# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Python Version: 3.5
Created on Mon May 8 16:02:30 2017
E-mail: Eric2014_Lv@sjtu.edu.cn
@author: DidiLv
d = {'cat': 'cute', 'dog': 'furry'} # Create a new dictionary with some data
print(d['cat']) # Get an entry from a dictionary; prints "cute"
print('cat' in d) # Check if a dictionary has a given key; prints "True"
d['fish'] = 'wet' # Set an entry in a dictionary
print(d['fish']) # Prints "wet"
print(d.get('monkey', 'N/A')) # Get an element with a default; prints "N/A"
print(d.get('fish', 'N/A')) # Get an element with a default; prints "wet"
del(d['fish']) # Remove an element from a dictionary
print(d.get('fish', 'N/A')) # "fish" is no longer a key; prints "N/A"
d = {'person': 2, 'cat': 4, 'spider': 8}
# method 1:
for animal in d:
legs = d[animal]
print('A %s has %d legs' % (animal, legs))
# method 2: by using iteritems to find key and values
for animal, legs in d.items():
print('A %s has %d legs' % (animal, legs))
# Note:In python 3.5, the dictionary has no iteritems term, they are iters())
# 字典解析 类似于列表解析 功能强大
dict_1 = {animal: legs for animal, legs in d.items()}
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