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在我的博客<Hadoop-Yarn-NodeManager是如何启动容器的>中的ContainerLaunch  prepareForLaunch()会触发ContainerEventType.CONTAINER_LAUNCHED事件,ContainerImpl会处理该事件,监控该容器的资源使用以及处理后续操作,下面让我们把源码捋起来吧。



  1. public class ContainerImpl implements Container {
  2. private static StateMachineFactory
  3. <ContainerImpl, ContainerState, ContainerEventType, ContainerEvent>
  4. stateMachineFactory =
  5. new StateMachineFactory<ContainerImpl, ContainerState, ContainerEventType, ContainerEvent>(ContainerState.NEW).
  6. //......省略其他事件处理......
  7. addTransition(ContainerState.SCHEDULED, ContainerState.RUNNING,
  8. ContainerEventType.CONTAINER_LAUNCHED, new LaunchTransition())
  9. //......省略其他事件处理......
  10. .installTopology();
  11. static class LaunchTransition extends ContainerTransition {
  12. @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
  13. @Override
  14. public void transition(ContainerImpl container, ContainerEvent event) {
  15. //发送容器监控事件,去监控容器的使用
  16. container.sendContainerMonitorStartEvent();
  17. container.metrics.runningContainer();
  18. container.wasLaunched = true;
  19. if (container.isReInitializing()) {
  20. NMAuditLogger.logSuccess(container.user,
  21. AuditConstants.FINISH_CONTAINER_REINIT, "ContainerImpl",
  22. container.containerId.getApplicationAttemptId().getApplicationId(),
  23. container.containerId);
  24. }
  25. container.setIsReInitializing(false);
  26. // Check if this launch was due to a re-initialization.
  27. // If autocommit == true, then wipe the re-init context. This ensures
  28. // that any subsequent failures do not trigger a rollback.
  29. if (container.reInitContext != null
  30. && !container.reInitContext.canRollback()) {
  31. container.reInitContext = null;
  32. }
  33. if (container.recoveredAsKilled) {
  34. LOG.info("Killing " + container.containerId
  35. + " due to recovered as killed");
  36. container.addDiagnostics("Container recovered as killed.\n");
  37. container.dispatcher.getEventHandler().handle(
  38. new ContainersLauncherEvent(container,
  39. ContainersLauncherEventType.CLEANUP_CONTAINER));
  40. }
  41. }
  42. }
  43. private void sendContainerMonitorStartEvent() {
  44. long launchDuration = clock.getTime() - containerLaunchStartTime;
  45. metrics.addContainerLaunchDuration(launchDuration);
  46. long pmemBytes = getResource().getMemorySize() * 1024 * 1024L;
  47. float pmemRatio = daemonConf.getFloat(
  48. YarnConfiguration.NM_VMEM_PMEM_RATIO,
  49. YarnConfiguration.DEFAULT_NM_VMEM_PMEM_RATIO);
  50. long vmemBytes = (long) (pmemRatio * pmemBytes);
  51. int cpuVcores = getResource().getVirtualCores();
  52. long localizationDuration = containerLaunchStartTime -
  53. containerLocalizationStartTime;
  54. //这里会触发 ContainersMonitorEventType.START_MONITORING_CONTAINER
  55. //该事件由ContainersMonitorImpl处理
  56. dispatcher.getEventHandler().handle(
  57. new ContainerStartMonitoringEvent(containerId,
  58. vmemBytes, pmemBytes, cpuVcores, launchDuration,
  59. localizationDuration));
  60. }
  61. }



  1. public class ContainersMonitorImpl extends AbstractService implements
  2. ContainersMonitor {
  3. private final static Logger LOG =
  4. LoggerFactory.getLogger(ContainersMonitorImpl.class);
  5. private final static Logger AUDITLOG =
  6. LoggerFactory.getLogger(ContainersMonitorImpl.class.getName()+".audit");
  7. private long monitoringInterval;
  8. private MonitoringThread monitoringThread;
  9. private int logCheckInterval;
  10. private LogMonitorThread logMonitorThread;
  11. private long logDirSizeLimit;
  12. private long logTotalSizeLimit;
  13. private CGroupElasticMemoryController oomListenerThread;
  14. private boolean containerMetricsEnabled;
  15. private long containerMetricsPeriodMs;
  16. private long containerMetricsUnregisterDelayMs;
  17. @VisibleForTesting
  18. final Map<ContainerId, ProcessTreeInfo> trackingContainers =
  19. new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
  20. private final ContainerExecutor containerExecutor;
  21. private final Dispatcher eventDispatcher;
  22. private final Context context;
  23. private ResourceCalculatorPlugin resourceCalculatorPlugin;
  24. private Configuration conf;
  25. private static float vmemRatio;
  26. //用于获取进程资源使用情况的接口类
  27. //注意:此类不应由外部用户使用,而只能由外部开发人员使用,以扩展和包括他们自己的流程树实现,尤其是对于Linux和Windows以外的平台。
  28. private Class<? extends ResourceCalculatorProcessTree> processTreeClass;
  29. private long maxVmemAllottedForContainers = UNKNOWN_MEMORY_LIMIT;
  30. private long maxPmemAllottedForContainers = UNKNOWN_MEMORY_LIMIT;
  31. private boolean pmemCheckEnabled;
  32. private boolean vmemCheckEnabled;
  33. private boolean elasticMemoryEnforcement;
  34. private boolean strictMemoryEnforcement;
  35. private boolean containersMonitorEnabled;
  36. private boolean logMonitorEnabled;
  37. private long maxVCoresAllottedForContainers;
  38. private static final long UNKNOWN_MEMORY_LIMIT = -1L;
  39. private int nodeCpuPercentageForYARN;
  40. /**
  41. * 容器度量的类型
  42. */
  43. @Private
  44. public enum ContainerMetric {
  46. }
  47. //ResourceUtilization对集群中一组计算机资源的利用率进行建模
  48. private ResourceUtilization containersUtilization;
  49. private volatile boolean stopped = false;
  50. public ContainersMonitorImpl(ContainerExecutor exec,
  51. AsyncDispatcher dispatcher, Context context) {
  52. super("containers-monitor");
  53. this.containerExecutor = exec;
  54. this.eventDispatcher = dispatcher;
  55. this.context = context;
  56. this.monitoringThread = new MonitoringThread();
  57. this.logMonitorThread = new LogMonitorThread();
  58. //ResourceUtilization.newInstance(物理内存, 虚拟内存, cpu利用率)
  59. this.containersUtilization = ResourceUtilization.newInstance(0, 0, 0.0f);
  60. }
  61. @Override
  62. protected void serviceInit(Configuration myConf) throws Exception {
  63. this.conf = myConf;
  64. //监视容器的频率
  65. //获取 yarn.nodemanager.container-monitor.interval-ms 的值
  66. //如果未设置,则将使用yarn.nodemanager.resource-monitor.interval-ms的值。如果为0或为负数,则禁用容器监视。
  67. //监视节点和容器的频率
  68. //获取 yarn.nodemanager.resource-monitor.interval-ms 的值 默认值 3000ms 即 3s 如果为0或为负数,则禁用监视
  69. this.monitoringInterval =
  70. this.conf.getLong(YarnConfiguration.NM_CONTAINER_MON_INTERVAL_MS,
  71. this.conf.getLong(YarnConfiguration.NM_RESOURCE_MON_INTERVAL_MS,
  73. //检查容器日志目录使用情况的频率(以毫秒为单位)
  74. //获取 yarn.nodemanager.container-log-monitor.interval-ms 的值 默认值 60000ms 即 1min
  75. this.logCheckInterval =
  76. conf.getInt(YarnConfiguration.NM_CONTAINER_LOG_MON_INTERVAL_MS,
  78. //单个容器日志目录的磁盘空间限制(以字节为单位)1GB = 1024MB = 1024*1024KB = 1024*1024*1024B B就是字节
  79. //获取 yarn.nodemanager.container-log-monitor.dir-size-limit-bytes 的值 默认值 1000000000L 约等于 1G
  80. this.logDirSizeLimit =
  81. conf.getLong(YarnConfiguration.NM_CONTAINER_LOG_DIR_SIZE_LIMIT_BYTES,
  83. //容器所有日志的磁盘空间限制(以字节为单位)
  84. //获取 yarn.nodemanager.container-log-monitor.total-size-limit-bytes 的值 默认值 10000000000L 即 10G
  85. this.logTotalSizeLimit =
  86. conf.getLong(YarnConfiguration.NM_CONTAINER_LOG_TOTAL_SIZE_LIMIT_BYTES,
  88. //用于计算系统上的资源信息的插件,如果未配置插件,此方法将尝试返回可用于此系统的内存计算器插件。
  89. //先获取 yarn.nodemanager.container-monitor.resource-calculator.class (计算当前资源利用率的类) 的值 默认空
  90. //再获取 yarn.nodemanager.resource-calculator.class (计算当前资源利用率的类) 的值 默认空
  91. //如果都为空会判断操作系统,LINUX 返回 SysInfoLinux WINDOWS 返回 SysInfoWindows
  92. this.resourceCalculatorPlugin =
  93. ResourceCalculatorPlugin.getContainersMonitorPlugin(this.conf);
  94. LOG.info(" Using ResourceCalculatorPlugin : "
  95. + this.resourceCalculatorPlugin);
  96. //获取 yarn.nodemanager.container-monitor.process-tree.class (用于计算进程树资源利用率) 的值 默认为空
  97. processTreeClass = this.conf.getClass(
  98. YarnConfiguration.NM_CONTAINER_MON_PROCESS_TREE, null,
  99. ResourceCalculatorProcessTree.class);
  100. LOG.info(" Using ResourceCalculatorProcessTree : "
  101. + this.processTreeClass);
  102. //启用容器度量的标志
  103. //获取 yarn.nodemanager.container-metrics.enable 的值 默认 true
  104. this.containerMetricsEnabled =
  105. this.conf.getBoolean(YarnConfiguration.NM_CONTAINER_METRICS_ENABLE,
  107. //容器度量刷新周期(毫秒)。设置为-1表示完成时刷新
  108. //获取 yarn.nodemanager.container-metrics.period-ms 的值 默认为-1
  109. this.containerMetricsPeriodMs =
  110. this.conf.getLong(YarnConfiguration.NM_CONTAINER_METRICS_PERIOD_MS,
  112. //完成后注销容器度量的延迟时间ms
  113. //获取 yarn.nodemanager.container-metrics.unregister-delay-ms 的值 默认 10000ms 即 10s
  114. this.containerMetricsUnregisterDelayMs = this.conf.getLong(
  117. //NodeManagerHardwareUtils:用于确定与硬件相关的特性,例如节点上的处理器数量和内存量
  118. //函数返回应该为YARN容器留出多少内存。如果在配置文件中指定了一个数字,则会返回该数字。如果未指定任何内容,则为-1。
  119. //如果操作系统是“未知”操作系统(我们没有为其实现ResourceCalculatorPlugin),则返回默认的NodeManager物理内存。
  120. //如果操作系统实现了ResourceCalculatorPlugin,则计算为0.8*(RAM-2*JVM内存),即在考虑了DataNode和NodeManager使用的内存后,使用80%的内存。
  121. //如果数字小于1GB,请记录一条警告消息
  122. //获取 yarn.nodemanager.resource.detect-hardware-capabilities (启用节点功能的自动检测,如内存和CPU) 的值 默认 false
  123. //如果为 false ,即默认会 获取配置文件中的数字 yarn.nodemanager.resource.memory-mb (可分配给容器的内存量(MB))
  124. //这里 源码 和 官方文档 有出入 ,官方文档默认值为-1 源码默认值为 8 * 1024 MB 即 8G ,如果设置为 -1 源码还是会更改为 8G ,可以设置其他值
  125. //返回的值是 8*1024 这里又 * 1024 * 1024L 即为 转换为 8G 对应的字节 B
  126. long configuredPMemForContainers =
  127. NodeManagerHardwareUtils.getContainerMemoryMB(
  128. this.resourceCalculatorPlugin, this.conf) * 1024 * 1024L;
  129. //函数返回系统上可用于YARN容器的vcore数。如果在配置文件中指定了一个数字,则会返回该数字。如果未指定任何内容,则为-1。
  130. //如果操作系统是“未知”操作系统(我们没有为其实现ResourceCalculatorPlugin),则返回默认的NodeManager内核。
  131. //2.如果配置变量yarn.nodemanager.cpu.use_logical_processers设置为true,则返回逻辑处理器计数(将超线程计数为核心),否则返回物理核心计数。
  132. //获取 yarn.nodemanager.resource.cpu-vcores (可分配给容器的虚拟CPU内核数) 的值
  133. //可以分配给容器的vcore数。这是RM调度程序在为容器分配资源时使用的。这并不用于限制YARN容器使用的CPU数量。如果它设置为-1,
  134. //并且yarn.nodemanager.resource.detect-hardware-cability为true,则在Windows和Linux的情况下,它将自动从硬件中确定。
  135. //在其他情况下,默认情况下vcore的数量为8。
  136. long configuredVCoresForContainers =
  137. NodeManagerHardwareUtils.getVCores(this.resourceCalculatorPlugin,
  138. this.conf);
  139. //无论是否启用检查,都要设置这些。UI中必需
  140. // / 物理内存配置 //
  141. //maxPmemAllottedForContainers = 8G
  142. //maxVCoresAllottedForContainers = 8个虚拟核
  143. //这样看来 默认的容器能申请到的最多的资源为 8vc 8G
  144. this.maxPmemAllottedForContainers = configuredPMemForContainers;
  145. this.maxVCoresAllottedForContainers = configuredVCoresForContainers;
  146. // / 虚拟内存配置 //
  147. //获取 yarn.nodemanager.vmem-pmem-ratio 的值 默认 2.1
  148. //为容器设置内存限制时,虚拟内存与物理内存之间的比率。容器分配是以物理内存的形式表示的,虚拟内存的使用率可以超过此分配比例。
  149. vmemRatio = this.conf.getFloat(YarnConfiguration.NM_VMEM_PMEM_RATIO,
  150. YarnConfiguration.DEFAULT_NM_VMEM_PMEM_RATIO);
  151. //校验 为容器设置的内存限制比率,必须大于 0.99
  152. Preconditions.checkArgument(vmemRatio > 0.99f,
  153. YarnConfiguration.NM_VMEM_PMEM_RATIO + " should be at least 1.0");
  154. //容器可分配的最大虚拟默认为 : 2.1 * 8 = 16.8 G
  155. this.maxVmemAllottedForContainers =
  156. (long) (vmemRatio * configuredPMemForContainers);
  157. //是否将对容器强制执行物理内存限制
  158. //获取 yarn.nodemanager.pmem-check-enabled 的值 默认 true
  159. pmemCheckEnabled = this.conf.getBoolean(
  160. YarnConfiguration.NM_PMEM_CHECK_ENABLED,
  161. YarnConfiguration.DEFAULT_NM_PMEM_CHECK_ENABLED);
  162. //是否将对容器强制执行虚拟内存限制
  163. //获取 yarn.nodemanager.vmem-check-enabled 的值 默认 true
  164. vmemCheckEnabled = this.conf.getBoolean(
  165. YarnConfiguration.NM_VMEM_CHECK_ENABLED,
  166. YarnConfiguration.DEFAULT_NM_VMEM_CHECK_ENABLED);
  167. //启用弹性内存控制。这是Linux独有的功能。启用后,如果所有容器都超过了限制,则节点管理器会添加一个侦听器来接收事件。
  168. //限制由yarn.nodemanager.resource.memory-mb指定。如果未设置此项,则会根据功能设置限制。
  169. //有关详细信息,请参阅yarn.nodemanager.resource.detect-hardware-cability。该限制适用于物理或虚拟(rss+交换)内存,
  170. //具体取决于是否设置了yarn.nodemanager.pmem-check-enabled或yarn.node manager.vmem-check-enabled。
  171. //获取 yarn.nodemanager.elastic-memory-control.enabled 的值 默认 false
  172. elasticMemoryEnforcement = this.conf.getBoolean(
  175. //是否启用YARN CGroups严格内存强制,顾名思义就是资源一旦超过设置的限制就会里面kill掉
  176. //获取 yarn.nodemanager.resource.memory.enforced 的值 默认 true
  177. strictMemoryEnforcement = conf.getBoolean(
  178. YarnConfiguration.NM_MEMORY_RESOURCE_ENFORCED,
  180. LOG.info("Physical memory check enabled: " + pmemCheckEnabled);
  181. LOG.info("Virtual memory check enabled: " + vmemCheckEnabled);
  182. LOG.info("Elastic memory control enabled: " + elasticMemoryEnforcement);
  183. LOG.info("Strict memory control enabled: " + strictMemoryEnforcement);
  184. //默认不开启弹性内存控制,这段逻辑不走
  185. if (elasticMemoryEnforcement) {
  186. if (!CGroupElasticMemoryController.isAvailable()) {
  187. // Test for availability outside the constructor
  188. // to be able to write non-Linux unit tests for
  189. // CGroupElasticMemoryController
  190. throw new YarnException(
  191. "CGroup Elastic Memory controller enabled but " +
  192. "it is not available. Exiting.");
  193. } else {
  194. this.oomListenerThread = new CGroupElasticMemoryController(
  195. conf,
  196. context,
  197. ResourceHandlerModule.getCGroupsHandler(),
  198. pmemCheckEnabled,
  199. vmemCheckEnabled,
  200. pmemCheckEnabled ?
  201. maxPmemAllottedForContainers : maxVmemAllottedForContainers
  202. );
  203. }
  204. }
  205. //isContainerMonitorEnabled() 默认为 true
  206. //monitoringInterval 默认 3000ms 即 3s
  207. //因此 containersMonitorEnabled 默认为 true 容器监视默认是开启的
  208. containersMonitorEnabled =
  209. isContainerMonitorEnabled() && monitoringInterval > 0;
  210. LOG.info("ContainersMonitor enabled: " + containersMonitorEnabled);
  211. //用于启用容器日志监视器的标志,该监视器强制执行容器日志目录大小限制
  212. //获取 yarn.nodemanager.container-log-monitor.enable 的值 默认 false
  213. logMonitorEnabled =
  214. conf.getBoolean(YarnConfiguration.NM_CONTAINER_LOG_MONITOR_ENABLED,
  216. LOG.info("Container Log Monitor Enabled: "+ logMonitorEnabled);
  217. //获取为YARN容器配置的物理CPU的百分比。返回值是 0 ~ 100
  218. //可以分配给容器的CPU百分比。此设置允许用户限制YARN容器使用的CPU数量。目前仅在使用cgroups的Linux上运行。默认情况是使用100%的CPU。
  219. //获取 yarn.nodemanager.resource.percentage-physical-cpu-limit 的值 默认值 100
  220. //nodeCpuPercentageForYARN 默认为 100
  221. nodeCpuPercentageForYARN =
  222. NodeManagerHardwareUtils.getNodeCpuPercentage(this.conf);
  223. //默认为 true 对容器强制执行物理内存限制
  224. if (pmemCheckEnabled) {
  225. //如果无法确定实际设备,则记录下
  226. long totalPhysicalMemoryOnNM = UNKNOWN_MEMORY_LIMIT;
  227. //默认操作系统是LINUX resourceCalculatorPlugin = SysInfoLinux
  228. if (this.resourceCalculatorPlugin != null) {
  229. //SysInfoLinux 只读取/proc/meminfo、解析和计算一次内存信息。给 ramSize、hardwareCorruptSize、hugePagesTotal、hugePageSize赋值
  230. //totalPhysicalMemoryOnNM = (ramSize - hardwareCorruptSize - (hugePagesTotal * hugePageSize)) * 1024
  231. //totalPhysicalMemoryOnNM = (ram磁盘空间 - ram已损坏空间 - (保留的标准大页 * 每个标准大页的大小)) * 1024
  232. //可以参考我的这篇 <Hadoop-Yarn-NodeManager如何计算Linux系统上的资源信息> 博客中了解
  233. //ramSize : ram 磁盘空间
  234. //hardwareCorruptSize : RAM已损坏且不可用大小
  235. //hugePagesTotal : 保留的标准大页
  236. //hugePageSize : 每个标准大页的大小
  237. totalPhysicalMemoryOnNM = this.resourceCalculatorPlugin
  238. .getPhysicalMemorySize();
  239. if (totalPhysicalMemoryOnNM <= 0) {
  240. LOG.warn("NodeManager's totalPmem could not be calculated. "
  241. + "Setting it to " + UNKNOWN_MEMORY_LIMIT);
  242. totalPhysicalMemoryOnNM = UNKNOWN_MEMORY_LIMIT;
  243. }
  244. }
  245. //分配给容器的物理内存,占可用物理内存总量的80%以上可能会发生Thrashing
  246. if (totalPhysicalMemoryOnNM != UNKNOWN_MEMORY_LIMIT &&
  247. this.maxPmemAllottedForContainers > totalPhysicalMemoryOnNM * 0.80f) {
  248. LOG.warn("NodeManager configured with "
  249. + TraditionalBinaryPrefix.long2String(maxPmemAllottedForContainers,
  250. "", 1)
  251. + " physical memory allocated to containers, which is more than "
  252. + "80% of the total physical memory available ("
  253. + TraditionalBinaryPrefix.long2String(totalPhysicalMemoryOnNM, "",
  254. 1) + "). Thrashing might happen.");
  255. }
  256. }
  257. super.serviceInit(this.conf);
  258. }
  259. //是否启用容器监视器
  260. //获取 yarn.nodemanager.container-monitor.enabled 的值 默认 true
  261. private boolean isContainerMonitorEnabled() {
  262. return conf.getBoolean(YarnConfiguration.NM_CONTAINER_MONITOR_ENABLED,
  264. }
  265. /**
  266. * 获取最佳进程树计算器
  267. * @param pId container process id
  268. * @return process tree calculator
  269. */
  270. private ResourceCalculatorProcessTree
  271. getResourceCalculatorProcessTree(String pId) {
  272. return ResourceCalculatorProcessTree.
  273. getResourceCalculatorProcessTree(
  274. pId, processTreeClass, conf);
  275. }
  276. private boolean isResourceCalculatorAvailable() {
  277. if (resourceCalculatorPlugin == null) {
  278. LOG.info("ResourceCalculatorPlugin is unavailable on this system. " + this
  279. .getClass().getName() + " is disabled.");
  280. return false;
  281. }
  282. if (getResourceCalculatorProcessTree("0") == null) {
  283. LOG.info("ResourceCalculatorProcessTree is unavailable on this system. "
  284. + this.getClass().getName() + " is disabled.");
  285. return false;
  286. }
  287. return true;
  288. }
  289. @Override
  290. protected void serviceStart() throws Exception {
  291. //containersMonitorEnabled 默认为 true 容器监视默认是开启的
  292. if (containersMonitorEnabled) {
  293. //起一个线程对容器进行监视
  294. this.monitoringThread.start();
  295. }
  296. //默认不开启弹性内存控制
  297. if (oomListenerThread != null) {
  298. //如果开启基于cgroups的一种弹性内存控制,允许某些container可以使用超过设定值的资源,只要不超过整体的阈值。
  299. //因此会启动这个线程oomListenerThread监控是否超过了整体的阈值
  300. oomListenerThread.start();
  301. }
  302. //容器日志监视器默认关闭
  303. if (logMonitorEnabled) {
  304. this.logMonitorThread.start();
  305. }
  306. super.serviceStart();
  307. }
  308. private class MonitoringThread extends Thread {
  309. MonitoringThread() {
  310. super("Container Monitor");
  311. }
  312. @Override
  313. public void run() {
  314. while (!stopped && !Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted()) {
  315. // 打印processTrees以进行调试
  316. if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
  317. StringBuilder tmp = new StringBuilder("[ ");
  318. for (ProcessTreeInfo p : trackingContainers.values()) {
  319. tmp.append(p.getPID());
  320. tmp.append(" ");
  321. }
  322. LOG.debug("Current ProcessTree list : "
  323. + tmp.substring(0, tmp.length()) + "]");
  324. }
  325. //用于计算容器的总资源利用率的临时结构
  326. ResourceUtilization trackedContainersUtilization =
  327. ResourceUtilization.newInstance(0, 0, 0.0f);
  328. //现在对trackingContainers进行监视,检查内存使用情况并杀死任何溢出的容器
  329. //每个容器在启动时都会将本容器信息放入trackingContainers中,详细看onStartMonitoringContainer()
  330. long vmemUsageByAllContainers = 0;
  331. long pmemByAllContainers = 0;
  332. long cpuUsagePercentPerCoreByAllContainers = 0;
  333. for (Entry<ContainerId, ProcessTreeInfo> entry : trackingContainers
  334. .entrySet()) {
  335. ContainerId containerId = entry.getKey();
  336. ProcessTreeInfo ptInfo = entry.getValue();
  337. try {
  338. //初始化未初始化的进程树
  339. initializeProcessTrees(entry);
  340. String pId = ptInfo.getPID();
  341. if (pId == null || !isResourceCalculatorAvailable()) {
  342. continue; //无法跟踪该 processTree
  343. }
  344. if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
  345. LOG.debug("Constructing ProcessTree for : PID = " + pId
  346. + " ContainerId = " + containerId);
  347. }
  348. ResourceCalculatorProcessTree pTree = ptInfo.getProcessTree();
  349. pTree.updateProcessTree(); // 更新 process-tree
  350. //获取进程树中所有进程使用的虚拟内存。
  351. long currentVmemUsage = pTree.getVirtualMemorySize();
  352. //获取进程树中所有进程使用的常驻集大小(rss)内存
  353. //rss 是 Resident Set Size 的缩写 表示驻留内存大小,是进程当前实际使用物理内存大小(包含共享库占用的内存)
  354. long currentPmemUsage = pTree.getRssMemorySize();
  355. if (currentVmemUsage < 0 || currentPmemUsage < 0) {
  356. // YARN-6862/YARN-5021 If the container just exited or for
  357. // another reason the physical/virtual memory is UNAVAILABLE (-1)
  358. // the values shouldn't be aggregated.
  359. LOG.info("Skipping monitoring container {} because "
  360. + "memory usage is not available.", containerId);
  361. continue;
  362. }
  363. // if machine has 6 cores and 3 are used,
  364. // cpuUsagePercentPerCore should be 300%
  365. //基于样本之间的平均值,获取进程树中所有进程的CPU使用率,作为与顶部相似的总CPU周期的比率。因此,如果使用四分之二的核心,则返回200.0。
  366. //注意:在CPU使用率不可用的情况下,将返回UNAVAILABLE。不建议返回任何其他错误代码。
  367. float cpuUsagePercentPerCore = pTree.getCpuUsagePercent();
  368. if (cpuUsagePercentPerCore < 0) {
  369. // CPU usage is not available likely because the container just
  370. // started. Let us skip this turn and consider this container
  371. // in the next iteration.
  372. LOG.info("Skipping monitoring container " + containerId
  373. + " since CPU usage is not yet available.");
  374. continue;
  375. }
  376. //记录使用情况指标
  377. recordUsage(containerId, pId, pTree, ptInfo, currentVmemUsage,
  378. currentPmemUsage, trackedContainersUtilization);
  379. //检查资源限制,如果超出限制,请采取措施
  380. checkLimit(containerId, pId, pTree, ptInfo,
  381. currentVmemUsage, currentPmemUsage);
  382. //计算所有容器的总内存使用情况
  383. vmemUsageByAllContainers += currentVmemUsage;
  384. pmemByAllContainers += currentPmemUsage;
  385. //计算所有容器的总cpu使用量
  386. cpuUsagePercentPerCoreByAllContainers += cpuUsagePercentPerCore;
  387. //向时间线服务报告使用情况指标
  388. reportResourceUsage(containerId, currentPmemUsage,
  389. cpuUsagePercentPerCore);
  390. } catch (Exception e) {
  391. // Log the exception and proceed to the next container.
  392. LOG.warn("Uncaught exception in ContainersMonitorImpl "
  393. + "while monitoring resource of {}", containerId, e);
  394. }
  395. }
  396. if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
  397. LOG.debug("Total Resource Usage stats in NM by all containers : "
  398. + "Virtual Memory= " + vmemUsageByAllContainers
  399. + ", Physical Memory= " + pmemByAllContainers
  400. + ", Total CPU usage(% per core)= "
  401. + cpuUsagePercentPerCoreByAllContainers);
  402. }
  403. //保存容器的聚合利用率
  404. setContainersUtilization(trackedContainersUtilization);
  405. //将容器利用率度量发布到节点管理器度量系统
  406. NodeManagerMetrics nmMetrics = context.getNodeManagerMetrics();
  407. if (nmMetrics != null) {
  408. nmMetrics.setContainerUsedMemGB(
  409. trackedContainersUtilization.getPhysicalMemory());
  410. nmMetrics.setContainerUsedVMemGB(
  411. trackedContainersUtilization.getVirtualMemory());
  412. nmMetrics.setContainerCpuUtilization(
  413. trackedContainersUtilization.getCPU());
  414. }
  415. try {
  416. //监视容器的频率 默认3s
  417. Thread.sleep(monitoringInterval);
  418. } catch (InterruptedException e) {
  419. LOG.warn(ContainersMonitorImpl.class.getName()
  420. + " is interrupted. Exiting.");
  421. break;
  422. }
  423. }
  424. }
  425. private void recordUsage(ContainerId containerId, String pId,
  426. ResourceCalculatorProcessTree pTree,
  427. ProcessTreeInfo ptInfo,
  428. long currentVmemUsage, long currentPmemUsage,
  429. ResourceUtilization trackedContainersUtilization) {
  430. // if machine has 6 cores and 3 are used,
  431. // cpuUsagePercentPerCore should be 300% and
  432. // cpuUsageTotalCoresPercentage should be 50%
  433. float cpuUsagePercentPerCore = pTree.getCpuUsagePercent();
  434. float cpuUsageTotalCoresPercentage = cpuUsagePercentPerCore /
  435. resourceCalculatorPlugin.getNumProcessors();
  436. //乘以1000以避免在转换为int时丢失数据
  437. //cpu 核数利用率 * 1000 * 8 / 100
  438. //比如 0.5 * 1000 * 8 / 100 = 40
  439. int milliVcoresUsed = (int) (cpuUsageTotalCoresPercentage * 1000
  440. * maxVCoresAllottedForContainers /nodeCpuPercentageForYARN);
  441. //进程树的虚拟内存限制(字节)
  442. long vmemLimit = ptInfo.getVmemLimit();
  443. //进程树的物理内存限制(字节)
  444. long pmemLimit = ptInfo.getPmemLimit();
  445. if (AUDITLOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
  446. int vcoreLimit = ptInfo.getCpuVcores();
  447. long cumulativeCpuTime = pTree.getCumulativeCpuTime();
  448. AUDITLOG.debug(String.format(
  449. "Resource usage of ProcessTree %s for container-id %s:" +
  450. " %s %%CPU: %f %%CPU-cores: %f" +
  451. " vCores-used: %d of %d Cumulative-CPU-ms: %d",
  452. pId, containerId.toString(),
  453. formatUsageString(
  454. currentVmemUsage, vmemLimit,
  455. currentPmemUsage, pmemLimit),
  456. cpuUsagePercentPerCore,
  457. cpuUsageTotalCoresPercentage,
  458. milliVcoresUsed / 1000, vcoreLimit,
  459. cumulativeCpuTime));
  460. }
  461. //添加此容器的资源利用率
  462. trackedContainersUtilization.addTo(
  463. (int) (currentPmemUsage >> 20),
  464. (int) (currentVmemUsage >> 20),
  465. milliVcoresUsed / 1000.0f);
  466. //将使用情况添加到容器指标
  467. if (containerMetricsEnabled) {
  468. ContainerMetrics.forContainer(
  469. containerId, containerMetricsPeriodMs,
  470. containerMetricsUnregisterDelayMs).recordMemoryUsage(
  471. (int) (currentPmemUsage >> 20));
  472. ContainerMetrics.forContainer(
  473. containerId, containerMetricsPeriodMs,
  474. containerMetricsUnregisterDelayMs).recordCpuUsage((int)
  475. cpuUsagePercentPerCore, milliVcoresUsed);
  476. }
  477. }
  478. private void checkLimit(ContainerId containerId, String pId,
  479. ResourceCalculatorProcessTree pTree,
  480. ProcessTreeInfo ptInfo,
  481. long currentVmemUsage,
  482. long currentPmemUsage) {
  483. Optional<Boolean> isMemoryOverLimit = Optional.empty();
  484. String msg = "";
  485. int containerExitStatus = ContainerExitStatus.INVALID;
  486. //strictMemoryEnforcement 默认 true elasticMemoryEnforcement默认 false
  487. //因此不走这个逻辑 elasticMemoryEnforcement 开启
  488. if (strictMemoryEnforcement && elasticMemoryEnforcement) {
  489. //弹性内存控制和严格内存控制都是通过cgroups实现的。如果容器超过其请求,它会被弹性内存控制机制冻结,所以我们在这里检查并杀死它。
  490. //否则,如果节点从未超过其限制,并且基于procfs的内存核算与基于cgroup的核算不同,则不会杀死容器。
  491. //默认为 CGroupsMemoryResourceHandlerImpl
  492. //处理程序类来处理内存控制器。YARN已经在Java中提供了一个物理内存监视器,但它不如CGroups。
  493. //此处理程序设置软内存和硬内存限制。软限制设置为硬限制的90%。
  494. MemoryResourceHandler handler =
  495. ResourceHandlerModule.getMemoryResourceHandler();
  496. if (handler != null) {
  497. //检查容器是否处于OOM状态
  498. isMemoryOverLimit = handler.isUnderOOM(containerId);
  499. containerExitStatus = ContainerExitStatus.KILLED_EXCEEDED_PMEM;
  500. msg = containerId + " is under oom because it exceeded its" +
  501. " physical memory limit";
  502. }
  503. } else if (strictMemoryEnforcement || elasticMemoryEnforcement) {
  504. //如果启用了基于cgroup的内存控制
  505. isMemoryOverLimit = Optional.of(false);
  506. }
  507. if (!isMemoryOverLimit.isPresent()) {
  508. long vmemLimit = ptInfo.getVmemLimit();
  509. long pmemLimit = ptInfo.getPmemLimit();
  510. //当流程从1开始时,我们想看看是否有超过1次迭代的流程。
  511. long curMemUsageOfAgedProcesses = pTree.getVirtualMemorySize(1);
  512. long curRssMemUsageOfAgedProcesses = pTree.getRssMemorySize(1);
  513. //默认为 true 对容器强制执行虚拟内存限制
  514. if (isVmemCheckEnabled()
  515. && isProcessTreeOverLimit(containerId.toString(),
  516. currentVmemUsage, curMemUsageOfAgedProcesses, vmemLimit)) {
  517. //当前使用率(年龄=0)始终高于过期使用率。我们不在消息中显示老化的大小,而是根据当前使用情况进行增量
  518. long delta = currentVmemUsage - vmemLimit;
  519. // 容器(根进程)仍处于活动状态,内存溢出
  520. // 转储流程树,然后进行清理
  521. msg = formatErrorMessage("virtual",
  522. formatUsageString(currentVmemUsage, vmemLimit,
  523. currentPmemUsage, pmemLimit),
  524. pId, containerId, pTree, delta);
  525. isMemoryOverLimit = Optional.of(true);
  526. containerExitStatus = ContainerExitStatus.KILLED_EXCEEDED_VMEM;
  527. //默认为 true 对容器强制执行物理内存限制
  528. //isProcessTreeOverLimit():
  529. //检查容器的进程树的当前内存使用量是否超过限制
  530. //当java进程exec是一个程序时,它可能会暂时占据其内存大小的两倍,因为JVM执行fork()+exec(),在fork时间创建父内存的副本。
  531. //如果监视线程在同一个实例中检测到容器树使用的内存,它可能会认为它超出了限制并杀死该树,因为进程本身没有故障。
  532. //我们通过采用启发式检查来解决这个问题:如果进程树超过内存限制两倍以上,它将立即被杀死;如果进程树的进程比监控间隔早,
  533. //甚至超过内存限制1倍,它将被杀死。否则,它会被赋予怀疑的标志,可以再进行一次迭代。
  534. } else if (isPmemCheckEnabled()
  535. && isProcessTreeOverLimit(containerId.toString(),
  536. currentPmemUsage, curRssMemUsageOfAgedProcesses,
  537. pmemLimit)) {
  538. //当前使用率(年龄=0)始终高于过期使用率。我们不在消息中显示老化的大小,而是根据当前使用情况进行增量
  539. long delta = currentPmemUsage - pmemLimit;
  540. //容器(根进程)仍处于活动状态,内存溢出
  541. //转储流程树,然后进行清理
  542. msg = formatErrorMessage("physical",
  543. formatUsageString(currentVmemUsage, vmemLimit,
  544. currentPmemUsage, pmemLimit),
  545. pId, containerId, pTree, delta);
  546. isMemoryOverLimit = Optional.of(true);
  547. containerExitStatus = ContainerExitStatus.KILLED_EXCEEDED_PMEM;
  548. }
  549. }
  550. if (isMemoryOverLimit.isPresent() && isMemoryOverLimit.get()
  551. && trackingContainers.remove(containerId) != null) {
  552. //虚拟内存或物理内存超出限制。使容器失败并删除相应的流程树
  553. LOG.warn(msg);
  554. //警告(如果不是领导者)
  555. if (!pTree.checkPidPgrpidForMatch()) {
  556. LOG.error("Killed container process with PID " + pId
  557. + " but it is not a process group leader.");
  558. }
  559. //杀掉容器
  560. eventDispatcher.getEventHandler().handle(
  561. new ContainerKillEvent(containerId,
  562. containerExitStatus, msg));
  563. LOG.info("Removed ProcessTree with root " + pId);
  564. }
  565. }
  566. private void onStopMonitoringContainer(
  567. ContainersMonitorEvent monitoringEvent, ContainerId containerId) {
  568. LOG.info("Stopping resource-monitoring for " + containerId);
  569. updateContainerMetrics(monitoringEvent);
  570. trackingContainers.remove(containerId);
  571. }
  572. private void onStartMonitoringContainer(
  573. ContainersMonitorEvent monitoringEvent, ContainerId containerId) {
  574. ContainerStartMonitoringEvent startEvent =
  575. (ContainerStartMonitoringEvent) monitoringEvent;
  576. LOG.info("Starting resource-monitoring for " + containerId);
  577. updateContainerMetrics(monitoringEvent);
  578. trackingContainers.put(containerId,
  579. new ProcessTreeInfo(containerId, null, null,
  580. startEvent.getVmemLimit(), startEvent.getPmemLimit(),
  581. startEvent.getCpuVcores()));
  582. }
  583. }






5、ContainersMonitorImpl初始化时会获取监控容器的频率(默认3s一次)、监控容器日志目录大小频率(默认1min一次)、容器磁盘大小限制(默认1G)、全部容器总磁盘大小限制(默认10G)、系统资源计算插件(可以自己实现,默认LINUX 使用SysInfoLinux,WINDOWS 使用SysInfoWindows)、计算processTree资源利用率的类、系统为YARN容器留内存大小、YARN容器可用vcore数、虚拟内存和物理内存比率、内存控制策略等


