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vb.net 教程 5-13 图像处理之像素处理 6 图像的二值化_vb.net 图片二值化

vb.net 图片二值化





  1. '黑白1
  2. Private Sub btn2Color_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btn2Color1.Click
  3. Dim pSourceColor As Color
  4. Dim pDestColor As Color
  5. Dim destImg As New Bitmap(sourceImg.Width, sourceImg.Height)
  6. Dim R, G, B As Integer
  7. Dim AvgColor As Integer
  8. For i As Integer = 0 To sourceImg.Width - 1
  9. For j As Integer = 0 To sourceImg.Height - 1
  10. pSourceColor = sourceImg.GetPixel(i, j)
  11. R = pSourceColor.R
  12. G = pSourceColor.G
  13. B = pSourceColor.B
  14. AvgColor = (R + G + B) / 3
  15. If AvgColor >= 128 Then AvgColor = 255 Else AvgColor = 0
  16. pDestColor = Color.FromArgb(AvgColor, AvgColor, AvgColor)
  17. destImg.SetPixel(i, j, pDestColor)
  18. Next
  19. Next
  20. picDest.Image = destImg
  21. End Sub



  1. Private Sub btn2Color2_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btn2Color2.Click
  2. Dim pSourceColor As Color
  3. Dim pDestColor As Color
  4. Dim destImg As New Bitmap(sourceImg.Width, sourceImg.Height)
  5. Dim R, G, B As Integer
  6. Dim HistGram(255) As Integer
  7. For i As Integer = 0 To sourceImg.Width - 1
  8. For j As Integer = 0 To sourceImg.Height - 1
  9. pSourceColor = sourceImg.GetPixel(i, j)
  10. HistGram(pSourceColor.R) += 1
  11. Next
  12. Next
  13. Dim threshold As Integer
  14. Dim allSum, allCount As Integer
  15. For k As Integer = 0 To 255
  16. allCount += HistGram(k)
  17. allSum += k * HistGram(k)
  18. Next
  19. threshold = allSum / allCount
  20. For i As Integer = 0 To sourceImg.Width - 1
  21. For j As Integer = 0 To sourceImg.Height - 1
  22. pSourceColor = sourceImg.GetPixel(i, j)
  23. R = pSourceColor.R
  24. If R >= threshold Then R = 255 Else R = 0
  25. pDestColor = Color.FromArgb(R, R, R)
  26. destImg.SetPixel(i, j, pDestColor)
  27. Next
  28. Next
  29. picDest.Image = destImg
  30. End Sub






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