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【期刊】【IEEE Access】【三区】_please add a brief explanation justifying the manu

please add a brief explanation justifying the manuscript type you have chose

1 Preparing Your Article 准备您的文章

Article Acceptance RequirementsAvoid Plagiarism and Duplicate PublicationProper GrammarGuidelines for Artificial Intelligence (AI)-Generated TextIEEE Author Digital ToolsIEEE Access Required Article TemplatesSupplemental Material
文章接受要求 避免抄袭和重复出版 人工智能 (AI) 生成文本的正确语法指南 IEEE 作者数字工具IEEE 访问 所需的文章模板 补充材料
Article Acceptance Requirements
The criteria for an article to be accepted for publication in IEEE Access include:
文章被IEEE Access接受发表的标准包括:

The article must be original writing that enhances the existing body of knowledge in the given subject area. Original review articles and surveys are acceptable, even if new data/concepts are not presented.
Results reported must not have been submitted or published elsewhere (although expanded versions of conference publications are eligible for submission).
Experiments, statistics, and other analyses must be performed to a high technical standard and described in sufficient detail.
Conclusions must be presented clearly and supported by the data.
Article must be written in standard English with correct grammar.
Appropriate references to related prior published works must be included.
The article must fall within the scope of IEEE Access. To help you decide, you should consider if the article topic falls within the umbrella of IEEE topics of interest.
该文章必须属于IEEE Access的范围。为了帮助您做出决定,您应该考虑文章主题是否属于感兴趣的 IEEE 主题。
Avoid Plagiarism and Duplicate Publication
Each article submitted to IEEE Access is scanned for plagiarism, including similarity to an author’s own work.
提交给IEEE Access的每篇文章都会被扫描是否存在抄袭,包括与作者自己作品的相似性。

Article submissions that plagiarize another author’s work will be rejected from IEEE Access, and cases will be reported to the IEEE Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) department. For more information on the appropriate way to cite other authors’ work, please click here.
剽窃其他作者作品的文章将被IEEE Access拒绝,案件将报告给IEEE知识产权(IPR)部门。有关引用其他作者作品的适当方式的更多信息,请单击此处。

IEEE Access accepts expanded versions of an author’s own referenced conference articles, as long as the similarity is less than 35%. In such cases, authors are expected to describe the connection in the manuscript and disclose it in the cover letter. If the overlap is higher (effectively duplicate publication) or the source article is not referenced, the article will be rejected.
IEEE Access接受作者自己引用的会议文章的扩展版本,只要相似度小于35%。在这种情况下,作者应在手稿中描述这种联系,并在求职信中披露。如果重叠度较高(实际上是重复发布)或未引用源文章,则该文章将被拒绝。

Reuse of an author’s own thesis or dissertation is allowed, as long as it is cited and has not been published elsewhere.

Preprints of authors’ articles to their own web site, their employer’s site, or to another server that invites constructive comment from colleagues and provides a publication time stamp are allowed. Upon publication of an article by IEEE, an author is required to transfer copyright in the article to IEEE, and the author must update any previously posted version of the article with a prominently displayed IEEE copyright notice. Upon publication of an article by the IEEE, the author must replace any previously posted electronic versions of the article with either (1) the full citation to the IEEE work with a Digital Object Identifier (DOI), or (2) the accepted version only with the DOI (not the IEEE-published version).

Articles submitted to IEEE Access should not be under consideration for peer review at any other journal (duplicate submission).
提交给IEEE Access的文章不应被考虑在任何其他期刊进行同行评审(重复提交)。

Proper Grammar 正确的语法
Proper grammar is a requirement for publication in IEEE Access. Any articles submitted with poor grammar will be immediately rejected.
正确的语法是在IEEE Access上发表的要求。任何提交的语法不佳的文章将立即被拒绝。

If needed, IEEE Access offers Paperpal Preflight to assist authors with checking their manuscript for any grammar issues prior to submission. Check your manuscript on Paperpal Preflight by clicking here.
如果需要,IEEE Access 提供 Paperpal Preflight,以帮助作者在提交稿件之前检查他们的稿件是否存在任何语法问题。点击这里在Paperpal Preflight上查看您的稿件。

Additionally, IEEE Access authors are eligible for discounts at the following language editing services:
此外,IEEE Access的作者有资格在以下语言编辑服务中享受折扣:

American Journal Experts: 10% discount
American Journal Experts:10% 折扣
Enago: 30% discount (review Enago’s services for authors in Chinese)
Guidelines for Artificial Intelligence (AI)-Generated Text
人工智能 (AI) 生成的文本指南
The use of content generated by artificial intelligence (AI) in an article (including but not limited to text, figures, images, and code) shall be disclosed in the acknowledgments section of any article submitted to an IEEE publication. The AI system used shall be identified, and specific sections of the article that use AI-generated content shall be identified and accompanied by a brief explanation regarding the level at which the AI system was used to generate the content.
在文章中使用人工智能 (AI) 生成的内容(包括但不限于文本、图形、图像和代码)应在提交给 IEEE 出版物的任何文章的致谢部分进行披露。应识别所使用的人工智能系统,并应识别文章中使用人工智能生成内容的特定部分,并附有关于使用人工智能系统生成内容的级别的简要说明。

The use of AI systems for editing and grammar enhancement is common practice and, as such, is generally outside the intent of the above policy. In this case, disclosure as noted above is recommended.

IEEE Author Digital Tools
Please use the IEEE Math Guidelines.

Refer to the IEEE Editorial Style Manual.

Find additional information and tools in the IEEE Author Center.

For information on supplemental materials and video integration, please visit the IEEE Author Center.

IEEE Access Required Article Templates
IEEE Access Required 文章模板
IEEE Access requires that all article submissions use one of the following templates, submitted as a Word or LaTex file and as a PDF file upon submission: IEEE Access Templates for Microsoft Word and LaTex.*
IEEE Access 要求所有文章提交都使用以下模板之一,在提交时以 Word 或 LaTex 文件的形式提交,并以 PDF 文件的形式提交:适用于 Microsoft Word 和 LaTex 的 IEEE Access 模板。

*If Overleaf is being used to prepare your manuscript, please be sure unzip the file from inside Overleaf.
*如果使用 Overleaf 准备您的稿件,请务必从 Overleaf 内部解压缩文件。

Supplemental Material 补充材料
You may submit supplemental material (code, data, etc.) with your article submission, which will be posted on IEEE Xplore under the tab “media” with your published article. IEEE Access provides the following services:
您可以在提交文章时提交补充材料(代码、数据等),这些材料将与您发表的文章一起发布在IEEE Xplore的“媒体”标签下。IEEE Access 提供以下服务:

Video integrationVideo may be simulations, demonstrations, or interviews with other experts, for example, and can be a great tool to enhance and promote your article. The video file should not exceed 100 MB and must be included in the peer review with the article. Any video published with an article will automatically be published as a graphical abstract (GA). IEEE Access continually hosts a Best Video Award where authors have a chance to win a $500 USD Amazon gift card. For more information, please visit the Best Video Award announcement.
视频集成视频可以是模拟、演示或对其他专家的采访,并且可以成为增强和推广您的文章的绝佳工具。视频文件不应超过 100 MB,并且必须包含在文章的同行评审中。与文章一起发布的任何视频都将自动以图形摘要 (GA) 的形式发布。IEEE Access 持续举办最佳视频奖,作者有机会赢得价值 500 美元的亚马逊礼品卡。欲了解更多信息,请访问最佳视频奖公告。
Code OceanA cloud-based computational reproducibility platform, integrated with IEEE Xplore that enables IEEE authors to publish their executable code associated with research articles. Code may be uploaded at submission, revision or after acceptance of the article. For more information on Code Ocean, please click here.
Code Ocean一个基于云的计算可重复性平台,与IEEE Xplore集成,使IEEE作者能够发布与研究文章相关的可执行代码。代码可以在提交、修改或接受文章后上传。有关Code Ocean的更多信息,请点击这里。
IEEE DataPortA repository of datasets and data analysis tools. The repository is designed to accept all types of datasets, including Big Data datasets up to 2TB, and it provides both downloading capabilities and access to Cloud services to enable data analysis in the Cloud. For standard dataset uploads, there is no cost to the author. For more information on IEEE DataPort, please click here.
IEEE DataPort数据集和数据分析工具的存储库。该存储库旨在接受所有类型的数据集,包括高达 2TB 的大数据数据集,并提供下载功能和对云服务的访问,以实现云中的数据分析。对于标准数据集上传,作者无需支付任何费用。有关IEEE DataPort的更多信息,请单击此处。

Check out this video from the IEEE Access Editor-in-Chief, Dr. Derek Abbott, on tips for getting your article published in IEEE Access: How to Get Published In IEEE Access
观看IEEE Access主编Derek Abbott博士的这段视频,了解在IEEE Access上发表文章的技巧:如何在IEEE Access上发表文章


Submission Guidelines 投稿须知
Submission ChecklistManuscript Types Acceptable for Peer Review
提交清单 可接受同行评审的稿件类型
Submission Checklist 提交清单
Carefully review each item listed below before submitting your article. Article submissions that do not follow the guidelines below will be returned to draft or immediately rejected.

Manuscript should be prepared in a double column, single-spaced format using a required IEEE Access template. A Word or LaTex file and a PDF file are both required upon submission. Content on each file must match exactly. File sizes should not exceed 40MB. Download IEEE Access Templates for Microsoft Word and LaTex.
稿件应使用所需的IEEE Access模板以双列、单倍行距格式准备。提交时都需要 Word 或 LaTex 文件和 PDF 文件。每个文件上的内容必须完全匹配。文件大小不应超过 40MB。下载适用于 Microsoft Word 和 LaTex 的 IEEE 访问模板。
The use of artificial intelligence (AI)–generated text in an article shall be disclosed in the acknowledgements section of any paper submitted to an IEEE Conference or Periodical. The sections of the paper that use AI-generated text shall have a citation to the AI system used to generate the text. For more information please click here.
在文章中使用人工智能 (AI) 生成的文本应在提交给 IEEE 会议或期刊的任何论文的致谢部分披露。论文中使用人工智能生成文本的部分应引用用于生成文本的人工智能系统。 欲了解更多信息,请点击这里。
Author lists should be carefully considered before submission. For more information on what constitutes an author, please click here. (Changes to author list post acceptance are not allowed.)
Corresponding authors are required to have an ORCID ID associated with their account. For more information on ORCID, click here.
通讯作者必须有一个 ORCID 与其帐户关联的 ID。欲了解更多信息 ORCID, 点击这里.
Short biographies are required for ALL authors on an article submission. As indicated in the required IEEE Access templates, biographies of all authors should be included directly within the article below the references section.
All authors should be listed on both the source file (Word of LaTex file) and the manuscript PDF file. When submitting your files ensure the submission system successfully extracts the full author list from your files.
所有作者都应列在源文件(Word of LaTex 文件)和手稿 PDF 文件中。提交文件时,请确保提交系统成功从文件中提取完整的作者列表。
The article should be thoroughly reviewed for proper grammar before being submitted. Articles with poor grammar will be immediately rejected. If needed, IEEE Access offers Paperpal Preflight to assist authors in checking their manuscript for grammar issues prior to submission. Check your manuscript on Paperpal Preflight by clicking here.
在提交之前,应彻底审查文章的语法是否正确。语法不佳的文章将立即被拒绝。如果需要,IEEE Access 提供 Paperpal Preflight,以帮助作者在提交稿件之前检查他们的稿件是否存在语法问题。点击这里在Paperpal Preflight上查看您的稿件。
All research works should be carefully referenced. More information to avoid plagiarism is listed below.
The article should not be submitted elsewhere at the same time. More information about duplicate submission is listed below.
Supplementary material for review (if any)
Manuscript keywords (minimum of 3 and maximum of 10). Please carefully select the keywords as this is how we select a relevant Associate Editor to manage the peer review of your article.
稿件关键词(最少 3 个,最多 10 个)。 请仔细选择关键词,因为这是我们选择相关副主编来管理您文章的同行评审的方式。
You will be required to select a manuscript type upon submission. A list and description of manuscript types are listed below. If you are unsure, please leave it as “Research Article”. *Please note that should your article be accepted, the manuscript type will be published on the article.
Opposed reviewers (if any)
Video (if any, maximum file size is 100MB)
视频(如果有,最大文件大小为 100MB)
If the article was previously rejected after peer review with encouragement to update and resubmit, then a complete “list of updates” must be included in a separate document. The list of updates should have the following regarding each comment: 1) reviewers’ concerns, 2) authors’ response to the concerns, 3) actual changes implemented.
IEEE Access does not have a page limit; however, we strongly recommend keeping the page count under 50 pages for ease of readability. Longer articles may result in longer peer review times. Additional content can be added as supplementary material.
IEEE Access 没有页数限制;但是,我们强烈建议将页数保持在 50 页以下,以便于阅读。较长的文章可能会导致更长的同行评审时间。可以添加其他内容作为补充材料。
Upon submission you will be asked to answer the following 3 questions to assist the Associate Editors and reviewers in the evaluation of your manuscript:

  1. Please add a brief explanation justifying the manuscript type you have chosen (below). This information will help the Associate Editor and the reviewers during peer review so they evaluate your manuscript with the correct article type in mind.
    1) 请添加一个简短的解释,证明您选择的稿件类型(如下)。这些信息将在同行评审期间帮助副主编和审稿人,以便他们以正确的文章类型评估您的稿件。
  2. Please describe how your article fits the scope of IEEE Access. Note, the scope of IEEE Access covers all (but only) IEEE’s fields of interest.
    2) 请描述您的文章如何符合IEEE Access的范围。请注意,IEEE Access的范围涵盖了IEEE感兴趣的所有(但仅)领域。
  3. Please state the unique contributions and advancements your article makes in the related existing literature.
    Manuscript Types Acceptable for Peer Review
    Research Article 研究论文This is a classic research article that has a hypothesis, investigation, solution, model, physical experiment and/or simulation and a result that is of value to the community within that area of expertise.
    这是一篇经典的研究文章,其中包含假设、调查、解决方案、模型、物理实验和/或模拟,以及对该专业领域内的社区有价值的结果。Topical review 专题综述This is a review of an emerging area within the journal’s scope that performs a technical and critical review of other articles. Calculations are performed and conclusions are drawn on the strengths and weaknesses. The conclusion can also discuss future challenges. An article that is descriptive, without a framework, and instead expounds a particular topic should be this type.
    这是对期刊范围内新兴领域的评论,对其他文章进行技术和批判性审查。进行计算并得出优势和劣势的结论。结论还可以讨论未来的挑战。一篇描述性的文章,没有框架,而是阐述一个特定的主题,应该是这种类型的。Theory 理论This is a scholarly article that uses mathematical methods to develop new theoretical results of importance to the field.
    这是一篇学术文章,它使用数学方法来开发对该领域具有重要意义的新理论结果。Survey 调查A survey article analyzes, summarizes, systemizes, and presents fresh conclusions from a large number of recently published scholarly articles. A review article that has a well-defined framework for selecting and excluding papers and draws
    一篇调查文章从最近发表的大量学术文章中分析、总结、系统化并提出新的结论。一篇评论文章,有一个明确的框架来选择和排除论文和绘图 an overall conclusion from the body of those papers should be this type. An example of this would be a Systematic Literature Review (SLR).
    从这些论文的正文中得出的总体结论应该是这种类型。这方面的一个例子是系统文献综述 (SLR)。Perspective 透视This category of article is an in-depth viewpoint article intended to bring together a big picture in a fast-evolving landscape of technological development. It will typically be a topic where there is community uncertainty and/or disagreement. Since IEEE Access does not have a page limit, publishing perspective articles will allow more technical discussion. This category of article will typically be written by a leading authority in an area.
    这类文章是一篇深入的观点文章,旨在将快速发展的技术发展格局中的大局汇集在一起。这通常是一个存在社区不确定性和/或分歧的话题。由于IEEE Access没有页数限制,因此发表观点文章将允许进行更多的技术讨论。这类文章通常由某个领域的领先权威撰写。Applied research 应用研究This article describes challenges and practical solutions for topics within the journal’s scope. Quantitative results for validation of the approach are expected.
    本文描述了该期刊范围内主题的挑战和实际解决方案。预计该方法将得到验证的定量结果。Negative result 阴性结果This is a non-trivial theoretical or experimental negative or null result that does not support a hypothesis. Provided that the research question posed is meaningful and the study is rigorously conducted, this type of article has value to the engineering community.
    这是一个非平凡的理论或实验阴性或空结果,不支持假设。只要提出的研究问题是有意义的,并且研究是严格进行的,这种类型的文章对工程界就有价值。Methods 方法This article will report the development of new or improved fabrication or manufacturing technique, or a new experimental, measurement or mathematical technique. Applied research articles focus on practical systems, while here the focus is on methods.
    本文将报告新的或改进的制造或制造技术的发展,或新的实验、测量或数学技术。应用研究文章侧重于实用系统,而这里的重点是方法。Tutorial 教程This is a pedagogical article to assist readers to learn and familiarize themselves with a topic. The topic may be be an emerging one that is not well understood in the community, or a difficult traditional topic that can benefit from an up to date exposition. The topic should not be one that is well understood or well represented in textbooks. The article must add to the existing literature to benefit the readership. The objectives and prerequisite background required by the reader should be clearly identified in the introduction. The references should cite both background material and advanced material for the reader to dig deeper.
    这是一篇教学文章,旨在帮助读者学习和熟悉某个主题。该主题可能是一个在社区中不太了解的新兴主题,也可能是一个困难的传统主题,可以从最新的阐述中受益。该主题不应在教科书中得到很好的理解或充分体现。文章必须添加到现有文献中,以使读者受益。读者所需的目标和先决条件背景应在引言中明确确定。参考文献应同时引用背景材料和高级材料,以便读者更深入地挖掘。Standards 标准This article summarizes and expounds new or revised IEEE standards. This can also be a scholarly discussion paper for new IEEE standards or a critique of existing IEEE standards with recommendations.
    本文总结并阐述了新的或修订的IEEE标准。这也可以是针对新IEEE标准的学术讨论论文,也可以是对现有IEEE标准的批评和建议。Comment 评论This is an article that comments on another published article within IEEE Access. A comment points out a technical error, oversight, or presents an opposing position. It is a critique, providing corrections, and performs analyses. IEEE Access does not accept comment articles on articles published in other journals.
    这篇文章评论了IEEE Access中发表的另一篇文章。评论指出技术错误、疏忽或提出相反的立场。它是一种批评,提供更正并执行分析。IEEE Access不接受对其他期刊上发表的文章的评论文章。Reply 答A reply article is submitted by the authors of a published paper in response to a Comment article. Please note that we only allow one Comment and one Reply in response. We do not allow subsequent Comments and Replies.
    DebateThere are topics within the scope of IEEE Access where there is disagreement between experts. A debate paper will be a scholarly technical research paper that makes the case for a particular position. The EIC may invite an opposing debate paper to create balance. A perspective article looks at the big picture, whereas a debate paper is highly technical.ExpositionThis is an expository scholarly article that does not produce a new result but revisits a complicated or poorly understood result and elucidates it with a fresh approach. It is a very technical article that digs into theory and interpretation. As opposed to a tutorial article, which is a “how” article, an exposition article is more of a “why” article.Meta-analysisA meta-analysis is a statistical analysis that combines the results of multiple published scientific studies addressing the same question. A meta-analysis concludes by identifying effects that are statistically significant across the many studies. Such a paper not only can provide an estimate of the unknown common truth, but also has the potential to contrast results from different studies and identify sources of disagreement among these results, patterns among study results or other interesting results that may come to light in the context of multiple studies.Unsolved problemThis is a technical scholarly article that investigates a tough problem that is not yet solved. The article is not able to solve it either. The article’s analysis concludes with identifying a clear set of open questions that the community needs to work on in order to make further progress. Papers such as this are expected to add clarity to complex issues and create a roadmap of questions for researchers to follow.
    辩论在IEEE Access范围内,专家之间存在分歧。辩论论文将是一篇学术性的技术研究论文,为特定立场提供理由。EIC可能会邀请反对的辩论文件以创造平衡。透视文章着眼于大局,而辩论论文则具有高度的技术性。Exposition这是一篇说明性的学术文章,它不会产生新的结果,而是重新审视一个复杂或难以理解的结果,并用一种新的方法阐明它。这是一篇非常技术性的文章,深入探讨了理论和解释。与教程文章相反,教程文章是“如何”的文章,说明文章更像是一篇“为什么”的文章。荟萃分析荟萃分析是一种统计分析,它结合了针对同一问题的多个已发表的科学研究的结果。荟萃分析的结论是确定在许多研究中具有统计学意义的效应。这样的论文不仅可以提供对未知的共同真理的估计,而且有可能对比不同研究的结果,并确定这些结果之间的分歧来源、研究结果之间的模式或可能在多项研究的背景下出现的其他有趣结果。未解决的问题这是一篇技术性学术文章,调查了一个尚未解决的棘手问题。这篇文章也无法解决它。本文的分析最后确定了一组明确的开放性问题,社区需要解决这些问题才能取得进一步进展。像这样的论文有望使复杂问题更加清晰,并为研究人员创建一个问题路线图。


Stages of Peer Review
Stages of Peer Review from Submission to Accept/Reject DecisionUnderstanding the DecisionsPeer Review Taxonomy Pilot
从提交到接受/拒绝决策的同行评审阶段 理解决策 同行评审分类法试点
Stages of Peer Review from Submission to Accept/Reject Decision
IEEE Access strives to maintain an expedited peer review process of only 4 to 6 weeks, however, all article submissions still undergo a thorough peer review process to ensure only high-quality articles are published. IEEE Access has a typical acceptance rate of about 30%, which is comparable to other IEEE journals. Learn more about rapid peer review.
IEEE Access 努力保持仅 4 到 6 周的快速同行评审过程,但是,所有提交的文章仍然经过彻底的同行评审过程,以确保只发表高质量的文章。IEEE Access的典型接受率约为30%,与其他IEEE期刊相当。了解有关快速同行评审的更多信息。

Detailed below are the stages of peer review after article submission.

Stage 1Upon submission, each article will automatically be run through plagiarism software to check for similarity to other published work, including an author’s own work. For more information on avoiding plagiarism, please click here. If any issues are detected, the article will be immediately rejected, and may result in further investigation and/or corrective actions.Stage 2The article will undergo a thorough prescreening check that includes being evaluated for grammar, formatting, confirming that none of the authors listed are on the IEEE Prohibited Authors List (PAL), and confirming the article was not submitted elsewhere at the same time. The article will also be vetted by a Senior Editor to confirm the article fits within scope of IEEE Access, and that the technical substance is to IEEE standards. Depending on the severity of any issues presented, the article will either be immediately rejected, or returned to draft so the authors can update their article accordingly and resubmit. For a full submission checklist, please click here.Stage 3Should the article submission pass the initial prescreening process, it will then be assigned to an experienced Associate Editor (AE) who will provide a second thorough vetting of the article to determine its suitability for peer review based on quality, technical content, and scope. If the AE feels the article is appropriate for peer review, they will begin inviting qualified and relevant reviewers who are experienced in the area of expertise of the manuscript. Reviewers will evaluate if the article contributes to the scientific community, if it is technically sound, if the subject matter is presented in a comprehensive manner, and if the references provided are applicable and sufficient.Stage 4Once the AE receives enough reviewers’ feedback (with a minimum requirement of 2 independent reviews) they will evaluate the reviewers’ comments, the article itself, and will then determine if the article should be accepted or rejected, as per our binary peer review process (see below). Please keep in mind that the final decision rests with the Associate Editor, and the reviewers only provide recommendations.
第 1 阶段提交后,每篇文章将自动通过剽窃软件运行,以检查与其他已发表作品(包括作者自己的作品)的相似性。有关避免抄袭的更多信息,请单击此处。如果发现任何问题,该文章将立即被拒绝,并可能导致进一步的调查和/或纠正措施。第 2 阶段文章将接受彻底的预筛选检查,包括评估语法、格式、确认列出的作者均不在 IEEE 禁止作者名单 (PAL) 上,并确认该文章未同时在其他地方提交。该文章还将由高级编辑进行审查,以确认该文章符合IEEE Access的范围,并且技术实质符合IEEE标准。根据所提出的任何问题的严重程度,文章将立即被拒绝,或者退回草稿,以便作者可以相应地更新他们的文章并重新提交。如需完整的提交清单,请点击此处。第 3 阶段如果文章提交通过了初步预筛选过程,则将分配给经验丰富的副主编 (AE),他将对文章进行第二次彻底审查,以确定其是否适合根据质量、技术内容和范围进行同行评审。如果AE认为该文章适合进行同行评审,他们将开始邀请在稿件专业领域有经验的合格且相关的审稿人。审稿人将评估文章是否对科学界有贡献,技术上是否合理,主题是否全面呈现,以及所提供的参考文献是否适用和充分。第 4 阶段一旦 AE 收到足够的审稿人反馈(至少要求 2 次独立审稿),他们将评估审稿人的评论、文章本身,然后根据我们的二元同行评审流程(见下文)确定文章是否应该被接受或拒绝。请记住,最终决定权在副主编手中,审稿人仅提供建议。
Understanding the Decisions
Due to the binary nature of IEEE Access, authors will receive an accept or reject decision after the article has completed peer review. If the article is accepted, authors are able to make minor edits to their articles based on reviewers’ comments before publication. If the article is rejected for publication, the reasons will be explained to the author. Peer review decisions are detailed below:
由于IEEE Access的二元性质,作者将在文章完成同行评审后收到接受或拒绝的决定。如果文章被接受,作者可以在发表前根据审稿人的评论对他们的文章进行小幅编辑。如果文章被拒绝发表,将向作者解释原因。同行评议决定详述如下:

Accept (minor edits): The article is acceptable for publication as is. However, we do recommend carefully reviewing all of the AE and reviewers’ feedback to incorporate any necessary small edits prior to submitting final files. For more information on final files and publication, please visit our Post Acceptance Guide.
接受(次要编辑):文章可以按原样发布。但是,我们建议您在提交最终文件之前仔细审查所有 AE 和审稿人的反馈,以纳入任何必要的小编辑。有关最终文件和出版物的更多信息,请访问我们的验收后指南。

Reject (Updates required before resubmission): The article has potential but requires updates before it is suitable for publication. The authors will receive detailed feedback that they will be able to utilize to update their article accordingly. Upon resubmission, authors will be required to provide a detailed point-to-point document highlighting each reviewers’ concerns and how the authors have addressed each concern. Revised articles will be assigned to the same AE and reviewers unless the original AE and reviewers are unavailable, or the AE feels they need additional feedback to make a decision. In such cases, new reviewers may be assigned.
拒绝(重新提交前需要更新):文章有潜力,但需要更新才能适合发表。作者将收到详细的反馈,他们将能够利用这些反馈来相应地更新他们的文章。重新提交后,作者将被要求提供一份详细的点对点文档,突出每个审稿人的关注点以及作者如何解决每个关注点。修订后的文章将被分配给相同的 AE 和审稿人,除非原始 AE 和审稿人不可用,或者 AE 认为他们需要额外的反馈来做出决定。在这种情况下,可能会指派新的审稿人。

Authors are only permitted to resubmit their article once. If all concerns and criticisms have not been properly addressed, the article will be rejected without the opportunity to revise and resubmit.
作者只能重新提交一次文章。 如果所有疑虑和批评都没有得到妥善解决,文章将被拒绝,没有机会修改和重新提交。

Reject (Do not encourage resubmit): The article is not suitable for peer review and updates are too extensive to improve the manuscript. Future submissions of the article will not be accepted. If an author resubmits an article that was previously reject (do not encourage resubmit) the article will be immediately rejected.

Peer Review Taxonomy Pilot
IEEE Access is participating in a pilot that identifies and standardises definitions and terminology in peer review practices across publishers. The pilot aims to help make the peer review process for articles and journals more transparent, and enable the community to better assess and compare peer review practices between different journals.
IEEE Access正在参与一项试点项目,该试点项目在出版商的同行评审实践中识别和标准化定义和术语。该试点旨在帮助使文章和期刊的同行评审过程更加透明,并使社区能够更好地评估和比较不同期刊之间的同行评审实践。

The following summary describes the peer review process for IEEE Access:
以下摘要描述了IEEE Access的同行评审过程:

Identity transparency: Single anonymized

Reviewer interacts with: Editor
审稿人与以下人员互动: 编辑

Review information published: Editor identities

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