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一步一步从理论到实践实现textrank_textrank 实战

textrank 实战




        首先我想说的是,确实通过embedding(glove or word2vec)这样的技术后,去计算SimilarityMatrix可能确实会有不错方方面面的性能提升(准确率,算法效率,时间复杂度,空间复杂度等等),但我还没研究过来。首先咱们一步一步研究一下仓库一的核心代码Summarize.py:

  1. rom math import log10
  2. from .pagerank_weighted import pagerank_weighted_scipy as _pagerank
  3. from .preprocessing.textcleaner import clean_text_by_sentences as _clean_text_by_sentences
  4. from .commons import build_graph as _build_graph
  5. from .commons import remove_unreachable_nodes as _remove_unreachable_nodes
  6. def _set_graph_edge_weights(graph):
  7. for sentence_1 in graph.nodes():
  8. for sentence_2 in graph.nodes():
  9. edge = (sentence_1, sentence_2)
  10. if sentence_1 != sentence_2 and not graph.has_edge(edge):
  11. similarity = _get_similarity(sentence_1, sentence_2)
  12. if similarity != 0:
  13. graph.add_edge(edge, similarity)
  14. # Handles the case in which all similarities are zero.
  15. # The resultant summary will consist of random sentences.
  16. if all(graph.edge_weight(edge) == 0 for edge in graph.edges()):
  17. _create_valid_graph(graph)
  18. def _create_valid_graph(graph):
  19. nodes = graph.nodes()
  20. for i in range(len(nodes)):
  21. for j in range(len(nodes)):
  22. if i == j:
  23. continue
  24. edge = (nodes[i], nodes[j])
  25. if graph.has_edge(edge):
  26. graph.del_edge(edge)
  27. graph.add_edge(edge, 1)
  28. def _get_similarity(s1, s2):
  29. words_sentence_one = s1.split()
  30. words_sentence_two = s2.split()
  31. common_word_count = _count_common_words(words_sentence_one, words_sentence_two)
  32. log_s1 = log10(len(words_sentence_one))
  33. log_s2 = log10(len(words_sentence_two))
  34. if log_s1 + log_s2 == 0:
  35. return 0
  36. return common_word_count / (log_s1 + log_s2)
  37. def _count_common_words(words_sentence_one, words_sentence_two):
  38. return len(set(words_sentence_one) & set(words_sentence_two))
  39. def _format_results(extracted_sentences, split, score):
  40. if score:
  41. return [(sentence.text, sentence.score) for sentence in extracted_sentences]
  42. if split:
  43. return [sentence.text for sentence in extracted_sentences]
  44. return "\n".join([sentence.text for sentence in extracted_sentences])
  45. def _add_scores_to_sentences(sentences, scores):
  46. for sentence in sentences:
  47. # Adds the score to the object if it has one.
  48. if sentence.token in scores:
  49. sentence.score = scores[sentence.token]
  50. else:
  51. sentence.score = 0
  52. def _get_sentences_with_word_count(sentences, words):
  53. """ Given a list of sentences, returns a list of sentences with a
  54. total word count similar to the word count provided.
  55. """
  56. word_count = 0
  57. selected_sentences = []
  58. # Loops until the word count is reached.
  59. for sentence in sentences:
  60. words_in_sentence = len(sentence.text.split())
  61. # Checks if the inclusion of the sentence gives a better approximation
  62. # to the word parameter.
  63. if abs(words - word_count - words_in_sentence) > abs(words - word_count):
  64. return selected_sentences
  65. selected_sentences.append(sentence)
  66. word_count += words_in_sentence
  67. return selected_sentences
  68. def _extract_most_important_sentences(sentences, ratio, words):
  69. sentences.sort(key=lambda s: s.score, reverse=True)
  70. # If no "words" option is selected, the number of sentences is
  71. # reduced by the provided ratio.
  72. if words is None:
  73. length = len(sentences) * ratio
  74. return sentences[:int(length)]
  75. # Else, the ratio is ignored.
  76. else:
  77. return _get_sentences_with_word_count(sentences, words)
  78. def summarize(text, ratio=0.2, words=None, language="english", split=False, scores=False, additional_stopwords=None):
  79. if not isinstance(text, str):
  80. raise ValueError("Text parameter must be a Unicode object (str)!")
  81. # Gets a list of processed sentences.
  82. sentences = _clean_text_by_sentences(text, language, additional_stopwords)
  83. # Creates the graph and calculates the similarity coefficient for every pair of nodes.
  84. graph = _build_graph([sentence.token for sentence in sentences])
  85. _set_graph_edge_weights(graph)
  86. # Remove all nodes with all edges weights equal to zero.
  87. _remove_unreachable_nodes(graph)
  88. # PageRank cannot be run in an empty graph.
  89. if len(graph.nodes()) == 0:
  90. return [] if split else ""
  91. # Ranks the tokens using the PageRank algorithm. Returns dict of sentence -> score
  92. pagerank_scores = _pagerank(graph)
  93. # Adds the summa scores to the sentence objects.
  94. _add_scores_to_sentences(sentences, pagerank_scores)
  95. # Extracts the most important sentences with the selected criterion.
  96. extracted_sentences = _extract_most_important_sentences(sentences, ratio, words)
  97. # Sorts the extracted sentences by apparition order in the original text.
  98. extracted_sentences.sort(key=lambda s: s.index)
  99. return _format_results(extracted_sentences, split, scores)
  100. def get_graph(text, language="english"):
  101. sentences = _clean_text_by_sentences(text, language)
  102. graph = _build_graph([sentence.token for sentence in sentences])
  103. _set_graph_edge_weights(graph)
  104. return graph



The design of the Olympic medals will be unveiled tonight in a live ceremony from Trafalgar Square.Over at the brand new Aquatics Centre, Britain's star diver Tom Daley is going to perform an official launch dive into the Olympic pool.With this building, the organisers have attempted to give London a landmark to rival Beijing's Water Cube from 2008.It was designed by the prestigious architect Zaha Hadid and has a wave-like roof that is 160 metres long.Today's special events are designed to arouse interest in the Olympics around the world and to encourage British fans too.Many failed to get Olympic tickets in the recent sales process. 


  1. # Gets a list of processed sentences.
  2. sentences = _clean_text_by_sentences(text, language, additional_stopwords)



  1. # Creates the graph and calculates the similarity coefficient for every pair of nodes.
  2. graph = _build_graph([sentence.token for sentence in sentences])
  3. _set_graph_edge_weights(graph)




    # Adds the summa scores to the sentence objects.
    _add_scores_to_sentences(sentences, pagerank_scores)

    # Extracts the most important sentences with the selected criterion.
    extracted_sentences = _extract_most_important_sentences(sentences, ratio, words)

    # Sorts the extracted sentences by apparition order in the original text.
    extracted_sentences.sort(key=lambda s: s.index)

    return _format_results(extracted_sentences, split, scores)




       第二个问题,提问者也很有礼貌,也是同样我的问题,我们看第一张图里面上有sentence转化为vector这个步骤的,但这个仓库没有用这样的方法(genism用到了),owner也回答了,论文链接在这儿给出textrank paper,还有“Variations of the Similarity”,说实话,还没来得及去看。


  1. def pagerank_weighted(graph, initial_value=None, damping=0.85):
  2. """Calculates PageRank for an undirected graph"""
  3. if initial_value == None: initial_value = 1.0 / len(graph.nodes())
  4. scores = dict.fromkeys(graph.nodes(), initial_value)
  5. iteration_quantity = 0
  6. for iteration_number in range(100):
  7. iteration_quantity += 1
  8. convergence_achieved = 0
  9. for i in graph.nodes():
  10. rank = 1 - damping
  11. for j in graph.neighbors(i):
  12. neighbors_sum = sum(graph.edge_weight((j, k)) for k in graph.neighbors(j))
  13. rank += damping * scores[j] * graph.edge_weight((j, i)) / neighbors_sum
  14. if abs(scores[i] - rank) <= CONVERGENCE_THRESHOLD:
  15. convergence_achieved += 1
  16. scores[i] = rank
  17. if convergence_achieved == len(graph.nodes()):
  18. break
  19. return scores
  1. def pagerank_weighted_scipy(graph, damping=0.85):
  2. adjacency_matrix = build_adjacency_matrix(graph)
  3. probability_matrix = build_probability_matrix(graph)
  4. # Suppress deprecation warnings from numpy.
  5. # See https://github.com/summanlp/textrank/issues/57
  6. import warnings
  7. with warnings.catch_warnings():
  8. from numpy import VisibleDeprecationWarning
  9. warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=VisibleDeprecationWarning)
  10. warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=PendingDeprecationWarning)
  11. pagerank_matrix = damping * adjacency_matrix.todense() + (1 - damping) * probability_matrix
  12. vals, vecs = eig(pagerank_matrix, left=True, right=False)
  13. return process_results(graph, vecs)



GitHub - summanlp/textrank: TextRank implementation for Python 3.


TextRank算法详细讲解与代码实现(完整) - 方格田 - 博客园





summa vs gensim · Issue #78 · summanlp/textrank · GitHub 


Markov chains

Markov chains 


        The Markov transform matrix is a stochastic matrix. The Perron–Frobenius theorem ensures that every irreducible stochastic matrix has a stationary vector, and that the largest absolute value of an eigenvalue is always 1.You can find explanations of the proof in the two previous links or just google more simplified explanations.Thank you for your interest!



Why did not you use iterative method here? · Issue #77 · summanlp/textrank · GitHub

