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Android系统10 RK3399 init进程启动(四十四) 实战Android开机自启动脚本_android execute_no_trans

android execute_no_trans





设备: FireFly RK3399 (ROC-RK3399-PC-PLUS)


init.rc中的命令实际是有限的, 如果需要执行常见shell的脚本, init.rc是没法满足需求的, 所以在实际开发中经常需要开机启动shell脚本的事情。上个章节介绍了如何开机启动可执行程序(代码类),本章节重点介绍如何开机启动一个shell脚本。


  1. 开机需要通过mkfifo创建一个FIFO文件,可用于进程间通信。
  2. 开机设置永久不锁屏,就是设置一个锁屏超时事件。
  3. 等待开机完成之后, 获取某个进程(如installd)的pid, 并设置pid到某个属性。


vim device/rockchip/qh100_rk3399/test_se/scripts/myboot.sh 

  1. #!/vendor/bin/sh
  2. #for fifo
  3. /system/bin/mkfifo /dev/testfifo
  4. /system/bin/chmod 777 /dev/testfifo
  5. #for screen timemout
  6. log -t QHDebug "QH ready to settings screen_off_timeout"
  7. /system/bin/cmd settings put system screen_off_timeout 2147483647
  8. while [ true ]
  9. do
  10. bootComplete=$(getprop dev.bootcomplete)
  11. if [ $bootComplete = 1 ] ; then
  12. processid=$(/system/bin/ps -elf | grep installd | grep -v grep | /system/bin/awk '{print $2}')
  13. log -t QHDebug "get installd process id = ${processid}"
  14. setprop vendor.test.installd.pid ${processid}
  15. break;
  16. else
  17. sleep 3
  18. fi
  19. done

vim device/rockchip/qh100_rk3399/test_se/scripts/myboot.rc

  1. service mybootscript /vendor/bin/myboot.sh
  2. class main
  3. user root
  4. group root system
  5. oneshot

vim device/rockchip/qh100_rk3399/test_se/scripts/Android.bp

cc_prebuilt_binary {

    name: "mybootscript",

    srcs: ["myboot.sh"],

    init_rc: ["myboot.rc"],

    strip: {

        none: true,


    proprietary: true,



device/rockchip/qh100_rk3399/test_se/sepolicy$ vim myboot_script.te

# subject context in proccess status

type  mybootscript_dt, domain;

# object context as a file

type mybootscript_dt_exec, exec_type, vendor_file_type, file_type;

#grant perm as domain


device/rockchip/qh100_rk3399/test_se/sepolicy$ vim file_contexts

/dev/myse_dev    u:object_r:myse_testdev_t:s0

/vendor/bin/myse_test                   u:object_r:myse_test_dt_exec:s0

/vendor/bin/prop_test                   u:object_r:myprop_test_dt_exec:s0

/vendor/bin/myservice                   u:object_r:myservice_dt_exec:s0

/vendor/bin/myboot.sh                   u:object_r:mybootscript_dt_exec:s0


make selinux_policy -j2


adb -s QUMJHIRADP  push .\src\myboot.rc  /vendor/etc/init

.\src\myboot.rc: 1 file pushed, 0 skipped. 0.0 MB/s (94 bytes in 0.015s)

adb -s QUMJHIRADP  push .\src\myboot.sh  /vendor/bin/

.\src\myboot.sh: 1 file pushed, 0 skipped. 2.2 MB/s (676 bytes in 0.000s)

adb -s QUMJHIRADP  push  .\binary\selinux\vendor\selinux\  /vendor/etc/

.\binary\selinux\vendor\selinux\: 13 files pushed, 0 skipped. 15.1 MB/s (1508225 bytes in 0.095s)

adb -s QUMJHIRADP   push .\binary\selinux\odm\selinux\  /odm/etc/

.\binary\selinux\odm\selinux\: 3 files pushed, 0 skipped. 14.1 MB/s (482632 bytes in 0.033s)

adb -s QUMJHIRADP shell restorecon  /vendor/bin/myboot.sh

adb -s QUMJHIRADP reboot


qh100_rk3399:/ $ getprop | grep myboot

[init.svc.mybootscript]: [stopped]

[ro.boottime.mybootscript]: [4269393251]

qh100_rk3399:/ $ getenforce


qh100_rk3399:/ $ logcat -s QHDebug

--------- beginning of system

--------- beginning of main

03-08 13:24:57.824   363   363 I QHDebug : QH ready to settings screen_off_timeout

03-08 13:25:07.236  1213  1213 I QHDebug : get installd process id = 324


130|qh100_rk3399:/ $ ps -elf | grep installd

root           324     1 1 13:24:56 ?     00:00:00 installd

shell         1730  1484 1 13:25:47 pts/0 00:00:00 grep installd

qh100_rk3399:/ $ getprop vendor.test.installd.pid




#============= mybootscript_dt ==============

allow mybootscript_dt binder_device:chr_file { ioctl map open read write };

allow mybootscript_dt device:dir { add_name write };

allow mybootscript_dt device:fifo_file { create getattr setattr };

allow mybootscript_dt exported3_system_prop:file { getattr map open read };

allow mybootscript_dt init:unix_stream_socket connectto;

allow mybootscript_dt property_socket:sock_file write;

allow mybootscript_dt servicemanager:binder call;

allow mybootscript_dt system_file:file { execute execute_no_trans getattr map open read };

allow mybootscript_dt toolbox_exec:file { execute execute_no_trans getattr map open read };

allow mybootscript_dt vendor_toolbox_exec:file execute_no_trans;



libsepol.report_failure: neverallow on line 1033 of system/sepolicy/public/domain.te (or line 12581 of policy.conf) violated by allow mybootscript_dt toolbox_exec:file { read getattr map execute execute_no_trans open };

libsepol.report_failure: neverallow on line 1033 of system/sepolicy/public/domain.te (or line 12581 of policy.conf) violated by allow mybootscript_dt system_file:file { read getattr map execute execute_no_trans open };

libsepol.report_failure: neverallow on line 956 of system/sepolicy/public/domain.te (or line 12413 of policy.conf) violated by allow mybootscript_dt toolbox_exec:file { execute execute_no_trans };

libsepol.report_failure: neverallow on line 956 of system/sepolicy/public/domain.te (or line 12413 of policy.conf) violated by allow mybootscript_dt system_file:file { execute execute_no_trans };

libsepol.report_failure: neverallow on line 679 of system/sepolicy/public/domain.te (or line 11818 of policy.conf) violated by allow mybootscript_dt servicemanager:binder { call };

libsepol.report_failure: neverallow on line 633 of system/sepolicy/public/domain.te (or line 11734 of policy.conf) violated by allow mybootscript_dt binder_device:chr_file { ioctl read write map open };

libsepol.check_assertions: 6 neverallow failures occurred

