Python 的 Matplotlib 是最常用的图表绘制以及数据可视化库。我们对折线图、柱状图以及热力图都比较熟悉,但你知道用 Matplotlib 还能做简单的动画吗?
下面就是用 Matplotlib 制作动画的例子。展示的是 John Conway 的 《The Game of Life》,这是一个 Metis(数据科学夏令营)中的编程挑战题目,同时给了我一个机会让我知道Matpltlib可以制作动图。看看结果的动图:
这篇文章的重点还是主要放在 python 中如何用 Matploylib 制作动画。
一开始先设置一个 N×N 的网格(我的动画中用的是 50×50 );
接着随机地向格子中填充“小细胞”(一开始随机地从 2500 个格子中选取 1500 个进行填充);
如果邻居小细胞少于等于 1 个,那格子中的小细胞会死掉;
如果邻居大于等于 4 个的也会死掉;
只有 2 个或 3 个邻居时可以生存;
空的格子中如果正好有 3 个邻居,则会长出 1 个新的“小细胞”;
import time from IPython import display import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.animation as animation import numpy as np import seaborn as sns import random # Some helper functions # Initialize the board with starting positions def init_board(pos_list, my_board): for pos in pos_list: my_board[pos[0], pos[1]] = 1 return my_board # Make sure padded border values are always zero def force_pad_zero(my_board): edge_row_0 = 0 edge_row_1 = my_board.shape[0] - 1 edge_col_0 = 0 edge_col_1 = my_board.shape[1] - 1 for index, row in enumerate(my_board): if index == 0: row[:] = 0 elif index == edge_row_1: row[:] = 0 else: row[edge_col_0] = 0 row[edge_col_1] = 0 for col in my_board: col[edge_row_0] = 0 col[edge_row_1] = 0 return my_board # Figure out the number of neighbors for a given cell def calc_neighbors(row, col, my_board): b = force_pad_zero(my_board) num_neighbors = (b[row-1,col-1] + b[row+0,col-1] + b[row+1,col-1] + b[row+1,col+0] + b[row+1,col+1] + b[row+0,col+1] + b[row-1,col+1] + b[row-1,col+0]) return num_neighbors # Update the board based on the game rules, each call to update_board is one turn def update_board(my_board): old_board = my_board.copy() set_zero = [] set_one = [] # Loop through board and update according to rules for i, row in enumerate(my_board[1:-1,1:-1]): for j, col in enumerate(row): true_i = i + 1 true_j = j + 1 # Update based on number of neighbors (using calc_neighbors) # set_zero and set_one are lists that tell me the coordinates of cells that require updating if (((calc_neighbors(true_i, true_j, my_board) <= 1) or (calc_neighbors(true_i, true_j, my_board) >= 4)) and my_board[true_i, true_j] != 0): set_zero.append([true_i, true_j]) elif ((calc_neighbors(true_i, true_j, my_board) == 3) and my_board[true_i, true_j] == 0): set_one.append([true_i, true_j]) # Update the required cells for index, val in enumerate(set_zero): my_board[val[0], val[1]] = 0 for index, val in enumerate(set_one): my_board[val[0], val[1]] = 1 return my_board # Input variables for the board boardsize = 50 # board will be X by X where X = boardsize pad = 2 # padded border, do not change this! initial_cells = 1500 # this number of initial cells will be placed # in randomly generated positions # Get a list of random coordinates so that we can initialize # board with randomly placed organisms pos_list = [] for i in range(initial_cells): pos_list.append([random.randint(1, boardsize), random.randint(1, boardsize)]) # Initialize the board my_board = np.zeros((boardsize+pad, boardsize+pad)) my_board = init_board(pos_list, my_board) ##### Animate the board ##### # This will throw an error the first time you run the code, but the program will run properly if you # execute the cell again (there is an error with the animation package that I cannot seem to get rid of) # Required line for plotting the animation %matplotlib notebook # Initialize the plot of the board that will be used for animation fig = plt.gcf() # Show first image - which is the initial board im = plt.imshow(my_board) plt.show() plt.savefig(fname='game_of_life', dpi=150) # Helper function that updates the board and returns a new image of # the updated board animate is the function that FuncAnimation calls def animate(frame): im.set_data(update_board(my_board)) return im, # This line creates the animation anim = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, animate, frames=200, interval=50)
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