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数据结构 - 二叉树(C++)_c++二叉树定义






性质1 二叉树第i层上的结点数目最多为2^(i-1)(i≥1)。


性质2 深度为k的二叉树至多有2^k-1个结点(k≥1)。


性质3 在任意-棵二叉树中,若终端结点的个数为n0,度为2的结点数为n2,则n0=n2+1。


    n=n0+n1+n2 (式子1)


    n=n1+2n2+1 (式子2)




  1. /*
  2. * Created by Chimomo
  3. */
  4. #include <iostream>
  5. #define NULL 0
  6. using namespace std;
  7. template<class T>
  8. struct BTNode {
  9. T data;
  10. BTNode<T> *lChild, *rChild;
  11. BTNode();
  12. BTNode(const T &val, BTNode<T> *lChild = NULL, BTNode<T> *rChild = NULL) {
  13. data = val;
  14. this->lChild = lChild;
  15. this->rChild = rChild;
  16. }
  17. BTNode<T> *CopyTree() {
  18. BTNode<T> *l, *r, *n;
  19. if (&data == NULL) {
  20. return NULL;
  21. }
  22. l = lChild->CopyTree();
  23. r = rChild->CopyTree();
  24. n = new BTNode<T>(data, l, r);
  25. return n;
  26. }
  27. };
  28. template<class T>
  29. BTNode<T>::BTNode() {
  30. lChild = rChild = NULL;
  31. }
  32. template<class T>
  33. class BinaryTree {
  34. public:
  35. BTNode<T> *root;
  36. BinaryTree();
  37. ~BinaryTree();
  38. void Pre_Order();
  39. void In_Order();
  40. void Post_Order();
  41. int TreeHeight() const;
  42. int TreeNodeCount() const;
  43. void DestroyTree();
  44. BTNode<T> *MakeTree(const T &element, BTNode<T> *l, BTNode<T> *r) {
  45. root = new BTNode<T>(element, l, r);
  46. if (root == NULL) {
  47. cout << "Failure for applying storage address, system will close the process." << endl;
  48. exit(1);
  49. }
  50. return root;
  51. }
  52. private:
  53. void PreOrder(BTNode<T> *r);
  54. void InOrder(BTNode<T> *r);
  55. void PostOrder(BTNode<T> *r);
  56. int Height(const BTNode<T> *r) const;
  57. int NodeCount(const BTNode<T> *r) const;
  58. void Destroy(BTNode<T> *&r);
  59. };
  60. template<class T>
  61. BinaryTree<T>::BinaryTree() {
  62. root = NULL;
  63. }
  64. template<class T>
  65. BinaryTree<T>::~BinaryTree() {
  66. DestroyTree();
  67. }
  68. template<class T>
  69. void BinaryTree<T>::Pre_Order() {
  70. PreOrder(root);
  71. }
  72. template<class T>
  73. void BinaryTree<T>::In_Order() {
  74. InOrder(root);
  75. }
  76. template<class T>
  77. void BinaryTree<T>::Post_Order() {
  78. PostOrder(root);
  79. }
  80. template<class T>
  81. int BinaryTree<T>::TreeHeight() const {
  82. return Height(root);
  83. }
  84. template<class T>
  85. int BinaryTree<T>::TreeNodeCount() const {
  86. return NodeCount(root);
  87. }
  88. template<class T>
  89. void BinaryTree<T>::DestroyTree() {
  90. Destroy(root);
  91. }
  92. template<class T>
  93. void BinaryTree<T>::PreOrder(BTNode<T> *r) {
  94. if (r != NULL) {
  95. cout << r->data << ' ';
  96. PreOrder(r->lChild);
  97. PreOrder(r->rChild);
  98. }
  99. }
  100. template<class T>
  101. void BinaryTree<T>::InOrder(BTNode<T> *r) {
  102. if (r != NULL) {
  103. InOrder(r->lChild);
  104. cout << r->data << ' ';
  105. InOrder(r->rChild);
  106. }
  107. }
  108. template<class T>
  109. void BinaryTree<T>::PostOrder(BTNode<T> *r) {
  110. if (r != NULL) {
  111. PostOrder(r->lChild);
  112. PostOrder(r->rChild);
  113. cout << r->data << ' ';
  114. }
  115. }
  116. template<class T>
  117. int BinaryTree<T>::NodeCount(const BTNode<T> *r) const {
  118. if (r == NULL) {
  119. return 0;
  120. } else {
  121. return 1 + NodeCount(r->lChild) + NodeCount(r->rChild);
  122. }
  123. }
  124. template<class T>
  125. int BinaryTree<T>::Height(const BTNode<T> *r) const {
  126. if (r == NULL) {
  127. return 0;
  128. } else {
  129. int lh, rh;
  130. lh = Height(r->lChild);
  131. rh = Height(r->rChild);
  132. return 1 + (lh > rh ? lh : rh);
  133. }
  134. }
  135. /**
  136. * Swap left, right subtree of all nodes.
  137. * @tparam T The type parameter.
  138. * @param r The root pointer.
  139. */
  140. template<class T>
  141. void Swap(BTNode<T> *r) {
  142. BTNode<T> *p;
  143. if (r) {
  144. p = r->lChild;
  145. r->lChild = r->rChild;
  146. r->rChild = p; // Swap left, right child.
  147. Swap(r->lChild); // Swap left, right subtree of all the nodes in left subtree.
  148. Swap(r->rChild); // Swap left, right subtree of all the nodes in right subtree.
  149. }
  150. }
  151. template<class T>
  152. void BinaryTree<T>::Destroy(BTNode<T> *&r) {
  153. if (r != NULL) {
  154. Destroy(r->lChild);
  155. Destroy(r->rChild);
  156. delete r;
  157. r = NULL;
  158. }
  159. }
  160. int main() {
  161. BTNode<char> *b, *c, *d, *e, *f, *g;
  162. BinaryTree<char> a;
  163. b = a.MakeTree('F', NULL, NULL);
  164. c = a.MakeTree('E', NULL, NULL);
  165. d = a.MakeTree('D', NULL, NULL);
  166. e = a.MakeTree('C', b, NULL);
  167. f = a.MakeTree('B', d, c);
  168. g = a.MakeTree('A', f, e);
  169. cout << "Pre Order: ";
  170. a.Pre_Order();
  171. cout << endl;
  172. cout << "In Order: ";
  173. a.In_Order();
  174. cout << endl;
  175. cout << "Post Order: ";
  176. a.Post_Order();
  177. cout << endl;
  178. cout << "Tree Height: ";
  179. cout << a.TreeHeight();
  180. cout << endl;
  181. cout << "The Count of Tree Nodes: ";
  182. cout << a.TreeNodeCount();
  183. cout << endl;
  184. cout << endl << "------ Swap left, right subtree of all nodes ------" << endl << endl;
  185. Swap(a.root);
  186. cout << "Pre Order: ";
  187. a.Pre_Order();
  188. cout << endl;
  189. cout << "In Order: ";
  190. a.In_Order();
  191. cout << endl;
  192. cout << "Post Order: ";
  193. a.Post_Order();
  194. cout << endl;
  195. cout << "Tree Height: ";
  196. cout << a.TreeHeight();
  197. cout << endl;
  198. cout << "The Count of Tree Nodes: ";
  199. cout << a.TreeNodeCount();
  200. cout << endl;
  201. return 0;
  202. }
  203. // Output:
  204. /*
  205. Pre Order: A B D E C F
  206. In Order: D B E A F C
  207. Post Order: D E B F C A
  208. Tree Height: 3
  209. The Count of Tree Nodes: 6
  210. ------ Swap left, right subtree of all nodes ------
  211. Pre Order: A C F B E D
  212. In Order: C F A E B D
  213. Post Order: F C E D B A
  214. Tree Height: 3
  215. The Count of Tree Nodes: 6
  216. */

