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}, computed: {}, watch: {}, mounted(){ }, methods: { upLayer(){ let that =this; let index = that.selectIndex; if (index == 0) { //处于顶端,不能继续上移 that.disabledup =true; } else { that.disabledup =false; let upDate = that.leftdata[index - 1]; that.leftdata.splice(index - 1, 1); that.leftdata.splice(index, 0, upDate); that.selectIndex = index - 1; if (that.selectIndex == 0) { //处于顶端,不能继续上移 that.disabledup =true; that.disableddown = false; } } }, downLayer(){ let that =this; let index = that.selectIndex; if (index + 1 === that.leftdata.length) { //处于末端端,不能继续下移 that.disableddown = true; } else { that.disableddown = false; let downDate = that.leftdata[index + 1]; that.leftdata.splice(index + 1, 1); that.leftdata.splice(index, 0, downDate); that.selectIndex = index + 1; console.log(that.selectIndex , that.leftdata.length) if (that.selectIndex == that.leftdata.length - 1) { //处于顶端,不能继续上移 that.disableddown = true; that.disabledup = false; } } }, transferRight(){ this.rightdata.push({ name: this.currRowNameFlag, description: this.currRowNameFlag }) const leftdata = [...this.leftdata]; this.leftdata = leftdata.filter(item => item.name !== this.currRowNameFlag); this.disabledright = true; }, transferLeft(){ this.leftdata.push({ name: this.currRowName, description: this.currRowName }) const rightdata = [...this.rightdata]; this.rightdata = rightdata.filter(item => item.name !== this.currRowName); this.disabledleft = true; this.disabledup =true; this.disableddown = true; }, rowClick(record, index) { return { style: { // 行背景色 'background-color': record.name === this.currRowName ? '#56c9ff' : 'white' }, on: { click: (event) => { // 记录当前点击的行标识 this.currRowName = record.name this.disabledleft = false; this.disabledright = true; this.currRowNameFlag = null; this.disabledup =true; this.disableddown = true; }, }, }; }, rowClickLeft(record, index) { return { style: { // 行背景色 'background-color': record.name === this.currRowNameFlag ? '#56c9ff' : 'white' }, on: { click: (event) => { // 记录当前点击的行标识 this.currRowNameFlag = record.name; this.disabledright = false; this.disabledleft = true; this.currRowName = null; let that =this; that.selectIndex = index; if (index == 0) { //处于顶端,不能继续上移 that.disabledup =true; } else { that.disabledup =false; } if (index + 1 === that.leftdata.length) { //处于末端端,不能继续下移 that.disableddown = true; } else { that.disableddown = false; } }, }, }; }, showModal() { this.visible = true; }, handleOk(e) { this.loading = true; setTimeout(() => { this.visible = false; this.loading = false; }, 3000); }, handleCancel(e) { this.visible = false; }, }, }; </script> <style scoped lang="less" scoped> .transfer-all-btn { display: inline-block; margin: 0 8px; overflow: hidden; vertical-align: middle; } .transfer-all-btn .ant-btn { display: block; margin-bottom: 8px; } .transfer-all-btn .ant-btn:last-child { display: block; margin-bottom: 0px; } ::v-deep .ant-table-body{ color: #000; } ::v-deep .ant-table-thead > tr > th{ padding: 10px 5px !important; font-size: 14px !important; } ::v-deep .ant-table-tbody > tr > td{ padding: 10px 5px !important; font-family: Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif !important; font-size: 12px !important; a{ color: #0000ff; } } ::v-deep .ant-table-thead > tr > th{ padding:2px 2px !important; font-size: 12px !important; } ::v-deep .ant-table-tbody > tr > td{ padding:2px 2px !important; font-size: 12px !important; } .ant-table-tbody{ tr{ ::v-deep td{ padding:2px 2px !important; font-size: 12px !important; } } } ::v-deep .ant-table-tbody{ > tr:hover:not(.ant-table-expanded-row) > td,.ant-table-row-hover,.ant-table-row-hover>td{ background:none !important; //这里是将鼠标移入时的背景色取消掉了 } } </style>
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