SD cards are about to get bigger and faster. The new SD Express standard will increase the maximum capacity and speed significantly. SD Express cards are backward compatible with your current hardware, but you’ll need new hardware for maximum speeds.
SD卡将越来越大,越来越快。 新的SD Express标准将大大提高最大容量和速度。 SD Express卡与您当前的硬件向后兼容,但是您需要新的硬件以实现最大速度。
Since we use SD and microSD cards in 3D cameras, action cameras, ever more powerful smartphones, DSLR cameras, tablets, video game consoles, and even cars, there are ever-increasing demands for storage space, as well as faster read and write speeds.
SanDisk recently announced what it called the world’s fastest 1 TB microSD card, touting read speeds of 160 MB/s, which is enough to “transfer 1000 high-resolution photos and 30 minutes of 4K video (24GB) in less than 3 minutes.” Some cards have lower storage capacity, but higher write speeds, such as the Delkin 128 GB microSD card that boasts right speeds at 300 MB/s. But manufacturers are already pushing the limit of the current standards. The theoretical limit for SDXC, for instance, is 2 TB.
SanDisk最近宣布了其所谓的世界上最快的1 TB microSD卡 ,宣称读取速度为160 MB / s,足以“在不到3分钟的时间内传输1000张高分辨率照片和30分钟的4K视频(24GB)”。 某些卡的存储容量较低,但写入速度较高,例如Delkin 128 GB microSD卡具有300 MB / s的正确速度。 但是制造商已经在推动当前标准的极限。 例如,SDXC的理论限制为2 TB。
Through the incorporation of PCIe (Peripheral Component Interconnect Expres) and NVMe (Non-Volatile Memory Express) protocols, SD cards will have a new theoretical limit of 985 MB/s, more than six times as fast as the 1 TB SanDisk cards. If PCIe and NVMe sound familiar to you, that’s because they’ve been used for SSDs for a while now, and SD Express cards will be able to serve as removable solid state drives.
通过合并PCIe(外围组件互连表示)和NVMe(非易失性内存Express)协议,SD卡的理论上限将达到985 MB / s,是1 TB SanDisk卡的两倍以上。 如果您对PCIe和NVMe感到熟悉,那是因为它们已经用于SSD已有一段时间了,并且SD Express卡将能够用作可移动固态驱动器 。
The SD Association says these new speeds will allow for super slow motion, 8K video and add support for raw continuous burst mode, which will be a boon to digital photographers. Additionally, by incorporating PCIe 3.1, SD Express cards can consume less power than the cards came before it. In theory, this should contribute to better battery life on mobile products, how much though is unclear.
SD协会表示,这些新速度将支持超级慢动作,8K视频,并增加了对原始连续连拍模式的支持,这将为数码摄影师带来福音。 此外,通过集成PCIe 3.1,SD Express卡的功耗比之前的卡要少。 从理论上讲,这应该有助于延长移动产品的电池寿命,尽管尚不清楚。
Overall, the idea is that leveraging existing technologies will speed adoption, as new testing equipment and development processes shouldn’t be needed. Manufacturers can use what they already know from creating solid state drives.
总体而言,该想法是利用现有技术将加快采用速度,因为不需要新的测试设备和开发流程。 制造商可以使用他们从创建固态驱动器中获得的知识。
As part of the transition, SD and microSD cards are seeing a size increase, pushing the upper limit from 2 TBs to 128 TBs. Cards capable of greater than 2 TBs will be marked as SDUC, adding to the SDHC and SDXC categories.
作为过渡的一部分,SD和microSD卡的大小正在增加,将上限从2 TB推至128 TB。 容量超过2 TB的卡将标记为SDUC,并添加到SDHC和SDXC类别中。
As always, read and write speeds are separate from storage capacity, so you will see SDHC and SDXC cards marked as SD Express and capable of faster write speeds. And all these benefits are coming to both SD and microSD cards, and SD Express cards are backward compatible with previous devices.
与往常一样,读写速度与存储容量是分开的,因此您将看到SDHC和SDXC卡被标记为SD Express,并具有更快的写入速度。 所有这些好处都将同时出现在SD和microSD卡上,并且SD Express卡与以前的设备向后兼容。
All of this amazing speed is due in part to a new row of pins found on SD Express (And SD UHS-ii) cards. Unfortunately, that means your current devices can’t make use of those pins, they lack the necessary hardware. But, according to the SD Association, you’ll still get the extra storage.
所有这些惊人的速度部分是由于在SD Express(和SD UHS-ii)卡上找到了新的一排引脚。 不幸的是,这意味着您当前的设备无法使用这些引脚,因为它们缺少必要的硬件。 但是,根据SD协会的说法,您仍然可以获得额外的存储空间。
As the association explains it in its whitepaper, “the card and device may not reach its best performance capability, but the consumer will gain access to all content. SD Express continues this long-standing promise by keeping the ability to operate the new cards in billions of existing products available in the market through its legacy SD interface.”
正如该协会在其白皮书中解释的那样,“卡和设备可能无法达到其最佳性能,但是消费者将可以访问所有内容。 SD Express通过其原有的SD接口保持在市场上数十亿种现有产品中使用新卡的能力,从而延续了这一长期的承诺。”
There aren’t any microSD cards with the telltale “Express” branding in stores yet. The SD Association, which is the industry group that oversees this standard, announced the new microSD Express standard at Mobile World Congress 2019 on February 25, 2019. It’s part of the new SD 7.1 specification. The SD Express standard was announced back on June 26, 2018, as part of the SD 7.0 specification.
商店中还没有任何带有“ Express”品牌商标的microSD卡。 SD协会是负责监督此标准的行业组织,它在2019年2月25日的Mobile World Congress 2019上宣布了新的microSD Express标准。它是新SD 7.1规范的一部分。 作为SD 7.0规范的一部分,SD Express标准于2018年6月26日宣布 。
The SD Association didn’t announce any sort of launch date when microSD Express cards would be available from hardware manufacturers, nor have any SD Express cards appeared on the market since the announcement back in June. We’re not sure when they will be available, what manufacturers will make them, or how much they’ll cost. We also don’t know when devices compatible with this new standard will be available to fully take advantage of the higher speeds. All we know is the standard is out there and devices should eventually launch to take advantage of it.
自6月份宣布以来,SD协会没有宣布何时可以从硬件制造商处获得microSD Express卡的发布日期,也没有发布任何SD Express卡。 我们不确定何时推出这些产品,制造商将制造哪些产品,或花费多少。 我们也不知道何时可以使用与该新标准兼容的设备来充分利用更高的速度。 我们所知道的是该标准已经存在,设备最终应该启动以利用它。
翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/406017/what-is-sd-express-and-how-much-faster-is-it/
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