${this.subValue.counter}`)
- .onClick(() => {
- this.subValue.counter += 1;
- })
- }
- }
- @Entry
- @Component
- struct ParentComp {
- @State counter: ParentCounter[] = [new ParentCounter(1), new ParentCounter(2), new ParentCounter(3)];
- build() {
- Row() {
- Column() {
- CounterComp({ value: this.counter[0] })
- CounterComp({ value: this.counter[1] })
- CounterComp({ value: this.counter[2] })
- Divider().height(5)
- ForEach(this.counter,
- (item: ParentCounter) => {
- CounterComp({ value: item })
- },
- (item: ParentCounter) => item.id.toString()
- )
- Divider().height(5)
- Text('Parent: reset entire counter')
- .fontSize(20).height(50)
- .onClick(() => {
- this.counter = [new ParentCounter(1), new ParentCounter(2), new ParentCounter(3)];
- })
- Text('Parent: incr counter[0].counter')
- .fontSize(20).height(50)
- .onClick(() => {
- this.counter[0].incrCounter();
- this.counter[0].incrSubCounter(10);
- })
- Text('Parent: set.counter to 10')
- .fontSize(20).height(50)
- .onClick(() => {
- this.counter[0].setSubCounter(10);
- })
- }
- }
- }
- }

在下面的示例代码中,@ObjectLink装饰的变量是对数据源的引用,即在this.value.subValue和this.subValue都是同一个对象的不同引用,所以在点击CounterComp的click handler,改变this.value.subCounter.counter,this.subValue.counter也会改变,对应的组件Text(this.subValue.counter: ${this.subValue.counter}
- let nextId = 1;
- @Observed
- class SubCounter {
- counter: number;
- constructor(c: number) {
- this.counter = c;
- }
- }
- @Observed
- class ParentCounter {
- id: number;
- counter: number;
- subCounter: SubCounter;
- incrCounter() {
- this.counter++;
- }
- incrSubCounter(c: number) {
- this.subCounter.counter += c;
- }
- setSubCounter(c: number): void {
- this.subCounter.counter = c;
- }
- constructor(c: number) {
- this.id = nextId++;
- this.counter = c;
- this.subCounter = new SubCounter(c);
- }
- }
- @Component
- struct CounterComp {
- @ObjectLink value: ParentCounter;
- build() {
- Column({ space: 10 }) {
- CountChild({ subValue: this.value.subCounter })
- Text(`this.value.counter:increase 7 `)
- .fontSize(30)
- .onClick(() => {
- // click handler, Text(`this.subValue.counter: ${this.subValue.counter}`) will update
- this.value.incrSubCounter(7);
- })
- Divider().height(2)
- }
- }
- }
- @Component
- struct CountChild {
- @ObjectLink subValue: SubCounter;
- build() {
- Text(`this.subValue.counter: ${this.subValue.counter}`)
- .fontSize(30)
- }
- }
- @Entry
- @Component
- struct ParentComp {
- @State counter: ParentCounter[] = [new ParentCounter(1), new ParentCounter(2), new ParentCounter(3)];
- build() {
- Row() {
- Column() {
- CounterComp({ value: this.counter[0] })
- CounterComp({ value: this.counter[1] })
- CounterComp({ value: this.counter[2] })
- Divider().height(5)
- ForEach(this.counter,
- (item: ParentCounter) => {
- CounterComp({ value: item })
- },
- (item: ParentCounter) => item.id.toString()
- )
- Divider().height(5)
- Text('Parent: reset entire counter')
- .fontSize(20).height(50)
- .onClick(() => {
- this.counter = [new ParentCounter(1), new ParentCounter(2), new ParentCounter(3)];
- })
- Text('Parent: incr counter[0].counter')
- .fontSize(20).height(50)
- .onClick(() => {
- this.counter[0].incrCounter();
- this.counter[0].incrSubCounter(10);
- })
- Text('Parent: set.counter to 10')
- .fontSize(20).height(50)
- .onClick(() => {
- this.counter[0].setSubCounter(10);
- })
- }
- }
- }
- }

如果用@Prop替代@ObjectLink。点击第一个click handler,UI刷新正常。但是点击第二个onClick事件,@Prop 对变量做了一个本地拷贝,CounterComp的第一个Text并不会刷新。
this.value.subCounter和this.subValue并不是同一个对象。所以this.value.subCounter的改变,并没有改变this.subValue的拷贝对象,Text(this.subValue.counter: ${this.subValue.counter}
- @Component
- struct CounterComp {
- @Prop value: ParentCounter = new ParentCounter(0);
- @Prop subValue: SubCounter = new SubCounter(0);
- build() {
- Column({ space: 10 }) {
- Text(`this.subValue.counter: ${this.subValue.counter}`)
- .fontSize(20)
- .onClick(() => {
- // 1st click handler
- this.subValue.counter += 7;
- })
- Text(`this.value.counter:increase 7 `)
- .fontSize(20)
- .onClick(() => {
- // 2nd click handler
- this.value.incrSubCounter(7);
- })
- Divider().height(2)
- }
- }
- }

可以通过从ParentComp到CounterComp仅拷贝一份@Prop value: ParentCounter,同时必须避免再多拷贝一份SubCounter。
在CounterComp组件中只使用一个@Prop counter:Counter。
添加另一个子组件SubCounterComp,其中包含@ObjectLink subCounter: SubCounter。此@ObjectLink可确保观察到SubCounter对象属性更改,并且UI更新正常。
@ObjectLink subCounter: SubCounter与CounterComp中的@Prop counter:Counter的this.counter.subCounter共享相同的SubCounter对象。
- let nextId = 1;
- @Observed
- class SubCounter {
- counter: number;
- constructor(c: number) {
- this.counter = c;
- }
- }
- @Observed
- class ParentCounter {
- id: number;
- counter: number;
- subCounter: SubCounter;
- incrCounter() {
- this.counter++;
- }
- incrSubCounter(c: number) {
- this.subCounter.counter += c;
- }
- setSubCounter(c: number): void {
- this.subCounter.counter = c;
- }
- constructor(c: number) {
- this.id = nextId++;
- this.counter = c;
- this.subCounter = new SubCounter(c);
- }
- }
- @Component
- struct SubCounterComp {
- @ObjectLink subValue: SubCounter;
- build() {
- Text(`SubCounterComp: this.subValue.counter: ${this.subValue.counter}`)
- .onClick(() => {
- // 2nd click handler
- this.subValue.counter = 7;
- })
- }
- }
- @Component
- struct CounterComp {
- @Prop value: ParentCounter;
- build() {
- Column({ space: 10 }) {
- Text(`this.value.incrCounter(): this.value.counter: ${this.value.counter}`)
- .fontSize(20)
- .onClick(() => {
- // 1st click handler
- this.value.incrCounter();
- })
- SubCounterComp({ subValue: this.value.subCounter })
- Text(`this.value.incrSubCounter()`)
- .onClick(() => {
- // 3rd click handler
- this.value.incrSubCounter(77);
- })
- Divider().height(2)
- }
- }
- }
- @Entry
- @Component
- struct ParentComp {
- @State counter: ParentCounter[] = [new ParentCounter(1), new ParentCounter(2), new ParentCounter(3)];
- build() {
- Row() {
- Column() {
- CounterComp({ value: this.counter[0] })
- CounterComp({ value: this.counter[1] })
- CounterComp({ value: this.counter[2] })
- Divider().height(5)
- ForEach(this.counter,
- (item: ParentCounter) => {
- CounterComp({ value: item })
- },
- (item: ParentCounter) => item.id.toString()
- )
- Divider().height(5)
- Text('Parent: reset entire counter')
- .fontSize(20).height(50)
- .onClick(() => {
- this.counter = [new ParentCounter(1), new ParentCounter(2), new ParentCounter(3)];
- })
- Text('Parent: incr counter[0].counter')
- .fontSize(20).height(50)
- .onClick(() => {
- this.counter[0].incrCounter();
- this.counter[0].incrSubCounter(10);
- })
- Text('Parent: set.counter to 10')
- .fontSize(20).height(50)
- .onClick(() => {
- this.counter[0].setSubCounter(10);
- })
- }
- }
- }
- }

- @Observed
- class RenderClass {
- waitToRender: boolean = false;
- constructor() {
- setTimeout(() => {
- this.waitToRender = true;
- console.log("change waitToRender to " + this.waitToRender);
- }, 1000)
- }
- }
- @Entry
- @Component
- struct Index {
- @State @Watch('renderClassChange') renderClass: RenderClass = new RenderClass();
- @State textColor: Color = Color.Black;
- renderClassChange() {
- console.log("Render Class Change waitToRender is " + this.renderClass.waitToRender);
- }
- build() {
- Row() {
- Column() {
- Text("Render Class waitToRender is " + this.renderClass.waitToRender)
- .fontSize(20)
- .fontColor(this.textColor)
- Button("Show")
- .onClick(() => {
- // 使用其他状态变量强行刷新UI的做法并不推荐,此处仅用来检测waitToRender的值是否更新
- this.textColor = Color.Red;
- })
- }
- .width('100%')
- }
- .height('100%')
- }
- }

- @Observed
- class RenderClass {
- waitToRender: boolean = false;
- constructor() {
- }
- }
- @Entry
- @Component
- struct Index {
- @State @Watch('renderClassChange') renderClass: RenderClass = new RenderClass();
- renderClassChange() {
- console.log("Render Class Change waitToRender is " + this.renderClass.waitToRender);
- }
- onPageShow() {
- setTimeout(() => {
- this.renderClass.waitToRender = true;
- console.log("change waitToRender to " + this.renderClass.waitToRender);
- }, 1000)
- }
- build() {
- Row() {
- Column() {
- Text("Render Class Wait To Render is " + this.renderClass.waitToRender)
- .fontSize(20)
- }
- .width('100%')
- }
- .height('100%')
- }
- }

上文的示例代码将定时器修改移入到组件内,此时界面显示时会先显示“Render Class Change waitToRender is false”。待定时器触发时,界面刷新显示“Render Class Change waitToRender is true”。
- @Entry
- @Component
- struct MainPage {
- @State viewModel: ViewModel = ViewModel.build();
- build() {
- Column() {
- Button("Click")
- .onClick((event) => {
- this.viewModel.subViewModel.isShow = !this.viewModel.subViewModel.isShow;
- })
- SubComponent({ viewModel: this.viewModel.subViewModel })
- }
- .padding({ top: 60 })
- .width('100%')
- .alignItems(HorizontalAlign.Center)
- }
- }
- @Component
- struct SubComponent {
- @ObjectLink viewModel: SubViewModel;
- build() {
- Column() {
- if (this.viewModel.isShow) {
- Text("click to take effect");
- }
- }
- }
- }
- class ViewModel {
- subViewModel: SubViewModel = SubViewModel.build(); //内部静态方法创建
- static build() {
- console.log("ViewModel build()")
- return new ViewModel();
- }
- }
- @Observed
- class SubViewModel {
- isShow?: boolean = false;
- static build() {
- //只有在SubViewModel内部的静态方法创建对象,会影响关联
- console.log("SubViewModel build()")
- let viewModel = new SubViewModel();
- return viewModel;
- }
- }

上文的示例中,在自定义组件ViewModel中使用static方法进行初始化,此时点击Click按钮,页面中并不会显示click to take effect。
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