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With the coding interview being so prominently used by tech companies, it’s no wonder that software engineers spend months preparing. However, for many, the coding interview can seem like a nebulous process. What is it? How do I prepare? Because a coding interview is different for each company, it can be difficult to have a good overview of the coding interview as a whole.

科技公司如此广泛地使用编码面试,因此软件工程师花费数月的准备时间也就不足为奇了。 但是,对于许多人来说,编码采访似乎是一个模糊的过程。 它是什么? 我要如何准备? 因为每个公司的编码采访都不同,所以可能很难对整个编码采访有一个很好的了解。

So, we’ve compiled the most frequently asked questions you may have about the coding interview and attempted to distill simple answers.


This article does not answer technical coding questions but rather is a resource for those curious about the coding interview process. If you are looking for coding questions, please check out some of our resources found below.

本文回答技术编码问题,而是为那些对编码采访过程感到好奇的人提供的资源。 如果您正在寻找编码问题,请查看下面的一些资源。

We’ll be covering:


  • What is the coding interview?

  • What does the coding interview evaluate?

  • What concepts are tested for the coding interview?

  • What should I do before the coding interview?

  • What language should I use for a coding interview?

  • Where can I learn what questions each company will ask me?

  • What’s the timeline to prepare for the coding interview?

  • What tools do I need for a coding interview?

  • What’s the general structure of a coding question?

  • Can I switch programming languages during an interview?

  • What should I do after the coding interview?

  • What resources will prepare me?


什么是编码面试? (What is the coding interview?)

The coding interview is a problem-oriented, technical interview used to assess potentially employees.


When you’re looking to land a job as a software engineer, you’ll have to go through the company’s coding interview process. In the coding interview, there will be a high emphasis on testing your understanding of concepts like data structures, algorithms, and system design.

当您寻求担任软件工程师的工作时,您将必须经过公司的编码面试过程。 在编码访谈中,将高度重视测试您对数据结构,算法和系统设计等概念的理解。

Though many tech giants like Google and Amazon have similar coding interview processes, no company has the exact same interview process. So, you should make sure to reach out to your interviewee beforehand to get a better picture of the structure of your interview.

尽管许多技术巨头(例如Google和Amazon)都有类似的编码采访过程,但是没有一家公司拥有完全相同的采访过程。 因此,您应该确保事先联系您的受访者,以更好地了解您的采访结构。

Typically, in the coding interview, you will be given a series of technical questions from your interviewer. You going to answer these questions by writing code through a real-time, collaborative editor or on a whiteboard, depending on whether it’s on-site or online.

通常,在编码面试中,面试官会给您一系列技术问题。 您将通过实时协作编辑器或在白板上编写代码来回答这些问题,具体取决于它是现场还是在线。

编码面试如何评价? (What does the coding interview evaluate?)

The coding interview allows for companies to evaluate your technical skills and understanding on various computer science concepts. The concepts they will evaluate you on depend on the level of the position in question (i.e junior developer, system architect, etc).

编码面试使公司可以评估您的技术技能和对各种计算机科学概念的理解。 他们将根据您所处职位的水平(即初级开发人员,系统架构师等)评估您的概念。

The interview allows interviewees to identify the applicants with the strongest abilities to translate their skills on the job.


Because the coding interview has a high emphasis on answering problems, the interview process identifies those with strong problem solving skills and cognitive abilities, testing for your abstract thinking, willingness to learn, curiosity, and overall horsepower to grind out a problem.


The behavioral interview, which is often a vital part of the overall coding interview process, attempts to further evaluate your fit with the company. They want to gain a sense of who you are, how you act under pressure, and other behaviors that will define your work at the company.

行为面试通常是整个编码面试过程的重要组成部分,它试图进一步评估您是否适合公司。 他们想了解您是谁,在压力下的行为方式以及其他可以定义您在公司工作的行为。

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在编码面试中测试了哪些概念? (What concepts are tested during the coding interview?)

The coding interview will have a strong emphasis on your understanding of data structures and algorithms. Here’s what you should study.

编码面试将重点强调您对数据结构和算法的理解。 这是您应该学习的内容。

  1. Big O Complexity: Before diving into data structures and algorithms, you need to first learn about algorithmic notation to describe the time and space complexity of an algorithm. You are expected to understand this concept, especially because the runtime of a program or its memory usage will be of importance when you’re working on the job.

    大O复杂度:在深入研究数据结构和算法之前,您需要首先了解算法表示法,以描述算法的时间和空间复杂度。 您应该理解这个概念,特别是因为在您从事这项工作时,程序的运行时或其内存使用情况至关重要。

  2. Arrays: You should already be familiar with arrays. If not, you should have a good understanding of the purpose of an array, how to manipulate it, iterating through an array, etc. A classic problem is to check if a given array is a permutation.

    数组:您应该已经熟悉数组。 如果没有,您应该对数组的用途,如何操作数组,遍历数组等有很好的了解。经典的问题是检查给定的数组是否是一个排列。

  3. Strings: Like arrays, you should be familiar with strings. You should know how to manipulate strings, and be familiar with problems involving rotation and concatenation.

    字符串:与数组一样,您应该熟悉字符串。 您应该知道如何操作字符串,并熟悉涉及旋转和串联的问题。

  4. Advanced data structures: Now, you’re going to have to learn more of the fun stuff. Refresh your understanding of data structures like Linked Lists, Hash Tables, Stacks, Queues, Heaps, Binary Trees, and more. These data structures are important because you will have to know which one to implement when faced with questions during the coding interview.

    先进的数据结构:现在,您将不得不学习更多有趣的东西。 刷新您对链接列表,哈希表,堆栈,队列,堆,二叉树等数据结构的了解。 这些数据结构很重要,因为在编码面试过程中遇到问题时,您将必须知道要实现哪种数据结构。

  5. Algorithms: You should learn sorting algorithms (bubble, heap, merge, etc.) and searching algorithms (binary search, linear search), which you may also be asked to implement. Also learn techniques like backtracking, brute force, dynamic programming, and divide & conquer.

    算法:您应该学习排序算法(气泡,堆,合并等)和搜索算法(二进制搜索,线性搜索),也可能需要实施这些算法。 还学习诸如回溯,蛮力,动态编程以及分而治之的技术。

  6. System Design: System design questions are now a typical part of the coding interview process. This is a particular area of struggle for many engineers because of the complexity of the problems.

    系统设计:系统设计问题现已成为编码面试过程的典型部分。 由于问题的复杂性,对于许多工程师而言,这是一个特殊的工作领域。

我在哪里可以了解每个公司会问我什么问题? (Where can I learn what questions each company will ask me?)

The coding questions asked in an interview will differ based on the company the position in question. It’s important to figure out in advance what common question are asked for the company you’re interviewing with. Generally, you can find this information in a few places:

面试中询问的编码问题将根据公司的职位而有所不同。 预先弄清楚与您面试的公司有关的常见问题很重要。 通常,您可以在几个地方找到此信息:

  • The job description: to gauge the focus of the questions. For example, an entry level developer will be asked far more questions on data structures than a senior developer. Sites like Glassdoor will sometimes provide common questions as well.

    职位描述:衡量问题的重点。 例如,与高级开发人员相比,入门级开发人员在数据结构方面的问题要多得多。 诸如Glassdoor之类的网站有时也会提供常见问题。

  • Coding Interview: This site provides detailed guides and question breakdowns for many big tech companies. You can read up on the unique processes alongside the top coding questions.

    编码访谈:此站点为许多大型高科技公司提供了详细的指南和问题明细。 您可以阅读有关独特编码过程以及最重要的编码问题。

  • The company website: most companies will provide details on their interview process, including lists of common behavioral and technical questions. You should also look at a company’s “Values” page.

    公司网站:大多数公司都会提供有关面试过程的详细信息,包括常见的行为和技术问题列表。 您还应该查看公司的“价值观”页面。

  • Current/former employees: online forums, blogs, and the like are a great resource, as current or former employees commonly discuss their interview process.


  • Online video/course tutorials: many online tutorials offer in-depth guides for company-specific interviews. Just may sure that the site explains where they are getting their information (i.e. are they a former employee or recruiter?)

    在线视频/课程教程:许多在线教程提供了针对公司特定采访的深入指南。 只需确保该网站可以说明他们从何处获取信息(即他们是前雇员还是招聘人员?)

  • Ask the recruiter: if you are in contact with a recruiter, you can ask them directly for resources and lists of questions. They may provide this to you when you agree to an interview, but it can’t hurt to ask.

    询问招聘人员:如果您与招聘人员联系,则可以直接向他们询问资源和问题清单。 当您同意面试时,他们可能会向您提供此信息,但是问问不会有任何伤害。

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在编码面试之前我该怎么办? (What should I do before the coding interview?)

The single most important thing is to practice, practice, and practice. There is no trick to passing the coding interview. It simply comes down to the amount of time you spend mastering the important computer science topics and learning coding interview patterns.

最重要的事情就是练习,练习和练习。 通过编码面试没有技巧。 这完全取决于您掌握重要的计算机科学主题和学习编码面试模式所花费的时间。

You’ll want to be comfortable with a mainstream coding language like C++, Java, or Python, though companies will also accept other languages like JavaScript. It’s important that you stick with the language that you choose as you prepare to make your learning more effective!

尽管公司也将接受其他语言(例如JavaScript),但您希望对C ++,Java或Python等主流编码语言感到满意。 重要的是,在准备学习时要坚持选择的语言,以使学习更加有效!

In terms of preparation, the coding interview heavily revolves around data structures and algorithms, as previously indicated from the list above. Beyond the technical preparation aspect, you should reach out to your interviewee to get a better idea of how the interview will be structured so that you don’t come into the interview blind-sided.

在准备方面,编码采访主要围绕数据结构和算法,如先前从上面的列表所示。 除了技术准备方面,您还应该联系您的受访者,以更好地了解访谈的结构,从而避免盲目地参加访谈。

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我应该使用哪种语言进行编码面试? (What language should I use for a coding interview?)

There’s no perfect language to use for a coding interview. The key is to use the one most comfortable with you. Most big companies will offer a list of the languages they prefer, so you can make a selection from there.

没有完美的语言可用于编码面试。 关键是使用最舒适的一种。 大多数大公司都会提供他们喜欢的语言列表,因此您可以从中进行选择。

If you want to go one step above and beyond, or you are applying for a specialized position, you may consider using a language specific to that company’s technology.


For example, if you are interviewing at Google, you may consider interviewing in Golang, or if you want to work at Apple, you could master Swift.


It’s important to acknowledge that you will be stressed and anxious during an interview. If a certain language requires you to think too much, you’re more likely to make errors. Pick one that makes you feel safe, knowledgeable, and comfortable.

重要的是要承认在面试过程中您会感到压力和焦虑。 如果某种语言要求您考虑太多,那么您很可能会犯错误。 选择一种能让您感到安全,知识渊博和舒适的产品。

Remember! It’s not really about having a ton of languages under your belt; it’s about showing that you know how to think like a computer.

记得! 掌握大量语言并不是真正意义上的事情; 这说明您知道如何像计算机一样思考。

准备进行编码面试的时间表是什么? (What’s a timeline to prepare for the coding interview?)

You’re going to have to strategically prepare for several months to ensure that you’ve mastered the necessary skills and concepts. Here’s a 12-week prep plan for you.

您将必须策略性地准备几个月,以确保您已掌握必要的技能和概念。 这是为您准备的12周的准备计划。

  • Week 0: Before starting your preparation, pick a programming language that you are comfortable with and is commonly used by the company you are being interviewed at. Some common languages are C++, Java, and Python.

    第0周:在开始准备工作之前,请选择一种您熟悉的编程语言,并且该语言是您所面试的公司常用的语言。 一些常见的语言是C ++,Java和Python。

  • Week 1: Once you’ve selected a programming language, you should review the basics of the syntax and functionality of the language.


  • Week 2 & 3: After brushing up on the basics of your selected programming language, it’s time to dive into data structures and algorithms. These two weeks should be solely focused on that.

    第2周和第3周:在学习了所选编程语言的基础知识之后,该深入了解数据结构和算法了。 这两个星期应仅专注于此。

  • Week 4 & 5: Now, it’s time to utilize your learning of data structures and algorithms and practice coding challenges. First, begin with easier coding problems and slowly move up to the more difficult problems.

    第4周和第5周:现在是时候利用您对数据结构和算法的学习并练习编码挑战了。 首先,从更简单的编码问题开始,然后逐步发展到更困难的问题。

  • Weeks 6–8: For these next three weeks, practice complex coding problems. While timing yourself, also be sure to consider things like runtime and memory complexity, which you will be tested on by your interviewer.

    第6-8周:接下来的3周,练习复杂的编码问题。 在安排自己的时间时,还请确保考虑诸如运行时和内存复杂性之类的内容,面试官将对它们进行测试。

  • Weeks 8 & 10: Study system design questions, which are now incredibly common in the coding interview. The key here is to learn common patterns and mimic known systems.

    第8周和第10周:研究系统设计问题,这些问题现在在编码面试中非常常见。 这里的关键是学习通用模式并模仿已知系统。

  • Week 11: Review your understanding of OS and concurrency, which are concepts used to gauge your overall hiring level. Mastering these concepts will allow you to stand out among other prospective applicants.

    第11周:回顾您对操作系统和并发的理解,这是用于衡量总体招聘水平的概念。 掌握这些概念将使您在其他潜在申请人中脱颖而出。

  • Week 12: Finally, study object-oriented programming and design questions, which will focus on testing your critical thinking abilities and problem solving skills.


Remember, this is just a general timeline. For those who are more experienced, you may be able to be ready for an interview sooner than 12 weeks.

请记住,这只是一般时间表。 对于那些更有经验的人,您可能可以在12周之前准备好接受面试。

Succeed in your coding interview.


Avoid waiting another 6 months to apply by taking our coding interview course. Educative’s text-based courses are easy to skim and feature live coding environments — making learning quick and efficient.

通过参加我们的编码面试课程,避免再等6个月才能申请。 Educative的基于文本的课程易于浏览,并具有实时编码环境-使学习快速高效。

Grokking the Coding Interview: Patterns for Coding Questions


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编码面试需要什么工具?(What tools do I need for a coding interview?)

For your phone screening, you’ll need a strong internet connection, charged phone, and notes with your main talking points. I recommend having this nearby during your call so you can reference them as needed.

为了进行电话筛选,您需要强大的互联网连接,收费的电话以及主要谈话要点。 我建议您在通话时在附近,以便您可以根据需要参考。

Similarly, for a virtual interview, you will need internet, a computer, a code editor (based on the company), access to Zoom/Skype, and any notes you want to the side. It’s recommended to do some research on a company’s values and note them on a sticky note.

同样,对于虚拟面试,您将需要互联网,计算机,代码编辑器(基于公司),Zoom / Skype的访问权限以及要放在一边的所有注释。 建议对公司的价值观进行一些研究,并在便笺上注明。

In-person interviews are usually conducted on a white board, but virtual coding interviews will be over a shared document like Google Docs (for Google) or a site like Codility and HackerRank. You should ask what platform the company will use in advance so you can get some practice with it.

面对面访问通常在白板上进行,但是虚拟编码访问将通过共享文档(例如Google Docs(适用于Google)或Codility和HackerRank等站点)进行。 您应该事先询问公司将使用哪种平台,以便您可以进行一些实践。

Other than that, all other tools are optional. You could put a timer on your desk so you can track how long you’ve been working. Most developers time themselves when are practicing, so this can trigger the same thought-processes you have during prep.

除此之外,所有其他工具都是可选的。 您可以在办公桌上放置一个计时器,以便跟踪您的工作时间。 大多数开发人员在练习时都会安排自己的时间,因此这可以触发与准备过程中相同的思考过程。

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编码问题的一般结构是什么? (What’s the general structure of a coding question?)

To perform optimally, we’ll break down the interview into five aspects: introduction, understand, search, code, and ask.


1.简介 (1. Introduction)

This is the initial phase of the interview, which typically lasts three to five minutes. The interviewer wants to learn more about who you are, your background, your projects, etc. This is your moment to present yourself and leave a lasting impression on the interviewer, so don’t underestimate the importance of this step.

这是面试的初始阶段,通常持续三到五分钟。 面试官想更多地了解您是谁,您的背景,您的项目等。这是您展示自己并给面试官留下持久印象的时候,所以请不要低估此步骤的重要性。

Be true to yourself. Talk about your projects and more about the whys and hows. The interviewer wants to learn about why you’re interested in your coding projects or how you were able to accomplish something.

做真实的自己。 谈论您的项目,以及更多关于其原因和方式的信息。 面试官想了解您为什么对编码项目感兴趣或如何完成某项工作。

2.了解 (2. Understand)

Understand the problem as well as you can. The interviewer will continue the interviewing process by introducing the problem that you will have to solve. The problem statement will be concise, in which you won’t have many details about the constraints, corner cases, and more. So, it’s your duty to build clarity on any ambiguities so that you can effectively tackle a problem. Some questions to ask:

尽可能地了解问题。 面试官将通过介绍您必须解决的问题来继续面试过程。 问题陈述将简洁明了,其中您将没有关于约束,极端情况等的更多详细信息。 因此,您有责任明确任何歧义,以便有效解决问题。 一些问题要问:

  • How big is the size of the input?

  • How big is the range of values?

  • Are there duplicates within the input?

  • What are some extreme cases of the input?


3.搜索 (3. Search)

After you’ve taken the time to understand the problem, determine an optimal solution. This is where all your weeks of practice comes in. Which data structure or algorithm can you apply to develop the best solution?

在花了一些时间了解问题之后,确定最佳解决方案。 这就是您所有星期的练习所需要的。您可以应用哪种数据结构或算法来开发最佳解决方案?

4.代码 (4. Code)

Now that you’ve determined a solution, it’s time to code it. If you want to do well here, you must be comfortable with the language that you’re coding in. Sometimes, companies will ask you to write your solution on a whiteboard, meaning that you have to memorize the syntax of the language that you’re using.

现在您已经确定了解决方案,是时候编写代码了。 如果您想在这里做得好,则必须对所使用的语言感到满意。有时,公司会要求您在白板上编写解决方案,这意味着您必须记住所用语言的语法。重新使用。

Make sure that your code is concise and clean, so it’s easy for the interviewer to review. It’s likely that you’ll be asked to explain your solution to the interviewer or fix a bug.

确保您的代码简洁明了,以便访问员轻松查看。 可能会要求您向面试官解释您的解决方案或修正错误。

5.问 (5. Ask)

After finishing the problem, it’s your turn to ask the interviewer if you have any questions. This is a great opportunity for you to learn more about the company and job itself. Here are some questions that you can ask:

解决完问题后,就该问问面试官是否有任何问题。 这是一个很好的机会,可以让您了解有关公司和职位本身的更多信息。 您可以问以下几个问题:

  • What do you like most about your job?

  • How do you find the culture of the company?

  • Do you get to choose which projects to work on?

  • What project do you normally give to interns?


面试期间可以切换编程语言吗? (Can I switch programming languages during an interview?)

The short answer is yes.


But, you need to articulate why you are switching language. Explain why the initial choice was not effective from the point of view of the technology itself, and the articulate why you thought C++ was a better solution.

但是,您需要阐明为什么要切换语言。 从技术本身的角度解释为什么最初的选择无效,并阐明为什么您认为C ++是更好的解决方案。

If you jump to a new language just because you’re stressed, it shows that you didn’t properly evaluate the problem at the start. It’s recommended to sketch out a design of the questions first so the interviewer understands your process. They may assist you in your language selection if you take that time.

如果只是因为感到压力而跳到一种新语言,则说明您一开始就没有正确评估问题。 建议首先草拟问题的设计,以便面试官理解您的流程。 如果您愿意的话,他们可能会帮助您选择语言。

It’s better to take it slow and answer question with consistency than to show off with a bunch of scattered languages. A depth of knowledge is preferred to a breadth of knowledge in this case.

最好慢一些,并始终如一地回答问题,而不是用一堆分散的语言来炫耀。 在这种情况下,知识的深度优先于知识的广度。

Remember! There is a difference between primary and secondary skills. Any good interviewer will know that. The point of an interview is not to show off. The point is to prove that you can accomplish what they want from that role.

记得! 小学和中学技能有所不同。 任何好的面试官都会知道这一点。 面试的重点不是炫耀 关键是要证明您可以通过该角色完成他们想要的工作。

编码面试后该怎么办? (What should I do after the coding interview?)

Before finishing the interview, make sure that you have the needed contact information. This way you can contact them for any follow ups on the interview or the decision. Ask your recruiter for a followup for any feedback, if they offer it.

在完成采访之前,请确保您具有所需的联系信息。 这样,您可以与他们联系以进行采访或决定的任何后续行动。 如果他们提供反馈,请询问您的招聘者是否有任何反馈。

It’s also recommended to send a follow-up email thanking the interviewers for your time and refreshing them on your skills. This should generally be sent within 48 hours of the interview.

还建议发送一封后续电子邮件,感谢面试官的时间,并让他们更新自己的技能。 通常应在面试48小时之内寄出。

Also, take some time to reflect how you did. This is especially helpful for future interviews. Were there some concepts that you should’ve practiced more? How could you have done better?

另外,请花一些时间来反映您的工作方式。 这对于以后的采访特别有用。 是否存在一些您应该多练习的概念? 你怎么能做得更好?

You should also evaluate how you felt about the company. It’s perfectly okay to reach the end of the interview and decide not to pursue a company that doesn’t match well with you. Does the company align with your career goals? How would you fit in with the company culture?

您还应该评估您对公司的感觉。 结束面试并决定不经营一家与您不匹配的公司是完全可以的。 公司符合您的职业目标吗? 您如何适应公司文化?

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哪些资源可以帮助我做好准备? (What resources will prepare me?)

Cracking the coding interview is not easy. Prepping alone for the coding interview is possible but difficult. The best way to practice is from others and be actively engaged in the explanations to answers.

破解编码面试并不容易。 独自为编码面试做准备是可能的,但是很困难。 最好的练习方法是与他人互动,并积极参与答案的解释。

Read articles and forums about coding interviews. In the past, LeetCode was a common way to prepare, but it is now a bit out of date. I recommend learning about coding interviews from resources that are specifically for coding interviews. It’s really important to get hands-on practice with questions rather than abstract theory or lengthy lectures.

阅读有关编码采访的文章和论坛。 过去,LeetCode是一种常用的准备方法,但是现在有点过时了。 我建议从专门用于编码采访的资源中学习有关编码采访的信息。 重要的是要动手实践问题而不是抽象理论或冗长的讲座。

总结和后续步骤 (Wrapping up and next steps)

Now, you should have a good idea of what the coding interview entails. When it comes down to it, it’s all about practice. It’s going to require hours upon hours for you to nail down the important concepts. So, make sure you plan well and study ahead.

现在,您应该对编码采访的含义有了一个很好的了解。 归根结底,一切都与实践有关。 您将需要几个小时才能确定重要的概念。 因此,请确保您计划周到并继续学习。

There is no golden ticket to coding interviews. Remember: It’s okay if you don’t land the job the first time around. Sometimes, the extra practice can actually better prepare you for the job

没有编码面试的金票。 切记:如果您不第一次找到工作,那也没关系。 有时,额外的练习实际上可以更好地为您做好工作的准备

Happy learning and good luck!


If you want to streamline your coding interview preparation, I recommend the following interactive courses. They are organized to best help you prepare and explain answers in detail by using hands-on practice and real-world examples.

如果您想简化编码面试的准备,我建议您参加以下互动课程。 它们的组织方式可以最大程度地帮助您通过动手实践和实际示例来详细准备和解释答案。

Or continue reading about coding interviews:


翻译自: https://medium.com/the-innovation/the-coding-interview-faq-preparation-evaluation-and-structure-607ac0225605


