here I introduced bedVis and trackVis functions to visualize peak files and bigwig files which work better with trancriptVis. You can use these functions to make a complex track plot with more ajustable parameters to control you graph produced.
all the test files can be downloaded from:
- # install.packages("devtools")
- devtools::install_github("junjunlab/transPlotR")
bedVis function can be used to visualize peaks data (bed format).
bed files:
- file <- list.files(pattern = '.bed')
- file
- # [1] "H524-NeuroD1_peaks.bed" "H524-Promoter_peaks.bed" "H82-NeuroD1_peaks.bed"
- # [4] "H82-Promoter_peaks.bed"
choose the region and chromesome to be plotted:
- # plot
- bedVis(bdFile = file,
- chr = "chr19",
- region.min = 39875973,
- region.max = 39919857)
collapse the tracks:
- # collapse tracks
- bedVis(bdFile = file,
- chr = "chr19",
- region.min = 39875973,
- region.max = 39919857,
- collapse = TRUE)
change color:
- # change colors
- bedVis(bdFile = file,
- chr = "chr19",
- region.min = 39875973,
- region.max = 39919857,
- fill = ggsci::pal_d3()(4))
remove legend:
- # change to grey50 and turn off legend
- bedVis(bdFile = file,
- chr = "chr19",
- region.min = 39875973,
- region.max = 39919857,
- fill = rep('grey50',4),
- show.legend = FALSE)
add peak name:
- # add label
- bd <-
- bedVis(bdFile = file,
- chr = "chr19",
- region.min = 39875973,
- region.max = 39919857,
- add.label = TRUE,label.column = 'name')
- bd
you can combine with trancriptVis function:
- # combine
- gtf <- import('hg19.ncbiRefSeq.gtf',format = "gtf") %>%
- data.frame()
- p <-
- trancriptVis(gtfFile = gtf,
- Chr = "chr19",
- posStart = 39875973,
- posEnd = 39919857,
- textLabel = "gene_name")
- # combine
- p %>% insert_bottom(bd)
here we can show the results in IGV:
loadBigWig function will load bigwig files and transform them into data.frame format.
- # test
- file <- list.files(pattern = '.bw')
- # [1] "H524-Input.bw" "H524-NeuroD1.bw" "H524-Promoter.bw" "H82-Input.bw" "H82-NeuroD1.bw"
- # [6] "H82-Promoter.bw"
- # read file
- mybw <- loadBigWig(file)
- # check
- head(mybw,3)
- # seqnames start end width strand score fileName
- # 1 chr19 74845 74945 101 * 1 H524-Input
- # 2 chr19 75000 75100 101 * 1 H524-Input
- # 3 chr19 80776 80876 101 * 1 H524-Input
trackVis function can be used to visualize bigwig files in an elegant way. The trackVis will extend 3000bps upstream and downstream by defalut. You can set the extend.up/extend.dn to ajust a suitable value.
plot a region:
- # load data
- load('bWData.Rda')
- mybw <- bWData
- # plot with specific region
- trackVis(bWData = mybw,
- chr = "chr19",
- region.min = 36226490,
- region.max = 36269673)
plot a specific gene:
- # load gtf
- gtf <- import('hg19.ncbiRefSeq.gtf',format = "gtf") %>%
- data.frame()
- # plot with specific gene
- trackVis(bWData = mybw,
- gtf.file = gtf,
- gene.name = "RAD23A")
here we show the same results in IGV:
show the color legend:
- # show legend
- trackVis(bWData = mybw,
- chr = "chr19",
- region.min = 36226490,
- region.max = 36269673,
- show.legend = TRUE)
remove Y axis information:
- # remove axis info
- trackVis(bWData = mybw,
- gtf.file = gtf,
- gene.name = "RAD23A",
- xAxis.info = FALSE,
- yAxis.info = FALSE)
change a theme:
- # change theme
- trackVis(bWData = mybw,
- gtf.file = gtf,
- gene.name = "RAD23A",
- yAxis.info = FALSE,
- theme = "bw")
change scales and layout:
- # free scales and draw two columns
- trackVis(bWData = mybw,
- chr = "chr19",
- region.min = 36226490,
- region.max = 36269673,
- scales = "free",
- ncol = 2,
- label.angle = 90)
change track colors:
- # change color
- c1 <- trackVis(bWData = mybw,
- gtf.file = gtf,
- gene.name = "RAD23A",
- color = ggsci::pal_npg()(6))
- c2 <- trackVis(bWData = mybw,
- gtf.file = gtf,
- gene.name = "RAD23A",
- color = rep('grey20',6))
- c3 <- trackVis(bWData = mybw,
- gtf.file = gtf,
- gene.name = "RAD23A",
- color = jjAnno::useMyCol(platte = "stallion",n = 6))
- # combine
- cowplot::plot_grid(plotlist = list(c1,c2,c3),
- align = 'hv',ncol = 3)
sometimes we want to highlight some regions like peak site or modification site et. trackVis can also achive this. You just need to supply a list object include
mark three regions:
- # mark some regions
- trackVis(bWData = mybw,
- chr = "chr19",
- region.min = 36226490,
- region.max = 36269673,
- mark.region = list(c(36230500,36235000,36247500,36265000),
- c(36232800,36241000,36250000,36267000)))
ajust the color alpha:
- # change alpha
- trackVis(bWData = mybw,
- chr = "chr19",
- region.min = 36226490,
- region.max = 36269673,
- mark.region = list(c(36230500,36235000,36247500,36265000),
- c(36232800,36241000,36250000,36267000)),
- mark.alpha = 0.2)
changing the marked regions color also is acceptable:
- # change color
- trackVis(bWData = mybw,
- chr = "chr19",
- region.min = 36226490,
- region.max = 36269673,
- mark.region = list(c(36230500,36235000,36247500,36265000),
- c(36232800,36241000,36250000,36267000)),
- mark.alpha = 0.2,
- mark.col = ggsci::pal_aaas()(4))
change a theme:
- # change theme
- trackVis(bWData = mybw,
- chr = "chr19",
- region.min = 36226490,
- region.max = 36269673,
- mark.region = list(c(36230500,36235000,36247500,36265000),
- c(36232800,36241000,36250000,36267000)),
- mark.alpha = 0.2,
- theme = "bw",yAxis.info = FALSE)
giving a gene name to plot with marked regions:
- # define gene name with mark region
- trackVis(bWData = mybw,
- gtf.file = gtf,
- gene.name = "RAD23A",
- mark.region = list(c(13056500,13064000),
- c(13058400,13065000)),
- mark.alpha = 0.2,
- label.face = 'plain')
here I provide a new style Y axis which often ocurrs in papers, you can try this style.
add a new style Y axis:
- # add new y range
- trackVis(bWData = mybw,
- chr = "chr19",
- region.min = 36226490,
- region.max = 36269673,
- mark.region = list(c(36230500,36235000,36247500,36265000),
- c(36232800,36241000,36250000,36267000)),
- mark.alpha = 0.2,
- theme = "bw",yAxis.info = FALSE,
- new.yaxis = TRUE)
you can ajust the pos.ration arg to palace the label:
- # ajust position
- trackVis(bWData = mybw,
- chr = "chr19",
- region.min = 36226490,
- region.max = 36269673,
- mark.region = list(c(36230500,36235000,36247500,36265000),
- c(36232800,36241000,36250000,36267000)),
- mark.alpha = 0.2,
- theme = "bw",yAxis.info = FALSE,
- new.yaxis = TRUE,
- pos.ratio = c(0.95,0.8))
you can also change the plot orders through sample.order arg.
change the orders:
- # ajust order
- order <- c("H524-Input","H82-Input","H524-NeuroD1","H524-Promoter","H82-NeuroD1","H82-Promoter")
- trackVis(bWData = mybw,
- gtf.file = gtf,
- gene.name = "RAD23A",
- mark.region = list(c(13056500,13064000),
- c(13058400,13065000)),
- mark.alpha = 0.2,
- label.face = 'plain',
- sample.order = order)
let's see some cases working with other functions.
- ptrack <- trackVis(bWData = mybw,
- chr = "chr19",
- region.min = 36226490,
- region.max = 36269673)
- trans <-
- trancriptVis(gtfFile = gtf,
- Chr = "chr19",
- posStart = 36226490 - 3000,
- posEnd = 36269673 + 3000,
- addNormalArrow = FALSE,
- newStyleArrow = T,
- absSpecArrowLen = T,
- speArrowRelLen = 0.2,
- textLabel = "gene_name",
- textLabelSize = 3,
- relTextDist = 0.5,
- exonWidth = 0.9)
- # combine
- ptrack %>% insert_bottom(trans,height = 0.75)
collapse the gene structures:
- trans <-
- trancriptVis(gtfFile = gtf,
- Chr = "chr19",
- posStart = 36226490 - 3000,
- posEnd = 36269673 + 3000,
- absSpecArrowLen = T,
- speArrowRelLen = 0.2,
- textLabel = "gene_name",
- textLabelSize = 4,
- relTextDist = 0.2,
- exonWidth = 0.5,
- collapse = T)
- # combine
- ptrack %>% insert_bottom(trans,height = 0.1)
supply with gene name:
- RAD23A <-
- trackVis(bWData = mybw,
- gtf.file = gtf,
- gene.name = "RAD23A",
- extend.up = 500,
- extend.dn = 1000,
- xAxis.info = F)
- p <-
- trancriptVis(gtfFile = gtf,
- gene = "RAD23A",
- relTextDist = -0.5,
- exonWidth = 0.5,
- exonColorBy = 'transcript_id',
- textLabelSize = 4,
- addNormalArrow = FALSE,
- newStyleArrow = TRUE) +
- xlab('')
- # combine
- RAD23A %>% insert_bottom(p,height = 0.3)
IGV shows:
change transcript colors:
- # change transcript color
- p <-
- trancriptVis(gtfFile = gtf,
- gene = "RAD23A",
- relTextDist = -0.5,
- exonWidth = 0.5,
- exonFill = 'black',
- arrowCol = 'black',
- textLabelSize = 3,
- addNormalArrow = FALSE,
- newStyleArrow = TRUE,
- xAxis.info = FALSE,
- textLabel = 'gene_name') +
- xlab('')
- # combine
- RAD23A %>% insert_bottom(p,height = 0.3)
let's combine track, gene and peak:
- # track + gene + peak
- RAD23A <-
- trackVis(bWData = mybw,
- gtf.file = gtf,
- gene.name = "RAD23A",
- extend.up = 500,
- extend.dn = 1000,
- xAxis.info = F,
- theme = "bw",
- yAxis.info = F,new.yaxis = T,
- pos.ratio = c(0.06,0.8),
- color = jjAnno::useMyCol(platte = "stallion",n = 6))
- # peak
- bd <- bedVis(bdFile = file,
- chr = "chr19",
- track.width = 0.3,
- show.legend = T)
- # combine
- RAD23A %>% insert_bottom(p,height = 0.3) %>%
- insert_bottom(bd,height = 0.15)
if you have any advice or douts please leave words on:
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