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Project page: https://facebookresearch.github.io/nougat/


From pip:

pip install nougat-ocr
  • 1

From repository:

pip install git+https://github.com/facebookresearch/nougat
  • 1

Note, on Windows: If you want to utilize a GPU, make sure you first install the correct PyTorch version. Follow instructions here


pip install "nougat-ocr[api]" or pip install "nougat-ocr[dataset]"

1.2 获取PDF的预测

1.2.1 CLI

To get predictions for a PDF run

$ nougat path/to/file.pdf -o output_directory
  • 1


$ nougat path/to/directory -o output_directory
  • 1
usage: nougat [-h] [--batchsize BATCHSIZE] [--checkpoint CHECKPOINT] [--model MODEL] [--out OUT]
              [--recompute] [--markdown] [--no-skipping] pdf [pdf ...]

positional arguments:
  pdf                   PDF(s) to process.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --batchsize BATCHSIZE, -b BATCHSIZE
                        Batch size to use.
  --checkpoint CHECKPOINT, -c CHECKPOINT
                        Path to checkpoint directory.
  --model MODEL_TAG, -m MODEL_TAG
                        Model tag to use.
  --out OUT, -o OUT     Output directory.
  --recompute           Recompute already computed PDF, discarding previous predictions.
  --full-precision      Use float32 instead of bfloat16. Can speed up CPU conversion for some setups.
  --no-markdown         Do not add postprocessing step for markdown compatibility.
  --markdown            Add postprocessing step for markdown compatibility (default).
  --no-skipping         Don't apply failure detection heuristic.
  --pages PAGES, -p PAGES
                        Provide page numbers like '1-4,7' for pages 1 through 4 and page 7. Only works for single PDFs.
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
  • 8
  • 9
  • 10
  • 11
  • 12
  • 13
  • 14
  • 15
  • 16
  • 17
  • 18
  • 19
  • 20
  • 21
  • 22

The default model tag is 0.1.0-small. If you want to use the base model, use 0.1.0-base.

$ nougat path/to/file.pdf -o output_directory -m 0.1.0-base
  • 1

In the output directory every PDF will be saved as a .mmd file, the lightweight markup language, mostly compatible with Mathpix Markdown (we make use of the LaTeX tables).

Note: On some devices the failure detection heuristic is not working properly. If you experience a lot of [MISSING_PAGE] responses, try to run with the --no-skipping flag. Related: #11, #67

1.2.2 API

With the extra dependencies you use app.py to start an API. Call

$ nougat_api
  • 1

通过向http:// predict/发出POST请求来获得PDF文件的预测。它还接受参数“start”和“stop”,以限制计算选择页码(包括边界)。


curl -X 'POST' \
  '' \
  -H 'accept: application/json' \
  -H 'Content-Type: multipart/form-data' \
  -F 'file=@<PDFFILE.pdf>;type=application/pdf'
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5

To use the limit the conversion to pages 1 to 5, use the start/stop parameters in the request URL:


2.1 生成数据集

To generate a dataset you need

  1. A directory containing the PDFs
  2. A directory containing the .html files (processed .tex files by LaTeXML) with the same folder structure
  3. A binary file of pdffigures2 and a corresponding environment variable export PDFFIGURES_PATH="/path/to/binary.jar"

Next run

python -m nougat.dataset.split_htmls_to_pages --html path/html/root --pdfs path/pdf/root --out path/paired/output --figure path/pdffigures/outputs
  • 1

Additional arguments include

--recomputerecompute all splits
--markdown MARKDOWNMarkdown output dir
--workers WORKERSHow many processes to use
--dpi DPIWhat resolution the pages will be saved at
--timeout TIMEOUTmax time per paper in seconds
--tesseractTesseract OCR prediction for each page

Finally create a jsonl file that contains all the image paths, markdown text and meta information.

python -m nougat.dataset.create_index --dir path/paired/output --out index.jsonl
  • 1

For each jsonl file you also need to generate a seek map for faster data loading:

python -m nougat.dataset.gen_seek file.jsonl
  • 1

The resulting directory structure can look as follows:

├── images
├── train.jsonl
├── train.seek.map
├── test.jsonl
├── test.seek.map
├── validation.jsonl
└── validation.seek.map
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
  • 8

Note that the .mmd and .json files in the path/paired/output (here images) are no longer required.
This can be useful for pushing to a S3 bucket by halving the amount of files.


To train or fine tune a Nougat model, run

python train.py --config config/train_nougat.yaml
  • 1

2.3 Evaluation


python test.py --checkpoint path/to/checkpoint --dataset path/to/test.jsonl --save_path path/to/results.json
  • 1

To get the results for the different text modalities, run

python -m nougat.metrics path/to/results.json
  • 1

2.4 FAQ

  • Why am I only getting [MISSING_PAGE]?

    Nougat was trained on scientific papers found on arXiv and PMC. Is the document you’re processing similar to that?
    What language is the document in? Nougat works best with English papers, other Latin-based languages might work. Chinese, Russian, Japanese etc. will not work.
    If these requirements are fulfilled it might be because of false positives in the failure detection, when computing on CPU or older GPUs (#11). Try passing the --no-skipping flag for now.

  • Where can I download the model checkpoint from.

    They are uploaded here on GitHub in the release section. You can also download them during the first execution of the program. Choose the preferred preferred model by passing --model 0.1.0-{base,small}



