pyinstaller.exe -F .\反ARP欺骗.py -w
import re from subprocess import PIPE, Popen import tkinter.messagebox import os import time # 根据获取到的IP网卡地址,获知对应的网卡名字 def ip_to_name(ip): command1 = r'ipconfig' interface_name1 = '' # 获取到网卡的名字 p = Popen(command1, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) stdout1, stderr1 = p.communicate() ipconfig = stdout1.decode('gbk') a = ipconfig.split('网适配器') del (a[0]) for i1 in a: if '断开连接' not in i1 and ip in i1: interface_msg = i1.split('子网掩码')[0] # 获取每个网卡的网络信息,断开连接的网卡不予展示 interface_name1 = interface_msg.split('连接特定的 DNS 后缀')[0].replace(':', '').strip() # 获取到网卡的名字 return interface_name1 def work(): desktop_path = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), 'Desktop') # 获取桌面路径 path_result = os.path.join(desktop_path, 'evil_arp.txt') # 用来存储终端中输出的内容到一个文本中,方便用户使用数据,此为文本路径 path_result1 = os.path.join(desktop_path, 'arp.txt') # 用来存储终端中输出的内容到一个文本中,方便用户使用数据,此为文本路径 evil_arp = '' # 用来记录所有的可疑arp表项 flag = 0 command = r'arp -a' p = Popen(command, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) stdout, stderr = p.communicate() arp_form = stdout.decode('gbk') arp_list = arp_form.split('接口:') for i2 in arp_list: # 把ARP表按照网卡进行切分 ip_and_mac = {} # 用来存放arp小表中的IP和MAC地址 mac_list = [] # 用来存储一个ARP小表中的所有mac,借此检查有无重复的mac,进而得知ARP攻击 interface_arp = i2.split('---')[0].strip() # 获取每个ARP小表的网卡地址 # 从每一个ARP小表中提取出IP地址和MAC地址,将其绑定为字典 obj = re.compile(r"(?P<ip>(\d+\x2e){3}\d+)\s+(?P<mac>(\w\w-){5}\w\w)", re.S) result = obj.finditer(i2) for i3 in result: # print(i3.group('ip'), i3.group('mac'), sep=' ') ip_and_mac[i3.group('ip')] = i3.group('mac') # 判断有误重复的MAC地址 for i4 in ip_and_mac.values(): if i4 == 'ff-ff-ff-ff-ff-ff': pass else: if i4 not in mac_list: mac_list.append(i4) else: flag = 1 interface_name = ip_to_name(interface_arp) # 获知网卡名字 repeat_ip = [k for k, v in ip_and_mac.items() if v == i4] # 获知重复MAC对应的IP msg = '' for ri in repeat_ip: msg += ri + '\t' + i4 + '\n' alert_msg = interface_name + '网卡 发现ARP攻击!\n' + msg evil_arp += alert_msg + '\n' tkinter.messagebox.showerror('ARP攻击!ARP记录已存放至桌面!', alert_msg) # 导出结果 if flag: # 导出所有的ARP记录 a = open(path_result, 'w', encoding='utf8') for r in evil_arp: a.write(r) a.close() # 导出可疑的ARP记录 arp_record = r'arp -a > ' + path_result1 os.system(arp_record) if __name__ == '__main__': ''' 脚本功能:每隔一段时间查询一次ARP表,一旦发现ARP异常,就会导出结果到桌面 ''' while True: work() time.sleep(30*60) # 每隔30分钟运行一次
打包成exe的命令:pyinstaller.exe -F .\反ARP欺骗PLUS版.py -w
import re from subprocess import PIPE, Popen import tkinter.messagebox import os import time # 根据获取到的IP网卡地址,获知对应的网卡名字 def ip_to_name(ip): command1 = r'ipconfig' interface_name1 = '' # 获取到网卡的名字 p = Popen(command1, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) stdout1, stderr1 = p.communicate() ipconfig = stdout1.decode('gbk') a = ipconfig.split('网适配器') del (a[0]) for i1 in a: if '断开连接' not in i1 and ip in i1: interface_msg = i1.split('子网掩码')[0] # 获取每个网卡的网络信息,断开连接的网卡不予展示 interface_name1 = interface_msg.split('连接特定的 DNS 后缀')[0].replace(':', '').strip() # 获取到网卡的名字 return interface_name1 # 开启取证抓包 def qu_zheng(interface_name): desktop_path = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), 'Desktop') # 获取桌面路径 pcap_name = interface_name + '.pcap' path_pcap = os.path.join(desktop_path, pcap_name) path_pcap = '"' + path_pcap + '"' command = r'tshark.exe -D' p = Popen(command, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) stdout, stderr = p.communicate() tshark = stdout.decode('utf-8') tshark = tshark.split(')') for i in tshark: if interface_name in i: interface_code = i.split('(')[0].split('.')[-1].strip() # 网卡对应的接口名称 os.system('tshark.exe -i ' + interface_code + ' -f arp -a duration:20 -w ' + path_pcap) # 抓包20秒 # 检测ARP攻击 def work(): desktop_path = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), 'Desktop') # 获取桌面路径 path_result = os.path.join(desktop_path, 'evil_arp.txt') # 用来存储终端中输出的内容到一个文本中,方便用户使用数据,此为文本路径 path_result1 = os.path.join(desktop_path, 'arp.txt') # 用来存储终端中输出的内容到一个文本中,方便用户使用数据,此为文本路径 evil_arp = '' # 用来记录所有的可疑arp表项 flag = 0 interface_name = '' # 网卡的名字 evil_interface_name = [] # 用来存储所有出现ARP欺骗问题的网卡 command = r'arp -a' p = Popen(command, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) stdout, stderr = p.communicate() arp_form = stdout.decode('gbk') arp_list = arp_form.split('接口:') for i2 in arp_list: # 把ARP表按照网卡进行切分 ip_and_mac = {} # 用来存放arp小表中的IP和MAC地址 mac_list = [] # 用来存储一个ARP小表中的所有mac,借此检查有无重复的mac,进而得知ARP攻击 interface_arp = i2.split('---')[0].strip() # 获取每个ARP小表的网卡地址 # 从每一个ARP小表中提取出IP地址和MAC地址,将其绑定为字典 obj = re.compile(r"(?P<ip>(\d+\x2e){3}\d+)\s+(?P<mac>(\w\w-){5}\w\w)", re.S) result = obj.finditer(i2) for i3 in result: # print(i3.group('ip'), i3.group('mac'), sep=' ') ip_and_mac[i3.group('ip')] = i3.group('mac') # 判断有误重复的MAC地址 for i4 in ip_and_mac.values(): if i4 == 'ff-ff-ff-ff-ff-ff': pass else: if i4 not in mac_list: mac_list.append(i4) else: flag = 1 interface_name = ip_to_name(interface_arp) # 获知网卡名字 evil_interface_name.append(interface_name) repeat_ip = [k for k, v in ip_and_mac.items() if v == i4] # 获知重复MAC对应的IP msg = '' for ri in repeat_ip: msg += ri + '\t' + i4 + '\n' alert_msg = interface_name + '网卡 发现ARP攻击!\n' + msg evil_arp += alert_msg + '\n' tkinter.messagebox.showerror('ARP攻击!ARP记录已存放至桌面!', alert_msg) # 导出结果 if flag: # 导出所有的ARP记录 a = open(path_result, 'w', encoding='utf8') for r in evil_arp: a.write(r) a.close() # 导出可疑的ARP记录 arp_record = r'arp -a > ' + path_result1 os.system(arp_record) # 这里走个形式,网络上一般就一个网卡会存在ARP欺骗,为了满足实验的需求,这里检查所有的网卡 for i in evil_interface_name: qu_zheng(i) if __name__ == '__main__': ''' 脚本功能:每隔一段时间查询一次ARP表,一旦发现ARP异常,就会导出结果到桌面,并且抓包取证 ''' while True: work() time.sleep(30*60)
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