- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- """
- """
- import socket
- import os
- import sys
- import struct
- import time
- import select
- import binascii
- # 计算checksum
- def checksum(str):
- csum = 0
- countTo = (len(str) / 2) * 2
- count = 0
- while count < countTo:
- thisVal = str[count+1] * 256 + str[count]
- csum = csum + thisVal
- csum = csum & 0xffffffff
- count = count + 2
- if countTo < len(str):
- csum = csum + str[len(str) - 1].decode()
- csum = csum & 0xffffffff
- csum = (csum >> 16) + (csum & 0xffff)
- csum = csum + (csum >> 16)
- answer = ~csum
- answer = answer & 0xffff
- answer = answer >> 8 | (answer << 8 & 0xff00)
- return answer
- # 客户机接收服务器的Pong响应
- def receiveOnePing(mySocket, ID, sequence, destAddr, timeout):
- timeLeft = timeout
- while 1:
- startedSelect = time.time()
- whatReady = select.select([mySocket], [], [], timeLeft)
- howLongInSelect = (time.time() - startedSelect)
- if whatReady[0] == []: # Timeout
- return "Request timed out."
- timeReceived = time.time()
- recPacket, addr = mySocket.recvfrom(1024)
- #Fetch the ICMP header from the IP packet
- #获得ICMP_ECHO_REPLY结构体,取出校验和checksum、序列号ID、生存时间TTL
- #获得ICMP_ECHO_REPLY结构体,取出校验和checksum、序列号ID、生存时间TTL
- header = recPacket[20: 28]
- type,code,checksum,packetID,sequence = struct.unpack("!bbHHh", header)
- if type == 0 and packetID == ID:
- byte_in_double = struct.calcsize("!d")
- timeSent = struct.unpack("!d", recPacket[28: 28 + byte_in_double])[0]
- delay = timeReceived - timeSent
- ttl = ord(struct.unpack("!c", recPacket[8:9])[0].decode())
- return (delay, ttl, byte_in_double)
- timeLeft = timeLeft - howLongInSelect
- if timeLeft <= 0:
- return "Request timed out."
- # 客户机向服务器发送一个Ping报文
- def sendOnePing(mySocket, ID, sequence, destAddr):
- # Header is type (8), code (8), checksum (16), id (16), sequence (16)
- myChecksum = 0
- # Make a dummy header with a 0 checksum.
- # struct -- Interpret strings as packed binary data
- header = struct.pack("!bbHHh", ICMP_ECHO_REQUEST, 0, myChecksum, ID, sequence)
- data = struct.pack("!d", time.time())
- # Calculate the checksum on the data and the dummy header.
- myChecksum = checksum(header + data)
- # Get the right checksum, and put in the header
- #if sys.platform == 'darwin':
- # myChecksum = socket.htons(myChecksum) & 0xffff
- # Convert 16-bit integers from host to network byte order.
- #else:
- # myChecksum = socket.htons(myChecksum)
- header = struct.pack("!bbHHh", ICMP_ECHO_REQUEST, 0, myChecksum, ID, sequence)
- packet = header + data
- # AF_INET address must be tuple, not str
- #Both LISTS and TUPLES consist of a number of objects
- #which can be referenced by their position number within the object
- mySocket.sendto(packet, (destAddr, 1))
- # 客户机发出一次Ping请求
- def doOnePing(destAddr, ID, sequence, timeout):
- icmp = socket.getprotobyname("icmp")
- #SOCK_RAW is a powerful socket type. For more details see: http://sock-raw.org/papers/sock_raw
- #SOCK_RAW:原始套接字
- #普通的套接字无法处理**ICMP**、IGMP等网络报文,而**SOCK_RAW**可以;
- #Create Socket here
- #创建一个套接字,使得客户机和服务器相关联
- mySocket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_RAW, icmp)
- # 向服务器发送一个Ping报文
- sendOnePing(mySocket, ID, sequence, destAddr)
- # 从服务器接收一个Pong报文
- delay = receiveOnePing(mySocket, ID, sequence, destAddr, timeout)
- mySocket.close()
- return delay
- # 要调用的主体程序
- def ping(host, timeout=1):
- # timeout=1 means: If one second goes by without a reply from the server,
- # the client assumes that either the client’s ping or the server’s pong is lost
- dest = socket.gethostbyname(host)
- print("Pinging " + dest + " using Python:")
- print("")
- # Send ping requests to a server separated by approximately one second
- myID = os.getpid() & 0xFFFF
- loss = 0
- for i in range(10): # 向服务器发出4次Ping请求
- result = doOnePing(dest, myID, i, timeout)
- if not result:
- print("第"+str(i)+"次Ping请求超时(>1s)")# 响应超时,丢包数量+1
- loss += 1
- else:
- delay = int(result[0]*1000)
- ttl = result[1]
- bytes = result[2]
- print("第"+str(i)+"次Ping请求成功:")
- print("收到的Pong响应消息:"+dest+":byte(s)="+str(bytes)+"delay="+str(delay)+"ms TTL="+str(ttl))
- time.sleep(1)
- print("发送次数:"+str(10)+" 发送成功次数:"+str(10-loss)+" 丢包次数:"+str(loss))
- return
- ping("www.baidu.com")
步骤 |
N |
D(t)p(t) |
D(u)p(u) |
D(v)p(v) |
D(w)p(w) |
D(y)p(y) |
D(z)p(z) |
0 |
X |
-- |
-- |
3,x |
6,x |
6,x |
-- |
1 |
Xv |
7,v |
6,v |
3,x |
6,x |
4,v |
-- |
2 |
Xvy |
7,v |
6,v |
3,x |
6,x |
4,v |
18,y |
3 |
Xvyu |
7,v |
6,v |
3,x |
6,x |
4,v |
18,y |
4 |
Xvyut |
7,v |
6,v |
3,x |
6,x |
4,v |
12,t |
5 |
Xvyut |
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